Lesson Plans October 1-5 - ems

Name: Lauren Peel
Grade: 8th
Subjects Taught: Language Arts
Week of: October 1-5
If you have questions, please contact me via phone or email listed below.
Phone: 785-274-6209
Email : lpeel@topeka.k12.ks.us
8 Grade Language Arts
Class work:
Bell workPower Writing: Students will choose one of the two
provided words to write at the top of their journal.
They get one minute to write anything they want
about their word, as much as they can, as fast as they
can, and as well as they can! After one minute
students draw a line at the end of their writing and
count how many words they have. Repeat the
process two more times to increase
Round 1: Avoid and Pickle
Round 2: Soccer and Pop Tart
Round 3: Magic and Snow
Expert 21Introduce Workshop 2 “What are the costs and
benefits of technology?” Watch Expert Video
Jot Thoughts- What are all the different
types of technology you can think of? Put
your thoughts into different categories
Fill out two personal inquiry questions!
Read and complete sidebars on pages 86-87
Students will discuss Salens leadership skills, and
benefits of her technology career
 Round Robin
 Timed Pair Share “What are the benefits and
drawbacks of the 24 hour jam session”
Small Group/Novel Reading- I will check out the new
novels of Mr. Lincolns High-Tech War!
I will do some previewing and activating prior
knowledge about this type of book.
Informational/Authors purpose
Read aloud first chapter to get students started on
*Explain Projects and Presentations
Intervention: Mrs. Whaley will be working on
Expert 21: Please read and complete
sidebars on pages 84-87!
Novel: Pass out Mr. Lincoln’s High Tech War
and read Prologue as a class!
Class work:
Bell workPower Writing: Students will choose one of the two
provided words to write at the top of their journal.
They get one minute to write anything they want
about their word, as much as they can, as fast as they
can, and as well as they can! After one minute
students draw a line at the end of their writing and
count how many words they have. Repeat the
process two more times to increase
Round 1: Bubble and Spark
Round 2: Kiss and Silence
Round 3: Crayon and Rescue
Expert 21: Please read and complete pages
Novel: Students will break into five groups
to read about different types of technology
in the book. Telegraph, Railroads,
Surveillance Balloons, Ironclads, and High
Powered Weapons. (See Attached Reading
Expert 21I will teach targets of Plot/Conflict to the class!
 Telephone-One person per group will leave
the room while the indicator is being taught!
When they come back in the room their
team will have to “re-teach” the target to
them and give examples! Then the person
who left the room will one stray to a
different table group, and “teach” their new
group the target! Groups will have to judge
whether they understood the target or not!
Go over problem/Solution
Vocabulary routine
Small Group/Novel Reading- Main idea and Detail
Intervention: Mrs. Whaley will be working on
Class work:
Bell work- Journal Entry: Imagine living your entire
life indoors. Write about some things you would
never experience in the outside world.
Expert 21We will start reading the story “The Last Dog” I will
model reading and students will follow along in their
books. I will model how to answer sidebars!
Pages 90-94
Small Group/Novel Reading- Main idea and Detail
Intervention: Mrs. Whaley will be working on
Expert 21: Please read and complete pages
Students will break into five groups to read
about different types of technology in the
book. Telegraph, Railroads, Surveillance
Balloons, Ironclads, and High Powered
Weapons. (See Attached Reading Schedule)
Class work:
Bell work- Cornell Notes: Problem and solution
Expert 21We will continue to read “The Last Dog” as a class!
Following the elements of plot worksheet! Pages 9599!
In Class Assessment over Problem and Solution!
Small Group/Novel Reading- Main idea and Detail
Expert 21: Please read and complete pages
Students will break into five groups to read
about different types of technology in the
book. Telegraph, Railroads, Surveillance
Balloons, Ironclads, and High Powered
Weapons. (See Attached Reading Schedule)
Intervention: Mrs. Whaley will be working on
Class work:
Bell work- Problem/Solution practice! Students will
practice identifying problems and solutions in text!
Expert 21Finish reading “The Last Dog” pages 100-103!
In Class Assessment over plot and conflict!
Small Group/Novel Reading- Main idea and Detail
Intervention: Mrs. Whaley will be working on
Expert 21: Please read and complete pages
Students will break into five groups to read
about different types of technology in the
book. Telegraph, Railroads, Surveillance
Balloons, Ironclads, and High Powered
Weapons. (See Attached Reading Schedule)