Classroom Strategies - Lake County Schools

Learning Strategies and Resources
“Provide educators with the knowledge, motivation, tools, and confidence for integrating literacy in their
content area classrooms.”
Table of Contents:
Page #
Collaborative Grouping
Jigsaw I
Jigsaw II
Socratic Circles
Semantic Mapping
Concept Mapping
Free-form Mapping
Character Mapping
Venn Diagrams
Study Cards
Power Notes
Two-Column Notes
Cornell Notes
Reading Strategies
Anticipation Guide
Book Talks
Think Pair Share
Authentic Questioning
Think Alouds
1. To teach students how to use writing, reading, viewing, speaking, and listening to become more
proficient in the subjects they study.
2. To create a school-wide resource pamphlet, which will incorporate the following strategies:
Eliminate passive learning strategies and introduce hands-on experiences
Introduce various thematical skills to motivate student interest
Integrate technology into the classroom
Help students meet content standards and benchmarks through literacy strategies.
*Project CRISS is an educational initiative designed to help students of all abilities learn
content information across the curriculum and throughout the grade levels. CRISS trains and
models for teachers how they can incorporate the CRISS learning principles and
strategies into their regular classroom instruction with the ultimate goal of creating
students who are independent learners.
Jigsaw and STAD
Jigsaw reading and STAD are two types of cooperative learning activities that teachers should be
encouraged to use in their mixed ability classes. Both of these activities encourage students to work
according to their level and ability.
Jigsaw (I and II)
In Jigsaw I, the teacher divides a reading comprehension lesson into four or five parts. The teacher must
make sure that each part of the text can be read and understood independently from the rest of the text.
The class is divided into groups of four, (ideally) called the EXPERT groups. Each group is then given one
part of the text to learn independently. The task of these groups is to ensure that each member of the
group understands his/her part of the material and that s/he will be able to teach both vocabulary and
content to others in his/her group.
The next step involves re-dividing students into their HOME groups. In each of these groups, there will be
one student representing each of the expert groups. Each member of the group now teaches the rest of
the group about the section s/he just read about. Only after all the members have reported to the group
do the students know what the passage is about. The students can then either answer the questions in the
book or work on a worksheet prepared by the teacher.
Since this method of group work involves peer teaching, even the lowest performing student can actively
participate, while the stronger students reinforce their knowledge by teaching it to others. Each student,
no matter what his or her level of English is, has a vital piece of information, needed by the other
members of the group. This factor contributes to the student’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
Jigsaw II
The same text is used by all the students. Each expert group is assigned a different topic which the text
relates to. For example, if the text is a short story which has been read in class, then different topics could
a) scan text/story for people, places and number and then categorize into groups. (lower performing
a) to summarize the content (middle group)
b) to write about the different characters (middle to strong)
c) to find out information about the author (strong)
d) to look up background information about the place or where the story takes place or historical
As in Jigsaw I, after completing the task in the EXPERT groups, the students are re-divided into the HOME
groups, where they each report back to the group and then complete a task prepared by the teacher,
requiring the students to relate to all of the topics.
S.T.A.D. (Student Teams Achievement Division)
STAD is another cooperative learning technique which is made up of five components: class presentation
by the teacher, teams for peer teaching, quizzes based on group scores, individual improvement scores
which allow the lower performing student to contribute as many, if not more points than the stronger
students because the points are given for improvement, and team recognition.
The idea behind STAD is that the teacher divides the class into mixed groups of ability. He or she teaches
the material (ie. a grammar point) frontally. Then, in groups, the students practice the material based on
worksheets prepared by the teacher or exercises in the students’ textbooks, with the students helping
one another, and/or re-teaching the material when necessary. The students are then tested individually.
Each student is given improvement points and the total number of improvement points for each group is
calculated. The teacher then informs the class of the results. STAD can be a very beneficial learning
experience as students can help one another, practice together and become very involved in the intergroup competition.
Read more: 12/articles/17488.aspx#ixzz13OoYhP61
Socratic Circles
Socratic circles can be used to engage in the Socratic method in various subjects. Typically, when
participating in Socratic circle activities, students first read a passage critically and then form two
concentric circles. First, the inner circle examines and discusses the text and the second circle comments
on the quality of the dialogue. Then, the two circles switch places and roles, and the process is repeated
with the new ideas from a new circle. The outer circle is required to remain quiet while the inner circle
reacts and dialogues, and conversely, the inner circle must listen quietly to the outer circle’s evaluation of
their conversation.
Socratic circles turn partial classroom control and direction over to students by creating a truly equitable
learning community where the weight and value of student voices and teacher voices are
indistinguishable from each other. Socratic circles also help to develop critical and creative thinking
skills where students work cooperatively to construct meaning from what they have read and avoid
focusing on a ‘correct’ interpretation of the text.
Steps for Creating Socratic Circles
Typically, Socratic circles must include a short passage of text in which students have already given a
critical read, and two concentric circles of students — one circle focusing on exploring the meaning
expressed in the text and a second circle observing the conversation.
Basic structure:
Teacher assigns a short passage of text the day prior to the Socratic circle activity.
Students read, analyze, and take notes individually.
Students are divided into two circles.
The inner circle reads the passage aloud and discusses the text for about ten minutes, while the outer circle
silently observes.
5. The outer circle evaluates the inner circle’s conversation and provides feedback to the inner circle.
6. Students switch circles.
7. The new inner circle discusses the text for approximately ten minutes and then is given ten minutes of
feedback by the outer circle.
Semantic Mapping
To help students identify important ideas and how these ideas fit together and to provide an alternative
format to the outline.
The teacher should model mapping a few times before the students do this on their own.
There are three components to a semantic map:
1. Core question or concept: this is a key word or phrase that is the main focus of the map.
2. Strands: subordinate ideas that help explain or clarify the main concept. These can be generated by the
3. Supports: details, inferences and generalization that are related to each strand. Supports clarify the
strands and distinguish one strand from another.
Adapted from Content Area Reading:Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum by Richard T. and Joanne L. Vacca
Concept Mapping (Pre reading, Reading, Post Reading)
Concept Mapping is the way of showing the relationships between ideas. It can be used before, during, and
after reading to organize information.
Use Concept Mapping to show what you know about a topic.
Use concept Mapping to take notes as you reread a selection.
Use concept Mapping to organize the reading selection after you have read.
Use concept Mapping to organize your thoughts before writing a paragraph or essay.
Free - Form Mapping (Shows what you've learned)
Free-Form Mapping occurs after you have read a selection. It is used to help students create their own text
representations of the selection they have read. You can use words and/or drawings.
Character Mapping (Shows what you've learned)
Character Mapping is a way to illustrate your opinion about a character in a book or about this characters
personality. You can use pictures and/or words.
Comparison Maps (Venn Diagrams)
Comparison Maps (Venn Diagrams) untangle similarities and differences among concepts, characters, and events.
Highlighting (Taking Notes and Studying)
Highlighting is used to organize what you have read. Some people using highlighting will use different colored
highlighters to represent different information.
Example: Orange represents all main ideas. Yellow represents Supporting Details to that Main Idea.
Steps to being a good Highlighter:
1. Read through the selection first.
2. Reread and begin to highlight main ideas and their supporting details.
3. Do NOT highlight the entire sentence. Try to only highlight the facts which are important.
4. In the margins, write down related topics or ideas you have as you read.
When you study pay attention to the highlighted information and perhaps information you wrote down within the
Study Cards (Studying, Pre writing-Organizing Information)
Study Cards strategy is a great way to study information you are trying to learn for a quiz or test. This strategy is
sometimes called flash cards.
1. Using index cards, copy down the important Main Idea or Power 1 note on one side of the card. Some
examples are: vocabulary words, dates, names of important people, names of theories or theorems, etc.
2. On the opposite side, write down the supporting detail or Power 2 information for the Main Idea or Power I
3. Use these study cards to quiz yourself or a partner. Sometimes being the teacher can actually teach you the
NOTE: This strategy is very similar to the Two Column Notes and Study Strategy.
Power Notes with Underlining (Taking Notes, Studying, Pre
Power Notes with Underlining is another way to organize information you are rereading. As you reread, underline
the important details or notes. As you underline, assign the appropriate Power Number (1, 2, 3, or 4) to indicate
the Power of this detail or note. Main Ideas are labeled P1, supporting details are labeled P2, etc. This structure can
be further organized into a Power Outline used for studying this information.
Power notes with underlining use what is called a Power I, Power 2, and Power 3 format or structure.
Power 1 = Main Idea of the information.
o Power 2 = Detail or supportive information for Power 1 above.
 Power 3 = Detail or supportive information for Power 2 above.
 Power 4 = Detail or supportive information for Power 3 above.
EXAMPLE, using a very simplistic piece of writing
There are many different types of (P1) animals on this earth with us. Dogs, so called "Man's Best Friend," and cats,
are only two domestic animals found in homes today.
Of the (P2)dogs of the USA, two favorite breeds are the (P3)Collie and the (P3)German Shepherd. These two breeds
of dog are found all over the country.
(P2)Cats are also popular in many households. Two of the most popular breeds of cat are the (P3)Siamese and the
The following is the power outline of the information above and can be utilized for study.
Power 1 Animals
o Power 2 Dog
 Power 3 Collie
 Power 3 German Shepherd
o Power 2 Cat
 Power 3 Siamese
 Power 3 Calico
Two Column Notes (Note Taking and Studying)
Two Column Notes help you organize your notes from subject area reading assignments or lectures into Main Ideas
and Supporting Details.
Divide your paper into two columns. Label the left hand column Main Ideas and the right had column Supporting
As you take notes place all Main Ideas to the left, and their Supporting Details to the right.
Example using an article titled "Oceans Zones."
By folding the paper in between the Main Ideas and the Supporting Details, you now have Main ideas on one side of
the fold and Supporting Details on the other. This is used as a study aid for quizzes and tests.
While looking at the Main Ideas side, try to recall the supporting details to these. The Main Ideas are the items
many teachers will be asking information about during tests and quizzes.
Main Ideas
What are the ocean
Supporting Details
1. Sunlight
2. Twilight
Sunlight zone, top layer
3. Midnight
1. Visibility
2. Temperature
3. Pressure
Surface - down 300 feet
65º F surface to 56º at 300 feet
90% of all known sea
Supports plant life
The Cornell Note-taking System
After class, use this space at the bottom of each page to summarize the notes on that page.
1. Record: During the lecture, use the notetaking column to record the lecture using telegraphic sentences.
2. Questions: As soon after class as possible, formulate questions based on the notes in the right-hand column.
Writing questions helps to clarify meanings, reveal relationships, establish continuity, and strengthen memory.
Also, the writing of questions sets up a perfect stage for exam-studying later.
3. Recite: Cover the notetaking column with a sheet of paper. Then, looking at the questions or cue-words in the
question and cue column only, say aloud, in your own words, the answers to the questions, facts, or ideas
indicated by the cue-words.
4. Reflect: Reflect on the material by asking yourself questions, for example: “What’s the significance of these facts?
What principle are they based on? How can I apply them? How do they fit in with what I already know? What’s
beyond them?
5. Review: Spend at least ten minutes every week reviewing all your previous notes. If you do, you’ll retain a great
deal for current use, as well as, for the exam.
Adapted from How to Study in College 7/e by Walter Pauk, 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company
Anticipation Guide
An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior
knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic. Before reading, students listen to or read several
statements about key concepts presented in the text; they're often structured as a series of statements
with which the students can choose to agree or disagree. Anticipation guides stimulate students' interest
in a topic and set a purpose for reading
Why use anticipation guides?
They teach students to make predictions, anticipate the text, and verify their predictions.
They connect new information to prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic.
When to use: Before reading, during reading, and after reading
How to use: Individually,
with small groups, Whole class setting
How to use an anticipation guide
1. Construct the anticipation guide. Construction of the anticipation guide should be as simple as possible
for younger students. Write four to six statements about key ideas in the text; some true and some false.
Include columns following each statement, which can be left blank or can be labeled Yes, or No (Maybe can
also be used).
NOTE: Teachers may wish to create an additional column for revisiting the guide after the material has
been read.
2. Model the process. Introduce the text or reading material and share the guide with the students. Model
the process of responding to the statements and marking the columns.
3. Read each of the statements and ask the students if they agree or disagree with it. Provide the opportunity
for discussion. The emphasis is not on right answers but to share what they know and to make predictions.
4. Read the text aloud or have students read the selection individually. If reading aloud, teachers should read
slowly and stop at places in the text that correspond to each of the statements.
5. Bring closure to the reading by revisiting each of the statements.
Book Talks
During book talks, students discuss with classmates books they have read, heard or "discovered." The
shared selections may be ones read to them by a librarian, babysitter, parent, Elder, relative or older
student, or they may be books students have read themselves. Book talks can be scheduled during daily
shared language sessions.
What is its purpose?
to focus students' attention on enjoyable and informative print
to provide opportunities for students to share responses to a book, and to exchange ideas with
to entice students to read peer-recommended selections
to develop personal interpretations and responses to literature by reflecting upon, discussing and
evaluating selections
How can I do it?
The teacher demonstrates book talks before asking students to participate.
Students prepare in advance to talk about books of their choosing.
Students talk about the book or briefly summarize it, read an interesting or exciting part, show
illustrations, dress like one of the book's characters, talk and/or act like one character, or answer
questions about the book.
Listeners are encouraged to ask questions.
Short sessions should be scheduled daily, with only a few participants sharing.
Initial participation should be voluntary.
How can I adapt it?
Students can participate in class or school book fairs.
Older students can read to and talk about books with younger students.
Teacher-student conferencing about books can occur.
Teachers and teacher-librarians could use this activity to introduce selections for literature study
or to introduce recently acquired resources.
Teachers and students could collaboratively critique books for bias in print and in illustrations.
Assessment & Evaluation Considerations
Monitor students' interest in books.
Note students who do not participate -- they may not be familiar with books or may not have
sufficient access to books and resources.
Conference students about their participation if they are reluctant to share comments and
questions with the class.
Read - and - Say Something (Pre reading)
Read-and-say something works very well when students are working with difficult reading materials.
Students work together as they read.
Students read the assignment silently first. This may be done paragraph by paragraph, or page by page. For
longer selections, have students use another strategy called, "Sticky- Notes."
After students have finished the assigned reading they turn to their partner and say something which
relates to the reading. They react to ideas, description, images, and sections that were confusing.
Students conclude by writing down questions they would like to have answered by the entire class.
Sticky - Note Discussions (Reading, Post reading)
Sticky - Note Discussions works very well when students are working in lecture groups or when they are
reading a long or difficult selection.
1. As students read, or after they have read a selection, they will place a sticky note to mark passages they
want to talk about. These might be things they; question, find humorous, find interesting, or descriptions
they really enjoy. On this note they write the reason for marking this section.
2. Once students have this idea, suggest they mark about one or two sections per chapter.
3. Begin the class discussion by having students talk about the places they have marked and their reasons
for marking those passages.
Think - Pair - Share (Pre reading)
Think - Pair - Share is a pre-reading strategy which helps students become active participants in the topic
they are studying. This strategy may also be helpful to students when preparing for a writing assignment.
1. A topic or question is given to the individual or group.
2. Students are to think about what they know or have learned about the topic.
(Write down this information.)
3. After this information is written down, have students pair up and share their ideas.
4. Next, have the whole class share a discussion.
Authentic Questions (Reading)
Authentic or genuine Questions are used to help all readers monitor their own comprehension of a reading
Students read a selection and come up with questions they may have about: vocabulary, why a person did
something, how a situation evolved or unfolded, what a paragraph was discussing, etc.
Students write down their questions on the following chart. This information could be used during a class
discussion of the reading selection.
Think Alouds
"Think-alouds" help students understand the kind of thinking required by a specific task. The teacher
models her thinking process by verbalizing her thoughts as she reads, processes information, or performs
some learning task. Students see how the teacher attempts to construct meaning for unfamiliar
vocabulary, engages in dialogue with the author, or recognizes when she doesn’t comprehend, and selects
a fix-up strategy that addresses a problem she is having. Ineffective readers especially benefit from
observing what skilled readers think about while reading.
How to use it:
1. Explain that reading is a complex process that involves thinking and sense-making; the skilled reader's
mind is alive with questions she asks herself in order to understand what she reads.
2. Select a passage to read aloud that contains points that students might find difficult, unknown
vocabulary terms, or ambiguous wording. Develop questions you can ask yourself that will show what
you think as you confront these problems while reading.
3. While students read this passage silently, read it aloud. As you read, verbalize your thoughts, the
questions you develop, and the process you use to solve comprehension problems. It is helpful if you alter
the tone of your voice, so students know when you are reading and at what points you begin and end
thinking aloud.
4. Coping strategies you can model include:
Making predictions or hypotheses as you read: "From what he's said so far, I'll bet that the author is going
to give some examples of poor eating habits."
Describing the mental pictures you " see" : "When the author talks about vegetables I should include in my
diet, I can see our salad bowl at home filled with fresh, green spinach leaves."
Demonstrating how you connect this information with prior knowledge: "'Saturated fat'? I know I've heard
that term before. I learned it last year when we studied nutrition."
Creating analogies: "That description of clogged arteries sounds like traffic clogging up the interstate
during rush hour."
Verbalizing obstacles and fix-up strategies: "Now what does 'angiogram' mean? Maybe if I reread that
section, I'll get the meaning from the other sentences around it: I know I can't skip it because it's in boldfaced print, so it must be important. If I still don't understand, I know I can ask the teacher for help,"
5. Have students work with partners to practice "think-alouds" when reading short passages of text.
Periodically revisit this strategy or have students complete the assessment that follows so these
metacomprehension skills become second nature.
How could think-alouds be used in mathematics instruction?
Think-alouds provide opportunities for teachers to model how to explore mathematics text. This might include
previewing a chapter by looking at titles, subtitles, graphic organizers, and pictures to get an overall view of what
the chapter is going to be about. It might include making predictions, creating mental pictures, connecting
information to prior knowledge, creating analogies, and verbalizing obstacles as well as strategies to overcome
these obstacles while reading mathematics material.
How could think-alouds be used in social studies instruction?
Think-alouds provide opportunities for teachers to model how to delve into social studies text. This
might include previewing a chapter by looking at titles, subtitles, graphic organizers, and pictures to get
an overall view of what the chapter is going to be about. It might include making predictions, creating
mental pictures, connecting information to prior knowledge, creating analogies, and verbalizing obstacles
as well as strategies to overcome obstacles while reading social studies materials.
How could think-alouds be used in science instruction?
Think-alouds provide opportunities for teachers to model how to explore science text. This might include
previewing a chapter by looking at titles, subtitles, graphic organizers, and pictures to get an overall view
of what the chapter is going to be about. It might include making predictions, creating mental pictures,
connecting information to prior knowledge, creating analogies, and verbalizing obstacles as well as
strategies to overcome obstacles while reading science material.
Survey! Question! Read! Recite! Review!
SQ3R will help you build a framework to understand your reading assignment.
Before you
the title, headings, and subheadings
captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps
review questions or teacher-made study guides
introductory and concluding paragraphs
while you
Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into
Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each
Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this
chapter or subject when it was assigned?"
Ask yourself,
"What do I already know about this subject?"
Note: If it is helpful to you, write out these questions for
consideration. This variation is called SQW3R
When you begin
Look for answers to the questions you first raised
Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides
Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc.
Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases
Study graphic aids
Reduce your speed for difficult passages
Stop and reread parts which are not clear
Read only a section at a time and recite after each section
Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read, or summarize,
in your own words, what you read
Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words
Underline or highlight important points you've just read
Use the method of recitation which best suits your particular learning style
but remember, the more senses you use the more likely you are to
remember what you read - i.e.,
after you've read
a section:
Seeing , saying , hearing, writing!!!
Review: Day One
an ongoing
After you have read and recited the entire chapter, write questions in the margins for
those points you have highlighted or underlined.
If you took notes while reciting, write questions for the notes you have taken in the
left hand margins of your notebook.
Complete the form for a critical reading review
Day Two
Page through the text and/or your notebook to re-acquaint yourself with the
important points.
Cover the right hand column of your text/note-book and orally ask yourself the
questions in the left hand margins.
Orally recite or write the answers from memory.
Make flash cards for those questions which give you difficulty.
Develop mnemonic devices for material which need to be memorized.
Days Three, Four and Five
Alternate between your flash cards and notes and test yourself (orally or in writing)
on the questions you formulated.
Make additional flash cards if necessary.
Using the text and notebook, make a Table of Contents - list all the topics and sub-topics you
need to know from the chapter.
From the Table of Contents, make a Study Sheet/ Spatial Map.
Recite the information orally and in your own words as you put the Study Sheet/Map
Now that you have consolidated all the information you need for that chapter, periodically
review the Sheet/Map so that at test time you will not have to cram.
Uses an introductory or thesis paragraph (the first paragraph which introduces what
the reading section will be about).
Places main ideas in the form of questions (usually in bold print and beginning the
paragraph or reading selection).
Author answers these questions in the first sentence (referring to author clue above).
Uses bold print.
Pictures and charts are used to explain the vocabulary.
Uses italicized words.
Important vocabulary words are in bold print.
The author uses transition words (first, second, and third) to write clearly.
Know-What to know-Learned - KWL (Pre reading, Post reading)
Know-What to know-Learned strategy is used to help you build connections between the material you know and
unknown material when you read information about new topics. The chart below is a good graphic organizer for
this strategy.
1. Brainstorm what you KNOW (K) about the topic to be read.
2. Record this information under the column titled, What I Know.
3. Think about what you WANT (W) to know about the topic to be read. What are you curious about?
4. Record this information under the column titled, What I Want I Know.
5. After reading the selection, list what you have LEARNED (L) about the topic.
6. Record this information under the column titled, What I've Learned.