ACE Technical Charter High School 5410 South State Street Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: (773) 548-8705 Fax (773) 548-8706 Course Syllabus for Algebra II/Trigonometry Teacher: Mr. Thomas Department: Math (Diverse Learners) Voicemail: 773-548-8705 Credits Earned: 1 credit Email: Graduation Requirement: yes The #1 Priority at ACE Tech is Student Achievement Office Hours: 7am-3pm Course Description: Algebra II is a continuation of Algebra with a touch of Geometry concepts. We will explore Algebra at a deeper level, while learning new trigonometric concepts as well. We will also focus on math vocabulary and use fancy new words, such as “Trigonometric” or “SOH CAH TOA!” You will take a HANDS-ON learning approach and you will learn how to use this math in the REAL WORLD. You will also become better problem solvers and you will no longer be afraid of….WORD PROBLEMS because of your critical thinking abilities. You (Juniors) must take the ACT Test in April, so, past concepts and test taking strategies will be reviewed to enhance your chances of doing your best. Learning Goals: Quarter 1: Quarter 3: Students will identify structural Students will synthesize and similarities between the system generalize knowledge of of polynomials and the system of functions to model empirical integers situations and make judgments Quarter 2: Quarter 4: Students will use the coordinate Students will identify ways to plane to extend trigonometry to collect data and design play in model and prove trigonometry drawing conclusions from data identities Unit Titles: I. II. III. IV. Linear Equations/Functions and Inequalities, Quadratic Equations Solutions, Quadratic Functions Graphing, Polynomials, Rational Expressions Trigonometry, Permutations, Combinations, Probability Complex Numbers, Operations with Functions, and Measurement and Statistics Textbook(s): AGS PUBLISHING ALGEBRA 2 Required Materials and Supplies: Algebra II Trig book (provided to you) 3 ring binder (notes, tests, graded papers) Math Notebook (120 sheets) Math Folder (2 pocket or with binder clips) Scientific or Graphing calculator (preferred) Pencils Loose Leaf Notebook paper Attendance Policy: Every student is expected to be in school each day on time. If you are absent, your parent or guardian must call the school. When you return, you must bring in a note to the Main Office. The office will verify that your absence is excused and mark it in PowerSchool. You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be considered Tardy. Excessive Tardies and/or absences will be referred to the Dean of Students, and will be addressed according to School Policy. Late Work Policy: If your absence is excused, you will have the opportunity to make up missing work. You will have the same number of days that you were absent to turn it in. So, if you were absent from school for two days, your makeup work is due two days later. Extended time- You have the right to extended time on all assignments. If you would like to request extended time I must see that you are working on the assignment and need to utilize the extra time. I will grant extended time as needed. Grading Policy: Grades will be broken down into the following percentages: Category Homework Classwork Quizzes Tests Do Now/Exit Projects Total Percentage 5% 5% 25 % 40 % 10% 15 % 100% The grading scale for this class is as follows: Grade A Percentage 93-100 Grade Points 4.0 AB+ B 90-92 87-89 83-86 3.7 3.3 3.0 BC+ 80-82 77-79 2.7 2.4 C 73-76 2.0 CD+ D 70-72 67-69 63-66 1.7 1.3 1.0 DF 60-62 59 or below 0.7 0 PowerSchool Students and parents will be able to access the student’s grades online on the PowerSchool website. Typically, grades will be updated once a week. It is a good idea to check the website on a weekly basis. If there are any questions, please contact one of your teachers. Testing Policy Each student is required to make up any quiz/test they miss when not in school. You will be given a zero until the quiz/test is made up. It is your responsibility to make up the missing quiz/text. Typically, quizzes and tests are not made up during class, and you will need to schedule a time after school with the teacher to make it up. Classroom Rules and Expectations: BE ON TIME! PARTICIPATE RESPECT No SNACKS or DRINKS of any kind (excluding regular, not flavored water) No COMMUNICATION DEVICES (except teacher permitted) No CHEATING! (refer to the Student Code of Conduct) DOCUMENTATION BEATS CONVERSATION ~Chris Prefontaine I have read and reviewed what is required in Mr. Thomas’s Algebra II Trig class. I promise to always give my best effort in everything that I do. I have read and reviewed this with my parent/guardian. ______________________________ Student Name (Print) Date ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ______________________________ Parent phone number(s) Parent email address ________________________________________________________ What is the best method and time to contact parent/guardian?