Slide 1

Learning Styles
•Visual Learners
•Auditory Learners
•Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
Visual Learner Characteristics
Visual learners are those who learn through seeing things. A visual
•Is good at spelling but forgets names
•Needs quiet study time
•Has to think awhile before understanding lecture
•Is good at spelling
•Likes colors & fashion
•Understands/likes charts
•Is good with sign language
Auditory Learner Characteristics
Auditory Learners are those who learn best through
hearing things
• Remembers names
• Notices sound effects in movies
• Enjoys music
• Is good at grammar and foreign language
• Reads slowly
• Follows spoken directions well
• Can't keep quiet for long period
• Likes to read to self out loud
• Likes oral reports
• Is good at explaining
• Enjoys acting, being on stage
• Is good in study groups
Kinesthetic Learner Characteristics
Kinesthetic learners are those who learn through
experiencing/doing things.You may be a kinesthetic learner if
you are someone who:
• Can't sit still for long
• Is not great at spelling
• Does not have great handwriting
• Likes science lab
• Studies with loud music on
• Likes adventure books, movies
• Likes role playing
• Takes breaks when studying
• Builds models
• Is involved in martial arts, dance
• Is fidgety during lectures
• Is good at sports
• Strategies that benefit each type of
• Visual Learners:
• Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps,
graphs, etc.
• Have a clear view of your teachers when they are
speaking so you can see their body language and facial
• Use color to highlight important points in text
• Take notes or ask your teacher to provide handouts
• Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble
before writing them down
• Write a story and illustrate it
• Make outlines of everything!
• Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances
• Read illustrated books
• Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization
• Draw a map of events in history or draw scientific
• Copy what's on the board.
Auditory Learners:
•make speeches and presentations
•use a tape recorder during lectures while taking notes
•read text out aloud
•create musical jingles to aid memorization
•create mnemonics to aid memorization
•discuss your ideas verbally
•dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts
•use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate your point
•Using word association to remember facts and lines
•Repeating facts with eyes closed
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners:
•study in short blocks
•move around to learn new things (e.g. read while on an exercise bike, mold a piece
of clay to learn a new concept)
•work at a standing position
•chew gum while studying
•use bright colors to highlight reading material
•dress up your work space with posters
•skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling
down to read it in detail.
•Role playing
•Studying with others
•Using memory games
•Using flash cards to memorize
Effects of Learning Style Awareness
Nelson and colleagues (1993) examined the effects
of a learning style intervention with more than 1,000 college students.
This investigation revealed significantly higher grade-point-averages
and improved attitudes for students made aware of their
learning style preferences and then provided
with suggestions for accommodating those
preferences when studying and completing assignments. The findings
of Cook (1989) and Nelson et al. (1993)were corroborated by
Lenehan et al. (1994) who also reported significant increases in
grade-point-averages and improved attitudes for students who
had been provided homework/study prescriptions based on
their individual learning style preferences.
•Executive function
neuropsychological concept referring
to the high-level cognitive processes
required to plan and direct activities,
including task initiation and followthrough, working memory, sustained
inhibition of impulses, and goal-directed
• Executive Skills: Definitions
• Response Inhibition: The ability to think before you
act – to evaluate a situation and how our behavior
might impact it.
• Working Memory: The ability to hold information in
memory while performing complex tasks.
• Emotional Control: The ability to manage emotions
in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control
and direct behavior.
•Executive Skills: Definitions
• Sustained Attention: The capacity to maintain attention
to a situation or task in spite of distractibility, fatigue, or
• Task Initiation: The ability to begin projects without
undue procrastination, in an efficient or timely fashion.
• Planning/Prioritization: The ability to create a roadmap
to reach a goal or to complete a task. It also involves being
able to make decisions about what’s important to focus on
and what’s not important.
• Organization: The ability to create and maintain systems
to keep track of information or materials.
•Executive Skills: Definitions
• Time Management: The capacity to estimate how much
time one has, how to allocate it, and how to stay within
time limits and deadlines. It also involves a sense that time
is important.
• Flexibility: The ability to revise plans in the face of
obstacles, setbacks, new information or mistakes. It relates
to an adaptability to changing conditions.
• Goal-directed persistence: The capacity to have a
goal, follow through to the completion of the goal, and not
be put off by or distracted by competing interests.
• Metacognition: The ability to stand back and take a
birds-eye view of oneself in a situation. It is an ability to
observe how you problem solve. It also includes selfmonitoring and self-evaluative skills (e.g., asking yourself,
Goal Setting
Set goals that are specific, flexible, realistic and
Understand step-by-step process for reaching goals
+I can complete my Science
+If I get my homework done before
project by Friday if I do 3 steps eachdinner, I can...
night (record each step in planner)
+I will make an appointment to see +I will make a “to-do” list in my
math teacher once a week until I
planner every evening
bring my grade up to a B
“Nobody ever plans to fail; but they do fail to
Rick LeVoie