Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services C² Collaborative Cohort October 18, 2012 Common Board Configuration Date: October 18, 2012 Bell Ringer/Shifting Gears: Thinking/Talking Chips Learning Goal: Learners will take this information back to your school to help others build capacity/awareness for what is needed to strategically plan for incorporating the CCSS Math shifts Benchmarks: Domain 1: Lesson Segment/Addressing Content Domain2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Objective: Today we will review the plans of action for Focus/Coherence, define, and explore the last shift of Rigor by identifying key elements required to teach, understand, apply, and solve math problems Essential Questions: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead and learn for 21st century success in C2Ready Math classroom? Academic Vocabulary: Procedural Skill/ Fluency, Application, Conceptual Understanding, 8 Mathematical Practices Agenda: I do: Define and explore the shift of Rigor We do: Determine teacher and leadership tasks, review plans of action and identify critical elements for understanding the shift of Rigor You do: With the problem provided collaborate to determine the standard(s) aligned, skills/abilities, fluencies, and mathematical practices required to solve a math problem Summarizing Activity: Participation Scale/ Reflective Question Next Steps : Return to your school site as a change agent, to share and continue developing your plans of action with your leadership team to develop next steps for building capacity and implementing CCSS Math at your school Lake County Schools Vision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Academic Services Academic Services Curriculum & Instruction ~ Professional Development ~ Teaching & Learning The Office of Academic Services encompasses the core business of Lake County Schools. We provide guidance and support to develop instructional leaders through the coordination of district curriculum initiatives, professional learning, along with teaching and learning programs that result in improved learning for ALL. Our goal is to work collaboratively with schools to continuously and significantly improve student achievement, align curriculum and instructional practice to Florida’s standards, assist schools to develop their capacity to implement data-driven planning and review processes that foster continuous school improvement. Assurances We will ensure that we work with district staff and school administrators to design and collaborate on systems that address professional learning needs related to improving student outcomes. We will ensure that curriculum is current and at a high level (rigorous) meeting local, state, and national standards. We will ensure that researched-based best practices (programs and processes) are utilized regarding student curricular needs and student learning patterns. We will ensure services are provided that target closing the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students while drastically accelerating the achievement of students of color, English Language Learners (ELL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and students living in poverty. Academic Services Academic Services 21st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration and Leadership 3. Agility and Adaptability 4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5. Effective Oral and Written Communication 6. Accessing and Analyzing Information 7. Curiosity and Imagination Academic Services Bell Ringer: Thinking/Talking Chips 1. 2. 3. First read and think about the question Next , anyone can begin by responding to the question by placing his/her chips in the center of the table until everyone has placed at least one chip in the center. If you still have chips continue the discussion using his or her chips or until time is called. Question Why is developing a plan of action vital for building capacity and professional learning growth as it relates to understanding the mathematical shifts (FOCUS, COHERENCE, & RIGOR) for common core? Academic Services Revisiting Action Plan - Focus What is shift 1? What does it demand? What are the implications for your school as you implement shift #1? What will this mean you have to change about the practices at your school? What challenges/obstacles will you face at your school? What could you remove this semester in order to make room for these shifts? To what extent can you identify students who lack the deep conceptual understanding required for the next phase of learning? Academic Services Revisiting Action Plan- Coherence What is shift #2? What does it demand? What are the implications for your school as you implement shift #2? What will this mean you have to change about the practices at your school? What challenges/obstacles will you face at your school? What could you remove this semester in order to make room for these shifts? To what extent can you identify students who lack the deep conceptual understanding required for the next phase of learning? Academic Services Why RIGOR ??? Rigor demands students acquire a balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application/ problem-solving skills. Academic Services CCSS Engage NY Deep Conceptual Understanding RIGOR Application Procedural Skills and Fluency Research Academic Services Procedural Skill and Fluency Speed and accuracy in calculations Structure class time and/or homework time to practice core functions Practice core functions to understand and manipulate more complex concepts Academic Services Required Fluencies K- 8 Academic Services Student Task Teacher Task Time to practice with intensity and skill in high volumes Academic Services Administrators/ Leadership Task Conceptual Understanding Teach more than how to get the answers, instead support ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives Demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of core math functions by applying them to a novel situation Supports aspects of fluency and application Academic Services Rigor: CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING Student Task Teacher Task Administrators/ Leadership Task Utilize 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice to understand different concepts Demonstrate mastery of content and concepts at a deeper level Academic Services 8 MP CCSS Mastery of skills Explain Standards Demands.. Multistep problems Justify Solving nonroutine Eight Mathematical Practices Achieve The Core Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice Look for and make use of structure Attend to precision CCSS Writers Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Use appropriate tools strategically CCSS Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Academic Services Illustrative Mathematics Standards for Mathematical Practice •Describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. •These practices rest on important ―processes and proficiencies with longstanding importance in mathematics education. Mathematical CCSS pg.6 Academic Services Application( Modeling) Concepts and procedures are appropriately utilized even when not prompted At all grade levels provide opportunities for students to apply math concepts to “real world” situations Other content areas use math concepts particularly, in science , use grade level appropriate math to make meaning. What Is Mathematical Modeling? Is problem finding before problem solving. So often in mathematics, we say ―prove the following theorem or ―solve the following problem. When we start at this point, we are ignoring the fact that finding the theorem or the right problem was a large part of the battle. Henry O. Pollak Rigor: APPLICATION Student Task Teacher Task Ability to apply math in other content areas and real world to make it relevant Ability to choose the correct math concept to solve a problem without being prompted Academic Services Administrators/ Leadership Task Academic Services Instructional Visit Look For Checklist Academic Services Advancements with PARCC for Math • The rigor in the Standards is through Math PARCC innovation, Advancements: technology, and item design… Academic Services Guided Learning Task/Problem Student from three classes at Hudson Valley Elementary School are planning a boat trip. On the trip there will be 20 students from each class, along with 11 teachers and 13 parents. Part A: Write an equation that can be used to determine the number of boats, b, they will need on their trip if 10 people ride in each boat Equation b=_______________ Part B: How many boats will be needed for the trip if 10 people ride in each boat? Show your work. Answer: ______ boats Part C: It will cost $35 to rent each boat used for the trip. How much will it cost to rent all the boats needed for the trip? Show your work. Answer: $_________________ Academic Services Collaborative/Group Learning Task Groups will……. 1. Review the problem independently (2 minute) 2. Together discuss and identify the standards aligned to the problem and determine which fluencies are required to fluently solve the problem 3. Determine the skills /abilities students will need to solve the problem 4. Discuss and identify which Mathematical Practices can be utilized to solve the problem Academic Services Processing Activity: Rally Robin Reflect and share how this information will assist your school in planning, connecting, and implementing key elements for the mathematical shifts required for common core. Academic Services Participant Scale and Reflection (Please complete and turn in) Academic Services