Cornell Notes for supplies and procedures 8

Supplies and Procedures
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What supplies do I
need for this class?
Answers/ Notes:
One 1” 3-ring binder
Notebook paper
5 tab dividers
Blue ink pens
Pencils –more than one
Box of tissue
All supplies will stay in the
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What are the
procedures I need to
Answers/ Notes:
Classroom Procedures:
Be Respectful
Talk to others as you
expect to be talked to
-no back talk,
no name calling,
no teasing,
don’t take things that
are not yours.
Classroom procedures
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What is being
prepared mean?
Answers/ Notes:
Be prepared
Be ready to learn
Have your
supplies(binder, paper,
pencils, book) in class
Have your homework
done before you come
to class.
Continue - Procedures
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What are the rules?
Answers/ Notes:
Be responsible.
Bring your stuff to class.
Be on time to class.
Come to class every
school day.
Come to class to learn.
Continue - Procedures
Questions/ Main Ideas:
How should I behave in
the classroom?
Answers/ Notes:
Be Polite.
Don’t talk to your friends
while someone, like the
teacher or a student who
is answering a question, is
talking or reading.
Use manners.
No cursing.
Keep your hands and feet
to yourself.
Continue - Procedures
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What are the rules
about food and drink
in the classroom?
Answers/ Notes:
No food in class.
No gum in class.
No sports drinks or
energy drinks.
No snacks or leftover
breakfast or leftover
Questions/ Main Ideas
How do I ask a
question of the
Answers/ Notes
If your question is one that would
benefit the whole class, you raise
your hand.
I will then stop the class and let
you ask your question.
If your question is a personal
question, just pertaining to
yourself, you place your finger
over your heart and I will come
back to you and listen and
answer your question personally
without interrupting the whole
class’s learning.
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What’s the rules about
leaving the class?
Answers/ Notes:
Leave the classroom with
permission only.
The teacher will dismiss the
The bell does not dismiss the
Go to the restroom before
you come to class.
Restroom emergencies will
have to wait until instructions
or lecture is complete.
One person out of the room
at a time, for whatever
Questions/ Main Ideas:
How will I be graded?
Answers/ Notes:
Pretest = 0%
Quizzes = 10%
Homework = 10%
Daily work = 25%
Test = 55%
Questions/ Main Ideas
What is required in my
written answers of the
questions asked in my
reading class?
Answer/ Notes
Refer to the question
Answer the question
Cite evidence from the
Expand, and elaborate
your answer
Questions/ Main Ideas
What is a short answer
and what is a RACE
Answers/ Notes
A short answer question
will have 6 lines. You
must RAC the question.
A RACE answer has 12
lines and you must RACE
the question.
Most of the time your
answer will fill in all the
lines in the boxes.
Questions/ Main Ideas:
Will I be reading
Answers/ Notes:
You will check out
Accelerated Reader
books from the library.
You will be expected
to read outside of
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What is required of
Answers/ Notes:
You will be take a test on
each book you read
outside of class.
You will be expected to
earn 20/25 points each
You and your parent must
sign a book lending
contract before you can
check a book out of the
Any unpaid fines from last
year are due before you
get to check out any
Questions/ Main Ideas:
What do I need to do
with my notes?
Answers/ Notes:
I will take my notes home
for my parent or
guardian to read.
I will sign and my parent
will sign that they read
and understand what is
required for this class.
I will receive 20 pts. When
I return my notes signed
by me and my parent.
Contract of Teamwork
Questions/ Main Ideas:
We, meaning me, my
parents, and Mrs. Lewis
will work as a team to
have the best year
I have read and
understand what is
required for this class.
Answers/ Notes:
My signature:
My parent’s signature:
My teacher’s