QUARTER 2: 2013-2014 27 O C T O B E R 28 Transformation of the Econ and Society in Antebellum America 1. Antebellum America- Market Revolution Lecture and Powerpoint TUTORING 2:30-3:30 3 N O V E M B E R 10 N O V E M B 4 The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum America 1. Jacksonian DemocracyLecture and Powerpoint 29 Transformation of the Econ and Society in Antebellum America 1. Antebellum America- North v. South Powerpoint and Lecture 2. In Class Activity: Compare/Contr ast Sectionalist Economies 5 The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum America 1. Graphic Organizer- JQM v. AJ; to be completed in class HW: Read Article: TUTORING 2:30-3:30 Jackson, the Original Big Cheese (due: 11/6); complete graphic organizer (due: Friday, 11/8) 11 The Transformation 12 The of Politics in Transformation of Antebellum America Politics in 1. Jacksonian Antebellum America Democracy1. Jacksonian Lecture and Democracy- 30 Transformation of the Econ and Society in Antebellum America 1. Slavery and Society Powerpoint and Lecture 1 31 Transformation of the Econ and Society in Antebellum America 1. Document Based Question TUTORING 2:30-3:30 6 The Transformation 7 The Transformation of Politics in of Politics in Antebellum America Antebellum America 1. Free Response 1. Grading and Question Review of FRQ Rubric TUTORING 2:30-3:30 13 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Antebellum Reformers and the American 14 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Document Based Question 1 Transformation of the Econ and Society in Antebellum America 1. Grading and Review of DBQ Rubric 2. Quiz- ten questions, multiple choice 3. Assign Antebellum Research Project HW: Students will complete worksheetWhigs v. Democrats (due Mon. 11/4) 8 The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum America 1. Jacksonian Democracy Lecture and Powerpoint 2. Quiz- ten questions Multiple Choice HW: Read Chapter 12 in textbook, do cornell notes and quizlet (due Mon. 11/11) 32 15 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Grading and Review of DBQ Rubric 16 9 QUARTER 2: 2013-2014 E R Powerpoint TUTORING 2:30-3:30 17 N O V E M B E R 18 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Antebellum Reformers and the American Renaissance Lecture and Powerpoint Lecture and Powerpoint 2. Democratic ComparissonsJackson v. Jefferson Worksheet HW: Complete Worksheet started in class (due: Weds 11/13) 19 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Antebellum Reformers and the American Renaissance Lecture and Powerpoint Renaissance Lecture and Powerpoint 20 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Free Response Question TUTORING 2:30-3:30 25 NO SCHOOL 26 NO SCHOOL 1 2 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Politics- The Election of 1840 Powerpoint and Lecture 3 Territorial 4 Territorial Expansion and Expansion and Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny 1. Politics- The 1. Manifest Destiny Election of 1844 Powerpoint and Powerpoint and Lecture Lecture TUTORING 2:30-3:30 TUTORING 2:30-3:30 21 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Grading and Review of FRQ Rubric TUTORING 2:30-3:30 24 D E C E M B E R 2 27 NO SCHOOL 28 THANKSGIVING 5 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Document Based Question TUTORING 2:30-3:30 2. Quiz- ten questions, multiple choice HW: complete chart of “reformers to know” (due: Mon, 11/18) 22 Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America Research Poster Project and Presentation DayStudents will choose a project on a specific reform movement HW: Read Chapter 13 in textbook, do cornell notes and quizlet (due Mon. 12/2) 29 NO SCHOOL 6 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Grading and Review of DBQ Rubric 2. Quiz- ten questions, multiple choice HW: Read Chapter 14 in textbook, do cornell notes and quizlet (due 23 30 7 QUARTER 2: 2013-2014 3 Mon. 12/9) 8 D E C E M B E R 9 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Manifest Destiny Powerpoint and Lecture 2. Primary Source WorksheetManifest Destiny 10 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Manifest Destiny Powerpoint and Lecture 11 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Free Response Question TUTORING 2:30-3:30 15 D E C E M B E R 16 The Crisis in the Union 1. The Antebellum South Powerpoint and Lecture 12 Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Grading and Review of FRQ Rubric TUTORING 2:30-3:30 17 The Crisis in the Union 1. Political Parties Discussion 2. Political Parties Graph and TChart HW: Events leading to the civil war Timeline 18 The Crisis in the Union 1. The Irreconcilable Period Lecture and Powerpoint 19 The Crisis in the Union 1. The Irreconcilable Period Lecture and Powerpoint 13 The Crisis in the Union 1. Lecture- The Antebellum South Powerpoint and Lecture 2. Quiz- ten questions Multiple Choice Assign Project: Students will pick out key battle of the civil war, Researching battle tactics, key military leaders, location, date, strengths and weaknesses of each side, and significance and long lasting impact of the battle. Presentation will last 20 minutes (Students will present on designated days the first week back) 14 20 The Crisis in the Union/Intro to Civil War Students will watch Episode One of Ken Burns Documentary on The Civil War HW: Read Chapter 15 in textbook, do cornell 21 QUARTER 2: 2013-2014 TUTORING 2:30-3:30 22 29 5 J A N U A R Y 23 NO SCHOOL 30 NO SCHOOL 6 Civil War Presentation: Harpers Ferry Presentation: The First Battle of Bull Run Chart (due: Friday, Dec. 20) 4 NO TUTORING TODAY 24 NO SCHOOL 31 NO SCHOOL 7 Civil War Presentation: Peninsular Campaign Presentation: The Battle of Antietam TUTORING 2:30-3:30 25 NO SCHOOL 1 NO SCHOOL 8 Civil War Presentation: The Battle of Shiloh Presentation: The Battle of Chancelorsville 14 MIDTERMS 15 MIDTERMS TUTORING 2:30-3:30 26 NO SCHOOL 2 NO SCHOOL 9 Civil War Presentation: The Battle of Gettysburg Presentation: Fall of Atlanta TUTORING 2:30-3:30 TUTORING 2:30-3:30 12 J A N U A R Y 13 MIDTERMS 16 MIDTERMS notes and quizlet (due Mon. 1/6) 27 NO SCHOOL 3 NO SCHOOL 10 Civil War Presentation: Sherman’s March to the Sea Presentation: Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse HW: Read Chapter 16 in textbook, do cornell notes and quizlet (due Tue. 1/21) NO TUTORING TODAY 17 NO SCHOOL 28 4 11 18