1776 Ch. 9 , Sec. 3, Part I Examine why British taxes created tension

The Road to Revolution
1763 - 1776
Ch. 9 , Sec. 3, Part I
Examine why British taxes created
tension and eventually war with their
American colonies.
North Carolina in the French and Indian
War (1755 – 1763)
• Nearly 200 NC militiamen served with General
Braddock on his disastrous defeat at Ft. Duquesne.
• In 1757, Ft. Dobbs, which is near present-day
Statesville, was constructed. Its purpose was to
interdict any Cherokee raiding parties into the area.
• Fort Dobbs was attacked by a large force of Cherokee
Indians in 1760 and there was sporadic fighting
between the Colonial militia and the Cherokee in and
around North Carolina from 1760 – 1763.
Tighter British Control
• Before the F&I War, Great Britain governed the colonies loosely.
Now, the British Crown wanted to install tighter control and
stricter regulations upon the American colonies.
• The Proclamation of 1763 was just the start. After this, the
colonies resented any laws or regulations passed against them.
King George III
• King George III wanted to
enforce the proclamation and
keep the peace with the
various Native American
tribes in the region.
• To do this, he decided to
deploy over 10,000 British
soldiers to the colonies to
make sure the Americans
were doing as they should.
The Quartering Act
• Passed in 1765, this act was the first in a long series of actions
designed to make the colonies pay for their protection.
• The Quartering Act required individual colonists to quarter, or
house British soldiers and provide them with the supplies that they
would need.
• Most British troops were housed in New York City.
• To justify this, Great Britain said that the colonies needed to help
pay for the costs of the French & Indian War.
• Great Britain had a huge war debt to repay and they needed more
revenue, or income to do so.
The Sugar Act, 1764
• This act placed a tax on all
sugar and sugar related items
being imported into the
• The act also called for strict
enforcement and provided
severe penalties for colonial
• What about the “Rights of
The Stamp Act, 1765
• Perhaps the most hated and
despised of all the acts.
• The Stamp Act imposed a tax
on every piece of printed
paper that the colonists used,
from playing cards to
newspapers. All of the
stamps had to be paid for in
• This was a direct tax on the
colonies as whole.
The colonies were quick to protest the Stamp Act. Since no colonial
representatives served in Parliament, the Colonies were outraged! The British
government was again trampling over their rights as Englishmen.
The colonies organized large boycotts to refuse to by any British goods.
The Sons of Liberty
and the Committees of Correspondence
• Colonial protest groups such
as the Sons of Liberty were
organized to undermine
British authority, taxes and
• As a result, financial losses
were felt in Great Britain and
they soon repealed the Stamp
Act in 1766.
• The Committees of
Correspondence exchanged
letters on affairs between each
of the 13 Colonies.
Explain why the Procomation of 1763 was hated by the American colonists.
Which of the acts placed imposed taxes on tea, glass, paint, and lead?
Refusal to buy certain items is known as ____________.
Which of the following is an example of a writ of assistance a) a colonial court
ruing that declared the Stamp Act illegal b) an alliance of Native American
groups opposed to British expansion c) a secret agreement between the
British and French to divide North America d) a warrant allowing royal tax
collectors to search colonial warehouses
Why did the British pass the Sugar Act?