Is It Better to Begin Saving Earlier or Later in Life?

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 Money managers hold stocks and bonds for institutional clients and are on the
buy side of Wall Street. Some money managers use the latest sophisticated
quantitative techniques while others do very well using simple intuition.
 Many money managers buy and hold fixed income securities including
mortgaged-backs, corporate bonds, agency securities and asset-backed
securities. Others focus on equities, including small stocks, large caps and
emerging market stocks.
 Good places to start are in bank trust departments, state and local pension
funds and in insurance companies. Many people cross over into money
management after getting years of experience on the sell side of the business in
investment banks.
 The job requires a combination of intelligence, effort, intuition and discipline
to succeed in the long run. Most people lack the proper combination of these
Click to View Link on Job Overview
 Engaging in a late savings plan can prove very detrimental,
no matter what salary, bonus plans or incentives are
 For example, if I were to fail to start saving until 15 or 30
years into my career, rather than begin a savings and
investment plan at the onset of my employment, I would
need to invest a significantly larger portion of my yearly
salary to “catch-up” to the savings dollars I would require to
retire successfully and comfortably at the same age. This
would cause a financial hardship and require significant
negative adjustments to my lifestyle that could have been
avoided with early planning.
 If I started saving 15 years into my employment, then I would
have to save $50,530 a year ,compared to the original savings
of $17,920 a year to reach the same retirement goals.
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 If I started saving 30 years into my employment, then I
would have to save $210,300 a year, compared to the
original savings of $17,920 a year to reach the same
retirement goals. This outcome would be nearly
impossible to reach even taking salary increases into
 Overall, an early savings and annuities plan is critical
to my future lifestyle goals and retirement forecast. If
my annuity from saving does not match my future
value of salary, then I will not have enough money for
my planned retirement years.
The following chart on the next slide will further explain the problems of saving late.
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 To calculate and formulate my financial approach to see if I am saving
enough to make it through life and retirement, I use the following
First: I would find my annuity by performing the equation of
FV=pymnt*[((1+i)^n-1)/i] in Microsoft excel. (i stands for interest rate
in this equation and n stands for the number of years you will work.
Also FV means future value.)
Second: I would calculate my annuity by doing the equation
Annuity=FV*[i/(1-(1+i)^-k)] in Microsoft excel as well. (i= interest rate,
k= the number of years expected to live after retirement, FV= Future
After Calculating these two formulas using my own planned financial
outlook, I come out with a future value of $201,380 and an annuity of
201,480. If I start saving early and save for every year I work, I will have
an annuity that equals some what the same as my future value.
You can also use the built in functions of excel to calculate these totals
and do many other calculations as well.
My Excel Example
 Can I afford to live to 100?
Starting Salary, Annual Savings, and Annuity
for 40, 25 and 10 Savings Years
Saving Years
Where should my savings
be now? Do I have a plan
to guard against inflation?
 My answers to all these
questions are yes, because I
have a Savings & Annuities
Chart, with savings
strategies for when and
how much to put away to
start planning for a
successful retirement.
Click on Chart For
Informational Link
 First: Decide how many career years you plan on having and how
many years after retirement you plan on living.
 You should save for the same amount of years as you plan on
 Second: By using the inflation rate, your starting salary and the
amount of career years you plan on having, calculate your future
 Third: Using your years saving, your savings rate and your annual
savings, calculate your future value of savings. Once you’ve found
this, you must calculate your annuity by using the payment
function with your future value of savings, the amount of years
after retirement you plan on living, and your savings rate to
calculate your annuity.
 If your annuity does not come out the same as your future value of
salary, then your annual savings is either too high or too low.
Click Here For More Information About
Saving Efficiently & Effectively
 Fourth: Make a list of all your expenses for a month and
how much their total cost will be.
 Doing this allows you to find your net income from your
monthly income minus your monthly expenses.
 This allows you to know how much you can save each month
with your net income.
 By Following these steps, which can all be done via
Microsoft Excel, you can create a savings plan that will
allow you to see how much you need to save annual and
how much you need to have saved after retirement to live
for your planned retirement years. I followed these exact
steps to create my personal retirement savings plan.
Click Here For More Information About
Saving Efficiently & Effectively
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 First, try to live BELOW your means. Don’t try to compete with “the Jones”, but
instead be smart. Don’t spend impulsively or recklessly, and most important of
all… don’t spend more than you earn!
 Don’t get into credit card debt. All a credit card allows you to do is spend
money before you’ve earned it. Interest rates on Credit Cards are typically
higher than savings rates. It’s a vicious and seductive cycle… don’t fall victim to
 Keep your credit spotless. What more is there to say about this one!
 Rationalize your spending and consider the opportunity cost. Always think
twice about what you are about to spend and if the investment is truly worth
the cost. Do you need this item? Will it hold its value? Will your life be more
negatively or positively impacted by this purchase? Would the money spent
on this item be more usefully put toward an alternative investment or
Understand the time value of money. “A dollar saved today is worth more than
a dollar at some time in the future.” By saving and investing today, you make
the time value of money work for you. Give it some thought… it makes perfect
Link For
Take advantage of the compounding effect of money and weigh your financial
risks. We all know that risks must be taken to make money, but that doesn’t
mean that you should enter into them without forethought or consideration.
Do your financial homework… otherwise you’ll fail your finals!
Save your money. Invest wisely and aggressively. “A penny saved is a penny
earned,” still holds true today. Start small and grow big.
Devise your financial plan from the first day you begin your employment. Make
a savings and annuities chart and stick to it. Remember a dollar saved today is
infinitely more important than a dollar saved tomorrow.
Diversify your investments and wealth. Spread your investments and wealth
across several different asset classes. When your mother long ago told you,
“Don’t put all you eggs in one basket,” you were hearing your first sound
financial advise for the future.
It’s a simple plan to follow. The hardest part is maintaining your discipline.
Just remember that although spending is fun in the moment… saving and
investing is smart for a lifetime. With my current income and investment plan,
by adhering to these simple rules I will realize a net income of $1,754.00.
•Review my current finances and expenditure.
•Research what financial commitment is needed for
my new career plan.
•Estimate what financial backstop will be needed to tide
me over the change.
•Start to build up the financial resources I’ll need using
a range of different tactics.
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