Education Research


EDRS681 Orientation

How to use library resources effectively?

Dr. Wang @ CSUB

What is needed?

References: Format for Online/Hardcopy journals

Knowledge/Envision of a particular field

Critical thinking/Reflection is required to search and to evaluate search results.

Part of re search is narrowing and re directing your topic

Research Material

Books & Government Documents

Journal Articles


Online Resources


Theses and Dissertations


Inter-library loan?

Understand your topic

Be able to state your topic clearly in a single sentence.

Include all major components of your topic.

For example:

◦ Which childcare system (home-based or center-based) is more effective in facilitating early childhood development?

Find Key Concepts in your topic

Combining concepts to find relationships


◦ Service types (home-based, center-based, or both)

◦ Child*, kid*, …

◦ Development indicators (gross/fine motor)

◦ Pre-school/family resource center …

Boolean Logic

And: focuses the search to combine

both concepts in the search results.

◦ Home-based AND center-based

Or: broadens the search by allowing

either synonym to appear in the search results.

◦ instruct OR teach

Not: excludes term from results

◦ Communication NOT verbal


Truncation makes the database retrieve all words that have the same beginning.

For example, Educat* would retrieve education, educating, educate, educates, and educated, etc.

◦ Some words can bring back too many irrelevant results and using synonyms may be more effective

An * is used for truncation in most library databases.

A ? Is used for truncation in the CSUB Catalog

Synonyms and truncation broaden your search.

You must come up with synonyms for your terms

◦ be on the lookout for how scholars refer to what you are interested in studying

◦ Keep notes as you research/read

For example,

◦ parent* support* OR parent* involv* to express the first concept.

◦ Academic achiev* OR test score* for the second concept.

◦ Elementary school OR primary for the third concept.

Books & Government Documents

Find books and government documents in the catalog on the

Library website.

Education M.A. projects at CSUB

Catalog (Keyword Anywhere)

 Education AND thesis AND


Scholarly Work

◦ Magazines, journals, and newspapers

(hardcopy vs. e-copy)

◦ Journal name search if the article is known


◦ Google & title search in a database


◦ Dissertations and Theses



Periodical Databases for Education


Periodical databases search for articles or article citations.

◦ ERIC: Educational Resources Information

Center; A database sponsored by the U.S.

Department of Education to provide access to educational literature.

◦ Education Full Text: Indexes 79 journals; can also search other Wilson Databases

◦ PsycINFO: Primary research database in the field of psychology.

Searching in Education Databases

You can select the type of source such as peer reviewed journals

Search results can be ranked by relevance or most recent items.

◦ Most relevant is necessary when you have

30+ results

For education databases you do not need to include terms: school, education wiki/ as the first step?

Finding the Full Text of Articles

Option – Full Text in database

◦ Why? (title match, but content irrelevant!)

Practice at home

◦ Access individual ID/NetID from home PC

◦ title/year/abstract/...

◦ (...) and/or/not (...)

Stop by the reference desk at CSUB

