Aspire Presentation - The Kingsway Academy

What are your options after year 11?
A Levels
• These are normally for two years.
• You can study a variety of subjects- some new ones perhaps
• You normally will need 5 gcse’s grades A-C to include Maths and Englishthese maybe higher.
• For some subjects – Maths and Science you will need grade B
• Assessment is normally through exam although some have continual
• Can support entry into Higher Education as well as Level 4 Apprenticeships
and Employment
• Available in 6th form and other 6th form colleges
• A vocational qualification and linked to job areas
• Continually assessed by coursework and possibly some work
• Entry can be at level 2 or level 3
• Level 2 can lead to level 3 or employment
• Level 3 available at Subsidiary level- 1 A level, Diploma 2 A levels ,
Extended Diploma 3 A levels
• Level 3 can be combined with some A level subjects
• Lead to either employment or Higher Education
• EARN while you LEARN. There are more than 170 industries and 1500 job
• Gain real qualifications and a variety of TRANSFERABLE skills
• Work towards National Vocational Qualifications
• Different levels of qualifications Level 2 INTERMEDIATE Level 3 ADVANCED
Level 4 HIGHER
• For more information look at where you can
search , register and apply for vacancies across the UK
• You can also apply via company websites and by sending your CV
• Vacancies normally appear between December and March
The importance of career planning
What are my skills?
What subjects do I like and will I do well in?
What would I like my job to include?
What qualifications will I need for the job/jobs I am considering?
Will the jobs I am thinking about be difficult to find?
Where can I go for more information? Careers Adviser, Parents,
Friends, websites
Work experience?
• For some jobs , work experience is essential
• You may be supported with this in school and if not you can find
your own- in your own time – not school time!
• You can develop your skills, meet new people and it can also help
you to think about future jobs
• Work experience can lead to part time work /Saturday jobs
• Good to put on an application form for College and your future CV
• Shows motivation , commitment and a willingness to learn
Employability Skills- the TOP 10!!
• It not just GCSE’s that employers are interested in. Your skills and qualities are just as
• Communication
• Team work
• Reliability
• Initiative and Self motivation
• Written Communication
• Planning and Organising
• Flexibility
• Time Management
• Personal confidence
• Decision Making
Trends in employment
computer technology. Technological advance and the continued integration of IT and digital communications into the workplace
throughout the private, public and voluntary sectors ensures that this trend will continue for some time. Systems analysts, designers
and developers, computer programmers, web developers, consultants and information managers reflect the range of these career
areas. Hardware engineers are also needed, working in infrastructure construction and repair, fibre, cable, satellites, etc.
healthcare sector. The increasing number of healthcare jobs is directly attributable to the growing age of the population – people are
living longer so there are more people in the older age groups – and the expansion of treatments available for medical conditions,
whether delivered in the primary healthcare sector or within hospitals. Consequently, there is also an expansion in the number of
administrative and support roles needing to be filled.
biotechnology. Tissue engineers and gene programmers have been highlighted, but all skill levels are included – as companies grow, so
does their administration infrastructure. Other new scientific areas include nanotechnology and energy technology.
Demographic changes are leading to other needs in addition to healthcare. Teaching and tourism, training and development, and care
of the elderly are all areas where openings are set to increase, as are financial advisors.
Services that already exist will grow further as the population ages. Standard professions include the legal sector, police, teachers,
tutors, etc. Meanwhile, there is a general return amongst certain income sectors of paying for domestic support with the services of
maids and cleaners, drivers,
New services are developing that are opening out into recognised career fields. Many of these are provided directly to the consumer.
Counselling and various complementary therapies are obvious examples, as well as physical training instructors and coaches.
Jobs of the future….what will yours be???
• Body Part Maker
• Elderly Wellness Consultant
• Memory Augmentation Surgeon
• Weather Modification Police
• Chocolate Consultant
• Urban Farmer
• Medical Roboticist
• Custom Implant Organ Designer
• Cyber Security Specialist
See if you can find any more?????
Useful websites to consider
• for job profiles and a
skills health check
• Your school and other local college websites
• for information on
And finally
• Remember it’s never to early to plan……….
Home Learning at The Kingsway Academy
• Home learning - NOT Homework
• It is not intended to be something to just keep students
• It should consolidate and enhance what goes on in school
How can students help themselves?
Have their student planner in school
Write information down properly :
Deadline/Due in date:
Plan ahead
Prioritise their workload
Look at the bigger picture/use a year planner
Speak to parents and staff if they want help
How can parents help?
• Check student planners regularly
• Write comments in planner yourselves if you want to inform or
contact staff
• Contact school directly if you feel there are bigger issues
Have they got a quiet place to work?
Desk? Correct equipment?
Avoid distractions iPads, phones, television
Give them a distinct timeframe to complete work in
Ask to see the final product
Talk to them, ask questions, show an interest
Take part in homework - learn from them!
Be knowledgeable about course content, topics, deadlines
Help us to help them!
Attendance & Punctuality
The Importance of regular school attendance & punctuality
• The Kingsway Academy wants all children to have the best
possible attendance and punctuality at school so they reach
their full potential.
• There is a strong link between good school
attendance/punctuality and achieving good results for children.
• Good school attendance also shows future employers that a
young person is reliable, more likely to achieve well and play a
positive role in their community.
Your responsibilities as a parent/carer
• All children aged between 5 and 16 are required by law to receive an education,
and it is the duty of parents and carers to ensure that they are supported to do so.
• Children sometimes have to miss school because of illness or if they have long
term medical issues. If this is the case, parents should contact school the same
day to let them know the reason that their child is not in school.
Why is good attendance/punctuality important?
Good attendance at school is vital for pupils to achieve their full educational
Pupils with good attendance records benefit in many ways:1. Continuity of learning which makes progress and retention easier
2. Improved performance in coursework tasks
3. Enhanced performance in examinations
4. Continuity of relationships and friendships
5. Good references for further education or employment
6. Good habits are formed for later life
The Importance of regular school attendance & punctuality
• Being part of the school community.
Just by being present at school, your child is learning how to be a good citizen by
participating in the school community, learning valuable social skills, and
developing a broader world view.
• Being part of the social and friendship group.
By attending school students are learning to get on with people and forming
friendships, some of which will see them well into their adult life.
• The importance of education.
As a parent your commitment to ensuring your child attends school will also send
a clear message that education is a priority for your family and that going to
school every day is a critical part of success.
What you can do as a parent/carer
• Check to see that your child completes their home learning.
• Take an active role. Stay involved - ask how the school day went, and
then listening carefully to what your child shares with you — both the
successes and struggles.
• Plan ahead. Encourage your child to prepare for the next school day for
example packing their school bag with what they need.
• Create a restful environment. Try to make sure that your child has
somewhere they can work quietly but also somewhere they can relax
other than with computer games, television or social media.
• Ensure that your child gets enough quality sleep — ideal amounts range
from 8 to 12 hours. Getting enough sleep will help them get up on time,
be refreshed in the morning, and feel ready for a full day of learning
Attendance percentages are not like examination results.
An attendance percentage needs to be in the high nineties before it can be
considered good. Consider the following examples over the course of a single
school year.
10 days absence = 95% attendance = 50 lessons missed
20 days absence = 89% attendance = 100 lessons missed
29 days absence = 85% attendance = 145 lessons missed
38 days absence = 80% attendance = 190 lessons missed
47 days absence = 75% attendance = 235 lessons missed
Research shows having 20 (89%) days off school in a year means a pupil will
probably obtain a grade lower in their exams than they are really capable of.
What is good attendance?
In order for an attendance record to be good it must be 95% or above.
100% = excellent attendance
98% = very good attendance
95% = good attendance
Each year, a large number of pupils in every year group achieve 100% attendance; showing that
this is an achievable target.
A number of pupils have achieved this level of attendance for a number of years.
Students with excellent attendance at Kingsway Academy are rewarded with certificates and
I would be grateful if you would observe the following procedures if
your child is absent for any reason:
1) Phone the school to inform us that your child is absent, even if
only for a day - 0151 677 7825
2) Write a note for your child to bring to school to give to their
Form Tutor
Pastoral Support
Each Year Group has a Inclusion Leader
Special Educational Needs Team led by Ms Pettersen
An Attendance Officer
Trained first aid staff
Trained Child Protection/Safeguarding staff
Named Safeguarding member of staff is Mr Wright, Director of Inclusion
Work with external, specialist agencies
Whether your child’s future involves:
A mix of these
the discipline of showing up somewhere on time,
every day and meeting deadlines is preparation
for long-term success in whatever path they
Excellent school attendance is the
route to success.
Thank you.
The Liverpool City Region Skills for Growth Partnership
• Each local authority in partnership
• Joined by 1500 + Organisations, businesses and enterprises
• Tasked with identifying the current and long term
opportunities for growth and jobs in the region
• Tasked with helping education providers to build the skills
necessary for our young people to fill those opportunities
Where are the opportunities for our Young People?
• Four primary areas for job opportunities and capital growth
in the next 15 years
• Business and Professional Services
• Healthcare
• Lifesciences
• The Visitor Economy
• Students studying subjects that lead to apprenticeships and
University courses in these areas will be able to access jobs,
opportunities and career progression
Business &
Professional Services
Banking, Finance & Accounting
Marketing Consultant
Sales Manager
Website Designer
Human Resources Manager
Retail Manager
Shipping Clerk
Purchasing Specialist
Facilities Management
Training Advisor
The Visitor
Events Management
Adventure Tourism
Public Relations
Travel Management
Hotel Management
Air Travel
Leisure Management
Customer Service
Sports Coach
Personal Trainer
Sports Science
Marine Environmental Studies
Laboratory Technician
Clinical Researcher
Landscape Engineer
Healthcare Administration
Social Work
Medical Engineering
Practice Management
Occupational Therapist
Care Worker
How can we help students access these opportunities?
Pathways that provide increased choice & options
Courses delivered with support from higher education & business
Shared expertise from across the Northern Schools Trust
Enhanced skill base through enrichment programmes
Innovative careers advice, work experience and internship
Dedicated pastoral support
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