Covenant College Intramurals Sportsmanship and Conduct Policy Good Sportsmanship is a requirement, not an option, for participation in Intramural Sports. A. Team Sportsmanship Team sports activities find their origin in the basic human need for play and the concept of glorifying God with the gifts he has given us. Winning and losing are mere outcomes of this play. Abusive language toward officials, supervisors, other participants, and manipulation of the rules are not “part of the game.” This negative sport behavior distracts from the satisfaction of competing, exercising, mirroring Christ and enhancing friendships. Intramural Coordinators, Sports Officials, and Staff jurisdiction is in effect from the time a team arrives at the playing site until the time the team leaves. Incidents outside of these limits may be examined as well. Thus, the captain and other players should be ready to act and prevent misbehavior and/or unsportsmanlike conduct of teammates. The following “Team Sportsmanship Rating System” has been implemented to ensure quality sportsmanship in team sports activities. B. Team Sportsmanship Guidelines Each team receives a “team sportsmanship rating” at the conclusion of each game by the game officials and the Intramural Director or his designee. Be aware, an individual’s behavior can have a dramatic effect on a team’s rating. A team must have a 4.0 (average) rating during the season to be eligible for the playoffs. Each team must maintain a 4.0 rating for each game/round to continue in the playoffs, regardless of the outcome of the game. Note: If a winning team is removed from the playoffs because of the Team Sportsmanship Rating System, no team will advance from the contest. This is not an exhaustive list of unsportsmanlike actions. Nor does each element of each grade have to be obtained in determining a “team sportsmanship grade.” There may be adjustments to the “Team Sportsmanship Rating System” if unsportsmanlike behavior merits such adjustments for management effectiveness. Sportsmanship Points Description 5 Points: Normal Game: Questioning an official on rule interpretation only and in a respectful manner. 4 Points: Some static: Some question of officials’ judgment or repeated complaints. No infractions issued. 3 Points: Difficulty: Repeated question of officials’ judgment. Unsportsmanlike conduct; yellow card in soccer for unsportsmanlike behavior; and a technical foul in basketball for unsportsmanlike behavior. 2 Points: Harassment: Multiple unsportsmanlike calls, technicals (not on the same participant), yellow cards for unsportsmanlike behavior or spectator harassment of the officials. 1 Points: Ejection: Any ejection for unsportsmanlike behavior. 0 Points: Fighting: Includes threatening an employee. If involved in a fight your team could be removed from the league for the remainder of the season. Ejection: An ejected player is one who is barred from further participation in the game because of having committed fouls or penalties based on sportsmanship. For example: Two technical fouls for disrespecting an official. Disqualification: A disqualified player is one who is barred from further participation in the game because of having committed fouls or penalties not based on sportsmanship. For example: one technical foul for delay of game and one technical foul for dunking. Disqualifications have no effect on sportsmanship rating. Special Game situations 1. Games cancelled/not rescheduled due to weather, power failure etc. – both teams will receive a “5.0” rating. 2. A team winning by forfeit/default for reason other than sportsmanship will receive a “5.0” rating. 3. A team losing by forfeit for reasons other than sportsmanship will receive the following scores: a. 4.0 if notified by noon of game day (if postponed game not rescheduled) b. 3.5 if notified by 5PM of game day (will still count as a forfeit) c. 2.5 if no notification at all 4. If a game is forfeited due to sportsmanship, the opposing team will receive their rating based on their actions up to that point. 5. A team receiving a 2.0 or lower must have their team captain meet with the Intramural Director before that team will be eligible to play their next scheduled contest. Individual Conduct 1. During any Intramural Sports activity, all participants are expected to display those qualities associated with good sportsmanship and Christ-like behavior. Failure to maintain control during participation may result in suspension from play. 2. Any player who is ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct may not play with his or her team for the next scheduled game. Additionally, an ejected participant will need to depart the site immediately (within three minutes) for the remainder of the contest to avoid a team forfeit. 3. All ejected participants must contact the Intramural Sports office and arrange an appointment with the Intramural Director prior to any further participation in any Intramural Sports activity. Disciplinary meetings must take place in person and no individual will be reinstated prior to this meeting for ejections pertaining to unsportsmanlike conduct. 4. There may be adjustments to application of official game rules for conducting contest if unsportsmanlike behavior merits such adjustments for management effectiveness. 5. Overt behavior, such as verbal stimulus or body language stimulus that is interpreted as being taunting, will result in ejection after fair warning is given. 6. Participants using threatening behavior, intimidation tactics or taunting game officials or staff members will result in immediate ejection. 7. Unacceptable physical contact or fighting (defense is not an excuse for fighting) during Intramural Sports would be handled on a case-by-case situation, this also includes an attempt to strike, even though there may not be contact. General Rule Intramurals are about fun, fellowship, and glorifying God through our actions and our play. Participation in intramurals is a privilege, and failure to comply with the sportsmanship and conduct rules will result in removal from intramural activities. The Director of Intramurals has final say on all questions pertaining to conduct and sportsmanship.