Appendix B The Faculty Senate Grading Policies Amended April 2013 The Faculty Senate Executive Committee adopted these amended Policies on behalf of the Faculty Senate 24 April 2013. Grade Submission Dates Faculty shall submit grades for all courses by the due date scheduled for each term, which shall be no less than seven days [including weekends and holidays] after the last day of the term's final examination sessions or the last day of classes of a term not having separately scheduled final examination sessions. Courses offered in a non-standard term, e.g., a non-standard Summer session or a Winter session, may have a shorter time for grade submission. Grades may be obtained by students through MyUB after they are submitted. Previously amended by the Faculty Senate December 2007; adopted by the Faculty Senate May 2006. May 2008 version promulgated February 2008 Incomplete Grades For all courses, an interim grade of Incomplete [‘I'] may be assigned completed all requirements for the course. An interim grade of ‘I' shall not who did not attend the course. The ‘I' shall be accompanied by a default the permanent course grade of record if the ‘I' is not changed by formal upon the student's completion of the course. if the student has not be assigned to a student grade that shall become notice by the instructor Assignment of an interim ‘I' is at the discretion of the instructor. A grade of ‘I' is to be assigned only if successful completion of unfulfilled course requirements can result in a grade better than the default grade; the student should have a passing average [equivalent to a grade of at least 'D’] in the requirements already completed. The instructor shall provide the student specification, in writing or by electronic mail, of the requirements to be fulfilled. The default grade shall become the grade of record if the ‘I' is not replaced by a permanent grade within no more than twelve [12] months after the close of the term for which the ‘I' is assigned: Fall: the following 31 December Winter: the following 31 December Spring: the following 31 May Summer: the following 31 August The instructor may set an earlier deadline for completion of the course requirements. If an earlier date for completion is set, the instructor shall inform the student thereof in writing or by electronic mail. A student may not re-register for any course in which the student has an interim 'I'. When a student graduates, an ‘I' grade in any course included in the student's degree program shall default to the permanent grade. If a student is continuing in a combined or multi-degree program, e.g., receiving a B.A. in a B.A./M.A. program or an M.A. in a Ph.D. program, any course for which the Page 1 of 3 Grading Policies Amended April 2013 student has an interim grade of ‘I' that is not included in the courses constituting the student's degree program shall be excluded from this provision but shall remain subject to the maximum time limits. For all undergraduate courses the default grade accompanying an interim grade of 'I' shall be any one of: 'B', 'C', 'D' or 'F'. For all graduate courses the default grade accompanying an interim grade of ‘I' shall be 'U'. Neither 'A', 'P', nor 'S' shall be assigned as a default grade. Previously amended by the Faculty Senate December 2007; adopted by the Faculty Senate May 2006 December 2007 version promulgated February 2008 'J' - No Grade Recorded An interim grade of 'J/blank' indicates a reporting error. Upon receipt of a grade of 'J/blank', the student should contact the course instructor immediately to have the error corrected. Grades of 'J/blank' shall 'F' at the following 31May for Fall term and Winter session courses, the following 31 December for Spring term and Summer session courses, or upon degree conferral. Adopted by the Faculty Senate December 2007; December 2007 version promulgated February 2008 Grading Components in Course Syllabi Grading components, i.e., the activities whose assessments determine the course grade and the proportion of the grade determined by each, shall be specified in course syllabi. If these components are amended while the course is in progress, all students in the course shall be notified of the changes in writing or by electronic mail with sufficient time to adapt to and fulfill the changed requirements. Grades shall not be changed due to completion of additional grade components or assignments specified after the close of the session in which the course is offered. Adopted by the Faculty Senate December 2007; December 2007 version promulgated February 2008 Grade Changes A grade other than 'I' may be changed at the instructor's discretion only: 1. to correct an error in the calculation or entry of the grade; 2. to supersede misevaluation of an end of session assignment or exam as a result of re-evaluation by the instructor. Except for replaced interim grades, any error or misevaluation shall be identified and corrected within no more than twelve months of the end of the term in which the course was offered, i.e., the subsequent 31 December for Fall term and Winter session courses, 31 May for Spring term courses and 31 August for Summer session courses. For replaced interim grades, any error shall be identified and corrected not later than the following 31 May if the replacement grade was entered in the Fall term or Winter session, and not later than the following 31 December if the replacement grade was entered in the Spring term or Summer session. Once an interim grade of 'I' has defaulted to its accompanying permanent grade, however, the permanent grade may not be changed. Grade changes replacing interim grades of 'I' or missing grades of 'J/blank' shall be submitted by the course instructor through a secure means, e.g., a change of grade form countersigned by a department faculty officer [Chair, Associate Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Graduate Studies], or a web site accessible only by the instructor. Grade changes correcting errors or misevaluations shall be submitted through a secure means with supporting justifications by the instructor and shall be approved by a department faculty officer. Any such changes shall be subject to review and approval by the cognizant Dean. Page 2 of 3 Grading Policies Amended April 2013 Grade changes for courses taught by faculty who are no longer associated with UB and not available to address errors, misevaluations or completion of requirements to remove Incompletes may be submitted by officers of the units offering the courses in accord with the preceding paragraphs, and shall be accompanied by explanatory justifications of the actions. Grades shall not be changed more than one term subsequent to degree conferral, i.e., not later than the following 31 December for Spring or Summer conferral, and not later than the following 31May for Fall conferral. Adopted by the Faculty Senate December 2007; December 2007 verion promulgated February 2008 ---------Comments and Observations All Grading Policies except Grading Components in Course Syllabi require additions of Winter session references to conform to UB’s basic academic calendars, adopted February 2013 and promulgated March 2013. [The Course Syllabi Policy is included because these five Policies were promulgated as a set of Grading Policies in February 2008.] Grade Submission Policy deletions removed elements no longer applicable. Incomplete Grades Policy modifications provide a limit of eleven months for default of an ‘I’ grade for a Winter session course. The 31 December default limit correlates Winter sessions with Fall terms. This keeps the default limit dates few and simple; the alternative of twelve months would set the default limit at the following 31 January, risking confusion and error. ‘J’ – No Grade Recorded Policy and Grade Changes Policy amendments reflect current practices. Either a ‘J’ or a blank in a student’s transcript indicates no grade received for the course. Grade Changes Policy amendments of limits for submission of grade corrections correlate Winter sessions with Fall terms. This keeps the limit dates few and simple; the alternative of twelve months would set the limit at the following 31 January, risking confusion and error. For the Faculty Senate Grading Committee: Asst. Vice Provost Patricia E. Carey, Faculty Affairs Prof. Melvyn Churchill, Chemistry Prof. Michael J. Cowen, Mathematics Assoc. Dean Elaine R. Cusker, Undergraduate Education Dr. Lee S. Dryden, Interdisciplinary Degree Programs Prof. Todd Hennessey, Biological Sciences Prof. Jeri Jaeger, Linguistics Dr. Donald T. McGuire, CAS Undergraduate Programs U. Registrar Kara C. Saunders WHBaumer William H. Baumer, Chair Professor, Philosophy 136C Julian Park Hall Tel: 716-645-0164 Internet: Page 3 of 3