The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights
Explain the following quote and
give an example ..
“Not everything that is immoral is illegal”
Immoral = purposely going against the ideas of right or wrong.
For each of the following laws, indicate
whether moral, economic, political or social
values are involved - EXPLAIN
 All drivers must stop at signs.
 It is a crime to cheat on your tax return.
 All citizens may vote at the age of 18.
 All students are given a free education in the United
 Possession of marijuana is a crime.
What are the Bill of Rights?
 Amendments 1-10, of the United States Constitution,
constitute the Bill of Rights.
 The first ten amendments to the US Constitution, added in
1791, which guarantee the liberty of the individual.
Who determines what the Bill of
Rights Means?
 Who’s job is it to interpret the constitution?
 The supreme court.  Judicial review.
The First Amendment
• Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the government for a redress of grievances.
• There are 5 rights mentioned. What are those 5 rights?
Freedom of Religion
• Inspired by pilgrims.
• The Establishment Clause = separation of church and
• The Free Exercise Clause = government can’t interfere with
a person’s religious practice(s).
• Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the
right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion
at all, and to do this without government control.
Freedom of Speech
 Why does the United States protect free speech?
 Can you think of examples in history when this right was
denied people? Is this still occurring today?
 Should some groups be denied freedom of speech?
 Nazi Party
 Racial Supremacy groups
Freedom of the Press
 How does having freedom of the press protect the people
from government?
Freedom to Petition the
 The right to petition our Government, though often
overlooked in comparison with the other freedoms listed
in the First Amendment, is nonetheless a very significant
right that we have in this country. This right grants people
not only the freedom to stand up and speak out against
injustices they feel are occurring, but also grants the
power to help change those injustices.
The Bill of Rights
 2nd and 3rd amendments
 4th – 8th amendments (rights of the accused)
 9th and 10th amendments
Federal vs. State Laws
 What do you think is the difference between a state law
and a federal law?
 Are there instances where State and Federal laws clash?
3 Branches of Government