2015-2016 STATE OFFICER CANDIDATE HANDBOOK THOROUGH REVIEW OF THE ENTIRETY OF THIS HANDBOOK IS COMPULSORY FOR SUCCESS AS AN OFFICER CANDIDATE STATE ACTION TEAM Join the DECA State Action Team Congratulations on considering candidacy for the Oklahoma DECA State Action Team. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your leadership skills and professionalism essential for a successful career. Please strongly consider running for state office only if you are very organized, motivated, and eager to work as a team, show initiative and exhibit high moral and ethical standards. Be ready to make DECA your first priority and be willing to present a favorable image on behalf of our organization Oklahoma DECA seeks qualified candidates for the State Officer Action Team. If you wish to improve on the in the areas of social maturity, communication, initiative, integrity, enthusiasm, and teamwork, you may be state officer material! Are Your Eligible to Run for Office? To be eligible for office, you must be currently enrolled in a Marketing related class and be in good standing with the Local, State and National DECA organization. Candidates must currently be a sophomore, junior, or senior DECA member with a scholastic average of 2.5 or higher (on a 4.0 basis) for each previous three completed semesters of school prior to the Oklahoma DECA Career Development Conference. School registrar or counselor must certify grades and affix the school seal or registrar's stamp on the Nomination form. You are required to attend the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) and CareerTech University (CTU). Definition and Roles Officers of the Oklahoma Association of DECA are collectively known as the “State Action Team” and will consist of the following offices: President, and the Regional Vice-Presidents from each state region of Oklahoma DECA. Officers of Oklahoma DECA shall be elected at each annual Oklahoma DECA Career Development Conference and shall continue in office until the close of the next annual conference. Each of the Regional Vice-Presidents will be assigned a secondary set of duties along with their Vice-President’s role to aid in the facilitation of meetings. Responsibilities State officers must comply with policies and procedures as established by Oklahoma DECA. Specifically, state officers shall: Attend all meetings as scheduled. Provide guidance, leadership, and inspiration to all members. Represent the views of the membership, not those of the individual officer. Maintain correspondence with typed, proper style communications. Wear the organization's official blazer when representing DECA. Fulfill their responsibilities, but shall not let them interfere with continuing their education. Refrain from serving on state, district, or chapter nominating committees; endorsing potential candidates; being involved in any sort of campaign activities; or serving as a voting delegate. Notify the state advisor or designee and the division of Business, Marketing, & Information Technology Education immediately of circumstances that prevent carrying out an assignment. Be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing approved services for the Association. Be available to represent the organization as requested and approved by the state advisor or designee and the division of Business, Marketing & Information Technology Education. Abide by the State Action Team Code of Ethics as established by Oklahoma DECA. 2 Duties The elected officers shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the Executive Council, or in the adopted parliamentary authority. 1. Duties of the President. The President shall: 1. preside at all business meetings; 2. preside over the State Action Team meetings; 3. appoint all committee chairmen and members with the approval of the State Action Team and State Advisor for a period not to exceed his/her term of office and assist these committees in their activities; 4. serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of all committees; 5. perform other duties of a presiding officer; 6. promote the general welfare of the Oklahoma DECA Association. B. Duties of the Vice-Presidents. The Vice-Presidents shall: 1. serve in any capacity as directed by the President; 2. accept the responsibilities of the President as occasions may demand; 3. assist in compiling and publishing the State Association Annual Report; 4. serve as a liaison between local member and the State Action Team; 5. contact each assigned local chapter at least every other month; 6. serve in secondary officer capacity as assigned by the State Advisor; 7. promote the general welfare of the Oklahoma DECA Association. C. Secondary Duties of the Vice-Presidents. The Vice-Presidents shall also serve in the following capacities: 1. Secretary a. keep an accurate record of all business and State Action Team meetings; b. promptly submit one (1) printed copy of the minutes and any substantiating reports to the President, State Action Team, and the State Advisor. 2. Treasurer a. present to the association when directed about the financial standing of the organization. 3. Reporter a. prepare and submit the organization’s news to all news media; b. serve as the public relations liaison to other state associations and the national organization; c. compile local chapter activity news for the state newsletter. 4. Historian a. document and submit all historical events such as conferences, meetings, etc. to the state chapter; b. compile local and state chapter activities for the state scrapbook. 5. Chaplain a. charged with appropriate inspirational exercises for council meetings and state association meetings; b. be available for promoting the general welfare of chapter meetings. 6. Parliamentarian a. advise the President and other association members on the orderly conduct of business in accordance with the organization’s bylaws and the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; b. responsible for the general conduct at all business and State Action Team meetings; c. rule on rules of order, should the occasion arise, during business meetings. 3 State Action Team Important Dates for the 2015-2016 School Year Below are dates of meetings and conferences that you are required to attend unless otherwise noted. If any of these dates are changed, you will be notified in a reasonable amount of time. The meeting times and dates are tentative: March 10, 2015 DECA Day at the Capitol Oklahoma City March 24-25, 2015 State Officer Orientation / Training ODCTE-Stillwater April 25-28,2015 International Career Development Conference (ICDC) Orlando, Florida May 26-May 29, 2015 CareerTech University (CTU) Tulakogee Conference Center June 16, 2015 Conference Call Update 10:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Conference Call July 14, 2015 Conference Call Update 10:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Conference Call August 3-4, 2015 CareerTech Summer Conference (1 day required) Tulsa Convention Center | TulsaTech September 1, 2015 Monthly Meeting/ FLC Preparation 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Alexander Conference Room October 6, 2014 Monthly Meeting / FLC Preparation 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Alexander Conference Room October 28, 2015 Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) Embassy Suites – Norman November 17, 2015 Monthly Meeting 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Alexander Conference Room December 15, 2015 Monthly Meeting 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Alexander Conference Room January 12, 2016 Monthly Meeting / Officer Screening 9:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Alexander Conference Room February 2016 CTSO Day at the Capitol Oklahoma City February 8-10, 2016 State Career Development Conference Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills 4 OKLAHOMA DECA STATE ACTION TEAM NOMINATING PROCESSES Step 1: Officer Application Packet Check List Nomination Form Signed Commitment Form Résumé and Short Biography (50 words or less) Candidate Photo (no smaller than a wallet size photo) Official Transcript State Action Team Information Form Permission to Ride/Drive Form Medical Information Form 3 Letters of Reference* *Note: For the 3 Letters of Reference – one must be from your local chapter advisor, and one from your principal. These letters of reference should be mailed separately from your office packet. DO NOT INCLUDE THESE references IN YOUR PACKET. They should be mailed separately by your local advisor. Oklahoma DECA will place in your packet as we receive them. All reference letters are due in the office by the time the application is due. Put all materials in to a envelope, paper clip all documents together (DO NOT STAPLE) and mail to the Oklahoma DECA State Office by December 16, 2014 at 4:30PM. Application must be received in the office by 4:30PM or application will not be considered. No additional pages or materials should be included in this packet. Please send packet of information to: Dustin Devers, State Advisor Oklahoma DECA 1500 West Seventh Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074 Application Review & Notification of Acceptance 1. Each candidate's application forms and materials will be carefully reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Candidates who submit handwritten, incomplete, and/or late application forms and materials WILL BE automatically eliminated from consideration as a candidate. 2. Applicants and applicant’s local advisor will be emailed confirming acceptance as a nominee for State Action Team. 3. Each candidate and their local advisor are required to attend the Officer Candidate Screening on January 13th, 2015 at 9:00AM at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education in Stillwater. 4. Applicants are not candidates until they have passed the officer application and screening process. See the Officer Screening Section for more information on the process. 5 Which Office May I Run For? Potential candidates will be asked to indicate which office they seek on the Nomination Form. The Nominations Committee will rank the candidates based on their interview, examination, nomination form, all letters of reference, and an official transcript. It is recommended that the candidate provide evidence or demonstrate a skill required to be successful in the officer position. Step 2: Officer Screening Each candidate will need to prepare accordingly for the Officer Candidate Screening: Additional Copy of Candidate Nomination Form Preparation for State Officer Candidate Examination Campaign Budget Prepared 1-3 minute Campaign Speech (to be videotaped for www.okdeca.org) Preparation for State Officer Candidate Interview 1. State Officer Candidate Examination, a written test will be taken the day of the interview. The exam will cover such areas as Marketing Management, DECA knowledge, competitive events, leadership, and parliamentary procedure. Material may be taken from any of the following: Marketing Fundamentals Curriculum DECA Direct Oklahoma DECA Online Newsletter Oklahoma DECA Bylaws DECA Officer Handbook Oklahoma DECA Website National DECA Website Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised 2. Campaign Budget, applicants will need to supply a budget for their campaigning materials. This budget will be submitted during the State Officer Candidate Interview to be placed on file in the applicant’s nomination folder. 3. Videotaped Campaign Speech, while at the screening, each candidate will be videotaped giving a 1-3 minute campaign speech to be placed on the Oklahoma DECA website for chapters to view. The recording will only be utilized if the candidate meets the minimum requirements to be placed on the voting ballot at Spring Leadership Conference. (Candidates must come prepared with a speech.) 4. State Officer Candidate Interview, the Nomination Committee will interview all potential candidates. An evaluation sheet is available which will help you prepare for the interview. There will be a possible 300 points that candidates may receive; the breakdown is as follows: Nomination Forms Current State Officers’ Perceptions Candidate Agreement Letter from Principal 2 Letters from Core Teachers Official School Transcript Fall 2013 Examination Interview TOTAL POINTS 20 pts 20 pts 10 pts 10 pts 20 pts 20 pts 100 pts 100 pts 300 pts In order to be considered a qualified candidate, one must receive 210 points (or 70 percent) of the possible 300 points. Qualified candidates and the respective chapter advisor will be notified within a day or two after the screening. 6 Officer Positions The officer positions available for 2015-2016 are President and six (6) Regional Vice Presidents. The President may run as a candidate from any of the six regions. Or you may run for Vice President of the Region in which your school is listed. Only those schools within the candidates region will vote for a Vice President to represent their Region. Candidate must come from one of these schools listed below Region 1 Vice President Tri County Technology Center Vinita High School Broken Arrow High School Jenks High School Jenks High School Tulsa Technology Center Tulsa Booker T. Washington Grove High School Region 4 Vice President Carrie Miller Emily Colvin Debra Coffey Sue Lynn Glidden Liz Wright Arlynda Sexton Ruthann Markham Briana Thurman Norman High School Norman North High School Moore High School Moore Norman Technology Center Southmoore High School Westmoore High School Region 2 Vice President High Plains Technology Center High Plains Technology Center Clinton High School Duncan High School Cache High School Mustang High School Yukon High School Region 5 Vice President Forrest Rogers Marsha Bowers Sherre Shepherd Lesa Hefner Kim Hewett Michael Rachlin Dana Kennemer Midwest City High School OKC John Marshall High School Putnam City High School Putnam City West High School Putnam City North High School Putnam City North High School MetroTech Academy Region 3 Vice President Bixby High School Muskogee High School Ada High School Ada High School Durant High School Latta High School Noble High School Oklahoma School for the Blind Kim Williams Jamie Wilson Belinda Jolly Nancy Holt Carla Stanley Kim Hancock Karen Green Carrie Todd Marilynn Vrooman Brandy Redus Tammy Graves Marie Page Vacant Region 6 Vice President Susan Krebsbach Karen Wilson Melissa Wright Jayna Moore Sandra Jones Stacy Oakley Dawn Owen Susan Young Mock Stillwater High School Ponca City High School Edmond Memorial High School Edmond North High School Edmond Santa Fe High School Francis Tuttle Technology Center Bill Rogers Heather Monks Kim Walters Barbara Inselman Christy Flanigan Natalie Jordan Step 3: Campaigning Campaigning of any kind at the State CDC will not be allowed until the time designated by the State Advisor, at which time candidates will be allowed to set up a campaign booth. No food or drinks are allowed. Cooking is not allowed, no exceptions. Campaigning will not be allowed during the Opening General Assembly. It will be allowed in the Second General Assembly but only during the candidate’s time allowed for his or her speech. Candidates are required to furnish the state office with a resume. Candidates should post their resumes in their campaign booth area. All campaign booths and campaign areas must be completely cleaned up by curfew on Tuesday night. Elections Elections will be held at the Second General Assembly of the Oklahoma DECA Career Development Conference, February 11, 2014. 7 OKLAHOMA DECA STATE ACTION TEAM CAMPAIGNING PROCESSES The campaigning process should be a fun and rewarding experience. It is important that you plan your campaign carefully. A well-planned and professionally run campaign will go a long way in assuring your success as a candidate. PLEASE NOTE: BECAUSE OF THE SCREENING PROCESS, YOU WILL NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT OFFICE YOU WILL RUN FOR UNTIL AFTER THE OFFICER INTERVIEWS. So do not order campaign materials imprinted with the office until you know for sure that you are a qualified candidate for a specific office! The following guidelines may help you in carrying out this important activity. Preparation Prior to State CDC Budget Do not attempt to buy your office. The quality of your campaign should not be based on the amount of money spent. Get sponsors to help defray the cost of your campaign. Use your funds as effectively as possible. Contact Other Chapters Introductory Letter--You may want to send a letter of introduction to all chapters. This might include a photo, resume, who you are, what office you are running for, your goals and objectives, etc. Chapter Visits--You may also want to personally visit some of the chapters to let them get to know you. Slogan You need to come up with a theme or slogan that people will remember and the catchier, the better. Campaign Materials Allow plenty of time when ordering materials. Typical: Brochures or flyers, Buttons, Pencils Wrapped candy Special: (These need prior approval from the State Advisor.) Audiovisual equipment (TV, DVD/Blu-Ray Player, slide show, laptop computers) Campaign materials will not be permitted to be displayed outside your designated campaign booth area. Campaign materials are not allowed on any wall. Campaign materials with sticky backs are not permitted. Campaign materials out of the ordinary must have prior approval from the State Advisor. All candidates will have one table to use as their campaign booth. All campaign materials must be displayed within each candidate's designated area. Easels--You will need to bring your own easels, as they will not be furnished. Posters or banner--Limited by size of your campaign area. Schedule--You may want to make a schedule for your campaign workers (chapter members) to work at your booth. 8 Campaign Booth A booth will be assigned to each candidate (depending on the facility, you may have to share the booth/table with another candidate). Each candidate’s résumé must be posted at the candidate’s booth. You may not set up your campaign booth or begin campaigning before the time designated by the State Advisor. All campaign booths and campaign areas must be completely cleaned up by curfew on the night designated at the State CDC. Cooking is not allowed. Pre-packaged food and bottled drinks including water are not allowed. Any sound producing equipment should be kept at a volume that does not infringe on the campaigning of other candidates. State Officer Candidates will set up booths and meet regarding their campaign the evening prior to Opening Session. Each candidate will have a 6’ table with tablecloth and two chairs. The candidate may bring one standard size easel to be placed behind their table. *The campaign space cannot extend beyond the width of the table provided. State Officer Meeting State Officer Candidates Meeting the night before conference starts. Booths cannot be set up until we are finished with this meeting. Your attendance is required. Held the evening before Opening Ceremony. Explanation of rules and regulations for candidates. Campaign Session (Second General Assembly) Held evening of the Opening session. Each candidate will have an opportunity to deliver a speech. Candidates for president will have three minutes for their presentations; all other candidates will have two minutes. Once the session begins, campaigning will be allowed only during your speech. Campaign materials may be handed out during this time only. Chapter advisors must attend and sit with their students at the Second General Assembly. Failure to do so could result in the disqualification of their students as winners in their respective events. Voting Session Only voting delegates will be allowed in the room during the voting session. All other students, advisors and guests must leave the voting session. If voting delegates do not arrive in time for roll call before the voting session, they will not be allowed in the room and chapters not seated in the designated area during roll call or prior to the session; that chapter will forfeit their votes. 9 SIGNIFICANT NOTES Required Monetary Deposit A monetary deposit of $200 shall be provided by each officer to assist in payments for officer materials such as business cards, official dress, polo shirts, etc. If the term of office is completed, this monetary deposit will be returned to the officer at the end of State Leadership Conference. This deposit must be received on or before on the first day of Officer Training in March. Make POs and checks payable to Oklahoma DECA. Candidate, check with local advisor to answer the following question. Once the candidate has been accepted to run for the State Action Team, the candidate’s school may need an invoice before a PO is created to cover the monetary deposit. Yes, school requires invoice No, school does not require invoice Please provide the address to e-mail or physically mail the invoice to. E-Mail Address: Physical Mailing Address: Addressee (if other than advisor): Address: City: State: Oklahoma Zip Code: Questions or Need More Information Contact: Mr. Dustin Devers, State DECA Advisor Oklahoma DECA 1500 West Seventh Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074-4364 Phone: (405) 743-5117 E-Mail: dustin.devers@careertech.ok.gov 10 DECA STATE ACTION TEAM NOMINATION FORM Please Type All Information Which officer position, are you running for: Please choose one. What Region are you from: Please choose one. If elected as regional vice president, you will be expected to fulfill one of the following secondary duties. Which do you fell most suited for? Secretary Treasurer Reporter Historian Chaplain Parliamentarian CANDIDATE INFORMATION Name of Candidate Phone Number Complete Mailing Address Email Address Name of Parent/ Guardian Phone Number (Please check one) Complete Mailing Address Hometown Newspaper Newspapers Complete Mailing Address Applicant’s Grade Level Please choose one. Grade Point Average: SCHOOL INFORMATION Name of School Phone Number Complete Mailing Address Local Advisor’s Name Cell Phone Number Local Advisor’s Email Address Evidence of leadership ability in school, civic, or other organizations: Name of Organization From – To Office Held The above candidate is a member in good standing of his/her local chapter of DECA. To the best of my knowledge, all information submitted on, with, or attached to this nomination form is factual and exists as presented. The candidate is enrolled in a state-approved vocational marketing related program. Chapter Advisor If elected, I will attend ALL State Action Team Meetings, Leadership Conferences, and other dates specified by the List of Required Dates, adhere to the Code of Ethics, actively serve in office to the best of my ability, and abide by the Constitution and policies of OKLAHOMA DECA. Officer Candidate 11 DECA STATE ACTION TEAM COMMITMENT FORM Desire and willingness to work are major qualities a state officer must possess. Please be sure you have the desire to do your part and are willing to devote your time and efforts for a full year of service to DECA if elected. Please read the commitment form carefully. It is important to realize you are agreeing with all of the commitments. The candidate, advisor, and administrator are required to sign this form with the understanding that a state officer may be removed from office if the state officer does not satisfactorily follow the standards listed below. The State Officer shall: 1. Commit the entire year to the DECA State Action team activities and treat all organization activities as a priority. 2. Be committed to the Marketing Programs as a part of the career and technology education system in Oklahoma. 3. Be willing to schedule my time to minimize conflict at home, work, and school to enable me to maximize my participation in the DECA State Action Team. 4. A monetary $200 deposit is required upon being elected at the State Career Development Conference. This deposit helps to assist in payments for officer materials such as business cards, official dress, polo shirts, etc. If elected it will be refunded to you at the end of your term providing the fact that you have fulfilled your obligations for the entire year as a state officer. 5. Behave in a courteous and respectful manner to your state advisor, your school advisor and your officer team, refraining from language and actions that might bring discredit upon the association. 6. In communication via email, text messaging, telephone or any social networking sites, you must behave in a courteous and respectful manner to your state advisor, your school advisor and your officer team. You must refrain from language and actions that might bring discredit upon the association. You will be verbally warned the 1 st time; 2nd time you are reprimanded you will be written up for the infraction; 3 rd time you will be dismissed from your office. 7. Participate fully in all appropriate activities, conferences, workshops, business meetings, state action team meetings, etc. for which you have responsibility. Absences from these activities will not be accepted and you will result in the forfeiture of your office. 8. Maintain frequent communication with all members of the state action team and advisors. Every memo or communication (email, blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) you plan to distribute to the membership and their advisors must be approved by your state advisor before distribution. 9. Agree to maintain proper dress and good grooming so I will project a desirable image of the marketing student organization at all times. I am responsible for the care of my clothing and realize that wrinkled clothing or worn out hems are not acceptable at any time. 10. Be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by your advisor and team members even though they may not be in agreement with your desires. 11. Serve as a member of the team and always maintain a cooperative attitude. Keep in mind that even if the majority of your team votes and approves a decision or an action you personally don’t agree with, you will accept the decision the team has made and follow through with the decision in a positive manner. 12. Work in harmony with fellow officers, and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other members, officers, advisors, or other partners. Work without complaining about being tired, sleepy or overworked, etc especially in public or around other DECA Members. In conference settings you will be dead tired but you must project a positive attitude. Others are watching and listening. 13. Treat all members of the student organization equally and without discrimination. 14. Avoid places and actions that in any way could raise questions as to my moral character or conduct. 12 15. Forego alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substances. 16. Understand that I will be staying with the officer team during conferences and activities, and will be financially responsible for any damages to property or furnishings in hotel rooms, private accommodations, and/or buildings I am assigned. 17. While staying with the officer team during conferences, meetings or other DECA activities, I agree to respect the curfew that is set by the state advisor. Failing to abide by this rule results in immediate suspension of my office. If found in the rooms of the opposite sex, this rule too results in immediate suspension. NO EXCEPTIONS. 18. Strive through preparation and practice to develop into an effective public speaker and workshop presenter. 19. Write all letters, thank-you notes, reports, and other correspondence regularly and on time. 20. Not violate any state or federal laws. 21. Conduct myself in a manner commanding respect without any display of superiority. 22. Be willing to ask for and accept constructive criticism and evaluation of my total performance. 23. Periodically evaluate my personality and attitudes and make efforts to improve. 24. Communicate any circumstances that prevent carrying out pre-determined plans at assigned Conference to appropriate conference personnel and your advisor. Do not try to handle a situation alone; that is what your advisor is there for. 25. Maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average during the term of office. 26. Knowing that 5 people can serve as an Oklahoma voting delegate if attending the International Career Development Conference, the entire team will be attending the voting session and the caucus sessions without complaint. 27. Allow access to the state advisor and state state action team to any social networking site that a DECA Officer participates in (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.). I understand that these sites will be monitored and I will remove any material that I am asked to. 28. ATTENDANCE: State Officers are expected to attend all planned activities, no excuses. The Fall Leadership Conference, the State Career Development Conference, CTSO Day at the Capitol, DECA Day at the Capitol, DECA Officer Workshop 2 days, the International DECA Career Development Conference and CareerTech University attendance is required. It is not an option. A State Officer will be dismissed if they fail to participate in these activities. All State Action Team Meetings (officer meetings) are required. There will be NO excused absences. A list of activities will be given to each officer at the beginning of their term. This list should be presented to school officials for approval. If enrolled in a college or university it is very important that this same list of events be presented to each of your assigned professors at the beginning of each semester to avoid conflicts. 29. Officers will travel together and shall be housed together as a team or as otherwise directed by the State Advisor to all local, state, and national meetings. 30. The state officer candidate’s local school administration must be made aware of the State Officer Candidate's interest in running for a State Officer position. Thus they are made aware of the student's activities and can be supportive of their DECA State Officer and their Chapter Advisor while attending required meetings with their “high school” student serving as a DECA State Officer. 31. It is imperative that all candidates are on time for all appointments and meeting and that they take an intelligent and willing part in all activities and commitments. In this regard, candidates must be willing to put business before pleasure. 32. State officer agrees to the use of their image and name by Oklahoma DECA for media/promotional purposes. 13 I understand that if I am elected to a State Action Team position, I will be required to attend all activities on the list of Important Dates in this packet, which includes Fall Leadership Conference, State Career Development Conference, CareerTech University, State Action Team Meetings, and other officer activities as assigned. The signatures below indicate: An understanding of the duties assigned to the state officer Acceptance of the responsibility to support and assist the candidate in the performance of the duties of his/her office Ensure that, if elected, officers and advisors are able to attend all required events. I understand that if I violate or ignore any of the above standards, the following consequences may occur: Being removed from the conference and/or activity by the DECA state advisor, state chair, local advisor, or other staff and sent home at their own expense. Have any honors or offices withdrawn. Monetary Deposit not being returned as the term of office was not completed. While serving in the role of a State Action Team member, I agree to abide by all of these commitments and statements. Candidate’s Signature Parent’s Signature I understand the duties of a state DECA officer and I agree to support and assist the candidate in the performance of the duties and assignments during the term of office Advisor’s Signature I understand the duties of a state DECA officer and I agree to support the candidate and advisor in the performance of their duties and assignments during the candidate’s term of office. High School Administrator’s Signature Technology Center Administrator’s Signature NOTE: If a secondary student attends a technology center, both the high school and the technology center administrator must sign. 14 STATE ACTION TEAM INFORMATION FORM Each state officer must complete this form and submit it as a part of the State Action Team Application. This is the document that will be used to order needed items such as: business cards, jacket, polo shirt, etc. Be sure to properly record all information. OFFICER UNIFORM ORDER FORM Gentlemen Dress Jacket / Blazer Size: Example: 34S, 40R, 42L Dress Shirt Size: Example: 14 ½ 32-33, 17 ½ 36-37 Dress Slacks Size: Example: 32 x 32, 36 x 32 Length: 30 Select... 14.5 30 15 34 Neck: 16 16.5 15.5 32 32 Waist 36 38 34 S 36 38 17 40 Chest: 42 44 17.5 46 18 48 32-33 X 40 M 42 44 52 54 Sleeve Length: 34-35 36-37 Inseam 30 32 29 L 50 XL 34 2XL T-Shirt Size: Polo Shirt Size: Ladies Length: Dress Jacket / Blazer Size: Shell Size: 2 Select... 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 Size: 12 12 14 Cut: Skirt Size: Select... S 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 2 4 6 8 10 Size: 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 M L XL 2XL T-Shirt Size: Polo Shirt Size: BUSINESS CARDS / NAME TAG Indicate how you would like the information to appear on your name tag, and business card once you are elected. The address on the business card will be the school address provided in the application, please ensure the address listed on your application is correct. Please type your name as you would like it to appear on your name badge / business card: Would you like a phone number printed on your business card? If yes, what phone number would you like printed on your business card? ( 15 Yes No ) - PERMISSION TO DRIVE FORM Full Name of Applicant / Candidate / State Action Team Member: Please check one or more of the following: I/We give permission for the above member of the DECA State Action Team to drive a personal vehicle to any approved DECA activities such as meetings, conferences, chapter visits, etc. throughout their term of office. I/We give permission for the above mentioned member of the DECA State Action Team to ride with another member of the DECA State Action Team, State Action Team Coordinator, State Advisor, State ODCTE Staff, or another local advisor to any approved DECA activities such as meetings, conferences, chapter visits, etc. throughout their term of office. Required Signatures: ___________________________________________ State Action Team Member Date: __________________ ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date: __________________ ___________________________________________ Local Chapter Advisor Date: __________________ ___________________________________________ High School Administrator Date: __________________ ___________________________________________ Technology Center Administrator Date: __________________ 16 MEDICAL INFORMATION WORKSHEET Complete the following for record on file at the Oklahoma DECA office. During an officer term there are times that the students will be travelling with Oklahoma DECA in state approved transportation. A copy of this medical form is required for students participating in Oklahoma DECA off-site activities. Student Information First: Middle: Last: Date of Birth: Gender: Grade: Male Student’s Home Address: City: Home Phone: Cell Phone: ( ) - ( Female State: Please select Zip Code: Age: ) - Parent / Guardian Contact Information First: Last: Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: - ( Parent / Guardian Home Address: ) Work Phone: - ( ) Relationship: - Please select City State Zip Code: Parent / Guardian Work Address: City State Zip Code: E-Mail: Preferred contact phone in case of emergency: Parent / Guardian Place of Employment: Alternate Contact Information First: Last: Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: - ( Alternate Contact Home Address: ) Work Phone: - ( ) Relationship: - Please select City State Zip Code: Alternate Contact Work Address: City State Zip Code: E-Mail: Preferred contact phone in case of emergency: Alternate Contact Place of Employment: Doctor’s Information Student’s Physician Office Phone: ( Physician’s Office Address: City Student is covered by group or medical insurance: Medical Insurance Information Yes (if yes, complete the following.) Name of Insured: Insurance Company: Group Number: Policy Number: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. ) - State Zip Code: No (if no, skip to next section.) Medical Conditions Questionnaire Current Medications Completely describe any medical conditions that may recur or be a factor in your medical treatment. If officer / candidate is currently taking any medications, please list below: Allergy Physical Handicap Convulsions Medicine Reactions Blackouts Disease of any kind Heart or Lung issues Other Name(s) of Medication(s): Written permission and medical information worksheet / waiver of liability must be completed and on file with Oklahoma DECA before a student/officer can participate in a function relating to Oklahoma DECA. In the event of illness or injury I the undersigned do here by authorize the supervisor to complete/perform the following selected option: 1. Should it be necessary I give permission for immediate medical treatment, and if a parent/guardian/alternate contact person cannot be reached, the signature below gives the acting supervisor / personnel permission to seek medical service for above named officer/participant and gives permission to the physician to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate. You should understand that the Oklahoma DECA has no insurance covering such medical or hospital costs incurred; therefore, any cost incurred for such treatment shall be the participant/officer or undersigned person’s sole responsibility. 2. Should it be necessary for medical treatment; a parent, guardian, alternate contact person must be contacted first before seeking medical treatment. 3. In the event of an emergency, I do NOT give permission for medical treatment. By signing this form, you agree that your student/officer may participate in Oklahoma DECA related activities and excursions. You also agree to release the Oklahoma DECA, its elected officials, employees, and volunteer supervisors from any and all damages, as the result of death and/or injuries of any kind you and your child might suffer as a result of participating in these activities/excursions, except for those that result from gross negligence or wanton and willful misconduct. This agreement to release does not apply to any independent contractors. Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ 17