February 2014 VOL. 1 ONE ISSUE #1 NEWSLETTER North Dakota Association of School Psychologists News from our President: Hello everyone! I hope you’re staying warm and safe through this very cold winter! Our Spring Conference has been set for FRIDAY, APRIL 11th in JAMESTOWN. We will be at Jamestown Middle School in the Thompson Room and the program, food, and drinks are provided for the very reasonable registration fee of $25 with a reduced fee of $15 for interns and students! Please pre-register so we know how many to prepare lunch for and send your registration to Megan Sparrow, PO Box 216, Harvey, ND, 58341. If you need a registration form, please contact Kathy Gewont at 701-662-7690or e-mail at Kathryn.Gewont@sendit.nodak.edu. I’m excited about the program for our Spring Conference! Kerri Whipple, who was formerly head of the NDDPI ELL program will be joining us and explaining how ACCESS for ELL’s scores can be used in data analysis, including scale scores, composite scores, domain scores, and proficiency level scores. She will also teach us how to identify patterns and trends from various data sets (for example, data on curriculum and instruction, demographics, and growth trends). PLEASE BRING 2 YEARS OF ACCESS FOR ELL’S RESULTS WITH YOU FOR THIS TRAINING. Terese Schaefer (PRePARE Crisis Intervention Trainer) will also teach us how to complete threat assessment. This will include reviewing the four key activities necessary when a student makes a threat (Assess, Refer, Monitor, & Support), reviewing the findings of the Secret Service and US Department of Education Safe School Initiative, reviewing the Department of Education 11 questions to use when conducting a threat assessment, distinguishing whether a threat is substantive or transient, and allowing participants to apply threat assessment techniques in case examples. Bulleted text can go here Bulleted text can go here In addition, we will be working together as a state organization to review our Strategic Plan goals, progress toward those goals, and hearing reports from our state committee heads in regard to pertinent legislation, membership initiatives, nominations, website, newsletter, Delete text and place photoit ishere. conferences, and public relations. I believe important that we as an organization remain committed to building our membership, representing that membership at both the state and national levels, keeping our website current and flowing with usable information, and building our knowledge base as professionals. Please join us in achieving these goals! I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in April, THINK SPRING!! Kathy Gewont January 2014 VOL. # ONE ISSUE #1 NDASP Executive Committee and Chairpersons According to the NDASP By-Laws the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, immediate Past President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees. The North Dakota NASP Delegate shall be a voting ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. Currently, Kathy Gewont is NDASP President; Past President is Nikki Johnsrud; President-elect is Sara How; Secretary is Jennifer Stroh; Treasurer is Megan Sparrow. Chairpersons of Standing Committees are as follows: Legislative CommitteeWayne Leben, Membership Committee and Newsletter EditorTara Hanson, Nominations and Elections Committee- Nikki Johnsrud, Website Committee- Marcia Martin, Public Relations Committee- Tamara Waters-Wheeler. Chairpersons of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of a majority of the Executive Committee. Chairpersons will sit on the executive committee to here. with voting power and may appoint as many additional members as are deemed necessary. The chairperson of each Standing Committee will submit, in writing a detailed report regarding committee activities to the Executive Committee during the spring conference and fall business meeting, or at the request of the President. MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR VOL. # ONE ISSUE #1 VOL. # ONE ISSUE #1 COMMITTEE GOALS The Legislative Chairperson’s goal is to inform the Association’s membership about current laws and pending legislation that may impact the role of the school psychologist. The Membership Chairperson’s goal is to develop and implement methods of recruiting and maintaining membership in the association. The goal of the Nomination and Elections Committee is to seek out candidates for open positions on the executive board. The names of these candidates should be presented for the vote on such open positions at the Fall Conference. The goals of the Website Committee is to first keep website current in terms of board members, positions available, and conferences. Second, to post information of interest to members on links pages as they become available. The Public Relations Chairperson’s goal is to promote the role of school psychologists in the state of North Dakota. UPCOMING EVENTS NDASP Spring Conference NASP 2014 Annual Convention WWW.WEBADDRESS.COM