School: Alexander School Phone Number (770)651-6034 Email Address ( Date 2015/2016 Teacher: Davison Course: Astronomy COURSE SYLLABUS Course Description: This course will provide the student with an introduction to the concepts of modern astronomy, the origin and history of the Universe and the formation of the Earth and the solar system. Students will compare the Earth's properties with those of the other planets and explore how the heavens have influenced human thought and action. The course gives a description of astronomical phenomena using the laws of physics. The course treats many standard topics including planets, stars, the Milky Way and other galaxies, black holes to more esoteric questions concerning the origin of the universe and its evolution and fate. Performance Standards/Objectives: The Georgia state standards can be found at Anticipated Classroom Format: Class will include lecture, discussion, class work, and labs. There will be many assignments that will require group work. Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Students will be graded on class work, homework, tests, and projects. Grading Plan: Summative Grades (tests, projects): ………………………..50% Formative Grades (classwork, video notes): ....................30% Final Exam: ………………………………………………..……...20% Strategies for Student Learning Students will be expected to take notes during lecture. Students are expected to read the text. Nightly review of notes will help students be more successful on exams. Academic Honesty: Students are expected to do their own work. Cheating is unacceptable and will result in no credit being given for the assignment. Repeated incidents will result in parent contact and school disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook. Required Readings: The text for the class is Earth Science. Other reading assignments will be required during the semester. Lost Book Policy: Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD The student will be charged full replacement cost ($69.99) for any textbook lost, regardless of condition. The amount to be charged for a textbook damaged by a student will be the responsibility of the principal. Course Sequence: Views of the Sky Light Origins Solar System Objects Stars Life in the Cosmos Links: