Curriculum Night PowerPoint

Third Grade Teacher Trivia
(for while you wait)
1. Who is the only teacher that is a native to
2. Which teacher has five pets?
3. Which teacher got a new puppy last year?
4. Which teacher has been teaching 25 years?
5. Which teacher got married last year?
3rd Grade Teachers
Mrs. Laubham
Mrs. Mundt
Ms. Lindemann
Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Olney
Welcome to Third Grade
Curriculum Night
With your hostesses…
Mrs. Laubham
Mrs. Mundt
Ms. Lindemann
Mrs. Olney
Mrs. Williams
Daily Schedule
7:39 Be on Time
ELA Block
Reading IFG
Math IFG
Social Sciences
Our main focus is
writing an organized
Writing to explain
Writing to inform
Writing to compare
Writing to persuade
Other thoughts…
• Inventive spelling is no
longer cute – dictionaries
• Research on the Internet
• Cursive (starts January)
• Genre Writing (personal
narratives, persuasive,
poetry, fairy tales, etc…)
We encourage your child to
bring in a healthy snack each
day to fuel their brain.
If sugar is one of the first three
ingredients, it is NOT a healthy
choice. Snack is during
academic instruction. Try for
something not too messy.
IDEAS: crackers, fruit, vegetables, granola
bars, trail mix
• Your child will be tested
in Language Arts, Math,
and Writing this year.
• The test will be in the
• By law, if your child Falls
Far Below in reading they
will repeat third grade.
What is Move on When Reading?
• Arizona State statute requires screening of the reading
ability of all students in kindergarten through third grade.
• The law, (A.R.S. 15-701) passed in 2010, states that when a
third grade student scores far below the third grade level
on AzMerit, they will not be promoted to fourth grade.
• Requires additional instruction or retention for students
who are not meeting minimum requirements by the end of
third grade.
• Exempt students include:
– ELL or LEP students who have received less than two
years of English Instruction.
– Students with an IEP in Reading or Language and the
student’s parent or guardian agrees that promotion is
What is the identification process and
– All students are screened using DIBELS by the end of August.
• Parents of students identified for intervention are
contacted by their child’s teacher prior to Fall ParentTeacher conferences.
– A parent-teacher conference is requested by the school to
create an intervention plan.
• Mid-year progress
– Students reading progress is closely monitored and checkin points are identified. Interventions are updated as
• End of Year
– Notification of 3rd grade promotion or retention occurs
upon receiving results of AzMerit.
• Expect more complex text than your child has previously read.
Reading IFG
M, T, Th, F
• 95% Group (Phonics Groups with the K-3
• Read Live for fluency
• Comprehension
• Enrichment
Language Arts
Compare/Contrast settings, characters, plots
(support with evidence)
Cause and Effect
Summarizing-Main Idea
Fluency-not how fast, but smooth, correct,
and with expression
Comprehension – provide strategies of what good
readers do
Math IFG
Differentiated Instruction
based on common
assessments (quarterlies)
Quarterly data sheet
Students get additional
support with the skills
they need
We share all students
Common Core Math
8 Mathematical Practices
• Make sense of problems and persevere in solving
• Reason abstractly and quantitatively
• Construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others
• Model with mathematics
• Use appropriate tools strategically
• Attend to precision
• Look for and make use of structure
• Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
First Quarter:
Second Quarter:
• Introduction to Multiplication • Develop understanding of
and division
fractions as numbers
• Applying place value,
• Develop understanding of
properties and operations to
multiplication and division
addition and subtraction of
• Demonstrating computational
multi-digit numbers
fluency in problem solving
Third Quarter:
• Extending understanding of
multiplication and division
and attributes of geometric
• Connecting data to the four
operations and fractions
Fourth Quarter:
• Extending understanding of
fractions as numbers
• Understanding measures of
liquid, volume, weight, and
Social Sciences
• Harcourt - focus on safety and healthy
Emphasis on…
Social Studies
• Ancient Greece and Rome
• European Explorers
• Civil War and contributions of people
during this era
• Immigration during 19th/20th Century
• Wax Museum (February)
• Jr. Achievement-economics
• (Volunteers Needed)
Our Units…
Plants: Williams
Biomes: Mundt
Weather and Erosion:
Rocks and Minerals:
Light and Sound: Olney
Community Building
• Class Meetings Activities, Sharing,
• Cooperative 3rd grade learning groups,
learning buddies from other grade levels
• Character Counts
• Love and Logic
• Blue folders: Please check them nightly
• Blue Slip: To be signed and returned weekly
• Reading Minutes: Document your minutes
• 120 minutes or more a week is the expectation for third
• Homework
• Assigned every WEDNESDAY and due the following
• Must be 100% complete with a parent signature each
• If lost, you can find them on a third grade teacher’s web
“Parents as Partners”
Communication is Key
Check Homework Folders for written communication
Weekly Newsletters – e-mailed by homeroom teacher
Going Green – please let your child’s teacher know if you have
NOT signed up for this
PLEASE email us for the most effective and timely response.
Please let us know if there are any outside factors that would
affect your child at school.
If children show good character
They may earn
Character Counts tickets and ClassDojo
…or there will be a consequence
depending on the action
A few more things
(we’re almost done!)
• Temperature in Classroom- encourage your child to
bring a sweater or dress in layers.
• Gets humid and hot and then freezing cold
• Water bottles- are encouraged (NO JUICE,
• Birthdays- We cannot celebrate in the classroom or
have any candy, cookies etc. (Arizona nutritional
standards and District policy)
• Bathroom policy- Please remind your child to go
before school, at lunch and during the class
bathroom break
Third Grade Teacher Trivia
(for while you wait)
1. Who is the only teacher that is a native to
Mrs. Mundt
2. Which teacher has five pets?
Mrs. Williams
3. Which teacher got a new puppy last year?
Ms. Lindemann
4. Which teacher has been teaching 25 years?
Mrs. Olney
5. Which teacher got married last year?
Mrs. Laubham
3rd Grade Teachers
Mrs. Laubham
Mrs. Mundt
Ms. Lindemann
Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Olney
Thank you for
We look forward
to working with
you this year!