File - Jeanette Hopperton's Portfolio

Jeanette Hopperton
Final Project
Museum Code of Ethics
LEM: the Learning Museum
Kraft Great Kids Museum Program
Macy’s Museum Adventure Pass
Museum Free Days
What’s going on?
Art museums
Children's museum
Historic sites
History museums
Natural history
Presidential libraries
Public gardens
Science centers
Different types of Museums
To participate in AAM accreditation program,
a museum must…
o Be legally organized nonprofit institution or part of a
nonprofit organization or government entity
o Be essentially educational in nature
o Have a formally stated and approved mission
o Use and interpret objects and/or a site for the public
presentation of regularly scheduled programs and
o Have a formal and appropriate program of
documentation, care and use of collection and/or
o Carry out the above functions primarily at a physical
American Association of Museums
oHave been open to the public for at least two
oBe open to the public at 1000 hours a year
oHave accessioned 80% of its permanent collection
oHave at least one paid professional staff with
museum knowledge and experience
oHave a full-time director to whom authority is
delegated for day-to day operations
oHave the financial resources sufficient to operate
oDemonstrate it meets the characteristics of an
accredit able museum
First code was published in 1925.
 First revised in 1978
 Next revised in 1987
 Current code was adopted on November
12, 1993
Museum Code of Ethics
A network project funded by the Lifelong
Learning Program, Grundtvig.
Currently is with 23 partners from 17
European countries and the United States
LEM: The Learning Museum
LEM wants to support museums in achieving the
objectives set by the EU Agenda 2020, by establishing a
permanent space for museums and adult educators to
learn from each other, develop professionally and
contribute to a learning society and a knowledge based
Their project’s aim is to face the challenges of the present
and of the future decades, museums are not only expected
to be places where people learn, but must be learning
organizations themselves: learning from communities,
from the public, from their stake holders, and also from
other agencies, with whom they have to build alliances to
accomplish the ambitious objectives set by polices at
national and European level.
LEM continuted
•Adult residents of the City of
•One passport be person per
•One week loan period
•Overdue fines
Kraft Great Kids
Museum Program
Presented by Macy’s, Lite fm 93.9, Chicago SunTimes, DuPage Library system, North Suburban
library System, and Metropolitan Library system.
Adult Residents at participating suburban
Libraries have a limited number of passes per
Loan Period