The Chemistry of Life PP

Chapter 2
 The smallest particle of an element
that has the chemical properties of
the element.
Three subatomic particles:
 Protons: + charge
Equal mass; Found in
 Neutrons: no charge
the Nucleus
 Electrons: - charge; in constant movement around the
# protons = # electrons, so the atom is neutral
Amazing Atoms
A pure substance that consists entirely of one
type of atom.
 Listed on the periodic table.
 Ex: hydrogen (H)
Contain same number of protons &
electrons (so are the same element), but
have a differing number of neutrons.
 Ex: carbon-12 & carbon-14
Two or more elements chemically combined
 The chemical and physical properties of a
compound are different than the properties of the
individual elements from which it is formed.
▪ Ex: NaCl
Two types:
 Ionic: Electrons are transferred from one atom to
another; creates ions
▪ Ions: charged atoms
▪ Ex: Na+, Cl Covalent: Electrons are
shared (travel around
both nuclei); creates
▪ Molecules: smallest unit of a compound with
covalent bonds
▪ Ex: H2O (2 atoms of H, 1 atom of O)
A Good Review
Composed of two or more elements or
NOT chemically combined.
Solution: a mixture with components evenly
distributed throughout
Two parts:
 Solute: the part that is dissolved
 Solvent: the part that is dissolving
Acids: form H+ ions in a solution
 pH = 1-7
Bases: form OH- in a solution
 pH = 7-14
Buffers: weak acids or bases that react with
strong acids or bases to prevent sudden
changes in pH
 Help maintain homeostasis!
Carbon has 4 electrons for bonding, so it can
form strong covalent bonds with many other
elements (like H, O, P, S, and N).
Carbon can form single, double and triple
bonds with itself.
Organic = contains Carbon
Monomers: smaller unit
Polymers: larger compound
Types of Macromolecules: carbohydrates,
lipids, nucleic acids, proteins
Chemical Composition
-C, H, O
Function in Living Things
- monosaccharides: - Main source of
simple sugars
( glucose, fructose,
- Structural
purposes in some
- polysaccharides: cells (cellulose in
complex sugars
(glycogen, starch)
Chemical Composition
Function in Living Things
-C, H, O
-fats, oil, waxes
-Stored energy.
- Glycerol + fatty
-saturated: all
single bonds
(animal fats = bad!)
-Membranes &
-unsaturated: at
least one double
bond (vegetable
fats = good!)
Chemical Composition
-C, H, O, N, P
- sugar + phosphate
group (P) +
nitrogenous base
- polymers of
Function in Living Things
- Store & transmit
Chemical Composition
-C, H, O, N, S
- polymers of amino
- enzymes
Function in Living Things
- Control reactions
(enzymes) & cell
- Transport
materials in & out of
- Fight disease
When one set of chemicals changes into
another set of chemicals.
CO2 + H2O  H2CO3
Chemical reactions always involve the
breaking of bonds in the reactants and
the formation of new bond in the
CO2 + H2O  H2CO3
Reactants: elements or compounds that
enter into a reaction
 Ex: CO2 & H2O
Products: elements or compounds that are
produced by a reaction
 Ex: H2CO3
2HCl + 2Na -> 2NaCl + H2
Remember the 2 after H2, means that there
are 2 atoms of H in this molecule. (For H2O,
there are 2 atoms of H and 1 atom of O.)
The 2 in front of 2HCl, means that there is 2
of the entire molecule, so 2 atoms of H and 2
atoms of Cl.
Reactions that release energy often occur
Reactions that absorb energy will not occur
without a source of energy.
Activation Energy: the energy needed to get
a reaction started
Catalyst: a substance that speeds up the rate
of a chemical reaction by lowering the
activation energy.
Enzymes: proteins that act as catalysts in
Substrates: the reactants of an enzymecatalyzed reaction
Active site: spot on the enzyme where the
substrate binds
Temperature, pH and regulatory molecules
can affect the activity of enzymes.
Dehydration synthesis: two molecules bond
together & H2O is made
 Used to make polysaccharides, lipids
& proteins
Hydrolysis: H2O is used to split two