CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 6, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held December 6, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons: Chapman, Cannon, Thomas, Cohen, Segars, and Hines. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief, Danny Watson, Mr. David Vaughan, Fireman, Robert Garland, Mr. Rodney Langley, Fire Chief Jim Stone, Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. Thomas’ three daughters, her brother, several other family members and friends of hers. Also present was News Reporter, Ms. Lisa Rock and a room full of visitors. PRAYER Councilwoman Thomas gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked Council’s permission to move topic for item #9 up on the agenda to item #3-B and add – Presentation from members of staff concerning City’s Website as the topic for item #9. Mrs. Hines made a motion to accept the following changes, which was seconded by Mr. Cannon. All approved the motion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Cohen made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on November 1, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. SPECIAL PRESENTATION – MAYOR TONY WATKINS Mayor Watkins welcomed all of the visitors to the Council meeting. He gave special thanks to Mrs. Thomas for her years of service on the Council. He presented Mrs. Thomas with a “Key to the City” of Darlington. Mrs. Thomas introduced her mother, Mrs. Anna Davis, her three daughters, her brother, her sisters and their husbands, her grandson, cousins, and friends 1 that came to support her. Pictures were taken of Mrs. Thomas and the Mayor and also a picture of her with her daughter. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Committee has started back to work and they have met with the Kalmia Garden Study Club who is interested in continuing the landscaping project between the Council on Aging Building and the City Admin Building. Mr. Langley spoke with the school district and they gave some topsoil to the City to aid in their beautification project. The Garden Club decorated the front of the City Admin Building today and it’s really pretty. Mr. Vaughan said that they plan to continue their landscaping project between the Council on Aging Building and the City Admin Building. He said they are trying to make the garden flow into the two properties. Mr. Vaughan gave Council a copy of a letter he and the Mayor wrote to Miss Mary White. Mr. Vaughan said as a school project, Ms. White needed to do a beautification project, and with permission from our City Manager, Mr. Garland, she chose to beautify the entrance on Highway 52 North as a college credit in one of her classes. Mr. Vaughan said as a gesture of their appreciation they wrote a letter to Ms. White expressing this and in the letter they stated that they would present the letter to Council and have it recorded in the minutes. Mrs. Hines made a motion for the City to recognize Ms. Mary White for her project of beautifying the entrance on Highway 52 North. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. All approved the motion. Mr. Vaughan said the DDRA had their final market on November 19th. He said the market was so successful they extended it to six months. Mr. Vaughan said they will start back in March and their goal for 2012 is for eight months. Mr. Grady Culbertson has agreed to chair the committee again. Mr. Vaughan recognized the Darlington Firemen’s Rescue Squad for their outstanding work with the Christmas Parade. Also, thanks to The Darlington Kiwanis Club and the Ministerial Association. Mr. Vaughan said they have set the date of April 19, 2012 for “The Taste of Darlington”. FIRST READING ON ORDINANCE #2011-23- INCREASE SANITATION CHARGE TO $2.00 A MONTH Mr. Garland suggested that they have a public hearing on this to get public input. Mr. Garland said he would like to schedule the meeting for Monday, December 19, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Mr. Garland said The City has lost $55,000 due to the discontinuation of the yellow bags and this is a way for us to replace this revenue. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, to accept the City Manager’s suggestion to 2 have a public hearing on Monday, December 19, 2011. Mrs. Cohen said she is not in favor of a public hearing unless there is some indication that Council is in favor of this. Mrs. Cohen said she is not ready to take action on this with the amount of information they have. She said she would like to see the numbers on this and get a little bit more detail. Mr. Chapman asked about the $2.00 fee. Mr. Garland said the City will add $2.00 more to residential only. Mrs. Thomas said it raises her concerns that businesses are paying the same as residential customers. Mrs. Thomas said we need to get some figures together before we try to inform the public. Mayor Watkins told Council they can adopt first reading now and have a work session prior to the public hearing. Mr. Garland told Council if they don’t do something we will be losing approximately $4,600 a month. Mr. Segars said over the past couple of months they have discussed the possibility of us doing away with the yellow bags and there would be a revenue hole there. Mrs. Hines said her water bill went up $15.00 more this month unless she has a leak. Mayor Watkins said a number of people have had their meters replaced over the last six months and some people have seen an increase in the water usage because the new meters are reading more accurately. Mrs. Thomas said a public hearing is to hear from the public, but if Council already has something set in their minds that they are going to do, they might as well have first reading. Mrs. Hines said she suggested two months that Council needs to meet with the citizens and have a pubic hearing because there has been so much confusion over the years about the yellow bags and where the money goes. Mr. Chapman said he agrees with Mrs. Hines. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to amend the motion and table the discussion until we get more information. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. All voted for the motion except Mr. Segars. DARLINGTON RESCUE SQUAD FUNDING REQUEST Mrs. Denise Cavanaugh and Mrs. Ann Arnold appeared before Council to ask for money to support the Darlington Christmas Parade. Mrs. Cavanaugh said they have received funds from the City’s accommodation tax fund in the past, but for some reason they did not get it this year. Mayor Watkins said $800 is in the City’s budget. Mr. Garland told Mrs. Cavanaugh to send a letter requesting those funds that are budgeted and we will get them a check. RESOLUTION APPROVING CDBG PROCUREMENT GUIDELINES Mr. Garland said the Commerce Department requires that the City pass a resolution for The CDBG Procurement Policy. Mr. Chapman made a 3 motion to approve the resolution, but to change the date to Tuesday, December 6, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. WEBSITE PRESENTATION – MR. RODNEY LANGLEY Mr. Langley said he was asked to give Council an update on the City’s website. He said about 90% finished with the structure of the website. Mr. Langley had three I-pads so Council could see how the website looks at the present. Mr. Langley suggested that a number of employees are trained in how to move around and make corrections on the website. He said he would like to have the minutes on the website, the agenda and also a place to post concerns. Mr. Langley said they are also looking into how we can put our code or ordinances and zoning ordinances on the website. Mr. Langley said this website costs about $3,200, but to have all the bells and whistles on our website will cost us $35,000 or more. Mr. Langley said we are going to try and make it do the things we need for it to do for $3,200. Mr. Garland said to host the website will probably cost us $400-$500 a year. Mr. Langley said we need more than one staff person to be able to update the website. He said probably the girls in the front office, Mr. Bass and himself. Mr. Chapman said he read an article and it said that if you are not communicating through facebook, twitter and some of the other social media, all of your other means of communication is obsolete. Mrs. Cohen wanted to know how this website differs from the one the City already has. Mr. Langley said this one is a lot easier to add and change information. Mr. Langley said we never received any training from the website we currently have. He said we sent them a lot of the information that’s on the existing website. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland said the Auditors, Hill & Jordan began work on the 20102011 audit last week and the projected completion date is the first week of February, 2012; 2) The Renaissance Planning document changes have not been received from the Department of Commerce; 3) The Street Department’s move to 586 W. Broad Street is complete; 4) W. Darlington Sewer Project has begun and the project completion date is May 15, 2012; 5) There has been no news on the EDA Sewer Grant ($2,000,000) which includes wastewater improvements for the treatment plant, a new truck line for Georgia Pacific and it also includes improvements for the lift station; 6) Mr. Garland said he would like to move the responsibility for the Election Commission from The City of Darlington to The County. Mr. Garland said 4 they already handle our municipal election, but we would like for them to be able to make decisions on any election issues we may have. Mr. Garland said the members that are on the election commission have been on it for a while and probably don’t want to serve on it any longer. Mr. Garland said we won’t have an election for the next two years, so we have plenty of time to train new people. Mrs. Thomas asked if there was a board for election commission members. Mr. Segars said there is, but the same ones are reappointed over and over. Mrs. Hines said we need to check and see if anyone else is willing to serve on the commission. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to put this item on the agenda for our next Council meeting. She said this will give them a little more time to study the issue. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion except Mrs. Thomas; 7) The Miss Darlington Pageant will be Saturday, December 10, 2011-6:00 PM at the SIMT Building Florence-Darlington Technical College; 8) General Fund balance $16,650.09; Hospitality Tax Fund $284,768.17; Fund Balance Acct. - $317,803.91; W&S General Fund $524,668.88; W&S Fund Balance $329,795.99; Capital Fund 439,515.73. REMINDERS: Friday, December 9, 2011 – Fire Department Christmas Banquet, 7:00 PM at Darlington Country Club; City Office Closed for Christmas Holiday on December 23rd, 26th & 27th, 2011; City offices closed New Year’s HolidayMonday, January 2, 2012; Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. – Regular City Council Meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, to go into Executive Session at 8:40 PM to discuss a personnel issue. All approved the motion. After coming out of executive session Mr. Segars made a motion to appoint Mr. Lee Bass as the Assistant City Manager and increase his salary by $4,500. Mr. Chapman seconded the motion. Councilpersons Cannon, Cohen, Thomas, Chapman, Segars and the Mayor voted in favor of the motion. Mrs. Hines voted against the motion. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, the meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM. 5 Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 6 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held November 1, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Cannon, Thomas, Cohen, Segars, and Hines. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief, Danny Watson, Mr. David Vaughan, Fireman, Robert Garland, Mr. BoBBy Ross and Ms. Capers. News Reporter Ms. Lisa Rock and visitors. PRAYER Councilman Cannon gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Cannon made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on October 4, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked Council’s permission to add Item #4A (Mrs. Capers -) because she asked to be on the agenda, but she was left off in error. There was no objection from Council. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Committee received a report from the Kalmia Garden Study Club that they plan to continue their landscaping project between the Council on Aging Building and the City Admin Building. He said they are trying to make the garden flow into the two properties. Mr. Vaughan said they had some drainage problems there and Mr. Garland asked Davis & Brown to look into the drainage there. He said the estimate Davis & Brown presented to them was $7,000-$9,000 to put in a drain basin. Mr. Vaughan said their committee didn’t feel like this would be reason enough to put in a drain basin based on what little problem they felt like was there. He said they will look at other ways to solve the 7 problem. Mr. Vaughan said Senator Malloy’s office secured some trees through a grant project that they applied for and they have offered The City of Darlington 150 trees to be used with the Renaissance Project. The Final Market on the Square will be on November 19, 2011. Mr. Vaughan said the committee is working on plans to resume the market in April or May, 2012. Mr. Vaughan said the DDRA sponsored a Halloween Contest and Carolina Bank was chosen as “The Best Business Participation”. Mrs. Tammy Rheuark was chosen as “Cutest Costume” and Joey Saleeby as “Most Original Costume”. Mr. Vaughan said the tentative date for open house on the Square will be Thursday, December 1, 2011. He said he is not getting a lot of cooperation from businesses that have normally done it. The Carol Lighting Ceremony will be December 4th at 5:00 PM. The Christmas Parade sponsored by the Darlington Firemen’s Rescue Square will be on December 4th as well, at 3:00 PM. He said he and Ms. Haidee Stith met Mr. Mike Bell and his assistant from Florence-Darlington Technical College with the small business center there. Mr. Vaughan said they are going to help them with some training they are required to do prior to the loan process. Mr. Vaughan said one of the things they had to do was establish a steering committee which they did and the following persons are on the committee: Mrs. Deatrice Barrett Curtis, Ms. Judy Alexander, Mr. Billy Hill, Mr. Henry Funderburk and Mr. Vaughan. The City of Darlington has agreed to have an insert in S.C. Black Family Expo paper advertising the loan grant program. Mr. Vaughan said with The City’s new website the DDRA will be able to have a link to it, but after talking with Mr. Langley they will have to have a web page in order to have a link. He said Ms. Heather Jordan has agreed to help him with the web page. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know how much the grant is for. Mr. Garland said the grant is for $100,000. Mrs. Thomas asked if some of the money will be loaned to people to start small businesses. Mr. Vaughan said the loan is not to necessarily start small businesses, but it’s a small loan amount to either existing businesses or starting businesses. He said one of the regulations of accepting this grant is they have to follow UDSA guidelines which state that we have to offer training classes for potential applicants. He said the grant is more about teaching people how to manage funds in a business of their own and educating them how to sustain a business over a period of time. Mr. Vaughan said the Steering Committee sets the criteria for the loan and once the applications are received and they have been through training, then the committee will determine how much they will loan and to whom. Mr. Vaughan said one unique thing about the program is that once the money has recycled through the program it comes back to us and we can keep on loaning it out and can become a continuing 8 program. Mrs. Hines asked Mr. Vaughan how much will be set aside for salaries. Mr. Vaughan said the grant itself says $40,000 will be for the loan. He said there’s breakdown of administrative fees and training fees. MRS. MARY CAPERS – SHELTER FOR ABUSED AND BATTERED WOMEN Mrs. Capers said she is interested in establishing a shelter for abused and battered women in the City of Darlington. She said the name of the shelter is “The Passageway of Hope” and will be operated as a non-profit organization with 501 (c) (3) status. She said their mission is to provide a safe haven for three to five women and/or children depending upon the amount of time required to get each women or family a permanent and/or in a safe shelter. Mrs. Capers said “The Passageway of Hope” will be funded with private donations from churches, civic organizations, service organizations, local businesses, individuals and grants. The target date to open the shelter is February 19, 2012. Mrs. Capers asked Council to have “The Passageway of Hope” included in the City’s budget for next year. Mr. Garland said staff has agreed that once “The Passageway of Hope” gets their 501(c) (3) status approval letter, The City of Darlington will give the organization $1,500 from the contingency fund. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to give “The Passageway of Hope” $1,500 once they receive their 501 (c) (3) approval from IRS. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. Mayor Watkins asked Mrs. Capers if her organization will be affiliated with Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Mrs. Capers said they have spoken with Ms. Hammonds and for some reason she wants her group to work for them instead of trying to establish a place in Darlington. Mrs. Capers said she wants Darlington to have their own shelter. MR. BOBBY ROSS Mr. Ross passed out copies of an “Itinerary of Events” to Council members for the Man Stanley Legacy 97th Anniversary Celebration. Upon motion of Mr. Cannon, seconded by Mrs. Hines to receive Mr. Ross’ presentation and documentation as information, which unanimously carried. MR. LEE BASS – APPROVAL OF BID FOR DILAPIDATED HOUSING Mr. Bass passed out to Council members a packet for demolition of houses which included the winning bid from Scott’s Construction to do the demolition. Mr. Bass said due to the number of complaints, these are the 9 houses to be torn down. Mr. Bass said the owner of the property at 405 Second Street has contacted him and asked if he could work on the house instead of it being demolished. Mr. Bass said he told him as long as it is within the time frame between this approval and when Scott’s Construction goes out on the 15th of this month. He said as long as the homeowner shows effort by pulling the permit and is doing work on the house he will remove the property from the list as continues to work on the property. Mr. Bass said he will do this with any house that he has on his list as long as the homeowner shows a good faith effort to bring the house up to code. Mr. Bass said if the homeowner of the house on Second Street follows through and begins works on his house, he would like to be able add another house in its place if Mr. Scott will tear down another house at the cost of what this house was without changing the numbers. Mr. Cannon made a motion to allow Mr. Bass to expend $14,200 to tear down dilapidated houses on his list. The motion was seconded by Mr. Segars. All approved the motion. RENAISSANCE PLANNING GRANT UPDATE Mr. Garland said he has not received comments back from the Department of Commerce. He told Council he will have a planning study for them in December. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland said we had a fire on the Square (The Smith Building) burned on October 9, 2011. Our firefighters were on the scene for almost twenty-two hours with considerable assistance from The City of Florence, West Florence Fire Department, Hartsville Fire Department, Darlington County Fire District, Windy Hill Fire Department and Palmetto Fire Department. He said four businesses burned in the fire. Mr. Garland said the only injury he is aware of is Chief Stone who tripped over a fire hose and broke a rib. Mr. Garland thanked the Police, Fire, Street and Water Departments for their part in assisting. He thanked Franklin Dowdy and Merrill Sheffield and their crews for working on Sunday to assist in the clean-up after the fire. Also Assistant Chief, Robert Garland & Chief Stone were on the scene Sunday as well to help with the clean-up. Mr. Garland said it was outstanding work by our fire crews and those that came to assist us to make sure the fire did not spread. He said this could have been very serious especially with the apartments over the buildings; 2) The Street Department’s move should be completed before Thanksgiving; 3) West Darlington CDBG sewer project bid has been approved by the S.C. Department of Commerce. We will have a preconstruction meeting 10 Thursday or Friday and once that’s done Trussell Brothers Construction should be able to start work. Mr. Kinsaul said the estimated time to complete the project is 6 months. 4) Mr. Garland said Mr. Cannon asked him to look into a possible ordinance enforcing the wearing of pants at a certain level. Mr. Garland said he couldn’t find any other town that has anything on their books concerning this, but they do enforce this through indecent exposure. 5) Mr. Garland said Mr. Vaughan mentioned the Palmetto Pride trees that we have for southeast Darlington. Mr. Garland said this was because of Senator Gerald Malloy who called us about a month ago and informed us that Palmetto Pride has some trees left over and he expedited our application to make sure we got it in. 6) General Fund balance $85,174.37; Hospitality Tax Fund $264,718.36; Fund Balance Acct. - $667,790.21; W&S General Fund $457,347.98; W&S Fund Balance $329,585.98; W&S Capital Fund 436,459.26. REMINDERS: Tuesday, November 8, 2011-7:00 AM-7:00 PM Municipal Elections for the City of Darlington; Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 6:30 PM – City Holiday Supper at Sanders Street Gym; Saturday, November 19, 2011 – 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, Marketplace on the Square; Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 5:00 PM – Christmas on the Square; Friday, December 2, 2011 at 4:00 PM – Arbor Day Ceremony on the Public Square; Sunday, December 4, 2011 from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting on the Public Square; Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Regular City Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, the meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 11 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 4, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held October 4, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Cannon, Chapman, Cohen, Segars, and Hines. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief, Danny Watson, Mr. David Vaughan, Fire Chief Stone, Fireman, Robert Garland, Police Officers, Michael Cooke, Jimmy Davis, Mrs. Rosena James, Ms. Jannie Lathan; News Reporters Ms. Lisa Rock and Mr. Dwight Dana and a host of visitors. PRAYER Councilwoman Cohen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Cannon made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on September 6, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked for Council’s permission to move item #6 (Little League State Champions) to item #3-A. There was no objection from Council. LITTLE LEAGUE STATE CHAMPIONS – MAYOR WATKINS Mayor Watkins introduced the senior boys of the Little League State Champions of South Carolina to everyone. Mayor Watkins told the boys had proud he and the entire community is of them. He told the boys their athleticism is a gift from God which will help them throughout life, but they first must be a student because they can’t play ball if their grades are not up to par. Mayor Watkins admonished them to learn as much as they possibly can now and when they go to college because their education is the most important thing. The coach for the team introduced each of the players. Mayor Watkins presented each member of the Little League team with a gift 12 certificate from Wendy’s. Also a group picture was taken for the newspaper. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the “Residential Pride Award” recipient will be presented to Mrs. Peggy & Mr. Eddie Sheffield at 108 Columbian Street and the “Business Pride Award” recipient will be presented to Hardees’s Restaurant at the corner of S. Main & West Broad Street on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 11:00 AM. He said the Kalmia Garden Study Club has resumed their meetings and said they would make a presentation to them for funds to assist them in some of their beautification projects. Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Committee has voted to recommend to Council to ask Mrs. Dot Stone to serve on the Beautification a three year term beginning October 1, 2011. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to appoint Mrs. Dot Stone to serve a three year term on the Beautification Committee to begin October 1, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. Mr. Vaughan said the Design Review Board received a request for signage at 1032 Pearl Street called Endless Sun, but they took no action because in their investigation he found they did not have a city business license. He said the request was sent to the Codes Enforcement Department. Mr. Vaughan said the Design Review Board met in September and they recommend unanimously that Mrs. Barbara White serve on the Design Review Board. Mrs. Hines made a motion to appoint Mrs. Barbara White to serve on the Design Review Board effective October 1, 2011. Mr. Cannon seconded the motion. All approved the motion. Mr. Vaughan said the fifth “Market on the Square” in September was held in conjunction with the Williamson Park 5K run and both were a success. Sweet Potato Festival will be Saturday, October 8, 2011. The last “Market on the Square” for this year will be Saturday, November 19, 2011 and will start again in March or April of 2012. He said he attended a Microenterprise Workshop in Richmond, Virginia for the USDA Micro-enterprise Loan Grant program last month. A steering committee for the loan grant will be formed and they have identified several people off the DDRA Board as well as from the community. Mr. Vaughan said he has met with some of the City officials concerning the empty buildings on the Square and they have agreed that they will identify the properties that need the attention and he will contact the owners of the properties and ask for permission to promote the business if they want to sell and/or rent their property through the City’s website and the local newspaper. Mr. Vaughan said the City is by no means getting into the real estate business. He said he will have the 13 contact information, the square footage of the building and we may include a picture, with the owner’s permission on the website. He said the local paper has agreed to provide the same information to a link on their website as well. SALEEBY LOOP PAVING – MR. HOWARD GARLAND Mr. Garland said Council instructed him to look in the budget and see if we could find $19,000 which was the estimate of the cost of paving Saleeby Loop. Mr. Garland said this is not something we can afford to do right now. He gave Council two options: 1) Dip into our reserve to pave Saleeby Loop; or 2) We put if off until the spring when we do our budget planning & processing and we go through all of our city owned streets and prioritize paving based on the list. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to prioritize the city-owned streets as far as which one needed paving the most and that we fund it through the regular budget process. She said to make this systematic to make sure we address the city-owned streets that need to be paved on an annual basis. Mrs. Cohen said to make funding the repaving a part of the budget process. Mr. Cannon wanted to know who would be selecting the streets or finding the streets that need to be paved. Mayor Watkins told him they could appoint a committee and the City Manager can get with the Street Department and identify the city streets and then look at the condition of them. Mrs. Hines seconded Mrs. Cohen’s motion. Mr. Cannon amended the motion to include that a committee of Council members will look at the streets to be paved. Mr. Chapman seconded the motion. All approved the amended motion. Mr. Garland suggested that Council wait until December or January, sometime after the election. All agreed. SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE BANNING SALE/POSSESSION OF BATH SALTS #2011-22 Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Cannon, second reading on ordinance banning sale/possession of bath salts, which unanimously carried. Mr. Garland said to note that we’ve added a penalty for this which is 8170-Possesing Bath Salts in the City of Darlington or Synthetic Marijuana and if a person is found guilty the fine is $630.00 or 30 days in jail. Mr. Garland said this is on the recommendation of our Police Chief. All approved the motion. OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEW POLICE CHIEF AND OFFICER STAFF 14 Mayor Watkins administered the Oath of Office for Police Chief to Danny Watson. Once sworn in, Chief Watson administered the Oath of Office to his Staff (Jimmy Davis, Michael August, Maureen Valazak, Kim Nelson and Michael Cooke). HOSPITALITY TAX – MR. PUNK BONNOITT Mr. Bonnoitt said he wanted more understanding on why the hospitality tax is still in place since it was being collected to do certain projects and they have been done and why it is only the restaurants that pay this tax. Mayor Watkins said monies collected from the hospitality tax has to be used for recreation or tourism. Mayor Watkins said the reason we don’t impose a hospitality tax on everyone is because we have certain limitations. Mr. Bonnoitt said this is unconstitutional. Mayor Watkins told him the State allows municipalities to do this. Mr. Bonnoitt said he can’t understand why out of over 2,000 people, the City picked out 500 to carry the whole load. Mrs. Cohen said the customers pay the extra 2%. Mr. Bonnoitt said he understands the customer pays the tax, but that still doesn’t make it right. Mayor Watkins said we are all taxed and nobody likes to pay taxes. Mr. Bonnoitt feels he is taxed heavier than others. He said why not put a 1% or 2% tax on everybody. Mr. Bonnoitt said he doesn’t mind paying taxes to help the City or County, but he doesn’t think he should be penalized because they are operating a restaurant. Mr. Cannon asked Mr. Bonnoitt how he would raise funds for recreation and tourism. Mr. Bonnoitt said we would need to determine if we would make better what we have or do we really need something else. Mr. Cannon ask Mr. Bonnoitt does he see a need for recreation in the City of Darlington. Mr. Bonnoitt said there is a need, but his analogy is- a new school is not going to make better students or a new ball field is not going to make better athletes. Mr. Bonnoitt said he is for the community and for recreation, but he’s back to why he has to pay the hospitality tax. Mr. Chapman said not only do the people in the City eat at restaurants, but County residents eat as well and this is a fair way to spread the tax to everybody. COUNCILMAN CANNON Mr. Cannon said there should be a law against the young boys walking around town with their pants below their rear end. He said this is sending a negative signal to the younger kids that are in school and we need to do something about this. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Cannon if he feels the same way if there is no skin showing. Mr. Cannon said he doesn’t want to see their underwear. Mayor Watkins said he is not condoning it and when 15 he sees it it is offensive, but he feels it is in expression of something. Mr. Garland said he will research this and get back with Council. Mr. Cannon made a motion for the City Manager to check with other towns to see if they have an ordinance or a similar ordinance for this. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Free flu shots will be offered to city employees and Council members free of charge at HMES on the Square - October 12, 2011 from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM; 2) The City-County Supper scheduled for October 31, 2011 has been cancelled. 3) Mr. Garland said a number of years ago SCANA put a gas line in our sewer pipe on Wells & Orange Streets and it has caused the line over the years to crumble. In February of 2010 we had a major cave-in at Orange and Wells Street because the gas line ruptured which SCANA came and repaired. Mr. Garland said we got with them a few months ago and asked them to come in and take the line out of the pipe, which they did today. Mr. Garland asked Mr. Kinsaul if they replaced the old pipe that was in the line and he said they repaired it. Mr. Garland said the reason we have been having those cave-ins around the fire department is because SCANA put the gas line in incorrectly a number of years ago and put the gas line in the pipe. Mr. Garland said he hopes removing the gas line will fix this short term. 4) Mr. Garland said the trash bag issue has come up again with the County and it looks as if they are going to do away with the yellow bags. Mr. Garland said the City will need to decide what to do. Mr. Garland recommended that they form a committee of council and staff to look into this. Mr. Garland said since Mr. Langley was our former manager and was involved twenty years ago when a committee was put together to discuss the yellow bags, he would suggest putting him on the committee from a staff stand point. Mrs. Hines, Mrs. Cohen and Mayor Watkins will serve on the committee to decide what the City will do concerning the yellow bag issue. 5) Mr. Garland said the W. Darlington Sewer Project will start next month. 6) EDA Sewer Project engineering should be completed by the middle of November and we will bid out the project early next year. 7) The Street Department move to W. Broad Street has encountered a lot of problems, but it is nearing completion. They are looking to move in sometime in November 2011. 8) The Renaissance Planning Grant draft is going to be sent to the State Department of Commerce probably in the middle of November. This determines if the City can apply for Renaissance funding of $500,000 in 2012 and $500,000 in 2013. Mr. Garland said if the grant does not cover B Avenue, we will include it in our budget. 9) General Fund balance 16 $113,176.18; Hospitality Tax Fund $246,680.35; Fund Balance Acct. $867,772.27; W&S General Fund $541,619.93; W&S Fund Balance $329,382.88; W&S Capital Fund 419,507.29. REMINDERS: Saturday, October 8, 2011 S.C. Sweet Potato Festival on the Public Square 9:00 AM-4:00 PM; Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 PM- The Regular City Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Cannon, seconded by Mrs. Hines, the meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 17 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held September 6, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Chapman, Cohen, Segars, Hines, and Thomas. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Rodney Langley, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Interim Chief, Danny Watson, Mr. David Vaughan, Fire Chief Stone, News Reporters Ms. Lisa Rock and Mr. Dwight Dana. PRAYER Mayor Watkins gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Cohen made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on August 2, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked for Council’s permission to move item #6 (Dixie Youth Machine Pitch State Champions) to item #3-B. There was no objection from Council. DIXIE YOUTH MACHINE PITCH STATE CHAMPIONS – MAYOR WATKINS Mayor Watkins asked the coaches and the Dixie Youth Machine Pitch State Champion team members to come forward and he presented each team member with a gift certificate from Hardees. Also a group picture was taken for the newspaper. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Board will be selecting next quarter’s “Residential Pride Award” & Business Pride Award recipients at their next meeting for the fourth quarter. Mr. Vaughan said the fourth “Market on the 18 Square” was the best one so far. He said the market for September will be in connection with the Williamson Park 5K Run. He said we will not have the market in October because of the Sweet Potato Festival and the last market for this year will be November 19th. They will not have the market during the winter months, but will make plans to start back in either March or April of 2012. Mr. Vaughan said he will be in Richmond, VA next Thursday and Friday for a Microenterprise Workshop which is hosted by the Federal Reserve. He said this is in preparation to the grant that the City has received. Mrs. Thomas said she gave Mr. Vaughan an official letter in the month of May asking that a certain person serve on the Design Review Committee, but the person called her last week and said she has not received a letter or anything saying that she was being considered. Mr. Vaughan told Mrs. Thomas the board has not had a meeting since he received her letter so he has not taken any action on it. Mrs. Thomas told Mr. Vaughan he could have acknowledged that she submitted the letter. He said he was waiting for a meeting to present the person’s name to the committee. Mr. Vaughan said he would be happy to notify the person. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins’s asked Council’s permission to amend the agenda by adding item #11-B (Emergency Ordinance on Bath Salts). There was no objection from Council. MR. BOBBY ROSS Mr. BoBBy Ross appeared before Council to thank them for their support of the event for Arthur “Man” Stanley. MR. WILLIE MULDROW Mr. Willie Muldrow said on behalf of the NAACP, they have a couple of concerns about the selection for the new Police Chief. He said they would like to see the work experience of the three applicants before they make their final decision, their arrest record with a breakdown of race and nature of the crime, any diversity training that took place throughout his/her career and if any complaints were raised against the applicant during the time they were in law enforcement. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Muldrow to give a list of their concerns so they could be given to the committee. PROCLAMATION ON ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE ABUSE Mayor Watkins read and signed a proclamation on alcohol and substance abuse and presented to Ms. Robin Miles with Rubicon in Hartsville, SC. 19 MISS DARLINGTON PAGEANT – WILL ISGETT Mr. Will Isgett read a letter from Darlington Scholarship Pageant Organization, requesting funds for the 2012 Miss Darlington/Miss Darlington Teen Scholarship Pageant. Mr. Isgett said they will crown two representatives on December 10, 2011 at Florence-Darlington Technical College in the Pee Dee Electric Auditorium. He said any assistance from the City will be greatly appreciated. Mrs. Hines made a motion to give $500.00 for the Miss Darlington/Miss Darlington Teen Pageant. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. All approved the motion. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Isgett if there was anything preventing him from having the event in Darlington. Mr. Isgett said we have a wonderful auditorium, but it is in bad shape and there are no bathrooms. He said the windows in the auditorium are broken out, the stage has holes in it, and there is no sound or lighting system. Mr. Isgett said he wishes that he could have the pageant here in the City because he feels he could draw more people from within the city and surrounding areas but there is no place in Darlington to have it. He said if the auditorium could be fixed up to the right standards, then we would be able to bring events and money into our city. APPROVAL HOUSING DEMOLITION – LEE BASS Mr. Bass passed out a list of approved demolitions with one proposed addition. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen to proceed with Mr. Bass’ demolition list of homes. All approved the motion. SPECIAL PRESENTATION – THE LATE CHIEF COX’S FAMILY Mayor Watkins presented Mrs. Angela Cox and her sons with a plaque that the Florence Optimist Club had given her in honor of the late Chief Cox. Mayor Watkins presented Mrs. Cox and her sons with a “Key to the City”. There was a moment of silence for the late Chief Cox. SALEEBY LOOP PAVING REQUEST – MRS. GLORIA HINES Mrs. Hines said she was approached by several people a while ago about the condition of Saleeby Loop. She said Saleeby Loop is owned by the City and the Street Department has patched the street numerous times. Mrs. Hines said she has also received complaints from the family members of those that have had to go to the dialysis center in the ambulance. She asked City to try and find the funds so the City can pave this street. Mr. Garland gave an estimate of $19,000 to pave this street. Mr. Garland said this isn’t anything we had budgeted, but we can take the money from the reserve fund. Mayor 20 Watkins asked if it would be sufficient to make this priority number one so that when funds become available we can do this project. Mrs. Hines said we have used these funds before and this is much needed. Mrs. Hines made a motion to take $19,000 out of reserve fund to pave Saleeby Loop for the dialysis center. Mrs. Thomas seconded the motion. Mr. Chapman wanted to know how we came up with the price of $19,000. Mr. Garland said we received a quote from Industrial Paving. Mrs. Cohen said we would be setting a precedent of using the reserve fund which is money we are borrowing from when there is a shortfall in our general fund. Mrs. Cohen said it’s appropriate to prioritize the streets that we need to do and to plan on doing them the way we had been doing it. Mrs. Hines said she understands this but if it wasn’t for the sick people going to the dialysis center she would say wait until next year. Mr. Garland said when the money comes in from Burger King, we can use that money. Mrs. Cohen asked since the street has been like this for years, we can’t wait a few months to take it out of our budget? Mrs. Hines said nobody has ever raised the question because most people don’t know the street is owned by the City. Mrs. Thomas asked if we will use money from the reserve fund or the suggestion made by Mr. Garland to use the money coming from Burger King? City Attorney, Mr. Bill Howle said the hospitality tax money coming from Burger King would not qualify to fix the street at Saleeby Loop. Mr. Segars asked if we have the time to allow our city Manager to look through our budget between now and the next Council meeting and see if there is another line item he can take the funds from. Mrs. Thomas made a motion to pave Saleeby Loop, but we allow the City Manager to find the funds. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. USDA GRANT APPLICATION FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT INTERIM CHIEF DANNY WATSON Interim Chief Danny Watson said several months ago the late Chief Cox asked him to write another USDA Grant for the purpose of funding equipment for an animal control officer. The grant would also be to replace an aging unmarked vehicle. Mr. Watson said he has proposed to ask USDA for a $60,000 grant of which the City would be responsible for $27,000 match. Mr. Watkins said we would be able to purchase an unmarked SUV, a truck and funds for nets, snares, tranquilizer gun and protective gear for the officer. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know what the new SUV will be used for. Mr. Watson said to replace one of the aging unmarked SUVs. She asked if the new Police Chief will take over the vehicle that the past Chief Cox’s SUV. Mr. Watson told Mrs. Thomas he can’t tell her exactly how this is 21 going to transpire at this moment because he doesn’t’ know. Mrs. Thomas asked again who will the unmark SUV that is named in the grant be for. Mr. Watson said the SUV we intend to purchase will replace an aging SUV. Mr. Chapman made a motion to approve the USDA grant. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. BATH SALTS ORDINANCE – INTERIM CHIEF WATSON Mr. Watson passed out copies of info on bath salts to Council. He said this is a designer drug that many of the stores are selling and we need to pass an ordinance to ban the sale of it. Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Chapman, to ban distribution and the sale of bath salts. Mrs. Cohen amended the motion to approve emergency ordinance to that effect. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland reminded Council of the MASC regional meeting next week in Florence, SC at the Florence County Library; 2) Mr. Garland said he received a complaint from Mrs. Ruby McRavin – 307 D Avenue about rusty water. Mr. Garland said Mrs. McRavin brought him a sample of her water and it was consumed with rust. Mr. Garland said the block of D Avenue where Mrs. McRavin lives was not included in the CDBG grant in 2003 because it did not meet the income requirements. Mr. Garland said he would like to include this as a part of our Renaissance Village Grant and it if’s not approved to be a part of the grant, we will put it in next year’s budget to take this block and update the waterlines. Mrs. Thomas said she has a couple of bottles of rusty water at home too. She said it doesn’t appear it is just confined to D Avenue. Mr. Kinsaul said that is why we have a pattern of flushing around the City. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know if she appeared before Council and complain about her rusty water will they replace her water pipes too. Mr. Kinsaul said he hasn’t proposed replacing waterlines anywhere; Mr. Garland said this might be something to look at. Mr. Kinsaul brought a sample of water from the meter and it was very clear. Mr. Kinsaul said in his opinion, the McRavin’s have an internal plumbing problem. Mr. Kinsaul said he has not seen where the McRavin’s water sample came from and they won’t explain where it came from. He said his guess would be from the hot water heater. Mrs. Hines asked Mr. Kinsaul if he told Mrs. McRavin about flushing her hot water heater and she said she would. Mr. Garland said Mrs. McRavin requested the City to pay for their bottled water her family has to consume each week even though he would not recommend 22 it. 3) Renaissance Grant Community meeting will be Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at Cain Elementary School at 5:30 PM; 4) The Planning Grant was contracted out to Pee Dee COG. The engineering is being handled by Goldie & Associates and the storm water portion is being handled by Ms. Jannie Lathan. 4) Ms. Holly Schofield will be coming this Thursday to take a look at our general ledger system and help us get ready for the auditors. 5) General Fund balance $105,735.64; Hospitality Tax Fund $226,122.87; Fund Balance Acct. - $1,167,732.60; W&S General Fund $529,918.03; W&S Fund Balance $329,173.14; W&S Capital Fund 409,874.00; 6) Deadline for Mayor & Council filing will be Friday, September 9, 2011 at 5:00 PM. 7) Mr. Garland said he has received twenty-three applications from five states for the Police Chief’s position. He said the selection committee will rank the top ten applicants. Mr. Garland said he will then choose six out of the ten and then he’ll do phone interviews with the six. He will then choose the final three out of the six and have them do face-to-face interviews with council and the public. Mr. Garland reminded Council that under our form of government the final selection for the job is up to the City Manager. Mayor Watkins said Council needs to go into executive session to discuss a legal issue. REMINDERS: Williamson Park 5K Walk/Run, Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 9:00 AM on the Square; On Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PMMarketplace on the Square; Elks convention and Parade, Saturday, October 1, 2011-Public Square; Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:00 PM- The Regular City Council Meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to go into executive session at 8:59 PM to receive legal advice from our City Attorney Mr. Bill Howle. Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mrs. Hines, the executive session ended at 9:48 PM. 23 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 24 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 2, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held August 2, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Chapman, Cohen, Segars, Hines, and Cannon. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Rodney Langley, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief Jay Cox, Mr. David Vaughan, Mr. Robert Garland, Fire Chief Stone, Police Officer Kim Nelson, Mr. Sidney Boyd and News Reporter Ms. Lisa Rock and Mr. Dwight Dana. PRAYER Mrs. Hines gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on July 5, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Board presented the “Residential Pride Award” to Mrs. Martha Damon – 801 S. Dargan Street and the “Business Pride Award” was presented to Council on Aging at 402 Pearl Street. He said the DDRA continues to work with “The Darlington Market on the Square” which was held on July 16, 2011 and it was successful. Their initial plans were to start the market in May and go through August, but the Williamson Park Committee has asked that they partner with them, so they will have the “Market on the Square” on Saturday, September 17, 2011. Mr. Vaughan said he and Mr. Grady Culbertson appeared on Channel 15 Carolina Live hosted by Mr. Cecil Chandler and as a result of this Mr. Chandler has asked that they email him each month and he will promote the “Market on Darlington Square” on his television program. Mr. Vaughan said they have asked Mr. Lee Bass to serve on their DDRA Board as an ex officio member representing the “Market on the Square”. Upcoming events: 25 August 20, 2011-9:00 AM-1:00 PM will be the next “Market on the Square”. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked for Council’s permission to add a brief executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss an economic development issue. This will be item #11. MATTHEW SUBER – COMPLAINT AGAINST POLICE DEPT. Mr. Suber said on July 22, 2011 there was a courtesy summons to be delivered to him, but he didn’t know anything about it. Mr. Suber said he was at Ms. Angela Fordham’s residence on Coker Street (she was at the meeting with him) at the time and Officer Danny Watson and two females came to the home and inquired if he was there. Ms. Fordham told officers that Mr. Suber was there and when she went to get him, Officer Watson came into her house uninvited about this summons. Mr. Suber said Officer Watson told him he was under arrest and he asked him, “Under arrest for what”? Officer Watson told him because he had a warrant for him. Mr. Suber said he asked a simple question, “May I see the warrant”? He said Officer Watson said, “I don’t have a warrant, you need to get up and move before I throw you out the house”. Mr. Suber said he got up and started walking at which time Officer Watson grabbed him. He said Ms. Fordham has damage in her house as a result of Officer Watson grabbing him. (Mr. Suber took a picture on his camera phone, but he said it was not very clear). Mr. Suber said he was pushed upside the wall and his hands was behind his back and when they handcuffed him, he raised his arm a little to relive the pain and Officer Watson jumped on his neck, grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the floor. Another officer came running in the door (Officer Martin) and they have him on the floor and he gave the order for them to taser him. He said the first taser hit him in the leg. Mr. Suber said the witnesses at the house told the officers he didn’t do anything, but they were told to keep their mouths shut; get back or they would be under arrest. Mr. Suber showed Council the taser mark on his stomach and his back. Mr. Suber said there was no resistance from him he just asked a simple question. He said he thought he had a right to ask this question. He said he thought the Judge issued the warrant and the police officers serve them. Mr. Suber said if Officer Watson does this to him, they will do it to somebody else. Mr. Suber said on top of that, he is given two more tickets for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He said he is then put in the police car and taken to the police station where he sat in the hot car for approximately 26 thirty minutes while they look for the warrant. Mr. Suber said it’s not fair and he wants Officer Watson to be reprimanded for this. He said he is not looking to sue the City or anything, but he wants it noted in his record that the officer was wrong. Mrs. Hines asked Ms. Fordham if she witnessed the same thing that Mr. Suber described and she said, “Yes”. Mrs. Hines asked Ms. Fordham if Mr. Suber resisted arrest and she said. “No”, Officer Watson walked into her bedroom and actually pulled Mr. Suber out of her bedroom. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Suber if he had a written statement of the incident and Mr. Suber said since he had his witness he didn’t think he would need to write a statement. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Suber and Ms. Fordham to write a statement so that he could present it to the Chief of Police or the City Manager so that we can look into this matter. PASTOR MAXINE RICHARDSON – OUTREACH HOUSING Pastor Richardson requested $100,000 in funds which will allow The Darlington Outreach Initiative to fix fifteen houses. Mayor Watkins told Pastor Richardson that the City has an application on file for the Renaissance Village Grant which should cover the renovation of houses in this area. Mayor Watkins told Pastor Richardson that her request would be considered and could possibly be involved with the Renaissance Village area. Mayor Watkins told Pastor Richardson that we can’t say how much we could appropriate, but it is contingent upon our acceptance of the grant. Mrs. Hines said Council told Pastor Richardson at a previous meeting that if our application was accepted we would consider the houses in the Renaissance area. BID APPROVAL WEST DARLINGTON SEWER GRANT Mr. Garland received a letter from our engineers, Davis & Brown, recommending that we award the sewer grant to Trussel Brothers Construction Company in Irmo, SC with a bid of $444,070. The next lowest bid was from RWF Construction Company in the amount of $445,000; The highest bid was from Greenwall Construction Company in the amount of $683,000. Mr. Garland said the grant amount is for $419,000, so we would have to cover the difference. Mr. Kinsaul recommended taking $25,070 out of the W&S Capital Fund. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to accept the low bid in the amount of $444,070 from Trussell Brothers Construction Company. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion. USDA SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPROVAL 27 Mr. Garland said Ms. Haidee Stith and Mr. Davis Skipper (intern) worked on a USDA grant in the amount of $98,500 for small businesses. Ms. Stith wrote two grants previous to this one where we partnered with other entities. This time our partner is Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association and most of the money will go will go to them. The City will be a passthrough. The check will be made out to The City of Darlington, but the money will be passed on to DDRA. The City of Darlington is responsible for a local match of $12,000 which is for in-kind services, i.e. Davis’ office, use of conference room, phone, and copy service so it’s really no cost to us in actual money. Mr. Garland said he needs Council’s approval to proceed. He said the DDRA Board met July 13th and approved it unanimously. He said this grant is meant for low-to-moderate income minority business owners. Mr. Vaughan said the total amount of the grant that can be loaned is $40,000 because it is a repayment plan. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mr. Cannon, to proceed with USDA small business grant, which unanimously carried. DILAPIDATED HOUSING – MRS. GLORIA HINES Mrs. Hines said dilapidated houses are a city-wide problem, not just one area in the City. Mrs. Hines said the previous Building Inspectors concentrated on one area of the City and now Mr. Bass is doing the same. She said she rode through several areas of the City and she has several houses in much need of repair. Mrs. Hines wanted to know why only one area is targeted and there are other dilapidated houses that are eyesores in other parts of the city. Mrs. Hines said her list of houses include streets such as Broad Street, Warley, Spain, S. Ervin, Reservoir, Cotton, etc. Mrs. Hines said the warehouse on E. Broad and Columbian is probably on the historic register and what would happen in a case like that. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Bass if he concentrated on a single area. Mr. Lee Bass said that statement was not completely accurate because he has a list of forty houses that range from every part of the city. Mrs. Hines told Mr. Bass he just got that list since she brought this up last month. Mr. Bass said he has had this list since he’s been with the City and if she wanted to take a look at it she could have asked. Mrs. Hines asked Mr. Bass why he only gave her a list with a few houses on it if he had a list with forty houses on it. She told him if he wanted to be honest about the situation he should have given her the list a long time ago. Mr. Bass said he had this list about four months after he came to work for the City and he adds to it constantly and as the houses are torn down they are deleted from the list. He said if at any time if anyone asked him for a “master list” of the houses, he would have given them one. Mrs. Hines told 28 Mr. Bass this is inaccurate because she has been in his office and has asked him several times for a list of houses to be demolished. Mrs. Hines said he asked him for “the list” and even if she didn’t say “master list” he should have given her a list with all the houses. Mr. Bass told Mrs. Hines she asked for a list of the houses he was preparing to take down and that’s what he gave her. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Bass how is the determination made as to what houses are taken down first, is it based on observation or complaints. Mr. Bass said the majority of determinations are complaint driven. Mayor Watkins said we are not trying to avoid going into any particular neighborhood if there’s a problem, but we are trying to focus on the worse homes first. Mr. Bass said every time he’s presented a list of houses to be torn down, he’s never received any opposition from Council. Mrs. Hines said she disagrees with that because since she has been on Council there are two houses that were just torn down and she’s been complaining about those for eight years and they were worse than some of the other houses that were on the list. Mr. Bass said he can only speak for what happened since he’s been here and the two houses Mrs. Hines is speaking of has been taken down. Mr. Bass said as Mayor Watkins pointed out, He prioritize the houses based on the number of complaints they receive. Mr. Garland said Mr. Bass would do more, but he is limited because of the budget. Mr. Bass said he’s had thirteen houses taken down since he’s been with the City. Mrs. Hines asked where the houses were located and Mr. Bass said Third Street, Shuler Street, Tallulah Street, Gandy Street, Railroad Avenue, W. Hampton Street, First & Second Streets, Guest Street & Whipple Street. Mrs. Hines said these are all in the same area and this is her point. Mayor Watkins said what he has seen in the last few months is Mr. Bass bringing pictures of homes to Council and getting feedback from them. Should it be Council’s policy that they start at the top of the list regardless of where they are? Mrs. Hines said, “Yes” because some houses that she’s seen were not the worse ones and they were taken down. Mayor Watkins said, so it’s not a disagreement about the policy, but they have a disagreement about the judgment. Mrs. Hines said what made her take a second look at this is because she looked at her list of homes to be torn down from the previous inspector and all of the houses were from the same area. Mrs. Hines asked Mr. Bass for a copy of his “master list” of houses to be torn down. In answer to the question about the warehouse, Mr. Bass said the warehouse is in the historic district, but they will have to do all repairs according to the Historic Landmarks Commission. Mrs. Hines asked how long do they have? Mr. Bass said thirty days, but it takes a longer process to remove a historic building or house. Mrs. Hines checked Mr. Bass’ list by her list and his list did not have the same houses 29 that she had on her list. Mayor Watkins suggested that Mrs. Hines & Mr. Bass get together and discuss the houses on the list. YELLOW BAG PROGRAM – MRS. GLORIA HINES Mrs. Hines said quite a few people have asked her about the yellow bags. She said Hartsville opted out of the yellow bag system with certain restrictions. Mrs. Hines suggested that we have a public hearing about the yellow bags so we can see what the citizens want. Mayor Watkins suggested that on August 15, 2011 County Council will have second reading on this ordinance, so we should wait and see what County Council does. Mr. Kinsaul said if the City doesn’t go with the yellow bags our garbage trucks will have to go to Bishopville, SC which will incur additional costs for fuel. Mr. Cannon said we need to wait and see what Darlington County does first. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland said the first day to file for Mayor and Council positions will be Friday, August 26, 2011 and will end on Friday, September 9, 2011 at 5:00 PM; 2) The City will be applying for a USDA Housing Rehab Grant which Ms. Haidee Stith has found for us. Mr. Garland said he believes a match of 10% required. He would to partner this with our Renaissance Grant application because he feels if we apply for USDA it will help strengthen our Renaissance Grant application. 3) MASC scheduled their regional meeting for Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 11:00 AM at the Florence County Library. 4) General Fund balance $176,926.96; Hospitality Tax Fund $246,421.85; Fund Balance Acct. - $1,167,692.93; W&S General Fund $384,529.80; W&S Fund Balance $328,963.53; W&S Capital Fund 398,495.50; 5) City Attorney, Mr. Newton Howle said he has been in consultation with the lawyer for Burger King and they want to send the City a check for $42,000. Mr. Garland said when Burger King opened their new store on Lamar Highway in July, 2010 they started charging the 2% hospitality tax even though their business is not in the City limits. Within the last month or so someone noticed Burger King was charging an extra 2% and they are not in the City limits. Mr. Garland said enough people started complaining and the news media started checking into, so Burger King calculated how much money has been collected. Mr. Garland said he sent Mr. Bass and Mr. Langley to Burger King to see if they wanted to annex into the City, but they did not. Mr. Garland said the check will have to be held in escrow for six months and if anyone comes in with their receipts and requests a refund for hospitality tax that has been paid to Burger King, we 30 will reimburse them. Any money that is left over after claims are made will go into the hospitality tax fund. REMINDERS: Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM –Marketplace on the Square; Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 10:00 AM – Dedication of Arthur W. Stanley W. Gymnasium; Saturday, September 3, 2011 Mayo Alumni Association all day at Wells Stadium; Monday, September 5, 2011 – Labor Day –All City Offices will be closed. Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM- The Regular City Council Meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion of Mr. Cannon, seconded by Mr. Segars, to go into executive session at 8:06 PM to discuss an economic development issue. Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to end executive session at 8:36 PM. Mayor Watkins said (without naming the individual) to empower the City Manager to use the resources of the City and develop a plan and approach two separate individuals or entities and interest them in a cooperative venture with the City of Darlington to improve the economic vitality of the City of Darlington. Mr. Segars made a motion to empower the City Manager to develop a plan to speak to certain parties to explore the possibilities to bring this vision to fruition. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. Mrs. Cohen, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Segars, Mr. Cannon and Mayor Watkins voted in favor of the motion. Mrs. Hines voted against the motion. (Mrs. Hines said she voted “no” because this is a touchy situation and she thinks something should have been said before now. She said this should have been considered a long time ago, it shouldn’t have taken a letter for us to consider this). ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Segars, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. 31 Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 32 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 5, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held July 5, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Cohen, Segars, Hines, and Thomas. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief Jay Cox, Mr. David Vaughan, Mr. Robert Garland, Fire Chief Stone, Mr. Stewart Hucks with USDA and News Reporter Ms. Lisa Rock. PRAYER Mr. Segars gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on June 7, 2011 and a Special Meeting on June 28, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to strike the word “budget” on the work session minutes and add the words “storm water” to read “storm water work session. Mrs. Hines seconded Mrs. Cohen’s motion to amend the minutes. All approved the motion with the noted change. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Committee met in June and they nominated two additional members to recommend to Mr. Garland for approval, but due to vacations these individuals have not been contacted yet. Mr. Vaughan said the committee voted not to meet in July, but will meet again in August, 2011. Mr. Vaughan said the Pride Awards will be presented in July. He said the Design Review Board approved signage for 502 Pearl Street to change name from Maxway to Roses Express and also signage at 301 Pearl Street for Drs. Thomas Phillips, Steven Coker and Emily McDaniel Stonerock of Carolina Medical Alliance, Inc. The second Market on the Square was held on June 18, 2011 and was successful with 31 vendors. After Market on the Square in August, 2011, the committee will decide if they will continue with the market after August. Mr. Vaughan said 33 they have a prospect for the hardware store on the Square and possibly the barber shop next door. Mr. Vaughan showed Council a copy of the letter he wrote to Mr. Garland requesting permission for Darlington High School to put falcon flags around the Square. MR. STEWART HUCKS – USDA Mr. Hucks passed out copies of “letter of conditions” to Council for the purchase of two new police cars and two golf carts. The letter of conditions establishes conditions which must be understood and agreed to by Council before further consideration is given to out application. The letter is not to be considered as grant approval or as a representation as to the availability of funds. Mr. Hucks read several important points that he said Council needed to go over. He said the City will be contributing $38,700 and the USDA Grant of $47,300 gives a total project cost of $86,000. Mr. Hucks said he brought the forms with him and if Council accepts the letter of conditions, the forms must be signed by Council and also stamped with the City’s seal. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to proceed with the grant application and to accept “letter of conditions” from USDA. Mrs. Hines asked Chief Cox if this is something different from when he appeared before Council asking for five new police cars. Chief Cox said this is different. Mrs. Hines then asked Mr. Garland where the $38,700 would come from. Mr. Garland said his understanding was this grant would be for police cars that we have already purchased in April. He said this is more or less a reimbursement for the money we have already spent. Mrs. Thomas asked if the $38,700 is a previous grant for the cars. Mr. Garland told Mrs. Thomas that Council approved this in April, but the budget included the first payment which was approved in June, 2011. Mrs. Hines said she is confused because we already have the police cars and this is saying we are getting additional cars. Mayor Watkins and Mr. Garland said this will displace two of the cars that normally would have been purchased by the police department. He said those cars will now be used for the grant match. Mr. Garland said we only need to spend $9,500-$10,000 for the two golf carts because that was part of the original application. Mr. Garland said one of the carts will be used on the Square by Lt. Buffkin and Chief Cox said the second would be used by the bike officer on days where they couldn’t ride and also where it would expand their function where they could cover more ground for the day. All approved the motion. AGENDA CHANGE 34 Mrs. Hines made a motion to strike item #7 (First reading on Water Revenue Bond). The motion was seconded by Mr. Segars. All approved the motion. POLICE MUNICIPAL MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Chief Cox said the City has always had mutual aid agreements with other departments. He said there are fifteen or sixteen judicial circuits in the State and each one has an LEN (Law Enforcement Network) and each month they come together in their prospective circuits and have traffic check points. Chief Cox said somewhere in the State an officer was injured, but the governing body that the officer was from said they were not aware of this and they were not going to cover it. So now, when these agreements come about they are to present them to the governing body (Council) to sign off on them saying they approve this. Chief Cox said the agreement basically says if a person works for us we cover them and we agree to help each other in a time of need. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to enter into a police municipal mutual aid agreement with other governments and we will be responsible for our people and they will be responsible for theirs, which unanimously carried. ENGINEERING AGREEMENT RENAISSANCE PLANNING GRANT Mr. Garland recommended that we accept Goldie & Associates to handle the engineering on the Renaissance Planning Grant. Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Segars, to accept recommendation of Mr. Garland and have Goldie & Associates to handle the engineering on the Renaissance Planning Grant, which unanimously carried. APPROVAL OF DEMOLITON LIST OF DILAPIDATED HOUSES Building Inspector, Mr. Lee Bass said Mr. Roosevelt Scott has completed the demolition of the four houses that were approved last month. Mr. Bass gave Council a list of six houses to be demolished. Mr. Garland asked Mr. Bass if proper notice has been sent to the homeowners. Mr. Bass said he was waiting for Council’s approval before he sent any notifications to the homeowners. Mrs. Hines asked about the house at 114 Avenue H. Mr. Bass said the State came and removed the homeowner from the house because it was not livable and the man’s sister would not make the repairs to the house. Mrs. Hines asked if funds from the Renaissance Grant be used to fix this house. Mr. Garland said it’s a possibility, and if the grant is approved, it would a year or so from now before anything is done. Upon motion of Mr. 35 Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to allow Mr. Bass to proceed with the list of homes and notifying the homeowners. Mrs. Cohen said she has concerns about the house at 114 Avenue H. Mrs. Cohen said if it’s possible to fix this house we may want to approve the rest of the houses on the list and see what can be done for this one. Mr. Bass told Council if they want him to add another house in the place of 114 Avenue H, he will. Mayor Watkins said he’s seen the house and doesn’t see why we would pass over it. Mrs. Hines said she not saying to take the house off the list, but she would like for houses that could be salvaged to be given consideration. Mrs. Thomas asked if all of the houses on the list have been cleared by probate court. Mr. Bass said he went to probate to find out who the heirs are before he sends letters to them. Mr. Bass said this is just the preliminary process. All approved the motion except Mrs. Thomas who voted against the motion because of the wording. The motion passes. STORMWATER REPORT – JANNIE LATHAN Ms. Lathan thanked Council for the opportunity to work for the City. She said the work session was one of the best she’s had throughout her entire career. Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to accept storm water report from Ms. Jannie Lathan as information. All approved the motion. City Manager, Mr. Garland recommended that Ms. Lathan work with grant writing for CDBG or EDA funding for storm water grant applications. He said since Ms. Lathan possesses the talents necessary to write these grants, we would want her to do this for us. Mayor Watkins said the motion would be to allow City Manager to work with Ms. Lathan in the role of consultant and grant writing for storm water in conjunction with the W&S Director, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul. Mrs. Hines made a motion to accept Mr. Garland’s recommendation concerning Ms. Lathan. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. Mrs. Thomas told Mayor Watkins that Mr. Garland said that Ms. Lathan would work under the City Manager, but then he asked for a motion adding Mr. Kinsaul. Mayor Watkins said Mr. Garland mentioned Mr. Kinsaul. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know who Ms. Lathan would be working under. Mayor Watkins said the City Manager. Mr. Garland said Ms. Lathan will be reporting to him if it concerns the grants, but if it’s related to other issues, it will more than likely be Mr. Kinsaul because his background is not in cleaning out catch basins. Mr. Garland said storm water would be under Mr. Kinsaul, but cleaning of the drains and basins would be in the street department under Mr. Sheffield. Mrs. Hines said Ms. Lathan knows her job and is quite capable to do what the City needs that is why we are trying to get her on board. Mrs. Thomas wanted 36 the record to show that she was not saying anything to degrade Ms. Lathan’s qualifications she was just trying to find out who she would be under the direction of. All approved the motion. DARLINGTON COUNTY CULTURAL REALISM COMPLEX – WILHELMINA JOHNSON Mrs. Johnson was not present at the onset of this discussion, but Mrs. Cohen said they could proceed because she had done a little homework on it. Mr. Garland told Council Mrs. Johnson’s request was included in their information. Mrs. Cohen said she visited the summer camp today and she is doing a very good job. She said this is a summer program and Mrs. Johnson said there are 20-25 kids in the program ages 4-16. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that we approve $1,200 of funding that would be specifically for the CRC Survival Fest for Children summer program. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. Mayor Watkins said the funds will come from Community Promotions line item. Mrs. Thomas said even though Mrs. Johnson asked for funding from community promotions, but yet she was already listed under accommodations. Mrs. Thomas said Mrs. Cohen previously said she doesn’t think the City should give the same organization funding from both line items. Mrs. Cohen said we should do one or the other. Mrs. Cohen said she did say something different, but they were having a discussion at the time. Mrs. Cohen said this motion is specifically for the summer camp. Mrs. Thomas asked Mrs. Cohen if she found out at the time she was visiting the complex if the kids were paying a fee. Mrs. Thomas asked about the expenditures for volunteer/professional help. She also asked Mrs. Cohen if they provided the kids lunch. Mrs. Cohen said if they provide lunch maybe it’s through the nutrition program. (Mrs. Johnson came in at this time) Mrs. Thomas wanted to know if the $2,000 expenditure is for volunteer staff or professional staff. She also wanted to know if they charge the children a fee. Mrs. Johnson said when it comes to the CRC Center for 39 years she doesn’t have to tell them anything. She said they have operated voluntarily for all those years for nothing and she’s not looking for them to question what’s going on there because they should know. Mrs. Johnson said, “Yes” they charge the children $40.00 for the enrichment program. All approved the motion. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) The pump at by-pass well was taken offline to be cleaned. 2) Two or three weeks ago he consulted with managers from other municipalities about what they are doing concerning their employees in the summer months while 37 it’s hot. Most of them said they have their employees come in at 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM, so he consulted with Ms. Carroll, Mr. Kinsaul, and Mr. Sheffield about this and after talking with the employees they decided to move our people from 7:00 AM-3:30 PM schedule. This schedule will stop at the end of August, but if it’s still hot we will continue until temperatures cool down a little. 3) Sixty-seven people attended the swimming lessons taught by Mr. James Ward and sponsored by YMCA @ the Gandy Pool. Twenty people completed the swimming lessons; 4) the portion of Third Street that had the sewer problem was repaved last week. 5) Mr. Garland said he, and the City Treasurer will meet with Ms. Jackie Breland and Mr. Rob Jordan next week. 6) General Fund balance $333,395.59; Hospitality Tax Fund $224,913.55; Fund Balance Acct. - $1,167,657.50; W&S Capital Fund $395,368.18. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, to go into executive session at 8:36 PM to discuss an economic development issue and also a legal issue concerning the police department. Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to end executive session at 9:00 PM. PARKING LOT Mr. Segars, made a motion to make an offer to Trinity United Methodist Church that the City will pay for half of the cost of repaving the church parking lot so that the City can continue to use it. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. All approved the motion. REMINDERS: Saturday, July 16, 2011 9:00 AM-1:00 PM – Marketplace on The Public Square; Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM – Regular Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. 38 Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 39 CITY OF DARLINGTON PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2011 A Public Hearing of Darlington City Council was held June 7, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Cannon, Cohen, Segars, Hines, Thomas and Chapman. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, Ms. Rosena James. Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief Jay Cox. News reporters Ms. Lisa Rock and Mr. Dwight Dana. Mayor Watkins opened the meeting at 6:05 PM. Mayor Watkins said the purpose of the meeting is to hold a public hearing on the 2011-2012 budgets. There was no public comment concerning the 2011-2012 budgets. Mayor Watkins said one of the last items considered at the work session was “community promotions” line item. Mrs. Cohen asked if a second letter was sent for community promotions. Mr. Garland said we did not send out a second letter, but phone calls were made asking for additional information and some were not sure of their 501 ( c) (3) status, so they couldn’t answer back. He said one said they were going to answer back and did not and another said they were going to give us a letter and never did. Mrs. Cohen asked Mr. Garland if he would be zeroing out anyone who hasn’t submitted a letter and if they submit a letter later he will then reconsider their request and bring before Council. Mr. Garland said, “Yes”. Ms. Hines asked Mr. Garland if Ms. Capers told him she never received the first letter. He said, “Yes”, she told him. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Garland gave Council members a copy of a letter from Mrs. Wilhelmenia Johnson requesting $3,200 for the CRC Center from the “community promotions account. He said Mrs. Johnson brought the request in Friday and he doesn’t have a recommendation on it either way because he has not had time to study it. Mr. Garland said CRC Center was not included in the community promotions letters that were sent out because she gets money out of the “Accommodation Tax” line item. Mr. Garland said letters were not sent to 40 organizations listed under “Accommodation Tax” only to those listed under “community promotions” even though Mrs. Johnson specifically asked for funding from “community promotions. Mrs. Cohen said she doesn’t think we should give the same organization funding from both line items. She said we should do one or the other. Mrs. Cohen asked about 914C-255 (storm water) line item which has $165,000 in it, but $50,000 of it is for water tower maintenance. She suggested moving the $50,000 to the capital line item. Mr. Kinsaul said this is not capital because he is not going to buy anything. He said if he were to move the $50,000, he would move it to line item 912-227 (Well & Pump Maintenance). Mayor Watkins said a motion needs to be made at the regular meeting. He said the motion will be to move $50,000 from 914C-255 to 912-227. Mrs. Thomas asked what Council decided on the letter from CRC. Mayor Watkins said they can consider this at any time because it did not meet the requirements that we asked for. Mrs. Cohen said she and Mr. Garland talked about disaster recovery for the computers. Mr. Garland said we researched this last summer, but did not have the money to do this at the time. Mr. Garland said he talked with Mr. Langley and line item 590-265 (Professional Services) has $13,500 budgeted and it will cost approximately $1,800-$1,900 to archive all of our records and have them stored off site and we can use this line item for that. Mrs. Cohen wanted to know why the revenue we received from the Housing Authority was cut in half. Mr. Garland said he was told the Housing Authority didn’t get their certification was the reason why their funding was cut. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know who the Chairperson is for the Housing Authority. Mayor Watkins said Mrs. Dorothy Wearring. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know what the chain of command is if a renter has a complaint against the Housing Authority. Mayor Watkins explained that there are board members that and they do have by-laws which abide by. Mrs. Thomas said she can’t understand how the Housing Authority cannot have some way to regulate how long a person stays on the board. Mayor Watkins said they have by-laws and they are public record. Mrs. Thomas asked Mayor Watkins to instruct Mr. Earl Johnson to give her a copy of the by-laws. Mayor Watkins said he would. Mrs. Thomas said the Housing Authority is treating the tenants badly and nobody knows who to go to. Mayor Watkins said they should go to the Director and if they are not satisfied at that point, and then goes to the board. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know where they would go if they are not satisfied with the board. Mr. Garland said they will need to go to the federal authorities after that. Mrs. Hines said a couple of her clients have had problems with the Housing Authority fixing things in the apartments. Mr. Garland said if a group of Council members get together 41 and go to a board meeting their concerns would be more effective than anything else. Mayor Watkins ended the Public Hearing at 6:53 PM. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held June 7, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Cannon, Cohen, Segars, Hines, Thomas and Chapman. Also present Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Lee Bass, and Ms. Rosena James. Water Superintendent, Mr. Freddie Kinsaul, Chief Jay Cox, Mr. David Vaughan, Mr. Robert Garland. News reporters Ms. Lisa Rock and Mr. Dwight Dana. PRAYER Mr. Cannon gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on May 3, 2011 and a Special Meeting on May 24, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. Mrs. Cohen said to include in the minutes from the work session on May 24 th that preliminary ordinance about animals were discussed and the committee will reconvene because Council agrees that more work is needed. On page 7 of the minutes from the regular meeting, delete the word “engineering” to read the CDBG Sewer Project should be ready to bid out by end of May and also change following to read EDA Sewer Engineering should be completed by August 1st. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to amend minutes by making the change to work session minutes and the two changes to the regular minutes. Mr. Segars seconded the motion. All approved the motion. Mrs. Thomas made a motion to amend the minutes of regular meeting by adding the names of the months mentioned on page 7. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. Mrs. Thomas said on page 3 of the regular minutes (paragraph under Gandy Swimming Pool) to insert the name of Mr. James Ward on pages 3 and 4 where the words “he” and a “gentleman” were used. 42 Mrs. Thomas made a motion to amend the minutes to include the name of James Ward as noted above. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Beautification Committee and the Kalmia Garden Study Club are continuing to work. The Design and Review Board has received a recommendation for the replacement of Mrs. Emma Smoot, but the board has not had an opportunity to meet and discuss the recommendation. Mr. Vaughan said they were given a favorable report on the first “Market on Darlington Square held on May 21, 2011. Mr. Vaughan said he met with the market committee today and they discussed areas they felt could be improved such as advertising, local produce availability and food availability. Mr. Vaughan said the DDRA Board asked that a member of the “Market on the Square” committee serve as an Ex Officio member of the DDRA Board and they selected Mr. Lee Bass to serve in this capacity. He said the DDRA Board approved a recommendation presented by Mr. Tony DiLeo to solicit private funds to plant a tree and erect a marker on the Square in memory of former Mayor Albert Coggeshall. Mrs. Thomas said DDRA should write a letter to City Council asking them to act on this. She said even a letter from Mr. Vaughan would suffice. Mr. Vaughan said he would be happy to write a letter. Mayor Watkins asked for a motion on this, but Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Cohen wanted to know if they could wait on the letter. Mayor Watkins said he asked if it would be alright to follow up with the letter. Mr. Chapman made a motion to permit the DDRA to proceed with planting a tree and erecting a marker on the Square in memory of Albert Coggeshall. Mrs. Cohen seconded the motion. SECOND READING ON 2011-2012 BUDGET Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Thomas, second reading on 2011-1012 Budgets. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to amend the budget by making the following changes: move $50,000 from 914-255C (storm water) line item to 912-227 (maintenance line item and to list in the detail that $50,000 is for tank maintenance; 590-265 (professional services) add note that says “Professional Service Providers put Disaster Recovery” under that; Under “community promotions” zero out the lines where the organizations did not provide a letter and put those funds in line item 550-06 and if these organizations send a letter later, it would be brought before Council for consideration of funding. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion with the amendments to the budget. 43 Mr. Dwight Dana wanted to know the amount of this year’s budget and how it compares to last year’s budget. Mr. Garland gave Mr. Dana a copy of last year’s ad that was run in the paper which shows last year’s revenues. MISS DARLINGTON/MISS DARLINGTON TEEN PRESENTATION Mayor Watkins presented “Keys to the City” to Miss Darlington Summer Rayl and Miss Darlington Teen Ms. Hannah Maloney BID APPROVAL – DEMOLITION OF HOMES Mr. Lee Bass said he received two bid packets for demolition of houses one from Roosevelt Scott Construction and the other from Stokes Construction. Mr. Bass said the initial bid was for five houses, but one of the houses is located on Spain Street is being demolished by the homeowner. He said the homeowner contacted him after he had already received bids. Mr. Bass said the two bids from Scotts Construction and Stokes Construction are inclusive of the house on Spain Street, but he called them and told them what happened and they changed their bid to reflect demolition of four houses. Mr. Bass said the low bid of $11,500 was from Scott Construction (excludes house on Spain Street). Mr. Garland recommended that we accept the low bid from Roosevelt Scott Construction. Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mrs. Hines to accept the low bid of $11,500 from Roosevelt Scott Construction, which unanimously carried. Mr. Bass said he will present another list of homes for demolition in July, 2011. SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE SETTING TAX LEVY -125 MILS. Mr. Garland said first reading on the tax levy was done in January, 2011. Mrs. Hines made a motion for second reading on ordinance setting tax levy of 125 mils. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) The lettering is up at Arthur W. Stanley Gym. The family wants to hold a celebration on Saturday, August 20, 2011. Mr. Garland said BoBBy Ross has asked for a budget for the ceremony. Mr. Garland said he doesn’t know exactly what Mr. Ross wants the City to do, but he told him if they address envelopes and stuff them the City would pay for the postage to mail invitations, but anything else would be up to Council. Mayor Watkins said the City could give $200.00 towards refreshments. Mr. Segars said the City spent close to $1,300 for the sign to put on the gym and he doesn’t think we 44 need to spend a lot more money. Mrs. Hines made a motion for the City to spend $200.00 towards the grand reopening of the gym. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. All approved the motion. 2) Request for qualifications for the Renaissance Planning Grant are due in by 11:00 AM on Monday, June 20, 2011. The committee agreed to meet Monday, June 20, 2011 at 4:00 PM to go over the qualifications. 3) Mr. Garland told Council he included a schedule of the Darlington Warriors Football Team schedule in their packets. Mr. Garland said they have not worked out any specifics with the team as far as security, concessions or tickets for their games. Mr. Garland said he has called several times, but he hasn’t gotten an answer. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know if we had an address to send mail or correspondence to the football team. Mr. Garland said the only contact info he has is a cell phone number. Mr. Garland said the team is practicing at Virgil Wells Stadium. Mrs. Thomas said if the team has gotten the insurance which Council required that they get, seems as if they would have had to have an official address. Mr. Garland said the address may have been on the insurance form, but he was only given a copy of the policy. 4) General Fund balance $95,563.00; Hospitality Tax Fund $199,326.27; Fund Balance Acct. - $1,067,603.09; 5) The Chamber Banquet at Darlington Country Club is Thursday, June 23, 2011 @ 6:30 PM at Darlington Country Club; 6) Wachovia Bank will host a “How to Rebuild My Credit” seminar for employees and any Council member that would like to attend on June 15, 2011 at 11:30 AM. 7) Mr. Garland said 357 people have come to the Gandy pool within the first week of opening. REMINDERS: Tuesday, June 14, 2011-Flag Day; June 16th-19th-MASC Annual Meeting (Hilton Head, SC); Monday, July 4, 2011- Independence Day (City Offices Closed); Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM- City Council Meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, to go into executive session at 7:55 PM to discuss an economic development issue. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, executive session ended at 8:35 PM. Mayor Watkins said Council discussed a proposal in executive session, but there was no vote. Mayor Watkins said there was hesitation by Council 45 makes a decision until we look into the issue a little more, so no action was taken. Additional Note: Mr. Garland said he forgot to mention in his update that Ms. Jannie Lathan would have the storm water report ready and would like to present it to Council on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the conference room @ the Admin Building. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Hines, the meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 46 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 3, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held May 3, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Mayor Watkins, Mr. Wayne Chapman, Mrs. Dyan Cohen, Mrs. Gloria Hines, Mrs. Annette Thomas and Mr. John Segars. Also present: City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Kinsaul, Police Chief, Jay Cox, Mr. David Vaughan, Mr. Rodney Langley, Mr. Lee Bass, Mr. Merrill Sheffield, Mrs. April Bailey, Mr. Davis Skipper, Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press, Chamber Director, Mr. Ron Page and other visitors. PRAYER Mrs. Thomas gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on April 5, 2011 and a Budget Meeting on April 26, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan gave Council members a copy of his monthly report. He said The Beautification Committee met on April 27, 2011 and the Kalmia Garden and Study Club is continuing to plant flowers at the City Hall building and the Council on Aging building. Pee Dee Electric Cooperative had a work day which they called “Christmas in April” and about 20 employees from Pee Dee Electric partnered with several Garden Club members and they worked on Saturday painting and beautifying the Council on Aging property. Mr. Vaughan said he had an opportunity to get a report from Mr. Bert Guerry, Agriculture Director for the Darlington County Institute of Technology. Mr. Vaughan said Mr. Guerry has expressed an interest through his agricultural student program and the Future Farmers of America to possibly provide some flowers and plants for the Garden Club and the Beautification Committee for future projects in the City of Darlington. Mr. Vaughan said the Design and Review Board met on April 14, 2011 and 47 approved three new awnings for Dr. Altman’s dental office at 208 Pearl Street. Also, signage was approved for the Markette at 104 Cashua Ferry Road. Mr. Vaughan said Mrs. Emma Smoot had to resign due to health reasons and the Board is asking for Council’s consideration and recommendation for a new Board member. He said “the Taste of Darlington” and the Golf Tournament were very successful. The first “Market of Darlington Square” is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2011, from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. On Thursday, May 5, 2011, The “Race Fest will begin at 6:00 PM. The “Car Haulers” parade should reach downtown Darlington around 8:00 PM and the event will end with a fireworks display. On Friday, May, 6, 2011, Mr. Cecil Chandler with Carolina & Company will broadcast live from the Courthouse grounds promoting downtown Darlington. Mr. Vaughan said at the By-Pass at the entrance of town, there are three new flags (A State, U.S. and City flags) flying. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor asked Council’s permission to move item #9 up to item #5-A. There was no objection. MR. RONALD R. PAGE- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR CHAMBER Mr. Page said it is his goal not only to bring businesses into the City as a whole, but in his first three weeks of his new position he has worked hard to find ways for our City to save money and grow economically. He said he spoke with a local gas station about an idea which can save the city money on fuel by allowing the City would purchase gas at today’s prices without paying any increases if the gas goes up in the summer. He said the City would have two pumps available with lockable tanks (purchase either 6,000 gallons or 9,000 gallons of gas). A second idea Mr. Page said he has is a floating parking space which would allow businesses to have access to a space for a certain amount of time. Mr. Page said he met with a prospective steel erection company which could possibly bring up to thirty new jobs. Mr. Page said he has been working on a project with the Boy Scouts of Society Hill for mountain bikers. He said he has had volunteers to clean up sections of Black Creek starting with the golf course to make it more accessible to kayakers. Mr. Page said their membership has grown and additional funding would be helpful and if he receives $4,000 he knows he can make further benefits to the area. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Page if he was making a request and he said “Yes”. Mayor Watkins told Mr. Page that Council would be discussing the budget tonight and having first reading. He said the budget is balanced at this point but they would take his request into 48 consideration. Mr. Page told Council that his goal was that if he could save the City some money he would have earned his portion of what he’s asking for. MUNICIPAL JUDGE SELECTION PROCESS Mr. Segars made a motion that we renew Dan Causey’s contract for two more years as City Municipal Judge. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. Mrs. Hines asked why the judge’s position couldn’t be advertised like it was before? Mayor Watkins said his thinking is that before we advertise we should first determine if the judge has the majority of the support of Council. All approved the motion except Mrs. Hines. FIRST READING ON 2011-2012 BUDGET Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Segars, First reading on 2011-1012 Budget, which unanimously carried. GANDY SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE- MR. LANGLEY Mr. Langley said he was asked by the City Manager to study the operations of the pool for the upcoming year (Committee Members: Lee Bass, Wallace Bradley & Rodney Langley). Mr. Langley said the committee took a tour of the pool and six cameras are in place, with three being heavily focused on the deep end, one on the kiddy pool, one in the shower area. He said there is one that is motion activated and it’s being recorded and someone in the concession area will be watching it at all times. He said with all of the work that has been done at the pool, the committee’s recommendation is that the Police Department continue to operate the pool. Mr. Langley said the committee was asked to consider two proposals: 1) The YMCA has offered to teach a “learn to swim” lessons. Mr. Langley said there has been a person that has taught swimming lessons for years at our pool and she is interested in continuing to teach swimming lessons. He said another person was contacted by Danny Watson about giving swimming lessons and taking this into consideration, the committee feels that the “learn to swim” might be better served at the YMCA since we have two people that are willing to give swimming lessons. 2) It was proposed that Mr. James Ward from the YMCA work with the City staff on safety operations and conditions at the pool. Mr. Langley said they looked at the qualifications of Mr. Ward from the “Y” and the qualifications of the person that we have and he has many of the same qualifications as Mr. Ward. Mr. Langley said all of our life guards will be trained on an annual basis and also given CPR classes. He said with taking all of this into consideration, they did not see the need to have Mr. 49 Ward from the “Y” come in. Mr. Langley said the recommendation of the committee is to the city manager. Mrs. Thomas, made a motion that we reopen the pool for the summer of 2011. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. Mrs. Thomas amended her motion to include: that we reopen the pool for regular operations. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion. Mr. Garland said the family of one of the deceased boys (Timquan McAllister) requested to have a memorial at the pool if we decided to reopen it. Mrs. Hines made a motion that we allow the McAllister family to come in on the day the pool reopens to have a memorial at whatever time Mr. Garland works out with them. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. Mr. Garland said he endorses the recommendations of the committee. Mr. Segars made a motion to accept Mr. Langley’s report from the committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. Mrs. Thomas asked if we could set up a program where children can take swimming lessons longer than one week. She also said we need community input in some of the things we do. Mr. Langley said the committee is saying that there will be swimming lessons taught at the pool by Ms. Lillian Brunson. Mrs. Thomas said she feels the children should have longer than one week to learn to swim. Hines asked Chief Cox if there was any way to tell if a child can swim or cannot swim. Mrs. Hines said it would be good if there was some way we could get someone to come in and teach the children how to swim. Mr. Langley said if there’s any question whether a child can swim or not they are asked to prove that they can and if they can’t they have a certain wrist band that they wear and they are not allowed to go into the deep end of the pool. Mr. Segars made a motion to allow the Police Department to continue operations and staffing of the pool. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. Mrs. Thomas made a motion that we accept offer from gentleman at the YMCA to give “learn to swim” lessons one week prior to the opening of the pool. Mr. Chapman seconded the motion. Mrs. Cohen said this effort should be cooperative with the City. Mr. Langley asked if the lifeguards be expected to be present when the gentleman gives the lessons and are they expected to work with the stations. Chief Cox asked Council when they wanted to open the pool. Chief Cox said they always choose the Memorial Day weekend to open and if swimming lessons are to be given one week prior to the pool opening, Council needs to consider that school is still in session and his main lifeguards will still be in school also. Chief Cox recommends that swimming lessons in the morning from 9:00 AM-10:30 AM. Chief Cox said he is looking to open the pool at 1:00 PM on Saturday, May 28th. All approved the motion made by Mrs. Thomas. 50 Mr. Segars said as far as the swimming lessons are concerned it would be better to give the lessons prior to the pool opening for that day. Chief Cox said this is what Ms. Lillian Brunson has always brought her students in and hour to an hour and a half earlier before the pool opens for the day. Mrs. Cohen said if for some reason why the “Y” has trouble putting this all together, maybe the City can offer some type of swimming lessons. Mr. Langley said the committee was not opposed to the YMCA giving the swimming lessons, but with Ms. Brunson and the other backup they felt like they were covered. Mayor Watkins said we have a certified operator at the pool. Chief Cox said we have a certified pool operator and every recommendation that was suggested last year prior to their reopening of the pool was followed “to a tee”. Mr. Langley said according to DHEC requirements, the City has more than enough lifeguards at the City pool. Mayor Watkins said if any member of Council feels that we need to bring in a person from the YMCA to work with the City staff concerning safety operations and conditions at the City pool, he would like to know their feelings on this. Mrs. Hines said the Police Department workers have already met the criteria for the pool and we use should what we’ve got. Mrs. Hines made a motion that the City keep who we presently have (Police Department) concerning safety operations and conditions at the pool. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Hines made a motion that the responsibility for safety at the pool lies with the Police Department concerning the safety operations and conditions at the pool. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Cohen said it will probably be better if we had another set of eyes at the pool. Chief Cox said if Mrs. Cohen wants to bring someone else if it would not hurt their feelings. Mr. Garland said we need to leave things the way they are now. All approved the motion. BIDS FOR SIGN AT ARTHUR STANLEY MEMORIAL GYMNASIUM Mr. Garland said he received three bids for a sign at the Arthur W. Stanley Memorial Gymnasium with a low bid of $2,750. Lettering will be put on two sides of the gym. In order to save money Council discussed getting a sign and putting it on one side of the gym and also leaving out the word “Memorial”. Mrs. Thomas made a motion for City to purchase sign to put on one side of the gym with the name “Arthur W. Stanley Gymnasium”. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion except Mr. Segars. 51 APPROVAL OF DEMOLITION LIST OF DILAPIDATED HOUSES Mr. Bass gave Council a list of proposed houses to be demolished along with pictures of them. Mr. Bass said the homeowners were notified in February by certified mail. He said with Council’s approval he will advertise in the paper a request for bids. Mr. Chapman made a motion for Mr. Bass to proceed with the process. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mr. Bass said the City will start cutting the vacant lots, but the vacant houses will be contracted out. He said a $100.00 administrative fee will be added to what the charge is to cut the lot. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Next budget work session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2011; 2) General Fund balance $253,663.69; Hospitality Tax Fund $379,578.36; W&S Fund $669,637.10; Water & Sewer Capital Fund $384,078.47; W&S Fund Balance Acct.- $278,435.22; Fund Balance Acct. - $1,067,489.02; 3) They have run into some problems with moving the Street Department to W. Broad Street. He said they had difficulty finding the water hook-up. One of the connections is almost under one of the heat pumps. Mr. Merrill Sheffield said they didn’t realize this when they installed the heating systems. Mr. Bass said every piece of copper that was associated with plumbing has been removed from the building. So now we are looking at having to redo the plumbing in the building. Mr. Langley said he has an estimated price of $18,000 for the materials for lighting. 4) Mr. Garland said Mr. Bradley was able to get the shoulder pads for the semi-pro team for $1,750; 5) Website Update – The City signed a contract with Revize & Associates to update our website with a new design and capabilities. The cost is $3,200 ($2,000 to redesign and $1,200 for yearly upkeep and hosting). 6) Mr. Garland said part of the work on Cashua Street storm water line cleanup. Mr. Garland said the line is in such good condition that we feel like a slip line is not needed. Mr. Garland said he would like the remainder of the money to be used for cleaning out the line between North Ervin Street and Spring Street. Mr. Langley said he has unintentionally misled Council on costs for the storm waterline cleanup project. He said the first proposal they received was for $23,500, but after realizing the pipe was terra cotta, the company submitted a second bid for $41,356, but he did not realize this did not include the cleaning of the line for $23,500. Mr. Langley said he told the company there was no way we could do the slip line for this price. Mr. Langley said a new catch basin has been installed at the corner of Spring & Cashua Street at a cost of $7,500. The company cleaned approximately 170 feet, which was their contract. Mr. Langley said they went a lot further 52 than their contract specified. Mr. Langley showed Council pictures of before cleaning the lines and pictures after the lines were cleaned. Mr. Langley said Mr. Scott Eaddy called him and strongly recommends cleaning the storm drain system to have it functioning property before any slip line is done. Mr. Langley said Mr. Eaddy felt like $31,000 was too much to pay but if the City could afford to, have them come back in and finish the job. Mr. Langley said to come in and clean the sand out of line from Spring Street to N. Ervin will cost approximately $9,090, but this does not include cutting the roots. They will guarantee 80% of roots will be taken out for $6,480. To patch the bad spot will cost an additional $350.00. Mr. Langley said we have spent $31,000 and if we spend $9,090 to get the sand out and $6,480 to get the roots out and $350.00 to patch the bad spot, we would have spent roughly $46,920. We approved $42,000, and for an additional $4,000 we can clean out line to N. Ervin Street. Mr. Langley said a man from the company said if they finished early one or two afternoons, they will go in and clean the line at the corner of the Square at no extra charge. Mr. Langley told Council to keep in mind we will get $20,000 from the County Transportation Commission. Mr. Chapman made a motion that we spend the extra $4,000 to finish cleaning the line. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. Mrs. Cohen asked if the flooding will be worse around Swift Creek. Mr. Sheffield said there may be a blocked pipe and this is something his department can take care of in house. Mr. Langley said they will look at this and see if they can come up with a solution. All approved the motion. 7) a-Mr. Garland said the EDA Sewer Engineering Project should be complete by August 1st; b-The CDBG Sewer project should be ready to bid out by end of May; c-should be ready to advertise for Renaissance Planning Grant will advertise for engineering request for qualifications this month. REMINDERS: Thursday, May 5, NASCAR Car Hauler Parade 6:00 PM-10:00 PM on the Public Square; Friday, May 6, 2011-Darlington 200 NASCAR Race, 7:00 PM at Darlington Raceway; Saturday, May 7, 2011-Southern 500 Race at 8:00 PM, Darlington Raceway; Saturday, May 21, 2011 “Market on the Square”; Monday, May 31, 2011-Memorial Day, City Offices will be closed; Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM – Regular City Council Meeting ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. 53 Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 54 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 5, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held April 5, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Mayor Watkins, Mr. Coleman Cannon, Mrs. Dyan Cohen, Mrs. Gloria Hines, and Mr. John Segars. Also present: City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Kinsaul, Police Chief, Jay Cox, Mr. David Vaughan, Mrs. Anna Davis, Mr. Dwight Dana from the Hartsville Messenger, Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press and other visitors. PRAYER Mr. Cannon gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Hines made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on March 1, 2011 and a Special Meeting followed by a Budget Meeting on March 28, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the minutes with the following change. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan gave a monthly report to Council members. He said The DDRA Golf Tournament is scheduled for April 6, 2011, 1:00 PM at Darlington Country Club. The “Taste of Darlington” is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2011 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Darlington Raceway Sprint Cup Garage Area. The Kalmia Garden Study Club has done a great job with the beautification project at the City Hall building. The Design Review Committee continues to meet and review any applications that they receive on the facades of buildings and any signage they need to review. MR. ROB JORDAN 2009-2010 AUDIT REPORT Mr. Rob Jordan said page three of the audit shows a clean opinion from the auditing firm. He went over page 16-Balance Sheet of Governmental Fund; page 17-Statement of Revenues & Expenditures; Page 19-Balance Sheet for 55 Water & Sewer Fund; Page 20-Income Statement for Water & Sewer Fund; Page 21-Statement of Cash Flow for W&S Fund; Page 38-Comparison for General Fund; Page 59-Report from auditors on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting; Page 60-Compliance and Other Matters; Page 61Federal Grants; Pages 63 & 64-Schedule of Findings. Mr. Garland said the audit Committee met twice with the auditors they are satisfied with the report. Mr. Garland said Mr. Hiral that works with Hill & Jordan suggested that we use an outside company to come in every few months and check our general ledger accounts which would keep the auditing firm from having to help balance our books which is not supposed to be done by them any more. Mr. Garland recommended that the City hire an outside source, specifically Jackie Breland who we have worked with previously to come in every three months and check to make sure everything is balanced. Mr. Garland also recommended that we use the company for forty hours a year and that we pay the company no more than $4,500 a year. He said we will start with the new budget July 1st. Mr. Segars made a motion that the City hire Jackie Breland for forty hours a year and pay her no more than $4,500 a year to help us balance the books. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion. MS. JANICE BAROODY/MR. DON STRICKLAND – PDRTA Ms. Janice Baroody appeared before Council to present a video that she said would be going out all over the State. (They tried several times but could not get the video to play, so Ms. Baroody told Council she would send it to them). Ms. Baroody said every year SCDOT presents awards at the Transportation Association Conference and they base their awards on the various types of public transportation that go on in the State. She said this year the DART service here in Darlington was named the best rural transportation system in the State. Ms. Baroody said they are most surprised that people are using the system to get to work. Mr. Don Strickland, Transportation Manager with PDRTA said when he checked the numbers today they had approximately 700 passengers for the month of March. He said when they started out; they average 200-300 passengers a month, so the system is really growing. Mr. Strickland said they get a lot of calls from people seeking information about where to board the bus and what time. He said right now the bus runs from 7:00 AM-5:00 PM and there has been interest for them to extend service until 6:00 PM-7:00 PM daily and also weekend service. He said as long as the business continues to grow, they will continue to expand their services. Ms. Baroody said they seen a lot of young people use the service to get to Florence-Darlington Tech. 56 VIRGIL WELLS STADIUM PRIORITIES AND FUNDING Mr. Garland said Council asked him to get quotes on lighting for the Virgil Wells Stadium. He said he received two quotes with a low bid of $81,000 which includes estimated cost on labor. The Garland said he received an estimated cost of $257,000 to fix the track. Mr. Garland said we will not be able to afford to rubberize the track with our current budget. He said we can go in with limited supervision and pack the dirt and make it as hard packed as possible and line it off. Mr. Garland said lighting is a high priced object and he would think if we were to do lighting it would be after we do the other improvements. Mayor Watkins said there are a number of elderly people that like to walk and if they walk in the daytime, we won’t need lighting right now. Mrs. Cohen said people might not feel comfortable walking in the stadium behind a solid wall where no one can see them. She said she does not know if this would be the best place for walking, but the most successful walking tracks are the ones that are wide open where there’s traffic and people can feel more secure. Mrs. Cohen said if there are enough people that don’t mind walking behind a solid wall, then she’s okay with it. Chief Jay Cox told Council if they get the track ready, he will provide the security. Chief Cox told Council to come up with a schedule and his department will provide security so people will feel safe. Mrs. Cohen asked about operational costs for the track. Mayor Watkins said if we start with walkers at the stadium, there will be no additional costs. Chief Cox said there will be no additional cost for his department because he will use the officers on their regular shift. Chief Cox recommended that we use set hours and if the stadium has gates, they will make sure they are locked. Mrs. Hines suggested to Council that they take the first four items on the list, which is approximately $75,000 and work with this. Mrs. Hines made a motion to take the first four items on the list for approximately $75,000 and begin work on the Virgil Wells Stadium. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. Mr. Segars said he feels we are a little premature on the tower at the concession stand. He said we are presuming we may have some football at the stadium. Mr. Garland said the stadium will be used for soccer as well. There was discussion among Council members whether to have the concession stand now and adding the tower later. Mr. Segars made a motion to amend the motion by eliminating the tower for $25,000. The motion failed for lack of a second. Mr. Cannon, Mrs. Hines, Mrs. Cohen and Mayor Watkins approved the motion to take first four items on list for approximately $75,000. Mr. Segars voted against the motion. 57 PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL, 2011 AS FAIR HOUSING MONTH Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, proclamation declaring April, 2011 as Fair Housing Month, which unanimously carried. OPINION LETTER FROM CITY ATTORNEY – MCLELLAN PARKING LOT PAVING Mayor Watkins read a letter of opinion from City Attorney, Mr. Newton Howle. Mr. Garland said we have an estimate of $39,000 to pave the parking lot behind the McClellan Building, but it does not include striping. Mr. Garland said we have the capability to do the stripping in-house. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that we seek funding to pave the parking lot with hospitality tax funds. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. All approved the motion. Mr. Garland said since Council has designated these funds from the hospitality tax fund, 580-388 was the budget line item that has $30,000 that was set aside to repave the McClellan Parking lot but there is a need to fix the parking lot at the Council on Aging Building. He said there is a large hole in the parking lot and it is a liability issue. Mr. Garland recommends that we not exceed $15,000 and get Mr. Sheffield to go ahead and pave the parking lot with money that has been set aside to pave the McClellan Parking Lot. Mrs. Hines made a motion for us to use funds out of line item 580-388, not to exceed $15,000, to pave the parking lot at the Council on Aging Building. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cannon. All approved the motion. DISCUSSION OF STRAY DOG PROBLEM Mr. Cannon said this is the fifth or sixth time he has brought up the subject about stray dogs. Mr. Segars asked if the City has a leash law and if so, maybe we need to enforce it. Mrs. Hines said she agrees with Mr. Cannon about the stray dogs, but the people that walk dogs need to get the droppings up if they mess up people’s yards. Mayor Watkins said our ordinance states that the police officers could pick up stray dogs. Chief Cox said they do not want to pick up dogs and put them in their patrol cars. Chief Cox said the majority of the dogs that are roaming don’t have any type of identification at all. He said as far as impounding them, they don’t have the tools. Chief Cox said if Council wants to give his department the tools and the personnel to do it, he will take this challenge on. He said as long as you are holding an animal, you have to take care of them. If you take them to the County, they will only hold them so long and they will end up euthanizing them. Mr. 58 Cannon said he doesn’t think policemen should be chasing dogs, but we should be enforcing the laws against the people who own the dogs. Mayor Watkins said the City does have a “dangerous animal” ordinance that protects the citizens. Mayor Watkins said Ruthie Amerson should work under the auspices of the Police Department since she is the animal warden and can issue citations. Mr. Garland also suggested that we limit the number of dogs per household. He also suggested that we research this some more before we come back with a recommendation. Chief Cox said another avenue is to have pet owners get their animals spayed or neutered. A lady at the meeting said “The Snip Clinic” on Palmetto Street in Florence, SC does this for about one-half the price that a vet charges. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to appoint a committee of three people; one member of administrative staff (chosen by Mr. Garland); one member from the Police Department, chosen by the Police Chief; and one member of Council, chosen by the Mayor, to research our existing laws and look for deficiencies; and to look for measures in place at other towns, so that the committee can make recommendations to Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cannon. All approved the motion. Mrs. Hines amended the motion to require pet owners to use a “poop scoop” to bag their animals’ waste. Mr. Garland said DHEC is going to require this soon anyway. YOUTH BASKETBALL FOR STANLEY GYMNASIUM Mr. Garland said Mr. Wallace Bradley has acquired the services of Mr. .Derrick McQueen to offer basketball instruction on Tuesdays and Thursday nights from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Mr. McQueen played for St. John’s High and later for Wake Forest. He cares for the children in the community and wants to do this free of charge. Also, Mr. Bradley has arranged for a local AAU (Amateur Athletic Team) to come in on Friday nights and Saturday mornings to work with the youth in free play. Mrs. Hines said Council needs to take Mr. Bradley’s recommendation first and work with that; then we can add on if necessary. Mrs. Cohen asked if we can get in writing what hours and what ages this will cover. Mr. Garland said he will get this information. TOWERS FOR NEW METERS – FREDDIE KINSAUL Mr. Kinsaul said Sensus came back to the City with a counter proposal for us not to go with the County. Mr. Kinsaul gave Council a “cost comparison” sheet and he said we will only have to spend an additional cost of $77,424, which is still within our budget. Mr. Kinsaul said if we go with 59 the County, he is looking at spending $89,150 for the equipment he has to have to use their towers. He said Sensus has offered us $166,544 to put our system in completely, which is $77,424 more than we would pay to piggy back with Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority. Mr. Kinsaul said we will still be within the budgeted money that Council approved in the bond. Mr. Kinsaul said the benefit to us is that we would own the system; we wouldn’t have to make any type agreements with Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority. Mrs. Hines asked if we would have to pay Darlington County Water a monthly fee is we were to go with them. Mr. Kinsaul said probably, because board members were talking about some type of fee but they didn’t get that far with the agreement. Mr. Segars made a motion that we accept Mr. Kinsaul’s recommendation and pay an additional $77,424 to own our system. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion. NEW POLICE CARS – CHIEF JAY COX Chief Cox said we would like to purchase five new police cars @ $38,000 a year (3.25% APR) a total of $143,000 over a four year period. He said he will be taking three cars off line because of high miles (Car #26 & Car #27 will be taken completely offline, but Car #32 will be transferred to the Rec Dept). Chief Cox told Council he would be saving an additional $4,500 of the figure he gave them because Car #26 has a digital camera system that they will be able to take out and transfer to one of the new cars. Chief Cox said this will come out of next year’s budget but asked for Council’s permission for him to order the cars this month. Chief Cox told Council he would only be asking them for three vehicles because he was approved for two vehicles and two golf carts through USDA, but he does not see this happening before June 30th. Mr. Garland said we will hold off as long as we can like we did with the fire truck. Mrs. Cohen asked Chief Cox why he was coming to Council now and not in a few months once the budget is approved. Chief Cox said the dealership is holding the cars for them and Mr. Garland said the interest rates may increase because he was told the Federal Reserve was going to raise their interest rates in June. Chief Cox said the five cars will come out of next year’s budget even though he needs to order them now to get this price, but the first payment won’t be due until after the new budget year. He said these are 6-cylinder dodge chargers. He said four vehicles will be marked cars and one will be unmarked. Chief Cox said Car #32 will be transferred to the Recreation Department. Mr. Segars made a motion to purchase five (5) new vehicles for the police department at the cost listed above. The motion was seconded by Mrs. 60 Hines. All voted in favor of the motion except Mrs. Cohen. Mrs. Cohen said she is not against getting the cars, but they have not gotten the budgets from each department yet and she would like to see where the money will be coming from and find out what the plan is as far as the number of police officers vs. cars. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland said Mr. Calvin King and Mr. Charles Russell’s terms on The Zoning Board of Appeals expires the end of this month and he is asking Council to reappoint them. Upon motion of Mr. Cannon, seconded by Mrs. Hines, to reappoint Mr. Calvin King and Mr. Charles Russell to the Zoning Board of Appeals, which unanimously carried. 2) The gentleman that started the football team has gotten their helmets. He said they brought them by the office today and he and Mr. Langley inspected them and they meet the standards. Mr. Garland said he instructed Mr. Bradley today to go ahead and order shoulder pads at a cost not to exceed $3,750. 3) Ethics Commission reports are due by April 15th; 4) Council needs to make an official decision on the B.A. Gary Pool – (Can make at the May meeting; 5) The Cashua Street drainage line project is scheduled to begin on April 18, 2011; 6) Work will begin on the roof of the old Builders Supply (new offices for Street Department) at a cost of approximately $3,800. Once they finish the roof, he will have an electrician go in and finish the electrical work and then Mr. Sheffield can go in and lay out where his people will be. Mr. Garland said he’s hoping that within six weeks the Street Department will be moved into the new facility. 7) Suggested dates for next Council Budget Work Session- Monday, April 18th, Tuesday, April 19th, Monday, April 25th or Tuesday, April 26th. Council members agreed that the next budget work session will be on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:00 PM. 8) Mr. Garland said estimates for bidding on the EDA Industrial Sewer Project will be ready to bid out any where from four to eight months. He said looks like the project will start in March or April of 2012 and will finish in June of 2013. Mr. Garland said this could change depending on how engineering work goes and how the works goes with corp. of engineers on the wetlands issue. 9) The sub recipient agreement for The CDBG Renaissance Planning Grant for South Darlington has been signed with Pee Dee Council of Governments and they will put out a request for qualifications from interested companies. Then the committee of council will meet and look at resumes of interested companies. Mr. Garland said the General Fund Balance-$303,215.10; Hospitality Tax Fund Balance$359,209.10; Fund Balance Account - $1,067,371.16. Mr. Garland told 61 Council they need to set a date for the Stanley Gym dedication. Mr. Garland recommended that we have it Friday, May 6th of Friday, May 13th. Friday, May 6th is the race, so Friday, May 20th was added instead. Mr. Garland told Mr. Cannon to check with the family see what date will suffice and he will let them know at the May meeting. REMINDERS: Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM –Taste of Darlington at the Darlington Raceway; Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Earth Day Festival at Williamson Park; Friday, April 22, 2011-Good Friday, City offices will be closed; Friday, April 29, 2011 from 12 noon -1:00 PM, a cookout for City employees and Council members at Sanders Street Gym; Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 7:00 PM – Regular Council Meeting ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mr. Segars, the meeting adjourned at 8:51 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 62 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 1, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held March 1, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Mayor Watkins, Mr. Coleman Cannon, Mrs. Dyan Cohen, Mrs. Annette Thomas, Mrs. Gloria Hines, Mr. Wayne Chapman and Mr. John Segars. Also present: City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Robert Garland, Mr. Kinsaul, Police Chief, Jay Cox, Mr. Rodney Langley, Mr. David Vaughan, Mrs. Anna Davis, Dr. Alex Cohen, Mrs. Joyce Thomas, Mr. Dwight Dana from the Hartsville Messenger, Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press and other visitors. PRAYER Mrs. Cohen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA CHANGE Mayor Watkins asked Council’s permission to suspend the rule and add Dr. Alex Cohen to address Council concerning use of Stanley Gym as item #5 since his request came in after the agenda was issued. Mrs. Thomas made a motion to suspend rules to add Dr. Alex Cohen as item #5 on the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Segars. All approved the motion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on February 1, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. Mayor Watkins said to make the following correction to the minutes: “he was at home recuperating and not in the hospital”. All approved the minutes with the following change. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan passed out copies of his monthly report to Council members. He said the Beautification Committee met on February 16th and the Kalmia 63 Garden Study Club has plans to begin work on the flower bed at the entrance of City Hall. The Committee also approved the replacement of the shrubbery across the front of City Hall and there are funds in the beautification committee for this. The nominations for the pride awards for the second quarter were accepted and the committee selected the home of Kathy and Eddie Danner on Hoole Street for the Residential Pride Award and the Merle Norman building on the Public Square for the Business Pride Award. Presentations will be made the first week in April, 2011. The Design Review Board met on February 18, 2011 and this was the first time the full committee met in a long time. They discussed procedural guidelines with respect to the approval and denial process of applications. Mr. Vaughan said the board denied an application that was submitted by Mr. Anthony Outlaw for painting the façade at 131 & 133 Pearl Street. The board approved signage for Wachovia Bank because they are changing to Wells Fargo Bank. Mr. Vaughan said a new application was submitted by Mr. Outlaw for painting 131 & 133 Pearl Street which was approved. The “Taste of Darlington” is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2011 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Darlington Raceway Pit Area. Tickets are on sale for $30.00 each. He said DDRA met with Mr. Grady Culbertson and he is interested in starting a project called “The Darlington Market Place” which is patterned after a similar event in Hartsville that occurs the first Saturday in the month where local people come in with tents and provide various goods to be sold. Mr. Vaughan said Mr. Culbertson presented the idea to the DDRA Board and they were favorable with the concept and adopted the concept for him to move forward. Mr. Vaughan included a copy of Mr. Culbertson’s summary with his report. The DDRA Golf Tournament is scheduled for April 6, 2011, 1:00 PM at Darlington Country Club. Mr. Cannon wanted to know who would be responsible for the project Mr. Culbertson wants to undertake. Mr. Vaughan said the DDRA board discussed this and it would be a committee of volunteers that would be under the umbrella of the DDRA. Mr. Vaughan said they are projecting at this point to have the market the third Saturday of each month starting as a pilot project in May and going through August. He said at that point there will be a review of how well the market has been received in the community and whether they will want to move forward. Mr. Vaughan said Mr. Culbertson suggested three possible locations for the market: 1) the first priority of being around the perimeter of the Square (on the sidewalk); 2) the parking lot behind C Boan’s Steakhouse; and 3) the parking lot where the mural is. 64 Mrs. Thomas asked about licensing for the vendors. Mayor Watkins said the committee is asking for the City to waive any license fees, but other requirements imposed by the State, etc. are not our jurisdiction. DR. ALEX COHEN Dr. Alex Cohen said he and people he plays basketball with have thoughts about further utilization of the B.A. Gary Complex and Gymnasium. He said looking at the youth in the town and the importance of them having a place to play basketball. He said currently there is no outdoor facility in Darlington where kids can play basketball. He said basketball is a very good sport health wise as a good source of recreation; its helps give kids something to do and it helps young kids develop team work skills. Dr. Cohen said the Recreation Department had a basketball program for many years, but it was only for a couple of months out of the year. He said at the present time, the gym is only being used a few months out of the year. He thinks we should utilize it more by having the gym open three or four afternoons for a few hours a day with times differing for various age groups. Dr. Cohen said there is also the possibility of utilization for three or four hours on Saturday late morning and early afternoon or Sunday afternoon from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM for kids or adults to play. Dr. Cohen asked Council to consider adding more money to the recreation department budget to hire extra help to keep the gym open longer. He said this is not recreation ball or adult basketball this is an open time for the kids to play pick-up basketball. He said a lot of kids want to play at the YMCA but if you are not a member you have to pay $5.00 and you can only play twice in a year. Dr. Cohen said the Billie Hardee Home for Boys likes to do work with their youth, but they have no where to go. He said they have to go to Hartsville to play ball. Mrs. Hines said she is confused because she thought this was our aim to have a place for the children. Mrs. Hines said this is supposed to already be in the making because Mr. Wallace Bradley was instructed to get programs for the children and she didn’t know this was not being done. Mrs. Hines said this was discussed and this was the main reason why they voted on it. Dr. Cohen said he thinks they have other things they are committed to and part of this is a staffing problem. Dr. Cohen said if they hire one more person for 25 or 30 hours a week they will be able to utilize the gym more. Mayor Watkins asked Dr. Cohen to provide the suggested schedule and we will translate this into personnel and dollars and see if we can incorporate this into our budget. REQUEST TO ADD MEMBER TO WILLIAMSON PARK COMMITTEE 65 Mr. Garland said the Williamson Park Committee made recommendation to add Mrs. Roseanne Brasington to the committee. Mr. Segars made a motion that we add Mrs. Roseanne Brasington to the Williamson Park Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. All approved the motion. WILLIAMSON PARK COMMITTEE – EARTH DAY Mr. Brad Odom said “Earth Day” will be April 16, 2011-10:00 AM-2:00 PM. Will try to involve Mayo High School environmental club a little more. Mr. Odom said they are trying to get people to reuse clothing, and do more recycling. He said they are still trying to get people out in the park. He said they will have different vendors that are “earth oriented” whether it’s different type of energy or solar products. He said they are trying to get people to come out and enjoy the park. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that the Council endorses the Williamson Park Committee in their effort to put on “Earth Day”. The motion was seconded by Mr. Segars. Mrs. Thomas asked if this was an expansion of something that was already being done before. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know how the community been educated on what this is all about. Mr. Odom said they have very limited funding and where they are really looking for involvement of the Council and the City is through public service announcements so that they can inform the public. Mr. Odom said to be able to take advantage of public service announcements it has to a City function otherwise they would have to pay for advertising which they don’t have the funding for. Mrs. Thomas said, “So you’re asking the City to adopt this as a City program”. Mr. Odom said not necessarily adopt it as a city program, but endorse it so that they can go to the radio station. Mrs. Thomas said as opposed to using the word “endorse” they should say “sponsored by”. Mayor Watkins said the sponsor is Williamson Park Committee and they are doing all of the work. All approved the motion. CASHUA STREET DRAINAGE PROJECT – RODNEY LANGLEY Mr. Langley said at the last meeting he was asked to look into some things and he talked with the company that makes the material we are talking about using is not only road rated, but also rail rated. Mr. Langley said he talked with a gentleman from Roswell, Georgia about the company and he said he could not speak more highly of the company. The man said this company (the manufacturer) does excellent work. Mr. Langley said he checked with someone from Gwynette County, Georgia and they said this is a very good process. Mrs. Hines asked if the cost of the job was $41,000 and Mr. 66 Langley said, “Yes”. Mr. Langley told Council to keep in mind that the County Transportation Commission agreed to fund $20,000 of whatever improvements are made for a slip line. Mr. Segars made a motion that we install the slip line on Cashua Street. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. Mrs. Thomas said since this method is going to use a powerful force of water, which will mean that the City will have to supply them with water; how will the City measure the amount of water they will use. Mr. Langley said the company will use water from one of the hydrants and usage should be very little. All approved the motion. VIRGIL WELLS STADIUM PRIORITIES AND FUNDING Mr. Garland said Mr. Bradley gave him a listing for the first $100,000 of improvements to be done at Virgil Wells Stadium. 1) The first item Mr. Bradley recommended is that we do restrooms with the storage area for an estimated cost of $15,000; 2) Small two-story building for concession stand and equipment; 3) fencing around the football field inside the stadium at an estimated cost of $12,000; 4) Bleachers for home & visitors for approximately $20,000; 5) Scoreboard for approximately $13,000. Mr. Bradley said there’s a possibility we can have the scoreboard donated by either Pepsi or Coke. Mr. Garland said we will be looking into this. 6) Benches for Players for approximately $2,000; 7) Painting of the fence for approximately $10,000, but Mr. Bradley will ask Mayo High School Alumni for help with this; 8) Miscellaneous Items for approximately $3,000. Mr. Garland said two things Mr. Bradley did not include for this phase is working on the track and lighting. Mr. Bradley did not have quotes for either one of these yet, so he did not include it. Mr. Garland said the first round of improvements that Mr. Bradley suggested costs around $100,000. Mr. Garland told Council he is offering this as information at this time and not necessarily for approval. He told Council if they want to study it they can, but this is Mr. Bradley’s recommendation. Mr. Segars wanted to know about planned activity for this facility once we invest all of this money. Mr. Garland said Mr. Bradley told him that during school hours the field was used by ROTC for outside drill practice and after school hours the field will be used for soccer, football practice for the different youth teams, the field can be used for overage for playoff games, gatherings in the community, concert events, walking activities, etc. Mr. Garland said we may be able to use some of our staff to do some of this work instead of having to bid all of it out. Mrs. Cohen said it will be good to have these uses in a statement so we can more closely understand not only how they are going to be used, but how much they are going to be used. Mrs. Cohen said this will be helpful in 67 terms of planning. Mrs. Cohen said we need are putting a lot of money into this facility, but we need to make sure we are able to operate it. Mrs. Cohen said don’t know how safe it will feel for people walking inside the stadium if there is a solid wall and nobody can see what goes on. She said at one time there was conversation about changing the configuration so it’s some solid wall and some fence. Mrs. Thomas said there is a question whether the pool is going to reopen and when. She asked if the pool will maintain its same equity. Mrs. Thomas wanted to know since the pool is still on the loan as collateral, will it still hold it’s value if we don’t reopen the pool. Mr. Garland said the pool will still maintain its value, but he is going to recommend at the May meeting that we take the Carnegie Building and the Gandy Pool off of the mortgage and then we will base our payments on the hospitality tax loan based on the revenue coming in. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that we request that we get a written statement for the uses for the Virgil Wells Stadium and go into more detail after further study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chapman. Mrs. Thomas said since these items are prioritized will the City Manager look at each one individually or will he look at all eight items. Mayor Watkins said this is just an outline and it is subject to change. All approved the motion. QUOTES FOR FOOTBALL HELMETS AND PADS Mayor Watkins said the City was approached by a group of men who wished to start a semi-pro football team and the City requested that they provide us with proof of insurance. Mayor Watkins said the original estimate was $3,750 to buy helmets and shoulder pads for thirty adults, but the price was a lot higher. Mayor Watkins told Council they could stick with the amount they considered or they can fund the entire amount. Mr. Garland gave Council a copy of the bids that were received for the helmets and shoulder pads with bids ranging from a high of $11,700 to a low bid of $7,050. Mr. Garland said at the last meeting Council approved $3,750 for this and it’s staff recommendation that we stick with that and the difference will be up to the team to raise themselves. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that Council funds the amount of $3,750 which was approved at the last meeting. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. Mr. Segars said he has concerns about how this equipment will be accounted for out of season since Council is funding half of it. Mr. Garland said the team has agreed to let the City store and keep it. Mrs. Cohen rescinded her motion. Mrs. Hines made a motion that the City does not give the team $3,750 until they come up with their part of the money and if they cannot raise the funds for their 68 part, the City will not have to give them the $3,750. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. All approved the motion. DISCUSSION OF MOVING COUNCIL MEETING DATE Mayor Watkins said this particular item has come up from time to time about changing the date that Council meets from the 1st Tuesday of each month to the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Mayor Watkins asked the members of the press about their feelings on the issue. Mr. Dwight Dana said time and date is an issue for him. Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press said it doesn’t matter what Tuesday, it is not good. Mayor Watkins asked each Council member their feelings on changing the date and the majority of Council members said the 1st Tuesday is fine with them. DISCUSSION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY OWNED PARKING LOT BEHIND MCLELLAN’S Chief Cox said they get a lot of complaints because the parking lot is in pretty bad shape as far as parking lines and potholes. Chief Cox said paving this without getting any quotes he estimates we can pave the parking lot behind the McLellan’s Building for approximately $50,000. Chief Cox said because they are getting complaints, he recommends brushing the parking lot, and put some type of sealant or coating on it and then come in and out down parking lines that work. Mr. Segars suggested we get quotes on patching the parking lot and then reseal it. The City Manager was asked to compare the cost of spraying the parking lot vs. paving it and check to see if we can use hospitality tax funds to do the work. Mrs. Thomas asked Chief Cox if he received any complaints about the parking lot behind Jin Jin Restaurant and Chief Cox said, “No”. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Gave Council the General Fund Balance-$491,169.92; Hospitality Tax Fund Balance- $336,251.87; Fund Balance Account - $1,067,307.73; and the W&S Fund - $902,350.27 2) Mr. Garland said Ms. Jannie Lathan has begun work on the storm water study. Ms. Lathan said she is off to a great start and is looking at work that has already been done by Davis & Brown to make sure she is not duplicating any effort and taking advantage of the resources the City has already expended. Ms. Lathan said Mr. Garland has given her a time frame in which to work in and she is going to try and exceed that. 3) Mr. Garland said on Friday, April 29th at 12:00 noon we will have our 2nd Annual Cookout for employees and City Council at the Recreation Dept. Building on Sanders Street. 4) Mr. Garland gave Council 69 two dates to have a budget work session: Monday, March 28, 2011 or Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the City Admin Conference Room. Mr. Garland told Council if they meet on Tuesday night he will have the Council packets ready for them. All Council members agreed that Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 6:00 works better for them. 5) Mr. Garland said we are waiting for a sub recipient agreement from the Department of Commerce in Columbia, SC for The CDBG Renaissance Planning Grant. Mr. Garland said the lady that was working on our grant passed away unexpectedly, so they have to reassign all of her projects; 6) The EDA Project is continuing to move forward and advertising for engineering services has gone out. The bid line for request for qualifications is March 11, 2011; 7) Mr. Garland said the Railroad has approved the permit for The CDBG West Darlington Sewer Project. He said we now have a delay from the Army Corp of Engineers in the wetlands opinion on the area around the old treatment plant. Once they approve the wetlands permit we will bid the project out; 8) Darlington High School will have a pep rally for the Darlington Boys Basketball Team-win or lose, after the game Saturday night/Sunday morning at the DHS gym after the team returns from Columbia, SC. 9) The Building Inspector compiled a list of homes to be demolished. Mr. Garland said Mr. Bass sent notices out and three property owners came in and got permits to begin taking the property down themselves. REMINDERS: Saturday, March 5, 2011 – Darlington Falcons vs. Wade Hampton Generals for 3-a Boys State Basketball Championship at 8:30 PM, Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, SC; On Saturday, March 12, 2011 – Darlington Raceway Truck Race at 5:00 PM; On Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM our Regular City Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Thomas, the meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM. 70 Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 71 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held February 1, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Mayor Pro-Tem Coleman Cannon, Mrs. Dyan Cohen, Mrs. Annette Thomas, Mrs. Gloria Hines, and Mr. John Segars. Also present: City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Robert Garland, Mr. Kinsaul, Police Chief, Jay Cox, Mr. Rodney Langley, Mr. David Vaughan, Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. Dorothy Coleman, Mr. Ted Stanley, Mr. Sylvester Hudson, Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press and other visitors. Mayor Watkins was absent from the meeting because he was in the hospital at the time and Mr. Wayne Chapman was absent. PRAYER Mayor Pro-Tem Cannon gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion of Mrs. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Segars, to approve Minutes of Regular Council Meeting January 4, 2011, which unanimously carried. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan passed out copies of his monthly report to Council members. He said the Beautification Committee met on January 19th and presented a proposal to them from Kalmia Garden Study Club requesting $300.00 to continue their beautification work, which they approved. Mr. Vaughan said it was recommended that the Garden Club include the entrance to the City Hall Building as one of their projects and they accepted. The Pride Awards for this quarter have been awarded and the committee has been asked to nominate recipients for the second quarter at their February meeting. The Design Committee and Review Committee met and found that Council selected a committee in 2007 to serve in that capacity and they plan to go back to using the full benefit of the committee. Mr. Vaughan said they have 72 discussed with the committee a beneficial way of meeting the needs of the applicants that come to them in a timely manner. The DDRA membership has come in really well for the beginning of the year, but they plan to start promotion and target people who have not joined. The DDRA Golf Tournament is scheduled for April 6, 2011, 1:00 PM at Darlington Country Club. The “Taste of Darlington” is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2011 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Darlington Raceway Pit Area. MR. JOHN KENNEDY – SEMI PRO FOOTBALL TEAM Mr. Kennedy said asked Council to grant them the opportunity to start a semi-pro football team. Mr. Garland said at previous meetings this semi-pro football team has asked that the City give them funding for shoulder pads and helmets. Mr. Garland said the City asked them to provide the City of Darlington with proof of insurance and as of 5:00 PM yesterday, they received a quote but had not paid the premium yet. Mr. Garland told Mr. Kennedy as soon as they pay the premium and provides the City with proof of insurance, and then staff would recommend that we fund the helmets and shoulder pads. Mr. Garland said if Council wanted to vote in the affirmative to provide the helmets and shoulders pads upon the contingency that the insurance is paid, then the City can provide once this is done. Mrs. Cohen asked Mr. Garland if he checked with the school district. Mr. Garland said he called Dr. Knight’s office, but she is out sick. Mr. Garland said the city leases the Welch Stadium from the school district, but they own the property. Mrs. Cohen said we were advised by the City Attorney to make sure the school district was ok with this and maybe have them sign off on it. Mr. Garland said the according to our City Attorney the quote for the insurance is adequate and does meet the coverage for any type of incidents that may happen during the football game. Mr. Segars wanted to know who would be responsible for the football equipment so it can be used in continued years. Mr. Garland said during off season, the City will keep the equipment. Mrs. Hines asked Mr. Kennedy when he thought he would be able to get the insurance. He said as soon as possible. Mr. Kennedy said he was not aware they had to have the insurance upfront, only the quote. Mrs. Hines made a motion that upon the group purchasing insurance, the City will provide helmets and shoulder pads for the team. Mrs. Thomas seconded the motion. Mrs. Cohen amended the motion that we make sure the insurance is paid for the entire season and that the School District okays the plan. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. All approved the motion. 73 SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE NO. 2011-03 – BUSINESS LICENSE TAX Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, Second Reading on ordinance no. 2011-03 for continuance of business license tax, which unanimously carried. SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE TO CHANGE NAME OF B.A. GARY GYM TO ARTHUR W. STANLEY MEMORIAL GYMNASIUM Mrs. Thomas made a motion to change the name of B.A. Gary Gymnasium to Arthur W. Stanley Memorial Gymnasium. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. All approved the motion except Mr. Segars. REQUEST TO REWIRE SAFETY SWITCHED FOR OUTSIDE HVAC AT B.A. GARY GYM Mr. Garland said there are six (6) HVAC units at B.A. Gary Gym that needs to be rewired. He said the power went off during the first snowstorm we had in December causing a power outage, but when the power came back on the compressors were messed up in the units because the wiring is not good between the building the HVAC units. Mr. Garland said we replaced the compressors, which was covered under warranty, but they want be covered again if we don’t fix the wiring. Mr. Garland said he received a quote for approximately $7,100 for the wiring. Mr. Segars asked if this is wiring for the new units that were just installed. Mr. Garland said this is the wiring from the units to the building. He said wiring was not included in the quote that was done inside the building. Mrs. Cohen made a motion to approve the request to rewire the safety switches. Mrs. Hines seconded the motion. All approved the motion. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC SAFETY IN DOWNTOWN DARLINGTON Mr. Garland said someone was pan-handling in a downtown business within the last week and it was requested by Council members to put this on the agenda. Chief Cox said he was not aware there was a problem. Chief Cox said Ms. Jordan, who owns a business on the Square, scheduled some painting classes and a subject came in begging for money, but he was asked to leave and he left once, but he came back in and was asked to leave again and he did. Chief Cox said his department was notified the next day and the subject was talked to and given a “no trespass” notice. Ms. Jordan asked for 74 their advice, which they gave to her and as far as he knows now, everything is fine now. Chief Cox said in 2007 when the codes were changed by the City, “Pan-Handling” and “Begging” was eliminated from our codes, so we have nothing to cover this other than a “trespassing” warning. INFO: Chief Cox said this afternoon his office received a call to McDonald’s of a gentleman having a possible heart attack and four or five of his units responded. He said the gentleman was found in his vehicle outside. He said the man was conscious when officers first got there but as the officers were talking to him, he suddenly slumped and went unconscious. The officers pulled the man him from his vehicle and the AUD was attached. They performed four rounds of CPR and brought the man back (94 years old). The last update they received, the man was doing fine at the hospital. Chief Cox said Captain Watson was involved in this and this is the third individual he has brought back. Going back to downtown safety discussion, Chief Cox said they were not aware Ms. Jordan was going to be open at night, but now they have her schedule and will keep a closer watch on her and any other business that is open at night. DISCUSSION OF CASHUA STREET DRAINAGE ISSUE Mr. Garland said Mr. Langley went before The County Transportation Commission in November and requested funding for a slip line on Cashua Street to help with the drainage issue near the corner of Spring Street between Columbian and Cashua Streets. Mr. Garland said they received a decision last week that the County Transportation Commission agreed to fund $20,000 of whatever improvements are made for a slip line. Mr. Langley said he appeared before Council in October, 2010 and offered four scenarios. Mr. Langley said the committee recommendation was to do the slip line. He said getting the $20,000 from The County Transportation Commission will help us quite a bit. Mr. Langley said he talked with Eaddy’s Construction Company this afternoon and they are still willing to come in and do it for pretty much the same price. Mr. Langley said this company has done some work pretty similar in Seabrook Island and on Kiawah Island. Mr. Langley said he will call Seabrook and Kiawah Islands tomorrow to see if they were satisfied with the work. Mr. Segars asked if there was a question as to whether terra cotta pipe is there. Mr. Langley said there is terra cotta pipe there, but he talked with the contractor and he assured him that they can get through. Mr. Langley said he talked with the contractor about his concern with the street caving in while they were doing the work. He said the contractor said if anything, right over the top of where 75 they are working might fall in while they are sucking the dirt out using high pressure water. Mr. Langley said the pipe might fall in, but that can be put back. Mr. Langley said this company uses a very high pressure shower of water which cuts the roots. Then they put a larger water pressured machine in the line and it spins and cuts all the roots out. They will then send a camera in to make sure it’s clean to their satisfaction. Mrs. Hines asked if DOT was going to help us with this. Mr. Langley said DOT does slip line procedure themselves, but they do a different type. He said they do a hard line version. Mr. Langley said DOT puts a soft line in and once it’s in, it will expand and then harden in place. Mrs. Cohen asked how long the contractor will give us the price of $41,000. Mr. Langley said the contractor is supposed to call him back tomorrow, but he is confident the price will be very close to the same amount. Mrs. Cohen asked about the hard-line vs. the soft-line procedure. Mrs. Cohen said it will be a good idea to talk a little bit more with those who do have experience with this procedure. Mrs. Cohen made a motion that we accept this as information pending additional research. Mrs. Thomas seconded the motion. All approved the motion. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Gave Council the General Fund Balance-$482,240.68; Hospitality Tax Fund Balance- $316,527.69; The Reserve Fund Balance - $217,281.89 2) Mr. Garland said the Renaissance Grant request for qualifications will be advertised starting Sunday. He said they are looking for companies that have experience in planning. Mr. Garland said staff recommendation would be that we get the request for qualifications in and if Council wants to appoint a committee to go over the applications, that will be fine with him. Mr. Segars, Mrs. Hines and Mrs. Cohen will serve on the committee to go over the applications. 3) Mr. Garland said he has scheduled a one-night planning session with department heads on Monday, February 21, 2011 at 6:00 PM at C Boan’s Restaurant. 4) Mr. Garland gave Council members copies of Ethics Commission instructions for filing their Statement of Economic Interest form. 5) Mr. Garland said the majority of Council members are planning to attend the MASC Legislative Day on February 16, 2011 in Columbia, SC at the Marriott Hotel. Mr. Garland said they are planning to leave the day before and will be staying at the Clarion Hotel. INFO: Mrs. Cohen said she was looking at the water department report and it stated that they are still working on the railroad crossing permit and wanted general information concerning this to refresh her memory. Mr. Kinsaul said they have been working on the railroad permit for four months. 76 Mr. Kinsaul said the railroad company does not work fast. He said supposedly, the last three requirements came in Friday. Mr. Kinsaul said the permit application has been signed, the railroad company will need a check and they are asking the City to provide them with an insurance certificate for an unreasonable amount of liability insurance. He said the Insurance Reserve sent him a certificate today for our coverage and we are trying to get the railroad company to accept this pending the contractor having to have their own liability insurance. Mr. Kinsaul said if the Insurance Reserve’s Risk Manager approves this insurance certificate they will issue the permit. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Garland said there was a need to go into executive session and he asked that Ms. Jannie Lathan and Mr. Kinsaul stay for the meeting. Mr. Segars made a motion to go into executive session at 7:46 PM, to discuss a contract concerning the Water & Sewer Department. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hines. Mrs. Hines made a motion to go out of executive session at 8:16 PM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Segars. APPROVAL FOR W&S STUDY Mrs. Hines made a motion to allow Ms. Jannie Lathan to do a storm water study for the Water Department, not to exceed $10,000. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Hines, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Segars, and Mr. Cannon voted for the motion. Mrs. Cohen said she is voting “no” because she has not heard anything in depth about this before and also there hasn’t been enough time to get the information. Mrs. Cohen also said she would like to know a little more about it. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Hines made a motion to go back into executive session at 8:20 PM to give an update on a pending litigation. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cohen. Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, to end executive session at 8:35 PM. ADJOURNMENT 77 Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 78 CITY OF DARLINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Darlington City Council was held January 4, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of City Hall at 400 Pearl Street. PRESENT AT MEETING: Councilpersons Mrs. Dyan Cohen, Mrs. Annette Thomas, Mrs. Gloria Hines, Mr. Coleman Cannon, Mr. Wayne Chapman and Mr. John Segars. Also present: Mayor Watkins, City Manager, Mr. Howard Garland, Mr. Robert Garland, Fire Chief Stone, Mr. Kinsaul, Police Chief, Jay Cox, Mr. Danny Watson, Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. Rita Pegelow, Mrs. Dorothy Coleman, Mr. Garland’s new intern, Mr. David Skipper, Ms. Lisa Rock from the News & Press and other visitors. PRAYER Councilwoman Hines gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mr. Chapman, to approve Minutes of Regular Council Meeting December 7, 2010. Mrs. Cohen asked to amend the minutes at bottom of page 2 under “second reading on ordinance for issuance of water/sewer refunding revenue bond” to add “new” before the word loan and add the word “penalty” for sentence to read: ….BB&T was to render on the initial loan and on this “new” loan they have waived the prepayment “penalty”. All approved the motion with the change. DDRA MANAGER – MR. DAVID VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan said the Business Pride Award will be awarded to C. Boan’s Steakhouse and the Residential Pride Award will be awarded to Mr. Shaw & Mrs. Linda Dargan. Mr. Vaughan said the sign that was requested to be placed on Cashua Street at the exit of the parking lot behind Carolina Bank Plaza has been ordered. He said there is a party interested in the old Arthur’s Barber Shop Building. Faith Bible Church (located in the old BC Moore’s Building) has put a new roof on their building, but they approached 79 DDRA about getting the mural on the side of the building updated. Mr. Vaughan said his understanding is that this is now under the County’s Administration, so he referred them to the new County Administrator. Mr. Vaughan said he is working on the transfer of his office from Mr. DiLeo’s office to the City Admin Building. He said at the offer of Mr. Garland, he will be using the City’s post office box. Mr. Vaughan said signage has been approved for 141 Oak Street-Lathan Construction. Mr. Vaughan said he and Mr. DiLeo discussed today about putting a fence up at the Admin Building, but Mr. DiLeo is waiting for some prices to come in and once they do, he said he will bring those back to Council. He said Wachovia Bank will be having a training session for employees and they are asking that the City assist them with a map showing them where the public parking areas are in the downtown area and they wanted to know the restaurants that are within walking distance. Mr. Vaughan said he has already provided them with this info. Mrs. Cohen said maybe the City should stay apprised of what the County says about keeping up the mural. Mr. Garland said the mural is considered part of the parking lot and the County owns the parking lot. Mrs. Hines said the City has always maintained the mural. Mr. Garland said a new County Administrator that just started today, so we will talk with them about it. Mr. Garland said the City checked on this two years ago and the old County Administrator said, in so many words, “to mind our own business”. Mrs. Cohen asked about the parking lots. Mr. Vaughan said he found his information on the internet. MR. JOHN KENNEDY – SEMI PRO FOOTBALL TEAM There have been previous meetings about a group having a semi-pro football team in Darlington. It was also stated that the team would need to get their own insurance before ….Mr. Kennedy said he contacted Pearce & Pearce Insurance Company after getting information from Mr. Bradley. He said the company wanted to know when they wanted the insurance coverage to start since the season doesn’t start until March and also how much coverage they needed. Mr. Kennedy said the agent said it would be best to wait until March to start the coverage since this is when the season starts. Mr. Kennedy said the Pearce & Pearce agent told him to fill out what he could on the application. Mayor Watkins said Mr. Bradley probably has more information on this, so a meeting can be set up with Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Bradley, and Mr. Garland. Mr. Garland told Mr. Kennedy to stop by his office any time on Monday and he will call Mr. Bradley to come down. Mayor Watkins asked Mr. Kennedy if he’s considered looking for sponsors to share the costs. Mr. Kennedy said his group is looking at local sponsors 80 to help with the costs. He said the money they raise, they plan to give some back. Mr. Kennedy said if, and when, the City wants to see financial statements, they will be supplied to Council. Mrs. Thomas asked Mr. Kennedy if his team plans to be self sustaining if the City contributes funds for thirty (30) helmets and shoulder pads. Mr. Kennedy said they will have to go out and find sponsors. He said they will find a way from January – March to get some sort of funds to help contribute to the team. SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER 0.35 ACRES OF PROPERTY TO DARLINGTON VENEER COMPANY Mr. Garland said, for the record, our Attorney, Mr. Bill Howle, said an easement has been added to the deed, so whenever the City has to go on the property to do sewer repairs, we will be allowed. Mrs. Cohen made a motion for Second Reading on Ordinance No. 2010-16 to transfer 0.35 acres of property to Darlington Veneer Company. Mr. Chapman seconded the motion. BACK TO ITEM #5 Mrs. Thomas wanted to know what Council’s status is on the semi-pro football team issue. Mayor Watkins said we received information about insurance for the team because this was a question that Council asked them. Mrs. Thomas asked if they accept this as information or what. She said Council should say something. Mayor Watkins said Council took no action. APPROVAL OF MOTIONS The motion was restated for second reading on ordinance to transfer 0.35 acres of property. All approved the motion. Mr. Cannon made a motion to accept this as information at this time until we get more details that they need concerning the semi-pro football team. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mayor Watkins went back to item #5 (Anyone wishing to appear before Council) since some people came in after he initially asked for it. ANYONE WISHING TO APPEAR MR. SYLVESTER HUDSON Mr. Sylvester Hudson thanked Council for putting up the sign for Orlando Hudson, but his concern is that it should have been larger. He said the reason why he is questioning this is because he has seen other signs that are 81 larger. Mayor Watkins said informational sign that are off the right-of-way are not restricted by DOT. Mr. Hudson said with the revenue that Orlando Hudson will be bringing into the City and County of Darlington; this is a slap in the face. Mayor Watkins said his feeling was that Orlando Hudson was very appreciative. Mr. Hudson said he’s sure Orlando is appreciative of anything that we do, but he’s the one that’s looking at the sign. Mr. Hudson said other people that he knows that has looked at the sign said the same thing, that it’s a slap in the face. He said when you visit other towns that have signs up for their athletes, they are a lot larger. Mrs. Hines said she was the one that made the gesture to do this for Orlando. Mayor Watkins said any time you put something on the right-of-way; you must get an encroachment from DOT. Mayor Watkins told Mr. Hudson he has run out of time, but if he wanted to bring this back before Council, he can. Mr. Hudson said that he would. Mr. Garland said one thing we could do is put Orlando’s name on the water tower. He said in Latta, SC they put Raymond Felton’s name on the water tower and that’s the only thing he can think of that we have direct control of that DOT does not have control of. Mr. Hudson said anything is better than the sign they have now. Mr. Hudson started off by thanking Council for how they voted for rehiring the judge. He also wanted to thank Mrs. Thomas for letting her constituents know that she was not going to vote in their interest at the council meeting when they voted to rehire the judge because her vote was the deciding vote. Mrs. Thomas said evidently this has been festering for several months and Mr. Hudson has not come to her personally and expressed anything for them to have any kind of discussion, but publically here tonight said that she is the reason that Judge Causey was voted in again. Mrs. Thomas asked Mr. Hudson why he didn’t come to her and talk to her about it. Mayor Watkins told Mr. Hudson to take his seat and he said this is not the best time for a debate about this issue. SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE TO ANNEX PROPERTY (#166-00-02-115 - 1524 S. MAIN STREET (BOJANGLES) Upon motion of Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mrs. Hines, First Reading on ordinance to annex property of 166-00-02-115 at 1524 S. Main Street (Bojangles). All approved the motion. FIRST READING ON ORDINANCE NO. 2011-01 TO CHANGE NAME OF B.A. GARY GYM TO ARTHUR STANLEY GYMNASIUM Mr. Cannon made a motion to name the gym that’s in the B.A. Gary Complex be named after A.W. “Man” Stanley. Mrs. Thomas seconded 82 the motion. Mrs. Cohen asked which name would be used because Arthur Stanley is on the agenda and Mr. Cannon stated A.W. “Man” Stanley in his motion. Mr. Cannon said he will check with Mr. Stanley’s son and see what name should be used. Mr. Segars asked if we were going to start naming all of the other buildings in the complex. Mayor Watkins said the City owns the complex and it’s the Council’s pleasure what to do. Mrs. Thomas said Mr. Arthur W. Stanley was on City Council and we should use the name that he had when he served the City. Mr. Cannon said there four different names of building within the complex already, so to name one more won’t hurt anything. Mr. Cannon said he will check with the family as to what name to use. All approved the motion except Mr. Segars. FIRST READING ON ORDINANCE NO. 2011-02 FOR CONTINUANCE OF TAX LEVY OF 125 MILS Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mrs. Hines, First Reading on Ordinance No. 2011-02 for Continuance of Tax levy of 125 mils, which unanimously carried. FIRST READING ON ORDINANCE NO. 2011-03 FOR CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX Upon motion of Mrs. Hines, seconded by Mrs. Cohen, First Reading on Ordinance No. 2011-03 for Continuance of Business License Tax, which unanimously carried. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE 1) Mr. Garland said the MASC Legislative Action Day is Wednesday, February 16, 2011; 2) Gave Council the Hospitality Tax balance and General fund Balance; 3) Reported on Water & Sewer Balance; 4) Mr. Kinsaul said they will meet with a Ferguson rep on Friday for final negotiations to try and get cost down and hopefully they will be buying meters before February. Mayor Watkins asked if Hartsville has made a commitment yet. Mr. Kinsaul said not as of yet, but the County Water & Sewer Authority is waiting on their money form the State. Mrs. Thomas said she cannot understand what the actual agreement is that if our meters are operating off of the county owned towers, what assurance the City has that we won’t have to send a meter reader out next month. Mr. Kinsaul said they are working on a written agreement between the City of Darlington and Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority. Mr. Kinsaul said there will be a written agreement between the two entities. 5) Mr. Garland said the City has executed an agreement with the State Department of Commerce and the 83 Renaissance Planning Grant for S. Darlington. Mr. Garland said the Pee Dee COG will administer the planning grant. The planning grant is for $25,000. Mr. Garland said if we are successful with the Planning Grant, then we will apply for $1,000,000 which we would use for our neighborhood improvements which will include housing removal, sidewalk improvements, lighting improvements, storm water improvements and/or sewer improvements. 6) The Police Department would like to freeze hiring on two positions which are currently vacant in order to purchase some new equipment. Chief Cox said they were approached several months ago by TASER International and they have come up with a new camera system which sees whatever the officer sees. Chief Cox said he has about $26,000 in grant funds that will be deposited into the general fund and by freezing these two positions, over the next six months by saving this salary, it will pay for itself. Chief Cox said the camera systems costs approximately $22,000. He said we do not download or store anything here. He said everything is sent by secure internet to Scottsdale, AZ which is the home of TASER Int’l. He said they maintain and store the videos and if they need a video for court or any other reason, they go on the secure website and we download it and present it. Chief Cox said the City is never directly in control of what is captured on the video other than the officer downloading it and it cannot be tampered with. Chief Cox said this is a “win, win” situation for safety. Chief Cox said this system has a CPU unit which will hold up to six of these monitors. He said the system also has GPS capability for tracking someone. Chief Cox asked Council’s permission to use the funds that he has in his budget to purchase this system. He said altogether with the unit that does the transmitting, storing and sending of the information, they will get six cameras, cradles, headsets, and the maintenance contract for one year is $22,000. Mr. Garland asked Chief Cox if they will keep the cameras in the vehicles that they currently have. Chief Cox said, “Yes”, the cameras they have in the cars now will still be used. He said anytime an officer gets out of the car, this new system will record everything that the officer sees and hears. Mayor Watkins asked Chief Cox if the officer will turn the system on when they get out of the car and he said, “Yes”. Chief Cox said the dash cam will come on if they have a traffic stop. He said the officers will have both cameras, but this new system is not designed to replace the car camera system. Mrs. Hines asked Chief Cox what was the radius of the car cam. Chief Cox said approximately 30’-40’. Mr. Garland said he is in favor of us purchasing this system as long as we stay within our current budget. Chief Cox told Council they have been testing the system for about two months and invited them to come by and check the system out. Mr. 84 Chapman made a motion to allow the Police Department to purchase six camera sets. Mr. Segars seconded the motion. All approved the motion. 7) Mr. Garland said after consulting with staff it was recommended that we approve change for use of funding for the Carnegie Library in our budget this year. He said they have $50,000 for construction plans, but staff recommends that Council approve up to $40,000 of the $50,000 to do electrical, and heating & A/C in the library building. Mr. Segars made a motion to approve the request to use up to $40,000 of the $50,000 for electrical and heating & a/c upgrades in the library building. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Cohen had concerns about putting heating and air in the building right now. She said she would like to get an objective opinion from an architect to make sure it’s appropriate to do this before we start. She said we might want to do some basic things like putting in the heating and air but not the duct work. Mr. Garland said the building still needs to be wired. Mr. Garland said the building will have to be handicap accessible and this will be the biggest cost. He said we will get an architect at this point. Mrs. Cohen said she still would like to get an opinion from an architect. Mr. Garland said he will ask the architect that has been working with us if we will come and consult with us on his own time free of charge. Mrs. Cohen asked if there was a reason why they need to decide about this tonight since it was not on the agenda. She asked council if they could wait another month. Mr. Garland said they have already looked at this the last three or fours months. All approved the motion. 8) Mr. Garland said he would like to have a planning meeting with department heads and Council sometime in late February. INFO Mr. Cannon said we need a homeless shelter in Darlington. He said this can be discussed at the planning meeting as well. Mr. Cannon said it was stated previously that once we got the gym in the City’s name, we would put a police substation there. He said they need to go ahead and do this as soon as possible. REMINDERS Monday, January 17, 2011 – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (City to be Closed for Holiday); Black History Month begins Tuesday, February 1, 2011; Next Regular Council Meeting will be Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT 85 Upon motion of Mr. Segars, seconded by Mr. Cannon, the meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk & Treasurer 86