Loadstar training center is situated at ekala and its good to have a


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To make this report success lots of people helped me. I thank to Mr.swarna ranathunga and Mr. Amitha and my mother and father , who guided me and supported me. And all the staff at Loadstar training center thank you very much to you all.

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Table of contents


Review of the literature

Difference between education and training?

Difference between training and development?

What are the needs of training?

Why training is important?

What benefits do employees get from training?

Typical Topics of Employee Training

Process of training?

Training techniques

Role of training

What is Induction

About Loadstar PVT LTD

Loadstar Training Center

How training is handled by the loadstar?

What is the company attitude towards the training ?

How they analyze training need?

What kind of training they give?

How they evaluate?




























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Loadstar private Limited is one of the leading tire companies in sri lanka and in this research we are going to consider about the induction and training process happening there. Actually induction and training are key factors in HRM. because induction is the first step of the job and training is the step that improves employee.

Some companies give short induction period and some are giving long term induction period. And training also different from one to another. May be training is giving to uplift the productivity maybe to build morals and personal skills, so training will be key factor for a industry.

In here we will be consider how the induction and training process happen and what are the situations and, what are the methods we identify whether we need training?.what kind of a training will be suitable. And is the training has done properly or is company getting the benefit from that investment.

This is the path of this research.

Induction o How it happens, how long? What are the areas it covers, is it effective?

Training o Is there a training need o What kind of training needed o Are the training happened properly o Are the company getting benefits from that investment

And specially we consider about this matter in employee’s view and as well as the employers view.

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Review Of The Literature


There is lots of definition of training but the overall idea is same here are the some definitions.

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees.

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. It basically bridges gap between job requirement and present competence of an employee.

Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs

(Human resource management by Gary dessler. )

( Page 248)

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Difference between education and training?

Training is the process by which aptitude, skills and abilities of an employee to perform a specific job is increased.

On the other hand education is the process of increasing general knowledge and understanding of an employee.

Difference between training and development?

Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure. It imparts knowledge, skills and aptitude to perform required job.

On the other hand development is a long term process which includes philosophical and educational concepts.

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What Are The Needs Of Training?

Training is required on account of the following reasons: -

Job requirement: -

Employee selected for a job might lack the qualifications required to perform the job effectiveness. That mean employee must be fully aware that what he needs to do according to his job then he must be trained according to perform his job task mentioned in job description. But if he is unable to perform according to JD he must be directed to training because he must trained properly before attaching him to the job. And if he didn’t trained properly he will not be able to work according to his job requirement

Technological changes: -

Technology is changing very fast. Now automation and mechanization have are being increasingly applied. There for employee must know how to apply new technologies and need to know about the new technologies as a example: let’s say that company bought a new machinery and existing employees don’t know how to work with that then employee must be definitely trained if not they can’t perform well and productivity will lost. There for we have to train the employees according to new technologies if not our company will not be able to give a competition to the other opponents

Organization viability: -

In order to survive and grow an organization must continually adopt itself to the changing environment. Everything is always changing then we must change also. Therefore to survive or grow we must adopt to the environment .to do that we need kind of training and it will not only that job related skills it may be soft skills and will be deferent thing

Internal mobility: -

Training becomes necessary when an employee moves from one job to another due to promotion and transfer.

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Why Training Is Important?

"Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain." Joe Griffith

Do you think employee training is unimportant to your business? Would you take a flight without a "trained pilot?" Would you want our military untrained? Would you want your loved ones cared for by untrained emergency medical technicians? Of course not - the questions are absurd. Training is a way of life for professionals, semiprofessionals, and most tradespersons. And, as an entrepreneur, are you not a professional, directing a staff to carry out your commands? Training is not a lesser chore you get around to someday; it is necessary to the success of your business.

Surely you know that untrained employees cost you more than their wages. They can cost you customers, they can cause you losses

Training makes your employees feel that they are part of your company family.

Training programs demonstrate you are interested in your employees' professional development or skill enhancement.

When employees realize you are investing in them, they reciprocate with loyalty.

Ongoing training helps to create the reputation of a great place to work and results in fewer wage demands, less absenteeism, and a longer list of job applicants.

Knowledgeable employees make fewer mistakes.

Training instills pride in product and service.

Training creates a knowledgeable workforce - a resource for promotion and interchangeability

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Training is the process of imparting knowledge, skills and aptitude to perform desired job. A well planned and well executed training programme can provide the following advantages : -

It helps in improving the level of performance and hence results in higher productivity.

Uniformity of work methods and procedures helps to improve the quality of product or service

A systematic training programme helps to reduce the time and cost involved in learning.

Good training helps in economical use of materials and machinery.

It reduces supervision.

It lowers the rate of accidents.

It boosts the morale of employees to perform the task/job efficiently.

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People development

Succession planning

Strategic challenges

competencies Recruitment

Performance appraisal

Reward performance

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What Benefits Do Employees And Employers Get From


Training is useful to employees in the following ways: -

It helps to improve self confidence of employees .

For example, sending your bookkeeper to an advanced Excel class may help him or her learn shortcuts to simplify the accounting processes. So he gathers new techniques and he gets self confident that he can do the job better than the old days then his confident rises and production increases

Trained employees can perform better and thereby earn more .

Trained employee knows how the work is going therefore he can perform his job more than others do. Then his productivity rises and thereby employee can earn more

Training helps an employee to use various safety devices.

Trained employee know about safety devices so he can act well when there is any safety need And he will success than the untrained employee because he was fully aware about the safety options

Training rewards long-time employees.

You'll be more willing to promote existing employees who have learned new skills and are ready to take on new challenges.

Employees develop new skills and knowledge.

From trainings employee develop new skills and knowledge that mean he develop not only the job related skills and knowledge he develops his social knowledge and about new technologies and specially about ethics and he will be learning vast area of knowledge and it will be very good for making complete employee

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Training reduces the need for employee supervision.

Not only does skill-based training teach employees how to do their jobs better, but it also helps them work more independently and develop a can-do attitude.

Training improves job satisfaction.

Investing time and money in employees’ skills makes them feel valued and appreciated, and it challenges them to learn more and get more involved in their jobs. Higher job satisfaction ultimately results in reduced turnover and higher productivity.

Training aids in the recruiting process.

If you're committed to training, you'll be more willing to hire a desirable candidate who lacks a specific skill. Training also makes your company more attractive in the eyes of potential employees because it shows them that they have room to grow and accept new challenges. In addition, training existing employees could reduce the need to hire new staff.

Training reduces turnover.

Employees who don't receive guidance or have difficulty learning the ropes are much more likely to leave your company. Employees are less likely to leave if they have the opportunity to learn new skills and keep up within their industry .

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Typical Topics of Employee Training



The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of languages and customs.


Computer skills:

Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office tasks.


Customer service:

Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers.



Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people have different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value diversity



Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace.


Human relations:

The increased stresses of today's workplace can include misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get along in the workplace.


Quality initiatives:

Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality Circles, benchmarking, etc., require basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality, etc.



Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment , hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.

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Process Of Training?

Identifying training needs : -

Process of training starts with identifying the need of training.

Training objectives: -

Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set training objectives in concrete terms and to decide the strategies to be adopted to achieve these objectives.

Designing training programme: -

An appropriate training policy is very important to meet the objectives.

It consists of rules and procedures concerning training.

Imparting training: -

Here employees are given training as per their requirements.

Evaluating: -

Here the effectiveness of training is evaluated and see whether it meets all its objectives.

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Process of training

1. Training need analysis

 Organizational


 personal

4. Training Evaluation

 Objectives

 Contents


Learning objectives

3. Implementation


Actual training

2. Training design

 Objectives



 Learning objectives

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Training Techniques

On Job Training (OJT)

On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best training methods because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite. OJT will generally be the primary method used for broadening employee skills and increasing productivity. It is particularly appropriate for developing proficiency skills unique to an employee's job - especially jobs that are relatively easy to learn and require locally-owned equipment and facilities.

Morale, productivity, and professionalism will normally be high in those organizations that employ a sound OJT program.

An analysis of the major job requirements (identified in the position description and performance plan) and related knowledge, skills, and abilities form the basis for setting up an OJT plan. To be most effective, an OJT plan should include:

The subject to be covered;

Number of hours;

Estimated completion date; and

Method by which the training will be evaluated

To have a successful OJT program, supervisors need to assign a coach to each employee involved in OJT. It is the responsibility of the coach to plan training carefully and conduct it effectively.

OJT means having a person learn a job by actually performing it. It has several advantages such as:

It is relatively inexpensive

Trainees learn while producing

No need of expensive off job facilities such as classrooms

Get quick feedback about correctness of their performance

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Job instruction Training(JIT)

History of the (JIT)

During World War II (December 7, 1941 and lasting for 5 years), the need for a method of fast and efficient training arose. Training Within Industry, an advisory service formed by the National Defense Advisory Commission, developed the systematic on-the-job training method called JIT (Job Instruction Training). Its goal was to train supervisors in defense plants in the skills of instructing their workers as fast as possible. At first the train-the-trainer classes were three days long, but soon grew to a 45-hour program.

Job Instruction Training (JIT) is a logical outgrowth of Job Hazard Analysis.

It is a proven technique for teaching new skills and safe, healthful work habits faster and more effectively. All new employees and those transferred to new jobs should receive JIT.One of the first steps is trainer selection – preferably a supervisor or a skilled person within the department.

Regardless of who is selected, the trainer should:

Know the job in question thoroughly

Have leadership skills

Have a desire to teach others

Be friendly and cooperative

Have a professional attitude toward the job and other employees

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Prepare To Instruct

Have A Time Table:

How much skill should the trainee have by what date.

Break Down The Job:

List important steps and key points (safety is always a key point). Use a

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) breakdown to locate and identify hazards.

Have Everything Ready:

The right equipment, materials and supplies should be in place and ready to go.

Have The Workplace Properly Arranged:

Just as the trainee will be expected to keep it. Write the steps of each job in sequence, noting the safest, most efficient way. A thoroughly prepared Job Hazard Analysis will provide much of this. Estimate how long a JIT session will last. Allow enough time in your schedule, depending on the complexity of the job and the trainee’s previous knowledge and experience.

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How to Instruct?

Job Instruction Training should proceed in four steps – often referred to as the Four-

Point Method.


Prepare The Worker

■ Put the trainee at ease

■ Define the job and find out what is already known about it

■ Get the employee interested in learning the job

■ Place yourself in the correct position Since this is a one-on-one experience, start by putting the worker at ease. Explain all responsibilities and procedures. Show the employee how the job contributes to the overall work of your firm—how it fits in.

Emphasize the need for quality, production and safety.


Present The Operation

■ Tell, show and illustrate


■ Stress each KEY POINT (Safety is ALWAYS a key point) Position yourself alongside the trainee so that he or she will see the job as it is done and not in reverse. Demonstrate and explain as you're doing the job. Ask the trainee to explain the process to you. If something has been missed or misunderstood, go back over it at once. Demonstrate the use of all required personal protection equipment and tell why machine guards are important. Explain thoroughly all personal safety regulations. Encourage the employee to ask questions. Training should reflect intelligent conversation, not a sermon.

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Try Out Performance

■ Have the employee do the job – provide coaching and correct any errors

■ Have the employee explain each KEY POINT to you during the process

■ Make sure the worker understands

■ Continue until YOU know the worker fully understands Once you're sure the trainee understands the operation, it's time for a tryout under your careful supervision. As he or she performs the operation, have the worker explain each step, including the reasons “why” things were done. If the employee makes mistakes, explain calmly how to do things right. Work patiently with the employee until each step is mastered.



■ Let the employee work independently

■ Designate a person to go to for assistance

■ Check frequently, encourage questions

■ Taper off extra coaching and close follow-up Job Instruction Training is a continuing process. Follow-up from time to time to be sure things are going well. Be sure the new employee knows where to find help.



start motor


set cutting distance


place paper on cutting table


push paper to cutter


grasp safety release with left hand


grasp cutter with right hand


simultaneously pull cutter and safety releases etc…

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Lecturing is very common training method and it is quick and easy way of providing knowledge to large groups of trainees,

Audio Visual Techniques

Audiovisual techniques like films, audio tapes and video tapes can be very effective and widely used because it is very easy and it can touch audience very well than ordinary lecture. While lecturing also audiovisual techniques can be used.


Companies today are also experimenting with tele-training ,through which a trainer in a central location can train groups of employees at remote location via television hookups.

Video Conferencing

This method is very popular in these days and from this method training can be done via internet even the trainee and trainer in two different countries.

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Web-Based Training

What is Web-Based Training


Web-based training (WBT) is an innovative approach to distance learning in which computer-based training (CBT) is transformed by the technologies and methodologies of the World Wide Web, the Internet, and intranets. Web-based training presents live content, as fresh as the moment and modified at will, in a structure allowing self-directed, self-paced instruction in any topic. WBT is media-rich training fully capable of evaluation, adaptation, and remediation, all independent of computer platform.

Web-based training is an ideal vehicle for delivering training to individuals anywhere in the world at any time. Advances in computer network technology and improvements in bandwidth will usher in capabilities for unlimited multimedia access. Web browsers that support 3-D virtual reality, animation, interactions, chat and conferencing, and real-time audio and video will offer unparalleled training opportunities. With the tools at hand today, we can craft highly effective WBT to meet the training needs of a diverse population. Webbased performance support systems (WBPSS) further help today's busy workers perform their jobs by integrating WBT, information systems, and job aids into unified systems available on demand .

The current focus of WBT development is on learning how to use the available tools and organize content into well-crafted teaching systems. Training designers are still struggling with issues of user interface design and programming for high levels of interaction. Unfortunately, there are few examples of good WBT design visible on the public Internet. As instructional designers and training analysts learn how to write and produce WBT, and as training vendors come to realize the overwhelming advantages of this delivery method, expect an explosion in training offerings available over the public

Internet and private intranets.

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Advantages of Web-Based Training

Web-based training has the potential to offer many advantages over traditional instructor-led training. If done well, advantages of Web-based training may include:

 Provides standardized training ensuring a consistent message across the corporation.

 Decreases time employees are away from their jobs.

 Web-based material can be easily adapted for different audiences (unlike printbased material).

 WBT is better than print-based material for unstable or rapidly changing material that needs to be updated often.

 Training is more convenient for employees -- it is anytime, anywhere. Just in time training means they don't have to wait for a class that is only taught once a month.

 Training is available to a larger audience - the same WBT course can be distributed to desktops around the world.

 The company saves money on travel expenses, instructor/trainer costs, classroom facilities costs, and packaging/distribution costs.

 Training can be customized and tailored to the company's culture.

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Disadvantages of Web-Based Training

While many companies are jumping on the Web-based training bandwagon, it is important to remember that WBT does have some drawbacks. Some potential disadvantages include:

 Bandwidth limitations can place constraints on certain media types. All learners must have adequate bandwidth to access WBT.

 Initial development costs can be more expensive than development costs for print-based or instructor led training.

 WBT may require longer development time.

 Learners must be self-directed learners and comfortable using the Web.

 WBT tends to have higher drop out rates than classroom training.

 Learners are more likely to be distracted or interrupted when engaged in WBT at their work space

 So far it is difficult to measure the Return on Investment or to quantify the results of WBT

 It is difficult to provide opportunities for practice and feedback with WBT.

Learners don't have opportunity to ask questions if they don't understand.

 It is difficult to develop tests that will measure the learner's understanding of the material.

 WBT may not be as effective as face-to-face instruction when training softskills. It usually lacks crucial practice and feedback elements.










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In this report Training is the most concerning part therefore only short amount of information given about the induction process

What is Induction

Induction is the first step in building a two-way relationship between the organization and the employee.

Commencing a new position with a new organization can be a daunting process. There are colleagues, supervisors and managers to meet, new processes to become familiar with, new offices and buildings to navigate, new software to master, employment conditions to understand and a job to learn.

The transition to the new workplace is made easier and more effective for both the new employee and the employer if there is an effective induction process.

Who to induct? Who needs it?

All new staff - anyone starting a new job whether new to the firm or transferring internally. Even experienced staff will need some form of induction. What will the following people need to know?

 New starters with little or no experience of your industry or products?

 Women re-entering employment after a career break?

 Youngsters starting work straight from school or college?

 Internal promotees or transferees?

 experienced staff who are joining from another company

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Loadstar PVT LTD

Loadstar, a joint venture between Solideal and the

Jinasena Group of Sri Lanka, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of solid rubber tires. The company manufactures exclusively for Solideal, one of the world’s leading industrial tire distributors, which has a 20-25% share of the industrial solid rubber tire market and operates within a network spanning 90 countries.

In addition to solid tires, Loadstar manufactures pneumatic tires,rims and rubber tracks and supplies about 90% of Solideals product requirement. Incorporated in 1984, Loadstar has grown leaps and bounds to become what it is today. Employing over 7000 employees in six manufacturing facilities,

Loadstar contributes to over 3.5% of Sri Lankan exports.

Having commenced its business with the production of solid rubber tires, Loadstar later expanded into the production of pneumatic tires, rims and rubber tracks; these enabling Solideal to provide customers with a comprehensive product range. Loadstar is a BOI approved company.

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The Company

Joint Venture Partners Solideal (SD) of Belgium and Jinasena Group Companies

(JGC) which was incorporated in 1984 has brought together the proven engineering and management skills of the JGC and the technical know-how in tire design and production expertise, to market the product globally through SD.

According to the joint venture agreement between the partners, the local collaborator largely handles the production and engineering functions of the operations while the foreign collaborator handles the designing and the marketing functions of the products. “LPL was ranked 57 in world tire industry.” -

‘Tire Business magazine’ Presently the company is focusing on benchmarking and reaching greater heights in the global market.

LPL is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.

Ekala Tyre Division

LPL’s first production unit was established in Ekala, and is referred to as Ekala Tire

Division (ETD). This factory which once assembled motor scooters has been converted into a Solid Tire Manufacturing plant.

Kotugoda Tyre Division

The next factory to be commissioned was Kotugoda Tire Division (KTD) in 1992.

The factory which once belonged to Rubberite Ltd producing shoe soles was acquired by Loadstar and converted into a pneumatic tire production factory. With ETD reaching its maximum output and experiencing healthy growth and along with the increase in the demand for solid tires, another solid tire production unit was setup in


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Central Mixing Plant

The KTD complex also houses a Central Mixing Plant. This fully computerized state of the art and mixing plant, is one of its kind in the country. The complex which consist of an area in extent of 10 acres

Ekala Metal Product Division

EMPD was established in 1994 and produces metal products such as industrial wheels, rims, axles,assemblies, etc. The Manufacturing of wheels enables us to supply assemblies of tyres and wheels to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) which simplifies there production lines.

Kyoto Metal Product Division

Commissioned in the year 2003, this is the latest metal products facility of LPL.

Kyoto Plant was acquired from Minebea Co., of Kyoto, Japan. This is a completely automated unit consisting of ten production lines specializing in construction wheels.

Midigama Tire Division

This factory which is identified as MTD is situated in Midigama. MTD which was commissioned in 1998, is the most technologically advanced of all the factories. The complex houses the factory, staff accommodation, a six hectare rubber plantation.

This factory produces pneumatic and solid tires as well as rubberized track for construction machinery. LPL is one of the leading companies in the world that has the technology to produce rubber tracks.

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Jinasena Industrial Park

In order to provide expert assistance for Engineering skills of the organization, the company’s Engineering Services and Steel Band Divisions are operational at the

Jinasena Industrial Park, Ekala.

Ancillary Product Division

The Ancillary Product Division of LPL., started in 2004 specializes in the manufacturing of Ancillary products necessary for the production of Tires.

Palena Stores Complex

Since July 2005, the company has the added facility of a well equipped storage complex, located at Palena near Midigama factory.

Kuruwita Tyre Division

Kuruwita was a government owned facility producing solid tires. Which was later owned by LPL in 2003, under the government industrialization and privatization program.

Cinco Stores Complex

The Cinco storage complex opened in 200 is situated at Ekala. This facility is specialized in field storage and field preparation for wheel manufacturing.

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Rubber Collecting Centers

LPL consumes about 70% of the total annual sheet rubber production in the country.

In order to achieve consistency, the company collects rubber in adequate quantities at prices that are attractive to the producers, through the network of fifteen rubber collecting centers covering six major rubber producing Districts.

Colombo District


Rathnapura District

Rathnapura, Kuruwita, Yatiyantota, Thaligama,

Ruwanwella, Kiriella

Kegalle District

Warakapola, Pinnawela

Kalutara District

Horana, Meegahatenna

Matara District

Akuressa, Kamburupitiya

Monaragala District


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Engineering Manufacturing Division

LPL has a very strong Engineering Manufacturing Division to support its production facilities. The company has over 20 qualified and well-experienced engineers of various disciplines attached to this division. The company has developed an in-house engineering expertise to design and fabricate sophisticated mixers, tire building machines and presses. The company undertakes all its installation work using in house staff. Loadstar also commended on its very strong engineering capabilities in the fields of automation hydraulic engineering and electronic engineering. This is evidence of Loadstar’s strong engineering capabilities

Main Products

Industrial Pneumatic Tires

Designed for heavy duty services and these are suitable for Forklift, Trailers, Access

Equipment, GSE and Port applications .

Construction Pneumatic Tires

Developed to meet the toughest demands of construction environments. Suitable for backhoe, Wheeled Excavator, Skid Steers, Dumpers, Graders and Compactors.

Industrial Solid Tires

Three stage natural rubber constructions, absorbs the shock and provides maximum driver comfort. Suitable for Forklift, Access Equipment, GSE and Port applications.

Rubber Tracks

Rubber tracks to suit all Mini Excavators, Power Barrows and Tracked Dumpers. Plus

Over Tire Tracks to suit all major skid steer machines .

Industrial & Construction Wheels

To complement our extensive range of tires Loadstar manufactures industrial wheel and rims.

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Loadstar Training Center

Staff training at loadstar is focused on the development of individuals and to satisfy human capital management needs. Training of staff has helped to create a professional corporate culture and has significantly added towards the retention of employee. Training facilitates the following transition

• Operational to Strategic

• Short Term to Long Term

• Administrative to Consultative

• Functionally Oriented to Business Oriented

• Internally Focused to Customer Focused

• Reactive to Proactive

• Creating a dynamic professional environment

• Focusing on both individual and organization development

• Benchmarking best practices

• Creating a responsive high performance culture

• Promoting knowledge sharing through learning and development

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Now Let Us Concentrate About How Training Is Handled By The


In this chapter we will discuss about following points

 what is the company attitude towards the training ?

 how they analyze training need?

What kind of training they give? o How long?

How they evaluate?

What are the proofs that training has been done impact to the company?

What about the employee feedbacks?

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What Is The Company Attitude Towards The Training?

In loadstar private limited they have over seven thousand

(7000) employees work under their company .so they need good connections to

Keep the employees live. So they must need good training section to develop their employees for ongoing business .it’ can be in management level or industrial level.

Then they have started separate section called “

Loadstar Training


just for uplift the employee performance by giving training. Starting something like that ,itself show that the good attitude in the company about the training.

Loadstar training center is situated at ekala and its good to have a special attention for the training in that company. And the place itself uplift the moral and willingness to train. And they have provided good facilities also in that premises.

And specially I have to mention that. Company management believe about the training impact without calculate in monetary values. That mean they can feel the impact of the training success very much and that monetary value.

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How They Analyze Training Need?

They have several ways of analyzing the training need those are

By performance evaluation

Lost free analysis

And according to present business environment

And there will be a TRAINING CALENDAR for these needs and it is prepared by training officers


Training calendar is something that prepared by training department to handle the training in timed manner they will prepare a list of training that has to be done. According to the priority order. And then they will give decide dates and the period also. And they prepare a calendar that display the training needs of the company for a specific term.

It consist the time and date that training will held and what kind of training is that and who are the people will participate that so and so.

Advantage of preparing this kind of thing is it will clearly show the work that training department have and they will not miss anything out. And it is very help full because they can manage time very good and time will not be wasted because they work for time table. And it will help to management to get a idea that when they get benefits from this training.

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By Performance Evaluation

In loadstar they have CELL concept. That mean the smallest unit that is performing in the workplace. the CELL consist six (6) members including the supervisor. In this concept supervisor have a special role to play he have to evaluate his members and give them on the job training.

And every member is graded according to their skill levels

As A to D. And the supervisor have to determine and decide that how much A skilled workers wants him to run that cell and how much B workers need and so and so. And at the end of the month he must give a brief feedback about all that information.

So according to that employees will be trained. And also supervisors will be trains in things leadership trainings.











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Lost Free Analysis

in this case they will pay attention to the account section and if they feel any lost in that they will start to investigate why that has happened?.

Obviously it must be :





But if the problem is with the Man then they will conduct a training for those unskilled people and evaluate whether training had succeeded or not.

Identify the lost


Lost free

If it is becouse of the


Identify why it happend

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According To Present Business Environment

Business environment is always changing and challenging. It develops rapidly.

That mean:

Technology change and develop.

 new products will be inventing,

 new production methods coming

 new machinery will come

Company itself have to implement new products and invent.

Environment will be changing

To face this challenges employees have to armed with up-to-date knowledge and skills. There for loadstar is conducting training for the above purpose also.

And those training will be decided and design by the HR section and they will arm the company and employees for the changing world



• Technology Changes


• New machinary comes


• implement new products



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What Kind Of Training They Give?

After analyzing the training need the training officers will design a training program

According to training need. It may vary to one another and it is depend on the training need. But there is common training programs what are frequently running at the training center and also at the Factories.

On Job Training (OJT)

At loadstar OJT is very commonly used. It will be mostly done by the supervisor at the CELL. And from that supervisor can train employee inside the CELL itself and it will not take extra man hours to complete training. That mean training need will be fulfilled at the same time that the production is happening.

And from that he can evaluate the members and give a feedback to manegment that is there any need to give a training other that OJT.and supervisor have to evaluate his members monthly and give a proper feedback.

OJT Advantages:

It is relatively inexpensive

Trainees learn while producing

No need of expensive off job facilities such as classrooms

Get quick feedback about correctness of their performance

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Job Instruction Training(JIT)

Job instruction training also happening at the loadstar. specially all the cell members have WSS –work sequence sheet and only supervisor and other high level employees get JD-Job description.WSS is kind of job instruction training method and it is performed by all the cell members.
















start motor


set cutting distance


place paper on cutting table


push paper to cutter


grasp safety release with left hand


grasp cutter with right hand


simultaneously pull cutter and safety releases

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Leadership Training

At the training center leadership trainings are very often because cell supervisors are always trained and if there is leadership need training officers will identify it and give proper training to proper people.

From this training employee gets soft skill training also like:


 communication

 team management

 delegating

 appraising

 presenting

 motivating is now recognized as key to making businesses more profitable and better places to work.

Leadership Training Objectives

Understanding good Leadership Behaviors

Learning the difference between Leadership and Management

Gaining insight into your Patterns, Beliefs and Rules

Defining Qualities and Strengths

Determining how well you Perceive what's going on around you

Polishing Interpersonal Skills and Communication Skills

Learning about Commitment and How to Move Things Forward

Making Key Decisions

Handling Your and Other People's Stress

Empowering, Motivating and Inspiring Others

Leading by Example

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Training in lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a variation on the theme of efficiency based on optimizing flow; it is a present-day instance of the recurring theme in human history toward increasing efficiency, decreasing waste, and using empirical methods to decide what matters, rather than uncritically accepting pre-existing ideas. In loadstar they also practicing this method and they have accomplished very much

Definition for lean manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing is a strategy for achieving significant, continuous improvement in performance through the elimination of all waste of time and resources in the total business process.

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Case studies and lectures and Role plays

At the training center they have provided special lecture halls just for the training needs and at there, employees practicing case study and the specially in that is here practicing oxford university case studies. And it is very good that they are practicing case studies in international standards.

And there is lectures by visiting lecturers from the various universities and the industry as well. From those activities employees can gather knowledge very much and not only the job related as well as personals skills

And role plays also very often use training methods for new comers and beginners. From role play they have to face virtual environment and solve the problem practically and that will give a good practice for them when they are performing that task originally and role play will increase the confident level of the employee.

History of case study

As a distinct approach to research, use of the case study originated only in the early

20th century. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the phrase case study or casestudy back as far as 1934, after the establishment of the concept of a case history in medicine

The use of case studies for the creation of new theory in social sciences has been further developed by the sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss who presented their research method, Grounded theory, in 1967.

The popularity of case studies in testing hypotheses has developed only in recent decades. One of the areas in which case studies have been gaining popularity is education and in particular educational evaluation.

Case studies have also been used as a teaching method and as part of professional development, especially in business and legal education. The problem-based learning (PBL) movement is such an example. When used in (non-business) education and professional development, case studies are often referred to as critical incidents.

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How they evaluate?

There is several ways of evaluating the training impact for the company. But actually loadstar is more used to evaluate it in non monetary ways. But they are planning to develop a ROI system also to evaluate the trainings effectiveness in future.

But at this moment they evaluate the effectiveness from the supervisor feedbacks and reports. because it is updating in every month. An example of the evaluation form is attached to the appendices

And they conduct group discussion after the training done. It is direct feedback from the employee.

And trainees have to face for the exam and viva also. And they have to do a presentation from what they learn. So it is also good way to evaluate.

Finally I have to say that loadstar management believes that there is a

100% impact and effect from the training program and it had increased the production. And it is already proved because loadstar have over 7000 employees but they do not wanted to establish union because they are very satisfied with their jobs


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loadstar training center is doing great job for their employees and for their company. By serving a good training service. And they are good example for others to learn how to win through the proper tactics and from their trainings employees taking lots of advantages and company also get very good return on investment. And from the training the employee’s motivation and the loyalty is rising very quickly. When I was at the training center I talked with an employee and he was very satisfied with the training program and they are practicing the elements with themselves and gaining experience .and that shows how they committed to their company and to the training. And next thing is management believes in training it is very lucky to have a that kind of thing if not training department have to prove lots of things by them but in this scenario proving happened unintentionally. Finally they have great team effort and great bond within the company and that is the key of success


Although they are doing good job, it is good that they develop some computer based training methods. From that employees will learn themselves about the world.

And WBT- web based training also will be good thing for them because then they can parallel develop with the international employees. And it will be very help full if they evaluate their training programs in ROI method .then they will clearly see what they doing and it will help to increase productivity of them and provide good piece of training towards the employees.


Human resource management by Gary dessler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_manufacturing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_resources www.hr.com/managementhelp.org/hr_ www.hrsprings.com

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This is a article about the company

One of the world's biggest solid tyre makers is trying to double its turnover and turn Sri Lanka into a key exporter of rubber products. Raw rubber has been the country's second largest export commodity after tea, but a Belgian-Sri Lanka joint venture is trying to re-invent the way wheels are made and make the island a global hub for tyres.

Solideal Loadstar is one of Sri Lanka's best kept secrets and its biggest exporter, accounting for just over two percent of the nation's near seven billion dollar export earnings.

'In the world market, we now control 20 percent in the solid tyre and about five percent in the industrial tyre markets,' chairman Nihal Jinasena told AFP.

'Any fool can make a tyre,' said Jinasena, whose family controls 40 percent of Solideal Loadstar.

'What is difficult is to keep innovating, penetrate markets worldwide and to support your sales.'

Loadstar's closest rival in the global solid tyre market is Sweden's Trelleborg, said the firm's joint managing director, Koenraad Pringiers, whose family controls 60 percent of the Sri Lankan company.

The 250-million dollar firm is now working with top management consultancy McKinsey and

Company to fine tune operations and ensure a firmer grip on the global tyre market.

'We want to double our turnover in three years. To do that we need to attract new talent to the company who can transform our vision to bigger things,' said Jinasena.

Loadstar makes industrial and construction tyres, rubberised tracks, wheels and rims at its Sri Lanka facility, catering to buyers in the United States,

Europe, Australasia, Africa and the Middle East.

Working across five plants situated close to rubber producing areas in Sri Lanka, the company turns out about 6,500 tyres daily for heavy equipment firms such as Caterpillar, JCB, Komatsu, Fiat, Yale and John Deere.

Loadstar is also making rubber tracks to replace the steel traction chains used in heavy earth-moving equipment.

The company's 7,000 staff produce one of the biggest construction tyres in the world, with a diameter of seven feet (two metres) and weighing about 800 kilograms (1,760 pounds).

'These giant construction tyres are very costly to make due to high labour involvement because it is made using manual methods,' Jinasena said.

At this plant in Kotugoda, 18 kilometres (11 miles) from the capital Colombo, the male-dominated workforce handles complex machinery to make all sizes of solid and air-filled tyres.

Another plant nearby uses around 48,000 tonnes of steel annually to churn out heavy duty steel rims to fit customer designs.

Manufacturers such as Toyota, Nissan and

Komatsu prefer to buy fully assembled wheels with flaps, tubes and tyres that can be directly used in their vehicles.

'This single source helps them to cut back on inventory,' explains Jinasena.

The company scoops up 40 percent of Sri Lanka's annual production of 100,000 tonnes of raw rubber.

It also imports about 15 percent of its rubber needs.

Tyre exports fill 700 containers each month.

'Our business has grown steadily over the years and we have kept our word with buyers despite the ups and downs associated with investing in Sri Lanka,' said Pringiers.

Pringiers, whose father Pierre teamed up with the

Jinasena family to start the business in 1984, looks after marketing.

'The ethnic conflict here has not slowed down our orders,' he said, referring to the Tamil separatist conflict, which has claimed more than 60,000 lives since 1972.

'People keep asking us if its safe to live here, invest here and I say 'yes'. We have had no problems.

There are always risks associated with any business and you need to work around them,' he said.
