An Introduction -Explain how anthropology was studied in the past -Explain how anthropology is studied today -Explain the importance of having a holistic picture, and why physical, archaeological, cultural, and linguistic aspects are studied -Brainstorm some of the modern research techniques used by anthropologists It is the study of humanity! How do people differ? Why is it important to have differences? Anthropology helps humans survive! Humanity faces a number of challenges, such as climate change, language extinction, and overpopulation, and we need more than politicians or “common-sense” to solve them! How were civilizations studied? They were studied from a religious perspective. For example, when the Native Americans were discovered, they were explained as remnants of the lost tribes of Israel. Anthropology used to be studied by naturalists and “pseudoscientists”, and was more of a hobby Questions that anthropologists ask are a reflection of the time period. What do you think they are asking nowadays? There are 4 main subfields: Physical Archaeology Cultural Linguistics Why is it important that we study all 4 subfields? What does it mean to have a “holistic” picture? -also known as Evolutionary Anthropology -focuses on the biological differences between humans, and how they came about -studies fossils, animal evolution, primates -studies DNA, cold-heat tolerance, disease, and population genetics -studies the history of human populations -relies on the written words of others...what’s the problem with this? -studies material remains of ancient cultures -studies civilizations up to 2.5 million years before there even was a written language! -uses carbon dating -studies why there are different cultures around the world What are some cultural differences you can think of? -studies how cultural traditions established and maintained throughout generations -studies why most cultures are ethnocentric (they believe their way is the best and right way!) -studies how race, religion, and ethnicity can all lead to conflict -there are approximately 6000 languages worldwide! -linguistics studies the how language evolved in the first place -compares human communication with the communication systems of other living things -studies why languages become extinct WITH A PARTNER, MAKE A LIST OF ALL OF THE TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY YOU WOULD NEED TO STUDY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS: ANCIENT MU OR LEMURIA ANCIENT ATLANTIS RAMA EMPIRE OF INDIA OSIRIAN CIVILIZATION OF THE MEDITERRANEAN UIGER CIVILIZATION OF THE GOBI DESERT TIAHUANACO THE MAYANS ANCIENT CHINA ANCIENT GREECE SCANDANAVIAN VIKINGS BABYLONIANS AZTECS ANCIENT EGYPTIANS WITH A PARTNER, MAKE A LIST OF ALL OF THE TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY YOU WOULD NEED TO STUDY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PRESENT-DAY CULTURES: ANUAK / ANYWAK OF ETHIOPIA (ETHIOPIA) BEEMBE OF CONGO (CONGO) RAHANWEYN OF SOMALIA (SOMALIA) AKAWAIO OF BRAZIL (BRAZIL) NAVAHO / NAVAJO OF AMERICA (USA) CREE OF CANADA (CANADA) JEWS OF IRELAND (IRELAND) CHOPES / TORVLAKS OF ROMANIA (ROMANIA) ASSYRIANS OF IRAQ (IRAQ) AKHA OF THAILAND (THAILAND)