Angle of Repose 2013 Final Draft Name ________________________________________ Date ___________ Period ______ Teacher Assessment: Benchmark Scores 1 - 6 Forming the question and Hypothesis Designing the Investigation Collecting & Presenting Data Analyzing and Interpreting Results Score Score Score Score FORMING THE QUESTION AND HYPOTHESIS What do you believe will happen? Hypothesis: A testable hypothesis that clearly leads to your investigation. The hypothesis is written as an “If...then” statement, with a cause (manipulated/independent variable) and effect (responding/dependent variable) sentence. Why do you think it will happen? Background is relevant information from your personal experiences, along with scientific research (i.e. science concepts) that connect to your question and hypothesis. 2 1 3 Define the concept and describe the relationship between each science concept on the triangle This information supports your hypothesis, and should be written in paragraphs. DESIGNING THE INVESTIGATION How will you set up your experiment? Draw what your experiment will look like. Be sure to label all materials and equipment! Experiment details Manipulated/independent Variable Control Number of trials Constants What kind of data are you going to collect? Quantitative (Responding/dependent variable measurements) Qualitative (observations) Materials: (List with amounts) How will you do the experiment? Procedure: List the steps (use bullets or numbers). Be sure to use all items on your materials list, and explain how each will be used. COLLECTING AND PRESENTING DATA Attach your data table and graph. What qualitative data did you record? ANALYZING AND INTERPRETING RESULTS Be sure to write this information in paragraphs. What did you find out in your investigation? Restate the hypothesis. Does the data support or reject your hypothesis? Why did it happen? Using your graphs, identify any observable patterns. Also use science terms from the background information to make inferences that explain why the hypothesis was supported or rejected. Show the relationships between your science terms and explain how they connect to your investigation. How could your experiment be improved? Are there sources of human error or limiting factors? (Sample size? # of trials? time period of lab?) If you did this experiment again what would you change? What if you had unlimited resources, how could you test your hypothesis? Is there a follow up experiment that you could do now?