Research Paper Proposal STUDENT NAME: Courtney Slack CLASS/PERIOD: 1 DATE: March 7, 2011 Purpose: The research paper portion of Senior Project is an opportunity to explore a topic that is of interest. The election of this topic and the completion of the paper are the basis for the remaining components of Senior Project. The three other components will be related to the subject chosen for the paper. With that in mind, think carefully, and select an interesting topic that has depth and will provide interesting project ideas later on. Directions: Answer each of the following questions thoroughly, using complete sentences and paragraphs. This form must be word-processed and turned in on or before the due date. (Refer to Seneca Valley High School’s home page under “Senior Project” for this form.) All sections must be completed, including signatures, and the proposal must be approved by the classroom teacher before the research process can begin. This form will be used for future reference by both teachers and judges to compare the original plans with the final outcome of the different phases of Senior Project. 1. What is the general area of study chosen for the research paper? Why was it chosen? The general area of study chosen is autism. I chose this topic because it is currently a major problem. Researchers are constantly finding new data, which is very interesting to me. I am interested in the different ways a mind can work. 2. Explain any prior experience or knowledge of this subject. One of my teachers has an autistic son that she has told me a lot about. One of my best friends has an autistic brother that I always see when I go to her house. I know that some autistic people do not like to have change, and some do not speak at all. 3. List and explain three distinct paper topics that could be explored within the general area you selected. (The three paper topics need to be different from each other, and should reflect the depth of the general area.) One topic could be the argument about whether certain vaccines given during childhood cause autism or not. Many parents firmly believe that vaccines given to their child caused them to develop autism, but some say vaccines have no relation to the development of autism. Another topic could be treatment of autism. Some believe that using Facilitated Communication can teach someone with autism how to speak and communicate properly. Other methods of treatment include the use of the Lovaas Method to teach the child to manage their behavior, the use of Audio Integration Therapy to desensitize an autistic child from an oversensitivity to sounds, or an intervention in the autistic child's diet to determine if a sensitivity to substances within food is fueling the child's autism. Some believe that these methods can “cure” autism. Another possible topic could be whether or not autism is considered a disability. Some people with autism are well-adapted to society, and consider their autism to be just a different type of personality. Others need constant supervision and need help getting through daily life. This seems as though it would be considered a disability. 4. What is the limited topic chosen within the general area of study? (Keep in mind that the paper draft must be 1300-1900 words. Choose a limited topic that can be adequately addressed in 4-5 pages, and expanded to 6-7 pages (1700-2300 words) in the senior draft.) My topic is whether or not vaccines can cause autism or not. Refer to pages 18-20, “Working on the Research Paper”, before completing numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8. Directions and a model are provided. 5. What is the purpose for researching this limited topic? (Develop phrases that begin: To trace, To compare, To demonstrate, To define, To prove, To analyze, etc.) 6. What is the tentative thesis statement for the research paper? (Write one sentence that expresses the main message about the topic.) 7. What is the tentative organizational plan for the paper? (Think in terms of general subjects that will require research in order to support the tentative thesis. The answer to this question may be completed using a numbered list, rather than paragraph form.) 8. Based on the purpose, thesis, and organizational plan, ATTACH an annotated bibliography of six possible sources for this research. Please use MLA format for the entries. Verifying availability of valid sources now will avoid problems later on in the process.** **IMPORTANT NOTE: The sources selected should be varied. This means that the bibliography should include as many of the following types of sources as possible: text sources (books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc.), media sources (Internet, films, television programs, etc.), and primary sources (interviews, emails, surveys, autobiographies, etc.). This will help to avoid “over-using” one type source. The more variety in the sources, the less likely overuse of one or two sources occurs, and the more believable the research becomes. This is also true for the credibility of selected sources. Use the skills acquired from the Web Evaluation assignment to select the best source information possible. 9. List and explain three potential project ideas that will relate to the research topic. Give this careful thought, so that a feasible project can be developed later in the senior project process. Project Idea #1: My first project idea is to hold a bowl-a-thon at Striker’s Bowling Alley. I would charge money to play, and hold raffles. The money raised from this would benefit the Autism Society. Project Idea #2 Project Idea #3 Engineering Certificate Program I am interested in pursuing the Engineering Certificate Program (ECP), and would like to have my paper topic reviewed by the ECP coordinator. I acknowledge that the ECP coordinator must approve my paper topic in order for my paper to be considered as a contributing element to my overall ECP requirements. I understand that I must complete the paper as proposed in order receive ECP credit for the paper. Student Signature ______________________________ Date__________ I acknowledge that my child is interested in pursuing the Engineering Certificate Program, and that his/her senior project must be approved by the ECP coordinator in order to be considered as a contributing element to my child’s overall ECP requirements. I understand that he/she must complete the paper as proposed in order receive ECP credit for the paper. Parent Signature ______________________________ Date __________ SIGNATURES I acknowledge that I have answered the above questions to the best of my ability, and I commit to completing the research paper as outlined above, realizing that slight changes may have to be made as research progresses. Student signature: _____________________________________ Date _____________ I acknowledge that I am aware of and approve of the topic my child has chosen for his/her Senior Project research paper, and I agree to support him/her in his/her efforts to complete Senior Project. Parent signature: _______________________________________Date _____________ TO BE COMPLETED BY CLASSROOM TEACHER: Paper topic approved: _____ Yes _____ With reservation _____ No _____ Re-submit date Teacher signature: _____________________________________Date _____________ Teacher comments/concerns, if any: ECP Eligible _____ Yes _____ No ECP Coordinator’s Signature ____________________________ Comments: _____ Date