01-13-2016 North vs South comparing and

Comparing the North vs. South~ Foldable
As both the North and the South prepared for war, they both were confident of victory.
The South believed that their power of “King Cotton,” which helped them gain foreign
support and military leadership, would help them win. The North’s plans to capture the
Confederate capital, blockade southern ports, and split the south in half at the Mississippi
River would prove more successful at winning the war and preserve the union. But which
side would have the advantage going into the war? Find out by completing the “Civil War
Fact booklet” foldable.
Directions: The foldable activity has three parts. You must complete all 3 parts to
receive full credit.
Part I: On the top flap of booklet, create a graphic organizer that displays the below
information. Use your textbook page 261 and the “Sectionalism” handout to answer the
questions. The graphic organizer should be entitled: “Resource of the North vs. South
before War”.
The graphic organizer you create should compare and contrast the North vs. South in the
following eight categories: 1) Number of states 2.) Total population 3.) Military forces
4.) Miles of tracks 5.) Banks/funding. 6) Economic/industry 7.) Education 8.) Class
structure. (# 6,7,&8 can be answered using the “sectionalism” handout).
Answer the following question at the bottom of the graphic organizer: “Based on the
information gathered, which side had the advantage before going into war?” explain
your answer in 2-3 complete sentences.
Part II: Read the following passage. On the bottom flap of booklet, create a 5 w’s
outline. (What? Where? When? Who? Why? Key Battles and victory by whom? Leaders?)
Use the reading passage below to help answer the 5w’s questions.
The American Civil War is also known as the “War between States.” The Civil War was
fought from 1861 to 1865. The Northern states (Union) fought against the Southern
states (Confederacy) over many issues including slavery. The Civil War was fought in the
United States mainly in the south. Several key battles were: Fort Sumter in South
Carolina (confederate), where the war started, the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee (union),
the Battle of Antietam in Sharpsburg, Maryland (union) , the Battle of Gettysburg in
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (union), the Battle of Chickamauga, in Chattanooga, Tennessee
(confederate), the Battle of Atlanta (union), and Sherman’s March to the Sea (union). The
Civil War ended at Appomattox Court House in Richmond, Virginia where General Robert E.
Lee (confederate general) surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant (union general) ending
the war.
Part III: Color the front of your booklet. Take into consideration that the Union uniform
consisted of a dark blue coat with light blue trousers and a dark cap and the Confederate
uniform consisted of a waist length grey coat and light blue trousers. You can choose to
complete this assignment as you wish. BE CREATIVE!
Write your Name, Date, and Class Period on back of your foldable. Turn in to
teacher at end of class today!
Performance Task Rubric: (You will receive a performance Task grade for this assignment)
Flipbook/Brochure/Booklet/Powerpoint ~Social Studies Project Rubrics slr
Content is well
Uses headings or
Content is logically
There was no clear
organized using
bulleted lists to
organized for the
or logical
headings or
organize, but the
most part.
bulleted lists to
group related
overall organization
of topics appears
Covers topic in-
Includes essential
Includes essential
Content is minimal
depth with details
knowledge about
information about
OR there are
and examples.
the topic. Subject
the topic but there several factual
Subject knowledge
is excellent.
knowledge appears
to be good.
are 1-2 factual
All requirements
are met and
All requirements
are met.
One requirement
was not completely
More than one
requirement was
not completely met.
Four misspellings
More than 4 errors
No misspellings or
Three or fewer
structure, just lots
of facts.
grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical in spelling or
mechanical errors.
Makes excellent
use of font, color,
Makes good use of
font, color,
Makes use of font,
color, graphics,
Use of font, color,
graphics, effects
graphics, effects,
graphics, effects,
effects, etc. but
etc. but these
etc. to enhance the etc. to enhance to
occasionally these
often distract from
detract from the
the presentation