San Diego State University School of Public Health PH 303 Course Syllabus Spring 2013 Course Title: Credit Hours: Time: Location: Health Behavior in Community Settings 3 Monday, 4pm – 6:40pm SSE-1401 Instructor: Office Hours: Office Location: Email: Julie Wang, PhDc, MPH Mondays 2pm – 3:30pm (or by appointment) Hardy Tower 119C A. COURSE DESCRIPTION Behavior change theory, principles, predictive models, and their application to health behavior change programs. Review of research methods related to individuals and communities. Analysis of major health behavior change programs. Prerequisites: PH 301 & PH 302 B. COURSE GOALS 1. To provide a basic understanding of key concepts in health education, health promotion, and theory 2. To present major health behavior projects/ programs in research and in practice 3. To introduce the application of commonly used health behavior theories and constructs in the development of interventions C. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define health behavior, health education, and health promotion Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention Explain the role of theory in health education and health promotion Name different types of health behavior theories and provide examples Differentiate between a theory and a model Describe theoretical constructs, components and/or stages commonly used in health behavior 7. Apply those constructs, components and/or stages for changing health behaviors 8. Identify major health behavior programs that have been implemented in the U.S. and/or abroad 9. Provide personal experience in changing a health behavior 10. Develop and present a mock community health behavior intervention PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM 1 D. REQUIRED TEXT Sharma, Manoj and Romas, John A. Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd ed. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2012. E. COURSE REQUIREMENTS, EVALUATION, AND GRADING Maximum number of points earned is 100. Assignments and point distributions are as follows: 1. Individual Project……………………………………………………. 20 points Students will be asked to identify an individual health behavior, enroll into a program aimed to change the behavior (this may include an online website or mobile app), and work toward changing the behavior for at least 4 weeks during the semester. i. Paper (15 points) Sections must include the following: (a) background on the health behavior including commonly used intervention approaches/ strategies; (b) personal history with the health behavior including self-reported baseline measure of the behavior and description of previous attempts; (c) reasons/ motivations for changing the behavior; (d) behavioral change goals; (e) description of the selected intervention program; (f) weekly description of your personal experience during the intervention period (weeks 1-6) including self-reported measure of change at the end of each week; (g) conclusions; and (h) references Format: 5 pages, typed, standard margins, double-spaced, page number Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling ii. Baseline & Follow-up Questionnaire (5 points) – you will be provided and instructed to complete a brief questionnaire that will assess your baseline, 4-week, and 6-week follow-up assessment of your health behavior. This questionnaire will be posted on Blackboard. Hard copies of both the paper and completed questionnaire must be submitted in class on the due date (April 15). In addition, you must also send an electronic copy of your paper to (by 11:59PM on April 15). 2. Group Project……………………………………………………….. 20 points Students will form groups of 5, research a health behavior topic, and develop a community health behavior intervention among a specific target population. The intervention strategy MUST be based on a health behavior theory or theoretical construct(s) discussed in Sharma & Romas (2012). Students will be provided 30 minutes during each class to meet and work with their group and are responsible for any additional time required outside of class to complete this assignment. i. Written Group Report (10 points) PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM 2 Primary aim is to convince potential donors (i.e., instructor and fellow classmates) why your group’s health behavior project should be funded. Sections of this report must include: (a) background on the health behavior including commonly used intervention approaches/ strategies; (b) identification and description of the target population including a needs assessment; (c) description of the intervention including a theory-based rationale for the intervention component(s); (d) measurement instrument of the health behavior for evaluating efficacy/ effectiveness; (e) a project timeline; (f) budget justification; (g) summary; and (h) references Format: 10 pages, typed, standard margins, double-spaced, include page numbers, group number, member names, and project title Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling ii. 5-Minute Group Oral Presentation (5 points) – pitch the group’s health behavior project to potential donors (i.e., instructor & classmates). Convince us why we should fund your group’s project. iii. Peer Evaluation Sheet (5 points) – each student will act as the potential donor, evaluate other groups’ projects based on their 5-minute project pitch, and cast 1 vote to fund 1 project (you may not vote for your own group). Peer evaluation sheets will be posted on Blackboard. As an extra incentive, members of the group with the most votes will receive 3 extra points toward their total points earned toward their final grade. Hard copies of the 10-page written group report must be submitted in class on the due date (April 22). In addition, you must also send an electronic copy of your paper to (by 11:59PM on April 22). Individual peer evaluation sheets are due on the last day of presentations (May 6). 3. Midterm Exam………………………………………………………… 25 points The midterm exam will consist of multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions covering content from Chapters 1-5 in Sharma & Romas (2012), class lectures, and class discussions. Students will NOT be permitted to use any course materials during the exam. 4. Final Exam……………………………………………………………... 35 points The final exam will consist of multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions covering content from Chapters 1-10 in Sharma & Romas (2012), class lectures, and class discussions. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE A COMPREHENSIVE. Students will NOT be permitted to use any course materials during the exam. Final grades will be based on total points earned and will NOT be curved: Assigned Grade Total Points Earned PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM 3 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 94 – 100 90 – 93 87 – 89 84 – 86 80 – 83 77 – 79 74 – 76 70 – 73 67 – 69 64 – 66 60 – 63 < 60 F. COURSE POLICIES Attendance. If you plan to miss a class, it is advised that you email the instructor indicating that you will be absent and the reason for your absence (preferably before 4pm of the day you are absent). The same is advised if you plan to arrive late or leave early. Students are responsible for obtaining any missed work. Assignments. All assignments must be submitted according to the instructions and due dates specified in this document. Late assignments will not be accepted unless approved by the instructor. It is therefore imperative to communicate with the instructor of any absences as indicated above. If a late assignment is accepted, 1 point will be deducted each day that it is late. Exams. There will be 2 in-class exams for this course: a midterm and final. THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE A COMPREHENSIVE. Students will NOT be permitted to use any course materials during exams. Make-up exams will not be given. No exceptions. Cell Phones/ Laptops/ Tablets. SMS text messaging is optional although highly encouraged for participating in Class Pager polls during discussions. Use of laptops and/or tablets are also encouraged for note taking. All devices must be silent at all times. Academic Misconduct. There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating, plagiarizing, and other forms of academic dishonesty. All papers will be run against software to detect plagiarism. Consequences of academic misconduct will result in a grade of “zero” on the assignment/ exam. Further, the instructor will file a report with the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities (see PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM 4 PH 303: Course Calendar for Spring Semester 2013 Date Jan 21 Jan 28 Feb 04 Feb 11 Feb 18 Feb 25 Mar 04 Class Agenda No Class – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Overview of course syllabus Class discussion Lecture: Introduction to Health Education, Health Promotion, and Theory Review of individual project Lecture: Planning Models in Health Education and Health Promotion Class discussion/ exercise Lecture: The Health Belief Model Class discussion/ exercise Review of group project Peer evaluation sheet Group project meeting Lecture: The Transtheoretical Model Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Lecture: Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Reading Assignment Chapter 1 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Chapter 2 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Submit your health behavior for the individual project Chapter 3 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Submit names and redID #’s of group members for the group project Chapter 4 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Chapter 5 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Mar 11 Midterm Exam Lecture: Theories of Stress and Coping Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Chapter 6 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Mar 18 Lecture: Social Cognitive Theory Chapter 7 (Sharma & Romas 2012) PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM Assignment Due 5 Mar 25 Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Lecture: Social Marketing Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Chapter 8 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Apr 15 No Class – Cesar Chavez Holiday Lecture: Diffusion of Innovations Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Lecture: Frieire’s Model of Adult Education Class discussion/ exercise Group project meeting Apr 22 Group presentations Submit group report Apr 29 May 06 Group presentations Group presentations Class poll: best group project Submit peer evaluation May 13 Final Exam Apr 01 Apr 08 PH 303 Syllabus (Spring 2013) Last revised 3/22/16 3:42 AM Chapter 9 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Chapter 10 (Sharma & Romas 2012) Submit individual project: Paper Questionnaire 6