Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin reported a net

1 - Domestic terrorism American style - Lawrence Davidson +
FP 50 Inadvertently Reveals Israel’s Dominance of GOP - Maidhc Ó
2 - The Western Onslaught Against International Law - Paul Craig Roberts +
The Emperor Has No Clothes - Paul Balles
3 - The Mirage of Our Lives - Chris Hedges
4 - For many Israelis, Rachel Corrie was a nuisance : the Israeli
establishment has been losing patience with activists of any kind - Ami
5 - Venezuela’s Oil Refinery Blaze : Seven Good Reasons to Suspect
Sabotage - James Petras
6 - Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored on BBC
- Amena Saleem +
When 9/11 Truth Becomes a Criminal Offense : Marine Vet Arrested for
9/11 Facebook Posts - Michael Kelley
7 - Stupid and mean and brutal : Israel’s settler-officers in the glare of
publicity - Uri Avnery
8 - Israeli expansionism versus imaginary Palestinian “diplomatic terrorism”
- Jamal Kanj +
KINGDOM OF EVIL - Jafar M Ramini +
You Can Hear Palestine Aching - Mantiq al-Tayr
9 - United States Offers Azerbaijan the Northern Area of Iran in Exchange for
Participation in War : Report - StratRisks +
10 - British Paper Claims Western Troops in Syria +
The Globalists' Worst Nightmare - Tony Cartalucci
11 - Israel Breaks Silence Over Army Abuses, Ex-soldiers admit to appalling
violence against Palestinian children - Donald Macintyre
12 - The American People are at the Mercy of Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu - Sheldon Richman +
Shas Spiritual Leader Calls on Jews to Pray for Annihilation of Iran +
Washington Opposes Peace - Stephen Lendman
13 - Lindsey Williams : US Government Will Shutdown Financially & other
14 - What happens when they start killing Christians ? - Michael Collins +
Senior CFR official : Free Syrian Army needs al-Qaeda support Elliott Freeman
15 - Plot to Provoke War with Iran Thwarted by Navy Analyst - Juan Cole
16 - Romney and Ryan : Right Wing Billionaires Think it's Time to Take the
Gloves Off
17 - US “Fifty Wealthiest Lawmakers” list : A Congress of the rich, by the
rich and for the rich - Eric London
18 - The Program - Laura Poitras +
The Eye of Sauron, Something New Under the Sun - Fred Reed
19 - There Is A Lot Of Ruin In A Nation But None Left In America And Its
NATO Partners - Video Rebel
20 - America Planning for a Post-Israel Middle East ? - Franklin Lamb
22 - The Non-Aligned Countries’ Grand Chessboard
24 - Libyan War, Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion, 8th Anniversary Dr Gideon Polya
25 - Matt Taibbi : The Secret to Mitt Romney’s Fortune ? Greed, Debt and
Forcing Others to Foot the Bill +
Greed and Debt : The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
26 - The Jewish Media - Kevin Boyle
27 - Letter : Agnew Outraged by “Zionist Domination” - Kevin Alfred Strom
28 - Zionists are working to dominate the world and enslave humanity +
Holland - Popular Jewish journalist Micha Kat : Puncture the gas
chamber lie first, then the rest
29 - The Judaic Mormon
31 - Roy Tov : Fifteen Day Execution Order
32 - Catholic Church Always Crypto Jewish - Edward Hendrie +
Roman Catholic Church Not Crypto Jewish - Tony Blizzard +
Vatican a Cabalist Front Since Renaissance - Michael Hoffman
33 - Hanna Rosin's Stealth Lesbian Agenda - Henry Makow Ph.D.
34 - Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, by Greg Palast +
35 - Five Good Reasons to 'Get Ready' Now - Christopher Rudy
36 - Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S. high school
students, by Mike Adams + LINKS
All articles are reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States
relating to fair-use and are for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and
research. The material presented underneath does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editor.
Then : everybody should do research of his own and check for deception or some 'agenda'. As always it is :
'Caveat Lector'!
1 - Domestic terrorism American style
By Lawrence Davidson
28 August 2012
Lawrence Davidson analyses the roots of domestic American terrorism,
racism and bigotry, arguing that what is needed now is “consistent
educational and legal pressure against racist behaviour both in terms of
individual and institutional behaviour”, or else the US will become as racist
and bigoted as Israel.
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK – the name derives from the Greek word kuklos,
meaning circle, with a modification of the word clan added), an American
terrorist organization, was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. It was
organized by southerners who refused to reconcile themselves to the defeat
of the Confederacy in the Civil War, and its declared mission was to
“maintain the supremacy of the white race in the United States”. To this end
it adopted tactics in the southern states that would so terrify emancipated
African Americans and their white allies, that they would not dare to vote,
run for public office or intermingle with whites except in “racially
appropriate” ways.
Intimidation took many forms. Non-whites and their allies who sought to
assert civil rights were threatened, assaulted and frequently murdered. If
they were women they were subjected to assault and rape. The property of
these people was destroyed, their homes and meeting places attacked with
bombs or burned. Finally, a favourite tactic was lynching.
Lynching is murder carried out by a mob that collectively thinks it is
protecting the community and/or its traditions. Between 1882 and 1930 the
KKK and allied organizations lynched some 3,000 people, mostly black men.
Often the accusation was that the black male victim had sought sexual
relations with white women. It was very rare that those involved in these
murders, which were carried out quite openly with little effort to hide
identities, were arrested for their actions much less convicted and
adequately punished. This, in turn, was possible because of a number of
– First and foremost, the belief that African Americans, and
subsequently all non-whites, were dangerous to “white civilization”.
This belief was built into the cultural perceptions of the majority. With
rare exceptions, a white person could not grow up in this environment
without acquiring a knee-jerk prejudice against non-whites.
– As a result, local white populations, as well as local law enforcement,
often sympathized with the KKK, sometimes feared it or just did not
care about what happened to the non-white population.
In the years following the Civil War, the activities of the KKK only subsided
when the US government allowed the southern states to impose laws that
prevented African Americans from voting and acquiesced in a harsh regime
of segregation. When the civil rights movement finally took place in the
1960s, the KKK reappeared and participated in the violent opposition to
desegregation and racial equality. This abated only when the federal
government started seriously enforcing its own civil rights laws.
Old tactics and new victims
While today the Ku Klux Klan as an organization is nearly (but not quite)
gone, it would be a mistake to think that the KKK mentality is dead in the
US. Quite the contrary. The nation’s deep seated history of racism has
helped preserve an apparent permanent subset of Americans who grow up
with prejudicial feelings against anyone they perceive as a threat to their
version of the “American way of life”.
This background can help us understand the on-going attacks against
American Muslims. Since 2010 there has been an increase in the number of
attacks on American Muslims, their mosques and other property, as well as
American minorities (such as Sikhs) who are regularly mistaken for Muslims.
These attacks are not the work of a refurbished KKK but, nonetheless, have
about them the same nature: fear of American Muslims as cultural
subversives (for instance, the delusion that they seek to impose Islamic
(shari’ah) law in the United States); anonymous threats of violence (via
telephone, internet, and also in the form of abusive graffiti); bomb, arson
and gun attacks on property; and finally assaults and murders. The Civil
Rights Division of the US Justice Department has investigated over 800 such
incidents in the last 11 years. Eight such attacks occurred in the first half of
the present month of August 2012, including the murder of six Sikhs in
Milwaukee on 5 August.
An important factor in all of this is the role of a number of campaigning
politicians who go around proclaiming the threat that American Muslims
supposedly represent to the country. For instance, just prior to a spate of
arson attacks in the Chicago area, US Representative Joe Walsh held town
hall meetings in the area where he proclaimed, “One thing I am sure of is
that there are people in this country – there is a radical strain of Islam in
this country, it’s not just over there –trying to kill Americans every week.”
His talk was filmed and posted on YouTube. Similar rhetoric has been heard
from a dozen other politicians, including Peter King, the chairman of the
House Homeland Security Committee, and Michele Bachmann, who was
among those running for Republican party candidate for president.
What it takes to break a bad habit
This is what you get when you practice a culture that has evolved around
racist views. And, you get it more or less in perpetuity. In the case of the
United States, the nation spent from 1789 (counting from the establishment
of the constitution which legitimized slavery) to 1954 (the year the Supreme
Court declared, in Brown v. Board of Education, mandatory segregation of
public schools unconstitutional), or 165 years, building up an “American way
of life”, which legitimized discrimination against non-whites. Subsequently, it
has spent from 1957 (counting from the year that Brown v. Board of
Education actually began to be enforced) to the present, or 55 years trying
to undo that legacy. If it takes about as long to undo a nationwide bad habit
as it did to establish it, we have a long road ahead of us.
What the years since 1957 have done is to legally enforce non-racist public
behaviour. This is certainly a necessary step which, if consistently applied,
will eventually lead to an internalized change in the outlook and morality of
most of the population. In this regard Barack Obama’s election as the first
African American president in 2008 was a sure sign of progress. However,
the virulent reaction to Obama by more than a few is another sign that,
while 55 years is long enough to alter the public behaviour of some people,
it is not long enough to change the private attitudes of many. Thus, there
are still those groups of citizens who are deeply racist. Today, under normal
circumstances, they keep their feeling to themselves and their like-minded
circle. However, when conditions allow, that racism emerges in a public way,
often in hate speech but sometimes more brutally. These extremists are the
modern day versions of yesterday’s Klansmen and, given a chance, they will
happily commit mayhem in the name of their cherished traditions. American
Muslims are now their target.
Another example – our ally Israel
“...if there is any truth
to the belief that
Israel is ‘just like us’,
If you want to see another example of a society
it can only refer to the
that has historically cultivated discriminatory
United States prior to
outlooks and practices, one that American Zionists
1957 – prior to the
consider quite similar to the US, take a look at
introduction of civil
Israel. By the way, if there is any truth to the belief
rights laws.”
that Israel is “just like us”, it can only refer to the
United States prior to 1957 – prior to the introduction of civil rights laws.
Much like the American south of that pre-legal equality era, Israel is shaped
by a culture of ethno/religious exclusiveness practised amidst a larger outgroup (in this case the Palestinian Arabs). This has led the Israeli Jews to
teach successive generations that it is proper and necessary to discriminate
against Palestinians. And, sure enough, over the years Israel has produced
its own terrorist organizations that intimidate and attack Palestinian Arabs:
the Irgun and Lehi during the years leading to the establishment of the state
in 1948, Gush Emunim and Terror Against Terror in the 1970s and 1980s,
and today’s “Price-Taggers” and West Bank settler vigilantes. Just like
Klansmen in the American south, these terrorists are rarely prosecuted and
almost never adequately punished for their crimes because much of the
Jewish population as well as the bodies of the state sympathize with them.
And, just like the American south, they operate in an environment conducive
to an Israeli version of lynching.
That brings us to the Israeli-style lynching that occurred on the night of 17
August in Jerusalem. Raised in an environment that purposely cultivates
prejudice and hatred against Arabs, a mob of some 50 Israeli Jewish young
people attacked four Palestinian male youths, almost killing one of them.
The attack was unprovoked and apparently random, though the attackers
“claimed they wanted to prevent them [the Arab boys] from speaking to
Jewish girls”. “Hundreds” witnessed this event but did not interfere. The
entire thing was predictable, and indeed inevitable. It is what you get when
you practice a culture that has evolved around racist views.
There might be a human genetic inclination toward group solidarity, but its
worst manifestations are not inevitable. You can feel solidarity with your
family, your religious community, your ethnic group, your nation, etc.
without hating others. The hating part is a learned attitude. And, as is often
the case, fear will underly the hatred.
Both American and Israeli bigots or terrorists have focused on Arabs and
Muslims as a threatening out-group. Both the Americans and the Israelis
who do so draw strength from a culture that has deep racist roots. In today’s
USA many know that this is wrong and so there is a moral position from
which to combat this behaviour. Unfortunately, it is not possible to say the
same thing about Israel.
In the United States the core need is consistent educational and legal
pressure against racist behaviour both in terms of individual and institutional
behaviour. When I say consistent I mean over multiple generations, for at
least as many years as it took to create the nationwide bigotry in the first
place. If we do not succeed in this endeavour, then American Zionists will be
proven correct. We in the US will be just like the Israelis.
FP 50 Inadvertently Reveals Israel’s Dominance of GOP
By Maidhc Ó Cathail | The Passionate Attachment | August 31, 2012
Foreign Policy magazine has compiled a list of the 50 Republicans who have
the greatest influence on the GOP’s foreign policy. “Politics is mostly about
people — and nowhere is that more true than when it comes to foreign
policy,” explains Foreign Policy in its introduction. With the U.S. presidential
election looming, the magazine offers “to peel back the curtain on this
rarefied part of the Establishment” to better inform American voters about
“the advisers who will determine the country’s course in the world” in the
event that they elect Mitt Romney. The FP 50, it says, are “all GOP
partisans” from the different “ideological traditions” — namely, realism,
neoconservatism, and “even” isolationism — that are “currently fighting for
the soul of their party’s foreign policy.” A cursory look at the list, however,
shows that a far more influential ideological tradition — Zionism — holds
sway over the Republican Party.
Although only about 20% of American Jews supported the GOP in 2008, the
FP 50 features as many as 20 Jewish partisans of Israel, including Weekly
Standard editor William Kristol (#2), Brookings Institution senior fellow
Robert Kagan (#4), and casino mogul and mega-donor Sheldon Adelson
(#9) who make its top 10 most powerful Republicans on foreign policy. Also
at number 8 is Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the stridently pro-Israel chair of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee, whose maternal grandfather was a “pillar”
of Cuba’s Jewish community who helped found several synagogues there.
More importantly, several of the most passionate Israel partisans are close
advisors to the Romney team, including Kagan, Dan Senor (#13), Dov
Zakheim (#27), Eliot Cohen (#29), and Elliott Abrams (#35).
Moreover, the careers of many of the non-Jewish individuals on Foreign
Policy’s list have been inextricably linked to their staunch support of the
Jewish state. Topping the FP 50 is Senator John McCain who not only
continues the family tradition of covering up Israel’s deliberate June 8, 1967
attack on the USS Liberty but invariably leads the call — in unison with
Senator Joe Lieberman — for U.S. intervention in countries surrounding the
Jewish state. At number 26 is Senator Mark Kirk, “the Israel lobby’s favorite
senator” whose office this year served as a conduit for an Israeli initiative to
redefine Palestinian refugees out of existence. And coming in in 46th place is
John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, which,
as FP points out, “has done more than just about any other organization to
make Israel a defining foreign-policy issue for evangelical Christians in the
United States.”
Indeed, out of the 50 Republicans who have the greatest influence on the
GOP’s foreign policy, Congressman Ron Paul — who, along with his son,
Senator Rand Paul, is ranked #25 — appears to be one of the very few who
could be relied upon to put U.S. interests ahead of Israel’s. Yet Foreign
Policy, a division of the pro-Israel Washington Post, never explicitly refers to
the decisive — and potentially catastrophic — influence Tel Aviv would have
over a Romney administration. However, those familiar with the operations
of the Israel lobby know that, as the magazine puts it, “the relentless
lobbying and insider machinations of surprisingly few people can often end
up defining the foreign policy of entire administrations.”
Related articles
The Obnoxious Foreign Policy Ideas in Romney's Convention
Romney says Israel, US 'bound together,' in Jerusalem
2 - The Western Onslaught Against International Law
By Paul Craig Roberts
August 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- A new film,
“Compliance,” examines “the human desire to follow and obey authority.”
Liberal institutions, such as the media, universities, federal courts, and
human rights organizations, which have traditionally functioned as checks on
the blind obedience to authority, have in our day gone over to power’s side.
The subversion of these institutions has transformed them from checks on
power into servants of power. The result is the transformation of culture
from the rule of law to unaccountable authority resting on power maintained
by propaganda.
Propaganda is important in the inculcation of trust in authority. The Pussy
Riot case shows the power of Washington’s propaganda even inside Russia
itself and reveals that Washington’s propaganda has suborned important
human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Chatham House,
and Amnesty International.
Pussy Riot is described in the western media as a punk rock group, but
seems in fact to be a group known as Voina (War) that performs lewd or
scandalous unannounced public performances such as the one in the Russian
cathedral, a sexual orgy in a museum, and events such as this and also this.
Three of the cathedral performers were apprehended, indicted, tried,
convicted of breaking a statutory law, and given two-year prison sentences.
The Voice of Russia recently broadcast a discussion of the case from its
London studio. Representatives from Human Rights Watch and Chatham
House argued that the case was really a free speech case and that the
women were political prisoners for criticizing Russian President Putin.
This claim was disingenuous. In the blasphemous performance in the
Russian cathedral, Putin was not mentioned. The references to Putin were
added to the video posted on the Internet after the event in order to turn a
crime into a political protest.
The human rights representatives also argued that the women’s conviction
could only happen in Putin’s Russia. However, the program host pointed out
that in fact most European countries have similar laws as Russia’s and that a
number of European offenders have been arrested and punished even more
severely. Indeed, I recently read a news report from Germany that a
copycat group of women had staged a similar protest in support of Pussy
Riot and had been arrested. An analysis of these issues is available here.
The human rights representatives seemed to believe that Putin had failed
the democratic test by failing to stop the prosecution. But a country either
has the rule of law or doesn’t have the rule of law. If Putin overrides the law,
it means Putin is the law.
Whether Washington had a hand in the Pussy Riot event via the Russian
protest groups it funds, Hitlery Clinton was quick to make propaganda. Free
expression was threatened in Russia, she said.
Washington used the Pussy Riot case to pay Putin back for opposing
Washington’s destruction of Syria. The overlooked legal issue is
Washington’s interference in internal Russian affairs. The close alignment of
human rights organizations with Washington’s propaganda hurts the
credibility of human rights advocacy. If human rights groups are seen as
auxiliaries of Washington’s propaganda, their moral authority evaporates.
The prevalence of the English language, due to the British domination of the
world in the 18th and 19th centuries and American domination in the 20th
and first decade of the 21st century, makes it easy for Washington to control
the explanations. Other languages simply do not have the reach to compete.
Washington also has the advantage of having worn the White Hat in the Cold
War. The peoples who were constituent parts of the Soviet empire and even
many Russians themselves still see Washington as the wearer of the White
Hat. Washington has used this advantage to finance “color revolutions” that
have moved countries from the Russian sphere of influence into
Washington’s sphere of influence.
Tony Cartalucci concludes that “Amnesty International is US State
Department Propaganda.” Cartalucci notes that Amnesty’s executive director
is former State Department official Suzanne Nossel, who conflates “human
rights advocacy” with US global hegemony.
Amnesty does seem like an amplifier for Washington’s propaganda.
Amnesty’s latest email to members (August 27) is: “As if the recent trial and
sentencing of three members of Pussy Riot wasn't shameful enough, now
Russian police are hunting down others in the band. Make no mistake about
it: Russian authorities are relentless. Just how far are the Russian authorities
willing to go to silence voices of dissent? Tell the Russian government to
stop hunting Pussy Riot!”
Amnesty International’s August 23 email to its members, “Wake Up World,”
is completely one-sided and puts all blame for violence on the Syrian
government, not on al Qaeda and other outside groups that Washington has
armed and unleashed on the Syrian people. Amnesty is only concerned with
getting visual images damning to the Syrian government before the public:
“We are working to get this damning footage into the hands of journalists
around the world. Support our work and help ensure that our first-hand
video is seen by influential members of the media.”
At least Pussy Riot got a trial. That’s more than US Marine, Brandon Raub, a
veteran of two tours of combat duty, got. Raub posted on Facebook his
opinion that he had been misused by Washington in behalf of an illegal
agenda. Local police, FBI, and Secret Service descended upon his home,
dragged him out, and on the authority of a social worker, committed him to
a mental hospital for observation.
I did not see any protests from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International,
or Chatham House. Instead, a Virginia circuit court judge, W. Allan Sharrett,
demanded Raub’s immediate release, stating that there was no reason to
detain and commit Raub except to punish him for exercising his free speech
Americans are increasingly punished for exercising free speech rights. A
number of videos of police violence against the occupy movement are
available on youtube. They show the goon thug gestapo cops beating
women, pepper spraying protestors sitting with their heads bowed,
truncheons flashing as American heads are broken and protestors beat
senseless are dragged off in handcuffs for peacefully exercising a
constitutionally protected right.
There has been more protest over Pussy Riot than over the illegal detention
and torture of Bradley Manning or the UK government’s threat to invade the
Embassy of Ecuador and to drag out WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.
When a Chinese dissident sought asylum in the US embassy in China, the
Chinese government bowed to international law and permitted the
dissident’s safe passage to the US. But “freedom and democracy” Great
Britain refuses free passage to Assange who has been granted asylum, and
there is no protest from Clinton at the State Department.
In “China’s Rise, America’s Fall,” Ron Unz makes a compelling argument that
the Chinese government is more respectful of the rule of law and more
responsive to the people it governs than is Washington. Today it is Russia
and China, not the UK and Europe, that challenge Washington’s claim that
the US government is above international law and has the right to overthrow
governments of which it disapproves.
The lawlessness that now characterizes the US and UK governments is a
large threat to humanity’s finest achievement--the rule of law--for which the
British fought from the time of Alfred the Great in the ninth century to the
Glorious Revolution of the 17th century.
Where are the protests over the Anglo-American destruction of the rule of
Why Aren’t Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Chatham
House on the case?
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for
Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He
has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted
a worldwide following.
The Emperor Has No Clothes
By Paul Balles
August 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- How would you like to
live under someone's boot?
That's not a reference to a brute for a husband or a bitch for a bride. It's a
question motivated by the behaviour of the mindless louts who enjoy holding
sacrificial lambs as hostages and killing those who complain.
Who would be so inhuman? Many. Too many! Scan the histories of imperial
criminals and their thieving empires:
European colonies, American settlers, Russian Gulags, African slaves,
Japanese internment camps, Jewish holocaust, Palestinians, Darfur refugees,
Guantanamo prisoners, South African and Israeli apartheid, Armenian
genocide, the prison camps of endless wars.
Where people are privileged enough to have basic comfort, the emperors
keep the privileged entertained with sports, television, films, concerts, bars
and pubs.
According to journalist Chris Hedges “There are hundreds of millions of
people who have a tragic intimacy with the twisted and brutal soul of
American imperialism:
“Okinawans, Guatemalans, Cubans, Congolese, Brazilians, Argentines,
Indonesians, Iranians, Palestinians, Panamanians, Vietnamese, Cambodians,
Filipinos, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, Afghans,
Iraqis, Yemenis, Somalis.
“There are now some 60,000 Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
operatives, whom the president can dispatch to kill without seeking
congressional approval or informing the public.”
No one, apart from the rulers, can really know how many military bases the
US has around the world. The estimates range from 700 to more than 1,000
in about 130 countries.
The Department of Defence has been called a charade--like the emperor
who has no clothes--as there's nothing to defend against and no threat of
There's always a slogan, however, to keep the population under control. For
instance, "The earth should be peopled, governed, and developed, as far as
possible, by the races which can do this work best, i.e. by the races of
highest 'social efficiency'.”
Other justifications include "the concept of terra nullius (Latin expression
which stems from Roman law meaning ‘empty land’) used by both the British
and Israeli Zionists.
The favourite American justifying slogans have included "making the world
safe for democracy." During the cold war it was "to make the US unsafe for
After 9/11, the clarion call has been to win "the war on terrorism." A few
with less than emperor's circle status have spoken out against the US
imperial courts.
The latest have included author John Mortimer's "A 'war against terrorism' is
an impracticable conception if it means fighting terrorism with terrorism."
And Noam Chomsky's appropriate and timely "Wanton killing of innocent
civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism."
Meanwhile, the US is going broke, and there's nothing the Imperial heads
can do about it.
The empire cannot afford to cut back on its major source of homeland
revenue--one that cannot be outsourced. If America cuts back on military
expenses, the military-industrial complex will go out of business and
bankrupt the country.
There's no connection between the wars waged by the US and the security
of America.
The exception: the danger to servicemen in places where they have no
business being. Last week, six U.S. troops were killed in a single attack led
by Afghan forces. Two more Special Operations troops were murdered after
giving a newly graduated Afghan trainee his weapon.
"The Emperor's New Clothes" is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen
about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is
invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent.
When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a child
cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"
Choose your weaver wisely, Mr. President.
Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance writer
who has lived in the Middle East for many years.
3 - The Mirage of Our Lives
By Chris Hedges
“A Hologram for the King”
A book by Dave Eggers
August 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- Dave Eggers’ gem of a
book, “A Hologram for the King,” is a parable about the decadence, fragility
and heartlessness of late, decayed corporate capitalism. It is about the
small, largely colorless men and women who serve as managers in our
suicidal outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and the methodical breaking of
labor unions. It is about the lie of globalization, a lie that impoverishes us all
to increase corporate profits.
“A Hologram for the King” tells the story of Alan, a lackluster 54-year-old
consultant who is desperately trying to snag one final big contract in Saudi
Arabia for Reliant, a corporation that is “the largest I.T. supplier in the
world,” to save himself from financial ruin. Alan has come to realize that
managers like him who made outsourcing possible will be discarded as
human refuse now that the process is complete, left to wander like ghosts—
or holograms—among the ruins. And Eggers’ novel is a subtle, deft and
poignant look at the horrendous toll this corporate process takes on selfesteem, on family, on health, on community and finally on the nation itself.
It does so, like parables from Greek tragedy or George Orwell, by finding the
perfect story to make a point that is universal.
Eggers, who showcased his talent as a writer of nonfiction in “Zeitoun” about
Hurricane Katrina, combines fiction and reporting to create a small
masterpiece. The book works because of its authenticity, its close attention
to detail and Eggers’ respect for fact. I spent many months as a
correspondent in Saudi Arabia where the novel is set. Eggers captures in
tight, bullet-like prose the utter decadence, hypocrisy and corruption of the
kingdom, as well as its bleak landscape, suffocating heat and soulless glass
and concrete office buildings. He is keenly aware that the outward religiosity
and piety mask a moral and physical rot that fits seamlessly into the world
of globalized capitalism.
Eggers conjures up the bizarre incongruities of Saudi Arabia from his image
of a Saudi soldier in a beach chair cooling his bare feet in an inflatable pool
next to a Humvee, to a wild embassy party where drunken expatriates in
their underwear dive into the swimming pool for pills. At one point Alan
mistakenly stumbles onto an unfinished floor of a luxury condo where 25
foreign laborers from Malaysia, Pakistan and the Philippines, crammed
together as if on a slave ship, are fighting over a discarded cellphone. This
scene captures the outward illusion of prosperity of global capitalism and the
internal and brutal oppression of workers who make the illusion possible.
“Alan opened the fire door and a roar of echoes flooded through. He was in a
large raw space full of men, some in their underclothes, some in red
jumpsuits, all yelling. It looked like pictures he’d seen of prison gyms
converted to dormitories. There were fifty bunks, cloths hanging on lines
between them. The beds were empty, though—all the men were gathered in
the center of the room, barking, pushing. Alan had interrupted some kind of
Alan’s attempt to intervene backfires. The workers yell in his face. He is
pushed. He turns and runs.
Alan’s professional life follows the trajectory of American manufacturing. He
was an executive with Schwinn when the company broke the union, tried to
set up a plant with nonunionized workers in Mississippi, which failed, and
then shipped its production to China. Alan then moved his professional
career “from Schwinn to Huffy to Frontier Manufacturing Partners to Alan
Clay Consulting to sitting at home watching DVDs of the Red Sox winning
the Series in ’04 and ’07.”
Alan, like Willy Loman, has the reservoir of stock salesman jokes, the upbeat
optimism that studiously ignores reality, and his uniform: khakis and crisp
white shirts. He dropped out of college to sell Fuller Brush products. He
applies what he learns from an older, experienced Fuller Brush salesman
named Trivole to life. Trivole says that there are four basic appeals to
people: Money. Romance. Self-Preservation. Recognition. Alan sells bikes
the same way he sold Fuller Brush products. “All the principles applied: the
bikes were practical (Money); they were beautiful, glittering things
(Romance); they were safe and durable (Self-Preservation); and they were
status symbols for any family (Recognition).”
Alan marries a firebrand activist, Ruby, whose personal bitterness and
cruelty, as well as passion for social justice, expose his timidity, blandness
and intellectual limitations. But Alan, who lacks much of a conscience as well
as a sense of direction, is redeemed in Eggers’ eyes by his love for his only
daughter who, if the deal falls through, which it does, will not be able to go
back to “a very good and expensive college.” It is Alan’s fragility, including
his concerns about a cyst on his neck that he lances open with a serrated
dinner knife, which remind us that he is human, that like most of us he is at
once culpable and a victim. Alan has been rendered, in this new globalized
world, impotent. He is no longer capable of sex. He has two disastrous
encounters with women during his trip, moments of acute embarrassment
and shame. At night he often sits alone in his hotel room on the 10th floor of
the Hilton in Jeddah getting drunk on homemade grain alcohol and
composing letters he will never send to his daughter Kit.
Alan, Eggers writes, did well in the old America, the one that made things
and sold them, the one that paid its workers fair wages with pensions and
benefits, the one that made possible a middle class. But that America is
gone, destroyed when “he and others decided to have other people, ten
thousand miles away, build the things they sold.” And Alan must confront in
the novel the fact that he was deeply complicit in his own demise, that he
“helped scout a new, non-union location for Schwinn, had met with suppliers
in China and Taiwan, had contributed not insignificantly … to all that undid
Schwinn and the 1,200 workers employed there.”
His “decisions were shortsighted, foolish or expedient,” he admits. “He and
his peers did not know they were making decisions that would leave them,
like Alan, as he now was—virtually broke, nearly unemployed, the proprietor
of a one-man consulting firm run out of his home office.”
Alan’s father Ron is a World War II vet who still has shrapnel in his body and
lives on a farm in New Hampshire. Ron, whose crude vitality and generous
union pension intimidate his son, barks at Alan over the phone:
“Every day, Alan, all over Asia, hundreds of container ships are leaving their
ports, full of every kind of consumer good. Talk about three-dimensional,
Alan. These are actual things. They’re making things over there, and we’re
making websites and holograms, while sitting in chairs made in China,
working on computers made in China, driving over bridges made in China.
Does this sound sustainable to you, Alan?”
The hologram becomes the perfect metaphor for the insubstantial nature of
the American economy. None of it is real. It is a mirage. It is held up by
credit, by debt, by the printing of endless amounts of new money and by
vast schemes of financial speculation and casino capitalism that evaporate
as swiftly as a hologram. The development project Alan and his team are
bidding on is itself a mirage. He and his team of three snotty young
careerists, who look at Alan with scorn and pity, have cooked up a
holographic teleconferencing system where a sales representative in London
will appear before the Saudi king as a hologram in a tent in the barren
wastelands of a planned city with only three buildings, including a two-story
welcome center known as King Abdulla Economic City. The holographic sales
representative will walk on the stage and speak in Arabic and English and
then disappear for the king. And they are sure that this bit of magic will save
Alan and his co-workers wait 11 days for the king. “One Man’s Vision, One
Nation’s Hope,” the billboard advertising the development reads. The king,
when he does arrive, watches the hologram impassively and promptly gives
the contract to a Chinese firm. And the bubble for Alan, as it has for most of
us, bursts. He too becomes a hologram.
This article was originally posted on Truthdig.
4 - For many Israelis, Rachel Corrie was a nuisance
Since Rachel Corrie's death, the Israeli establishment has been
losing patience with activists of any kind
Ami Kaufman, Wednesday 29 August 2012
The state of Israel is not to blame for the death of Rachel Corrie – this is the
decision an Israeli court reached yesterday. The ruling, made by Judge Oded
Gershon of the Haifa district court, may have come as a shock to some, but
anyone following Israel's path on a slippery slope, particularly over the past
decade, could hardly be surprised when the court literally blamed the victim
for her own death. "An unfortunate accident," is what Gershon chose to call
the tragedy. "She did not distance herself as a reasonable person would
have done."
Corrie, bulldozed to death by a massive D9 Caterpillar on 16 March
2003, was part of an activist group called ISM – International Solidarity
Movement. This is a group of international activists who advocate nonviolent
demonstrations in the West Bank (and Gaza back then, before the
disengagement in 2005) in solidarity with Palestinians opposing the
A nonviolent movement, you say?
Well, isn't that what Israelis were always looking for ? For their enemies to
abandon terror, suicide bombings and rockets and to go down the route of
Gandhi ? Yet, in reality the ISM is probably one of the most hated
organisations roaming the roads of Judea and Samaria these days. Seen as
foreigners who have come from afar to meddle in local affairs, they have
been accused of antisemitism, supporters of terrorists and allies of Hamas.
For a majority of Israelis, these people have nothing to do with peace.
They're a nuisance.
A recent example of that attitude is the case of a young Dane called Andreas
Ias, who took part in a nonviolent ISM demonstration this year in the West
Bank. Footage of IDF colonel Shalom Eisner ramming Ias in the face with his
rifle as he was slowly walking around the protest area went viral, and
showed clearly the true feelings Israelis have for the Rachel Corries of the
The Israeli establishment has less and less patience for activists of any kind
of late. As part of the recent government offensive on human rights in
Israel, freedom of expression has been hit hard. Not only are leftwing
activists who oppose the occupation summoned for interrogations – even
J14 activists, those who lead the peaceful social protests against the cost of
living, have been interrogated by police long before they take to the streets
in an attempt to intimidate citizens of "the only democracy in the Middle
East" to exercise their freedom to protest.
As news of Judge Gershon's decision broke, and as it spread like wildfire
across social networks, the local Hebrew media barely batted an eyelid. The
items covering the Corrie verdict on websites of Israel's largest newspapers
barely lasted an hour on the home page. Corrie's story may be well known
to Palestinians and leftwing activists, but one would be hard pressed to find
people in Israel who actually know who she is to begin with.
Another reason for the sparse media attention in Israel could be the fact that
this is a long drawn out case which probably isn't over – as the Corrie family
intends to appeal to the supreme court. And with the American ambassador
to Israel, Dan Shapiro, saying only a week ago that the investigation so far
into the incident has not been sufficient, the Corries may feel they have the
administration's support to pursue this further. One can only hope that
Gershon's ruling was indeed an "unfortunate accident" as well, to be
amended in the future.
For the Corrie family this is, of course, another horrible blow in its attempt to
bring someone, anyone, in the IDF to accountability. On that day in 2003, a
D9 driver demolished a young girl and her family. Yesterday in Haifa, with
what may seem like a single court decision, a judge pushed forward the
ongoing demolition of the Israeli justice system and the remainders of Israeli
democracy itself.
In a country where the military is considered sacred and investigates itself,
and where the judicial system has enabled occupation for over 45 years,
could one have seriously expected a different outcome?
5 - Venezuela’s Oil Refinery Blaze : Seven Good Reasons
to Suspect Sabotage
By James Petras
Global Research, September 01, 2012
Region : Latin America & Caribbean
Theme : Intelligence
“You can’t exclude any hypothesis … It’s practically impossible that here in an
[oil] installation like this which is fully automated everywhere and that has
thousands of responsible workers night and day, civilian and military, and that
there is a gas leak for 3 or 4 days and nobody responds. This is impossible.”
President Chavez responding to US media and opposition charges that the
explosion at the oil refinery was due to government negligence.
Only 43 days before the Venezuelan presidential election and with President
Chavez leading by a persistent margin of 20 percentage points, an explosion
and fire at the Amuay refinery killed at least 48 people – half of those were
members of the National Guard – and destroyed oil facilities producing 645,000
barrels of oil per day.
Immediately following the explosion and fire, on script, all the mass media in
the US and Great Britain , and the right wing Venezuelan opposition launched a
blanket condemnation of the government as the perpetrator of the disaster
accusing it of “gross negligence” and “under-investment” in safety standards.
Yet there are strong reasons to reject these self-serving accusations and to
formulate a more plausible hypothesis, namely that the explosion was an act of
sabotage, planned and executed by a clandestine group of terrorist specialists
acting on behalf of the US government. There are powerful arguments to
sustain and pursue this line of inquiry.
The Argument for Sabotage:
The first question in any serious investigation is who benefits and who
loses from the destruction of lives and oil production?
The US is a clear winner on several crucial fronts. Firstly, via the economic
losses to the Venezuelan economy – 2.5 million barrels in the first 5 days and
counting – the loss will put a dent on social spending and delay productive
investments which in turn are key electoral appeals of the Chavez presidency.
Secondly, on cue the US joined by its client candidate,Henrique Capriles
Radonski, immediately launched a propaganda blitz aimed at discrediting the
government and calling into question its capacity to ensure the security and
safety of its citizens and the principle source of the country’s wealth. Thirdly,
the explosion creates insecurity and fear among sectors of the electorate and
could influence their voting in the October presidential election. Fourthly, the
US can test the effectiveness of a wider destabilization campaign and the
government’s capacity to respond to any further security threats.
(2) According to official government documents the US has Special Forces
operations in over seventy-five countries, including Venezuela , which is
targeted because of an adversarial relation. This means that the US has
operative clandestine highly trained operatives on the ground in Venezuela .
The capture of a US Marine for illegal entry in Venezuela with prior experience
in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan is indicative.
(3) The US has a history of involvement in violent destabilization activity in
Venezuela – backing the military coup of 2002 and the bosses’ lockout in the
petroleum industry in 2003. The US targeting of the oil industry involved
sabotage of the computerized system and efforts to degrade the refineries.
The US has a history of sabotage and violence against incumbent
adversarial regimes. In Cuba during 1960, the CIA torched a department store
and sugar plantations, and planted bombs in the downtown tourist centers –
aiming to undermine strategic sectors of the economy. In Chile following the
election of Socialist Salvador Allende, a CIA backed right-wing group kidnapped
and assassinated the military attache of Socialist President, in an effort to
provoke a military coup. Similarly in Jamaica in the late 1970’s under
democratic socialist President Manley, the CIA facilitated a violent
destabilization campaign in the run-up to the elections. Sabotage and
destabilization is a common weapon in the face of impending electoral defeats
(as is the case in Venezuela ) or where a popular government is firmly
(5) Force, violence and destabilization campaigns against incumbent regimes
have become common operation procedure in current US policy. The US has
financed and armed terrorist groups in Libya , Syria , Lebanon , Iran and
Chechnya ; it is bombing Pakistan , Yemen , Somalia and Afghanistan . In other
words US foreign policy is highly militarized and opposed to any negotiated
diplomatic resolution of conflicts with adversarial regimes. Sabotaging
Venezuela ’s oil refineries is within the logic and practice of current global US
foreign policy.
(6) Domestic politics in the US has taken a further turn to the far right in both
domestic and foreign policy. The Republican Party has accused the Democrats
of pandering to Iran , Venezuela , Cuba and Syria – of not going to war.
The Obama regime has responded by escalating its military policies –
battleships, missiles are aimed at Iran . He has supported Miami ’s demand for
“regime change” in Cuba as a prelude to negotiations. Washington is
channeling millions of dollars via NGO’s to the Venezuelan opposition – for
electoral and destabilization purposes. No doubt the opposition includes
employees, engineers and others with security clearance and access to the
petroleum industry. Obama has consistently taken violent actions to
demonstrate that he is as militarist as the Republicans. In the midst of a close
election campaign, especially with a tight race in Florida , the sabotage of the
Venezuelan refineries plays well for Obama.
(7) With a little more than a month left before the elections, and President
Chavez is showing a 20 percentage point advantage; the economy is on track
for a steady recovery; social housing and welfare programs are consolidating
massive low income support or over 80%; Venezuela has been admitted into
MERCOSUR the powerful Latin American integration program; Colombia signed
off on a mutual defense agreement with Venezuela; Venezuela is diversifying its
overseas markets and suppliers. What these facts indicate is that Washington
has no chance of defeating Chavez electorally;it has no possibility of using its
Latin neighbors as a springboard for territorial incursions or precipitating a war
for regime change; and it has no chance of imposing an economic boycott.
Given Washington ’s declared enmity and designation of Chavez as “a threat to
hemispheric security” and faced with the utter failure of its other policy tools,
the resort to violence and, in this specific case, sabotage of the strategic petrol
sector emerges as the policy of choice. Washington , by revealing its resort to
clandestine terror, represents a clear and present danger to Venezuela ’s
constitutional order, an immediate threat to the life blood of its economy and of
the democratic electoral process. Hopefully, the Chavez government, backed by
the vast majority of its citizens and constitutionalist armed forces will take the
necessary comprehensive security measures to ensure that there is no repeat of
the petrol sabotage in other sectors, like the electrical grid. Public weakness in
the face of imperial belligerence only encourages further aggression. No doubt
heightened public security in defense of the constitutional order will be
denounced by the US government, media and their local clients as
“authoritarian” and claim that protection of the national patrimony infringes on
‘democratic freedoms’. No doubt they prefer a weak security system to ply
their violent provocations. Subsequent to their decisive electoral defeat they
will claim fraud or interference. All this is predictable, but the vast majority of
voters who assemble, debate and cast their ballots will feel secure and look
forward to another four years of peace and prosperity, free from terror and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
6 - Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored
on BBC
By Amena Saleem
Global Research, August 26, 2012
Electronic Intifada August 24, 2012
Region: Middle East
Theme: Media Disinformation
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Israeli oppression of Palestinians not suitable for broadcast by BBC. (Ryan
Rodrick Beiler)
One of the most obvious examples of bias by the BBC is the taxpayer-funded
broadcaster’s habit of inviting Israeli politicians or the Israeli government
spokesperson, Mark Regev, onto its programs to speak without challenge.
Meanwhile, Palestinians and those who would convey a Palestinian
perspective are not given the same opportunity.
Film director Ken Loach recently learned that for the BBC, Palestine remains
a taboo.
On 23 July, Loach was at the Royal Albert Hall in London to listen to a
performance of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, performed by the West-Eastern
Divan Orchestra. The orchestra consists of Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab
musicians, and is conducted by Daniel Barenboim, who formed the orchestra
in 1999 with the late Palestinian academic and activist Edward Said.
So when Loach was asked during the intermission for an interview by BBC
Proms, which was recording the concert for later broadcast, he considered it
reasonable to air his thoughts on the nature of the orchestra as well as the
Loach said that he spoke to the BBC journalist for five minutes, during which
time he said: “Seeing Israelis and Arabs, including Palestinians, sitting side
by side on the stage makes us confront the issue of the continuing
oppression of the Palestinian people, and I shall be thinking of them when I
hear the music tonight.”
These were typically compassionate words from a director whose films,
including Land and Freedom about the revolutionaries who fought in the
Spanish Civil War, often reflect his keen sense of justice.
However, for the BBC, which in the last six months has alternately denied the
existence of Palestine and then the fact of Israel’s occupation, the mere
mention of the fact of the Palestinian people’s oppression was too
controversial to broadcast.
BBC admits to censorship
Loach received a phone call from the program producers informing him that
his interview would be cut “due to the music over-running.” He sent an email
to the BBC, which has been seen by this writer, stating:
“Thank you for letting me know about the broadcast and the need to shorten
the interview. Of course I understand about length. But I would ask you to
include my brief remarks about the orchestra and the Palestinians. As an
opponent of oppression and tyranny I think Ludwig [van Beethoven] would
have approved. It was one of the reasons I agreed to take part. I’m happy if
you need to reduce my thoughts on the music itself.”
His email was ignored and the interview was broadcast three days later on
BBC Proms with his observation about the oppression of the Palestinian
people removed. The rest of the interview remained intact.
Loach said: “I called the producer, Oliver MacFarlane, who admitted they
had deliberately cut the line about Palestine. He said if they’d included it
they would have had to have a balancing interview. I wasn’t pleased and I
responded robustly.”
When asked to respond to this, a BBC spokesperson stated: “As part of the
BBC’s comprehensive music television coverage of The Proms, esteemed
filmmaker Ken Loach was invited to comment on his personal passion for
Beethoven, given the time slot available and the fact that this was a music
television programme, the most editorially relevant sections of Mr. Loach’s
interview were used in the final edit.”
Israeli spokespersons unchallenged
But if it was the case that the BBC did feel the need to “balance” Loach’s
simple words about the ongoing oppression of the Palestinians, it has
absolutely no qualms about airing, totally unopposed, the wild, often lurid,
mostly fact-free statements made by Israeli ministers and spokespeople.
Take, for example, James Naughtie’s interview with Danny Ayalon on Radio
4’s Today program on 16 January 2012. The interview was conducted the
day after the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, called on Israel to end its
occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories and to end its violence against
This strong UN criticism of Israel was completely ignored by Naughtie, who
focused on Iran with the unquestioned premise of the interview being that
Iran is, without a doubt, developing nuclear weapons and consequently
poses a grave threat to Israel.
Ayalon had been on air for less than a second when he said: “What we see
here is a drive, a relentless push by Iran to illegally acquire and develop
nuclear weapons and for them it’s not just a means, it’s a way to reach
hegemony to continue with their very dangerous and radical approach.”
He went on to say: “Today Iran is the international hub of terror in the
This was clearly Israeli propaganda; Ayalon used the BBC to loudly bang the
drums of war against Iran. Yet Naughtie neither challenged his unfounded
opinions, which were presented as facts, nor brought in someone to present
an alternative viewpoint.
Ayalon’s wild accusations, so much more controversial than Loach’s mild
remarks, were certainly not cut for lack of a “balancing interview.” Nor was
Ayalon questioned about Israel’s widely suspected nuclear arsenal or about
Israel’s staunch refusal to allow international weapons inspections.
BBC’s double standards
Arthur Neslen was a BBC journalist for four years, but this didn’t stop him
falling foul of the BBC’s double standards on this issue.
In March this year, he wrote an article for the Guardian newspaper
describing how he returned to Gaza to meet the man who had tried to kill
him more than two years earlier (“Why I met the man who tried to kill me,” 2
March 2012).
This led to a phone call requesting an interview from the producers
of Outlook, a BBC World Service program which is broadcast Monday
through Thursday.
Neslen agreed, but even before he visited BBC studios, the problems began.
“The BBC kept delaying the interview,” he said in an interview. “Then they
called two months later and said they were ready, so I went to do the
interview which lasted 45 minutes.”
In his interview, Neslen described how a stranger called “Khalid” (not his
real name) had attacked him randomly in a Gaza street in May 2009, pulling
a knife on him as he came out of the offices of the UN agency for Palestine
refugees (UNRWA). In 2011, Neslen had returned to Gaza to meet the man
who had tried to kill him and, in his BBC Outlook interview, he told Khalid’s
During Israel’s massacre in Gaza in 2008-2009, Khalid, a schizophrenic, had
gone to the front line to ask the Israelis to stop killing civilians. He was
captured at gunpoint by Israeli soldiers, handcuffed and blindfolded, taken to
the doorway of a house the Israeli army had commandeered, and repeatedly
beaten by soldiers on their way in or out.
He was then used as a human shield by Israeli snipers, who placed him in
front of an open window and shot from behind him. Khalid was later taken to
a detention center in Israel and put through the court system, regularly
beaten, before being released back into Gaza two months later.
Before telling his story in the Guardian, Neslen spent a month trying to get
an explanation from several Israeli authorities, finally obtaining a statement
from the Israeli Ministry of Justice which confirmed the dates of Khalid’s
arrest, court appearances and release.
BBC drops story
However, all this evidence proved insufficient for the BBC.
“The BBC called me after I’d left the interview, asking me to come back
straight away. They wanted to know what the Israeli response was to
Khalid’s story and I told them about the statement,” Neslen explained. “I
was told the interview would go out the following week.”
However, ten minutes before the interview was due to be aired, he received
a series of “desperate” emails and calls from a BBC journalist asking to see
all his correspondence with the Israeli authorities on the matter, which he
emailed over immediately.
“They told me I hadn’t provided them with proof that I had put the allegation
to the Israeli army that they had used Khalid as a human shield,” said
Neslen. “Then they dropped the story.”
“Why didn’t they put the allegations to the IDF [Israeli army] themselves?”
he asked. “I was a BBC journalist for four years and they didn’t believe my
story. But if Mark Regev goes on BBC News to say a hunger striker is a
member of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, the BBC never tries to go to the family to
get confirmation. It only seems to go in one direction.”
The UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign wrote to the BBC in May to ask
why Regev had been allowed to make unchallenged and false comments on
BBC1’s News at 10 and Radio 4’s six-o-clock news bulletin on 11 May. Regev
claimed the Palestinian hunger strikers, who numbered more than 1,000,
were motivated by an “Islamist cause” and wanted to “commit suicide.”
Last week, the group received this response from the BBC’s Editorial
Complaints Unit:
“You have said that the report lacked the necessary due impartiality because
it contained an interview with the Israeli government spokesman, Mark
Regev, but did not include a similar interview with someone putting forward
the view of the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. The BBC’s Editorial
Guidelines on Impartiality make it clear that due impartiality does not
necessarily require all views and opinions to be covered in equal proportions
on all occasions.”
As Neslen says, it only seems to go one way with the BBC. Take this line
from the Editorial Guidelines on Impartiality, which the BBC appeared to
disregard when interviewing Loach: “… it is not usually required for an
appearance by a politician, or other contributor with partial views, to be
balanced on each occasion by those taking a contrary view.”
The BBC seems to interpret this as meaning that someone who openly lies
about the political motivations of Palestinian hunger strikers can be heard
unchallenged on its airwaves, while someone who dares to mention the
oppression of the Palestinians must be silenced.
Bowing to Israeli pressure
Neslen has his own ideas, based on his time at the BBC, for the double
“They’re running scared of the Israeli authorities,” he said. He gives an
example, detailed in his book,In Your Eyes a Sandstorm: Ways of Being
Palestinian, of the Israeli embassy calling the BBC radio newsroom where he
then worked. The Israel government asked a news editor not to run the
Palestinian side of a particular news story, implying that doing so could
involve an accusation of “terror collusion.” The Palestinian statement, sent
by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestineto the BBC, was dropped.
On another occasion, at the beginning of “Operation Defensive Shield,”
Israel’s massive re-invasion of the West Bank during the second intifada, the
Israeli government threatened to close down the BBC’s offices in West
Jerusalem if it did not pull its correspondent Barbara Plett out of the West
Bank. The next day she was withdrawn.
“These sorts of things happen every day,” Nelson said, “and some news
editors will stand up for core journalistic values. But in general, Palestinian
calls of complaints about news bulletins tended to be laughed off. I
remember one acting editor on a BBC Radio 5 live bulletin slamming down
the phone on a Palestinian caller and saying ‘If I get one more call from a
moaning Arab…’”
He added: “If the Israeli embassy phones in, there’s a vast disparity of
power [compared] to if a Palestinian activist calls in. They take Israeli calls
very seriously, and critical stories about Israel get shot down through official
pressure and the fear of official pressure. These are very powerful lobbyists
— people know their careers can be broken.”
The result of all this is obvious bias shown against the Palestinians in the
BBC’s broadcasts, whether it is by the complete omission of their story, the
editing of comments which dare to mention their oppression, or the
constant, relentless foisting of the Israeli narrative onto the audience.
Is this really journalism? Those who pay their licence fee so that the BBC
can broadcast all across the world — and those whose lives are affected by
those broadcasts — deserve much better.
Amena Saleem is active with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK
and keeps a close eye on the media’s coverage of Palestine as part of her
brief. She has twice driven on convoys to Gaza for PSC. Follow the PSC on
Twitter: @PSCupdates.
When 9/11 Truth Becomes a Criminal Offense : Marine
Vet Arrested for 9/11 Facebook Posts
By Michael Kelley
Global Research, August 25, 2012
Business Insider August 25, 2012
Region: USA
Theme: 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism', Police
State & Civil Rights
It is unknown if Brandon Raub was detained for anything more than
UPDATE: A previous version of this article said Raub was detained by the FBI.
The FBI has told us their agents had ”nothing to do” with his detainment and
placement in a psychiatric ward.
ORIGINAL: A former U.S. Marine who accused the government of lying about
9/11 and spoke of “The Revolution” on Facebook was detained on Thursday
night, reports Renee Nal of Gather.
According to Brandon Raub’s mother, authorities from the FBI, Secret Service
and Chesterfield County PD came to their door, questioned Raub about
his Facebook posts – which are critical of the official story regarding 9/11 and
refer to “starting a revolution” – then handcuffed him and placed him in a
Chesterfield PD squad car before taking him to John Randolph Psychiatric
Hospital in Hopewell, Va.
Raub’s mother said he returned about a year ago after serving in Afghanistan
(after serving in Iraq) and did not suffer from PTSD.
The Chesterfield PD told us that the situation “was an FBI matter and we were
just there to assist them” so it could not provide us with an official reason why
Raub was detained.
Raub’s mother said that an FBI agent told her Raub was “arrested by the
Chesterfield police department” because he “assaulted an officer and resisted
arrest,” then asked her if Raub “was having any issues relating to people” and
told her that “the threats he was making were terrorist in nature.”
When asked the Chesterfield PD said Raub has not been charged with
resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.
The FBI and Secret Service will not be available for comment until Monday
Here is the video of the arrest:
The most recent posts by Brandon J Raub – as opposed to Raub Brandon –
and “Feelin like Pac all Eyes on me.” on August 15 and “The Revolution will
come for me. Men will be at my door soon to pick me up to lead it.
August 14.
Also on August 14, he posted this video:
” on
And this:
7 - Stupid and mean and brutal : Israel’s settler-officers in
the glare of publicity
By Uri Avnery
20 April 2012
Uri Avnery examines the incident in which an Israeli skullcap-wearing officer,
Lt-Col Shalom Eisner, launched an unprovoked and brutal attack on a young
Danish peace activist, and argues that Eisner, a deputy brigade commander,
is not just the quintessential army officer but the quintessential Israeli.
“In blood and sweat / A race will arise to us / Proud and generous and
brutal…” Thus wrote Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, the founder of extreme
right-wing Zionism, who was also a writer and a poet. Present-day Likud
leaders see him as their forefather, much as Stalin saw Karl Marx.
The word “brutal” stands out, because it seems implausible that Jabotinsky
really meant it. His Hebrew was not very good, and he probably meant
something like “hard” or “tough”.
If Jabotinsky saw today’s Likud, he would shudder. His was a 19th century
mixture of extreme nationalism, liberalism and humanism.
Paradoxically, brutality is the only one of the three traits that is prominent in
our life today, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories. There is
nothing there to be proud of, and generosity is something associated with
the despised leftists.
The routine, everyday brutality that governs the occupied territories was
caught on video this week. A searing flash in the darkness.
The incident
It happened on Route 90, a highway that connects Jericho with Beth She’an
along the Jordan River. It is the main road of the Jordan valley, which our
government aims to annex to Israel one way or another. It is reserved solely
for Israeli traffic and closed to
A group of young international
Lt-Col Shalom Eisner launches an
pro-Palestinian activists decided
unprovoked and brutal attack
to demonstrate against the
against a Danish peace campaigner
closure of the road. They invited
their Palestinian friends to a jolly bicycle ride along it. They were stopped by
a unit of the Israeli army. For some minutes they faced each other: the
cyclists, some with Arab keffiyehs (headdresses) draping their shoulders,
and the soldiers with their rifles…
What happened then was shown on a video clip taken by one of the
protesters (see the video on the right). It is clear, unambiguous and
The officer, a lieutenant-colonel, is standing opposite a fair-haired young
man, a Dane, who was just looking on, neither saying nor doing anything.
Nearby, protesters and soldiers are standing around. No sign of violence
Suddenly the officer raises his rifle, holding it horizontally, one hand on the
butt and one on the barrel, and then he drives the squared-off end of the
magazine hard into the young Dane's face. The victim falls backward on the
ground. The officer grins with satisfaction.
In the evening, Israeli TV showed the clip. By now, almost every Israeli has
seen it a hundred of times. The more one sees it, the more one is shocked.
The sheer brutality of this completely unprovoked act makes one flinch.
Offended by the publicity, not the brutality
To veterans of demonstrations in the occupied territories, there is nothing
new in this incident. Many have suffered brutality in many different forms.
What was unusual in this case was that it was caught on camera. And not a
hidden camera. There were quite a lot of cameras around. Not only those of
the protesters, but those of army photographers, too.
The officer must have been aware of this. He just did not give a damn.
The undesired publicity caused a national uproar. Obviously, it was not the
act itself that upset the military and political leadership, but the publicity it
attracted. Coming at the same time as the glorious defence of Tel Aviv
airport by 700 policemen and policewomen against the terrifying invasion of
some 60 international human rights activists, such additional publicity was
definitely unwanted.
The army chief of staff condemned the officer and promptly suspended him.
All senior officers followed suit, and the prime minister himself spoke out. As
is well known, our army is “the most moral in the world”, so what had
happened was the unpardonable act of a single rogue officer. There will be a
thorough investigation, etc, etc.
The hero of the affair is Lieutenant-Colonel Shalom Eisner (“Iron Man”, in
Far from being exceptional, he seems to be the quintessential army officer,
indeed the quintessential Israeli.
Lt-Col Shalom Eisner, the military face of Jewish settlers
The first thing TV viewers noticed was the kippah [skullcap] on his head.
“Well of course,” many murmured to themselves. For decades the nationalreligious movement has systematically infiltrated the officers’ corps of the
armed forces, starting from officers’ induction courses and climbing up, with
the aim of having one of their number end up as the army chief of staff. By
now, kippah-ed lieutenant-colonels are common… At the time of the
incident, Eisner was a deputy brigade commander.
The national-religious movement, to which the core of the settlers belong,
was also the home of Yigal Amir, the assassin of Yitzhak Rabin, and of
Baruch Goldstein, the mass-murderer of the Muslims in the mosque in
One of the pillars of this movement is the yeshiva Merkaz Harav (“Centre of
the Rabbi”), where Eisner’s father was a prominent rabbi. During the
evacuation of the Gaza Strip settlers by Ariel Sharon, Eisner junior was
among the protesters. Last year Eisner was photographed on the very same
spot on Road 90 fraternizing with extreme rightist demonstrators, who also
protested on bicycles there.
He did not take the rebukes lying down. With unprecedented impertinence,
he attacked the chief of staff, the commander of the Central Front and his
division commander for suspending him. He waved his bandaged hand to
prove that he was attacked first and acted in self-defence. He even produced
confirmation from some doctor that one of his
fingers was broken.
“The trouble is that
Eisner is not an
exception, but rather
a representative of a
norm… [He] typifies
many officers who
come out of the
That is highly improbable. First of all, the way he
military melting pot.”
holds his rifle in the video would have been
impossible with a broken finger. Second, the video shows that his act was
not in reaction to any violence. Third, there were several army
photographers around, who shot every detail (to be used as evidence if
protesters were brought to trial in a military court). If any act of violence
had taken place, their videos would have been displayed by the army the
same day. Fourth, Eisner similarly struck two women protesters in the face
and one male protester on the back -- unfortunately off camera.
He fervently insists that he did the right thing. After all, he did break up the
demonstration, right?
But he was not entirely without remorse. He publicly admitted that it “may
have been a mistake to act this way in the presence of cameras”. With this
the army and many commentators wholeheartedly agreed: they did not
criticize his brutality, but his stupidity.
As an individual, Eisner is not very interesting. If armies refrained from
enlisting stupid people, where would we be?
The trouble is that Eisner is not an exception, but rather a representative of
a norm. There are some excellent people in the army, but Eisner typifies
many officers who come out of the military melting pot.
And not only in the army. To paraphrase Jabotinsky: our educational system
now produces “a race / stupid and mean and brutal”. How could it be
otherwise after 60 years of relentless indoctrination and 45 years of
occupation? Every occupation, every oppression of another people, corrupts
the occupier and makes the oppressor stupid…
Two days ago, Israel observed the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. In
this connection, I would like to quote Albert Einstein, a Jew and a Zionist:
“Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts
with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our two
thousand years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us.”
8 - Israeli expansionism versus imaginary Palestinian
“diplomatic terrorism”
By Jamal Kanj
31 August 2012
Jamal Kanj argues that Israeli expansionism and Western connivance with
and complacency towards Israel’s land grabbing – not the Palestinian quest
for state recognition at the UN – are the real obstacles to peace in the Middle
Here we go again! Evet Lvovich Lieberman, the Moldavan who became
Avigdor Lieberman when in 1978 his religion uniquely qualified him for
instantaneous Israeli citizenship, is demanding the removal of Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas.
In a letter to the Middle East Quartet on 21 August, Israel's foreign policy
chief, who once branded the premise of Middle East peace talks as flawed,
called Abbas "an obstacle to peace".
In a clear sign of a dysfunctional government, the
Israeli Prime Minister's Office issued a statement
distancing it from the foreign minister's letter,
saying: "It does not represent the position of the
prime minister or the government."
Two days later, speaking to Israeli public radio, an
unrepentant Lieberman accused Abbas of waging a
"diplomatic terror" campaign.
The foreign minister was referring to a Palestinian
initiative to obtain UN recognition of a Palestinian
state on 22 per cent of historical Palestine.
disingenuous remarks
were another example
of Israel's
interminable and
contrived attempts to
distract the
community from the
drifting 20-year-old
peace process.”
Lieberman's disingenuous remarks were another example of Israel's
interminable and contrived attempts to distract the international community
from the drifting 20-year-old peace process.
When Yasser Arafat refused to waiver on fundamental national principles,
such as the rights of refugees and Jerusalem, during Bill Clinton's theatrical
exercises at Camp David in 2000, Israel decided that Palestinians must
change their democratically elected president.
To achieve that, in March 2002 it laid a long siege on Arafat's compound and
in June the credulous US President George W. Bush went along calling for a
new "Palestinian leadership".
Following the suspicious death of Arafat in 2003,
Abbas was elected president. At the time, he was
described by Israeli and American leaders as
"pragmatic" and a "peace partner".
For years, Israel continued to flout America's
roadmap for peace by indulging with impunity in an
illegal settlement programme and erecting an
apartheid wall that suffocated the fledgling
Palestinian economy.
“…Israel continued to
flout America's
roadmap for peace by
indulging with
impunity in an illegal
programme and
erecting an apartheid
wall that suffocated
the fledgling
Palestinian economy.”
In early 2006, Palestinians held their second open
democratic election. In an expression of frustration over the lack of progress
with the peace process, they voted for Hamas to lead the next Palestinian
Rejecting the results of Palestinian democracy, Israel cajoled the Quartet
and demanded that Hamas, not just the Palestinian government, recognize
Israel as a Jewish state or face international isolation.
Reciprocal recognition of Palestinian rights to a state of their own was never
requested from Israeli political parties or governments.
Succumbing to Israeli and international pressure, one year later Abbas
deposed the democratically-elected government and appointed a new
caretaker administration.
The peace marathon hit another snag following the
election of Binyamin Netanyahu in 2009. The new
prime minister rejected established understandings
with his predecessor, insisting on starting
negotiation from scratch.
Netanyahu, who said a "Palestinian state must
never be established", was elected under the Likud
party charter – rejecting "the establishment of a
Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan River".
On the other side, Palestinians have over-
“Netanyahu, who said
a ‘Palestinian state
must never be
established’, was
elected under the
Likud party charter –
rejecting ‘the
establishment of a
Palestinian Arab state
west of the Jordan
committed themselves to the process by giving up, ahead of peace talks and
without reciprocity, 78 per cent of Palestine.
The spineless Quartet must stop deluding itself, end Israel's charade of
Sisyphean negotiations and demand that all parties mutually fulfil the same
peace stipulations.
Otherwise, they should be prepared to support the Palestinian "diplomatic
terror" at the UN General Assembly when it convenes next month.
The absence of Israeli accountability remains the crux of the peace
predicament in the region.
A version of this article was first published by Gulf Daily News. The version
here is published by permission of Jamal Kanj.
Posted by The Blogger on Friday, June 08, 2012
Why on earth would anyone believe we are going to achieve a
durable, honourable peace?
Please read my article below, make up your mind, share and make a
Jafar M. Ramini
Salam Wa Laisa Estislam
Peace Not Capitulation
Jafar M Ramini
To understand the mindset of any person you have got to delve into
their background and upbringing. Who or what made Benjamin
Netanyahu the man he is today?
This week marks the 45th anniversary of the 6-day war, which
resulted in Israel occupying the entire landmass of Palestine, the
Golan Heights in Syria and a large chunk of Sinai.
Since then, a peace treaty has been signed between the Government
of Egypt and Israel which resulted in the return of the Sinai; another
peace treaty was signed with the Government of Jordan which
effectively removed two of the front line Arab countries from the
equation. The Golan Heights have been dormant and if the current
situation in Syria deteriorates any further none of us should be
surprised if Israel announces the annexation of the Golan Heights
permanently. Meanwhile, the brutal, military occupation in the West
Bank grows uglier, harsher and more entrenched and the
strangulation of Gaza gets tighter by the day.
Is there any hope for a satisfactory, honourable conclusion to the
so-called peace process between the Palestinians and the
Israelis? The answer, I am sad to say, is a definite ‘no’.
Why? Because the man at the helm in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu
will never, ever entertain such a thought.
When Netanyahu recently joined forces with the Kadima Party to
form a coalition government he was hailed as the new King of Israel.
Many who aspire for peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and
Palestinians, within and without Israel, thought that this new-found
strength and status might give him the power he needed to free
himself from the clutches of the ultra right wing religious parties and
the settlers’ movement which have been the most obstinate
obstacles to peace. It would seem not. Mr. Netanyahu’s new-found,
unchallenged power has propelled him even further to the right and
made him even more intransigent, arrogant and unapproachable. His
beliefs and upbringing which helped form his hard Zionist mind and
heart stem from these biblical texts.
“On that day the Lord made a covenant to Abraham saying “To your
descendents I give this land from the river of Egypt to the great river
Euphrates”. Genesis 15: 18.
“God spoke unto us, saying, Go to the hill country and all the places
nigh thereunto..In the Arabah, the hill country and in the
the south and by the sea shore the land of the Canaanites and
Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates. Go in
therefore and possess the land, which the Lord swore unto your
fathers. To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to them and their seed
after them.” Deuteronomy 1:6 – 8.
“Every place whereon your foot shall tread shall be yours. From the
wilderness and Lebanon to the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder
sea shall be yours.” Deuteronomy 14:24.
“From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the greater river
Euphrates and all the land of the Hittites and unto the great sea
toward the going down of the sun shall be your border.” Joshua 1: 4.
You only have to look at Benjamin Netanyahu’s late father, a
hardened Zionist racist, to see where his personality came from.
Shortly before his death Professor Benzion Netanyahu gave this
interview which his son, Benjamin, tried to suppress.
Now you see that a child, who was spawned in racism, hatred and
paranoia, cannot be anything but what Netanyahu is today. And this
is the man we, the Palestinians, are supposed to forge a lasting
peace with.
The company that he keeps and who have enormous influence on his
policies and behaviour are not any better. Listen to what Ilan Tsion,
the head of an Israeli group called ‘Fence For Life’ has to say.
“The separation fence must be closed and sealed. The Egyptian fence
must be closed and sealed. The separation wall with Lebanon must
be closed and sealed. We must build a fence on the Jordanian
border immediately, no one gets in or out! Jews who live in Judea
and Samaria [West Bank] may come in and out - Arabs may not
come in and out.”
Mr. Tsion made this statement moments after he forcefully objected
to Israel being called an “apartheid” state.
An Israeli lawyer and activist, who boasted about his efforts to
prevent the reunfication of Palestinian families,Tsion spoke at a
conference in Ramle, on 15th April where he also called the presence
of Africans a mortal threat to the lives of every single Jewish man,
woman and child.
Yehuda Etzion, Gush Emunim activist who was jailed for five years in
1980 for plotting to blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque has since said he would
do it again. “Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount is the wrong
building in the wrong place”, he said. This liberal and enlightened
gentleman was one of the group of like-minded Zionist settlers who
marched into Jerusalem on May 20th this year for, the Jerusalem
Reunification Day.
As for Mr. Netanyahu he rewarded those ultra right-wing Zionist
settlers by announcing that 4000 new housing units in TulkarimQalqilya are in the pipeline.
While the settlers shouted ‘death to the Arabs’ and ‘Al Aqsa must be
blown up’, Mr. Netanyahu pledged that he will never accept any
peace deal agreement that divided Jerusalem. He added that, ‘Israel
without Jerusalem is like a body without a heart.
The final nail in the coffin of a shared Jerusalem is the
announcement of 2610 housing units and 1,110 hotel rooms in Givat
Hamatos in the southern fringes of Jerusalem.
David Seidemann, an Israeli attorney who monitors urban
developments said, "There is only so much territorial abuse this
tortured land can take before we kill the political option of saving
the two-state solution”.
From the above, surely we can see that these guys are not
bashful. On the contrary they are very passionate about what they
aim to do. The building of Eretz Israel, preferably without any nonJews in it.
How they can get away with all of this? They can because the
international community is burdened with guilt and the Zionist
Christians of America give the biblical premise their full-blooded,
blind-folded zeonophobic support.
If I may I shall take this opportunity to remind those Zionist
Christians what the late J.F. Kennedy had to say:
“One day, after I am long gone you will remember me and say we
should have stopped the nuclear programme of Israel, abolished the
Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies, occultists, usurpers
and Zionists out of our wonderful country to keep it that way. But it
is never too late. Just remember that.”
If only.
“You Can Hear Palestine Aching”
Mantiq al-Tayr
Posted on August 24, 2012
(Graphics by the very Graphic Visigoth)
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a teacher from Jerusalem, born in
acre, raised in Kiriat-Ono (near Kafr-’Ana) and currently living in Katamon
neighborhood (in Jerusalem). All of them are occupied Palestinian
territory. . . .
Living in Israel, you can always see Palestine if you have eyes for her. She’s
in the falling-apart houses you pass nearby when you go on a trip, and have
no sign to tell their stories. she’s in the changing, forgetting names: from
Manshiya to charles Clore Park (which was build upon its ruins), from DeirYassin to Har-Nof (“mountainview” – a lovely name for another ugly chapter
in my country’s chronicles). Living in Israel, you can hear Palestine aching, if
you have a heart. every inch of my childhood, of the most sweet and
intimate memories I carry from my early years, is dripping with Palestinian
blood and dust and tears. And such stains don’t clean easily, if at all.
Amos Bar (An Israeli living in Jerusalem, not the late author with the same
1.”This year, a record group of 127 men and women flew on the Soldier
Aliyah flight sponsored by the Israeli immigration group Nefesh b’Nefesh.
Thirty-two of these young volunteers are from the greater Los Angeles area.
They were joining an increasing number of young Angelenos who choose to
enlist in theIDF.”
The author thinks this is a good thing and part of a sign that young
American Jews just love Israel.
2. Hey there you folks at the New York Times and the Guardian, l’ve found a
new Middle East expert for you dudes to hire. Here are some quotes showing
her expertise: (Note to Shas Party members, red highlighting is mine.)
Though she eschews the term “religious” (too “man-made”), faith is what
brought her to the Holy Land. It undergirds her intense passion for the
country:“Israel is a global minority and the hostility and venom thrust upon
this great nation is just unbelievable,” she said. But she insists that it is not
faith alone, but also her belief in Israel’s humanitarian spirit that binds her to
the country.“Israel is not strictly a Christian value or an American value; it is
a value of humanity.”
And how about this?
“I see bullying. I see a lot of revisionist history,” she said, earnestly. “All one
has to do is look at the PLO and their own documents. This is not about
land; the Arab League has 22 separate Islamic states spanning an area of 5
million square miles. Israel is 9,000 square miles! It’s not about the land,
which is one sixth of one percent of the entire Middle East — it’s about a
hatred that is so vile and so deep that it seeks to eradicate a people.”
Seems to me that Kathy Ireland would be a perfect accomplice to the likes
of Jodi Rudoren at the Times and Joshua Trevino at the Guardian.
3. Speaking of Jodi Rudoren, whose defense by some recently strikes me as
absurd, I have to take issue with an otherwise right-on comment from a
reader posted by the Angry Arab. That comment points out she is nothing
but a typical Zionist but ends with the following:
“and most importantly, she freely admits that she knows nothing about the
region, which seems to be her main qualification for working there.”
No. Her main qualification is that she is a pro-Israeli Zionist Jew who is
replacing another pro-Israeli Zionist Jew.
Btw, If you click on the link in the quote you will see the document the
reader was summarizing and that document is very illuminating.
4. Camp Yavneh looks like a most interesting camp. Alison Weir notes that:
“Rudoren’s knowledge of Hebrew may have been bolstered by her
summertime attendance at Camp Yavneh, a Jewish camp in New Hampshire
that has an Israeli flag at the top of its website and boasts of its “strong
Israeli programming.” It features a six-weeks “summer in Israel” program,
though it’s unknown whether Rudoren attended this.”
You can read an interview with Rudoren which appears in the Camp Yavneh
newsletter by clicking here. The interview confirms Ms. Weir’s comments.
According to the interviewer, Rudoren will be living in “Old Katamon” with
her family.
From Wiki:
Katamon was established just before World War I. German aerial
photographs taken during the war show a grid of building lots demarcated
by stones.[3] By 1914, a total of 5 homes had been built.[3]From 1924,
building activity resumed, mostly by affluent Christian Arabs, who built large
mansions there.
At the beginning of the 1948 Palestine war the neighborhood was an Arab
salient between two Jewish neighborhoods. On the night of 5–6 January
1948, the Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel in Katamon, killing 24 or
26 people.On April 28, as part of Operation Yevusi, during a bloody battle
over control of the Greek Orthodox St. Simon monastery, located on a
strategic hilltop, Rafael Eitan, then a platoon commander, was shot in the
head.[2] Many others were killed and wounded on both sides. After the
surrender of the Jewish Quarter at the end of May, around 1000 Jewish
refugees were moved into Katamon.[4] Agutted Jordanian Legion tank was
left as a monument at St. Simon park, but was removed in the late 1990s.
Ofira Navon park, built on the site of Katamon football stadium
In her autobiography, Palestinian author Ghada Karmi describes growing up
in Katamon, from which she and her father, linguist Hasan Karmi, and the
rest of the family, fled in 1948 after fierce fighting broke out. Arab scholar
and poetKhalil al-Sakakini and writer Sami Hadawi also left Katamon at this
time. Al-Sakakini’s daughter Hala wrote about revisiting the neighborhood in
On September 17, 1948, UN Mediator Folke Bernadotte and UN Observer
André Serot, were assassinated by members of the Jewish
underground Lehiwhile driving on Palmach Street in Katamon.[2]
From a Zionist website:
Old Katamon, built in the 1920s during the British Mandate and known as
the “Flower Garden of Jerusalem,” is located between the neighborhoods of
Talbieh, Kiryat Shmuel, the Greek Colony, and Givat Oranim. Old Katamon
was established as a Jewish neighborhood following its liberation in 1948 by
the Hagana and Palmach. The beautiful villas abandoned by former Arab
residents became home to new immigrants who started to arrive from
Middle-Eastern countries. The early 1970s saw the onset of a process of
renewal in the area. The neighborhood of Old Katamon has a romantic style,
featuring beautifully designed houses with yards, pragmatically located close
to the center of town. In the neighborhood are schools, preschools and
synagogues of many different varieties; best known are the Shteiblich and
Yakar. The population is a mixture of national religious, secular and chareidi,
notably the ultra-Orthodox Elroi Chassidic group.
From an Israeli Jew living in Jerusalem:(Same text as at the start of this
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a teacher from Jerusalem, born in
acre, raised in Kiriat-Ono (near Kafr-’Ana) and currently living in Katamon
neighborhood (in Jerusalem). All of them are occupied Palestinian territory. .
Living in Israel, you can always see Palestine if you have eyes for her. She’s
in the falling-apart houses you pass nearby when you go on a trip, and have
no sign to tell their stories. she’s in the changing, forgetting names: from
Manshiya to charles Clore Park (which was build upon its ruins), from DeirYassin to Har-Nof (“mountainview” – a lovely name for another ugly chapter
in my country’s chronicles). Living in Israel, you can hear Palestine aching, if
you have a heart. every inch of my childhood, of the most sweet and
intimate memories I carry from my early years, is dripping with Palestinian
blood and dust and tears. And such stains don’t clean easily, if at all.
Maybe if Rudoren is lucky she and her family will end up in one of those
really nice houses built by Christian Palestinians and later stolen by Israelis
and she can invite Kathy Ireland to come over and do a fashion show. Make
sure to invite Dan Shapiro. But I digress.
9 - United States Offers Azerbaijan the Northern Area of Iran
in Exchange for Participation in War : Report
By StratRisks
Editor’s Note: This is a serious case of entangled alliances, carving up Iran to
win the war. What about the Kurds and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with
Armenia? Neither Syria, nor Iran is worth all this trouble. A nuclear arms
race is already beginning in the Middle East regardless of if Iran develops
nukes or not. It seems that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other nations
would rather spend their oil profits on hardware than to rely on the US. Any
military can have its strength diffused when their focus is too expansive.
Their hands are in far too many pies. –Michael Vail
The belief of some experts in the United States are ready to attach to the
Azerbaijan territory of northern Iran, populated by ethnic Azeris in exchange
for participation in a military operation against Iran on the West, has found a
new confirmation.
As “Rosbalt” with reference to Baku Trend news Agency, the United States
State Department acknowledged receipt of the letter from
Congresswoman Dana Rohrabacher addressed to Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton on the need to support the struggle for independence
of southern Azerbaijan from Iran and the possibility of unification with the
Republic of Azerbaijan.
This was reported at the briefing by State Department
spokesperson Victoria Nuland. According to her, she replied to a letter
from the Congressman, but details of the correspondence will not be made
public. “We are in favour of the principle of territorial integrity,” said Nuland,
replying to a question by journalists about the possibility of United States
support of the struggle for independence of southern Azerbaijan.
In the North of Iran in the region with its centre in the city of Tabriz is home
to several times more than ethnic Azeris in Azerbaijan. Amid plans for Iran’s
territory into several States in the United States and Israel are increasingly
talking about them like “bruised minority.” In fact, Azeris are well
represented in the Iranian elites. So, the spiritual leader of Iran , Ayatollah
Khamenei is an ethnic Azerbaijani.
First Iranian land called “Southern Azerbaijan Parliament in Baku in the year
2012. This happened after the deterioration of relations of Tehran and Baku
against the backdrop of besprecedentyh supply in Azerbaijan Israeli military
equipment and arms and sharp deterioration of bilateral relations. Thus
Parliament hinted at a possible Iranian connection section of part of its
According to some British and Israeli media, Israel back in 2011, agreed to
use, Soviet air forces for refueling airfields located in Azerbaijan, near the
border with Iran, said “Rosbalt”.
See also: U.S. launches campaign on “annexing Iranian Azerbaijan
to Azerbaijan”?
Clinton: US Advocates the Principal of Territorial Integrity
***PRESS RELEASE*** Rep. Rohrabacher Urges Secretary Clinton
to Back Freedom From Iran for Azeris
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Young Iranian Website for this image
US foreign policy:
A. Put the 'bad guys' into power (eg Saddam, the Ayatollahs).
B. Get the 'bad guys' to fight each other (eg Iran-Iraq war).
C. This keeps America's rivals (eg Iraq, Iran) weak.
D. And makes lots of money for America's military-industrial complex.
Russia and China need to watch out.
In July 2012, Bruce Riedel, formerly of the CIA, reminded us of 'The
Last Time We Fought Iran'
According to Bruce Riedel:
1. President Reagan went to war with Iran.
By 1987 America was involved in an 'undeclared' naval and air war against
2. Both Iraq and Iran came to believe that the the USA had manipulated
Israel supplied spare parts for the Iranian air force’s U.S.-built built jets
throughout the war.
With Iran-Contra, the USA supplied weapons to Iran.
Iran-Contra was in many ways Israel's idea.
The Iran-Contra affair convinced Saddam's Iraq, rightly, that the U.S. was
trying to play both sides of the conflict.
The Saudis, Kuwaitis and Emiratis gave Saddam billions of loans to fight the
Jordanian “volunteers” fought with Iraq.
Iran believes the US inflicted the war on them.
Iran notes that the United Nations did not condemn Iraq for starting the war
and never sanctioned Iraq for the use of chemical weapons.
3. By 1987, Iran's oil exports were minimal and its economy was shattered.
However, the Iran-Iraq war strengthened the leaders of Iran.
4. "So expect another conflict to make Iran more extreme and more
determined to get the bomb while it rallies Iranians behind the mullahs."
Iran will look for "our vulnerabilities in Afghanistan and Bahrain, Israel’s in
Lebanon and the Saudis’ in Yemen to exploit."
Meir Dagan, of Mossad, has said that a military attack on Iran would be
Bruce Riedel, formerly of the CIA, reminded us of 'The Last Time We
Fought Iran'
Today, the CIA's al Qaeda, based in Libya, are being used to destabilise Mali,
Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...
The idea is to achieve US control of every country in the region.
And help the USA's military-Industrial-Narco complex.
In 2011, the US sold $66.3 billion of weapons overseas, which is nearly 78
percent of all global arms sales.
The top customers were the USA's Moslem colonies, such as Saudi Arabia
and the United Arab Emirates, and the US colony of India (Top gun: Saudi,
India deals push US arms sales to record $66 billion).
According to the UK's Daily Star, SAS HUNT BIO ARMS, US, UK and French
special forces troops are in or around Syria.
And the special forces are accompanied by MI6 and the CIA.
According to blogger Tony Cartalucci:
"Brookings Institution's Bruce Riedel in his article, "The New Al Qaeda
Menace," admits that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is now heavily
armed thanks to NATO's intervention in Libya, and that AQIM's base in Mali,
North Africa, serves as a staging ground for terrorist activities across
the region."
NATO Terrorists Target Syria and Algeria
According to Tony Cartalucci:
"NATO's terrorist blitzkrieg across the Arab World will not end in Syria.
"It will continue, if allowed, into Iran, through the Caucasus Mountains and
into Russia, across China's western borders, and even across Southeast
10 - British Paper Claims Western Troops in
With zero mandate, SAS allegedly "hunts for WMDs" as West attempts
incremental intervention at any cost.
By Tony Cartalucci
August 27, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- The British Daily Star has
reported in their article, "SAS HUNT BIO ARMS," that, "nearly 200 elite SAS
and SBS troops are in or around Syria hunting for Assad’s weapons of mass
destruction." The Star also claims that the SAS are accompanied by British
MI6, US CIA, and both French and American soldiers. This after US' Barack
Obama made comments claiming the US would military intervene if Syria so
much as "moves them [unconfirmed WMDs] in a threatening fashion."
Like Iraq, the West has provided no evidence that such weapons even exist,
let alone prove that the weapons have or even would be used against
terrorists operating across Syria. And like in Iraq, another false pretext is
being developed through leaks, and limited hangouts in an attempt to prime
the public for a desperate intervention designed to bolster the West's
collapsing terrorist front.
The West also categorically lacks any semblance of an international mandate
to act militarily within Syria - meaning that if SAS soldiers are in Syria, they
are in egregious violation of international law.
Should chemical weapons "move" or be "used" in Syria, it will be in the form
of a false flag attack, with weapons brought in by Libyan terrorists now
confirmed to be leading the so-called "Free Syrian Army" with US, UK,
European, and Gulf State weapons, cash, and logistical support.
US, British, French, and Gulf State-backed Al Qaeda militants have been
attempting to infiltrate and violently overthrow the government of Syria, as
well as terrorize the population into submission in a brutal, year and half
long terror campaign. In July and August, NATO-backed terrorists attempted
to seize Syria's two largest cities, Aleppo and Damascus only to be dealt
severe losses and a rebound of Syrian forces enjoying increasing public
support for ending the violence.
The Syrian conflict was engineered by Western interests as early as 2007.
This article was originally published at Land Destroyer
The Globalists' Worst Nightmare
Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution to the globalist problem.
commentary by Tony Cartalucci
For an extreme in-depth look at Thailand's "Sufficiency Economy" and "New
Theory" economics, please see, "Wisdom from the Orient: SelfSufficiency."
ฝันร้ายของนายทุนข้ามชาติ: เศรษฐกิจพอเพียงคือคำตอบปั ญหำกำรเมืองทั่วโลก
When thinking about "solutions" many are quick to cite organizing a protest
and taking to the streets. Let's for a moment consider the mechanics of a
protest, what it might accomplish, and what it may leave to be desired.
Take Glenn Beck's feckless and disingenuous 2010 "Restoring Honor" event
in Washington D.C. It drew thousands of honest, well-intentioned people
from all over the United States. Indeed, thousands of people filled up their
Fortune 500 made cars with gas from Fortune 500 oil companies, drove
countless miles, stopping along the way at Fortune 500 fast food
restaurants, stayed at Fortune 500 run hotels, and stocked up on supplies
purchased at Fortune 500 Walmart. They slaked their thirst under the hot
August sun with cans of Fortune 500 Pepsi and Coke, and at the end of the
day, they drove home, paid their Fortune 500 cable subscriptions to watch
their Fortune 500 media reports, most likely on News Corporation's Fox
News, a Council on Foreign Relations corporate member.
At best, all a protest will lead to, while we are so hopelessly dependent on
this system, is a round of musical chairs inside the political arena, with
perhaps superficial concessions made to the people. The vector sum
however, will still be decidedly in favor of the global corporate-financier
If we understand that the fundamental problem facing not only America, but
the entire world, is a global corporate-financier oligarchy that has criminally
consolidated their wealth by "liberalizing" their own activities while
strangling ours through regulations, taxes, and laws, we should then
understand why events like Beck's "Restoring Honor" are not only fruitless,
but in fact, counterproductive. We should also realize that any activity we
commit ourselves to must be directed at this corporate-financier oligarchy
rather than the governments they have co-opted and positioned as buffers
between themselves and the masses.
While people understand something is wrong and recognize the necessity to
do "something," figuring out what that "something" should be becomes
incredibly difficult when so few understand how power really works and how
to strip it away from the oligarchs that have criminally consolidated it.
Understanding Globalization
As of late, the expansion of this global oligarchical empire has taken a more
extreme, perhaps desperate form involving staged revolutions as seen in
Egypt and Tunisia, and in Libya's case, armed rebellion and the specter of
foreign military intervention. However, worldwide globalist coup d'etats have
occurred before - for example, in the late 1990's under the guise of a
"financial collapse" and IMF "restructuring."
Many nations fell beholden to the IMF and its regiment of "reforms" which
amounted to neo-colonialism packaged under the euphemism of "economic
liberalization." To illustrate how this works, it may help to understand what
real colonialism looked like.
Thailand's geopolitical surroundings 1800-1900. Thailand was
the only Southeast Asian country to avoid European colonization.
Thailand in the 1800's, then the Kingdom of Siam, was surrounded on all
sides by colonized nations and in turn was made to concede to the British
1855 Bowring Treaty. See how many of these "gunboat policy" imposed
concessions sound like today's "economic liberalization:"
1. Siam granted extraterritoriality to British subjects.
2. British could trade freely in all seaports and reside permanently in
3. British could buy and rent property in Bangkok.
4. British subjects could travel freely in the interior with passes provided by
the consul.
5. Import and export duties were capped at 3%, except the duty-free opium
and bullion.
6. British merchants were to be allowed to buy and sell directly with
individual Siamese.
A more contemporary example for comparison would be the outright military
conquest of Iraq and Paul Bremer's (CFR) economic reformation.
The Economist gleefully enumerates the neo-colonial "economic
liberalization" of Iraq in a piece titled "Let's all go to the yard sale: If it all
works out, Iraq will be a capitalist's dream:"
100% ownership of Iraqi assets.
Full repatriation of profits.
Equal legal standing with local firms.
Foreign banks allowed to operate or buy into local banks.
Income and corporate taxes capped at 15%.
Universal tariffs slashed to 5%.
Read more: Egypt Today, Thailand Tomorrow
And few could argue that the IMF's rehabilitation regiments being forced
upon nations all over the world after the late 90's financial crash are any
different than economic colonialism both past and present. In fact, the IMF
itself publishes reports at great length concerning the "necessity" of
economic liberalization.
To be sure, the governments that come to power in the wake of the current
Middle East destabilizations will be more servile and will undoubtedly be
committed to similar economic liberalization. Brookings Institute's Kenneth
Pollack already made it quite clear that "The struggle in the new Middle East
must be defined as one between nations that are moving in the right
direction and nations that are not; between those that are embracing
economic liberalization, educational reform, democracy, the rule of law and
civil liberties, and those that are not."
Siam eventually rolled back the terms of the 1855 Bowring Treaty as the
British Empire waned, but as of 1997, Thailand was once again faced with
similar terms, dictated this time by the banksters of the IMF.
Thailand's Answer to the Globalization
Thailand's answer to the IMF, and globalization in general was profound in
both implications as well as in its understanding of globalization's end game.
Fiercely independent and nationalistic, and being the only nation in
Southeast Asia to avoid colonization, Thailand's sovereignty has been
protected for over 800 years by its revered monarchy. The current dynasty,
the House of Chakri, has reigned nearly as long as America has existed as a
nation and the current king is regarded as the equivalent of a living
"Founding Father." And just as it has for 800 years, the Thai Monarchy today
provides the most provocative and meaningful answer to the threats facing
the Kingdom.
The answer of course is self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency as a nation, as a
province, as a community and as a household. This concept is enshrined in
the Thai King's "New Theory" or "self-sufficiency economy" and
mirrors similar efforts found throughout the world to break the back of the
oppression and exploitation that results from dependence on the globalist
A vision of self-sufficiency in Thailand. Agrarian values and the
self-reliance they engender are the hallmarks of real freedom.
The foundation of the self-sufficiency economy is simply growing your own
garden and providing yourself with your own food. This is portrayed on the
back right-hand side of every 1,000 baht Thai banknote as a picture of a
woman tending her garden. The next step is producing surplus that can be
traded for income, which in turn can be used to purchase technology to
further enhance your ability to sustain yourself and improve your life-style.
The Thai 1000 baht banknote. Left is one of the many dams controlling
floods and producing electricity throughout the Kingdom. Center is the
King of Thailand. Right is a depiction of a local garden providing
food in a self-sufficient manner.
The New Theory aims at preserving traditional agrarian values in the hands
of the people. It also aims at preventing a migration from the countryside
into the cities. Preventing such migrations would prevent big agricultural
cartels from moving in, swallowing up farming land, corrupting and even
jeopardizing entire national food supplies (see Monsanto). Those familiar
with the UN's Agenda 21, the more recent UN "Climate Change Program,"
and the globalist "end game" may understand the deeper implications and
dangers of such a migration and why it needs to be stopped.
By moving to the city, people give up private property, cease pursuing
productive occupations, and end up being folded into a consumerist
paradigm. Within such a paradigm, problems like overpopulation, pollution,
crime, and economic crises can only be handled by a centralized government
and generally yield political solutions such as quotas, taxes,
micromanagement, and regulations rather than meaningful technical
Also, such problems inevitably lead to a centralized government increasing
its own power, always at the expense of the people and their freedom. The
effects of economic catastrophe are also greater in a centralized,
interdependent society, where everyone is subject to the overall health of
the economy for even simple necessities like food, water, and electricity.
A slide presenting the "New Theory" depicting a manifestation
of greed leading the people from their rural private property and
into a "city of extravagance." If Agenda 21 had an illustrated
cover, this could be it.
The goal of the "New Theory" is to have people return
to the countryside from the cities and develop their communities in a
self-reliant manner. It is, in other words, Agenda 21 in reverse.
Under the "New Theory," demonstration stations all across Thailand have
been created promoting education in matters of agriculture and selfsufficient living. The program is competing against the contemporary
globalist system, which as of now, is mired in many parts of the world with
economic meltdown. The relatively self-sufficient nature of Thais in general
has weathered this economic chaos fairly well. In 10 years, a plate of food
still costs the same amount of money, as do many everyday commodities.
This only further vindicates the value of being self-sufficient and now more
than ever, in both Thailand, and abroad, it is a good time to get involved
and get self-sufficient.
Globalist Reactionary Hand-Wringing
Of course the head-of-state of a nation almost 70 million strong promoting a
lifestyle that cuts the legs out from under the globalist agenda does not sit
well with the oligarchical establishment. Their response to this, as it has
been with all of Thailand's habitual displays of defiance is something to
Perhaps the most vocal globalist critic of Thailand is the Economist. It openly
criticizes the King's self-sufficiency economy in an article titled "Rebranding
Thaksinomics." It states that the economic plan is "a partial retreat from
Thailand's hitherto liberal economic stance." The Economist muddles the
debate by side-stepping the self-sufficient aspects of the"self-sufficiency
economy." It claims that socialist handouts under deposed Prime Minister
and notorious globalist stooge Thaksin Shinawatra somehow accomplished
the exact same goals. The Economist also claims the concept of selfsufficiency is merely a "rebranding" of such socialist handouts.
The Economist article then breaks down into a pro-Thaksin rant, decrying his
ousting from power and continued claims that somehow encouraging people
to grow their own food is a theft of Thaksin's socialist policies.
It should be noted that socialism is not self-sufficiency. It is complete
dependency on the state and on people who pay their ever increasing taxes.
Socialism is not about growing your own garden, using technology to
enhance your independence or solving your problems with your own
resources. It is about taking from the collective storehouses of the state,
and when you are again hungry, taking again. Socialism could only be useful
as a stop-gap measure between current problems and the active pursuit of
technical solutions. However, the goal of globalization is to create
interdependency between states, and total dependency on global
institutions, therefore, perpetuating problems, not solving them becomes the
Another globalist point-of-view comes from Australia's National University's
"New Mandala" blog written by academic wonk Andrew Walker. The blog
itself is a clearinghouse for globalist talking points regarding Southeast Asia.
Some "contributing writers" even include Thaksin Shinawatra's hired
lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam.
Walker's entire perception of Thailand seems to be derived from his time
spent in a single village in Northern Thailand. From his myopic point-of-view
in the minute village of "Baan Tian," he condemns entirely Thailand's selfsufficiency economy in his article "Royal misrepresentation of rural
livelihoods." He suggests that "the sufficiency economy prescriptions for
rural development are inappropriate and disempowering."
As with the Economist, the article breaks down into a pro-Thaksin rant
claiming the entire plan is meant to keep the rural population of Thailand in
their place, out of the cities, and thus out of the debate of national issues.
Of course, becoming self-sufficient is one step on the road to real
empowerment. Academic wonks like Andrew Walker presume the height of
empowerment is feeding a paper voting stub into a box, on your way home
from a service sector job, and then relaxing behind the glow of a new
plasma screen TV bought on credit. A more likely argument would be that
sustaining your own existence, wrought from the land beneath your feet,
and the ability to shape the world around you with an understanding of
science and the mastery of multiple trades is the height of empowerment
and the truest form of human freedom.
The hand wringing within the writings of the Economist and ANU's Andrew
Walker is not the full extent of the globalists' reaction to Thailand and its
wandering from globalist dominion. A full fledged "red" color revolution has
been brewing within the Kingdom since at least 2009. Reading the "Red
Siam Manifesto" penned by "red shirt" intelligentsia Giles Ungpakorn makes
it quite clear how they view "self-sufficiency" and the need to "reform"
Thailand as a socialist welfare state.
Ungpakorn's childish and ranting manifesto can be found on "Socialist
Worker Online" here. A complete selection of the "red shirt" propaganda
used within Thailand can be found here.
It should be noted that the leader of the "red shirt" protest is deposed ex-PM
Thaksin Shinawatra, a former adviser to the Carlyle Group who was
literally standing in front of the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from
power in 2006. Since 2006, he has been represented by fellow Carlyle man
James Baker and his Baker Botts law firm, International Crisis
Group's Kenneth Adelman and hisEdelman Public Relations firm, Belfer
Center adviser Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and now Robert
Amsterdam's Amsterdam & Peroff, a major corporate member of the
globalist Chatham House.
To say that Thaksin Shinawatra and his "red shirts" have foreign backing is a
profound understatement.
Thaksin's proxy political party maintains the "red shirt" mobs which in turn
are supported by several NGOs including the National Endowment for
Democracy funded "Prachatai," an "independent media organization" that
coordinates the "red shirt" propaganda efforts. Prachatai was recently
nominated for the Deutsche Welle Blog Awards by the "Neo-Con"
infested Freedom House, upon which former Thaksin lobbyist Kenneth
Adelman sits as a member on the board of directors.
Freedom House "tweets" their March 11, 2011 nomination of NED
funded "red shirt" propaganda clearinghouse,
The globalists know what's going on already and they are moving against it
while the majority of humanity still sleeps in ignorance and apathy. Thailand
is but one nation of many, in China's "String of Pearls" that is targeted for
destabilization and US State Department sponsored "liberation." The key to
stopping the globalists dead in their tracks is seizing back from them the
mechanisms of civilization - and we have done that already in terms of the
alternative media. Such success is necessary in all aspects of our life, and as
the King in Thailand suggests, it can start with something as simple as
growing your own garden.
Today and Into the Future
Of course in Thailand, agricultural self-sufficiency is coupled with technology
to enhance efficiency and improve the quality of life. Even in the city, small
independent businesses are adopting the latest technology to improve their
production, increase their profits, and even out-compete larger corporations.
Computer controlled machining equipment can be found in small workshops
crammed into old shop-houses, automatic embroidering machines allow a
single woman to fulfill orders for name tags on new school uniforms - rather
than both businesses sending off orders to factories owned by a handful of
wealthy investors. A multitude of examples can be seen walking around any
city block in Thailand's capital of Bangkok.
MIT's Dr. Neil Gershenfeld inside his "Fab Lab," arguably
the birthplace of the personal fabrication revolution.
Bringing this sort of technology to rural people, even enabling people to
create their own technology rather than just employ it, is not just science
fiction but is a reality of today. MIT Professor Dr. Neil Gershenfeld has
developed the "fabrication laboratory" or "Fab Lab." The Fab Lab is a
microfactory that can "make almost anything." His Fab Lab has since been
replicated all over the world in what he calls the personal fabrication
revolution. It aims at turning a world of dependent consumers into
independent designers and producers.
Dr. Neil Gershenfeld presents his Fab Lab at TED.
Dr. Gershenfeld in his own words articulates the problem of finding support
amongst institutions and governments, stating that individuals are very
enthusiastic about this revolution "but it breaks their organizational
boundaries. In fact it is illegal for them, in many cases, to equip ordinary
people to create rather than consume technology."
This indeed not only encapsulates Dr. Gershenfeld's dilemma, but describes
to a "t" the mentality of oligarchs and the fears they harbor about
empowering the people, a fear reflected in the "organizational boundaries" of
their corporations and governmental institutions. This is a feature of
oligarchy described as early as 300 B.C. in ancient Greece in "The Athenian
Constitution." In it, a character referred to as "the Old Oligarch" describes
his contempt for the social mobility the technology of the Athenian navy
affords the lower echelons of Athenian society.
Dr. Gershenfeld goes on to encapsulate the true potential of his Fab Labs by
stating, "the other 5 billion people on the planet aren't just technical "sinks,"
they are "sources." The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of
the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems." Dr.
Gershenfeld concludes by conceding he thought such a possibility was 20
years off, but "it's where we are today," noting the success his Fab Labs are
already having around the world.
The interior of a "Fab Lab" in Amsterdam, featuring an
array of personal manufacturing technology.
Dr. Gershenfeld's message resonates with the current culture of Thailand
and the ambitions of the "self-sufficiency economy." In many ways,
Thailand's patchwork of micro-businesses, already successfully by-passing
capital intensive centralized production, vindicates the work and optimism of
Dr. Gershenfeld. It also, however, resonates strongly with the self-reliant
traditions that had made America great. The technical possibility for this to
change the world is already a reality, but Dr. Gershenfeld himself concedes
that the biggest obstacle is overcoming social engineering - in other words creating a paradigm shift in the minds of the population to meet the
technical paradigm shift that has already taken place.
Self-sufficiency and the harnessing of technology in the hands of the people
are the greatest fears of the global oligarchy - fears that oligarchs
throughout the centuries have harbored. Simply boycotting the globalists'
corporations and replacing them with local solutions is something everyone
can afford to do starting today. And by simply looking into Dr. Neil
Gershenfeld's "Fab Lab," raising awareness of the personal fabrication
revolution, and even in the smallest way participating can help overcome the
obstacle of social-engineering and spur a profound paradigm shift. We have
begun to seize back the media, now it is time to seize back the other levers
of power. Now is the time to recognize true freedom as being self-sufficient
as a nation, as a community, and as a household, and start living it
11 - Israel Breaks Silence Over Army Abuses
Ex-soldiers admit to appalling violence against Palestinian children
By Donald Macintyre
August 27, 2012 "The Independent" -- Hafez Rajabi was marked for life by
his encounter with the men of the Israeli army's Kfir Brigade five years ago
this week. Sitting beneath the photograph of his late father, the slightly built
21-year-old in jeans and trainers points to the scar above his right eye
where he was hit with the magazine of a soldier's assault rifle after the
patrol came for him at his grandmother's house before 6am on 28 August
He lifts his black Boss T-shirt to show another scar running some three
inches down his back from the left shoulder when he says he was violently
pushed – twice – against a sharp point of the cast-iron balustrade beside the
steps leading up to the front door. And all that before he says he was
dragged 300m to another house by a unit commander who threatened to kill
him if he did not confess to throwing stones at troops, had started to beat
him again, and at one point held a gun to his head. "He was so angry," says
Hafez. "I was certain that he was going to kill me."
This is just one young man's story, of course. Except that – remarkably – it
is corroborated by one of the soldiers who came looking for him that
morning. One of 50 testimonies on the military's treatment of children –
published today by the veterans' organisation Breaking the Silence –
describes the same episode, if anything more luridly than Hafez does. "We
had a commander, never mind his name, who was a bit on the edge," the
soldier, a first sergeant, testifies. "He beat the boy to a pulp, really knocked
him around. He said: 'Just wait, now we're taking you.' Showed him all kinds
of potholes on the way, asked him: 'Want to die? Want to die right here?'
and the kid goes: 'No, no...' He was taken into a building under construction.
The commander took a stick, broke it on him, boom boom. That commander
had no mercy. Anyway the kid could no longer stand on his feet and was
already crying. He couldn't take it any more. He cried. The commander
shouted: 'Stand up!' Tried to make him stand, but from so much beating he
just couldn't. The commander goes: 'Don't put on a show,' and kicks him
some more."
Two months ago, a report from a team of British lawyers, headed by Sir
Stephen Sedley and funded by the UK Foreign Office, accused Israel of serial
breaches of international law in its military's handling of children in custody.
The report focused on the interrogation and formal detention of children
brought before military courts – mainly for allegedly throwing stones.
For the past eight years, Breaking the Silence has been taking testimonies
from former soldiers who witnessed or participated in human rights abuses
in the occupied territories. Most of these accounts deal with "rough justice"
administered to minors by soldiers on the ground, often without
specific authorisation and without recourse to the military courts. Reading
them, however, it's hard not to recall the Sedley report's shocked reference
to the "belief, which was advanced to us by a military prosecutor, that every
Palestinian child is a 'potential terrorist'".
The soldier puts it differently: "We were sort of indifferent. It becomes a
kind of habit. Patrols with beatings happened on a daily basis. We were
really going at it. It was enough for you to give us a look that we didn't like,
straight in the eye, and you'd be hit on the spot. We got to such a state and
were so sick of being there."
Some time ago, after he had testified to Breaking the Silence, we had
interviewed this soldier. As he sat nervously one morning in a quiet Israeli
beauty spot, an incongruous location he had chosen to ensure no one knew
he was talking, he went through his recollections about the incident – and
several others – once again. His account does not match the Palestinian's in
every detail. (Hafez remembers a gun being pressed to his temple, for
example, while the soldier recalls that the commander "actually stuck the
gun barrel in the kid's mouth. Literally".)
But in every salient respect, the two accounts match. Both agree that Hafez,
on the run after hearing that he was wanted, had slipped into his
grandmother's house before dawn. Hafez showed us the room in his
grandmother's house, the last on the left in the corridor leading to her room,
where he had been hiding when the soldiers arrived. Sure enough, the
soldier says: "We entered, began to trash the place. We found the boy
behind the last door on the left. He was totally scared."
Both Hafez – who has never read or heard the soldier's account – and the
soldier recall the commander forcing him at one point during his ordeal to
throw a stone at them, and that the boy did so as feebly as possible. Then,
in the soldier's words "the commander said: 'Of course you throw stones at
a soldier.' Boom, banged him up even more".
Perhaps luckily for Hafez, the second, still uncompleted, house is within sight
of that of his aunt, Fathia Rajabi, 57, who told us how she had gone there
after seeing the soldiers dragging a young man behind a wall, unaware that
he was her nephew. "I was crying, 'God forbids to beat him.' He recognised
my voice and yelled: 'My aunt, my aunt.' I tried to enter but the two soldiers
pointed their guns at me and yelled rouh min houn, Arabic for 'go away'. I
began slapping my face and shouting at passers-by to come and help. Ten
minutes later the soldiers left. I and my mother, my brother and neighbours
went to the room. He was bleeding from his nose and head, and his back."
The soldier, who like his comrades mistook Ms Rajabi for the boy's mother,
recalls: "The commander said to [her]: 'Keep away!' Came close, cocked his
gun. She got scared. [He shouted:] 'Anyone gets close, I kill him. Don't
annoy me. I'll kill him. I have no mercy.' He was really on the edge.
Obviously [the boy] had been beaten up. Anyway, he told them: 'Get the
hell out of here!' and all hell broke loose. His nose was bleeding. He had
really been beaten to a pulp."
Finally, Hafez's brother Mousa, 23, a stone cutter who joined his aunt at the
second house, recalls a second army jeep arriving and one soldier taking
Hafez's pulse, giving Mousa a bottle of water which he then poured over
Hafez's face and speaking to the commander in Hebrew.
"I understood he was protesting," says Mousa. This was almost certainly the
'sensitive' medic whom the soldier describes as having "caught the
commander and said: 'Don't touch him any more. That's it.'" The
commander goes: 'What's with you, gone leftie?' And he said: 'No, I don't
want to see such things being done. All you're doing to this family is making
them produce another suicide bomber. If I were a father and saw you doing
this to my kid, I'd seek revenge that very moment.'"
In fact Hafez, did not turn into a "suicide bomber". He has never even been
in prison. Instead, the outcome has been more prosaic. He no longer has
nightmares about his experience as he did in the first two months. But as a
former mechanic he is currently unemployed partly because there are few
jobs outside construction sites and the Hebron quarries, where he says his
injuries still prevent him from carrying heavy loads, and partly because he
often does "not feel I want to work again". And he has not – so far –
received any compensation, including the more than £1,100 he and Mousa
had to spend on his medical treatment in the two years after he was taken.
The report by Sir Stephen Sedley's team remarks that "as the United
Kingdom has itself learned by recent experience in Iraq, the risk of abuse is
inherent in any system of justice which depends on military force".
Moreover, Britain, unlike Israel, has no organisation like Breaking the Silence
that can document, from the inside, the abuse of victims like Hafez Rajabi
who never even make it to court.
But as the Sedley report also says, after drawing attention to the argument
that every Palestinian is a "potential terrorist": "Such a stance seems to us
to be the starting point of a spiral of injustice, and one which only Israel, as
the occupying power in the West Bank, can reverse."
Breaking the silence: soldiers' testimonies
First Sergeant, Kfir Brigade
Salfit 2009
"We took over a school and had to arrest anyone in the village who was
between the ages of 17 and 50. When these detainees asked to go to the
bathroom, and the soldiers took them there, they beat them to a pulp and
cursed them for no reason, and there was nothing that would legitimise
hitting them. An Arab was taken to the bathroom to piss, and a soldier
slapped him, took him down to the ground while he was shackled and
blindfolded. The guy wasn't rude and did nothing to provoke any hatred or
nerves. Just like that, because he is an Arab. He was about 15, hadn't done
a thing.
"In general people at the school were sitting for hours in the sun. They could
get water once in a while, but let's say someone asked for water five times,
a soldier could come to him and slap him just like that. I saw many soldiers
using their knees to hit them, just out of boredom. Because you're standing
around for 10 hours doing nothing, you're bored, so you hit them. I know
that at the bathroom, there was this 'demons' dance' as it was called.
Anyone who brought a Palestinian there – it was catastrophic. Not bleeding
beatings – they stayed dry – but still beatings."
First Sergeant, Combat Engineering Corps
Ramallah 2006-07
"There was this incident where a 'straw widow' was put up following a riot at
Qalandiya on a Friday, in an abandoned house near the square. Soldiers got
out with army clubs and beat people to a pulp. Finally the children who
remained on the ground were arrested. The order was to run, make people
fall to the ground. There was a 10- to 12-man team, four soldiers lighting up
the area. People were made to fall to the ground, and then the soldiers with
the clubs would go over to them and beat them. A slow runner was beaten –
that was the rule.
"We were told not to use it on people's heads. I don't remember where we
were told to hit, but as soon as a person on the ground is beaten with such a
club, it's difficult to be particular."
First Sergeant, Kfir Brigade
Hebron 2006-07
"We'd often provoke riots there. We'd be on patrol, walking in the village,
bored, so we'd trash shops, find a detonator, beat someone to a pulp, you
know how it is. Search, mess it all up. Say we'd want a riot? We'd go up to
the windows of a mosque, smash the panes, throw in a stun grenade, make
a big boom, then we'd get a riot.
"Every time we'd catch Arab kids.You catch him, push the gun against his
body. He can't make a move – he's totally petrified. He only goes: 'No, no,
army.' You can tell he's petrified. He sees you're mad, that you couldn't care
less about him and you're hitting him really hard the whole time. And all
those stones flying around. You grab him like this, you see? We were mean,
really. Only later did I begin to think about these things, that we'd lost all
sense of mercy."
Rank and unit unidentified in report
Hebron 2007-08
"One night, things were hopping in Idna village [a small town of 20,000
people, about 13km west of Hebron], so we were told there's this wild riot,
and we should get there fast. Suddenly we were showered with stones and
didn't know what was going on. Everyone stopped suddenly; the sergeant
sees the company commander get out of the vehicle and joins him. We jump
out without knowing what was going on – I was last. Suddenly I see a
shackled and blindfolded boy. The stoning stopped as soon as the company
commander gets out of the car. He fired rubber ammo at the stone-throwers
and hit this boy.
"At some point they talked about hitting his face with their knees. At that
point I argued with them and said: 'I swear to you, if a drop of his blood or a
hair falls off his head, you won't sleep for three nights. I'll make you
"They laughed at me for being a leftie. 'If we don't show them what's what,
they go back to doing this.' I argued with them that the guy was shackled
and couldn't do anything. That he was being taken to the Shabak [security
service] and we'd finished our job."
Donald Macintyre, The Independent's Jerusalem correspondent since 2004,
Donald Macintyre was the paper’s Chief Political Commentator for eight
years and before that Political Editor of The Independent and The
Independent on Sunday. He has written for the Daily Express, Sunday
Times, Times and Sunday Telegraph.
12 - The American People are at the Mercy of Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
By Sheldon Richman
August 27, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- While Israel—cheered on
by its American boosters led by AIPAC and Mitt Romney—beats the drums
ever louder for a war of aggression against Iran, President Obama in late
July signed theUnited States-Israel Enhanced Cooperation Act. This was
hardly a signal that Obama would like to defuse the explosive situation
building in the Middle East. The Rose Garden signing, attended by AIPCA
representatives, came on top of the latest in a series of harsh economic
sanctions approved by AIPAC-dominated Congress and Obama against the
Iranian people. This intensifying economic warfare is predictably creating
hardship for average Iranians, including shortages of life-saving medicines.
(Sanctions come on top of covert warfare and assassination of Iranian
scientists by Israel and cyber warfare by the United States, and an
increasing U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Iran is
nearly ringed by U.S. military installations.)
Signing the Act, Obama said:
[W]hat this legislation does is bring together all the outstanding cooperation
that we have seen, really, at an unprecedented level between our two
countries that underscore our unshakeable commitment to Israel security.
The Enhanced Cooperation Act passed the Senate (voice vote) and House in
June and July, respectively, with Reps. Ron Paul and John Dingell as the only
The Act pledges “To help the Government of Israel preserve its qualitative
military edge amid rapid and uncertain regional political transformation.”
Bear in the mind the context. Israel already possesses by far unparalleled
military power in the region, although we live in an era where victory is not
guaranteed to the militarily superior. Israel did not prevail when it attacked
and devastated Lebanon in 2006. We must bear in mind, also, that Israel
has a nuclear arsenal estimated at 200-300 warheads, some of them
submarine mounted. This puts the faux alarm over Iran’s alleged nuclearweapons program in perspective. (Both U.S. and Israeli intelligence say that
Iran is not building a weapon and has not even decided to do so. Since
2007, the U.S. intelligence complex has concluded that whatever program
Iran might have had was scrapped in 2003, when the U.S. military invaded
Iranian nemesis Iraq and topped its president, Saddam Hussein.)
The Act details the ways in which the U.S. government will “assist in the
defense of Israel.” One should note that there has never been a treaty of
alliance between the United States and Israel.
For example, the Act mandates that the U.S government “Provide the
Government of Israel defense articles and defense services through such
mechanisms as appropriate, to include air refueling tankers, missile defense
capabilities, and specialized munitions.” Some of this equipment has never
been provided to Israel before. Ynet, the Israeli news service, reported, “The
legislation, which provides for special aerial armament, is also likely to allow
Israel to acquire bunker buster bombs, a privilege previously denied by the
Bush Administration.” (Obama provided bunker buster bombs last year.)
The word defense is repeated often Act--rather defensively--but it should be
noted that no weapons system is purely defensive; or to put it another way,
defensive systems are just as useful for offensive operations as they are for
pure defense. A shield can protect the one who is attacking. Given Israel’s
aggression against the Palestinians and Arab neighbors since 1948, there is
no reason to be confident that defensive systems will be use exclusively for
Keep in mind that the U.S. government already gives Israel $3 billion a
year in military aid under the most favorable terms. Obama also announced
a $70 billion grant for the Iron Dome rocket defense system. Now Israel will
have less reason to turn to a peaceful resolution of the horrendous situation
in the Gaza Strip.
As Ynet states, “It must be noted that the Obama Administration has been
unprecedentedly responsive to Israel's acquisition requests across the board,
even prior to the latest legislation.”
One provision of the Act in particular is rather curious: “Work to encourage
an expanded role for Israel with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), including an enhanced presence at NATO headquarters and
exercises.” NATO was created in 1949 ostensibly to discourage a Soviet
invasion of western Europe. Even if one regards the coalition as having been
legitimate then, it should have disbanded in 1991 when the Soviet Union
dissolved. Instead it found new missions never even alluded to in the treaty
ratified by the U.S. Senate, meaning that the American people have been
victims of a monumental bait and switch. NATO has become the U.S.-led
police force available to enter civil wars and other conflicts anywhere in the
world. Libya and and now Syria are the latest locations. Moreover, NATO has
been used provocatively against Russia, paving the way for the admission of
states on the Russian doorstep.
What possible role could Israel have in NATO? This is clearly a bid to expand
U.S. policing of the world, which makes other powers, such as Russian and
China, apprehensive—justifiably so.
Another provision of the Act pledges “To veto any one-sided anti-Israel
resolutions at the United Nations Security Council.” Of course, U.S.
presidents have done this right along. Apparently AIPAC sought specific
assurance in writing that this one-sided policy will continue. In U.S.-Israeli
parlance, an “anti-Israeli resolution” is one that in any way implies that the
Palestinians have rights in what was once Palestine.
The biggest howler in the Act is this:
To assist the Government of Israel with its ongoing efforts to forge a
peaceful, negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that results
in two states living side-by-side in peace and security, and to encourage
Israel’s neighbors to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
Israel is not, and never has been, interested in such efforts. and the U.S
government has not been an honest broker for peace. Israel claims to want
a two-state solution with the Palestinians, but all the while it seizes land
owned by Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem for the exclusive
use of Jews. It has built a wall that surrounds Palestinian towns and
separates Palestinian homes from farmland. The situation has been likened
to two people “negotiating” to divide a pizza while one of them eats it.
Perhaps most egregious of all, the Act’s first provision is to “To reaffirm our
unwavering commitment to the security of the State of Israel as a Jewish
state” (emphasis added). Thus Congress, speaking for the American people,
has put in writing its commitment to a state based on ethnoracial considerations. Would we tolerate that here? As pointed out before,
Israel is the only country in the world that even in theory does not belong to
all its citizens. It is said to belong to The Jewish People, no matter where
individuals Jews lives. Jews from around the world can move to Israel and
quickly become citizens and be provided subsidized housing. Yet a
Palestinian born in Palestine and driven out by Zionist militias may not
return. Since “Jew” is clearly not a religious category (most Israelis are
nonreligious and even atheist), it must instead be ethno-racial. (Though this
does not mean that Jews actually belong to a single race or ethnic group.)
This insistence on Israel’s remaining forever a Jewish state gives the lie to
Israeli claims to being a democratic country. Palestinian “citizens” of Israel
are third-class citizens who would never be permitted to become the
majority and change the country’s basic, ethno-racial law. (In Israel
citizenship is not as important as nationality, the two major categories of
which are “Jew” and “Arab.”) In this light, look more closely at Obama’s and
Mitt Romney’s repeated statements that Israel and the United States are a
partnership of “shared values.”
To this commitment, Rep. Paul objected that the U.S. government should
“not guarantee the religious ethnic, or cultural composition of a foreign
The day after Obama signed this Act, Republican presidential candidate Mitt
Romney visited Israel, where he declared:
It is my firm conviction that the security of Israel is in the vital national
security interest of the United States. And ours is an alliance [what alliance?]
based not only on shared interests but also on enduring shared values.
Thus no matter who wins the election, the American people are joined at the
hip with Israel, which means they are at the mercy of Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, who is either itching for war with Iran--a war that
would have disastrous consequences for the people of the region, as well as
most Americans--or is blackmailing Obama to get additional favors between
now and election day.
A shorter version of this article appears at Mondoweiss
Shas Spiritual Leader Calls on Jews to Pray for Annihilation
of Iran
By Haaretz and Reuters
August 27, 2012 "Haaretz" -- During his weekly sermon, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
says Jews should pray for destruction of the enemies of Israel, with an
emphasis on Iran and Hezbollah.
During his weekly sermon, the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas
party said his followers should pray for the annihilation of the enemies of the
Jewish people during Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year), with an emphasis on
Iran and Hezbollah.
“When we say ‘may our enemies be struck down’ on Rosh Hashana, it shall
be directed at Iran, the evil ones who threaten Israel. God shall strike them
down and kill them,” said Yosef.
Before his comment, senior defense officials, including National Security
Council head Ya'akov Amidror and Interior Minister Eli Yishai, had visited the
rabbi to persuade him to support a possible Israeli attack on Iran.
It is not known whether Amidror or any of the others succeeded in
persuading Yosef. However, during a sermon delivered the previous week, a
day after his meeting with Amidror, Yosef said: "You know what situation
we're in, there are evil people, Iran, about to destroy us. ... We must pray
before [the almighty] with all our heart."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's security cabinet, which Israeli officials
have said is divided over the question of launching a go-it-alone attack on
Iran, includes a Shas minister as one of its eight members.
Iran claims to be enriching uranium for peaceful purposes only.
Yosef wields significant influence over Shas's lawmakers, who seek his
guidance on policy.
In the past, the Baghdad-born Yosef has stirred controversy by likening
Palestinians to snakes, calling for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to
"perish from this world" and describing non-Jews as "born only to serve us".
But he has also spoken out in favour of Israel ceding occupied land for peace
with the Palestinians in order to end conflict and save Jewish lives.
Washington Opposes Peace
by Stephen Lendman
America’s history is blood-drenched. Permanent war is policy. Peace and
stability are verboten.
One nation after another is targeted. Aggressive wars follow. Rule of law
principles and democratic values are discarded. Wealth, power and
unchallengeable dominance alone matter. Scoundrel supporters glorify what
they should condemn. More on them below. Syria is being ravaged and
destroyed. Spurious accusations target Iran. Neither country threatens
anyone. Malicious lies say otherwise.
Headlines claim Tehran keeps accelerating efforts to produce nuclear
weapons. No evidence whatever is cited. On August 25, Reuters headlined
“IAEA gets no deal with Iran on bomb research suspicions,” saying : Socalled “concerns” about “suspected nuclear weapons research by Tehran”
weren’t resolved. IAEA chief inspector Herman Nackaerts said important
differences remain. Agreement looks unlikely. The IAEA was established to
promote peaceful nuclear energy use. Allegedly an independent autonomous
organization, it reports to the Security Council and General Assembly. Under
current head Yukiya Amano, it’s an imperial tool. Washington chose him. He
serves US interests. His mandate excludes independence, objectivity, and
honesty. Despite no evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons research and
development, he claims otherwise.
Earlier he used forged or otherwise suspect documents. What long ago was
discredited became Exhibit A. Old material was recycled to look new.
Amano’s predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei, didn’t play by US rules and got
sacked. What Washington says goes. Chief inspector Nackaerts’ mandate is
prevent resolution. Otherwise US/Israeli accusations fall flat. Imperial aims
are sidetracked until new schemes emerge. Regime change is policy. War
plans are longstanding. Timing alone is unknown. Perhaps 2013 is planned.
The fullness of time will tell. A steady drumbeat of inflammatory media
reports and commentaries advances the ball for what no one should
contemplate or tolerate.
On nuclear issues, no country cooperates more than Iran. It exceeds what
most others would tolerate. It want equal, fair treatment. It deserves no
less. Its program is peaceful. It complies fully with NPT provisions. America
long ago spurned them. So does Israel. Both countries are nuclear outlaws.
Headlines don’t accuse them of threatening world peace. IAEA inspectors
don’t target them. They operate extrajudicially and get away with it. Only
Iran is challenged. False accusations persist. Multiple negotiation rounds got
nowhere. Washington prevents resolution. So does Israel. Doing so
complicates their agenda.
Following Friday’s Vienna meeting, Iran’s IAEA representative, Ali Asghar
Soltaniyeh, commented as follows : “We had about eight hours of intensive
discussions in a constructive environment. We mostly tried to bridge the
gaps (relating to) differences in the structure, approach, or modality for
resolving the issues.” “We had….progress….but, of course, there are still
some points that have to be worked out at a later stage. In the meantime,
these are issues regarding allegations which….in many cases proved
baseless and with political motivations.”
Nackaerts was ordered to assure discussions went nowhere. Follow-up isn’t
planned. Before talks ended, Netanyahu claimed “additional proof that Iran
is continuing accelerated progress towards achieving nuclear weapons and is
totally ignoring international demands.”
Netanyahu’s an inveterate liar. He’s also more bark than bite. Israel won’t go
it alone against Iran. Doing so would be suicidal. Key Israeli past and current
military and government officials oppose war. They do so for good reason.
Bluster is part of a politician’s portfolio. Netanyahu and Defense Minister
Barak take it to the extreme. Talk is one thing. Destructive policy quite
War very likely is planned. Expect it on Washington’s timetable, not Israel’s.
When it comes, America will be the lead belligerent. Israel will ride shotgun.
The entire region and beyond will be threatened. Catastrophic consequences
may follow.
World peace never was more threatened. It hangs by a thread. Daily articles
and commentaries don’t feature an issue too grave to ignore. Instead, truth
is maliciously inverted.
Enemies are created when none exist. War talk persists. Wrong over right is
promoted. Potential catastrophic consequences are ignored. So are body
counts, massive human suffering, and what fuels Washington’s addiction.
Neoconservative hawk Charles Krauthhammer is a Fox New regular. He’s
also a Washington Post columnist. He tilts far enough right to be belligerent.
His style substitutes hyperbole for facts.
He blames Assad for massacres and other atrocities committed by Western
recruited death squads. He backs more aggressive intervention.
He’s merciless on Iran. On August 23, he headlined “The Cordesman
criteria.” He accused Iranian leaders of “increasing menacing annihilationist
He claims Israel faces “the most virulent genocidal threats since Nazi
“Time is short,” he says. “Last-ditch negotiations….failed abjectly. The
Iranians are contemptuously playing with the process. The strategy is delay
until they get the bomb.”
Request “congressional authorization for the use of force if Iran does not
negotiate denuclearization.” End status quo “drift through kabuki
negotiations.” The alternative is “liv(ing) under the threat of nuclear
blackmail from a regime the State Department (calls) the world’s greatest
exporter of terror.”
Readers believe this stuff. So do Fox News viewers. Never mind what’s true
or false. Krauthammer, like other neocons, demands surrender. Iran won’t
play that dirty game. His alternative is war.
Center for Strategic & International Studies analyst Anthony Cordesman was
more measured. Nonetheless, he fell woefully short. He headlined an August
1 commentary “Iran: Preventing War by Making it Credible.”
The best way perhaps to prevent was is threaten it, he believes. Justifiability
was ignored. So were rule of law principles and what drives US and Israeli
Like others representing right-wing military interests, Cordesman accepts
the fiction of an Iranian threat. His analysis proceeds accordingly.
He’s concerned about Washington and Israel biting off more than they can
chew. He wants to head fake Iran into submission.
Instead of explaining Tehran’s peace agenda, its longstanding
nonbelligerence, its advocacy for a denuclearized Middle East, and desire for
friendly relations with all nations, he proposes threatening Iran short of war.
He suggests three actions:
(1) Focus negotiations around “clear US redlines.” End ambiguity. “Iran
needs to know there are real limits to how long it can talk and stall.” Submit
to US demands or face war. Never mind that Tehran negotiates in good
faith. Washington obstructs resolution. Like other imperial supporters,
Cordesman blames the victim.
(2) “(M)ake it clear to Iran that it has no successful options.” Surrender on
US terms or else. Imply shock and awe bombing and other belligerent
options. (S)peak softly while….carr(ying) a big stick.”
(3) Give Iran a face saving way out. Make it appear like “a kind of victory.”
End sanctions. Offer trade, other economic, and political incentives. Package
them with other countries. Make surrender look like victory.
America and Israel don’t negotiate. They demand. Promises they make
aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Many nations learned the hard
Iran wants its sovereign rights respected. It deserves that much and more.
It’s endured decades of US/Israeli isolation and hostility. It’s not about to
accept unreasonable demands.
Doing so won’t end war threats. At best they’ll be delayed. Washington
wants pro-Western puppets replacing Tehran’s leaders. War is the bottom
line option of choice.
Cordesman didn’t explain. Nor do Western fourth estate pressitutes. They
willingly go along with what they should condemn. They make death and
destruction possible. They’ll get more than they bargain for if Washington
and Israel attack Iran. What better reason than that to oppose it.
A Final Comment : Washington has few profiles in courage. On war and
peace issues, even fewer. Herd mentality dominates thinking. Politicians
march in lockstep. An occasional exception proves the rule. During last
December’s Republican presidential debate, Ron Paul opposed war on Iran.
His comments bear repeating. He spoke forthrightly and was condemned.
Doing the right thing has a price. He’s “running with the American people,”
he said. Lots of evidence suggests Iran has no nuclear weapons program.
“There’s no U.N. evidence of that happening.” “There is no difference from
2003. You know what I really fear about this. It’s another Iraq coming. It’s
war propaganda coming on….To me the greatest danger is that we will have
a president who will overreact, and we will soon bomb Iran.” “It would make
more sense if we lived through the Cold War, which we did, with 30,000
missiles pointed at us. We ought to really sit back and look and think and
not jump the gun and think we’re going to be attacked. That’s how we got
into that useless war in Iraq and lost so much in Iraq.” “Nuclear weapons are
loaded over there. Pakistan, India, Israel has 300 of them. We have our
ships over there. We have to keep this in the proper context. We don’t need
another war!”
What about Iran’s threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, he was asked ?
“The plans are on the books. All they talk about is when are we, the west,
going to bomb Iran? They don’t have a nuclear weapon. Why wouldn’t they
try to send out some information, you know if you come and bomb us, we
might shut the straits of Hormuz down.” “We have 12,000 diplomats. We
ought to use a little bit of diplomacy once in a while.” “Obviously I would like
to see a lot less nuclear weapons. I don’t want Iran to have a nuclear
weapon. I would like to reduce them because there would be less chance of
war.” “But to declare war on 1.2 billion Muslims and say all Muslims are the
same? This is dangerous talk. Yeah there are some radicals. They don’t
come here to kill us because we’re free and prosperous.” “They come here
and they explicitly explain it to us. The CIA has explained this to us. They
come here and want to do us harm because we’re bombing them.” “Why
were we flying drones over Iran? Why do we have to bomb so many
countries? Why do we have 900 bases in (hundreds of) countries and we’re
totally bankrupt?” “How are we going to take care of the people? I think this
wild goal is to have another war in the name of defense is the dangerous
thing. The danger is really us overreacting, and we need a strong national
defense and only go to war when there’s a declaration of war…instead of
starting these wars so often….”
Asked about Iran’s alleged threat to annihilate Israel, he said : “There is no
UN report that said that. It’s totally wrong on what you just said. That is not
true. They produced information that led you to believe that. But they have
no evidence.” “You cannot solve these problems with war….Get them over
with, instead of this endless fighting and this endless attitude that we have
enemies all around the world…” Rarely are these type comments heard on
Capitol Hill. US national television almost never airs them. They’re unheard
of in presidential debates. Media scoundrels promoting war jump all over
Paul remains anti-war. Imagine if a majority in Congress agreed. Imagine
peace instead of endless wars. If Congress won’t do what’s right, ordinary
people must act. Either we stop wars or they’ll destroy us. A threat that real
demands action.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached
at His new book is titled “How Wall Street
Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class
13 - Lindsey Williams : US Government Will Shutdown
Lindsey Williams has received information from a woman who works
for Raytheon who has security clearance .
The woman states that the US Government has notified Raytheon to
prepare for a US Government shutdown.This is supposed to be happening
sometime in the very near future.The liberty oil rig has stopped drilling and
won’t continue drilling until oil hits $150 a barrel.
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five
CIA Agent "NEVER watch
Chocolate, America, John Cleese & a
Kosher Armageddon (must watch)
Chocolate, America and a Kosher Armageddon
In this new Israeli advert for Chocolate Spread you can learn what it takes
to drag America into a Kosher war.
I guess that in reality it takes slightly more than just chocolate spread, but,
seemingly, not much more than that.
p.s. It looks as if John Cleese doesn't take BDS seriously
Rinaldo Francesca interviews
Gilad Atzmon (very interesting)
Here is a chalenging short film made by Rinaldo Francesca:
Final Evidence : The USA Has Gone Crazy
A deaf preschooler in Grand Island, Nebraska, has been prohibited from
signing his own name
because school administrators believe the gesture he uses looks too much
like a gun.
We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant
Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and
With the Julian Assange extradition issue hitting the headlines, yet again, I
urge you to watch this video and remember that all is not as it appears on
the surface. My original description still holds, for when the video was first
uploaded: Wikileaks has given the mainstream media yet another
opportunity to vilify Iran. A typical headline, from the New York Times was:
"Around the world distress over Iran." And, ironically, it is true, but not in
the way the headline writer meant. Around the world there is distress over
Iran, distress at the way it is being cast in the role of the Evil Doer, when all
but the most ignorant observers realise that it is nuclear-armed Apartheid
Israel that is the real threat to world peace, not Iran.
The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of
Israel and World Zionism
"I saw the whole beating, it's a good thing that they beat the
Arabs..." Video - Just days after a mob of Jewish Israelis beat and injured
three Palestinian youth, one nearly to death, Israel's Ynet news website
conducted interviews in Central Jerusalem
Physician accuses rabbi of circumcision torture infants
Chief physician accuses chief rabbi of circumcision torture of Judaic infants
In Danish with English subtitles. Approx. 6 minutes.
Revolution 2012 : It's Time To Rise - 5 Minute Video
The time has come. Be the change you want to see in this world.
Kennedy Killing
How The Military Knows Israel Did
CIA insider tells 911 truth. Time to
re-examine your World-view,
America !
14 - What happens when they start killing Christians ?
Posted by: Michael Collins Posted date: August 27, 2012
Michael Collins
What really scandalizes us is that the Western world is encouraging this rise
of sectarian violence just to topple the [al-Assad] regime. Mother Agnes
Miriam, Syria
NATO and Saudi supported Free Syrian Army democracy warriors
areattacking and killing Christians in Syria. Reports indicate that various
Christian denominations are special targets for kidnapping, violence and
intimidation. (Image) For example:
“Syrian rebel forces have trapped over 12,000 Greek Catholics in a village
near the Lebanese border, causing shortages of food, medicine and other
urgent supplies.” CNA, August 25
The Greek Catholics in the village of Reblah may suffer the same
fate as Christians in Qusair who were forced to seek refuge in Lebanon
recently after their village lost supplies for days thanks to the Free Syrian
Army (FSA). The residents were told to leave or face annihilation. They
chose to leave.
Mother Agnes Miriam of the Melkite Catholic monastery near Homs provided
important first hand reporting on the fate of Syria’s 10% Christian
population (July at 3:30 and August 2012). She noted that FSA fighters
destroyed six Christian churches in the city of Homs. Due to this and other
attacks, up to 90% of the Christian population were forced to flee for their
lives without their possessions.
Regarding the FSA, Mother Agnes asked, “Why choose Christian zones as a
United States and NATO Support for those Attacking Christians
On December 11, 2011, Pepe Escobar reported that 600 troops and weapons
were shipped from Libya to help topple the Syrian government. This was just
part of the NATO-Saudi-Qatari sponsored flow of foreign fightersinto Syria.
This was well before Hillary Clinton’s February warning that arming FSA
rebels would risk arming terrorist elements among the rebels.
Regrettably, Clinton’s statement was dripping with the cynicism
of realpolitic. She and the president knew that the core commanders of the
NATO supported Libyan rebels sent to Syria consisted of the Libyan Islamic
Fighting Group (LIGF). LIGF was a declared ally of al Qaeda well before the
Arab Spring movement started in 2011 (Al Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq,
U.S. Military Academy). She also knew that Saudis and Qatar were
sponsoring Wahhabi fighters, the most extreme of the anti-Christian Muslim
religious zealots.
Libyans and other foreign Islamic extremists flocking to Syria are welcomed
at a special NATO-Saudi-Qatari “nerve center” in Adana, Turkey (near
Aleppo, Syria). Just a few miles from embattled Aleppo, Syria, the center
directs “vital military and communications aid to Syria’s rebels” as they kill
and maim to advance their cause.
Ironically, FSA tactics mirror those used to condemn Saddam Hussein: the
use of human shields in military operations. The rebels moved into Syria’s
three largest cities, attacked local authorities (with very limited support from
residents), and incurred the inevitable military response of the ruling
government. The rebels can’t win a battle in the open field. By using the
urban population as a shield, the FSA avoids the risks of an open battle with
the regime. (Image: Monastery of St. James)
Blessed are the peacemakers?
Political leaders in the United States embrace Christianity as an article of
political faith. Few prominent leaders are without a specific religion and an
endorsement by their local pastor, priest, etc. They display their faith in
public and talk about how it rules their life. Yet:
George Bush, the self-proclaimed Christian president, showed little
regard for the fate of Iraqi Christiansafter the illegal invasion and
 Barak Obama failed to take into account the suffering of Syrian
Christians when he sent Hillary Clinton all over the world to gain
assistance for the Syrian rebels; and
 Under both presidents, Congress failed to do anything more than hold a
brief hearing or two where the issue was raised.
Being a Christian in the Middle East carries special challenges. You are an
identified minority. You are subject to special laws that limit your rights.
Worse, during times of conflict or even times of peace, your community may
be subject to intense discrimination and violence. It is not a comfortable
path. It is a commitment based on deep faith and loyalty to the teachings of
Politicians claim to follow Jesus but rarely walk the path. They must be
called to account. Either act on your faith or stop lying. Stop using your
religion to get elected and forget everything about it once in office. These
politicians should read Jesus’ teachings on peace, expand the principles to all
people, and shun intimidation and violence as the first tool of foreign policy.
Senior CFR official : Free Syrian Army needs al-Qaeda support
By Elliott Freeman
Aug 27, 2012 in World
A top strategist at the prestigious U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is
crediting al-Qaeda forces in Syria with the resurgence of the rebellion
against President Bashar Al-Assad's regime.
"The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without alQaeda in their ranks," writes Ed Husain, a Senior Fellow of Middle
East Studies with the CFR, which is considered in political circles to
be America's most influential foreign-policy think tank.
According to Husain, the participation of the group blamed for the 9/11
attacks has made a significant difference in the military effectiveness of the
rebellion. He went on to write:
"By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic,
and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly
demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime's superior weaponry
and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve
morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle
experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and
most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now."
In addition, Husain pointed out that the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria is
forwarding the rebel charge into Damascus and Aleppo, two of the nation's
largest cities. If the current trend continues, "al-Qaeda could become the
most effective fighting force in Syria," Husain added.
Husain affirmed these statements in an August 23 column for the CFR. "The
Syrian opposition is benefiting hugely from the terrorist organization's
determination, discipline, combat experience, religious fervor, and ability to
strike the Assad regime where it hurts most," Husain writes. "While exact
numbers of jihadist fighters are hard to come by, it is a fact that in every
crucial battle of the last three months, from Aleppo to Homs to Deir al-Zor to
Damascus, al-Qaeda has been prominent."
In an email response to the Digital Journal, Husain predicted that the jihadi
fighters will wield power in a post-Assad Syria. "If by al-Qaeda we mean
jihadi Salafis, then yes, they will certainly have a role in a Sunni Muslimmajority Syria," Husain said. "What that role looks like, and how much
Salafism, is uncertain."
Such an outcome has caused concern among the minority Christians in
Syria, who are fleeing to Lebanon, according to the Los Angeles Times.
When asked about what might happen to the Syrian government's stockpile
of chemical weapons if Assad falls, Husain described a number of potential
outcomes, but emphasized that the future remains unclear. "The fastmoving and emotion-driven nature of the Syrian conflict means our best
guesses could be wrong," he warned.
Husain is only the latest media voice to describe al-Qaeda's involvement in
the Syrian uprising. As we reported in June, BBC, the Guardian, and ABC
News have all acknowledged that the terrorist group, a current target of U.S.
drone strikes in Pakistan, is supporting rebel forces aimed at toppling Assad.
Meanwhile, the Seattle Times reports that the UK is sending $5 million of
financial assistance to the Free Syrian Army. In addition, the CIA has
smuggled 14 stinger missiles to Syrian rebels, according to the UK Mirror.
Whether these resources are making their way into the hands of Al Qaeda
remains to be seen.
Read more:
15 - Plot to Provoke War with Iran Thwarted by Navy Analyst
By Juan Cole
August 27, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- Shorter WaPo: In spring
of 2007, someone in the Bush administration (unindicted co-conspirator
Richard Bruce Cheney? Neocons?) Sends uber hawk Vice Admiral Kevin J.
Cosgriff to Oil Gulf with instructions to provoke a war with Iran. He allegedly
toys with challenging Iran’s claim to half of the Shatt al-Arab. He certainly
decided abruptly to bring two aircraft carriers to the Gulf, in hopes of
provoking Iran into doing something stupid, and without telling the State
Department or the White House.
He also pushes analysis alleging that Bahrain Shiites intend anti-American
terrorism on behalf of Iran.
Adviser to the Navy Gwenyth Todd (former National Security Council staffer)
rightly challenges this stupid conspiracy theory (Bahrain Shiites are mostly
Arab Akhbaris who reject ayatollahs, and would not slavishly obey Persian,
Usuli Iran!).
I.e. Cosgriff was allegedly nearly making a coup in order to get up a war.
Failing something so drastic, he may have (or his Neocon superiors may
have) hoped to forestall direct talks with Iran that month.
Todd blows the whistle on Cosgriff, letting State know about his intended
insubordination. Word gets back to Neocons or whoever was behind the
provocation and Cosgriff that Todd was the leak. She is abruptly deprived of
her base pass and security clearance, a trumped up case is made against
her with the FBI that she received money from a former boyfriend who did
illegal consulting with Sudan (she says she returned the small sum he sent
her). Todd’s career is ruined, her inquiries and grievances are ignored, she
marries an Austrlian naval officer and goes into exile in Perth. FBI harasses
her even there.
Todd’s account is corroborated by Navy sources speaking off the record,
according to the Washington Post.
But there are lots of reasons to believe there is something to her charges.
What happened to her was typical of Neoconservative ways of operating.
Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, and other Israel
partisans inside the Pentagon or in Cheney’s office repeatedly played dirty
tricks, held meetings and did not invite principals, contolled meeting
agendas, and spied on and tried to discredit foeign service officers at the
State Department, according to FSOs who have privately talked to me. The
Neocons did these things in order to get up the Iraq War, which they
thought would protect Israel. According to Wesley Clark, they hoped for a
series of wars. In 2007 Cheney was clearly pushing for a war on Iran. Many
of the Neoconservatives had left government by 2007, but the network
remained powerful, especially in Cheney’s office.
Among the victims/ witnesses was Karen Kwiatkowsky, who served in Feith’s
Office of Special Plans, which cherry-picked raw intelligence, stove-piped it
to the White House, illegally and inaccurately pbriefed Congress on
intelligence, and generally behaved like a seedy third world secret police
cell. She was appalled at what she saw.
A similar dirty trick was played on Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie
Plame, when Wilson blew the whistle on the Bush administration’s
falsehoods about alleged Iraqi ‘weapons of masss destruction.’ Plame was
investigated by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby, who discovered she was CIA
undercover, and they tried to spead the information around to the press in
hopes of weakening Wilson’s credibility.
And, since I consulted in DC with government analysts about how to uproot
al-Qaeda, and elements in the Bush White House minded my having
influence with the analysts, someone in the WH in late 2005 ordered the CIA
to spy on me and attempt to destroy my reputation (very illegal).
If Gwenyth Todd’s story is true, she is owed thanks by her country for
thwarting a plot to get up a war on Iran. Given the things we know about
how the Neocons operated, it is entirely plausible.
A dark thought: the Neocons have glommed onto Mitt Romney and will come
to power if he does, and they still desperately want a war on Iran.
Juan Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the
University of Michigan.
16 - Romney and Ryan : Right Wing Billionaires Think it's
Time to Take the Gloves Off
The right wing elite think they can make a major breakthrough, they can
end the last vestiges of the welfare state
By Real News
Posted August 27, 2012
PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm
Paul Jay in Baltimore. And we're continuing our conversation about Mitt
Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as vice president and the significance of this
choice. Back in 2000, when George Bush and his advisers decided how to
pitch their campaign, they decided to call it "compassionate conservatism",
kind of—what'd they say?—a velvet glove over the fist. Well, Romney sits
down with his advisers, decides how they're going to pitch their campaign
and who's going to be their vice presidential choice, and they give no
thought at all to a need for a velvet glove. Why's that?
Well, now joining us to help us answer that question is John Weeks. He's a
professor emeritus at the University of London School of Oriental and African
Studies. He's the author of the book Capital, Exploitation, and Economic
Crisis. He writes at And he's originally a Texan. Thanks for
joining us, John.
Thank you very much for inviting me.
JAY: So what do you make of that choice, unmitigated hard-right message,
and they do their math and they think they can win with that?
WEEKS: My interpretation is the following. First let me state what I would
say is the consistent interpretation that's given to it in the newspapers here
in Britain, such as The Guardian and The Independent. That interpretation is
that Romney is not of the hard right, he's a little bit of a centrist, and that
he's nervous about his hardline Republican base, and therefore, in order to
enthuse that base and get them out, he chooses this far right winger with
the strategy being that there's not a lot of enthusiasm for Obama this time
around, but Ryan will give him enthusiasm and so help him win.
I think that's wrong. I think that Romney has no principles. I think that the
people behind him, the big money behind him, you know, like the Koch
brothers and others, have decided that they've reached the point where they
can take the gloves off and make it an open confrontation. This time you
might say, I think, that they think they're looking at the final battle and that
if they can win with this spineless opportunist, with this far-right nearauthoritarian behind him, they can win with those guys, they can make a
tremendous breakthrough, and [unintel.] Social Security [unintel.] Medicare,
and this incremental rewriting of the U.S. welfare state will be over. It'll just
be brought to an end. And I think that is the strategy that led Romney to
make his choice.
JAY: And to what extent do you critique President Obama for opening the
door to that?
WEEKS: Yes, I mean, it's painful to say, because I do think that we are in
almost like a Weimar moment. You know. I mean, these people aren't—I
mean, Romney and Ryan are not overt fascists, but they're pretty far rightwing. And no question now about, you know, possibly saying, let's elect
these people and it will get so bad that next time things will be better, and
at least from my point of view.
I think that I regret to say that Obama has to be supportive, though this is
to a great extent of his own doing. I mean, beginning from the day he was
elected, he should have been more aggressive [unintel.] Perhaps it could
have taken him a month to realize that there were going to be no
compromise with these neo-authoritarians. By that point, he should have
used every legislative trick he had to get health care through as quickly as
possible. He should have withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq, though
those involved separate issues. Maybe he was never inclined to do so. He
should have pushed through banking reform. And then, when he came up to
the midterm elections, his health care system would have been operating at
least a year, and we came up for reelection, he could say, look, Americans
are healthy, the banks have been—they had their wings clipped, and now
we're on our way to a decent society, which we weren't before. But he
didn't. He didn't do that. He's drifted. Various—.
JAY: And because, I mean, he represents a section of capital that really
doesn't want all those things. I mean, he was there to, essentially, manage
the crisis and make sure Wall Street wasn't devastated. He accomplished
that. And on these other things, his heart just never seemed to be in it. But
I guess that's because of who he really represents—their heart's not really in
WEEKS: I think that's true. I mean, I think—I mean, I'm I'm very
pessimistic, because I think that this financial elite, which considers itself
urbane and sophisticated, which supports Obama, I'm sure they find the Tea
Party offensive to them. They would never have them over to their houses.
They probably find Paul Ryan a bit of a—you know, a sort of unbelievable
buffoon. And I'm sure they think that Romney is just, you know, completely
But perhaps for the first time in the history of the American financial elite,
they're overmatched. There's new money, there's new big money that's not
interested in any form of liberalism, that's not interested in any gesture
towards some type of safety net within the capitalist system.
The big money behind Romney has a strategy: rejuvenate the power of the
United States by transferring as much income to the wealthy as possible.
They've done—under Obama a pretty good job was done of it, under Clinton
a pretty good job was done, and under Bush. But I think if Romney is
elected, it will accelerate, you know, beyond what we can imagine.
JAY: And, I mean, at the moment, Obama still seems to be ahead, but the
money that's being poured into Romney—it's not that the other side, the
Obama side and that section of the elite that supports Obama—I mean,
they've got as much money. They could throw it at it as much as the other
side is. But they don't seem as committed to it.
WEEKS: I think that's true, though, Paul, I think that we have to recognize
that the financial elite runs on duplicity. So if they begin to get a hint that
Romney might win, you can be sure that they'll start pouring money into
him. You know.
There are now, at this moment, I think, two fairly clear factions. There are
the neo-authoritarians and the Koch brothers who want to bust the unions
and want to get rid of any form of social provision, and there's this financial
elite that is prepared to tolerate some of the rudimentary protections that
are necessary for a market system. But I think that that financial elite would
be prepared to switch sides if they thought Romney was going to win and
they would say—I mean, I hesitate to make these comparisons, but the
comparison is obvious, right? Early 1930s, when the German industrialists
switched sides, they didn't like Hitler. They thought he was dangerous and
so on. But when it was clear that he might win, well, it became a different
story. So if it's clear, if it began to be a real possibility that Romney was
going to win, I think you would see money flowing from Obama to Romney.
JAY: And as disastrous as the Bush presidency was for America, the financial
elite did very well. I mean, there was—as—their hands in the cookie jar as
often as they want. The top never really went back on the cookie jar. And I
suppose it's not like Obama's been, you know, that—I mean, he's been very
weak on the issues of regulation. But with Romney, he's already saying he
wants less regulation.
WEEKS: Yeah. I mean, I think that the financial elite at some point now soon
will begin to say to themselves, yes, these people are nuts, and it would be
a rather dangerous world if actually somebody like Ryan were vice president
(and God forbid that he would become president). But on the other hand,
there's no talk of financial regulation there. And all of these wealthy
billionaires out in California and other places, yes, they're a bunch of, you
know, vulgar creeps, but on the other hand, we share the same basic
interests. And so I think that we are in a very dangerous period.
JAY: Right. Alright. Well, thanks very much for joining us, John.
WEEKS: Well, thank you very much for having me, and I look forward to
joining you again.
JAY: And thank you for joining us on The Real News Network.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are
typed from a recording of the program. TRNN cannot guarantee their
complete accuracy.
This article was originally published at Real News
17 - US “Fifty Wealthiest Lawmakers” list : A Congress of the
rich, by the rich and for the rich
By Eric London
August 27, 2012 "WSWS" -- Last week’s report by Washington, D.C.
political blog The Hill details the vast wealth of the nation’s legislative
representatives and serves as an indictment of the anti-democratic nature of
the American political system. The “50 Wealthiest Lawmakers” list shows
that dozens of congressional politicians have amassed huge fortunes while
simultaneously slashing the wages, benefits and social services of the
American people.
In other words, not only are these members of Congress overseeing a
massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the ruling class; they
are also profiting from this transfer.
The report reveals the bipartisan composition of the extremely wealthy in
congress. Seven of the top 10 richest members of congress are Democrats;
overall, Republicans make up 60 percent of the list.
According to The Hill, 17 members of Congress have amassed fortunes of
over $20 million, and a total of 35 members of Congress have a net worth
valued at over $10 million.
These numbers are slightly skewed compared with past surveys. Due to the
passage of the STOCK Act, members of Congress now are legally required to
report mortgages as liabilities. The STOCK Act was passed after revelations
were made regarding banks giving members of Congress and their staffs
“friendly” deals on their personal mortgages in return for favorable
The list also sheds light on the nature of wealth accumulation amongst the
super-rich in America. Among the elite today, wealth accumulation has less
to do with productive work than it does with parasitism, inheritance, and
family ties.
Rep. Michael McCaul (Republican of Texas) tops the list with a total fortune
of $290.5 million. McCaul’s wealth comes in part from his marriage to the
daughter of Lowry Mays, the founder of radio giant Clear Channel
Communications. Belying the claim that these fortunes come from
productive hard work, McCaul’s 2011 financial report explained that “certain
assets owned by spouse were acquired via gift from spouse’s parents.”
Democratic Party leadership is featured prominently at the top of the list.
Sen. John Kerry (Democrat of Massachusetts), the party’s nominee for
president in 2004, is second, with a net worth of $198.8 million. Like
McCaul, much of this wealth comes from family. His wife Theresa Heinz’s
“numerous family trusts” have helped push Kerry’s fortune up $5 million in
the last year.
Democratic Senators Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia), Richard Blumenthal
(Connecticut), and Dianne Feinstein (California) are also featured in the top
10. The respective fortunes of these three senators ($83.1 million, $80.1
million, and $47.2 million) come in large part from family inheritances and
Feinstein’s net worth is partially explained by her marriage to investment
banker Richard Blum, who also sits on the University of California’s Board of
Regents. Blum has been a strong supporter of privatization and fee hikes.
Feinstein also reported owning homes in the Lake Tahoe area, the Coachella
Valley, the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, and San Francisco.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ranks as the thirteenth
wealthiest member of Congress, with a net worth of $26.4 million. Much of
Pelosi’s fortune comes from her husband Paul Pelosi, a land developer.
Pelosi’s fortune actually declined since 2010, but this can largely be
explained by $6 million in mortgages on two properties in Washington, D.C.
and San Francisco that are now counted as liabilities.
Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin reported a net worth of
$10.2 million. Among other reported assets, “his prized stamp collection … is
now worth at least $150,000.”
Maine Senator Olympia Snowe, a Republican, ranks 35th on the list. A
portion of her $9 million fortune comes from investments in Education
Management Corporation, a for-profit post-secondary education company.
Snowe’s husband, former Maine governor John McKernan Jr., sits on the
company’s board of directors.
All of the Congressional members on the list amassed their vast sums of
money on the backs of the working people they purport to represent.
The web site reports that land speculation is the industry in
which members of Congress make the most money. Financial speculation,
securities and investments, oil and gas production, and commercial banking
are also featured in the top 10 profitable industries for members of
The report from The Hill underlines what was already clear about American
politics: the vast majority of Americans are given no representation in
government. Their “elected” representatives are chosen from the rich, by the
rich, and for the rich.
The lives of these members of Congress compare starkly with the realities
that their constituents face on a day-to-day basis. In the years following the
financial crisis, the average American family has lost 40 percent of its net
worth. Half of America lives either under the poverty line or one paycheck
away from it. In some states, a quarter of the population struggles to afford
food. Meanwhile, Congress cuts unemployment benefits, funding for health
care, education, and housing. Both parties have agreed that slashing
pensions and food stamps are next on the agenda.
For the richest members of Congress, these cuts will result, as they
evidently have already, in an increase in net worth. For their working class
constituents, the cuts pose a more urgent threat: hunger, disease, poverty,
and a loss of life.
18 - The Program
By Laura Poitras
August 28, 2012 "New
York Times"
The Program: The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret
program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.
It took me a few days to work up the nerve to phone William Binney. As
someone already a “target” of the United States government, I found it
difficult not to worry about the chain of unintended consequences I might
unleash by calling Mr. Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security
Agency turned whistle-blower. He picked up. I nervously explained I was a
documentary filmmaker and wanted to speak to him. To my surprise he
replied: “I’m tired of my government harassing me and violating the
Constitution. Yes, I’ll talk to you.”
Two weeks later, driving past the headquarters of the N.S.A. in Maryland,
outside Washington, Mr. Binney described details about Stellar Wind, the
N.S.A.’s top-secret domestic spying program begun after 9/11, which was so
controversial that it nearly caused top Justice Department officials to resign
in protest, in 2004.
“The decision must have been made in September 2001,” Mr. Binney told
me and the cinematographer Kirsten Johnson. “That’s when the equipment
started coming in.” In this Op-Doc, Mr. Binney explains how the program he
created for foreign intelligence gathering was turned inward on this country.
He resigned over this in 2001 and began speaking out publicly in the last
year. He is among a group of N.S.A. whistle-blowers, including Thomas A.
Drake, who have each risked everything — their freedom, livelihoods and
personal relationships — to warn Americans about the dangers of N.S.A.
domestic spying.
To those who understand state surveillance as an abstraction, I will try to
describe a little about how it has affected me. The United States apparently
placed me on a “watch-list” in 2006 after I completed a film about the Iraq
war. I have been detained at the border more than 40 times. Once, in 2011,
when I was stopped at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York
and asserted my First Amendment right not to answer questions about my
work, the border agent replied, “If you don’t answer our questions, we’ll find
our answers on your electronics.”’ As a filmmaker and journalist entrusted to
protect the people who share information with me, it is becoming
increasingly difficult for me to work in the United States. Although I take
every effort to secure my material, I know the N.S.A. has technical abilities
that are nearly impossible to defend against if you are targeted.
The 2008 amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which
oversees the N.S.A. activities, are up for renewal in December. Two
members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senators Ron
Wyden of Oregon and Mark Udall of Colorado, both Democrats, are trying to
revise the amendments to insure greater privacy protections. They have
been warning about “secret interpretations” of laws and backdoor
“loopholes” that allow the government to collect our private
communications. Thirteen senators have signed a letter expressing concern
about a “loophole” in the law that permits the collection of United States
data. The A.C.L.U. and other groups have also challenged the
constitutionality of the law, and the Supreme Court will hear arguments in
that case on Oct. 29.
Laura Poitras is a documentary filmmaker who has been nominated for an
Academy Award and whose work was exhibited in the 2012 Whitney
Biennial. She is working on a trilogy of films about post-9/11 America. This
Op-Doc is adapted from a work in progress to be released in 2013.
This video is part of a series by independent filmmakers who have received
grants from the BRITDOC Foundation and the Sundance Institute.
The Eye of Sauron
Something New Under the Sun
By Fred Reed
August 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- The pieces come
together. Within the last week I have read:
1) New software, associated with Google, will recognize customers in stores
so as to offer them discounts; having your photos uploaded to allow this
service will (for now) be voluntary.
2) A new surveillance system in New York will store footage from cameras
in, for example, the subway, so that when an unattended package is
discovered, the police can look back in time to see who left it.
3) TSA is perfecting a laser that will allow detection on travelers of trace
amounts of drugs, explosives, and doubtless a wide variety of other things.
4) The government is moving toward mandating black boxes on cars to
record information thought to be useful in ascribing blame in crashes.
5) Various police departments are beginning to use “drone” aircraft to
monitor the population.
These are recent pieces of the coming world. They have not yet all been
completely deployed and linked. Some are voluntary, for the moment.
Others are in development. All are coming.
Add the now-routine tracking of passports, cameras that read every passing
license plate and record the time, NSA’s automated monitoring of email,
Google’s and therefore the government’s knowledge of your searches, GPS
tracking of cell phones, detailed records of bank transactions, and so on. Not
all of these are instantly accessible by the police. They can easily be made
accessible, and they move in that direction.
In short, the technology exists for a detailed, unblinking, unforgetting
watchfulness of the entire population beyond anything imagined, or perhaps
imaginable, a few decades ago. This is not Fred-drank-too-much-coffee. It is
The capacity of hard drives is now essentially without limit, the power of
computers to sort and search infinite, and the speed of the internet no
longer a bound. Almost microscopic cameras, wireless concealable
microphones, face recognition, voice recognition, recording GPS: You can
buy all of this in consumer stores. The government has far better.
People speak of the onrush of the police state. I think that many do not
understand how fast it comes, or how thorough it will be.
The political framework falls rapidly into place. Few or no safeguards exist,
and probably few are possible. A growing authoritarianism rapidly erodes
what protections we had. The courts allow random searches of passengers of
trains and subways without probable cause. Warrantless tapping of personal
communications is rampant, or done with secret warrants from a secret
federal judge. TSA has Viper squads that stop cars at random for searches.
In many places it is against the law to video the police, who everywhere
become more militarized and less accountable. For practical purposes,
citizens have no recourse.
At a higher level of generality, America is no longer a democracy. If you
think this a rash assertion, ask yourself whether you have the slightest
influence over policies that matter to you. Suppose that you want to end the
wars, shrink the military, end affirmative action, genuinely change
education, or reform a hostile and unworkable bureaucracy. Who do you
vote for? Important policies are made in faceless bureaucracies immune to
public influence. National politics employs a sort of political price-fixing, in
which you are permitted to choose among a number on indistinguishable
candidates and told that you are having an election.
None of this is going to stop.
Why is it happening? Some suspect a vast conspiracy to Sovietize the
country. I doubt it. Don’t look for a conspiracy when human nature is an
adequate explanation. Presidents never want to suffer the restraints on
constitutionality, the agonizing slowness of a congress that often has little
understanding of the issues; if presidents can do things by fiat, or secretly,
they will.
We have now had twoconsecutive presidents with less than normal respect
for the constitution, one a brown Plantagenet but with little grounding in
European civilization, the other a privileged rich brat of limited intellect and
schooling. Such as they will take any shortcut they can get away with, and
there is no longer anyone to tell them no.
Men grab power when they can. Once grabbed, it stays grabbed. A police
operation like DHS will always try to grow. People in power always think they
know best. When a federal department has money, industry rushes to sell it
things. In the case of TSA, this means new and more advanced scanners,
then upgrades, and maintenance contracts, training contracts, and then a
new kind of scanner, and the process repeats.
The people doing all of this are not thinking of installing totalitarianism. They
are thinking dollars, promotions, power, ego, and perks.
The FBI? NSA? Federal officials in general? They know best. They are, they
think, just fighting crime, terrorism, maintaining national security, what
have you, and the more power they have, they better they can do this.
Further, intimidating people is pleasurable. If citizens have nothing to hide,
say all these cops, they have nothing to fear. If you torture terrorists, or
those you think may be terrorists, well, the real world is like that. Do you
want more terrorism?
A conspiracy would be preferable. You can crush a conspiracy. Human
nature, which inherently drifts toward corruption, is a far tougher nut.
What difference will it make to live in a country in which the government
knows everything whatever about everybody, and few safeguards against
abuse exist? For most people, at first, probably not much. At first. But for
people the government doesn’t like, a lot. Reporerters, writers, whistleblowers, activists, dissidents.
And we are all vulnerable. Knowledge, as someone said, is power. Few of us
have spotless lives, or want them. Did you once check into a cheap motel
with someone else’s spouse or a lady of the night? What do the porn sites
you visit say about you? If you are, say, a politician, do you want these
things to come out? Have you written compromising emails about shady
deductions on your taxes, or about your boss (“a weasely dickhead and
probably a latent girly-boy”)? You have bar bills or liquor purchases of $300
a week? What if you show positive on a marijuana scan at the airport, which
becomes justification for a full search of your house, or dismissal from work?
Things have already reached the point at which writers of my acquaintance,
who do not have the power of the Washington Post behind them, have
stopped criticizing the government. Whether they are in fact in any danger
of persecution—I don’t think they much are yet—almost doesn’t matter. The
mere knowledge that your email can be read is intimidating, like being
closely followed by a police car even when you are doing nothing wrong. We
are daily being followed by more police cars, both literal and figurative.
Fred's Biography: As He Tells It -Fred, a keyboard mercenary with a
disorganized past, has worked on staff for Army Times, The Washingtonian,
Soldier of Fortune, Federal Computer Week, and The Washington
19 - There Is A Lot Of Ruin In A Nation But None Left In
America And Its NATO Partners
Video Rebel
Posted on August 23, 2012
“There is a lot of ruin in a nation.”
Adam Smith made the above quote in a letter to a young man who was
worried that the defeat of the British Army in its latest overseas military
adventure would ruin the nation. Smith did not agree. He thought the end of
overseas wars would be good for England and Scotland.
But modern America and all NATO member states are near ruin by design.
Even breaking away from the cycle of endless wars will not solve all
of our problems. We are all on a path to a National Security State
because the bankers know they have stolen all of our savings and
pensions and reduced our wages. We can never be allowed to
demand restitution for the tens of trillions of dollars. We have to be
completely subjugated because the bankers know that when our
currencies collapse we will have nothing to eat and nothing to lose.
I have previously said that the truth of 911 is spreading and has set a
timeline of awakening versus complete dictatorship. An awakened populace
would not comply with New World Order directives. That is the real reason
for the surveillance drones, the TSA and the abolition of the Magna Carta
and the Bill of Rights.
But there is another timeline to the ruin of America and its NATO
allies. It is composed of Genetically Modified Organisms that give us
cancer as well as make us sterile. And vaccines that also give us cancer
and now even program our brains. I once wrote of my nephew’s teenage
friend he plays soccer with. He is a 14 year-old black. He became visibly
angered when I explained that a brain eating vaccine is designed to
biochemically erase your ability to become angry. In the Great Depression
between 3 and 7 million Americans died from starvation. There were
only 125 million citizens at that time and 90% lived in rural areas
close to the food. I would assume that 10 million or more Americans
will die of starvation in the coming Depression. A brain eating
vaccine is designed theoretically to reduce the anger of parents who
are watching their children die of starvation thus making the world
safer for bankers.
I recently wrote of two economists at the IMF admitting that we could turn
this economy around by ending fractional reserve banking and cutting
government debt thus saving a billion people from starvation worldwide. We
have the ability to end this current Depression and get the economy moving
again but that would require the bankers to voluntarily give up fractional
reserve banking which by design has made them wealthy at our expense.
This means your government does not care if you die of starvation or are
forced to kill yourself to avoid an excruciatingly painful and miserably slow
Polysorbate 80 is added to vaccines so you will not have children.
Childless couples will be less likely to die of starvation. GMOs fed to
lab animals turns them into sterile runts by the third generation. You
are also being assaulted by fluoride in water and as an additive to
other products. Fluoride has been known since the 19th century to
poison humans by destroying the enzymes in our bodies. Every
human being needs to maintain 4,000 enzymes to make the body
function. 2,000 enzymes are required to make the human heart
repeatedly beat. Scientists from inside the US Environmental
Protection Agency have told us for years that fluoride increases bone
cancer. A Harvard study recently said that fluoride not only causes
cancer but also lowers intelligence.
Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, invented modern
propaganda and advertising. He also promoted adding fluoride in water. Joe
Stalin added it to the water in his concentration camps because he needed
fewer prison guards to control the inmates. A false claim was made at
Nuremberg that Hitler did the same but that was not true. The decision to
declare war on the American people was made by Edward Bernays and his
friends in the 1920s which was long before Hitler became Chancellor.
The state of New Jersey adds a double dose of fluoride to the drinking water
of the inmates at its facility for the criminally insane. Americans are being
treated as if they were prison inmates. But worse than that are the GMOs
and the addition of Polysorbate 80 to vaccines both of which make you
Your government has repealed the Magna Carta and the Bill of
Rights. This has reduced you from being a citizen with inalienable
rights to being an inmate in an open air prison. But worse than that
they do not want you to have children which means you and your
descendants are to be exterminated.
In simpler words they want you d-e-a-d dead.
US Army suicides are up 7 times over what they were in Vietnam. The US
military is sending men into combat for 3 to 6 and even for 7, 8 and 9 tours
which has never happened before in either World War II or Vietnam. They
are also giving soldiers selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Harvard lists the side effects as insomnia, rashes, headaches, joint and
muscle pain, stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, bleeding problems, reduced
blood clotting, diminished sexual interest and performance in addition to
increased suicides.
The US since 1991 has been using Depleted Uranium in their bombs,
bullets and their tank and artillery shells. DU is 68% more dense
than lead.. DU harms normal functioning of
the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems. It has a
radioactive half life of 4.5 billion years. There has been a sharp
increase in the incidence of child leukemia and genetic malformation
among babies born in Iraq. DU also kills US and other NATO troops
by giving them cancer.. In America the pharmaceutical and
healthcare industries can grind out 300 to 800 thousand dollars
from everyone they have given cancer through fluoride, vaccines, DU
and smart meters.
Note to civilians anywhere within hundreds of miles of an American military
training base. DU becomes a tiny particle when a bomb or tank or artillery
shell is exploded. Those particles give you the same cancers the troops get.
The military uses drugs to control and to eliminate the human conscience
and other drugs to wipe out memories. The DHS has warned local police
departments that returning veterans are potential terrorists. This has
painted a target on the backs of the men and women who had faithfully
served Wall Street . These are the same veterans whose death benefits are
stolen from their widows and orphans by all US presidential administrations
since an agreement was made with the insurance companies in 1999.
The people who own the government also have another plan to kill off
American citizens, the police, the TSA and the US military, The Department
of Homeland Security has announced the purchase of 1.4 billion
rounds of 40 caliber hollow point bullets which are illegal to use in
combat under the Geneva Convention. The US Army has manuals
instructing soldiers how to operate re-education camps for Americans. DHS
has bought incinerators for the camps. Each one is capable of incinerating
tens of thousands of Americans every week. This means that if the camps
overflow their capacity of 25 million that they can reduce their numbers and
incinerate their remains making room for new arrivals. They have begun
selective arrests outside of law while information of the camps, the
legalization of torture and knowledge of those incinerators has spread.
Their campaign to eliminate freedom seems to be designed to evoke a
violent response when the nation wide food riots begin. The DHS might
promise food and safety at a FEMA camp but who would voluntarily accept
imprisonment? Americans have 300 million guns and can kill off the TSA at
the roadblocks and any police and military foolish enough to back them up.
The TSA has been given despicable assignments like groping the genitals of
airline passengers in order to guarantee the public absolutely despises them.
They are being targeted by their superiors for death. And not just them. The
bankers targeted America for death and destruction as early as the
1920s when they began poisoning the water with fluoride. They
killed us in their wars. They starves us to death in their Depressions.
They sent our jobs overseas. And now they seek to get us killed in
one last Mideast war that could launch WW III. And, if that does not
kill us, they will definitely kill us with a designed economic collapse
and Hyperinflation that will destroy every city and lead to
simultaneous race wars and a civil war.
Bottom Line: The people who own the government want you dead
even if you are a policeman, a soldier, a teacher, a lawyer, a
government administrator or work in the media.
Once this fact of life seeps into the minds of the public our survival instinct
will take over. There are thousands of high level bankers and associated
criminals but they cannot function without the cooperation and assistance of
millions of people worldwide.
If this generation does not learn to say No, it is doubtful that we will have a
future that anyone will want.
Notes: This essay explains how IMF economists say we can save ourselves
from economic collapse.
IMF Economists: ‘We Were Wrong.’ Will Someone Please Tell The Press And
The Politicians.
I would like to suggest the following as the most feasible means of seizing
the tens of trillions of dollars stolen from us by the bankers:
Memo To Pentagon: Compare The Invasion Of Lichtenstein And The Cayman
Islands To War With Iran And Syria
This next article tells you something of the evil nature of bankers:
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Black Budget And The Leveraged Buyout Of The
World Using Stolen Money
For the less technically minded this next article explained what Debt
Cancellation would look like though some object to the race of the persons
Eddie Reborn Into A World With Debt Cancellation.
The next article explains how Debt Cancellation, pension reform and
healthcare reform could work:
What Real Debt Cancellation Combined With Pension And Health Care
Reform Looks Like Part II
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20 - America Planning for a Post-Israel Middle East ?
By Franklin Lamb
August 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- Congresswoman Illena
Ros-Lehtinen will have her hands full as she makes the political and social
rounds at this month’s Republican National Convention. Illena, is the only
female committee chair in the House of Representatives and arguably
Israel’s most ardent agent. She is a constant thorn in the Obama
administration's side, regularly castigating the president for playing "political
games with U.S. foreign policy” and being “soft on Iran” and undermining
the legitimacy of Israel. Ros-Lehtinen is a congressional cheer leader also for
her Jewish voters in Florida -- a key battleground in the rapidly approaching
US presidential election. Most recently, Ros-Lehtinen helped shepherd
through Congress yet another bill tightening sanctions against Iran while
calling for US military action against the Assad regime in Syria.
The Congresswomen’s focus will likely not be on pushing the republican’s
talking points regarding her party’s nominee, Mitt Romney the former
“moderate Massachusetts governor” who she is aware is unlikely to win the
White House. Nor, according to a source at the Democratic National
Committee, frantically putting together final touches on their own
Convention, to be held the week of September 3 in Charlotte, North
Carolina, will Ileana spend much time with or promoting Mitt’ running mate,
Congressman Paul Ryan. Ryan, an Ayn Rand (author of The Fountainhead
and Atlas Shrugged as well as founder of the Objectivism movement)
follower, regularly tells audiences that “Ayn Rand’s teachings have been one
of the most profound philosophical influences of my life.” Well, except for
religion and abortion and a few other matters, as Ayn, who passed away in
1982 was an avowed atheist and strongly pro-abortion, the opposite of what
Ryan tells audiences he is.
Rather, Ros-Lehtinen will be meeting with local, national, and international
Jewish leaders in this must win state where she has been assigned the task
of reassuring them that the Republican Party is Israel’s best friend and that
a recent US government draft report urging a US re-think of its relationship
to Israel is the responsibility of none other than Barack Obama, and it
reveals his true disdain for Israel.
Helping her smear the White House with the findings in the draft analysis
will be William Kristol, publisher of the neoconservative Weekly Standard
and Director of the New American Century, an “Israel first” Washingtonbased lobby “promoting joint Israeli and American political and military
leadership across the globe, while bringing democracy to the Middle East”.
So what is all the fuss about?
It’s a paper entitled: Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East, an 82 page
analysis that concludes that the American national interest in fundamentally
at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors concludes that Israel is
currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and
actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to
a growing degree, the wider international community.
The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising
16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70
billion. The IC includes the Departments of the Navy, Army, Air Force,
Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Defense Intelligence Agency, Departments of
Energy, Homeland Security, State, Treasury, Drug Enforcement Agency,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency and the
Central Intelligence Agency commissioned the study.
Among the many findings that Ros-Lehtenin and Kristol and other
unregistered agents of Israel will likely try to exploit politically between now
and November 6, by using them to attack the Obama Administration. A
sampling of the findings includes the following:
• Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be
salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as
1987 Israel was the only “Western” nation that upheld diplomatic ties with
South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott
campaign before the regime collapsed;
• The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 illegal
settlers on the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the
political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
• The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and
influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly
face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself
with or become involved with;
• The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has, to a major degree, freed a
large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an
overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable
European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population;
• Simultaneous with, but predating, rapidly expanding Arab and Muslim
power in the region as evidenced by the Arab spring, Islamic Awakening and
the ascendancy of Iran, as American power and influence recedes, the US
commitment to belligerent oppressive Israel is becoming impossible to
defend or execute consistent given paramount US national interests which
include normalizing relations with the 57 Islamic countries;
• Gross Israeli interference in the internal affairs of the United States
through spying and illegal US arms transfers. This includes supporting more
than 60 ‘front organizations’ and approximately 7,500 US officials who do
Israel’s bidding and seek to dominate and intimidate the media and agencies
of the US government which should no longer be condoned;
• That the United States government no longer has the financial resources,
or public support to continue funding Israel. The more than three trillion
dollars in direct and indirect aid from US taxpayers to Israel since 1967 is
not affordable and is increasingly being objected to by US taxpayers who
oppose continuing American military involvement in the Middle East. US
public opinion no longer supports funding and executing widely perceived
illegal US wars on Israel’s behalf. This view is increasingly being shared by
Europe, Asia and the International public;
• Israel’s segregationist occupation infrastructure evidenced by legalized
discrimination and increasingly separate and unequal justice systems must
no longer be directly or indirectly funded by the US taxpayers or ignored by
the US government;
• Israel has failed as a claimed democratic state and continued American
financial and political cover will not change its continuing devolution as
international pariah state;
• Increasingly, rampant and violent racism exhibited among Jewish settlers
in the West Bank is being condoned by the Israeli government to a degree
that the Israel government has become its protector and partner;
• The expanding chasm among American Jews objecting to Zionism and
Israeli practices, including the killing and brutalizing of Palestinians under
Israeli occupation, are gross violations of American and International law
and raise questions within the US Jewish community regarding the American
responsibility to protect (R2P) innocent civilians under occupation;
• The international opposition to the increasingly apartheid regime can no
longer be synchronized with American claimed humanitarian values or US
expectations in its bi-lateral relations with the 193 member United Nations;
The Draft ends with language about the need to avoid entangling alliances
that alienate much of the World and condemn American citizens to endure
the consequences.
Interestingly, it notes Iran as an example of a country and people that have
much in common and whose citizens have a real interest in bilateral
associations (here an apparent reference to Israel and its US lobby) not
determined by the wishes of other countries and their agents. It also
highlights the need for the US to undertake “the repairing relations with
Arab and Muslim countries including the drastically curtained use of drone
The coming days will clarity the success of Israel’s in making an issue of the
finding in the soon to be published daft report and the degree to which the
Republican Party will gain for its findings in the race for the White House.
Franklin Lamb, former Assistant Counsel, US House Judiciary Committee
and Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in
Oregon, earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil.,
and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics. Following three years
at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Lamb was visiting fellow
at the Harvard Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center.
He is currently doing research in Lebanon and volunteers with the Palestine
Civil Rights Campaign and the Sabra-Shatila Foundation. Lamb is the author
of: Israel’s 1982 War in Lebanon: Eyewitness Chronicles of the Invasion and
Occupation, South End Press, First Printing, 1983, International Legal
Responsibility for the Sabra-Shatila Massacre, Imp. TIPE: 42, Rue Lebour
93100 Montreuil, Paris, France 1984, The Price We Pay: A Quarter Century
of Israel’s Use of American Weapons in Lebanon (Lamont Press) 2007, His
latest book, The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon, is due out
By Rev.Ted Pike
27 Aug 12
It is essential for leaders of the anti-Zionist right to express, and truly
believe, that all people groups have equal human value and human rights.
Impressionable, potentially violent people hear our words. In any group of
political or religious believers--like in any human population--there is a
minority prone to acts of violence or psychopathy. This is true of the far
right, where some think only acts of violence will bring attention to Jewish
supremacist control of government. An act of outrageous desecration and
murder, they are convinced, could be the catalyst for revolution.
On the West Coast last year a chilling example of such violent instability was
committed. Last week white supremacist David "Joey" Pedersen and his
girlfriend, Holly Anne Grigsby, were indicted on four counts of murder. They
admitted these murders were only the beginning of their plan to travel to
southern California and kill as many Jews as possible.
In this article I will share my thoughts concerning what must be the strategy
of the anti-Zionist right to avoid murderous fanaticism by some who hear
our message.
The full story on Pedersen's past can be found online. Notably, in prison he
absorbed racist and anti-Jewish white supremacist beliefs. These beliefs
thrive in "white power" gangs in prisons. Pedersen covered his body with
tattoos of Hitler, Nazism and white supremacist symbols. He was not an
idealist gone wrong. He was a hardened criminal; by age 31 he had been in
prison for all but six months since age 16. Racial hatred became the central
focus of his life. Ultimately, it became his all-consuming mission to kill Jews,
whom he believed were out to destroy the white race. He doubtless hopes,
like other white supremacists who have resorted to violence, that his
actions, capture, and even martyrdom will ignite the anti-Zionist right in
After murdering his parents, Pedersen rationalized other murders. His next
victim was a devout Christian teen, Cody Faye Myers. After stealing Myers'
car, Pedersen killed him, rationalizing that, since his last name might have
been Jewish, he was worthy of death. The second was a black man,
Reginald Alan Clark, whose death as a "racial inferior" was even less
troubling to them. Police soon recognized Myers' stolen car and arrested
They now face possible death sentences.
How Can We Prevent Creation of White Supremacist Terrorists?
A century ago pro-Zionist evangelical leaders carved in stone the edict that
Jews would never be criticized. That decision was predicated on the belief
that facts about Jewish misdeeds, if delivered to hateful and unstable
persons, would inevitably fuel Jew hatred, even persecution of "God's chosen
people." It is therefore incumbent upon Christians to only speak well of
Jews, as protectors of God's ultimate plan to redeem a remnant of repentant
Jews at Christ's coming. Christian Zionists still believe God will curse anyone
who speaks against Jews or Israel. They believe this could stoke the fires of
future holocausts.
Evangelicals can point to Pedersen and Grigsby as a textbook case of how
dangerous it is to provide volatile haters with negative information
concerning such issues as Jewish control of media, finances, domination of
our government and Congress (with war-making powers in support of
Israel), etc. They can argue that if inflammatory information, even though
true, was not provided to Pedersen and Grigsby, these brutal slayings might
not have occurred.
Yet facts do not possess the power to corrupt; only evil manipulation of facts
creates evil results. It is not the one who informs concerning the facts of
Jewish supremacist assault against Christian civilization who is to blame for
the Pedersens of the far right. Much greater blame falls on those very
evangelicals and their forefathers who, for the past century, have hidden the
facts concerning the Zionist conspiracy. By forbidding all opposition to
Zionism, they allowed Jewish political, financial, and media control to
mushroom into a global threat. A tiny minority will be fanatical to the point
of being willing to die in senseless terrorist acts to oppose such staggering
How Do We Find a Balance?
What is the logical, practical, and truly Christian response to the Zionist
We must continue to speak the whole truth.
Truth is not negotiable or expendable. Society must know as much of the
facts as possible to make intelligent personal, social, and national decisions.
There is no such thing as "bad truth," justifying censorship. (See, Zionist
Evangelicals are World-Class Censors) On the contrary, as Jesus said,
unpleasant as some truth may be, it is inherently redeeming and liberating.
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32)
The question is: How shall the truth about Jewish supremacism's malicious
intentions be spoken? Shall it be spoken in a way that points to
Jewish moral errors which, for at least 2000 years, have led most Jews to
think and act as they do -- as liberals and promoters of homosexuality,
abortion and other left-wing causes? Or do we dehumanize Jews as genetic
misfits which the world would be better without?
At we point out that we cannot underestimate the
magnitude of consequences that will result from evil moral decisions. As a
300-foot redwood grows from a seed less than a quarter inch long, so the
initial moral decisions of men, tribes, and nations can result in enormous
effects for good or evil. Such a decision by Lucifer against God contaminated
the whole spiritual realm. Similarly, the moral decision by Adam and Eve to
eat the forbidden fruit created spiritual wreckage and confusion in the earth
to this hour. Thus, when a nation of Jews made the moral decision to put
to death the Son of God, we can expect that choice to reverberate and
pollute Judaism for over 2000 years. Every person--Jewish by blood or
Gentile convert--who embraces the religion will be poisoned by it. Especially
over the past several centuries, we have seen such original wickedness
result in colossal outpourings of Judaism's wickedness on the nations. Such
bad fruit justifies Christ's description of Talmudic Judaism as the "church" or
"synagogue of Satan" in this world (Rev. 2:9-10, 3:9). (See Jewish Activists
Created Communism and Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish)
At we do not believe Jews are genetically evil! Rather,
each individual becomes evil or righteous through their own moral choices.
We believe everything that may be wrong with a Talmudic Jew may also be
made morally right in an instant by sincerely asking Christ's forgiveness and
trusting and obeying Him for the rest of his life and forsaking allegiance to
those who had Christ crucified, the Pharisees.
If our listeners accept our view of Jewish apostasy as moral, not genetic,
then, righteously indignant as they may be, they will see the problem of
Jewish antagonism to Christian civilization as ultimately an issue which will
be resolved by God. He will judge Babylon the Great, bringing Jews into the
worst "great tribulation" any people have ever endured. But may we never
be instruments of that persecution!
Christ alone, not the sword or gun of man, can be counted on to put things
right. (See 'Babylon the Great' is Israel)
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a
Christian/conservative watchdog organization.
TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503)
The freedom-saving outreach of Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer
Network is solely supported by sale of books, videos and your financial
support. All gifts are tax-deductible.
22 - The Non-Aligned Countries’ Grand Chessboard
Sunday, 26th August 2012
From 26th to 31st August, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement will hold
its 16th Summit in Tehran, Iran, which many observers feel will be
particularly important considering the grave convulsions triggered by the
“Arab Spring” – veritable civil war-engineering by the Western Powers –
throughout the Islamic World.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are welcoming over
forty heads of state and national and international leaders, including president
Mohamed Morsi from Egypt (who will hand over the Movement’s rotating presidency
to Iran), UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon (ferociously criticized by the US for his
decision to attend the Summit), and the presidents of India, Monmahar Singh and
Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari who will take this opportunity to have bilateral meetings
seeking to peacefully resolve on-going tensions between the two nuclear powers.
Formed in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia over half a century ago, the NonAligned Countries Movement had as its main ideologues true statesmen of the time
as Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, Yogoslavia’s Josef Broz
Tito and Sukarno, the first president of Indonesia after it gained independence from
the Netherlands.
In the midst of the Cold War, these countries understood the urgent need to find a
middle path free from the pressures of the two superpowers of those times: the
United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies. One of the
fundamental ideological premises of the Non-aligned Movement was that it rejected
both European materialistic worldviews - liberal Capitalism and collectivist Marxism
- alike.
Non-alignment as a Political necessity had been brewing for more than a decade in
countries like Nehru’s India and Juan Domingo Perón’s Argentina. Perón had taken
the initial steps rights after the Cold War began in the late forties when he
introduced the “Third Position” as his country’s foreign policy, which maintained the
ideological imperatives of the two superpowers at arm’s length.
The Argentine people would meet in Buenos Aires’ Plaza de Mayo central square to
listen to Perón and his wife Evita speak, boisterously thundering back their support
of the “Third Position” by saying “¡We don’t want Yankees, we don’t want Marxists:
we are Peronistas!”.
A rather simplistic war cry maybe, but it served Argentine workers to express their
desire to erect a great Nation where work – not usury or collectivism - would form
the foundations of an Organized Community.
As the years went by, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement saw its ideological and
Political fundamentals dragged hither and dither, and distorted. This was often
reflected by new members joining and others leaving.
Nevertheless, periodic summits continued to be held every three years, the last one
held in 2009 in Egypt presided by Hosni Mubarak, hardly a leader classifying as
“non-aligned” considering his betrayal of Nasser’s teachings as he accommodated
to Egypt’s true adversaries, the US, EU and Israel. Anyway, the Global Power
Masters let go of his hand and now he’s in jail: clearly, Rome does not pay traitors.
Also attending are other “non-aligned” countries which are however quite aligned.
Examples: Kim Yong Nam, president of the People’s Assembly of North Korea, a
country clearly aligned with old Chinese Marxism; or Hamid Karzai, president & CEO
of Afghanistan, former consultant to UNOCAL – Union Oil Company of California,
now Chevron – a man very much aligned to the US, the UK (Queen Elizabeth II
knighted him) and the New York Council on Foreign Relations; or the foreign
minister of “liberated“ Libya (Muhamar Kaddafi too maintained a “Third Position”
along the lines of Perón… and look what happened to him!) .
Anyway, this Summit takes place at a crucial time for the world in general and for
the Middle East in particular. Today, it’s no longer a question of opting between
“Yankees or Marxists”, because after the fall of the Berlin Wall in today’s Uni-polar
world, the enemy of peoples everywhere is no longer to be found to the left or to
the right, because that Enemy is now above all nations.
In the West, the Global Power Masters reign supreme above all nations and
governments - even over giants like to the US, the UK, the EU and their allies having embedded themselves deep into their public and private power structures.
So, it’s no coincidence that these nations condemn the Tehran Summit, just as it’s
no coincidence that both Russia and China are sending observers (historical
modesty does not yet allow them to openly seek full membership).
In the mid-twentieth century, Indian president Nehru proposed five guiding
principles which should govern the Non-aligned Countries Movement which are as
valid today as then:
 Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
 Mutual non-aggression
 Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs
 Equality and mutual benefit
 Peaceful co-existence
More than half a century later, how much better the world would be if powerful
nations as the US, UK, EU and Israel were to abide by these five principles in their
relations with Libya, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Panama, Honduras, Iraq,
Venezuela, Bolivia, Egypt, Ecuador, Mexico, North Korea, Argentina, Sudan, Chile,
Colombia, Somalia, Puerto Rico…
Imagine if the US were to demand governance amongst their multinational
corporations and megabanks based on these very same principles?
Imagine if instead of upholding hypocritical double-standard policies of the “war on
drugs and money laundering” and “war on terror” – global scourges covertly
promoted by the CIA, MI6, Mossad, fanned by AIPAC, USAID and their powerful
global media – the US and its allies were to make these five fundamental principles
the corner stone of their foreign policies?
No doubt, the Iranian leadership will promote a renovation of the Non-Aligned
Countries Movement, rearticulating it to become an increasingly balancing force in
international relations, so as to mitigate the violence, exploitation and death being
imposed by the Western powers.
No doubt, Iran’s leaders will use the Summit to seek new proposals for peace in the
on-going civil war in Syria, artificially imposed on them by the “democratic freedom
fighters” profusely armed and financed by the West.
No doubt, Iran’s leaders will also try to deactivate the on-going showdown with the
Western powers threatening Iran daily with preemptive unilateral military attack,
especially by war-mongering Israel and its American puppets.
Iran, however, won’t be able to do this alone. It will need the support and backing
of today’s two key superpowers:Russia and China.
Russia and China have attained something that is crucial in global politics, which
neither the US, UK, the EU nor, much less, Israel has achieved: Russia and China
have matured!
Maybe because they themselves were for many decades one of the unjust Bipolar
World’s "poles” that forced dozens of countries to come together as “non-aligned
countries”. That allowed them make the necessary quantum leap that comes from
healthy self-criticism and self-purification.
Russia suffered the dire consequences of Stalinist police-state control; China
suffered the dire consequences of Chairman Mao’s mass insectification (as Perón
aptly called it). Both mass sufferings made their people and leaders mature.
In a twist of irony, both extremisms – police-state control and mass insectification –
are now gathering in the West, even if Washington, London and Tel Aviv used new
words to define the same old slavery they are trying to impose upon the world
through blood and fire.
As president of the Non-Aligned Movement over the next three years Iran has the
opportunity of helping to bring some sanity into the world, something crucially
necessary if Mankind if not to burn itself to a crisp in a third world war. That’s a
task Iran can work together with Russia and China on
I believe they will make this happen. Amongst other reasons, because contrary to
the Americans who play poker – a game based on deceit, traps and lies – the
Iranians descend from the Ancient Persians who invented Chess, a game based on
intelligence, strategy and foresight.
Adrian Salbuchi
Adrian Salbuchi is a Political Analyst, author of several Books on Geopolitics,
Speaker and Radio / TV commentator living in Argentina.
As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on
vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the
diseases they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and admit that
there is no way whatsoever to predict whether the case will be mild or
severe - even deadly. With this much uncertainty in dealing with the very
lives of people, it is very unscientific and extremely dangerous to use such a
questionable procedure as vaccination.
Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are
given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis, paralysis,
leprosy, and cancer. (See the chapters on smallpox and plagues.) Polio
shots, diphtheria toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as well as measles,
tetanus and all other shots often cause various other stages of disease such
as post-vaccinal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain,) paralysis, spinal
meningitis, blindness, cancer (sometimes within two years,) tuberculosis,
(two to twenty years after the shot,) arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease
(heart failure sometimes within minutes after the shot and sometimes
several hours later.) Nerve damage and many other serious conditions also
follow the injections.
When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or a few
weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once,
because the body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison being
injected directly into the bloodstream. The doctors call it a new disease and
proceed to suppress the symptoms.
When poison is taken by the mouth, the internal defense system has a
chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but when the poisons are
shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural safeguards, these
dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire body in a
matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the cells are poisoned.
I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being
vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for
verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L.
Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped
dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and
28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during
only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the
soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men.
(See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.)
The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were
unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business
for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they
drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no
epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed
the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of
diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.
The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their
doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They
didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors
don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled
for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal
encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had
never left American soil.
The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled
the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so
many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms
of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever,
extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic
of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever,
swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking
suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death,
after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been
deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called
it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis,
brain damage, lockjaw, etc.
When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a
stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they
named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more
dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease
which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t
want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster
which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines. They
wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish
Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people
resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be
blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and
vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread
devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that
researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it
Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain before coming home, but their
diseases originated in their own home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our medical
men still use that same dodge. When their own vaccines (required for travel)
cause vaccine diseases abroad they use this as grounds for a scare
campaign to stampede people into the vaccination centers. Do you
remember the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu scares?
These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with the usual common
colds which people have every year.
Now (1976) we are being worked on again by the vaccine -epidemic makers
in their effort to force another multi million dollar vaccine sale caper. Their
con men have already talked President Ford into handing over $135 million
dollars to start their vaccine racket. Even the insurance companies refused
to become involved with such an obviously dangerous and crooked scheme.
So, again the medical and drug con men induced the appropriate
government officials to guarantee insurance against the, possible billions of
dollars in law suits which could be brought against the vaccine promoters if
the vaccine campaign is carried out as planned. It’s a good thing Ford was
voted out of office. It’s too bad he wasn’t "dumped" before he paid
the poison squad the MONEY’ to poison the whole population. However, we
don’t yet know if President Carter will be any better. Will he be held in the
grip of the medical and drug dictatorship? Or will he investigate — learn the
truth — reverse the decisions and make the vaccine makers return the
money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses?
The statement of the swine flu vaccine promoters to the effect that the
vaccine is harmless, is false, and the statement that it will protect against flu
is false. Fifty-six people died after the shots, some within 48 hours. There is
confusion and disagreement among the doctors about all aspects of the
vaccine, from the safety and effectiveness to the necessity for it, who should
have it and who should be warned against it.
Their scare-head campaign cry is that the swine flu is like the 1918 flu which
killed 20,000,000 people. They don’t have any usable and provable blood
samples from the 1918 flu epidemic to prove it. That was 58 years ago, and
the doctors were just as confused and inefficient then as now. However, one
thing is certain — the 1918 Spanish Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease
caused by extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of many
different vaccines. The soldiers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine
Flu had been injected with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which
caused the 1918 flu epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no way
related to swine. There were no swine at camp (unless we want to
sarcastically call the vaccine promoters who caused the diseases -"swine.")
To add to the confusion, the doctors tell the people that there are a lot of
various kinds of flu; the one which the soldiers at Fort Dix had was AVictoria
flu, there are other strains of flu virus, and also, that the swine flu vaccine
which so many people have taken already will not protect them against the
many other types of flu. This will be used as an "out" in case of law suits
later on when more casualties begin to show up. The doctors will say that
the vaccine failed because it was the wrong kind of flu for the vaccine. Of
course, no one can prove it one way or the other because viruses are
illusive, invisible organisms which are unstable and unpredictable. One
dictionary definition of virus is "a morbid poison." The vaccines injected into
the body are poison and cause the typical poison reactions. Virus (poison)
does not fly around and attack people.
Therefore, there will be no swine flu epidemic unless the vaccine promoters
make one like they did in the 1918 flu epidemic. It will not kill 20,000,000
people unless the people submit to the disease-producing shots. There are
also, other causes of disease besides vaccines, such as bad food, which has
been devitalized and contaminated with poison preservatives and artificial
drug concoctions. There are many more causes of disease but no diseases
are contagious(See the chapter on the germ theory).
Vaccine drives come and go as often as the vaccine promoters can cook up
the slightest pretense of a reason.n Back in1957 they were trying to stir up
a vaccination campaign for what they decided to call Asiatic flu. An editorial
in theHerald and Express for August 29, 1957 was captioned, "Fear of Flu
Propaganda." Part of the piece is as follows:
"What a tempest in a teapot has been blown up over the probability that this
country will experience an epidemic of the Asiatic flu in the fall and winter
months ahead.
"Even the United States Department of Health is stooge for the panic — and
has issued statements which are frightening the public, rather than
reassuring them by pointing out that this epidemic, while widespread, gives
no indication of being any more dangerous than our usual flood of influenzalike colds when winter comes on.
"Those who read between the lines even wonder whether the whole thing
might not be a bit of super salesmanship on the part of those who are
making and selling the vaccines which are being prepared.. . ."
All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish
Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever
had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The
disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid,
diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people
had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the
entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases
— or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking
out all at once it was tragic.
That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of
more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the
symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those
who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the
vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health
teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot
contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.
When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the
schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been
vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It
was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the
flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look
after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible
for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of
opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a
day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any
germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family
had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on
the ground.
When I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I
wonder how long it will take them to find out that they can’t catch it —
whatever it is. The only way they can get a disease is to develop it
themselves by wrong eating, drinking, smoking or doing some other things
which cause internal poisoning and lowered vitality. All diseases are
preventable and most of them are cureable with the right methods, not
known to medical doctors, and not all drugless doctors know them either.
It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people
throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude
and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is
nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in
comparison with that of the medical doctors.
While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu
cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and
MACFADDEN’S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with
their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple
healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods.
One health doctor didn’t lose a patient in eight years. The very successful
health treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn’t lose any
patients will be given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION
CONDEMNED, to be published a little later.
If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there
would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment.
There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than
among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had
been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in
1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile
paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease.
Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning.
Those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination
campaign in 1918.
index chapt 3
Swine Flu Expose
a book by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.
(Book in one document)
Chapter 1 Swine Flu--Another Medicallymade Epidemic
$5,000,000 law suit filed against flu
promoters for causing paralysis
Swine flu vaccine tests prove unsafe
No swine flu epidemic
All vaccines are poison
Ford the puppet
Vaccines can trigger heart attack
80% of all medical doctors are unfit
Drugs cannot cure
Vaccine promoters try to dodge the
A few congressmen blast the swine flu
How to punish the culprits
Law suits against the vaccine
American medical Association has
been outlawed
New Anti-trust suit against the
2,000,000 doses of defective swine
flu vaccine condemned
Many fake findings by scientists seen
Swine flu promoters tried to con the
swine raisers
President Coolidge unswayed by
medical pressure
God give us men
What our leaders should have
checked on before throwing us to the
killer (vaccine) sharks
Question that should have been
Chapter 2 The Spanish Influenza
Epidemic of 1918 was caused by
Chapter 3 Anti-Typhoid vaccine
causes a worse disease which the
doctors name paratyphoid
Typhoid is not contagious
The soldiers were killed by the
"Typhoid Mary" was never a
Chapter 4 Medically-made epidemics-court cases
Court cases of smallpx epidemics
declared when there was no smallpox
Another medically-made epidemic
in Pittsburgh in 1924
Polio vaccine expose blocked by
Chapter 5 Falsified death certificates
and medical records
Honest medical reports rejected
A doctors answer to a serum
Health board accused
Reluctant admission by doctor
Doctors ordered to falsify smallpox
Can medical statistics be relied
The medically manipulated figures
Falsifying death certificates--a
prison offense
Punishment for felony
answered before considering any
vaccination drive
Death count may never be known
Who pockets the money?
Compulsory army vaccinations are
How will our new President Carter
handle the swine flu swindle?
Fluoridated tooth paste dangerous
A better campaign
Chapter 6 Let's stop the fluoride
water poisoners
False claims of the fluoridationists
False claims refuted
The challenge
Is natural fluoride safe?
Findings linking cancer to
fluoridation create impact in Great
The experiment
The water poisoners of Los Angeles
Should our politicians prescribe
medicine for the public?
Higher cancer rate in fluoridated
24 - Libyan War, Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion
8th Anniversary
By Dr Gideon Polya
21 March, 2011
20 March 2011 marked the 8th anniversary of the illegal, war
criminal invasion of Iraq by the US , UK and Australia . In postinvasion Iraq , violent deaths (1.4 million) and non-violent avoidable
deaths from war-imposed deprivation (1.2 million) have totalled 2.6
million (so far). Yet the West ignores the carnage of the ongoing Iraqi
Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide and marked this dreadful anniversary by
commencing a devastating high technology war on another Arab nation,
Libya . A legitimate fear from the US-backed Palestinian Genocide, the Iraqi
Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide and the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan
Genocide is that this latest US war, the Libyan War, will likewise evolve to
holocaust and genocide dimensions and to a Libyan Holocaust and Libyan
As of 20 March 2011, the 8th anniversary of the illegal US, UK and
Australian invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003, the human cost the Iraq
War since 2003 involves 2.6 million violent and non-violent avoidable deaths
of Indigenous Iraqis (4.5 million since 1990;
see: ). In comparison, post-2003 US Alliance deaths in the Iraq War total
4,758 (see: ).
According to the 2006 Revision UN Population Division data, medical
literature data, and other authoritative sources, the Iraqi Holocaust has been
associated with 1.2 million post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths; 1.4
million violent post-invasion deaths; and 0.8 million post-invasion under-5
infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to gross US Coalition violation of the
Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilian Persons in Time of War which demands that an Occupier supplies
food and medical requisites to “the fullest extent of the means available to
it.” In addition, avoidable deaths under Sanctions (1990-2003) totalled 1.7
million, violent deaths in the Gulf War totalled 0.2 million and under-5 infant
deaths under Sanctions totalled 1.2 million. Iraqi refugees (both inside and
outside Iraq ) totalled 5-6 million.
The ongoing Iraqi Holocaust (1990-2011) involves 1.6 million violent deaths,
2.9 million non-violent excess deaths, 4.5 million violent and non-violent
excess deaths, 2.0 million under-5 infant deaths, 1.8 million avoidable
under-5 year old infant deaths and 5-6 million refugees – an Iraqi Holocasut
and an Iraqi Genocide according to the UN Genocide Convention definition of
“acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnic, racial or religious group”
(see: ). The Iraqi Genocide - still continuing under Nobel Peace Laureate
and warmonger Obama - is of a similar magnitude to the WW2 Jewish
Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) (see: Gilbert, M.
(1969), “Jewish History Atlas” (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London) and Gilbert,
M. (1982), “Atlas of the Holocaust” (Michael Joseph, London)).
The US Coalition invasion of Iraq was illegal and a war crime. Thus UK
Deputy PM Nick Clegg told the House of Commons in 2010 that the invasion
of Iraq was illegal: “I am happy to account for everything that we are doing
in this coalition government, a coalition government which has brought
together two parties working in the national interest to sort out the mess
that he left behind. Maybe one day, and perhaps we'll have to wait for his
(Jack Straw's) memoirs, he could account for his role in the most disastrous
decision of all, which is the illegal invasion of Iraq .” (see “Clegg says
invasion of Iraq was “illegal””, Reuters, 21 JHlu
2010: .”
And in Australia , the former President of the ultra-conservative Liberal
Party. John Valder, slammed his party colleague Liberal PM John Howard as
a war criminal over the Iraq Invasion: “Bush, Blair, and Howard, as leaders
of the three members of the coalition of the willing, inflicted enormous
suffering on the people of Iraq . And, as such, they are criminals. I believe
the only deterrent to a repetition of the Iraq situation is punishment in some
form as war criminals” (see “Howard is a war criminal says former
colleague”, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 July
2004: ).
The war criminality of the Iraq invasion and occupation extends beyond the
initial criminal invasion and the estimated 1.4 million Iraqi deaths due to the
US invasion ( Just Foreign
Policy: ). Thus Iraqi avoidable
deaths from war-imposed deprivation (1.7 million, 1990-2003, 1.2 million,
2003-2011) also constitute evidence of a huge US Coalition war crime
through imposition of sustained, deadly deprivation on a civilian population.
It is worth repeating that of the 5-6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis in
WW2 about 1 in 6 died from deprivation.
Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilian Persons in Time of War make clear the responsibility of an Occupier
to provide life-sustaining food and medicine to its Conquered Subjects “to
the fullest extent of the means available to it”. These Articles are set out
Article 55. To the fullest extent of the means available to it the Occupying
Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the
population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical
stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are
The Occupying Power may not requisition foodstuffs, articles or medical
supplies available in the occupied territory, except for use by the occupation
forces and administration personnel, and then only if the requirements of the
civilian population have been taken into account. Subject to the provisions of
other international Conventions, the Occupying Power shall make
arrangements to ensure that fair value is paid for any requisitioned goods.
The Protecting Power shall, at any time, be at liberty to verify the state of
the food and medical supplies in occupied territories, except where
temporary restrictions are made necessary by imperative military
Article 56. To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying
Power has the duty of ensuring and maintaining, with the cooperation of
national and local authorities, the medical and hospital establishments and
services, public health and hygiene in the occupied territory, with particular
reference to the adoption and application of the prophylactic and preventive
measures necessary to combat the spread of contagious diseases and
epidemics. Medical personnel of all categories shall be allowed to carry out
their duties.
If new hospitals are set up in occupied territory and if the competent organs
of the occupied State are not operating there, the occupying authorities
shall, if necessary, grant them the recognition provided for in Article 18. In
similar circumstances, the occupying authorities shall also grant recognition
to hospital personnel and transport vehicles under the provisions of Articles
20 and 21.
In adopting measures of health and hygiene and in their implementation, the
Occupying Power shall take into consideration the moral and ethical
susceptibilities of the population of the occupied territory.
Yet the US Alliance has grossly violated these Geneva Convention demands
in both Occupied Iraq (1990-2011 non-violent avoidable deaths from
deprivation total 4.5 million) and in Occupied Afghanistan (2001-2011 nonviolent avoidable deaths from deprivation total 4.5 million). WHO
(see: ) informs that the annual per capita
total medical expenditure in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan is
US$124 and US$29, respectively, as compared to US$6,714 for the Occupier
the United States. Yet under-5 year old infant deaths total 2.0 million in Iraq
(1990-2011) and 2.6 million in Afghanistan (2001-2011).
The victims of cowardly Western high technology wars are mostly women
and children dying from war-imposed deprivation. Thus in post-1950 US
Asian wars violent deaths and non-violent deaths from war-imposed
deprivation total about 23 million, the breakdown being 1 million Korea, 13
million (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) , 4.5 million (Iraq) and 4.9 million
Now the West has marked the 8th anniversary of the war criminal invasion
of Iraq by commencing to bomb Libya back to the Stone Age. The ostensible
reason is to “protect civilians” and to support the legitimate desire of many
Libyans for democracy but the horrible reality is that Libyan civilians need
protection from the genocidal French-UK-US (FUKUS) Coalition. The
examples of Iraq and Afghanistan give an indication of the horrendous
avoidable mortality that may come in a FUKUS-devastated bombed Libya
and the sham of Western-imposed democracy.
Thus “American-installed democracy” in Afghanistan has meant a US Puppet
Afghan President who was the only candidate in the recent presidential
elections held under Occupier guns and the dominant but banned Taliban
could field no candidates. In Occupied Iraq, as in Occupied Afghanistan,
“American-installed democracy” has meant elections held after a major party
the US did not like (the Ba'ath Party) was banned and its members were
variously imprisoned, tortured and killed on a huge scale.
Thus annual under-5 infant deaths currently total 3,000 in Libya (population
6.4 million) but are expected to soar if the France-UK-US (FUKUS) Coalition,
already bombing urban areas and killing Libyans, succeeds in doing to Libya
what the genocidal, Zionist-backed US Alliance has achieved in Occupied
Iraq (41,000 under-5 deaths yearly, population 30.7 million) or in Occupied
Afghanistan (237,000 under-5 infant deaths yearly, population 28.2 million)
(latest UNICEF data: ).
Libya's very low current pre-invasion infant mortality (2010) is about 16.9
deaths per 1000 live births (cf 5.7 in the US) as compared to 185 (1950,
under British occupation) and 115 (in 1969 when Gaddafi took over from the
UK-backed dictator King Idris). However, food, shelter, medicine and
medical services cost money and with the oil-based Libyan economy already
largely stopped by the already civilian-targetting, war criminal FUKUS
Coalition, the Libyan infant mortality is expected to eventually soar to that in
Occupied Iraq (32 deaths per 1,000 live births) or Occupied Afghanistan
(152) (latest UN Population Division
data: ; the Iraq and Afghanistan
data are probably under-estimates from the respective Puppet Quisling
The devastation of Iraq by the US Coalition under Sanctions and US, UK and
Israeli no-fly zone bombing (1.7 million Iraqi avoidable deaths from
deprivation, 1990-2003) and under Occupation (1.2 million Iraqi avoidable
deaths from deprivation, 2003-2011) was enabled by Mainstream media
non-reportage and warmongering in the Western Murdochracies. Peace is
the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. On this 8th
anniversary of the illegal Anglo-American invasion of Iraq , decent people
must (a) tell everyone they can about the horrendous human cost, and (b)
insist that the war criminals be held accountable through sanctions,
boycotts and criminal prosecutions.
All decent folk will have great sympathy for the desire of the Libyan people
and indeed of all people and all Arab people for human rights and genuine
democracy but they must oppose the cowardly, turkey-shoot destruction of
Libya by the genocidal, war criminal US Alliance. One hopes that the
Libyans themselves will find a solution through dialogue before too much
damage has been done in terms of Libyan lives, infrastructure and the
economy on which life depends.
Dr Gideon Polya currently teaches science students at a major Australian
university. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career,
most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of
Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York &
London , 2003). He has recently published “Body Count. Global avoidable
mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne,
2007: ); see also his contributions
“Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries &
Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney,
2007): )
and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited
by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London,
2010: ). He has just published a revised and updated 2008
version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”
(see: ) as biofuel-, globalization- and
climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine
catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7
million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent
BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor
Amartya Sen and others:
bengalfamine_programme.html ). When words fail one can say it in pictures
- for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother
and Child
see: and .
25 - Matt Taibbi : The Secret to Mitt Romney’s Fortune?
Greed, Debt and Forcing Others to Foot the Bill
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, We are
broadcasting from PBS station WEDU in Tampa, Florida. This is "Breaking
With Convention: War, Peace and the Presidency," Democracy Now!'s special
coverage from the Republican National Convention, inside and out. I'm Amy
We continue our coverage now by turning to an issue that’s been raised
repeatedly during the campaign: the personal wealth of Republican
presidential nominee Mitt Romney. A new article by reporter Matt Taibbi
in Rolling Stone sheds light on the origin of his fortune, revealing how
Romney’s former firm, Bain Capital, used private equity to raise money to
conduct corporate raids. Matt Taibbi writes, quote, "what most voters don’t
know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast
sums of money that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain,
stark reality that has somehow eluded America’s top political journalists for
two consecutive presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest
and most irresponsible debt creators of all time," Taibbi writes. He goes on
to say, "In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto
more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other
people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on [planet]
Well, Matt Taibbi joins us now, contributing editor for Rolling
Stone magazine. His most recent in-depth piece called "Greed and Debt: The
True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital," author of the book
also, Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious
Power Grab in American History.
Matt Taibbi, welcome to Democracy Now!
MATT TAIBBI: Good morning.
AMY GOODMAN: Lay it out for us. Excellent piece, investigative piece, on
Mitt Romney’s wealth. Where did it start?
MATT TAIBBI: Well, you know, for me, it started when I had to cover this
campaign earlier this year, and I was listening to Romney’s stump speech
about debt. You know, he came up with this whole image of a prairie fire of
debt raging across America that was literally going to burn children alive in
the future. And I kept thinking to myself, does nobody know what this guy
did for a living and how he made his money? You know, Mitt Romney is
unabashedly a leverage buyout artist. And a leverage buyout artist is a guy
who borrows lots of money that other companies have to pay back. And
that’s the simple formula.
He started out—his most famous deals, of course, are essentially venture
capital deals like the Staples situation, where he built a company from the
ground up. But after Staples, he switched to a different model, that he
preferred for the rest of his professional career, in which he took over
existing companies by putting down small amounts of his own cash,
borrowing the rest from—typically from a giant investment bank, taking over
controlling stakes in companies, and then forcing those companies to pay
him either through management fees or through dividends. And that’s his
business formula.
AMY GOODMAN: Explain what private equity is.
MATT TAIBBI: Well, that is what a private equity fund does. They’re
essentially—it’s a synonym for what in the '80s we called the leverage
buyout business. It's a small group that raises capital and then goes and
leverages takeovers of companies using borrowed money. In the '80s,
these—this sort of business was glamorized through a couple of things, in
particular, in pop culture. One was the movie Wall Street, where Gordon
Gekko, the famous Michael Douglas character from the Oliver Stone movie,
was essentially a private equity guy. He was a leverage buyout takeover
artist. And the other one was a book called Barbarians at the Gate, which
was a true story of the takeover of RJR Nabisco by a company called KKR,
which was another Bain Capital-like takeover company. And that's what they
are. They’re essentially guys who borrow money to take over companies and
extract wealth from those companies to pay off their investors.
AMY GOODMAN: Matt, you say that Mitt Romney is not the flip-flopper that
critics say he is.
MATT TAIBBI: Yeah. I mean, this is a sort of a subtle point about Mitt
Romney. It’s funny. I don’t want to stretch this comparison too much, but,
you know, there’s—it’s almost like he has a kind of a religious conviction
about being able to lie to people outside of the tent, so to speak. You know,
there’s that tenet of some forms of extreme Muslim religions where it’s OK
to lie to the infidel. And I think Mitt Romney has a little bit of that. He seems
to believe that it’s OK, that there’s nothing particularly wrong with changing
one’s mind about things, and he does it repeatedly in a way that I think is
different from other politicians. For him, it’s just changing a business
strategy, and he doesn’t see why everybody should get so upset about it.
AMY GOODMAN: You say that Mitt Romney has a vision, that he’s trying for
something big. Lay out what that vision is.
MATT TAIBBI: Well, Mitt Romney is really the representative of an entire
movement that’s taken over the American business world in the last couple
of decades. You know, America used to be—especially the American
economy was built upon this brick-and-mortar industrial economy, where we
had factories, we built stuff, and we sold it here in America, and we exported
it all over the world. That manufacturing economy was the foundation for
our wealth and power for a couple of centuries. And then, in the '80s, we
started to transform ourselves from a manufacturing economy to a financial
economy. And that process, which, you know, on Wall Street we call
financialization, was really led that—sort of this revolution, where instead of
making products, we made transactions, we made financial products, like
credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. We created money
through financial transactions rather than building products and selling them
around the world. And that revolution was really led by people like Mitt
Romney. And the advantage of financialization, from the point of view of the
very rich and the people who run the American economy, is that it was
extremely efficient at extracting wealth and kicking it upward, whereas the
old manufacturing economy had the sort of negative effect of spreading
around to the entire population. In the financialization revolution, you can
take all of the money, and you don't have to spread it around with anybody.
And Mitt Romney was kind of a symbol of that fundamental shift in our
AMY GOODMAN: Yesterday, Democracy Now!'s Mike Burke caught up with
the Texas governor, Rick Perry, and asked him about his comment about
Mitt Romney, calling him a vulture capitalist. Let's take a listen.
MIKE BURKE: You described Mitt Romney, compared him to a vulture.
What did you mean by that? And you said his work with Bain Capital was
GOV. RICK PERRY: How are you?
MIKE BURKE: Those were your words during the primary season, Governor.
Do you have any comment at all?
AMY GOODMAN: What you were just listening to was the silence of
Governor Perry not responding to Mike’s question. Yes, Governor Perry
called Mitt Romney a "vulture capitalist." Matt Taibbi, what does that mean?
MATT TAIBBI: Well, look, again, this is what—how companies like Bain
made their money. And a great example was a company that I went and
visited—well, the place where it used to exist—KB Toys, which used to be
headquartered out in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. They took over the company
with like $18 million down. They financed the other $302 million. So that’s
borrowed money that subsequently became the debt of KB Toys. This is an
important distinction for people to understand. When they borrowed that
money to take over that company, they didn’t have to pay it back, KB had to
pay it back. Once they took over the company, they induced it to do a $120
million, quote-unquote, "dividend recapitalization," which essentially means
that the company had to cash in a bunch of shares and pay Bain and its
investors a huge sum of money. And in order to finance that, they had to
take out over $60 million in bank loans. So, essentially, you take over the
company, you force them to make enormous withdrawals against their credit
card, essentially, and pay the new owners of the company. And that’s
essentially what they did. They took over a floundering company that was
sort of in between and faced with threatening changes in the industry, and
they forced them to cash out entirely and pay all their money to the new
AMY GOODMAN: You know, just for the record, Governor Perry’s comment
about Mitt Romney was very interesting. He said, "They’re vultures that
sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick, and
then they swoop in, they eat the carcass, they leave with that, and they
leave the skeleton."
MATT TAIBBI: That’s exactly right. That’s exactly what they do. Again, they
borrow money, they take over the company, the company now has this
massive new debt burden. So, if the couple was already in trouble, if it was
already having trouble meeting its bottom line, suddenly, not only does it
have its old problems, now it has, you know, $300 million in new debt
service that it has to pay. So it might be, you know, paying millions and
millions of dollars every month.
A great example is Dunkin’ Donuts, whose parent company was taken over a
couple years ago by a combination of Bain Capital and the Carlyle Group.
Dunkin’ was induced to do one of those dividend recapitalizations. They had
to pay half-a-billion dollars to their new masters. And just to pay the debt
service on the loan they took out to make that payment to Bain and Carlyle,
they’re going to have to sell like two-and-a-half million cups of coffee every
month just to pay the debt service. So, that’s extraordinary. They are—
they’re essentially vultures who hang out waiting for companies to get sick,
then they forcibly take them over, and they extract fees, commissions and
dividends, by force, essentially.
AMY GOODMAN: Earlier this week, Democracy Now! spoke to two
workers from what’s now Sensata Technologies, which Bain Capital is
majority owner. A hundred seventy workers there at the Sensata plant in
Freeport, Illinois, are calling on Romney to help save their jobs from being
shipped to China. The plant manufactures sensors and controls that are used
in aircraft and automobiles. This is Tom Gaulrapp, a former—well, he’s a
Sensata worker now, talking about the response that they’ve received.
TOM GAULRAPP: We’re there trying to save our jobs, and we were called
communists. For trying to save our jobs from going to China from the United
States, we were called communists. They—if there hadn’t been a large police
group in there, I’m sure we would have been more threatened. They started
this "U.S.A." chant. It’s like, yes, we’re all for the U.S.A., too. That’s what
we’re trying to do here. We’re trying to keep well-paying manufacturing jobs
from being moved out of this country to China. And they make it sound like
we’re not patriotic. And it boggles the mind as to what they’re thinking.
AMY GOODMAN: That’s Tom Gaulrapp, and he’s describing going to an
Iowa Romney campaign event last week—Romney was maybe seven rows in
front of him—and asking about their jobs, their company owned by Bain,
being sent to China. In fact, some of them went to China, the workers, to
train the workers in China, so that they could take over their jobs. Their last
day will be the Friday before the elections. They’ll be on the unemployment
line to apply for unemployment on Monday. On Tuesday, they vote. Can you
comment on this situation, Matt?
MATT TAIBBI: Yeah, no, it’s absolutely typical of a private equity
transaction. I think one of the glaring misconceptions about this kind of
business that’s persisted throughout Mitt Romney’s campaign for the
presidency is that what these companies do is turn around and fix
companies, that they’re in the business of helping these companies. Romney
constantly uses this term, that he—that, you know, "help." "I’m either
helping this firm, or I’m helping it turn around." He wrote a book
called Turnaround. But they are not in the business of turning companies
around and creating jobs. That is a complete mischaracterization. What
they’re in the business of doing is repaying the investors who lent them the
money to take over those companies. The workers are completely irrelevant
in this scheme.
Romney is—you know, the old-school industrialists, like Mitt Romney’s
father, they were men and women who built communities. They had factory
towns. They were very anxious to leave, you know, hard legacies that people
could see: hospitals, churches, schools—you know, the Hersheys of the
world, the Kelloggs. But these new owners have absolutely no allegiance to
American workers, American places, American communities. Their only
allegiance is to the investors and to themselves. And so, it’s not at all
uncharacteristic to have these situations where people are pleading for their
jobs or they’re saying, you know, "We’ll tighten our belts, if you just make
this concession and keep us." That’s irrelevant to the Mitt Romney-slashBain Capital-slash-Carlyle Groups of the world. They’re entirely about
making profits. And if that means shipping jobs to China or eliminating jobs,
that’s what they’re going to do. And that’s the new generation of corporate
owners in this country.
AMY GOODMAN: Matt, last month, Mitt Romney gave a series of TV
interviews defending his role at Bain Capital. This is Mitt Romney speaking to
CNN’s Jim Acosta.
MITT ROMNEY: There’s nothing wrong with being associated with Bain
Capital, of course. But the truth is that I left any role at Bain Capital in
February of '99. And that's known and said by the people at the firm. It’s
said by the documents, offering documents that the firm made subsequently
about people investing in the firm. And I think anybody who knows that I
was out full time running the Olympics would understand that’s where I was.
I spent three years running the Olympic Games. And after that was over, we
worked out our retirement program, our departure official program for Bain
Capital, and handed over the shares I had. But there’s a difference between
being a shareholder, an owner, if you will, and being a person who’s running
an entity. And I had no role whatsoever in managing Bain Capital after
February of 1999.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Mitt Romney on CNN. Matt Taibbi, he’s referring
to the—that time gap, 1999, when he said he left, to 2000, 2001, 2002. The
significance of this?
MATT TAIBBI: You know, I don’t think it’s terribly important whether he
was actively sitting at the helm during that time or whether he was just
passively accepting the vast amounts of money that were sent his way as
the result of the deals that were concluded at that time. Again, Mitt
Romney—well, I’m sorry, Bain Capital took over KB Toys during that
disputed time period and made an enormous profit. I think their profit was
something like $100 million out of that deal. And Mitt Romney shared in
that, in that largesse, even whether he was, you know, actively strategizing
or not. You know, the groundwork for deals like that had been laid in the
decades before that where he was actively involved in deals like taking over
a company like Ampad, which was a very similar deal to the KB deal. So, it’s
irrelevant to me, and I think it should be irrelevant to everybody, whether
he was actually working there or not. He shared in the profits and clearly
didn’t have a problem with any of those deals.
AMY GOODMAN: Matt Taibbi, you have said that Mitt Romney’s fortune
would not have been possible without the direct assistance of the U.S.
MATT TAIBBI: Yes, there’s a tax deduction for all that borrowed money.
So, when Mitt Romney or Bain Capital, when they want to go take over a
company like KB Toys and they borrow $300 million to do it, and that new
debt becomes the debt of KB Toys, when KB pays the debt service, the
monthly service on that debt, that service is deductible. And if that were not
true, if they did not have that deduction, these deals would not be
economically feasible. They wouldn’t be possible. I spoke to one former
regulator from the SEC, who worked both in the SEC and as an accountant
at a Big Four accounting firm, and he reviewed a number of these deals in
both a public and private capacity. And he said, without that deduction, he’s
never seen a deal that would have been economically—a private equity deal
that would have been economically feasible. So, this entire business model
depends upon a tax break.
AMY GOODMAN: Talk about Romney’s role in Bealls Brothers and Palais
Royal. And how is Michael Milken involved with this?
MATT TAIBBI: Sure. And just generally speaking, these private equity
deals, they’re made possible by these sort of get-rich-quick, easy-money
schemes that started appearing on Wall Street in the '80s. Again, in the old
days, the real power in the American economy was—belonged to the
industrialists, the guys who—men and women who actually made things,
because they had—they were the primary sources of cash and revenue. But
in the ’80s, we started to develop all these new methods of simply creating
money out of thin air. And the first great one in the ’80s was Mike Milken's
junk bonds. And this ability to conjure instant millions gave people, like the
fictional Gordon Gekko, the power to take over, you know, mighty
companies—airlines, you know, industrial companies—whereas 10, 15, 20
years ago, somebody who didn’t have his own fortune would never have
been able to take over those companies.
And that’s what happened with this transaction with Bealls. Romney used
Mike Milken’s junk bonds to take over a couple of department store chains,
which he subsequently merged. And even after finding out that Milken was
under investigation and would shortly have to go to court to defend himself
on fraud charges, Romney pressed ahead with the deal anyway and ended
up making, you know, another tidy profit on that deal.
AMY GOODMAN: Matt, finally, what do you feel reporters here at the
Republican National Convention should be asking Mitt Romney about his
time at Bain?
MATT TAIBBI: Well, I just think that the—
AMY GOODMAN: And what his plans are for the presidency?
MATT TAIBBI: Sure. I just think the one unanswered question that
reporters just don’t ask either of these people is—they’re making their entire
platform about debt. Paul Ryan, his entire political profile is based on this
idea that he’s an enemy of debt and a, you know, budget slasher. And Mitt
Romney has—again, he’s banked his entire campaign rhetoric on the sort of
prairie fire of debt theme. And yet, this is a guy who spent—who made his
fortune creating debt. Somehow, this question has not been asked to him.
How is that not hypocritical? It hasn’t been asked of either of them, and I
would like to see the mainstream press at least ask that question. I think it’s
an ideal debate question that should be asked somewhere down the line.
AMY GOODMAN: Matt Taibbi, I want to thank you very much for being with
us, contributing editor for Rolling Stone magazine. His most recent article
in Rolling Stone is "Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain
Capital." Matt Taibbi is author of the book Griftopia: A Story of Bankers,
Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History. This
is Democracy Now! When we come back, we go to the floor of the
convention. Stay with us.
Greed and Debt : The True Story of Mitt
Romney and Bain Capital
How the GOP presidential candidate and his
private equity firm staged an epic wealth
grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with
the bill
by Matt Taibbi
Mitt Romney illustration
Illustration by Robert Grossman
The great criticism of Mitt Romney, from both sides of the aisle, has always
been that he doesn't stand for anything. He's a flip-flopper, they say, a
lightweight, a cardboard opportunist who'll say anything to get elected.
The critics couldn't be more wrong. Mitt Romney is no tissue-paper man.
He's closer to being a revolutionary, a backward-world version of Che or
Trotsky, with tweezed nostrils instead of a beard, a half-Windsor instead of a
leather jerkin. His legendary flip-flops aren't the lies of a bumbling
opportunist – they're the confident prevarications of a man untroubled by
misleading the nonbeliever in pursuit of a single, all-consuming goal.
Romney has a vision, and he's trying for something big: We've just been too
slow to sort out what it is, just as we've been slow to grasp the roots of the
radical economic changes that have swept the country in the last generation.
The incredible untold story of the 2012 election so far is that Romney's run
has been a shimmering pearl of perfect political hypocrisy, which he's
somehow managed to keep hidden, even with thousands of cameras
following his every move. And the drama of this rhetorical high-wire act was
ratcheted up even further when Romney chose his running mate, Rep. Paul
Ryan of Wisconsin – like himself, a self-righteously anal, thin-lipped, Whitest
Kids U Know penny pincher who'd be honored to tell Oliver Twist there's no
more soup left. By selecting Ryan, Romney, the hard-charging, chameleonic
champion of a disgraced-yet-defiant Wall Street, officially succeeded in
moving the battle lines in the 2012 presidential race.
Like John McCain four years before, Romney desperately needed a vicepresidential pick that would change the game. But where McCain bet on a
combustive mix of clueless novelty and suburban sexual tension named
Sarah Palin, Romney bet on an idea. He said as much when he unveiled his
choice of Ryan, the author of a hair-raising budget-cutting plan best known
for its willingness to slash the sacred cows of Medicare and Medicaid. "Paul
Ryan has become an intellectual leader of the Republican Party," Romney
told frenzied Republican supporters in Norfolk, Virginia, standing before the
reliably jingoistic backdrop of a floating warship. "He understands the fiscal
challenges facing America: our exploding deficits and crushing debt."
Debt, debt, debt. If the Republican Party had a James Carville, this is what
he would have said to win Mitt over, in whatever late-night war room session
led to the Ryan pick: "It's the debt, stupid." This is the way to defeat Barack
Obama: to recast the race as a jeremiad against debt, something just about
everybody who's ever gotten a bill in the mail hates on a primal level.
Last May, in a much-touted speech in Iowa, Romney used language that was
literally inflammatory to describe America's federal borrowing. "A prairie fire
of debt is sweeping across Iowa and our nation," he declared. "Every day we
fail to act, that fire gets closer to the homes and children we love." Our
collective debt is no ordinary problem: According to Mitt, it's going to burn
our children alive.
And this is where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney.
Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success,
the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator
who revived moribund companies as a high-priced consultant for a storied
Wall Street private equity firm. But what most voters don't know is the way
Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money
that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain, stark reality that
has somehow eluded America's top political journalists for two consecutive
presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most
irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact,
Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written
more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a
handful of people on planet Earth.
By making debt the centerpiece of his campaign, Romney was making a
calculated bluff of historic dimensions – placing a massive all-in bet on the
rank incompetence of the American press corps. The result has been a
brilliant comedy: A man makes a $250 million fortune loading up companies
with debt and then extracting million-dollar fees from those same
companies, in exchange for the generous service of telling them who needs
to be fired in order to finance the debt payments he saddled them with in
the first place. That same man then runs for president riding an image of
children roasting on flames of debt, choosing as his running mate perhaps
the only politician in America more pompous and self-righteous on the
subject of the evils of borrowed money than the candidate himself. If
Romney pulls off this whopper, you'll have to tip your hat to him: No one in
history has ever successfully run for president riding this big of a lie. It's
almost enough to make you think he really is qualified for the White House.
The unlikeliness of Romney's gambit isn't simply a reflection of his own
artlessly unapologetic mindset – it stands as an emblem for the resiliency of
the entire sociopathic Wall Street set he represents. Four years ago, the Mitt
Romneys of the world nearly destroyed the global economy with their greed,
shortsightedness and – most notably – wildly irresponsible use of debt in
pursuit of personal profit. The sight was so disgusting that people
everywhere were ready to drop an H-bomb on Lower Manhattan and
bayonet the survivors. But today that same insane greed ethos, that same
belief in the lunatic pursuit of instant borrowed millions – it's dusted itself
off, it's had a shave and a shoeshine, and it's back out there running for
Mitt Romney, it turns out, is the perfect frontman for Wall Street's greed
revolution. He's not a two-bit, shifty-eyed huckster like Lloyd Blankfein. He's
not a sighing, eye-rolling, arrogant jerkwad like Jamie Dimon. But Mitt
believes the same things those guys believe: He's been right with them on
the front lines of the financialization revolution, a decades-long campaign in
which the old, simple, let's-make-stuff-and-sell-it manufacturing economy
was replaced with a new, highly complex, let's-take-stuff-and-trash-it
financial economy. Instead of cars and airplanes, we built swaps, CDOs and
other toxic financial products. Instead of building new companies from the
ground up, we took out massive bank loans and used them to acquire
existing firms, liquidating every asset in sight and leaving the target
companies holding the note. The new borrow-and-conquer economy was
morally sanctified by an almost religious faith in the grossly euphemistic
concept of "creative destruction," and amounted to a total abdication of
collective responsibility by America's rich, whose new thing was making
assloads of money in ever-shorter campaigns of economic conquest, sending
the proceeds offshore, and shrugging as the great towns and factories their
parents and grandparents built were shuttered and boarded up, crushed by
a true prairie fire of debt.
Mitt Romney – a man whose own father built cars and nurtured
communities, and was one of the old-school industrial anachronisms pushed
aside by the new generation's wealth grab – has emerged now to sell this
make-nothing, take-everything, screw-everyone ethos to the world. He's
Gordon Gekko, but a new and improved version, with better PR – and a
bigger goal. A takeover artist all his life, Romney is now trying to take over
America itself. And if his own history is any guide, we'll all end up paying for
the acquisition.
Willard "Mitt" Romney's background in many ways suggests a man who was
born to be president – disgustingly rich from birth, raised in prep schools, no
early exposure to minorities outside of maids, a powerful daddy to clean up
his missteps, and timely exemptions from military service. In Romney's bio
there are some eerie early-life similarities to other recent presidential
figures. (Is America really ready for another Republican president who was a
prep-school cheerleader?) And like other great presidential double-talkers
such as Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Romney has shown particular
aptitude in the area of telling multiple factual versions of his own life story.
"I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our
country there," he claimed years after the war. To a different audience, he
said, "I was not planning on signing up for the military. It was not my desire
to go off and serve in Vietnam."
Like John F. Kennedy and George W. Bush, men whose way into power was
smoothed by celebrity fathers but who rebelled against their parental legacy
as mature politicians, Mitt Romney's career has been both a tribute to and a
repudiation of his famous father. George Romney in the 1950s became CEO
of American Motors Corp., made a modest fortune betting on energy
efficiency in an age of gas guzzlers and ended up serving as governor of the
state of Michigan only two generations removed from the Romney clan's
tradition of polygamy. For Mitt, who grew up worshipping his tall, craggily
handsome, politically moderate father, life was less rocky: Cranbrook prep
school in suburban Detroit, followed by Stanford in the Sixties, a missionary
term in which he spent two and a half years trying (as he said) to persuade
the French to "give up your wine," and Harvard Business School in the
Seventies. Then, faced with making a career choice, Mitt chose an odd one:
Already married and a father of two, he left Harvard and eschewed both
politics and the law to enter the at-the-time unsexy world of financial
"When you get out of a place like Harvard, you can do anything – at least in
the old days you could," says a prominent corporate lawyer on Wall Street
who is familiar with Romney's career. "But he comes out, he not only has a
Harvard Business School degree, he's got a national pedigree with his name.
He could have done anything – but what does he do? He says, 'I'm going to
spend my life loading up distressed companies with debt.' "
Romney started off at the Boston Consulting Group, where he showed an
aptitude for crunching numbers and glad-handing clients. Then, in 1977, he
joined a young entrepreneur named Bill Bain at a firm called Bain &
Company, where he worked for six years before being handed the reins of a
new firm-within-a-firm called Bain Capital.
In Romney's version of the tale, Bain Capital – which evolved into what is
today known as a private equity firm – specialized in turning around
moribund companies (Romney even wrote a book called Turnaround that
complements his other nauseatingly self-complimentary book, No Apology)
and helped create the Staples office-supply chain. On the campaign trail,
Romney relentlessly trades on his own self-perpetuated reputation as a kind
of altruistic rescuer of failing enterprises, never missing an opportunity to
use the word "help" or "helped" in his description of what he and Bain did for
companies. He might, for instance, describe himself as having been "deeply
involved in helping other businesses" or say he "helped create tens of
thousands of jobs."
The reality is that toward the middle of his career at Bain, Romney made a
fateful strategic decision: He moved away from creating companies like
Staples through venture capital schemes, and toward a business model that
involved borrowing huge sums of money to take over existing firms, then
extracting value from them by force. He decided, as he later put it, that
"there's a lot greater risk in a startup than there is in acquiring an existing
company." In the Eighties, when Romney made this move, this form of
financial piracy became known as a leveraged buyout, and it achieved iconic
status thanks to Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. Gekko's business strategy was
essentially identical to the Romney–Bain model, only Gekko called himself a
"liberator" of companies instead of a "helper."
Here's how Romney would go about "liberating" a company: A private equity
firm like Bain typically seeks out floundering businesses with good cash
flows. It then puts down a relatively small amount of its own money and
runs to a big bank like Goldman Sachs or Citigroup for the rest of the
financing. (Most leveraged buyouts are financed with 60 to 90 percent
borrowed cash.) The takeover firm then uses that borrowed money to buy a
controlling stake in the target company, either with or without its consent.
When an LBO is done without the consent of the target, it's called a hostile
takeover; such thrilling acts of corporate piracy were made legend in the
Eighties, most notably the 1988 attack by notorious corporate raiders
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts against RJR Nabisco, a deal memorialized in the
book Barbarians at the Gate.
Romney and Bain avoided the hostile approach, preferring to secure the
cooperation of their takeover targets by buying off a company's
management with lucrative bonuses. Once management is on board, the
rest is just math. So if the target company is worth $500 million, Bain might
put down $20 million of its own cash, then borrow $350 million from an
investment bank to take over a controlling stake.
But here's the catch. When Bain borrows all of that money from the bank,
it's the target company that ends up on the hook for all of the debt.
Now your troubled firm – let's say you make tricycles in Alabama – has been
taken over by a bunch of slick Wall Street dudes who kicked in as little as
five percent as a down payment. So in addition to whatever problems you
had before, Tricycle Inc. now owes Goldman or Citigroup $350 million. With
all that new debt service to pay, the company's bottom line is suddenly
untenable: You almost have to start firing people immediately just to get
your costs down to a manageable level.
"That interest," says Lynn Turner, former chief accountant of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, "just sucks the profit out of the company."
Fortunately, the geniuses at Bain who now run the place are there to help
tell you whom to fire. And for the service it performs cutting your company's
costs to help you pay off the massive debt that it, Bain, saddled your
company with in the first place, Bain naturally charges a management fee,
typically millions of dollars a year. So Tricycle Inc. now has two gigantic new
burdens it never had before Bain Capital stepped into the picture: tens of
millions in annual debt service, and millions more in "management fees."
Since the initial acquisition of Tricycle Inc. was probably greased by
promising the company's upper management lucrative bonuses, all that pain
inevitably comes out of just one place: the benefits and payroll of the hourly
Once all that debt is added, one of two things can happen. The company can
fire workers and slash benefits to pay off all its new obligations to Goldman
Sachs and Bain, leaving it ripe to be resold by Bain at a huge profit. Or it can
go bankrupt – this happens after about seven percent of all private equity
buyouts – leaving behind one or more shuttered factory towns. Either way,
Bain wins. By power-sucking cash value from even the most rapidly dying
firms, private equity raiders like Bain almost always get their cash out before
a target goes belly up.
This business model wasn't really "helping," of course – and it wasn't new.
Fans of mob movies will recognize what's known as the "bust-out," in which
a gangster takes over a restaurant or sporting goods store and then
monetizes his investment by running up giant debts on the company's credit
line. (Think Paulie buying all those cases of Cutty Sark in Goodfellas.) When
the note comes due, the mobster simply torches the restaurant and collects
the insurance money. Reduced to their most basic level, the leveraged
buyouts engineered by Romney followed exactly the same business model.
"It's the bust-out," one Wall Street trader says with a laugh. "That's all it is."
Private equity firms aren't necessarily evil by definition. There are many
stories of successful turnarounds fueled by private equity, often involving
multiple floundering businesses that are rolled into a single entity,
eliminating duplicative overhead. Experian, the giant credit-rating tyrant,
was acquired by Bain in the Nineties and went on to become an industry
But there's a key difference between private equity firms and the businesses
that were America's original industrial cornerstones, like the elder Romney's
AMC. Everyone had a stake in the success of those old businesses, which
spread prosperity by putting people to work. But even private equity's most
enthusiastic adherents have difficulty explaining its benefit to society. Marc
Wolpow, a former Bain colleague of Romney's, told reporters during Mitt's
first Senate run that Romney erred in trying to sell his business as good for
everyone. "I believed he was making a mistake by framing himself as a job
creator," said Wolpow. "That was not his or Bain's or the industry's primary
objective. The objective of the LBO business is maximizing returns for
investors." When it comes to private equity, American workers – not to
mention their families and communities – simply don't enter into the
Take a typical Bain transaction involving an Indiana-based company called
American Pad and Paper. Bain bought Ampad in 1992 for just $5 million,
financing the rest of the deal with borrowed cash. Within three years, Ampad
was paying $60 million in annual debt payments, plus an additional $7
million in management fees. A year later, Bain led Ampad to go public,
cashed out about $50 million in stock for itself and its investors, charged the
firm $2 million for arranging the IPO and pocketed another $5 million in
"management" fees. Ampad wound up going bankrupt, and hundreds of
workers lost their jobs, but Bain and Romney weren't crying: They'd made
more than $100 million on a $5 million investment.
To recap: Romney, who has compared the devilish federal debt to a
"nightmare" home mortgage that is "adjustable, no-money down and
assigned to our children," took over Ampad with essentially no money down,
saddled the firm with a nightmare debt and assigned the crushing interest
payments not to Bain but to the children of Ampad's workers, who would be
left holding the note long after Romney fled the scene. The mortgage
analogy is so obvious, in fact, that even Romney himself has made it. He
once described Bain's debt-fueled strategy as "using the equivalent of a
mortgage to leverage up our investment."
Romney has always kept his distance from the real-life consequences of his
profiteering. At one point during Bain's looting of Ampad, a worker named
Randy Johnson sent a handwritten letter to Romney, asking him to intervene
to save an Ampad factory in Marion, Indiana. In a sterling demonstration of
manliness and willingness to face a difficult conversation, Romney, who had
just lost his race for the Senate in Massachusetts, wrote Johnson that he
was "sorry," but his lawyers had advised him not to get involved. (So much
for the candidate who insists that his way is always to "fight to save every
This is typical Romney, who consistently adopts a public posture of having
been above the fray, with no blood on his hands from any of the deals he
personally engineered. "I never actually ran one of our investments," he
says inTurnaround. "That was left to management."
In reality, though, Romney was unquestionably the decider at Bain. "I
insisted on having almost dictatorial powers," he bragged years after the
Ampad deal. Over the years, colleagues would anonymously whisper stories
about Mitt the Boss to the press, describing him as cunning, manipulative
and a little bit nuts, with "an ability to identify people's insecurities and
exploit them for his own benefit." One former Bain employee said that
Romney would screw around with bonuses in small amounts, just to mess
with people: He would give $3 million to one, $3.1 million to another and
$2.9 million to a third, just to keep those below him on edge.
The private equity business in the early Nineties was dominated by a handful
of takeover firms, from the spooky and politically connected Carlyle Group (a
favorite subject of conspiracy-theory lit, with its connections to right-wingers
like Donald Rumsfeld and George H.W. Bush) to the equally spooky
Democrat-leaning assholes at the Blackstone Group. But even among such a
colorful cast of characters, Bain had a reputation on Wall Street for secrecy
and extreme weirdness – "the KGB of consulting." Its employees, known for
their Mormonish uniform of white shirts and red power ties, were dubbed
"Bainies" by other Wall Streeters, a rip on the fanatical "Moonies." The firm
earned the name thanks to its idiotically adolescent Spy Kids culture, in
which these glorified slumlords used code names, didn't carry business cards
and even sang "company songs" to boost morale.
The seemingly religious flavor of Bain's culture smacks of the generally
cultish ethos on Wall Street, in which all sorts of ethically questionable
behaviors are justified as being necessary in service of the church of making
money. Romney belongs to a true-believer subset within that cult, with a
revolutionary's faith in the wisdom of the pure free market, in which
destroying companies and sucking the value out of them for personal gain is
part of the greater good, and governments should "stand aside and allow the
creative destruction inherent in the free economy."
That cultlike zeal helps explains why Romney takes such a curiously
unapologetic approach to his own flip-flopping. His infamous changes of
stance are not little wispy ideological alterations of a few degrees here or
there – they are perfect and absolute mathematical reversals, as in "I
believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country" and "I am
firmly pro-life." Yet unlike other politicians, who at least recognize that
saying completely contradictory things presents a political problem, Romney
seems genuinely puzzled by the public's insistence that he be consistent.
"I'm not going to apologize for having changed my mind," he likes to say.
It's an attitude that recalls the standard defense offered by Wall Street in
the wake of some of its most recent and notorious crimes: Goldman Sachs
excused its lying to clients, for example, by insisting that its customers are
"sophisticated investors" who should expect to be lied to. "Last time I
checked," former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack sneered after the same
scandal, "we were in business to be profitable."
Within the cult of Wall Street that forged Mitt Romney, making money
justifies any behavior, no matter how venal. The look on Romney's face
when he refuses to apologize says it all: Hey, I'm trying to win an election.
We're all grown-ups here. After the Ampad deal, Romney expressed
contempt for critics who lived in "fantasy land." "This is the real world," he
said, "and in the real world there is nothing wrong with companies trying to
compete, trying to stay alive, trying to make money."
In the old days, making money required sharing the wealth: with assemblyline workers, with middle management, with schools and communities, with
investors. Even the Gilded Age robber barons, despite their unapologetic
efforts to keep workers from getting any rights at all, built America in spite
of themselves, erecting railroads and oil wells and telegraph wires. And from
the time the monopolists were reined in with antitrust laws through the days
when men like Mitt Romney's dad exited center stage in our economy, the
American social contract was pretty consistent: The rich got to stay rich,
often filthy rich, but they paid taxes and a living wage and everyone else
rose at least a little bit along with them.
But under Romney's business model, leveraging other people's debt means
you can carve out big profits for yourself and leave everyone else holding
the bag. Despite what Romney claims, the rate of return he provided for
Bain's investors over the years wasn't all that great. Romney biographer
and Wall Street Journal reporter Brett Arends, who analyzed Bain's
performance between 1984 and 1998, concludes that the firm's returns were
likely less than 30 percent per year, which happened to track more or less
with the stock market's average during that time. "That's how much money
you could have made by issuing company bonds and then spending the
money picking stocks out of the paper at random," Arends observes. So for
all the destruction Romney wreaked on Middle America in the name of
"trying to make money," investors could have just plunked their money into
traditional stocks and gotten pretty much the same returns.
The only ones who profited in a big way from all the job-killing debt that
Romney leveraged were Mitt and his buddies at Bain, along with Wall Street
firms like Goldman and Citigroup. Barry Ritholtz, author of Bailout Nation,
says the criticisms of Bain about layoffs and meanness miss a more
important point, which is that the firm's profit-producing record is absurdly
mediocre, especially when set against all the trouble and pain its business
model causes. "Bain's fundamental flaw, at least according to the math,"
Ritholtz writes, "is that they took lots of risk, use immense leverage and
charged enormous fees, for performance that was more or less the same as
[stock] indexing."
'I'm not a Romney guy, because I'm not a Bain guy," says Lenny Patnode, in
an Irish pub in the factory town of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. "But I'm not an
Obama guy, either. Just so you know."
I feel bad even asking Patnode about Romney. Big and burly, with white hair
and the thick forearms of a man who's stocked a shelf or two in his lifetime,
he seems to belong to an era before things like leveraged debt even existed.
For 38 years, Patnode worked for a company called KB Toys in Pittsfield. He
was the longest-serving employee in the company's history, opening some
of the firm's first mall stores, making some of its canniest product buys
("Tamagotchi pets," he says, beaming, "and Tech-Decks, too"), traveling all
over the world to help build an empire that at its peak included 1,300 stores.
"There were times when I worked seven days a week, 16 hours a day," he
says. "I opened three stores in two months once."
Then in 2000, right before Romney gave up his ownership stake in Bain
Capital, the firm targeted KB Toys. The debacle that followed serves as a
prime example of the conflict between the old model of American business,
built from the ground up with sweat and industry know-how, and the new
globalist model, the Romney model, which uses leverage as a weapon of
high-speed conquest.
In a typical private-equity fragging, Bain put up a mere $18 million to
acquire KB Toys and got big banks to finance the remaining $302 million it
needed. Less than a year and a half after the purchase, Bain decided to give
itself a gift known as a "dividend recapitalization." The firm induced KB Toys
to redeem $121 million in stock and take out more than $66 million in bank
loans – $83 million of which went directly into the pockets of Bain's owners
and investors, including Romney. "The dividend recap is like borrowing
someone else's credit card to take out a cash advance, and then leaving
them to pay it off," says Heather Slavkin Corzo, who monitors private equity
takeovers as the senior legal policy adviser for the AFL-CIO.
Bain ended up earning a return of at least 370 percent on the deal, while KB
Toys fell into bankruptcy, saddled with millions in debt. KB's former parent
company, Big Lots, alleged in bankruptcy court that Bain's "unjustified"
return on the dividend recap was actually "900 percent in a mere 16
months." Patnode, by contrast, was fired in December 2008, after almost
four decades on the job. Like other employees, he didn't get a single day's
I ask Slavkin Corzo what Bain's justification was for the giant dividend
recapitalization in the KB Toys acquisition. The question throws her, as
though she's surprised anyone would ask for a reason a company like Bain
would loot a firm like KB Toys. "It wasn't like, 'Yay, we did a good job, we
get a dividend,'" she says with a laugh. "It was like, 'We can do this, so we
will.' "
At the time of the KB Toys deal, Romney was a Bain investor and owner,
making him a mere beneficiary of the raping and pillaging, rather than its
direct organizer. Moreover, KB's demise was hastened by a host of genuine
market forces, including competition from video games and cellphones. But
there's absolutely no way to look at what Bain did at KB and see anything
but a cash grab – one that followed the business model laid out by Romney.
Rather than cutting costs and tightening belts, Bain added $300 million in
debt to the firm's bottom line while taking out more than $120 million in
cash – an outright looting that creditors later described in a lawsuit as
"breaking open the piggy bank." What's more, Bain smoothed the deal in
typical fashion by giving huge bonuses to the company's top managers as
the firm headed toward bankruptcy. CEO Michael Glazer got an incredible
$18.4 million, while CFO Robert Feldman received $4.8 million and senior VP
Thomas Alfonsi took home $3.3 million.
And what did Bain bring to the table in return for its massive, outsize
payout? KB Toys had built a small empire by targeting middle-class buyers
with value-priced products. It succeeded mainly because the firm's leaders
had a great instinct for what they were making and selling. These were
people who had been in the specialty toy business since 1922; collectively,
they had millions of man-hours of knowledge about how the industry works
and how toy customers behave. KB's president in the Eighties, the late Saul
Rubenstein, used to carry around a giant computer printout of the
company's inventory, and would fall asleep reading it on the weekends, the
pages clasped to his chest. "He knew the name and number of all those
toys," his widow, Shirley, says proudly. "He loved toys."
Bain's experience in the toy industry, by contrast, was precisely bupkus.
They didn't know a damn thing about the business they had taken over –
and they never cared to learn. The firm's entire contribution was $18 million
in cash and a huge mound of borrowed money that gave it the power to pull
the levers. "The people who came in after – they were never toy people,"
says Shirley Rubenstein. To make matters worse, former employees say,
Bain deluged them with requests for paperwork and reports, forcing them to
worry more about the whims of their new bosses than the demands of their
customers. "We took our eye off the ball," Patnode says. "And if you take
your eye off the ball, you strike out."
In the end, Bain never bothered to come up with a plan for how KB Toys
could meet the 21st-century challenges of video games and cellphone
gadgets that were the company's ostensible downfall. And that's where
Romney's self-touted reputation as a turnaround specialist is a myth. In the
Bain model, the actual turnaround isn't necessary. It's just a cover story. It's
nice for the private equity firm if it happens, because it makes the acquired
company more attractive for resale or an IPO. But it's mostly irrelevant to
the success of the takeover model, where huge cash returns are extracted
whether the captured firm thrives or not.
"The thing about it is, nobody gets hurt," says Patnode. "Except the people
who worked here."
Romney was a prime mover in the radical social and political transformation
that was cooked up by Wall Street beginning in the 1980s. In fact, you can
trace the whole history of the modern age of financialization just by
following the highly specific corner of the economic universe inhabited by the
leveraged buyout business, where Mitt Romney thrived. If you look at the
number of leveraged buyouts dating back two or three decades, you see a
clear pattern: Takeovers rose sharply with each of Wall Street's great easy-
money schemes, then plummeted just as sharply after each of those scams
crashed and burned, leaving the rest of us with the bill.
In the Eighties, when Romney and Bain were cutting their teeth in the LBO
business, the primary magic trick involved the junk bonds pioneered by
convicted felon Mike Milken, which allowed firms like Bain to find easy
financing for takeovers by using wildly overpriced distressed corporate bonds
as collateral. Junk bonds gave the Gordon Gekkos of the world sudden
primacy over old-school industrial titans like the Fords and the Rockefellers:
For the first time, the ability to make deals became more valuable than the
ability to make stuff, and the ability to instantly engineer billions in illusory
financing trumped the comparatively slow process of making and selling
products for gradual returns.
Romney was right in the middle of this radical change. In fact, according
to The Boston Globe – whose in-depth reporting on Romney and Bain has
spanned three decades – one of Romney's first LBO deals, and one of his
most profitable, involved Mike Milken himself. Bain put down $10 million in
cash, got $300 million in financing from Milken and bought a pair of
department-store chains, Bealls Brothers and Palais Royal. In what should
by now be a familiar outcome, the two chains – which Bain merged into a
single outfit called Stage Stores – filed for bankruptcy protection in 2000
under the weight of more than $444 million in debt. As always, Bain took no
responsibility for the company's demise. (If you search the public record,
you will not find a single instance of Mitt Romney taking responsibility for a
company's failure.) Instead, Bain blamed Stage's collapse on "operating
problems" that took place three years after Bain cashed out, finishing with a
$175 million return on its initial investment of $10 million.
But here's the interesting twist: Romney made the Bealls-Palais deal just as
the federal government was launching charges of massive manipulation and
insider trading against Milken and his firm, Drexel Burnham Lambert. After
what must have been a lengthy and agonizing period of moral soulsearching, however, Romney decided not to kill the deal, despite its shady
financing. "We did not say, 'Oh, my goodness, Drexel has been accused of
something, not been found guilty,' " Romney told reporters years after the
deal. "Should we basically stop the transaction and blow the whole thing
In an even more incredible disregard for basic morality, Romney forged
ahead with the deal even though Milken's case was being heard by a federal
district judge named Milton Pollack, whose wife, Moselle, happened to be the
chairwoman of none other than Palais Royal. In short, one of Romney's first
takeover deals was financed by dirty money – and one of the corporate
chiefs about to receive a big payout from Bain was married to the judge
hearing the case. Although the SEC took no formal action, it issued a sharp
criticism, complaining that Romney was allowing Milken's money to have a
possible influence over "the administration of justice."
After Milken and his junk bond scheme crashed in the late Eighties, Romney
and other takeover artists moved on to Wall Street's next get-rich-quick
scheme: the tech-Internet stock bubble. By 1997 and 1998, there were
nearly $400 billion in leveraged buyouts a year, as easy money once again
gave these financial piracy firms the ammunition they needed to raid
companies like KB Toys. Firms like Bain even have a colorful pirate name for
the pools of takeover money they raise in advance from pension funds,
university endowments and other institutional investors. "They call it dry
powder," says Slavkin Corzo, the union adviser.
After the Internet bubble burst and private equity started cashing in on Wall
Street's mortgage scam, LBO deals ballooned to almost $900 billion in 2006.
Once again, storied companies with long histories and deep regional ties
were descended upon by Bain and other pirates, saddled with hundreds of
millions in debt, forced to pay huge management fees and "dividend
recapitalizations," and ridden into bankruptcy amid waves of layoffs.
Established firms like Del Monte, Hertz and Dollar General were all taken
over in a "prairie fire of debt" – one even more destructive than the
government borrowing that Romney is flogging on the campaign trial. When
Hertz was conquered in 2005 by a trio of private equity firms, including the
Carlyle Group, the interest payments on its debt soared by a monstrous 80
percent, forcing the company to eliminate a third of its 32,000 jobs.
In 2010, a year after the last round of Hertz layoffs, Carlyle teamed up with
Bain to take $500 million out of another takeover target: the parent
company of Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins. Dunkin' had to take out a
$1.25 billion loan to pay a dividend to its new private equity owners. So
think of this the next time you go to Dunkin' Donuts for a cup of coffee: A
small cup of joe costs about $1.69 in most outlets, which means that for
years to come, Dunkin' Donuts will have to sell about 2,011,834 small
coffees every month – about $3.4 million – just to meet the interest
payments on the loan it took out to pay Bain and Carlyle their little one-time
dividend. And that doesn't include the principal on the loan, or the additional
millions in debt that Dunkin' has to pay every year to get out from under the
$2.4 billion in debt it's now saddled with after having the privilege of being
taken over – with borrowed money – by the firm that Romney built.
If you haven't heard much about how takeover deals like Dunkin' and KB
Toys work, that's because Mitt Romney and his private equity brethren don't
want you to. The new owners of American industry are the polar opposites of
the Milton Hersheys and Andrew Carnegies who built this country,
commercial titans who longed to leave visible legacies of their
accomplishments, erecting hospitals and schools and libraries, sometimes
leaving behind thriving towns that bore their names.
The men of the private equity generation want no such thing. "We try to
hide religiously," explained Steven Feinberg, the CEO of a takeover firm
called Cerberus Capital Management that recently drove one of its targets
into bankruptcy after saddling it with $2.3 billion in debt. "If anyone at
Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will
do more than fire that person," Feinberg told shareholders in 2007. "We will
kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it."
Which brings us to another aspect of Romney's business career that has
largely been hidden from voters: His personal fortune would not have been
possible without the direct assistance of the U.S. government. The taxpayerfunded subsidies that Romney has received go well beyond the humdrum,
backdoor, welfare-sucking that all supposedly self-made free marketeers
inevitably indulge in. Not that Romney hasn't done just fine at milking the
government when it suits his purposes, the most obvious instance being the
incredible $1.5 billion in aid he siphoned out of the U.S. Treasury as head of
the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake – a sum greater than all federal
spending for the previous seven U.S. Olympic games combined. Romney,
the supposed fiscal conservative, blew through an average of $625,000 in
taxpayer money per athlete – an astounding increase of 5,582 percent over
the $11,000 average at the 1984 games in Los Angeles. In 1993, right as he
was preparing to run for the Senate, Romney also engineered a government
deal worth at least $10 million for Bain's consulting firm, when it was
teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. (See "The Federal Bailout That Saved
But the way Romney most directly owes his success to the government is
through the structure of the tax code. The entire business of leveraged
buyouts wouldn't be possible without a provision in the federal code that
allows companies like Bain to deduct the interest on the debt they use to
acquire and loot their targets. This is the same universally beloved tax
deduction you can use to write off your mortgage interest payments, so
tampering with it is considered political suicide – it's been called the "third
rail of tax reform." So the Romney who routinely rails against the national
debt as some kind of child-killing "mortgage" is the same man who spent
decades exploiting a tax deduction specifically designed for mortgage
holders in order to bilk every dollar he could out of U.S. businesses before
burning them to the ground.
Because minus that tax break, Romney's debt-based takeovers would have
been unsustainably expensive. Before Lynn Turner became chief accountant
of the SEC, where he reviewed filings on takeover deals, he crunched the
numbers on leveraged buyouts as an accountant at a Big Four auditing firm.
"In the majority of these deals," Turner says, "the tax deduction has a big
enough impact on the bottom line that the takeover wouldn't work without
Thanks to the tax deduction, in other words, the government actually
incentivizes the kind of leverage-based takeovers that Romney built his
fortune on. Romney the businessman built his career on two things that
Romney the candidate decries: massive debt and dumb federal giveaways.
"I don't know what Romney would be doing but for debt and its taxadvantaged position in the tax code," says a prominent Wall Street lawyer,
"but he wouldn't be fabulously wealthy."
Adding to the hypocrisy, the money that Romney personally pocketed on
Bain's takeover deals was usually taxed not as income, but either as capital
gains or as "carried interest," both of which are capped at a maximum rate
of 15 percent. In addition, reporters have uncovered plenty of evidence that
Romney takes full advantage of offshore tax havens: He has an interest in at
least 12 Bain funds, worth a total of $30 million, that are based in the
Cayman Islands; he has reportedly used a squirrelly tax shelter known as a
"blocker corporation" that cheats taxpayers out of some $100 million a year;
and his wife, Ann, had a Swiss bank account worth $3 million. As a private
equity pirate, Romney pays less than half the tax rate of most American
executives – less, even, than teachers, firefighters, cops and nurses. Asked
about the fact that he paid a tax rate of only 13.9 percent on income of
$21.7 million in 2010, Romney responded testily that the massive windfall
he enjoys from exploiting the tax code is "entirely legal and fair."
Essentially, Romney got rich in a business that couldn't exist without a
perverse tax break, and he got to keep double his earnings because of
another loophole – a pair of bureaucratic accidents that have not only
teamed up to threaten us with a Mitt Romney presidency but that make
future Romneys far more likely. "Those two tax rules distort the economics
of private equity investments, making them much more lucrative than they
should be," says Rebecca Wilkins, senior counsel at the Center for Tax
Justice. "So we get more of that activity than the market would support on
its own."
Listen to Mitt Romney speak, and see if you can notice what's missing. This
is a man who grew up in Michigan, went to college in California, walked door
to door through the streets of southern France as a missionary and was a
governor of Massachusetts, the home of perhaps the most instantly
recognizable, heavily accented English this side of Edinburgh. Yet not a trace
of any of these places is detectable in Romney's diction. None of the people
in any of those places bled in and left a mark on the man.
Romney is a man from nowhere. In his post-regional attitude, he shares
something with his campaign opponent, Barack Obama, whose background
is a similarly jumbled pastiche of regionally nonspecific non-identity. But in
the way he bounced around the world as a half-orphaned child, Obama was
more like an involuntary passenger in the demographic revolution reshaping
the planet than one of its leaders.
Romney, on the other hand, is a perfect representative of one side of the
ominous cultural divide that will define the next generation, not just here in
America but all over the world. Forget about the Southern strategy, blue
versus red, swing states and swing voters – all of those political clichés are
quaint relics of a less threatening era that is now part of our past, or soon
will be. The next conflict defining us all is much more unnerving.
That conflict will be between people who live somewhere, and people who
live nowhere. It will be between people who consider themselves citizens of
actual countries, to which they have patriotic allegiance, and people to
whom nations are meaningless, who live in a stateless global archipelago of
privilege – a collection of private schools, tax havens and gated residential
communities with little or no connection to the outside world.
Mitt Romney isn't blue or red. He's an archipelago man. That's a big reason
that voters have been slow to warm up to him. From LBJ to Bill Clinton to
George W. Bush to Sarah Palin, Americans like their politicians to sound like
they're from somewhere, to be human symbols of our love affair with small
towns, the girl next door, the little pink houses of Mellencamp myth. Most of
those mythical American towns grew up around factories – think chocolate
bars from Hershey, baseball bats from Louisville, cereals from Battle Creek.
Deep down, what scares voters in both parties the most is the thought that
these unique and vital places are vanishing or eroding – overrun by
immigrants or the forces of globalism or both, with giant Walmarts
descending like spaceships to replace the corner grocer, the family barber
and the local hardware store, and 1,000 cable channels replacing the school
dance and the gossip at the local diner.
Obama ran on "change" in 2008, but Mitt Romney represents a far more real
and seismic shift in the American landscape. Romney is the frontman and
apostle of an economic revolution, in which transactions are manufactured
instead of products, wealth is generated without accompanying prosperity,
and Cayman Islands partnerships are lovingly erected and nurtured while
American communities fall apart. The entire purpose of the business model
that Romney helped pioneer is to move money into the archipelago from the
places outside it, using massive amounts of taxpayer-subsidized debt to
enrich a handful of billionaires. It's a vision of society that's crazy, vicious
and almost unbelievably selfish, yet it's running for president, and it has a
chance of winning. Perhaps that change is coming whether we like it or not.
Perhaps Mitt Romney is the best man to manage the transition. But it seems
a little early to vote for that kind of wholesale surrender.
This story is from the September 13, 2012 issue of Rolling Stone.
• Taibbi Responds: On Mitt Romeny, Bain Capital and Private Equity
• Mitt Romney's Federal Bailout: The Documents
• Right-Wing Billionaires Behind Mitt Romney
• How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich
26 - The Jewish Media
Kevin Boyle
The new Independent small newspaper "i" today, in its 'Comments From Home And
Abroad' section quoted comments from "The Times" and "The Telegraph" on the
recent 'Rachel Corrie case' in Israel.
Never has it been clearer that the British press, even the so-called 'serious'
British press, is merely a platform for crass and vicious Jewish
The Times article (that you will have to pay to read [please don't bother]) included
the following:
"....the judgement accords with sense and compassion. Corrie lay in the
path of a bulldozer whose cab was several feet above the ground. She
would have been hard for the driver to spot."
A witness to the event disagrees strongly, but who will bother to print his opinion?
An extract from this Telegraph article written by the sneering, truly despicable
Brendan O'Neill went as follows:
".....The transformation of Corrie’s life and death into a
black-and-white morality tale – featuring a well-off white
American who was pure of heart, poor little brown people
who have no hope, and a Zionist entity that is supremely evil
– sums up the boneheadedness of modern-day Palestinian
Actually, a young woman who sacrifices her life trying to protect the defenceless
from the activities of a violent depraved state provides us with an almost definitive
idea of the meaning of the term "pure of heart". We might get an even better idea
of her nature and motivation by watching the 11-year-old Rachel Corrie
speaking here.
So Jewish editor of 'The Independent', Simon Kelner, reprints portions of articles
from other 'broadsheets' that nod respectfully towards the just and reasonable
state that murdered Corrie. Not a hint of feeling for this heroic young woman, nor
for the ongoing suffering of the people she was trying to protect.
Kelner himself writes an article today about the relationship between the Germans
and the Irish, during which he cannot resist alluding to 'The Holocaust', astonished
that it appears not to be the first thought in young Irish minds when the word
'Germany' is mentioned.
It is about time everybody, including Jews, got acquainted with the
truth about the Nazi 'gas chambers', one of the most recent "truths that
dare not speak their name" (along with 9/11, 7/7, but no longer 'The Gulf
of Tonkin' incident now openly admitted to be a lie even within school A
Level history syllabi).
Articles like the above are symptomatic of the monstrous power and sheer malice of
the Jewish-led psychopathic control grid that now oppresses all humanity.
We, OUR government, are sending forces into a foreign country to attack a lawfully
elected government. If 'We' succeed, 'We' will doubtless invade Iran, if successful
there on to Russia, no doubt.
We, our representatives and military, are the terrorists of the
world. NATO/US/UK/Israel/various hoor Muslim states act as one.
We do not want war. The Syrian people, the Iranians, the Chinese and the
Russians......the ordinary Israeli people do not want war. Yet it seems we
will get it.
It seems we can collectively do nothing, so cunningly and effectively are we divided
and ruled.
Creepy international bankers, organised Jewry and organised Freemasonry
constitute the Satanic claw that grips humanity's throat.
Their control is for now, seemingly, almost total.
When the sh*t hits the fan all that will change within a relatively short time frame.
Who knows, maybe it will take the prophesied three years.
We should pray that 'lesser brethren' Jewry, who have been brainwashed into
believing in the violent and irrational 'anti-Semitism' of gentiles (this meme and
these people being the great shield defending the Pharasaical/Satanic/Banking core
power) will recognise the message Christ brought to them 2000 years ago.
The moneychangers must be driven from this society which is our temple. The
Satanic anti-Christ religion of the Pharisees (did they not prove it) must be openly
Jews are NOT the only humans (as the Talmud teaches).
You must join us against your leaders who have wickedly betrayed you, as well
as the rest of humanity, with every imaginable kind of lie and make-believe.
Best you recognise this truth before we gentiles do, for these criminals, your
leaders, are unfortunately our leaders too.
27 - Letter : Agnew Outraged by “Zionist Domination”
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Exclusive to National Vanguard
AN IMPORTANT LETTER from former US Vice President Spiro Agnew (pictured) to
German-American writer and activist Hans Schmidt, written on September 24,
1982, reveals the extent to which Agnew opposed Zionist power.
The letter reads:
Dear Mr. Schmidt: Thank you for sending me your letter of August 26th and the
enclosures. Having been for a long time in the vanguard of those who protest the
domination of this country by Zionists, I am always encouraged to see that others
share my outrage.
Even in the face of these horrible actions by the arrogant state of Israel,
the broad spectrum of American opinion leaders seem to cling to the
fallacy that Jews, because of the so-called Holocaust, can do no wrong. The
70 years of indoctrination that began with the years that immediately
followed the Balfour Declaration have brainwashed the western world, and
Zionist control of our news media has kept the fields green for Israel.
The vituperation of organized Jewry is zealous to say the least. As one who has
endured 10 years of well-organized attacks in the media and in the courts, I can
attest to that. One can assume only that Israel is more important to these people
than their own country.
I also like President Reagan, but he must develop a more positive attitude on this
subject. Reagan must be told that the tail cannot continue to wag the dog. The
American people are prepared to follow a strong leader who will refuse to protect a
welfare state that insults its donor.
Kind regards.
Spiro T. Agnew
After he was forced out of office, Agnew wrote a political thriller with an anti-Zionist
theme, The Canfield Decision.
November 23, 2007
28 - Zionists are working to dominate the
world and enslave humanity
Dear Editor,
Attention: The Pitkin County Library now has a DVD copy of “Judea Declares War on
Germany.” Also, there is a DVD copy of “Understanding Anti-Semitism.”
[ ]
Alan Feldman states in his recent letter (Aspen Times, Nov. 12, “A New Policy At
Grassroots”) that I rejected the board’s offer to produce my own program. That is
false. I have never yet communicated to the board in any form that I rejected their
The board instituted a “new” policy to not air material that is obscene, instigated by
my attempt to air “Judea Declares War On Germany.” The evidence in this film is
presented in a straightforward manner, with no overtones of obscenity or
promotion of hate, as the board would like you to believe.
The board and the vocal majority of citizens who attended the board meeting to
discuss this issue are, in my opinion, either indoctrinated, brainwashed dupes or
complicit in something very dark indeed. They have views of the supposed Jewish
“holocaust” during World War II that they consider undeniable, with no questions or
contrary evidence allowed.
In fact, if this were one of the European countries that has “hate laws” and not the
U.S., presenting a differing view would find one fined and incarcerated. Freedom of
speech is not allowed there and the ADL — Anti Defamation League — has had antifreedom-of-speech laws passed in many countries around the world and is trying to
get similar laws passed in the U.S.
These Zionists are not true Americans. They are working to undermine the
principles upon which this country was founded. In fact, if you do some research,
you will find that international Zionism is working to dominate the world and
enslave humanity. And they are far along in their goals. Just ask and I will provide
you with plenty of evidence.
The reason this film is a threat to them is that it presents evidence that puts the lie
to the accepted version of the “holocaust” that we have all been indoctrinated to
believe and once those lies are disclosed the Zionist plans for world domination will
Steve Campbell
Glenwood Springs
The Real Deal - Friday, August 3, 2012
Ernst Zundel
Persecuted & Imprisoned for Research on WWII
Jew admits 'Holocaust' is a fraud and a PSYOP
July 11, 2012
Earlier today, Carolyn Yeager posted a truly remarkable excerpt of an
article titled, On the Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester by
Klaus Schwensen, published in the recent edition of Inconvenient History,
in which an American Jewish man admits the alleged "Holocaust" of 6 million
Jews in Europe at the hands of Hitler and the NSDAP during WWII is an utter
fraud. Carolyn writes (bold and underline mine):
An astounding admission from a Jewish American psychologist is found in an article
in the current (Summer 2012) issue of Inconvenient History Journal. It's titled "On
The Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester" by Klaus Schwensen.
Schwensen tells of a certain "Warwick Hester" who (in the 1950's) wrote
"critically about the 6-million number and the Jewish death toll in what since
became known as 'the Holocaust.'"
"Warwick Hester" mentions the increase of the Jewish world population by 3
million between 1933 and 1950, which of course is in contradiction to the 6
million murdered by the Nazis. In this connection, he tells the following
"Recently when talking to a North American of Jewish origin whom I esteem
very much I referred to that discrepancy [of Jewish population numbers]. I
asked him whether he himself believed in earnest that the Nazis had killed 6
millions. He said:´Naturally not. For that they had neither the time nor
the means. What they obviously had, was the intention. Here begins
politics [i.e. the psychology of propaganda]. Given the imputed intention,
you can make any number. We thought that 6 millions are not too much to
appear plausible, but sufficient to make mankind shiver for one century. This
chance Hitler has given to us, and we make the most of it, to good
effect, as you see.´ I said he ought to consider that a political lie like this
will, in light of subsequent investigation, disclose itself and turn against
those who invented it. But this Jew, a psychologist, denied that. It [the
propaganda] had penetrated too deep into the subconscious of the
masses, so that it could never be dislodged. Humans in general are
completely uncritical. What is anchored in the subconscious, even an
individual with common sense almost never is able to expunge. As a proof
he cited the fact that already now [1954!], after a relatively short
propagandistic campaign, that item required no further discussion. ´We
have no problem, since we have created a historical fact which from
now on is in the history books of schools, like the date of a battle.´"
Truly amazing stuff here folks, the Big Lie technique of psychological
manipulation and exploitation used by international Jewry to advance
their supremacist agenda of world domination and subjugation admitted by a
Jew himself. I'm reminded of Adolf Hitler's perfect summation of this
thoroughly Jewish tactic, which targets the "uncritical" masses (including
Jews), playing on their psyche and emotions.
But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,
and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the
downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and
energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and
to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By
placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff
they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous
enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to
Justice. All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in
the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses
of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their
emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive
simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small
lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be
ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their
heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that
others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even
though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds,
they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some
other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even
after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world
and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well
how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
From time immemorial; however, the Jews have known better than any
others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very
existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious
community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the
greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all
time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He
(Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do
not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it,
will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
- Adolf Hitler, quote from Mein Kampf (page 184-185)
It was also announced today that 80,000 more "Holocaust" survivors
would receive compensation payments from the German government,
totaling $300 million:
Germany has agreed to provide restitution payments to an additional 80,000 Jews
in what Claims Conference officials are describing as a historic breakthrough.
The agreement, which was reached Monday in negotiations between German
officials and Claims Conference representatives, is likely to result in
additional payments of approximately $300 million. Most of the money will
go to Nazi victims in the former Soviet Union who have never before
qualified for pensions or payments from German restitution money.
“This is the last group of people who have never received any
compensation,” Greg Schneider, the executive vice president of the Claims
Conference, told JTA in a telephone interview from Washington, where the
negotiations took place.
“For people who suffered during the time of the Shoah, recognition from
Germany is vital. To be able to do that at this stage, 60 years after the first
restitution agreement, for 80,000 people, is tremendous,” he said. “For a
survivor now in their old age to finally get acknowledgment from Germany is
critically important.
Words cannot describe how backwards and unjust of a world we are living in
today. Jewish "Holocaust" survivors around the world (wait, I thought the
Germans tried killing all the Jews? Why are there so many survivors?) have
been paid untold millions of dollars by the very people who experienced
an actual holocaust during WWII: the German people. In a just world,
the Jews would be paying reparations to the Gentile world for all the wars,
death, destruction, genocide, and other atrocities and psychological
manipulations they have perpetrated against us. The plutocratic Jewish
capitalists, bankers, war-mongers and profiteers, media moguls, and overall
fraudsters would be arrested immediately, stripped of their assets, and sent
to Guantanamo Bay for interrogation, permanently removed from society,
never to hold a position of influence over the affairs of the non-Jewish world
ever again. One day...
The Persecution of Revisionists: The Holocaust Unveiled
The Facts About the Origin of the Concentration Camps and Their
Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look At World War II
Exploring the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma by Dr. Harrell
The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber' Illusion by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD
Online Book:
David Cole - Incredible Auschwitz Revelations
One Third of the Holocaust
Auschwitz - Myth and Facts
Is the Holocaust a Hoax?
Interview With Professor Robert Faurisson
Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive
Eustace Mullins - The Holocaust Explained
The Holohoax
The Magically Disappearing Mass Graves Mystery
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz
Holland - Popular Jewish Journalist Micha Kat : Puncture the Gas Chamber
Lie First, Then the Rest
Holocaust Survivors Who Tell the Truth on WWII Imprisonment
More on the Holocaust Deception
Holland - Popular Jewish journalist Micha Kat :
Puncture the gas chamber lie first, then the rest
Rumors say that Micha Kat has fled Holland, where so called
'holocaust denial' is a punishable thought crime, and has taken up
residency in Laos
Micha Kat: Our society is in the proces of crashing,
because its foundations have shown themselves to be
completely rotten. One of these rotten foundations is the
history surrounding the 'Holocaust'. If we want to attack
the system as a whole, we can do this best and most
effectively by directing our efforts to this foundation,
which is seen as the most 'holy' and the most
'sacrosanct'. The Holocaust. Source
Micha Kat and the Holocaust Hoax (by
Micha Kat)
Micha Kat - Born 1963
This infamous holocaust lie must be exposed in order to
also smash the other lies; the benevolent European Union, the life threatening
'pandemics', the saving of Greece 'for your own good', and the illusion of
trustworthiness of the government and the main stream media..
My father had a Jewish mother, and my mother a Jewish father. A deadly
cocktail; even if I officially [Halacha - Jewish law]am not Jewish, all my
growing up and education was focussed on our Jewish identity, and
especially on Israel, where my mother has lived for many years, and where
much of her family still lives.
My father -the Jew- was completely passive in 'Jewish matters': his family
was supposedly so traumatized during the war, that they had become
entirely 'geschmeist', a Yiddish expression for Jews who after the war have
renounced all ties with Jewry, and in many cases, but not in my father's
family's case, even denied being Jewish.
My grandmother on my fathers side was a Lorje, descendant of a notable
Amsterdam lineage of stationers [books - office supplies] the compa ny was
lost during the war, because the Nazis 'had robbed it', by imposing a
‘Verwalter’ [overseer].
The Wandering Who? Gilad
Micha Kat is not the only person with
a Jewish background who has
become increasingly critical about
what is going on in connection with
Jewry and its world wide power and
influence. The Israeli born (now
former) Jew Gilad Atzmon's latest
attempt at finding into the core of
the Jewish problem, has resulted in a
remarkable book. Strongly
recommended. Amazon
My mother the Goy- [non-Jew] identified
completely with Israel and spoke/speaks
(my parents are still alive) Ivrit [Hebrew] fluently. She was a Manassen,
descendent of one of the countries most distinguished families, named after
one of the twelve Jewish tribes from The Old Testament.
Her father's family were textile merchants, and owned the country's most
important button factory for fashion in the city of Nijkerk. Although my
parents are both still alive, I have not had the slightest contact with them for
more than ten years.
From the day I was born, they have not accepted me, never have they been
willing to read an article or a book I have written, and they have never
wanted to react to anything I have written or said. I always was 'obstinate'.
I asked questions they did not want to answer, or to which they had no
none, therefore everything I said or wrote as well as everything I did, was
instantly 'infected' within the family, as it is now within the journalistic
'family'. Why can there never be said anything negative about Israel?
Is everything so perfect there? Why do you always treat Jews more
respectfully than non-Jews? How does this connect? Are you racists
yourselves? Why does mom react so hysterically when I put a Palestinian
scarf around my neck? Does she have something to cover up or hide? It got
worse and worse...
The word 'Jew' could hardly be pronounced anymore at our dinner table. But
it wasn't because I had become pro Palestinian or anything like that. I just
wanted answers to many questions. Especially questions about World War II.
But I never got these answers. And even worse; year after year I was
cheated and lied to.
I believe that the core of my journalistic drive and my uncompromising
search for facts and the truth: that which I never got from my parents facts- I fearlessly will continue to pursue the rest of my life, and I will find
This is supposed to be the 'gas chamber' in
Auschwitz, where four million Jews
supposedly were 'gassed' 2).In the video
documentary made by David Cole, it is
demonstrated, that this is a hoax, a
constructed fraud. It is a bomb shelter where
people could hide during the Allied's arial
bomb attacks.
There were all kinds of things being told
about the war, but it happened in the form
Gas Chamber - Air raid shelter
of statements. In our house there was a
woman in hiding; Aunt Sally. Grandpa
Manassen died of lung cancer during the war. Grandpa Kat was taken to the
Amersfoort concentration camp, and walked back all the way on foot after
the war ended.
Grandma Lorje's brother, Uncle Ernie, was taken to a concentration camp
and gassed! Pa Kat as a little Jewish boy, was hidden with Catholics in
Overijssel [eastern province], and was passed off as a 'Catholic Child'.
Incredible stories, all of them. But there was something that was twisted.
There was something that was very twisted indeed.
As a kid I couldn't exactly put my finger at it, but now as an experienced
journalist, I can: each lack of detail, of emotion, of real history, created
great skepticism in me, already as a child. Why could we never see that
farm, where my father supposedly had lived since the beginning of 1944?
What happened to 'Aunt Sally'? Why did Grandpa Kat as a non-Jew suddenly
have to go to Amersfoort right before the end of the war?
In which camp was Uncle Ernie gassed?
Most often
from Buchenwald
Get me right please: I don't say that all these stories are
100% lies, but that there was 'something which was
twisted'. Strange. If even things like that are wrapped in
such mystery, how then couldn't it be with the big story;
the Holocaust; the 'planned industrialized extermination' of
European Jewry?
- Balder]
The most often published 'Auschwitz photo'. Evidence for
Holocaust and gas chambers? Just think about the comparable
photo of the 'Serbian concentration camp' Omarska, which was spread by the
NATO propaganda machine, and which is known to be a propaganda hoax.
[images right -->]
As a child I read everything about the war. The five small volumes written
by Lou de Jong on the occasion of a TV series at that point in time, I literally
knew by heart. The books in my parent's library contained numbers from
standard works. But there was also something wrong there. Something
which didn't add up. I already had seen that through as a kid. It was all
about the gas chambers.
Just as with the stories about the war from my parents, there was the same
thing the matter here: the kind of the documentation was simply not
convincing, and at some points there seemed to deliberate hoaxing in play the enormous mountain of spectacles, of shoes, of cans with 'Zyklon B', and
the photos of them, were explicitly presented as evidence for the existence
of the gas chambers!
How many gas chambers were there?
But even more alarming, as a kid I found out that there was never any
clarity as to how many gas chambers there were supposed to have been. Of
course I knew all the names of all the concentration camps by heart, but in
which of them were there gas chambers? Treblinka? Chelmo? Sobibor?
Dachau? Stutthof? Neuengamme? Mauthausen?
Nobody knew. Nobody could tell me. Yes, in Auschwitz: there was the
mother of all gas chambers! There four of the six million were gassed, after
they had been lured into the gas chambers with a story about going to be
disinfected. They were even given a towel and a piece of soap, but in stead
of being disinfected; they were gassed and went into the ovens, four million
people, after they first had handed over their glasses and shoes!
This I was told as a child by people who were supposed to know.
But as a kid I felt; this story sucks. Meanwhile we now know, thanks to
David Cole that there were no gas chambers, even in Auschwitz. The people
who are supposed to know, admit it them selves! Want
more prooof?
(Right) A terrible picture, but evidence for the existence of the
gas chambers? Hundreds of thousands of Jews have perished
in the camps from starvation, exaustion, and medical
experiments because of the Nazis, but gas chambers never
There were bizarre answers to my questions. Such as there
not having been literal gas chambers in Treblinka and
Chelmo, the Jews were gassed in the back of trucks where
the exhaust was fed to the interior, while the Nazis pushed
the accelerator, and then the Jews were gassed!
Bergen Belsen
- Mass grave
May 1, 1945
Ronald Maurice
Naftaniël - CIDI
(Added by Balder)
All that was told to me when I was a child, by people who
were supposed to know. Dachau: supposedly there had
been gas chambers there also, but they had to retract that
right after the war. In how many places had Jews been
The answer never came, not
from Ronnie ‘Auschwitz’ Naftaniel3) and not
from Johannes ‘Dr. Clavan van de Holocaust’ Houwink
Ten Cate, and not from Kustaw Bessems, because the
only real answer is: zero, nada, nul!
Yad Vashem
And then there were these stories of 'soap' made of 'Jewish fat', and 'lamp
shades' made of 'Jew skin', - all of them have been exiled to Realm of the
Naftaniel-fables [local Foxman], by science, but it was just what I was
told by people who should have known!
People: if there are parties which are able to invent such soap and lamp
shades hoaxes, why wouldn't the same parties then have invented all of the
Holocaust Hoax?
Meanwhile it is still not clear here in the year 2011, in which camps there
actually were gas chambers, and in which there weren't.
For my part this says it all. It's a lie all of it. And to complete the argument:
there is no photo of the gas chambers, no evidence in the form of direct
statements; nobody declared: I have opened so and so many cans of
Zyklom B in this place at this time. The whole case sucks!
The Holocaust image in Yad Vashem in Israel, the Holocaust fetishists 'Mecca' and
the core of the lie on which the failed state Israel is built: the 'industrialized
organized murder' and 'six million' Jews, as part of a plan to exterminate all Jews
on earth'.
But now comes the worst, and the most convincing argument for our point
of view.
In 1992 David Cole came with his crushing documentary. In 1994 David
Cole disappeared from the face of the earth, never to suraface again. It was
the day after he had participated in a popular talk show, in which he
managed to present his case in a convincing manner, and in which he called
for a nation wide debate in the US about the character of the alleged
Judicial Terror
Right after that, in 1995, everywhere in the world laws were installed
making denial of the Holocaust a crime, also in Holland, in the so called
'Verbeke-Arrest' from the Supreme Court in the Netherlands. So what
happened was the opposite: in stead of a debate based on new facts about
the Holocaust, some kind of judicial terror was introduced against anyone
who dared to doubt the existing version was introduced!
Here are big interests in play, dear people. Diabolical interests.
The interests of Ronnie, and Kustaw, of the Rothschilds and of Israel, of
murderers and racists who backed up by a completely falsified 'moral claim'
- Holocaust- wishes to subordinate the rest of the world to the tyranny of
those people, who according to their own defamatory pamphlets 'are chosen
by God' to rule over the rest of the world. What is your answer to that?
Must see for all who want to participate in the Holocaust debate: the Jew
David Cole demonstrates in 1992 that there have been no gas
chambers [watch 6 YouTube videos further down this page], and the Jew Yoav
Shamir shows in 2009 how the Holocaust mafia uses lies to its own
advantage and gains.
kenny's sideshow
"The neighborhood crowd that shouts for something better"
29 - The Judaic Mormon
The Salt Lake Assembly Hall cruciform layout is complemented by Stars of
David circumscribed high above each entrance. These symbolize an LDS
perception that they are a re-gathering of Biblical Tribes of Israel.
In order to understand Mitt Romney's love of Israel, money and power, it may help
to look into the historical relationship between Jews and Mormons.
Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection {PDF}
Through his associations with ceremonial magic as a young treasure seer, Smith
contacted symbols and lore taken directly from Kabbalah. In his prophetic
translation of sacred writ, his hermeneutic method was in nature Kabbalistic. With
his initiation into Masonry, he entered a tradition born of the Hermetic-Kabbalistic
tradition. These associations culminated in Nauvoo, the period of his most
important doctrinal and ritual innovations. During these last years, he enjoyed
friendship with a European Jew well-versed in the standard Kabbalistic works and
possibly possessing in Nauvoo an extraordinary collection of Kabbalistic books and
manuscripts. By 1844 Smith not only was cognizant of Kabbalah, but enlisted
theosophic concepts taken directly from its principal text in his most important
doctrinal sermon, the "King Follett Discourse."
Smith's concepts of God's plurality, his vision of God as anthropos, and his
possession by the issue of sacred marriage, all might have been cross-fertilized by
this intercourse with Kabbalistic theosophy--an occult relationship climaxing in
Nauvoo. This is a complex thesis; its understanding requires exploration of an
occult religious tradition spanning more that a millennium of Western history, an
investigation that begins naturally with Kabbalah.
Mormons and Jews {PDF}
Over a century before other churches began to rethink traditional Christian (mis-)
understandings of Jews and Judaism, LDS leaders not only saw Judaism in a
positive light, they even sent a mission to Palestine to bless the land that it might
receive the Jewish people back.
The Book of Mormon {PDF}
Joseph Smith in his Book of Mormon had plenty to say about Jews, not all of it
favorable, but did speak of the restoration of Israel which could explain much of the
Mormon support for the illicit state.
And it came to pass that I, Nephi, spake much unto them concerning these things;
yea, I spake unto them concerning the restoration of the Jews in the latter days.
And I did rehearse unto them the words of Isaiah, who spake concerning the
restoration of the Jews, or of the house of Israel; and after they were restored they
should no more be confounded, neither should they be scattered again.
Zionists and Mormon politicians have a long history of working together and
pushing propaganda and myths.
U.S. voters should recall a time when Mormons saved Jewish lives
The best known and most influential Mormons in the United States during the
1930s and 1940s were Senators William King and Elbert Thomas, both Democrats
from Utah. Both men were fervent Christian Zionists.
Thomas had visited Jerusalem in 1912. According to his diary, he sat on the Mount
of Olives and read from the writings of early Mormon leader Orson Hyde about the
Jews: "Consecrate this land for the gathering together of Judah's scattered
remnants, for the building up of Jerusalem again after it has been trodden down by
the Gentiles so long. Restore the kingdom unto Israel, raise up Jerusalem as its
King, for his part, was one of the founding members of the American Palestine
Committee, an organization set up in the 1930s to rally Christian support for Jewish
Sen. Thomas developed close ties to Benzion Netanyahu, who in those days was
director of the Revisionist Zionists' American division.
Benzion Netanyahu's relationship with one of the most influential Mormons in
America in those days is particularly interesting in view of this week's New York
Times report about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's previously unknown,
longtime personal friendship with Mitt Romney, dating back to their work together
at the Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s.
Highlights in Jewish - LDS History
David Ben Gurion: "You know, there are no people in the world who understand
the Jews like the Mormons."
Ben Gurion was the first president of Israel when it became a nation in 1948.
Strange Mormon cult practices even has a major fraud denouncing them.
Wiesel to Romney: Tell Mormons to stop baptizing dead Jews
Prominent Holocau$t survivor Elie Wiesel has called on Republican presidential
candidate Mitt Romney to “speak to his own church” and ask them to stop
performing posthumous proxy baptisms on Jews.
In the practice, known as "baptism for the dead," living people stand in for the
deceased to offer that person a chance to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints in the afterlife, according to an account in the Tribune. Mormons believe
it is their moral obligation to do the temple rituals, while those on the other side
can choose whether to accept the action or not.
Juvenile Instructor Vol. 27, page 344 Bathsheba W. Smith, born May 3, 1822 , wife
of President George A. Smith in her " Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith",
published in the Juvenile Instructor for June 1,1892 is the following: I heard him
say "Peradventure, the Ten Tribes were not on this globe, but a portion of this earth
cleaved off with them, went flying into space, and when the earth reels to and fro
like a drunken man, and the stars from heaven fall, it would join on again.’"
Journal of Discourses, Volume 7, pages 285-286, by Brigham Young, "It is no more
difficult to transfer the Ten Tribes from this earth to another planet, than it is to
take the city of Enoch from this earth, or bring Adam and Eve from another planet."
Millennial Star, Volume 28, pages 417-419, Orson Pratt, " The prophet Mormon, the
father of Moroni, had been trusted with all sacred records of his forefathers,
engraved on metallic plates. New plates were made by Mormon, on which he wrote,
from the more ancient books, an abridged history of the nation, incorporating
therewith many revelations, prophecies, the Gospel, etc.. These new plates were
given to Moroni on which to finish the history. All of the ancient plates Mormon
deposited in Cumorah, about three hundred and eighty four years after Christ.
When Moroni, about thirty six years after, made the deposit of the book entrusted
to him, he was, without a doubt, inspired to select a department of the hill separate
from the numerous volumes hid up by his father. The particular place on the hill,
where Moroni secreted his book, was revealed by the angel Moroni to the Prophet
Joseph Smith, to whom the volume was delivered in September, A.D. 1827. But the
grand depository of all of the numerous records of the ancient nations of the
western continent was located in another department of the hill, and its contents
under the charge of Holy Angels, until the day should come for them to be
transferred to the sacred temple of Zion."
[The North Pole is] “containing thousands of millions of Israelites.”
- W.W. Phelps, “Letter No. 11,” Latter-day Saints’ Messenger & Advocate,
October 1835, v. 2, no. 1, p. 194
One of the most startling of Joseph Smith's "revelations" concerned the moon and
its inhabitants. He even took the liberty of describing the moon-dwellers and their
dress! He stated: "The inhabitants of the moon are more of a uniform size than the
inhabitants of the earth, being about six feet in height. They dress very much like
the Quaker style and are quite general in style, or the fashion of dress They live to
be very old; coming generally near a thousand years." (From the Journal of Oliver
B. Huntington, a devout Mormon contemporary of Joseph Smith. Copy at Utah
State Historical Society, Vol. 2, pg. 166. Also found in The Henry E. Huntington
Library, Pasadena, California).
Joseph Smith's Receipt of the Plates and the Israelite Feast of Trumpets
Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew (PDF)
Mormons and Freemasonry
Comparisons between Mormons and Jews
Both have been spoken of (seriously and devotedly by members and mockingly by
detractors) as a "chosen people."
That's just a start. There's much more if one cares to delve into it.
Does Mitt Romney actually 'believe' all of this Mormon doctrine? Or even some of it?
He doesn't talk about it and wants us to think he will be a 'secular' president. A
Judaic Mormon president is a scary thought. So is four more years of Obama.
Posted by kenny at 12:27 AM
When a country suffers from an act of terrorism, its leader becomes more popular?
Jens Stoltenberg had a 94% approval rating from Norwegians after the Norway
Attacks of July 2011.
"Outside Norway some thought Mr Stoltenberg deserved the Nobel Peace Prize."
From hero to knave
The police in Northern Ireland (RUC) have been accused of helping to carry out acts
of terrorism
Stoltenberg's popularity has now nosedived.
A government appointed inquiry in Norway has reported:
1. Government buildings in central Oslo were bombed.
A tip-off identified the car licence-plates of 'the bomber'.
'The bomber' was able to drive past two police vehicles on his way to Utoya island
without being stopped.
2. The police got into an overloaded boat that broke down.
The police headed for the wrong island.
It took 35 minutes for the police to cross the 500-metre (1,640 feet) channel
separating Utoya from the mainland.
10 people were murdered by weapons imported by the British government.
3. The Oslo bombing could have been prevented if previously approved security
measures been put in place.
Terrorism carried out by government agents.
In Norway, the spy chief, the police chief and the justice minister have now all
Now, it seems to us that elements of the police may have been involved in helping
to carry out the attacks in Norway.
The Norway Attacks look like an inside-job, involving, among others,
fascist elements within the Norwegian police, military and security
On 1 August 2011, James Petras writes about Norway (Organized Political
According to James Petras:
1. The car bomb was a highly complex weapon.
It required expertise and coordination - the kind available to security services, such
as Mossad, which specialize in car bombs.
Amateurs, like Breivik, usually blow themselves up or lack the skill required to
connect the electronic timing devices or remote detonators.
2. A lone zealot could not do all of the following:
(a) Transport the bomb
(b) Obtain (steal) a vehicle
(c) Place the bomb at the strategic site
(d) Successfully detonate it
(e) Dress up in a special police uniform
With an arsenal of hundreds of rounds of ammunition and drive off in another
vehicle to Utoeya Island
(f) Wait patiently, while armed to the teeth, for a ferry boat
(g) Cross with other passengers in his police uniform
(h) Round up the Labour youth activists and begin the massacre of scores of youths
(i) Finish off the wounded and hunt for those trying to hide or swim away.
3. According to witness testimony on Utoeya Island, shots from two distinct
weapons were heard from different directions during the massacre.
4. Note 'the complicity' of top police officials.
The police took 90 minutes to arrive at Utoeya Island, located less than 20
kilometers from Oslo, 12 minutes by helicopter and 25 to 30 minutes by car and
The police chief, Sveinung Sponheim, made the feeblest excuse, claiming
problems with transport.
A helicopter was available.
It managed to fly to Utoeya and film the slaughter.
Over half of Norwegians own or have access to a boat.
In 2008, the Norwegian Queen (above) honoured the writer Knut Hamsun, a
famous Norwegian fascist.
5. The obvious question arises as to the degree to which 'neo-fascism' has
penetrated the police and security forces.
It looks a though the neo-fascists 'influence' the government.
6. The police did not save a single life.
When they finally arrived, Breivik turned himself over to the police. The police did
not have to hunt or capture the assassin. An almost choreographed scenario.
7. The Norwegian military has no problem sending troops to Afghanistan, half way
around the world and providing Norwegian Air Force jets and pilots to bomb and
terrorize Libya.
And yet they can’t find a helicopter or a row boat to transport their police to stop a
domestic attack.
8. The neo-fascist right want to 'send a message' to the Labour Party:
Either it must accept a full neo-fascist pro-Israeli agenda or expect more
massacres, more elected fascists, more followers of Anders Behring Breivik.
Norway joined NATO in suppressing reports of civilian Afghan deaths
General Harald Sunde was appointed as Norway's Defence Chief in 2009.
Prior to this, Sunde was the commander of the NATO’s Joint Warfare Center in
Norway, and was assigned to Brussels to represent Norway in the NATO’s Military
He was also the commander of army Special Forces, namely “Hærens
Jegerkommando” and “Forsvarets Spesialkommando”, from 1992 to 1996.
General Sunde graduated from the US Army War College in 1999.
31 - Fifteen Day Execution Order
Bolivia Issues Illegitimate Eviction Order Against Roi Tov
On Saturday 25 of
August, 2012, at 11:30PM, I
heard a knock on my door. I
thought it was part of a
dream, but I hadn’t been
dreaming. Half asleep, I
would have continued this
silly line of thought if another
knock hadn’t have disturbed
it. Reluctantly, I ventured
“who’s there?” The wellknown voice of the
receptionist answered:
“Immigration wants to speak
with you.” A few moments
afterwards, I was downstairs
and met an inspector I knew
from one of my previous
visits to Bolivian
Immigration. He greeted me
and asked to see my
documents again; then he
repeated the well-known
ritual. “The document is not
valid anymore,” he said with
great authority. “I know that;
you refuse to give me a new
one,” I countered. He looked
at the policemen
accompanying him,
shrugged, and told me:
“There is nothing we can do
now, please visit me on
Monday.” Having said that,
he gave me a citation (see
picture), after making sure
he got a signed copy of it.
Of course, the citation
didn’t specify the time of the
day I was supposed to reach
their office. An odd
characteristic of Bolivians is
their obliviousness to time; at
best, they’ll say if you are
expected during the morning
or the afternoon. On Monday,
I arrived at 10AM; in local
terms, this is the parallel to
sunrise in the normal world. I
greeted the inspector that
visited the guesthouse, and
even the one that did the
same a few months ago. That
time they had contacted the
Foreign Affairs Ministry,
corroborated that I am a
legitimate refugee in the
country and left me in peace.
Even that was strange, since
they knew me well. The
inspector that conducted the
case in that occasion, now
avoided my eyes, signaling
that this time something else
was about to happen.
The Briefing
The situation is simple.
On August 9, 2005, the
Bolivian Government
awarded me the status of
political refugee under
the 1951 Convention
Relating to the Status of
Refugees and the 1967
Protocol Relating to the
Status of Refugees. This
was formally awarded by
CONARE, the National
Committee for Refugees,
which is coordinated by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
includes representatives of
Immigration. Eventually, my
local documents had been
issued in the past by
Immigration, those harassing
me in the last year for not
having documents. That had
been done at the same office
I was now visiting.
Later, in July 2009, I was
savagely attacked by a
Bolivian-Israeli team, see An
Attack’s Anatomy: On
Israeli Terror in Bolivia.
The local police helped to
wipe out their tracks in the
aftermath. Since then, I
refuse to rent rooms from
Bolivians—who had sold me
out—and stayed in cheap
guesthouses. In all my
encounters with the local
government I always asked
to leave the country under
the resettlement options
enabled by the abovementioned 1967 Protocol. It
was always refused with no
explanations. At a certain
point, my document expired
and I got locked into the
guesthouse. I can’t rent a
room; I can’t switch
establishment. I became a de
facto prisoner of the Bolivian
government, which kept
denying me documents and
was declared Political
Prisoner of Bolivia. Such
document is defined as a
basic right, and cannot be
denied by any government;
Bolivia claims that since I
don’t rent a room, it cannot
award me the document. This
claim contradicts
international law; in the USA,
several types of documents
serve this purpose.
The situation was ridiculous. In a good example of what
the Bolivian culture is, the inspector asked me about what I had
just described as if his institution wasn’t the one issuing the
documents, as if they didn’t have my file, as if we were meeting
for the first time. I complied. Over time I learned the best is to
tire them off with their own clumsy rhetoric. When I was finished
he asked: “Why don’t you issue new Israeli documents?” I
repeated what he already knew: “The Israeli Embassy left Bolivia
after the Black October of 2003. Because they left, I arrived. In
2009, President Evo Morales broke the relationship. I can’t do
that from here; even if I could I wouldn’t venture to enter an
Israeli embassy. I got refuge because of their violencetowards
me.” At this point there was nothing else to say. “Wait here,” he
said to me and entered the inspectors’ room.
The Eviction
An hour later he reappeared. He had spent most of this time
attending papers brought by a busy secretary; everything in the
fishbowl-styled office that he occupied was visible from my seat.
“Please sign here,” he said handing me an eviction order from the
country. “You have 15 days to leave the country, unless you
issue new documents.” “How do I get new documents?,” I asked
the documents-issuing authority. “That is not my problem,” he
I picked up a pen and wrote before signing: “My stay in
Bolivia is permitted under Decision 461/2005 of CONARE.” Then I
signed. I got the idea of asimilar action taken by Mary, Queen
of Scots, when she tried to defend herself from the sharp,
infected teeth of Queen Elizabeth I and Francis Walsingham. The
inspector read that several times, carefully enunciating my
written words; Bolivians always read aloud and slowly. His
attitude changed immediately. “Do you have the printed
decision?” he asked. “You are part of the body that emitted it!” I
wanted to tell the fool. Instead, I handed him the decision.
2009 Attack Police Declaration | Forensic Exam (click to enlarge)
“I am here legally, regardless of the document's validity date,
unless the government revokes its decision,” I said. In an
attempt to soften the effect of my bouncing out of the valley of
the shadow of death, I added “Look, I have nothing against the
Bolivian people or their government. I simply don’t want to be
here. You gave me political refuge and then sold me out. You
destroyed my throat; you can hear my struggled voice. I don’t
want to stay in Bolivia. I don’t trust the Bolivian government and
He listened and said. “Make new documents. You will be able
to move in Bolivia.” He didn’t explain how I could make new
documents. He was the issuing authority and they were
illegitimately refusing to give me documents for over a year.
“I don’t want to stay here. I don’t trust the Bolivian
government. Why are you keeping me as political prisoner?”
“Wait here,” he said and disappeared in the fishbowl. He
returned almost immediately. “You have 15 days left,” he said
menacingly and left.
The Bolivian Gambit
Bolivia action is obvious. When the day comes, they’ll throw
me across the border without documents. Those reading my
descriptions of the continent know that traveling around is
difficult because of the lousy roads and the incredible level of
police roadblocks. They search for drug traffickers; arriving there
without proper documents isa suicide. In my situation it also
invites entrapment activities by anybody capable of offering a
bribe. To put things in proportion, in an attempt to evade fines,
Bolivians often bribe policemen with the equivalent of seventy
cents of an American dollar. It is safe to assume that Israel will
be able to pay the necessary sum for my entrapment even
without the help of the Rothschilds.
At a certain moment, one needs to decide either to cooperate
with evil in exchange for a comfy home, a mortgage and
occasional minor harassments by the government, or to do the
right thing and become a man of God. I took my decision a long
time ago, and now am just watching how the violent end
develops. Bolivia, I am ready. Let my cross be raised!
This article was written with 14 days left. I do not know how
this will develop. Bolivians are notorious for their violence; I may
suffer a fake car accident or something similar. My only promise
is to keep publishing as much as I can for as long as I can.
Articles are available in both website and;
if you find anything you like I recommend you downloading it. If I
don’t survive this, the sites will probably be deactivated. Thank
you for reading me and may God bless you!
Spingola Specials : Roi Tov
The interview can be listened at
Deanna Spingola - RBN - interview with Ken Freeland,
speaking for Roi Tov
and Deanna's schedule is at Spingola Specials
On Bad Faith and Cold Hearts—I’m being tortured by the Bolivian
I've been declared a Political Prisoner in
Bolivia. I’m held in Bolivia illegitimately, violently
and against my will. I am violated daily; please make
this public in any possible way.
New!The Cross of Bethlehem II: Back in Bethlehem
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32 - Catholic Church Always Crypto Jewish
August 27, 2012
"England before the so-called Reformation period was a superstitious time, with
those who objected to the heathen practices of the Roman Catholic Church
subjected to all manner of persecution."
Edward Hendrie, author of "Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great"
takes issue with Tony Blizzard's view that the Catholic Church was a
bulwark against Talmudist/Cabalists.
"The Roman Catholic Church was established by crypto-Jews as a false "Christian"
front for their Babylonian religion. Both Judaism and Catholicism are based upon
Babylonian mysteries."
by Edward Hendrie
Tony Blizzard's article, Catholic Church Was Bulwark Against
Cabalists, begins with a disputable premise. Blizzard claims that "England which,
before Protestantism, was known as Merrie ol' England and was about the most
contented, happiest land on Earth."
Blizzard's opinion, however, seems to be based to a large extent on mythology. Roy
Judge, an expert on English folklore, has stated that Merrie ol' England is a mythical
world that never actually existed. Not all agree with Judge. Why is there
disagreement? Because, one's view of history is completely based upon the point of
I am sure that the priests, bishops, and cardinals, from their point of view, had
fond memories of their stay at the Vatican in the pre-Reformation period. There
were 6,800 registered prostitutes in Rome in 1490 to service, for the most part, the
clerics of Rome. Keep in mind, that was in a city with a population of only 90,000,
and the figure does not include clandestine prostitutes.
If, however, you looked at the Vatican from the perspective of the prostitutes or
their illegitimate offspring, you would get a less favorable view of the Vatican.
While some illegitimate children actually became future popes, others were not so
lucky. In 655, the Ninth Council of Toledo decreed that the children of priests who
had remained neither celibate nor chaste would become permanent slaves of the
Catholic Church.
In 1548, Pope Paul III issued the address, motu proprio, which stated that anyone
in Rome "may freely and lawfully buy and sell publicly any slaves whatsoever of
either sex." It is, therefore, not surprising to find that during the U.S. Civil War, the
Vatican was the only nation to recognize the sovereignty of the Southern
Confederate States.
I am sure that the former plantation owners in the antebellum southern states
would remember fondly their experience on their plantations. The former slaves,
however, would have a different, less-fond, memory of the plantations.
Getting back to the topic of feudal England, certainly the aristocracy and the Roman
clerics viewed that period as idyllic and may even describe it as "Merrie ol'
What about the Christians who wanted to follow biblical Christianity? Was England
merry for them? The answer is unequivocally no. How could it be merry, when
there was no true freedom of conscience? England before the so-called Reformation
period was a superstitious time, with those who objected to the heathen practices
of the Roman Catholic Church subjected to all manner of persecution.
I would refer readers to Acts and Monuments by John Foxe, which gives an
authoritative account of the oppressive Roman Catholic reign in England before the
Protestant Reformation. The massive work is available online
at . Any disagreement with the Roman Catholic theology
at that time was met with swift and sure punishment.
The persecution of biblical Christians by the Roman Church in "Merrie ol' England"
did not stop at the grave. For example, in 1415 Englishman John Wycliffe (13281384), was deemed a "heretic" 30 years after his death by the Catholic Council of
Constance. Pope Martin V ordered that Wycliffe's body to be exhumed, burned, and
his ashes thrown in a river. It was done as ordered in "Merrie ol' England." The
pope also ordered that Wycliffe's books be burned.
Blizzard states that Talmudists viewed "that Christ-instituted Church" as its only
real enemy. Certainly biblical Christianity is the principal enemy of the Talmudists.
Blizzard, however, presumably intended "that Christ-instituted Church" to be a
description of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Church is anything but a
"Christ-instituted Church." Indeed, let me state bluntly that the Roman Catholic
Church is not a Christian church at all. The Roman Catholic Church has almost no
doctrinal agreement with biblical Christianity.
Talmudic Jews, over the years, have been in conflict with the Roman Church; but
periodic conflict does not change the historical synergy between the two in their
fight against their common enemy: biblical Christianity. The synergy between the
Vatican and Talmudic Jews is in part explained by the fact that the Roman Catholic
Church was established by crypto-Jews as a false "Christian" front for their
Babylonian religion. Both Judaism and Catholicism are based upon Babylonian
From the beginning, the Christian church was in a spiritual struggle against
Judaism. Judaism could not win in a head-to-head spiritual contest against
Christianity. It was necessary for the Jews to throw their efforts behind
undermining the Christian church by injecting it with a Judaic contagion. Their longterm strategy was to change the Christian church from the inside-out, to align more
closely with their Judaic/Babylonian theosophy.
The Judaizing strategy resulted ultimately in the establishment of the Catholic
Church. There is historical evidence for the common Babylonian lineage between
Judaism and Roman Catholicism.
After the fall of Jerusalem, Cabalistic Jews migrated to Alexandria where they
synthesized their Chaldean witchcraft with Neo-Platonic philosophy and cloaked that
religion in Christian terminology.
They then tried to introduce this new heathen gnostic philosophy into the fledgling
Christian Church. The penetration of the true spiritual church of Christ was futile.
What this Jewish gnosticism did accomplish was the creation of a new ersatz
"Christian" church, which grew into what we know today as the Roman Catholic
Church. Those facts have been concealed from the historical accounts of the
Catholic Church.
We can see the Judeo/Babylonian influence in the organization of the Roman
Catholic Church. The Vatican College of Cardinals is the Roman Catholic version of
the Jewish Sanhedrin. The College of Cardinals, like the Sanhedrin, has traditionally
had 71 members. However, that number has been expanded in modern times. The
members of the College of Cardinals are called Cardinals for a reason. Cardinal
means chief, principal, preeminent, or fundamental. The Catholic Cardinals fill the
office of the Jewish "Chief" Priests who, along with the scribes and elders, were
members of the Sanhedrin.
The Sanhedrin selected the High Priest who was the head of the Sanhedrin, just as
the Cardinals select a Pope who is the head of the College of Cardinals. The
seventy-first member of the Sahehdrin is the High Priest. The Catholic corollary to
the High Priest is the Pope, who as head has traditionally been the seventy-first
member of the College of Cardinals.
Another example of the Talmudic influence over the Roman Catholic Church is the
worship of Mary. The Mary of the Catholic Church is not the Mary of the bible. She
is in fact the Jews' queen of heaven. Athol Bloomer reveals that Mary is equivalent
to the Sabbath Queen in Judaism. The Kabbalah also has a warrior queen called
Matronita who commands the hosts of heaven on behalf of Israel against its
Bloomer states that "Matronita is an image of both Mother Church and the Mother
of God." Bloomer equates Matronita with Shekinah and Mary. Daniel Matt in his
book Zohar, The Book of Enlightenment reveals that the Sabbath Queen and
Shekinah are one and the same.
The Catholic goddess Mary is the "queen of heaven" in the Kabbalah, to whom the
Jews have been making cake and drink offerings since the time of Jeremiah. "And
when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings
unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto
her, without our men?" (Jeremiah 44:19)
The Catholic Mary (as distinguished from the biblical Mary) is a heathen goddess,
who in 1950 was "infallibly" declared by Pope Pius XII to have been assumed body
and soul into heaven and crowned "Queen over all things."
The problem with that "infallible" pronouncement of the pope is that it is impossible
for Mary to be "queen over all things." The Bible states unequivocally that Jesus
Christ "is the blessed and only Potentate, the Lord of lords and King of kings." 1
Timothy 6:15. A potentate is a sovereign monarch. Jesus Christ is the "only
Potentate." Only means only! There is not room in heaven for another Potentate.
Mary, therefore, cannot be "queen over all things." Jesus is the "only Potentate"
over all things!
The Catholic Church has a series of ritualistic mysteries that are recited after each
of 15 Catholic "stations of the cross." These "mysteries" are said while counting
beads that are called the rosary. The primary focus of the Catholic Rosary is not
Jesus, it is Mary. Mary's roles in Christ's birth, death, and resurrection are
highlighted, exaggerated, and in some instances fabricated in 12 of the 15
"mysteries." In fact, the formal title of the Rosary is: "The Roses of Prayer for the
Queen of Heaven." One of the "mysteries" recited during the Catholic rosary is
called "the Fifth Glorious Mystery - The Coronation." In that mystery it is claimed by
the Catholic Church that "Mary is the Queen of Heaven."One of the final prayers of
the Rosary is a prayer to the Catholic goddess "Mary" called "Hail Holy Queen."
The Mary of the bible is not a goddess, she was a woman elected by God to be the
mother of Jesus. She died like everyone else and any attempt to communicate with
her through prayer is the sin of necromancy. Deuteronomy 18:10-12. "For there is
one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1
Timothy 2:5).
What does God think of this Catholic goddess, Mary? "Thou shalt worship the Lord
thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (Luke 4:8)
Blizzard claims that the doctrine of the Protestants was corrupted by Talmudists.
There is no doubt that factions within the Protestant Reformation were undermined
by Judaic/Babylonian religious beliefs.
However, Blizzard has it backwards. The Judaic/Babylonian corruption flowed from
Rome. For example, Augustus Toplady (1740-1778), the author of the famous
hymn Rock of Ages, concluded that Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609) was a secret
agent of the Jesuits. Arminius' purpose was to infect the Christian church with
heathen Catholic doctrine. Arminius was not the only Roman Catholic agent of
deception sent to undermine Christian doctrine; there have been many others.
Toplady's conclusion about Arminius was not just based upon circumstantial
inference. The Jesuits themselves have revealed that Arminius was their secret
agent sent to poison the doctrine of the Protestant churches. William Laud (15731645), the Archbishop of Canterbury, was working secretly with the Jesuits to infect
the Church of England (Anglican Church) with Roman Catholic doctrine, including
Arminianism. Laud was executed for treason.
A secret Jesuit correspondence found after Laud's death confirmed Arminianism
was a "soveraigne drugge" designed to undermine the Church of England. The
Jesuit reiterated in the letter for emphasis the importance of Arminianism: "But, to
return unto the maine fabricke:--our foundation is Arminianisme." As we see today
the Jesuits have been largely successful. There are only slight differences today in
the doctrines of the Anglican Church and those of Rome. The Anglican Church
today has completely gone over to Arminianism.
-------For more information on the Judaic/Babylonian foundations of the Roman Catholic
Church, you can read my book, Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE
GREAT. . For information on the corrupt
Arminian gospel being preached in nominal "Christian" Churches today, you can
read my book, The Anti-Gospel. .
Related: News Media Collaborated in 9-11 False Flag
Roman Catholic Church Not Crypto Jewish
August 28, 2012
Merrie ol' England, under the
Catholic Church, was about the most contented, happiest land on
Tony Blizzard demands Edward Henrie explain why Masonic Jews identified
the RC church as the single foremost obstacle to their world domination.
Henry, the following rebuttal is the kind of thing that inflames uninformed people
against all Jews unless it is made clear that all are not a part of the conspiracy.
Plus, it is my experience that non-conspiracy Jews, such as yourself, are more
active in combating these plots than are most non Jews.
by Tony Blizzard
Edward Hendrie's article is so full of misrepresentation of every possible type he
can dream up of the true Catholic Church (pre Vatican 2, which "new order" is itself
actually Protestant), plus absolutely drooling with wishful thinking, one wonders if
he isn't, himself, a Talmudist, or just one of their "useful idiot" defenders.
I've heard these Protestant ravings and imaginings my whole life (I am not a
Catholic) and was up in years before I ever investigated any of them. Not a single
one of these ravings holds up under unbiased investigation. Many words from this
wannabe "expert" which are, in reality, vicious libels against the Church.
Want some real TRUTH on the subject? Try William Cobbett's "A History of the
Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland." Cobbett, a Protestant, wrote his
fully documented history using British official records in the years 1824-1827. He
minces no words about the Protestant wholesale destruction of cathedrals,
churches, monasteries, and the theft of practically all Church property making the
thieves a "new rich" in England whose offspring still mainly rule the isles, at least
moneywise. Not to mention the wanton slaughter of the masses who refused to
give up their ancient religion for the new, state mandated, imitation.
You can back that up with the more modern, "The Stripping of the Altars,
Traditional Religion in England 1400-1500" by Eamon Duffy, whose research
centered at the Cambridge University Library.
It is very telling how some Protestants fume in attempts to disparage Catholicism
but are not bothered at all by the Talmudists who have targeted all non-Jews (plus
some Jews) for enslavement or extinction.
Here are some words out of the mouths or pens of the Talmudists themselves on
the subject taken from speeches at a B'nai B'rith (Jews only masonic lodge)
Convention held in Paris, France in Feb., 1936 as published in "Le Reveil du
Peuple," a Parisian weekly:
"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social
order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the
world shall not come."
"We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we
cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go
before we can overthrow our main opponent; the Catholic Church...."
"We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which
has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The
Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings,
will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too selfrespecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of
"That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic
Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false
liberalism among the nations of the gentiles so as to persuade them away from
their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their
Religion and obeying the commands of their Church. We have brought many of
them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants
of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as
Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose....The
stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing
that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument
against themselves...."
"We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we
have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have
imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to
stand more closely by our side.... So much so, that we are now witnessing, to our
greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries.... We have
turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the
contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be
considered out of date and a mere waste of time...."
"We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit
intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration
of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her."
"We are the Fathers of all Revolutions-even of those which sometimes happen to
turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of
being the creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of
Jewish descent, and was trusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish
finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation."
"Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish
authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with
"Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our
misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready
to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our
snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her
authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught...."
"We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes-although most of
them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are
grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving in our fight against the
stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our
supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles."
"But the Catholic Church is still alive..."
"We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy.
Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a
still more violent way the hatred of world against the Catholic Church."
There is plenty more but this should suffice to show that Hendrie is either an agent
for the Talmudist agenda or simply a biased Protestant without a real clue.
It should also suffice to show anyone the real origins of Vatican II, which converted
most of the Church into just another protesting sect. Protesting against itself.
First Comment from Dan:
I must stress that it's absolutely essential everybody get used to the reality that the
'Roman Catholic Church' of history no longer exists. The Freemasons finally took
the Papacy in 1958. In turn their Pope and bishops called a Second Vatican
Council to proceed to dismantle the religious/spritual aspect of the Old World
The old Roman Catholic Church (pre-1958) and Freemasonry were not Jewish
creations. Freemasonry and Catholicism used to be adversaries - and both
organizations ostracized Jewry from the grand lodges. The B'nai B'rith didn't create
Freemasonry, but was a spin-off of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, under
the direction of Pike.
Read the secret Masonic version of Genesis: In their version, Jehovah was a cruel
God who kept Adam and Eve prisoner. In this version, the serpent is an angel of
light name Samael who impregnates Eve with Cain.
Masonic Bible - It says 'Amen' said at the end of prayer means AMON-RA. That's
a lie. Any religious Jew can tell you 'Amen' translates to ""Ah-mayn" meaning "so
be it" or literally "It is accepted!" in Hebrew. Freemasonry isn't Jewish.
Albert Pike:
'We worship a God but it is the God that one adores without superstition'.
[However,] To you Sovereign Grand Inspectors General [of the 33rd degree] we
say this, that you may [in turn] repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th
degrees: The Masonic Religion should be by all of us initiates in the High Degrees
maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."
[For] if Lucifer were not God, would Adonai [the God of Abraham] whose
deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and
repulsion for science, would Adonai and his Priests calumniate him? Yes
[brethren] Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonai is also God. For the
eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without
ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods!
darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil. As the pedestal is
necessary for the statue and the brake to the locomotive. Thus the doctrine
of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the
belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonai [Allah]. Lucifer, God of Light and Good,
is struggling for humanity against Adonai, the God of Darkness and Evil."
MORALS and DOGMA by Albert Pike was the 'bible' of Freemasonry for over a
Hoffman - Vatican a Cabalist Front Since Renaissance
August 30, 2012
Far from being a break from elite Roman Catholicism since the sixteenth century,
the Judaic policy of the 'Vatican II Church' as it emerged publicly after 400 hundred
years, is the fulfillment and culmination of the centuries-old crypto-Kabbalism and
Talmudism of the Roman Catholic hierarchy
re: Roman Catholic Church Not Crypto Jewish
by Michael Hoffman
With regard to the rivalry of competing elites, it is true that in general, the
Vatican, from the 16th century onward, served Talmudic-Kabbalistic Judaism in a
manner radically different from that of the British Crown.
But to mistake tactical differences and smokescreen rhetoric for a genuine war
between an anti-Judaic Vatican Catholicism and a pro-Judaic British Crown, is an
enormous blunder.
From the Renaissance onward, the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy had been
infiltrated by Talmudic/Kabbalistic forces, even though, on occasion, individual
popes, cardinals, bishops, saints and laymen attempted to reverse the trend,
without success.
One of these, the Dominican Savonarola, was hanged and burned for his trouble.
While it is true that Giordano Bruno was also immolated, Bruno was killed for the
same reasons that the Cryptocracy did away with Mormon founder Joseph Smith,
not because the cartel disagreed with his masonic philosophy, but due to his
overweening ambition, whereby he was becoming a threat to their leadership.
Observe too that Bruno's cult is very strong today, while Savonarola's memory is
shrouded in ignominy.
In October of this year my pamphlet on this and cognate subjects will be
published: Renaissance Roman Catholicism: Three Points of Departure From
Magisterial Dogma. My thesis is that, far from being a break from elite Roman
Catholicism since the sixteenth century, the Judaic policy of the 'Vatican II Church'
as it emerged publicly after 400 hundred years, is the fulfillment and culmination of
the centuries-old crypto-Kabbalism and Talmudism of the Roman Catholic
This is the solution to the riddle of the resistance of the popes from Paul VI onward,
to naive -- though sincere and often heroic -- traditional Catholic calls to the recent
occupants of the papacy, to be 'loyal to the Church of all Time,' and 'repudiate
Vatican II,' and 'return the Church to as she was before the 1960s.'
(Left. Pope John Paul outed himself and his Roman Catholic Church as Zionist
flunkies by sitting on a throne with an inverted satanic cross during his visit to
Israel in 2000.)
The popes of the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries know what these
uninitiated traditionalists do not: the Roman Church before Vatican II had been
serving the kings of Kabbalah since the time of the Florentine Medicis. As startling
as this datum will appear to most, the historical record will show that this was the
case. From this occult root grew the accursed fig tree we see today.
I anticipate the protests of some: 'but I have this church document that excoriates
Masonry;' and 'in such-and-such a city the Talmud was burned by ecclesiastical
order during the Renaissance.'
Yes, indeed, and if these acts were part of a seamless theology and statecraft from
on high, then this would be significant evidence contradicting my thesis. But those
who cite these anti-Judaic tactics without being cognizant of the pro-Judaic strategy
that informed them, are lost in a wilderness of mirrors.
As Lenin stated so succinctly: "Two steps forward, one step back." In order to
preserve the secret of the Renaissance and post-Renaissance Vatican's fundamental
orientation to rabbinic ideology and mystical Kabbalistic gnosis and suzerainty,
sometimes the hierarchy appeared to discipline or repress Judaic elements, to
placate either the Catholic mob or restless intellectuals and holy persons in its own
ranks. I will have much more to say about these chess moves in Renaissance
Roman Catholicism.
A call to a return to the dogma and praxis of the medieval Lateran-era Church
would be truly Catholic and anti-rabbinic, and this should be the banner of the
Anything else plays into the hands of the current Vatican adepts who know better
than the "traditionalists," that revolutionary change commenced in the 1500s, and
that 1960s Catholicism is merely the natural child of an unnatural parent. Until
Catholic "traditionalists" know what these Vatican initiates know, they will be
privately mocked in Rome as gullible and ignorant enthusiasts of something that
hasn't existed for more than 400 years.
Our ignorance only evokes contempt. The conversion of modern Rome requires that
we negotiate from a position of knowledge. To do this we must dispel our illusions
and learn the clandestine history of the serpent that grasped hold of the Catholic
Church and subjected it to revolutionary change, beginning from one of the great
citadels of the Money Power, the moral sewer that was Florence -- the magnificence
of its art works being no kind of absolution -- but rather, a Dorian Gray-like cover
for the filth that flowed above and below, and soon spread throughout the Church
at its most stratospheric levels; as presaged in The Inferno by that other Florentine,
the truly Catholic Dante Alighieri.
Don't be hoodwinked!
(Hoffman is the author of Judaism Discovered (hardcover, 1100 pages), and
Judaism's Strange Gods). His website isrevisionist
33 - Hanna Rosin's Stealth Lesbian Agenda
August 29, 2012
"The hookup culture [casual sex with strangers] that has largely replaced
dating on college campuses has been viewed as socially corrosive and
ultimately toxic to women. Actually, it is an engine of female progress-one being harnessed and driven by women themselves."
This is the argument Hanna Rosin, left, makes in an article "Boys on the
Side" in the current edition of "The Atlantic"
Satanism portrays sickness and evil as healthy and good. This article is an
excellent example of how "progressive" Jews like Hanna Rosin play this
role in Western culture, shredding the heterosexual fabric of society and the
lives of millions of people. This is one reason for anti-Semitism throughout
the ages.
In the article, Rosin argues that the "hook up" culture is actually preferred
by women who are too busy pursuing careers to have long-term
relationships with men. Tellingly, she likens a loving suitor to "an unwanted
To the charge that American women have been reduced to desperate
prostitutes, she replies, "Is that so bad?" These are the same despicable
SHOCK tactics CHANGE AGENT Betty Friedan used when she said
housewives were "concentration camp inmates" or when CHANGE
AGENT Helen Gurley Brown said they were "parasites."
Does Rosin imagine that career-driven switch-hitters, coarsened by
promiscuity and porn, can morph into loyal and loving wives and mothers?
Of course not. Ultimately, she is a CHANGE AGENT and the change is
"Hooking up" (i.e. anonymous sex) is characteristic of homosexuals, most of
whom are not concerned with courtship and marriage.
That this sexual subversion gets marquee billing reflects the occult
war Illuminati Jews and Masons wage on society every day. The
true occult nature of revolution (i,e, Communism) is to overturn the
natural and spiritual order and replace God with Lucifer.
Fortunately, there is another kind of Jew, like writer Janet Reitman, left,
who portrayed "hook up" culture in its true light in an 2006 Rolling
Stone article which I reprise below.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
(Originally, "Feminism Killed Courtship on Campus" - Updated from
Sept 9, 2006)
Thanks to Feminism, co-eds today do not endure the daily humiliation of
courtship. They don't worry about young men proffering flowers or asking
them out for dinners, dances or movies.
The dreary days of dating when young men sought them as friends, and
potential future wives and mothers are gone.
Today, thanks to the humanizing influence of Feminism, young women can
anesthetize themselves with alcohol and immediately give their bodies to
complete strangers! They can behave like prostitutes or porn stars and
engage in degrading sex acts without concern for repressive "patriarchal"
This is the picture of college sexual mores in an article "Sex and Scandal at
Duke [University]" by Janet Reitman in the current issue of Rolling
Stone magazine. It typifies the scene at most universities.
"Whatever sex goes on, the girls say, is done in the context of the ''hook
up,'' which describes anything from making out to full-on intercourse. Much
to the disappointment of many students, female and male, there's no real
dating scene at Duke -- true for a lot of colleges.
''I've never been asked out on a date in my entire life -- not once,'' says one
stunning brunette. Nor has a guy ever bought her a drink. ''I think that if
anybody ever did that, I would ask him if he were on drugs,'' she says.
Rather, there's the casual one-night stand, usually bolstered by heavy
drinking and followed the next morning by -- well, nothing, usually. ''You'll
hook up with a guy, and you know that nothing will come out of it,'' says
Anna. The best thing you can hope for, she says, ''is that you'll get to hook
up with him again.'' Some girls they know have managed to score a regular
hook up -- meaning consistent sex -- but others play the field, bouncing
from one guy to the next."
The phrase "whatever sex goes on" is an understatement.
"Traditional intercourse is common, and oral sex nearly ubiquitous, regarded
as a form of elaborate kissing that doesn't really mean very much.
''Everybody gives blow jobs now,'' says Naomi. ''Before,'' she adds -meaning a pre-Monica/pre-Britney ''before'' -- ''it used to be you'd have sex
and then give one.'' But now, girls give them freely -- on their own initiative,
she says. (They also tend to get as much as they give, at least according to
Duke men.)"
If this article is any indication, Feminism has done nothing for young
women's self esteem. Even though these girls get A's and are beautiful, they
vie to give their body to high status males, (athletes and fraternity
men.) The reason? Other women are so sexually available; this is the only
way they can get status and attention.
''I found myself falling into this thing,'' says Allison. ''It made me very
uncomfortable and unhappy, because it's not a way to live. But if I didn't do
these things and he broke up with me for some reason, two days from now
he'd have somebody else. That's just how it works...If my mother knew, she
would smack me across the face. I was not brought up in that kind of
In the past, the requirement of courtship and love for sex actually
empowered women. Marriage was like a trade union. Now all young women
are like scabs. They must perform for nothing and even less.
Young men treat them with contempt as illustrated by one male Duke
blogger. (Please excuse the language.)
"These delightful young ladies deal with their massive insecurity by getting
fucked by frat boys. Lucky for us guys, frat boys treat sorority girls like shit.
As soon as Sally Pi Phi thinks she has secured Johnny Soccer Player, Johnny
is off boning Chrissy Tri Delta . . .. All of this leads to unhappy, insecure girls
all fighting to get rammed by someone of status.''
This is the fruit of "equality." Young women express their independence by
being as aggressive and promiscuous as males. ''Sometimes, girls will be
like, 'I'm just horny and I want to have sex,' '' one says...."It's our decision
if we're going to allow ourselves to be subjected to negative treatment. It's
all framed by the way [other] girls behave.''
Feminism depicts traditional women as " chattel" oppressed by their
husbands. But by undermining the morality (fidelity, chastity) inherent
in the family roles Feminism has robbed many women of their natural
identity (wife, mother) and degraded them more than ever.
In the Heterosexual Contract ( love/ marriage) women surrender power
(symbolized by sex) in exchange for male love, which a man must first
demonstrate through patient courtship. Take away that contract, and women
get less than nothing in return for their power.
Needless to say, young women who prostitute themselves for "status" are
less likely to have successful marriages. Emotionally, sexual intercourse is
an act of possession based on trust. How often can a woman be possessed
before it becomes meaningless?
This trend is part of a gradual process of eliminating marriage and family by
imposing the male homosexual model on society. Studies indicate that less
than 10% of male gays form permanent relationships, mostly childless, and
that the vast majority are promiscuous with 43% of them having more than
500 sex partners in their lifetime.
Using Feminism as a lever, elite social engineers are foisting this model on
society as a whole. Aldous Huxley warned us about this model in Brave New
World (1932) where promiscuity was encouraged, marriage and family
proscribed and children born in state-sponsored hatcheries. This is where
sexual behaviour at elite universities like Duke is leading. These are the
"women's rights" our decadent society is fighting to impose on Muslims.
It makes perfect sense that Feminism would kill a heterosexual institution
like courtship. Behind the facade of "women's rights," post-war Feminism is
lesbian in character. It teaches that heterosexual roles (wife, mother) are
"socially constructed" and "oppressive" to women. It encourages women to
abandon them and imitate men instead. It was instigated by the Rockefeller
Foundation which continues to finance it today as part of their plutocratic
occult New World Order. All those idealistic feminists who wanted to "change
the world" are getting their wish.
-----Note: Before feminists protest the "womyn's movement" is about "equality in
the workplace" and "choice" let me say, don't be so naïve, that was a ruse!
Educate yourselves about the origins and hidden agenda of
Feminism before it is too late.
Thanks to William for sending this article to me.
Related: My "The Young Lady is a Tramp"
Gays and Jews
Henry Blodgett - Why Do People Hate Jews
Hollywood's Sabbatean Sex Propaganda
The Scent of Feminist desperation
Sabbatean Role Models for Youth
And "The Hoax of Female Empowerment"
Also see: "Sex on Campus" Chicago Sun Times
34 - Billionaires & Ballot Bandits
by Greg Palast
If you're not sick and outraged and ready to vomit, then don't talk to me.
When I see a cruel bucket of garbage and winky-winky racism and bullshit
and venom like Paul Ryan talk to America like he's some kind of Boy Scout, I
want a gun, or a TV network where I can tell the truth or a giant washing
machine to dunk America and rinse off the crud of lies and pure
manipulative evil that they're feeding us.
But I don't like guns, I don't have
a TV network, I just have this: A
It’s called Billionaires & Ballot
Bandits: How to Steal an
Election in 9 Easy Steps.
An investigation of Karl Rove, the
Koch Gang and their billionaire
Buck-Buddies. The guys
who bought Ryan.
It's the most important bullet I've
ever fired.
I watch these smug jerks at the
Republican Convention and I'm ill ... because I know something they won't
tell you on CNN or CBS, let alone Fox. And here’s the facts, ma'am:
In 2008, no fewer than 2,706,275 ballots were cast—and never counted.
It didn't make a difference then, but it will make a difference now.
And, in 2008, no fewer than 3,195,539 legal voters were denied the right to
vote. Told to get the hell out of the polling station.
Add it up. That's at least 5,901,814 legitimate votes and voters tossed out
of the count.
So God Bless America. By the way, these numbers are from the raw data
supplied to me by the US Elections Assistance Commission.
It's official. It's in your face. It's sick. It's unreported.
I cry. I scream. I retch. Then I make
jokes — but I give you the inside info on the
Koch Brothers ("Target 67C" as federal
prosecutors called Charles Koch) that will
make your eyes pop.
Fact: The 2012 election's been stolen.
Already. Stolen by billionaires who've created
data bases called "Themis" (the Kochs own
that) and "DataTrust" (Karl Rove's satanic
The election has not been stolen from Barack
Obama — it's been stolen from you. From
We the People who march to the polls
believing America is still a democracy, the
land of the Brave, home of The Free, and that
our votes count.
The Rove-bots and the monsters behind the data bases have figured out
how to fiddle, finagle and ultimately throw your vote in the garbage.
America is on the line. ON THE LINE. I have two kids and God forbid if I
stand here silent with my hands in my pockets whistling at my shoes.
How did a sick little monster like Paul Ryan end up on the Republican
ticket? Follow the money. The big sugar daddy behind Ryan, his donor
Numero Uno, is Paul "The Vulture" Singer. Singer's the guy who started the
Romney super-PAC "Restore Our Future" and he's funded Ryan up the
Why? Because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton told a federal court that
Singer The Vulture is a "threat to the entire financial system" of the planet.
And now Singer wants their blood—and your dead carcass.
Frankly, I don't care, as Shakespeare said, if Obama’s campaign "farts or
flies." I docare if a billionaire can steal the votes of Black soldiers just so he
can make another billion.
So I want, I demand, I insist, that you order a copy of the exposé on The
Vulture and Romney's billionaires (and Obama's, too): Billionaires & Ballot
Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps.
With a foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., "The Hostile Takeover of
America". RFK is as outraged as I am but a lot calmer.
And inside it, there's a 48-page comic book by Ted Rall because every
cartoon is worth a thousand bullets.
Don't be fooled again. This election is about a bunch of madly dangerous
financiers — "The Vulture," the "Ice Man," and guys so evil they don't even
have nicknames -- who can't tolerate the idea that Americans have a right to
choose our leaders, our destinies.
You want to know who owns your ballot? Then get the book right now by
ordering it onAmazon or Barnes & Noble or Indiebound. Or go and pound
the counter at your local bookstore and tell them that instead of another
Yoga Diet Cookbook you want a HAND GRENADE MADE OUT OF
TRUTH: Billionaires & Ballot Bandits.
Alternatively, make a donation and get a signed copy.
[Whichever way you choose to get it, your dollar goes to support the Palast
Investigative Fund. I am donating all my proceeds to the fund.]
Can a book make a difference? Can't say. But I know this: Ballot Bandits
are cowards, are cockroaches. When we turn on the lights, they run run run
Do this now. Get the info ammo and pass it on to your friends and mailing
And for my terrible language, I apologize.
Greg Palast
Americans have been brainwashed for war our entire lives. From the Cold
War of our youths to Vietnam and now the so-called “War Against Terror”
(including the war against Iraq and Afghanistan—and perhaps even Iran) we
have been lied to, mind-controlled and duped by president after president
(at the behest of America’s
own intelligence services) with the goal of making us mindless supporters of
bloody war.
And how many of the wars of the 20th (and now 21st) century have actually
been necessary for the defense of the United States? Yet again and again we
support whatever war our presidents choose almost without question. It’s
“kill the enemy” and “let blood be shed.” Why? Tracing back four decades
and more, Brainwashed for Wardocuments the atrocities carried out by the
imperialist, Zionist-driven forces whose goal it is to subjugate the peoples of
the world. Softcover, 556 pages. WAS $25. Order online here.
In FUTURE FASTFORWARD, author Matthias Chang, former top-level political
secretary for Malaysia’s outspoken longtime prime minister, Dr. Mahathir
Mohamad, takes a stark look at the realities of global power politics and the
ultimate and inevitable consequences for the not-so-secret forces that are
behind the push for a New World Order.
The Power Elites of the Zionist Anglo-American Axis have gained control of
the political systems throughout the world. There is not a single country in
which their influence has not been felt. The author describes the rapid and
irreversible decline of the Zionist Anglo-American Empire; the forthcoming
nuclear wars; Israel as the linchpin of those nuclear wars; the end of Empire
Capitalism; more. Softcover, 400
pages. $25.
35 - Five Good Reasons to 'Get Ready' Now
by Christopher Rudy
UltraMedics Services
Graphically archived at:
'Five Good Reasons'
Previous article:
'Prepare for Big Changes'
1- Last year, Homeland Security ordered a billion dollars worth of food reserves for
almost 200 "Deep Underground Military Bases" (DUMBS) nationwide. This year,
Homeland Security ordered 750 million rounds of hollow-point bullets. Who does
the government intend to shoot? Hollow-point bullets are so lethal that the
Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. These
bullets don't just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out,
fragment and cause maximum damage to the body's organs. Death often follows.
2- The U.S. economy is extremely unstable with loss of the status of the U.S. dollar
as the international 'Federal Reserve currency standard'. Major nations including
China, Russia, India and Brazil have created their own currency standard and
challenging U.S. hegemony in the Mid-East by trading for Iran's oil with gold. As
long as Wall Street measures economic health with 'scarcity's value', showing
profits for the economics of scarcity from a scarcity of peace, health and the
abundant life, we will see more war, disease and power-struggles via big business
takeover of big government -- for control -- as profits Wall Street while creating
scarcity and austerity for Main Street America.
3- Government policy has gone from bailout of Wall Street to last year's NDAA law
that virtually abrogates core Constitutional freedoms. The corporatocracy has been
given 'personhood' by the Supreme Court, and the supremacy of 'shareholder
profits first' has morphed the political landscape with a massive flood of corporate
money to manipulate elections with emotional buzzwords and outright lies to
reinstate the former Bush Cabinet under Romney... to fulfill the Bush Dynasty
agenda for a New World Order of totalitarian tyranny. Obama has definitely moved
us in that direction. "Political choice" has become an oxymoron. But the 'final
solution' is not WWIII no matter how many false-flag events or Judeo-Christian
Zionists believe it.
4- The corporatocracy that has occupied federal government is virtually impervious
to any substantive health care change from either political party. Major cities
nationwide continue to have their water fluoridated to lower IQ's, increase cancer,
and make people subservient as was its purpose in Hitler's concentration camps.
Chemtrails continue to rain down upon us while continually denied by thoroughly
entrenched corporate government. Public health care continues to morph into a
population control agenda that makes a killing (literally) by treating disease rather
than building health. Only a sick population would tolerate this plot out of hell that
sabotages public health for the purpose of public subservience to a soulless
corporatocracy that values profit for a few at the expense of health for the public.
5- All these virtually insane trends (above) are the mere symptoms of a deep
disease in the body politic this is challenged by breakthrough capabilities of the
instant-everywhere and interactive computer/Internet revolution. The
corporatocracy knows this. There time is short and hubris is great. Mass-to-mass
TeLeComm could upgrade core Constitutional freedoms, worldwide. The Currency of
Conscience could thus culture the abundant life with an economics of abundance,
worldwide.Universal Self Care could likewise make the backwards disease-care
system obsolete, worldwide. Suppressed technologies like free energy
technology could liberate humanity, worldwide. This will be the end of the world as
we have known it. But more disintegration precedes re-integration along more
enlightened 'lines' of 'Evolution Revolution'.
So get ready folks. The 'Big Shift' is imminent, one way or the other. The next few
months could be a very bumpy ride.
Be Prepared So You Don't Have To Prepare,
~ Christopher
36 - Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S.
high school students
by Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) A twenties-something "genius ape" named Natasha has been found
to demonstrate more intelligence than a typical U.S. high school student. The
findings have been published in the peer-reviewed science journal Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B.
As the paper documents, Natasha repeatedly demonstrates skills and reasoning
that escape modern-day high school students. "The caretakers named Natasha as
the smartest chimpanzee, precisely the same chimpanzee that our tests had
revealed to be exceptional," wrote authors Esther Herrmann and Josep Call of the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (reported at, link
According to these scientists, Natasha has demonstrated the following skills; all of
which escape the dumbed-down mental capacity of a typical U.S. high school
• An ability to repeatedly escape the chimpanzee enclosure using planning skills.
• An ability to disable an electric fence by throwing branches on it and observing
the sparks. Once the sparks stopped, Natasha knew the fence was disabled and
then proceeded to climb it. (A typical U.S. high school student cannot figure out
how to pull his pants up around his waist.)
• The ability to wield a special tool to avoid a trap while locating hidden food. (U.S.
high school students eat toxic food chemicals every day which trap them in a
lifetime of chronic disease.)
• According to scientists, "ape intelligence might be a bundling of skills related to
learning, tool usage, understanding of quantities, and an ability to reach
conclusions based on evidence and reasoning."
( U.S.
high school students, on the other hand, largely run their lives based on drama,
jealousy, sex and emotional reactions to simple stimuli such as corporate logos on
basketball shoes.
• Intelligent chimpanzees are well known to manufacture their own tools in order to
extract (yummy) termites out of holes in trees. A typical U.S. high school student
barely has the skill to open a frozen burrito wrapper and punch "START" on a
microwave oven.
On a similar note, it is well known that the U.S. military conducts vaccine medical
experiments on human soldiers for the sole reason that "humans are cheaper than
monkeys." Lab monkeys actually try to escape from vaccine assaults, while humans
actually line up at pharmacies and PAY to be injected with experimental vaccines!
The question isn't whether apes are smarter than humans... it's actually this far
more important question: Are many humans dumber than apes?
Chimpanzees are more AWARE than the average human, too
According to the latest science, chimpanzees are conscious, aware beings with
just as much awareness as humans
Humans, on the other hand, go to great lengths to diminish their awareness with
alcohol, drugs and mind-altering psychiatric drugs.
Chimpanzees are acutely aware of their environments, while a typical high-schoolaged human seems to exist in a sleepwalking zombie state from which only violent
video games or online porn can cause them to awaken. While a typical chimpanzee
works to observe reality while attempting to make sense of the world, a typical high
school teen tries to escape reality and reject the real world. promotes zombified humans and psychiatric
Interestingly, organizations contributing to the problem of dumbed-down, zombified
humans include where the story of Natasha the genius ape was
originally reported. To the right of the story is an advertisement for -- get this -- a
mind-altering psychiatric drug known as ABILIFY. The text right there on the
page next to the story about how smart the "genius ape" is reads:
Antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and
young adults. (See screen shot below.)
Apparently, Discovery News did not think this fact is a sufficient reason to ban such
ads from its website. As long as there's money to be made promoting these toxic
chemicals, who cares if a few children commit suicide or blow away their classmates
in a mass shooting?
That's how stupid humans are, by the way: They promote things that harm other
humans as long as they make a profit in the process. Chimpanzees don't seek out
mind-altering psychiatric drugs. Only a human is stupid enough to assault their
brain chemistry with a patented, synthetic chemical made in a factory. You can't
brainwash an ape into thinking childhood is a
disease. (
The real hilarity in this story, however, is the subhead text in the
article which reads, "Zoo Chimp Makes Elaborate Plots to Attack Humans" while
adjacent to this column, the site runs an ad for a mind-altering drug that
accomplishes the same thing!
Here's the image from the Discovery News website, which makes
look like an ignorant cabal of drug-pimping apes:
See full-sized image at:
Sources include:
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