By: Md Rezaul Huda Reza Decision and iteration statements. Methods. E. I. Teodorescu UNIVERSITY of South Asia Area in computer memory where a value of a particular data type can be stored Syntax : type identifier(name); Assigning a value to a variable Syntax : type identifier = expression; (Note: read ‘=‘ as ‘becomes’) Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 3 3 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Using decision statements Using repetition statements Methods in general Instance methods and variables Code generated by Visual Studio Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 4 4 UNIVERSITY of South Asia In-Line Comments (//) // This is traditionally the first program written. Everything to the right of the slashes ignored by the compiler. Carriage return (Enter) ends the comment Multi-line Comment (/* */) block comments /* This is the beginning of a block multi-line comment. It can go on for several lines or just be on a single line. */ Example: int x = 3 // this is z comment stating that a variable of type integer was //declared and initialized to 3 E. I. Teodorescu Md Rezaul Huda Reza 5 5 Using decision statements Using repetition statements E. I. Teodorescu UNIVERSITY of South Asia Central Involves to both selection and iteration constructs conditional expression - “the test” Produces a Boolean result Declaring Boolean variable bool can hold a value that is either true or false Example bool someCondition = false; bool areYouReady = true; Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 7 7 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Do not confuse the equality operator == with the assignment operator = . Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 8 8 UNIVERSITY of South Asia && (AND) True if BOTH the conditions are true || (OR) True if EITHER of the conditions are true ! (NOT) Negates a bool – true becomes false, false becomes true Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 9 9 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Classified as one-way, two-way, or nested Alternate paths based on result of conditional expression Expression must be enclosed in parentheses Produce a Boolean result One-way When expression evaluates to false, statement following expression is skipped or bypassed No special statement(s) is included for the false result Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 10 10 UNIVERSITY of South Asia One-way Selection Statement if (boolExpression) { statement; } Curly brackets are required with multiple statements Try should use them even if you have one statement. Why? Two-way Selection Statement if (boolExpression) { statement; } else { statement; } Either the true statement(s) executed or the false statement(s) — but not both Md Rezaul Huda Reza 11 11 UNIVERSITY of South Asia int seconds ; What is the difference between “==“ and “=“ ? if (seconds == 59) { seconds =0; } else { seconds++; } // Note : == is different than = //Note : you can use Boolean var as an expresion if (seconds = 59) { // Compile error seconds =0; } else …... bool isReady; if (isReady == true) // OK ….. if (isReady) // OK …... Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 12 12 UNIVERSITY of South Asia int hoursWorked =40 ; double payRate; string resultString; pouble payAmount; if (hoursWorked > 40) { payAmount = (hoursWorked – 40) * payRate * 1.5 + payRate * 40; resultString= “You worked “ + (hoursWorked – 40) + “ hours overtime.”; resultString = resultString + “ Your payment is ” + payAmount. } else { payAmount = hoursWorked * payRate; resultString = “ Your payment is ” + payAmount. } // Next line will be executed, whether the expression evaluates true or false Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 13 13 UNIVERSITY of South Asia You can nest if statements inside other if statements if(Condition1) Statement1; else if(Condition2) Statement2; else if(Condition3) Statement3; else Statement-n; Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 14 14 UNIVERSITY of South Asia .... // some code before age = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); if (age<18) { label1.Text = } else if(18<=age { label1.Text = } else if(65<=age { label1.Text = } "to young to drink!"; and age<65) “Work hard, Party Hard"; and age<100) “Easy on Work, Still Party Hard"; else { label1.Text = “Wow! Tell me your secret"; } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 15 15 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Executes a set of logic depending on the value of a given parameter Multiple Also selection structure called case statement Works for tests of equality only Single variable or expression tested Must evaluate to an integral or string value Requires the break for any case No fall-through available E. I. Teodorescu Md Rezaul Huda Reza 16 16 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Switch Statements General Form switch (controllingExpression) Selector expression is an integral { or string type expression. case value1: statement(s); Value must be a break; of the same type ... as selector case valueN: The embedded statement(s); statement(s) is break; // jump-statement executed if control is [default: transferred to the case or the default. statement(s); break;] Optional } E. I. Teodorescu Md Rezaul Huda Reza 17 17 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Switch Statements Example int n = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); int cost = 10; switch(n) { case 0: case 1: cost += break; case 2: cost += break; case 3: cost += break; default: cost+ = break; } 25; 28; 50; 30; Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 18 18 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Useful because you can repeat instructions with many data sets repetition or iteration structures statements are executed in order, except when a jump statement is encountered. keywords are used in iteration statements: while do for foreach – later, when we study collections in Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 19 19 UNIVERSITY of South Asia while (conditional expression){ statement(s); // the while body } The while statement executes a statement or a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false No semicolon after the conditional expression the test of expression takes place before each execution of the loop a while loop executes zero or more times. infinite loop = BAD Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 20 20 UNIVERSITY of South Asia do { statement; } while( conditional expression); Post test do statement is executed at least once regardless of the value of the expression The do statement executes a statement or a block of statements repeatedly until the expression evaluates to false Md Rezaul Huda Reza 21 21 UNIVERSITY of South Asia int y = 0; string s ; while (y < 3) // No semicolon { s= “Number: “ + y ; y++ ; } int y = 0; string s ; do // No semicolon on this line { s= “Number: “ + y ; y++ ; } while (y < 3); What is the value of s at the end of the loop? What happens in the do…while loop? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 22 22 UNIVERSITY of South Asia int y = 3; string s ; while (y < 3) // No semicolon { s= “Number: “ + y ; y++ ; } What is the value of s at the end of the loop? int y = 3; string s ; do // No semicolon on this line { s= “Number: “ + y ; y++ ; } while (y < 3); What is the value of s at the end of the loop? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 23 23 UNIVERSITY of South Asia executes a statement or a block of statements repeatedly until a specified expression evaluates to false. Usually associated with counter-controlled types packages initialization, test, and update all on one line General form is: for (initializers; conditional expression; iterator) { statement; } Interpreted as: for (initialize; test; update) statement Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 24 24 UNIVERSITY of South Asia The for statement executes the statement repeatedly as follows: First, the initializers are evaluated. Then, while the expression evaluates to true, the statement(s) are executed and the iterators are evaluated. When the expression becomes false, control is transferred outside the loop. Example for(i = 0; i<5; i++) { s = s + i + “\n”; } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 25 25 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Loop can be nested inside an outer loop Inner nested loop is totally completed before the outside loop is tested a second time Example: int inner; string s = “ “; for (int outer = 0; outer < 3; outer++) { for(inner = 10; inner > 5; inner --) { s = s + outer + “ “ + inner + “\n”; } } MessageBox.Show(s); Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 26 26 Defining and Using Methods E. I. Teodorescu UNIVERSITY of South Asia Also known as functions Used to define behaviour. A method does something active Question: What is the difference between a method and a variable? Variables simple store data Methods: A sequence of statements with a name; A piece of code that does something (it has a task) Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 28 28 UNIVERSITY of South Asia It has: A name: first line stating important information about the method A body: Enclosed in a block Can All { } be called (invoked) one or more times programs consist of at least one method, Main( ) Methods are defined inside classes Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 29 29 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Method structure optional [Method access] returnType methodName ( [ParametersList] ) { optional //method body statements go here } Example: public int CalculateAge(int y) { int birthYear = y; return 2010-y; } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 30 30 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Q: What is the purpose of declaring/creating methods? So you can use them at a later stage! They are “handy” pieces of code that do something Use a method by calling it from another part of the code. A method can be called as many times as you wish A method should be called at least once • otherwise not much use to it! Calling a method result = methodName ( [ParametersList] ); optional Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 31 31 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Follow the rules for creating an identifier Starts with capital Sensible name Examples CalculateSalesTax( ) AssignSectionNumber( ) DisplayResults( ) InputAge( ) ConvertInputValue( ) Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 32 32 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Enclosed Include in curly brackets { } statements ending in semicolons Declare variables Do arithmetic Call other methods Value returning methods must include return statement Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 33 33 UNIVERSITY of South Asia The method header is followed by the method body // Program.cs public class Hello { public static void Main() { Application.Run(new Form1()); } } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 34 34 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Indicates what type of value is returned when the method is completed Always listed immediately before method name void No value being returned return statement Required for all non-void methods Compatible value (with declared type) Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 35 35 UNIVERSITY of South Asia A any data type can be a return type What types do you know?: bool char double int object Short byte decimal float long sbyte string You must write a return statement inside the method Void = no return type. The return type is set to void by default. Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 36 36 UNIVERSITY of South Asia public void Calculate ( ) { int x = 7; int y = 3; var result = 0; result = x * y; What is special about it? } Is the Calculate() method returning anything? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 37 37 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Return type public double CalcSpeed(double m, int h) { double miles = m; int hours = h; return miles / hours; } Compatible value (double) returned Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 38 38 UNIVERSITY of South Asia private int AddValues(int x, int y) { return x + y ; If you want a method to return information you must write a } return statement inside the ……. method! The return statement is usually positioned at the end of your method. Why? If the return type is “void”, the method doesn’t return a statement ! Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 39 39 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Why do we want to use parameters? you may want a method to do something, but that method needs some external data The external data can be different every time you call that method. public double CalcSpeed(double m, int h) { double miles = m; int hours = h; return miles / hours; } double porscheSpeed = CalcSpeed(260.0, 1) double tractorSpeed = CalcSpeed(80.0, 2) Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 40 40 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Declaring a method with parameters public int AddValues( int x, int y, int z) { return x+y+z; formal parameters When the method is declared. } Calling the method int r = AddValues(1,2,3) ; AddValues ( r, AddValues(3,3,3), 3*r ); Exact match of the method’s Actual arguments name you are calling (case When the method is called. sensitive) Md Rezaul Huda Reza 41 E. I. Teodorescu 41 UNIVERSITY of South Asia The scope of a variable is the region of the program where the variable is usable Local scope Local to a method Declared inside the method body Used only inside the method body !! Local variables must be instantiated Class scope – next lecture Declared inside the class body, but not inside a method In C# are called fields (class variables in java) Use fields(class variables) to share information between methods Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 42 42 UNIVERSITY of South Asia void method1() { int myVar; } void method2() { myVar = 22; } int myField; void method1() { myField = 22; } void method2() { myField++; } Will get an error Is there anything wrong with the given examples? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 43 43 UNIVERSITY of South Asia A method has the ability to behave differently according to the types and number of parameters that are passed to it. C# allows you to define different versions of a method, and the compiler will automatically select the most appropriate one based on the parameters supplied. methods with the same name but with a different set of parameters signature of a method = Each combination of parameter types Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 44 44 UNIVERSITY of South Asia public class AddingNumbers { int x; public int Add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } public int Add(int a, int b, int c) { return a+b+c; } 2 methods with the same name! What are the signature of these methods? ……….. x = Add(3, 2)+ Add(4, 5, 6); string s = “Result= “ + x; } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 45 45 UNIVERSITY of South Asia public class AddingNumbers { double x; public int AddNumbers(int a, int b) { return a+b; } public int AddNumbers(int c, int d) { return d+c; } public int AddNumbers(int f, double g) { return d+c; } public int AddNumbers(double f, double g) { return f+g; } ……….. x = AddNumbers (3, 2)+ AddNumbers (4, 5) + AddNumbers (3.2, 2.0)+ AddNumbers (4, 5.0); ; string s = “Result= “ + x; } Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 46 46 UNIVERSITY of South Asia .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) is in effect code that can be reused. Inside this there are many reusable methods Last lecture we used some FCL methods to convert types. Can you remember any? Parse( ) method ToString( ) method The Convert methods Convert.ToDouble( ) Convert.ToInt32( ) etc Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 47 47 E. I. Teodorescu UNIVERSITY of South Asia What is this? What is the red “thing”? What is the role of \n? MessageBox.Show( Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 49 49 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Switch Selection What is s and what is it set to? What is Parse(s) and what does it do? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 50 50 UNIVERSITY of South Asia private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Event created by double clicking button1 int y = 0; string s = " "; do // No semicolon on this line { s = s + y + " " + y++ + " " + ++y + "\n"; What is the difference between ++y and y++? } while (y < 3); label1.Text = s; What would the output be if the condition was y<0 ? } What will be the output in the label? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 51 51 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 52 52 UNIVERSITY of South Asia What is this? What is this? What is this? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 53 53 UNIVERSITY of South Asia What are they? name What is this? public double ConvertFahranheitToCelsius(int aNumber) { result = (5.0 / 9.0) * (aNumber - 32); return Math.Round(result,2); } What is this? What id Round(…)? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 54 54 UNIVERSITY of South Asia When the button is clicked : , inputNumber = int.Parse(textBoxInput.Text); labelResult.Text = inputNumber + " Fahranheit is " + ConvertFahranheitToCelsius(inputN umber)+ " Celsius"; Who is this? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 55 55 UNIVERSITY of South Asia What would happen if the formula is written : (5/9) * (aNumber – 32) What will the value of the result variable be ? Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 56 56 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Available applications on teachmat for week 2: doWhileEx AgeExample For loop MethodExample If statements ForLoopExample Parse() method, switch, while IfElseExample do...while and while examples methods, parameters(arguments) SwitchApp Md Rezaul Huda Reza E. I. Teodorescu 57 57 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Md Rezaul Huda Reza 58 UNIVERSITY of South Asia Md Rezaul Huda Reza 59