Kara Zirkle, IT Accessibility Coordinator Liz Miller, Accessible Media Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities: How can you be responsible for Accessibility? Company LOGO Kara Zirkle and Liz Miller, George Mason University - Assistive Technology Initiative (ATI) A Collaborative Project… Office of Disability Services Learning Services Equity Office ATI Environmental Health & Safety Kellar Institute Information Technology Unit University Libraries ATI Services… Informal Assistive Technology Assessments Provision of Accessible Text Services Assistive Technology Labs Technical Assistance for ITU and Library personnel on ATrelated issues Section 508/Web Accessibility Training and Support Events Change, People Transition The issue is not so much “change” as it is “transition” To be a positive force, change must involve transition Understanding the human side of change is vital The process is more about helping people move and grow than altering events W. Bridges (1993, 2003); B. Ehren (2005) 4 Things to consider throughout the presentation based upon your role .. Legal Rights & Responsibilities Considerations in Transition . . . Strategic Planning Training Campus Resources Advocacy and Support Technology and Universal Design Rehabilitation Act Law Applies to Mandates Section 504 Federal, State and Local government, Educational agencies, Companies (Corporate – Private), any facility receiving Federal funds No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his/ her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of a public entity. Section 508 Federal entities and States that have adopted similar regulations Requires that any electronic and information technology (EIT) procured, developed, used or maintained by Federal agencies must be accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 was enacted to: 1) eliminate barriers in information technology, 2) make available new opportunities for people with disabilities, and 3) encourage development of technologies that will help achieve these goals. What is included in Section 508? …. Electronic and Information Technology 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems 1194.22 Web-Based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications 1194.23 Telecommunications Products (If it is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) or software then it may also include 1194.21 and/or 1194.22) 1194.24 Video and Multimedia Products (If implemented on the web will also require 1194.22) 508 Continued ….. 1194.25 Self Contained and Closed Products (Ex: Copiers, Fax and Kiosks) 1194.26 Desktop and Portable Computers 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria (Must be accessible with assistive technology) 1194.41 Information, Documentation and Support (Must also be accessible) **Section 508 only applies to visual, hearing and mobility impairments** What could I be responsible for? • Websites depends on the Author/Developer •It Online Documents • Videos (both online and played in class) • Telecommunication • Applications (used in the classroom setting, taught and/or purchased applications) •Printers (Pay for Print), Kiosks •IT web and application development services Things to ask yourself or know about your University or College … 1. 2. Does the University or Agency fall under Section 508 or W3C regulations? (Someif the What happens states are beginning to adopt similar author/developer is external to the regulations to the federal Government. See University? where you stand: http://accessibility.gtri.gatech.edu/sitid/stateL awAtGlance.php.) Is there mention of accessibility in the contract/RFP or service? (NOTE: The state does not have to have regulations adopted in order for accessibility language to be included) How Mason is involved Virginia has state-specific laws governing the accessibility of government created and procured technology (Code of Virginia § 2.22012 "Procurement of Information Technology", Code of Virginia § 2.2-3500 "Information Technology Access Act", Code of Virginia § 51.5-1 "Virginians with Disabilities Act"). These have been put into state-wide standards for Universities and agencies, which can be found on the VITA website: http://www.vita.virginia.gov/library/default.as px?id=663 Mason Policy Examples We've added web accessibility/Section 508 into the Architecture Standards Committee: http://ascreview.gmu.edu/ which drafted Policy 1307, where any technology or development of technology over the cost of $2K is supposed to be submitted for review by the board. The University Information Technology Accessibility Policy 1308 is specific to web accessibility. Recently – by working with the Web Team we have also drafted policy that will later include any technology or development of technology below the cost of $2K to be submitted for review by the team in which accessibility is included. To view Policies please visit: http://universitypolicy.gmu.edu/ If the state has not yet adopted accessibility regulations, it does not mean you’re off the hook! Rather the accommodations need to be worked out with the Office of Disability Services or American with Disabilities Act Office. For example: If an individual with a disability is required to use an inaccessible technology in order to complete desired work, an accommodation must be made. This could be anything from a visually impaired students using an inaccessible software for Distant Education classes, to an IT class learning how to use wikis and requiring students to use 1 of 3, none of which are accessible rather than allowing the student to choose an accessible version of their choice. All rules and regulations from Section 504 now apply. Does the University or agency fall under Section 508 or W3C regulations? A PERFECT example: National Federation of the Blind files Complaint against Penn State, November 2010 resolved Oct. 2011 Things to think about if the state has adopted accessibility regulations …………. When were the regulations put in place? (Is there a timeline for accessibility changes to be made?) When were products purchased before or after regulations were in place and what can you do about it? Do you know about resources available on your campus or if other offices/departments are working towards accessibility? What additional rights do the students have if technology isn’t accessible? Is there contract language in place stating that the developer/vendor must meet standards and regulations? Is there policy stating new standards and regulations are in place and must be met? If so, were they referenced? Does the University or agency fall under Section 508 or W3C regulations? What do you do if you’re looking to purchase or use a 3rd party application or website? Review the contract – is there any mention of accessibility? Try contacting the company and asking if they know what accessibility and compliance standards are. (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template - VPAT) Example statement: “If you work with us now to make the necessary changes, it will help beat competition later because standards are met.” Work with other Universities, Agencies or like companies and form user groups to keep a list of problems and contact the vendor as a group. Power in Numbers! Are you or your college a member of EduCause? If so join the ITACCESS Group: http://www.educause.edu/groups/itaccess Internal Responsibility Teaching Faculty and Staff Now to internal responsibility Administration Offices IT Professionals Managers Developers Procurement/Purchasing Administration – It is easier when it starts from the top down President’s Office Provost’s Office Senior Vice President’s Office Deans and Directors President’s Council Admissions and Registrars Human Resources and Payroll University Relations/Policy Fiscal Services EVERYONE is involved and ANYONE can be effected! Most common barriers: University wide Applications HR paperwork and application Admissions applications and paperwork Procurement/Contract language Overall Higher Administration Support Department/Organizational Websites Roles and Responsibilities: How are you involved with accessibility? Do you use a Learning Management System (LMS)? Do you design or post documents of videos on the web? Do you use technology for your class assignments? Are you the author of a book used in class? Do you use visuals in the classroom that give important info pertaining to the class? Do you use webinars, other classroom capture or conference technology? Roles and Responsibilities: How are you involved with accessibility? Do you influence or decide on technology purchases? Do you develop websites, applications or documents? Do you oversee computer classroom settings? Do you manage others who may work on the above mentioned? Do you work in multimedia or telecommunications? Do you use or help faculty use webinars, other classroom capture or conference technology? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you may be ….. • • • • • Posting, Distributing, Creating/Developing, Using, Maintaining …… Inaccessible material!! Roles and Responsibilities: How are you involved with accessibility? Is there accessibility language included in contracts? Are vendors required to provide documentation on accessibility? EX: VPAT Is there an Accessibility Specialist that is included in review of all purchased technology? Is there a Committee or Group that oversees projects and reviews for Accessibility? If so, do you get feed back from them? If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you may be allowing inaccessible products to be ….. • • • • Purchased, Developed, Maintained, Used …… By individuals with disabilities Web Accessibility Examples of design requirements for people with different kinds of disabilities include: Visual: described graphics or video; well marked-up tables or frames; keyboard support, screen reader compatibility; Hearing: captioning for audio, supplemental illustration; Physical, Speech: keyboard or single-switch support; alternatives for speech input on voice portals; Cognitive, Neurological: consistent navigation, tab order, appropriate language level; illustration; no flickering or strobing designs. Impacts of the web on accessibility The Web has become a key resource for: classroom education, distance learning, job searching, workplace interaction, civic participation, government services, news, information, commerce, entertainment, It is displacing traditional sources of information and interaction - schools, libraries, print materials, discourse of the workplace; some of the traditional resources were accessible; some not. An accessible Web means unprecedented access to information for people with disabilities. Impacts of the Web on Disabilities How to Ensure Accessibility and Compliance Administration, Purchasing/Procurement, Program Managers and IT Building the accessibility requirements early into the project GSA Buy Accessible Wizard http://www.buyaccessible.gov/ Section 508/Accessibility Trainings Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) Policy or other documentation providing Accessibility requirements. Accessibility Tools For Faculty/Staff, Developers, Webmasters and Content Reviewers • • • • • • • Illinois Accessible Web Publishing Wizard for Microsoft Office Adobe Professional v. 8.0 or higher NetCentric • CommonLook Section 508 Adobe Plug-In • PDF Accessibility Wizard (PAW) DeQue – WorldSpace, Ramp and UnDoc HiSoftware – AccMonitor Accessibility Module SSBBartGroup – Accessibility Management Platform CourseAvenue Multimedia, Radio and Television Faculty/Staff and Students Free Captioning Tools •MAGpie •Subtitle Workshop •Captionate (For Flash) •World Caption (Mac) •CapScribe (Mac) •dotSub •SubTitle Horse •CaptionTube •Overstream •vSync Bookmarklet •Easy YouTube Caption Creator Cost Captioning Tools •DocSoft •AutomaticSync •Dragon Naturally Speaking •MovCaptioner (Mac) Audio Description •Avoid the need for audio description where possible, by assuring that all important information is communicated visually and audibly. •Adding more descriptive text into your monologue helps to not require audio description. Free Web Accessibility Tools and Validators • Web Accessibility Toolbar • WAVE (This also comes as a Firefox Extention) • Deque WorldSpace • Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) • HiSoftware Cynthia Says • Total Validator • Paciello Group WAT • Web Accessibility Inspector Universal Design Universal Design – Everyone Benefits Accessible Web design contributes to better design for other users: Multi-modality (support for visual, auditory, tactile access) benefits users of: mobile phones with small display screens, Web-TV, kiosks. Multi-modality increases usability of Web sites in different situations: low bandwidth (images are slow to download); noisy environments (difficult to hear the audio); screen-glare (difficult to see the screen); driving (eyes and hands are "busy"). Redundant text/audio/video can support: different learning styles; low literacy levels; second-language access. Style sheets can support: more efficient page transmission and site maintenance. Captioning of audio files supports: better machine indexing of content; faster searching of content. Universal Design Techniques Physical Technological Ramps Ergonomic Mice & Keyboards Automatic Doors Larger Computer Monitors (21” +) Ergonomic Workstations Accessible Telephones Door/Sink Handles Accessible Websites Interior Design Transcripts Accessible ATMs/Vending Machines Closed Captions Adjustable Chairs Accessible Printers/Copiers Literature Available in Alternative Formats Bundled Software Light Switches Accessible Documents, Fillable Forms Universal Design Built-in tools – PC & Mac, Firefox Browser Audio Books & e-Books Bundled tools – Premier & TextHelp Livescribe Pulse Pen Inspiration – Webspiration Docsoft Web Built-in tools PC Keyboard shortcuts Magnifier Contrast settings Narrator On screen keyboard Mouse keys, filter keys, sticky keys Dictionary, thesaurus, spelling /grammar check Ease of Access Center Speech recognition Text size Touch Mac Keyboard shortcuts Magnification Contrast settings VoiceOver Mouse Keys, Slow Keys, Sticky Keys Text to speech Talking calculator & clock On screen keyboard Inkwell Dictionary, thesaurus, spelling /grammar check, word completion Speech recognition Image from - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/ Adobe Reader & Acrobat “Read Out Loud” Firefox Some accessibility features are dependent on the version of Firefox Free accessibility add-ons Firefox Accessibility Extension Glazoom – magnifier No color N-Abled Web Accessibility Toolbar Page Zoom Buttons Extensions for Firefox: Fire Vox – screen reader MozBraille – screen reader (beta at present, not yet fully accessible – plans to offer Braille, text to speech and magnified output) Bundled tools TextHelp Read & Write PC and Mac versions Reading and writing tools Helpful for ESL MP3 creation Voice recognition Research tools Inspiration-like tool DAISY Reader Livescribe Pulse Pen Smartpen records and links audio to what you write, so you never miss a word during lectures or meetings. Pen can be docked to computer and notes downloaded to computer (“LiveScribe Desktop”) MyScript software converts handwritten notes into digital text 2 GB, 4GB and 8 GB models Paper can now be printed on LaserJet printers Cost: $100 - $200 (2GB-8GB) Photo taken from http://www.livescribe.com. Inspiration – Mind Mapping Image from http://www.mywebspiration.com/examples Docsoft – ATI’s Captioning Project Closed captioning Transcription Synchronization Hearing Impairments – access Comprehension, visual learners Those who have difficulty with note taking ESL Beginnings Working closely with University libraries Distance Education Office of Disability Services Best practices for faculty & instructional designers: Pick legal media Pick the most accessible option first Provide supporting materials Turn on Closed Captions Process Online request system Research Library & copyright info Online searches NCH software Prism Video File Converter SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder Debut Video Capture Golden Videos Flash Lynx Video Download Software Professional (Vendors for video description) Docsoft Docsoft:AV Docsoft:TE Proofing & troubleshooting Delivery Links to captioned videos – using a thirdparty web hosting server Issues with Windows Media, QuickTime, Flash servers Folder with asx, smil, wmv and transcript files - SkyDrive, email, flashdrives, or DVDs Consistency Files not able to be housed in the same location Still working on solution for Macs Progress Accommodations Pilot project – Summer 2011/Fall 2011 Training with 2 graduate student assistants 1 Instructional Designer for Distance Education YouTube Recordings from our TV station Other iTunes U Promotional materials on Mason website, YouTube & Vimeo Distance Education Issues: Video Description Delivery of projects Copyrighted materials – especially large files Timing and clean up Universal Design is also about Learning & Teaching Styles Awareness & Attitudes Equitable use Flexibility in use Simple and intuitive Perceptible information Tolerance for error Low physical effort Size and space for approach and use QUESTIONS?? Web and Software Accessibility and other E&IT: Kara Zirkle, IT Accessibility Coordinator, phone:703-993-9815 or kzirkle1@gmu.edu Assistive Technology Initiative Accessible Media and Alternative Text (electronic, Braille, large print, etc.): Liz Miller, Accessible Media Coordinator, phone: 703-993-4372 or emillerf@gmu.edu George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 6A11, Aquia Building, Room 238, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: 703-993-4329 Fax: 703-993-4743 ati@gmu.edu Website: http://ati.gmu.edu PowerPoint may be downloaded at: http://webaccessibility.gmu.edu/accessibility_training