Discussion: What is Sociological Theory? Why

What is Sociological Theory?
Why do we need it? 1/13
Every reputable sociology
department requires at least one
course in theory,
• but there is great disagreement about
what must go into such a course.
Every piece of sociological research
needs some kind of theoretical point,
• but there is great variation about what
that point or motivation consists of.
What is Sociological Theory?
There are at least three distinct conceptions of
• 1. The tradition -- Great figures such as Marx.
• 2. Extensions and foundations of methods.
• 3. Findings: the consolidation of what we know
Each of the parts of One World concentrates on
one of these three conceptions.
They are complementary
• Central idea: Theory
• Theory without data is blind.
• Data without theory is dumb.
Why do we need theory?
Without theory, what we find in one
area has no relevance to what we
find in another. I.e.
1. No theory, no science
2. No theory, no hypotheses to test
3. No theory, no cumulation of
The interrelation of theory and
research can be viewed as a logic
of question and answer.
The structure of the course:
The connection of theory to research
• Theory motivates and guides research
• Research answers theoretical questions
Every student chooses a substantive
research hypothesis at the beginning
• Every class must be related to that
• Make a provisional choice by 1/17
• The final (though revisable choice) is
Course requirements
• Class participation
• Three drafts
• Mid-term exam
• Final exam
• Final Project
The two exercises
Two bases of theory
Exercise #1 (1/31) uses an Annual
Review of Sociology article to
consolidate a stream of theory and
research in a “Review of the
Exercise #2 (3/26) uses a Microcase
data analysis to test a portion of the
• Every student must purchase the
current microcase and archive
First steps:
Look over the work sheet to Discussion #1
(1/24) tonight.
The two crucial elements:
find an article in the current issues of the
journals of record (AJS, ASR, ST) with an
idea relevant to your thesis.
Get microcase and use General Social
Survey data to operationalize an empirical
hypothesis relevant to your thesis.
Email me the topic, the idea, and the crosstabulation by Monday 1/20
The workbook
Use any form of workbook you like
with 4 sections for:
1. Applications of 9 theorists to your topic
based on each week’s reading.
2. Substantive empirical and library
research on your paper
3. Notes from classes and work sheets
from the 7 group discussions
4. The three drafts and two exercises
The Discussions
Every student must come to all 7
• If you believe you will miss one, you
must tell me at the beginning so that I
do not put you in any group. (I do not
advise this.)
• But if you stand up your group for any
reason you will loose a great deal of
The contract
You may, but you do not have to, contract for C or better by handing in
all the work early, coming to all classes and doing what you are told.
You agree to:
1. Come to class every day.
2. Do the reading and
workbook writing on time.
3. Hand in the exercises to
me before entering them.
4. Hand in the 3 drafts each
early, so that I have time to
tell you to fix any problems.
5. Ask me if you have any
6. Do what I tell you.
I agree to:
1. Keep track of how you are
2. Let you know how you are
3. Give you extra feedback
on your exercises.
4. Give you feedback on your
drafts and have you redo
them when necessary.
5. Be at office hours, call
x9-4782, or email me at
6. Tell you what to do.
Choosing a paper topic
Pick a research hypothesis you find
about which there is a stream of
theory and research.
Besides the journals and the data,
other ways that many students have
found good topics are on the sheet
due 1/24:
• previous class; an experience; career
Other considerations on topics:
Use Exercise #1 (Annual Review of
Sociology) to find a stream of theory.
• From a recent issue if possible
• If it is an older issue, use the Social
Sciences Citation Index to find current
It will take the first month of class to
uncover the broader theoretical
issues involved.
The main idea of “One World”
It is a shrinking world (globalization)
And within each society the many worlds
of kinship, religion, race, and region are
being replaced by:
1. Expansion of democracy and the franchise
2. Freedom of religion, bill of rights etc.
3. Elimination of race, class and other 2nd class
4. Principles of equality before the law, equal
educational opportunity, etc.
The classic theorists (Marx, Durkheim
and Weber) were all concerned to
explain this transformation.
One of the approaches from the mid-20th
c. is the view that there is a replacement
of roles and rules that are particularistic
(i.e. depend on group membership) by
those that are universalistic (i.e.
applicable to everyone).
However, there have been regressions
(e.g. Nazi Germany)
And some people view all universalism as
a cover for white, male, Eurocentric,
capitalistic domination.
The Mid-Atlantic
On April 22, there will be an
undergraduate research colloquium at
I encourage you to participate.
You will have an abstract and a 10 minute
presentation well before then.
It is also possible to obtain extra credit for
a Pro-Seminar to prepare for Mid-Atlantic.
Informational meeting Wed. 1/15
An Example of Theory
and of a GSS battery:
We will spend 1/15 getting familiar with
techniques of empirical analysis of General
Social Survey data.
We will discuss the issues of “freedom.”
Patterson argues that it is the core value of
the West, the USA and the modern world.
But it is a complex value. In the main
political battles (e.g. the Civil War) both
sides fought under the banner of freedom.
We need to see who defines freedom how,
with what consequences.