2016 Summer Course Schedule: Maymester Maymester: May 9 – June 6 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 8 Visual Images on the Web Visual Images on the Web (3) Introduce students to using visual images for communication on the World Wide Web. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time ART 003 400 3 WEB WARREN, CRAIG 661288 Gen Ed Div CD GA Introduction to Painting Introductory experience in making of art through painting media; designed for non-majors seeking a general overview of studio practice Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time ART 050 400 3 MTWRF 0900A 1100A RISPIN, GERALD 677872 Gen Ed Div CD GA Effective Speech Effective Speech (3) Principles of communication, implemented through presentation of speeches, with some attention to group discussion and message evaluation. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661321 CAS 100A 400 3 MTWR 0600P 0830P 148 KOCHEL KELLEY, COLLEEN GWS Circuits and Devices Circuits and Devices (4) Introduction to electrical circuit analysis, electronic devices, amplifiers, and time-domain transient analysis. Prerequisite: PHYS 212 Prerequisite or current: MATH 250 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661372 EE 210 400 4 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 203 BURKE HEMMINGER,THOMAS 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Maymester Maymester: May 9 – June 6 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 8 Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Intro Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (3) National Income measurement; aggregate economic models; money and income; policy problems. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674749 ECON 104 400 3 MTWRF 0500P 0700P 207 BURKE VLAD, VALERICA Div CD GS Elementary German I Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on the first two skills; cultural aspects through readings and videos. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time Gen Ed Div CD Introduction to Business Information Systems Introduction to Business Information Systems (3) Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661456 MIS 204 400 3 WEB NOCE, KATHLEEN Gen Ed Div CD Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Overview of assessment, causes, and treatments of psychological disorders. Prerequisite PSYCH 100 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674800 PSYCH 270 400 3 MTWRF 0100P 0300P 059 Kochel HETZEL-RIGGIN Gen Ed Div CD 674752 GER 001 400 4 MTWRF 1000A 0100P 055 KOCHEL KUTTENBERG, EVA 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Maymester Maymester: May 9 – June 6 (no classes May 30) Elementary Spanish I Audio-lingual approach to basic Spanish; writing. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Number Abbrev. Number 680176 SPAN 001 400 4 MTWRF Final Exams: June 8 Begin Time 1000A End Time 0100P Room/Building Instructor 148 KOCHEL PINEY, JESSICA Gen Ed Div CD 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Financial and Managerial Account for Decision Making Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (4) Introduction to the role of accounting numbers in the process of managing a business and in investor decision making. Prerequisite: MATH 021 or 1.5 units of high school algebra . Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 677986 ACCTG 211 601 4 MTWR 0900A 1145A PATTERSON, ROBERT Mass Media and Society Mass Media and Society (3) Mass communication in the US: organization, role, content, and effects of newspaper, magazine, television , radio, books and films. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674740 AM ST 106 601 3 TR 900A 1145A 123 OBS BOWEN, KARRIE GS Elementary Astronomy Elementary Astronomy (2) Introductory survey of modern astronomy from planets and stars to galaxies and the universe. Students who have passed ASTRO 001, ASTRO 005, or ASTRO 006 may not take this course for credit. Students may not receive General Education credit for ASTRO 010 unless they also take ASTRO 011. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661303 ASTRO 010 601 2 TR 0700P 0905P 021W WITKWSKI HALL, JONATHAN GN Elementary Astronomy Laboratory Elementary Astronomy (1) Selected experiments and explorations to illustrate major astronomical principles and techniques. Telescopes observations of planets, stars, and nebulae. Prerequisite: or concurrent: ASTRO 001 or ASTRO 010. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661306 ASTRO 011 601 1 TR 0910P 1100P 021W WITKWSKI HALL, JONATHAN GN 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Introductory Physiology Introductory Physiology (3) Explanation of the normal structure and function of the animal body, with special emphasis on human body systems. Students who have passed BIOL 472 may not schedule this course. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661312 BIOL 141 601 3 TR 0600P 0925P 171N NICK MANGEL, LISA A GN Physiology Lab Physiology Lab (1) Experiments demonstrating basic physiological principles, with special reference to man. Prerequisite: or concurrent: BIOL 141 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661315 BIOL 142 601 1 WEB MANGEL, LISA A Div CD Effective Speech Effective Speech (3) Principles of communication, implemented through presentation of speeches, with some attention to group discussion and message evaluation. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661324 CAS 100A 601 3 MTWR 0900A 1015A 201 BURKE KAHL, DAVID GWS Chemical Principles I Chemical Principles (3) Basic concepts and quantitative relations. Students may take only one course for General Education credit from CHEM 110 or CHEM 101. Prerequisite: satisfactory performance on the Chemistry and Math placement tests—i.e. placements beyond the level of CHEM 101 and MATH 022; or CHEM 101 and MATH 022 or MATH 041. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661330 CHEM 110 601 3 MWF 0900A 1115A 123 OBS KIRBY, DAVID GN 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Experimental Chemistry I Experimental Chemistry I (1) Introduction to quantitative experimentation in chemistry. Prerequisite: or concurrent: CHEM 110 or CHEM 106. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661333 CHEM 111 601 1 TR 0900A 1145A 105 OBS MAKITA, NATALIE GN Div CD Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I (3) Principles and theories; nomenclature; chemistry of the functional groups; applications of spectroscopy. Because of duplication of material, students may not receive credit for both CHEM 210 and 202. Prerequisite: CHEM 112. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661342 CHEM 210 601 3 MTWRF 0900A 1015A 126 OBS JUSTIK, MICHAEL Intro to Programming Techniques Intro to Programming Techniques (3) Design and implementation of algorithms. Structured programming. Problem solving techniques. Introduction to highlevel language, including arrays, procedures, and recursions. Prerequisites: MATH 110 or prerequisite or concurrent MATH 140 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661354 CMPSC 121 601 3 MTWRF 1030A 1145A 175 BURKE DEL PORTO, RON GQ Intermediate Programming Intermediate Programming (3) Object-oriented programming, recursion, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash table, trees and graph), the basics of algorithmic analysis, and an introduction to the principles of language translation. Prerequisite:CMPSC121 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661357 CMPSC 122 601 3 WEB MENG, SU 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Mass Media and Society Mass Media and Society (3) Mass communication in the US: organization, role, content, and effects of newspaper, magazine, television , radio, books and films. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674740 COMM 100 601 3 TR 900A 1145A 123 OBS BOWEN, KARRIE GS Art of the Cinema Art of the Cinema (3) The development of cinema to its present state; principles of evaluation and appreciation; examples from the past and present. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661369 COMM 150 601 3 TR 600P 925P 055 KOCHEL MCLEAN, WILLIAM GA Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Intro Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (3) National Income measurement; aggregate economic models; money and income; policy problems. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674746 ECON 102 601 3 MTWR 0900A 1040A 002 BURKE YATES, TRAVIS Div CD GS Electrical Circuits I Electrical Circuits I (3) Fundamental theory of resistance, current and voltage; capacitance, inductance. Direct current and alternating current concepts through series/parallel circuits. Prerequisite: or current: MATH 081 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 677611 EET 101 601 3 WEB WEISSBACH,ROBERT 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Electrical Circuits Laboratory I Use of basic electrical instruments to measure AC and DC voltage, current, power, resistance. Introduction to report writing. Prerequisite: or current: EET 101 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 677608 EET 109 601 1 WEB WEISSBACH, ROBERT EFFECTIVE Writing: Technical Writing Effective Writing: Technical Writing (3) Writing for students in scientific and technical disciplines. (A student may take only one course for credit from ENGL 202A, 202B, 202C and 202D) Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; fourth-semester standing Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661390 ENGL 202C 601 3 MTWR 100P 240P 143H HAMMERML PAYNE, CARRIE GWS Corporation Finance Corporation Finance (3) Nature of finance function; risk and return concepts; working capital; dividend policies; mergers; security markets; acquisition and management of corporate capital; analysis of operations, forecasting capital requirements; raising capital; and planning profits. Available to Baccalaureate students only. Not available to students who have taken BA 301. Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; ACCTG 211; ECON or ECON 104; SCM 200 or STAT 200 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661393 FIN 301 601 3 M W AND WEB 1030A 1145A 103 BURKE BOSCALJON, BRIAN Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies (3) Introduction to psychosocial and family development at all stages of the individual and family life cycle. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674755 HD FS 129 601 3 WEB CORSON, KIMBERLY GS 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 The Battle of Gettysburg in American Historical Memory The Battle of Gettysburg in American Historical Memory (3) Examines factors shaping understanding of the Civil War's decisive battle and its meanings as a national symbol. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 678769 HIST 161 601 3 TR 0600P 0925P 059 KOCHEL BEILEIN, JOSEPH US Golf I Golf I (1-1.5) A course designed to give students an understanding of and a proficiency in golf skills, rules and etiquette. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time Gen Ed 679507 GHA KINES 029 601 1.5 TR 0900A 1100A GOSP HLL NILAND,DAVID Div CD Strength Training Strength Training (1.5) Designed to improve students’ muscular strength/endurance, teaches students how to develop an effective personal strength/endurance training program for lifelong fitness. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 679510 KINES 068 601 1.5 APPT STREETER,BRIAN GHA Action Methods for Stress Management Action Methods for Stress Management (3) Achieving wellness by studying the effects of stressors on systems of the body and effectiveness of activity to relieve stress. Schedule Number Course Abbrev. Course Number Sect. Credits Days Begin Time End Time Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed 679525 KINES 082 601 3 0630P 0915P 004J JUNKER GHA MW TRISTAN,JOSEPH Div CD 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4) Functions, limits; analytic geometry; derivatives, differentials, applications; integrals, applications. Students may only take one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A, 140B and 140H. Prerequisite: MATH 022, MATH 026; or MATH 040 or MATH 041 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661435 MATH 140 601 4 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 168N NICK GQ Ordinary Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations (3) First and second order equations; special functions; Laplace transform solution solutions; higher order equations. Students who have passed MATH 251 may not schedule this course. Prerequisite: MATH 141 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674767 MATH 250 601 3 MTWRF 0900A Div CD 01045A 166N NICK Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations First and second order equations; special functions; Laplace transform solutions; higher order equations’ Fourier series; partial differential equations. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661447 MATH 251 601 4 MTWRF 0900A 1015A 166N NICK Basic Management Concepts Basic Management Concepts (3) Study of fundamental principles and processes available to the understanding of management. Not available to students who have taken BA 304. Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; ECON 102 or ECON 104; MATH 021 or satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661450 MGMT 301 601 3 TR AND WEB 0900A 1015A 103 BURKE BESTOSO, MARK 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 Strategic Management and Business Policy Strategic Management and Business Policy (3) Study of strategic management and business policy formulation and implementation process. Prerequisite MGMT 301; MKTG 301, FIN 301, SCM 301 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661453 MGMT 471W 601 3 MTWR 0900A 1045A 207 BURKE BROWN,RANDY C Introduction to Western Music A general survey of art music in western society, highlighting important composers and stylistic developments.. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674779 MUSIC 005 601 3 WEB VIEBRANZ, GARY Gen Ed Div CD GA Philosophy of Love and Sex Explores Western theories and attitudes concerning intimacy and examines various ethical issues involving love and sex. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time Gen Ed Div CD 678607 GH US PHIL 014 601 3 WEB CHAMPAGNE, JOHN Introduction to Photography Introduction to Photography (3) An introduction to the aesthetics, history, and science of photography including practical and critical approaches to the art of photography. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661477 PHOTO 100 601 3 TR 0600P 0925P 109W WITKWSKI COLE, HEATHER GA 2016 Summer Course Schedule: First Six-Week Session First Six-Week Session: May 16 – June 24 (no classes May 30) Final Exams: June 27 General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (4) Calculus-based study of the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism. Prerequisite: MATH 140. PHYS 211 Concurrent: MATH 141 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661480 PHYS 212 601 4 MTWRF 0900A 1130A 021W WITKWSKI FALCO, LAUREN GN Critical Issues in Science, Technology, and Society Critical Issues in Science, Technology, and Society (3) An overview of interactions between science, technology, and society from social sciences and humanities perspectives. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661501 STS 200 601 3 WEB LUM, HEATHER GS Elementary Statistics Elementary Statistics (4) Descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, probability, binomial and normal distributions, statistical inference, linear regression, and correlation. Prerequisite: 2 units in algebra Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661510 STAT 200 601 4 MTWR F 0900A 0900A 1045A 1045A 170N NICK 155N NICK GQ 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 Environmental Science Environmental Science (3) Kinds of environments, past and present uses and abuses of natural resources; disposal of human wastes; prospects for the future. Students who have passed BIOL 220 or any other upper-level ecology course in biology may not schedule this course. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674734 BI SC 003 602 3 MTWR 0900A 1040A 120 OBS BARNEY, PAUL GN Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity (4) A study of the evolution of the major groups of organisms including the fundamental concepts of biology. This course also fulfills the First-Year Seminar requirements. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661309 BIOL 110S 602 4 MTWR 0900A 1040A 168N NICK MILLER, KELLY GN TR 1100A 0115P 076N NICK Classical Mythology Classical Mythology (3) Introduction into Greek and Roman divinities, heroes and heroines, survey of the major myths and their influence on Western culture. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661318 CAMS 045 602 3 TW 0100P 0240P 124 OBS RINGLE, EVAN GH IL Effective Speech Effective Speech (3) Principles of communication, implemented through group problem solving, with some attention to formal speaking and message evaluation. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661327 CAS 100B 602 3 R 0400P 0700P 144H HAMMERMILL CAMPBELL, ANNE GWS 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 Chemical Principals II Chemical Principals II (3) Continuation of CHEM 110, including an introduction to the chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 110 or CHEM 106. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661336 CHEM 112 602 3 MWF 0800A 1015A 101 OBS JIRCITANO, ALAN GN Experimental Chemistry II Experimental Chemistry II (1) Continuation of CHEM 111, with emphasis on topics related to CHEM 112. Prerequisite: CHEM 111. Prerequisite or concurrent: CHEM 112 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661339 CHEM 113 602 1 TR 0800A 1045A 105 OBS JIRCITANO, ALAN GN Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II (3) Continuation of CHEM 210. Emphasis is placed on the role of organic reactions in biological chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 210. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661345 CHEM 212 602 3 MTWRF 0900A 1015A 126 OBS JUSTIK, MICHAEL Laboratory in Organic Chemistry Laboratory in Organic Chemistry (2) Basic laboratory operations: synthesis and chemical or instrumental analysis. Because of duplication of subject matter, students may not receive credit for both CHEM 203 and CHEM 213. Prerequisite: CHEM 210. Prerequisite: or concurrent: CHEM 212. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661348 CHEM 213 602 2 MTWR 1100A 0145P 107 OBS JUSTIK, MICHAEL 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 Programming for Engineers with MATLAB Programming for Engineers with MATLAB (3) Development and implements of algorithms in a procedure-oriented language, with emphasis on numerical methods for engineering problems. A student may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CMPSC 101, 102, 200, 201, or 202. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661363 CMPSC 200 602 3 WEB HOBLOS, JALAA GQ Rhetoric and Composition Rhetoric and Composition (3) Instruction and practice in writing expository prose that shows sensitivity to audience and purpose. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661387 ENGL 015 602 3 TR 0600P 0925P 055 KOCHEL DICK, ERIN R Gen Ed Div CD GWS 2D Game Programming Introduction to programming 2D Games with HTML5 and Javascript. Prerequisite: MATH 021 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661405 GAME 251 602 3 WEB Room/Building Instructor ZHAO, RICHARD Gen Ed Div CD GQ Medical Terminology for Allied Health Professions Comprehensive review of terms related to functions, disorders, diagnosis, and treatment of body systems related to physical activity and movement Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674758 KINES 203 602 3 WEB YOUNG, TIA GQ Div CD 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 College Algebra I College Algebra I (3) Quadratic equations; equations in quadratic form; word problems; graphing; algebraic fractions; negative and rational exponents; radicals. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661426 MATH 021 602 3 MTWRF 0900A 1015A 123 OBS GQ Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (3-4) Straight lines; circles; functions and graphs; graphs of polynomial and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometry; conic sections. Prerequisite: MATH 021 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661429 MATH 041 602 3 MTWRF 1030A 1145A 171N NICK GQ Techniques of Calculus I Techniques of Calculus I (4) Functions, graphs, derivatives, integrals, techniques of differentiation and integration, exponentials, improper integrals, applications. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A, and 140B. Prerequisite: MATH 022 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661432 MATH 110 602 4 MTWRF 0600P 0815P 170N NICK GQ Calculus With Analytic Geometry I Calculus With Analytic Geometry I (4) Functions, limits; analytic geometry; derivatives, differentials, applications; integrals, applications. Students may only take one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A, 140B, and 140H. Prerequisite: MATH 022, MATH 026 ; or MATH 040 or MATH 041 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661438 MATH 140 602 4 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 165N NICK GQ 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 Calculus With Analytic Geometry II Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4) Derivatives, integrals, applications; sequences and series; analytic geometry; polar coordinates. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 141, 141B, and 141H. Prerequisite: MATH 140, MATH 140A, MATH 140B or MATH 140H Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661441 MATH 141 602 4 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 166N NICK GQ Calculus and Vector Analysis Calculus and Vector Analysis (4) Three-dimensional analytic geometry; vectors in space; partial differentiation; double and triple integrals; integral vector calculus. Students who have passed either Math 231 or 232 may not schedule Math 230 or 230H for credit. Prerequisite: MATH 141 or MATH 141H Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661444 MATH 230 602 4 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 169N NICK Calculus of Several Variables Calculus of Several Variables (2) Analytic geometry in space; partial differentiation and applications. Students who have passed MATH 230 or MATH 230H may not schedule this course. Prerequisite: MATH 141 or MATH 141H Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674761 MATH 231 602 2 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 169N NICK Integral Vector Calculus Integral Vector Calculus (2) Multidimensional analytic geometry, double and triple integrals; potential fields; flux; Green's, divergence and Stokes' theorems. Students who have passed MATH 230 may not schedule this course for credit. Prerequisite: MATH 231 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674764 MATH 232 602 2 MTWRF 0900A 1045A 169N NICK 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 International Management Examines issues of nations and cultures including motivation, communication, negotiation, leadership, ethics and social responsibility, and women in management. Prerequisite: B A 304 or MGMT 301 Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674770 MGMT 461 602 2 TR 0900A 1015A 103 BURKE BESTOSO, MARK IL Trauma/Critical Care Nursing Trauma/Critical Care Nursing (3) Focuses on the impact of and the nursing care of persons experiencing acute trauma and/or critical illness. Prerequisite: NURS 301, NURS 310, NURS 320 or approval of nursing program. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674782 NURS 440 602 3 R 0330P 0630P 126 OBS BORST, MARIAN Introductory Physics I Selected topics in mechanics, heat, and sound. Prerequisite: MATH 022, MATH 026; or MATH 040; or MATH 041 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics proficiency examination Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Div CD Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674791 PHYS 250 602 4 MTWRF 0900A 1130A 104P FETZNER, RICHARD GN PRISCHAK Introductory Psychology Introductory Psychology (3) Introduction to general psychology; principles of human behavior and their applications. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 661483 PSYCH 100 602 3 MTWR 0900A 1040A 144H SHEIK, DAWOOD HAMMERML Gen Ed GS Div CD 2016 Summer Course Schedule: Second Six-Week Session Second Six-Week Session: June 29 – August 10 (no classes July 4) Final Exams: August 12 Cross-Cultural Psychology This course examines how ethnic and cultural background influences patterns of human thought and behavior. Prerequisite: PSYCH100. Includes an International experience. Permission of instructor needed. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Gen Ed Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674797 PSYCH 232 602 3 WEB BLASKO, DAWN GS KAZMERSKI, VIC Div CD Introduction to Theatre An introduction and overview of the history, craft, and art of the theatre to foster an informed appreciation of theatrical events. Schedule Course Course Sect. Credits Days Begin End Room/Building Instructor Number Abbrev. Number Time Time 674806 THEA 105 602 3 TR 0900A 1040A 121 OBS CASSANO, EMILY Div CD Gen Ed GA USI