File - David Covarrubias

History of the Computer
David Covarrubias
Terms of Computers
Bit - A bit or binary digit is the basic unit of information in computing and
Kilobit - A unit of computer memory or data equal to 1,024 (210) bits.
Megabit - A unit of data size or (when expressed per second) network speed,
equal to one million or (strictly) 1,048,576 bits.
Byte - A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
Kilobyte - A unit of memory or data equal to 1,024 (210) bytes.
Megabyte - A unit of information equal to 220 bytes or, loosely, one million
Gigabyte - A unit of information equal to one billion (109) or, strictly, 230
Terabyte - A unit of information equal to one million million (1012) or strictly,
240 bytes.
Petabyte - a unit of information equal to 1000 terabytes or 10^15 bytes.
Ram - Random Access Memory
First Laptop
Designed to be the ultimate portable computer, the clamshell-style GRiD
Compass 1101 is the grand-daddy of all present-day laptop computers.
The Compass is very high-tech, with its flat-black, die-cast magnesium-alloy
case, and bright, sharp electroluminescent display (ELD). No other system
packed so much speed and power in as small a case, and none had such a
unique and large, easy-to-read screen, allowing full 80x24 text.
Of course, all of these great features raised the price significantly. At $8150,
the GRiD Compass 1101 was the most expensive personal computer you could
5 First Companies
► IBM-Thomas
J Watson
► Hewlett-Packard-Bill
Hewlett and Dave
► Toshiba-Hisashige
► Apple-Steve Wozniak
► Dell-Michael Dell
First Computer
“On April 7, 1953 IBM
publicly introduced the 701,
its first electric computer
and first mass produced
computer. Later IBM
introduced its first personal
computer called the "IBM
PC" in 1981. The computer
was code named and still
sometimes referred to as
the "Acorn" and had a
8088 processor, 16 KB of
memory, which was
expandable to 256 and
utilizing MS-DOS.”
Important Dates in Computer
1937 Alan Turing: Alan Turing develops the concept of a
theoretical computing machine.
1939 Hewlett Packard: William Hewlett and David
Packard start Hewlett Packard
1950 Hideo Yamachito: The first electronic computer is
created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.
1967 Floppy Disk: IBM creates the first floppy disk.
1976 Apple: Apple Computers was founded Steve Wozniak
and Steve Jobs.
1977 Apple: Apple Computer’s Apple II, the first personal
computer with color graphics, is demonstrated.
1984 Apple Macintosh: Apple introduces the Macintosh
with mouse and window interface.
1991 The World Wide Web: The World Wide Web is
launched to the public on August 6, 1991.
1998 Google: Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry
Page on September 7, 1998.
2002 Approximately 1 billion PCs been sold.
Viruses, Worms, And Trojan
Virus - A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file enabling it
to spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it
Worm - A worm is similar to a virus by design and is considered to be
a sub-class of a virus. Worms spread from computer to computer, but
unlike a virus, it has the capability to travel without any human action.
A worm takes advantage of file or information transport features on
your system, which is what allows it to travel unaided.
Trojan Horse - The Trojan Horse, at first glance will appear to be
useful software but will actually do damage once installed or run on
your computer. Those on the receiving end of a Trojan Horse are
usually tricked into opening them because they appear to be receiving
legitimate software or files from a legitimate source.
► Information
Future of Computers
► Sooner
or later there will no longer be any
computers, but just things like tablets and
portable computers. Holographic technology
will come into play and we will have
computer programs out of thin air.