Cross cultural communication


Cross cultural communication

The world view and behaviours of individuals effect the way they interact and respond

Culture affects:

Beliefs values customary lore language and idiom verbal and non verbal communication protocol arts and music etc.

ritual and beliefs in the origin and nature of knowledge...

Principles of Effective Intercultural


Communicate respect

Be non-judgemental

Personalise one’s knowledge and perceptions

Display empathy

Be flexible

Take turns and go at the pace of the minority

Be tolerant of ambiguity

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

(1984) relating to societies


Power distance index


Uncertainty avoidance

Long term orientation


This parameter delineates how personal needs and goals are prioritized vs. the needs and goals of the group/work colleagues/organisation.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

Power distance index


The degree people are comfortable with influencing upwards. In high PD societies there is accept of inequality in distribution on power in society.

E.g. employees will not readily give suggestions and feedback to their superiors.

Masculine societies have different rules for men and women, less so in feminine cultures.


Uncertainty avoidance

Whether people are comfortable with taking risks, ready to change the way they work or live (low UA) or if people prefer the known systems

(high UA).

Long term orientation

Long-term perspective, planning for future, perseverance values vs. short time past and present oriented.

Non-verbal communication

Body Movements (Kinesics)


Eye Contact


Closeness or Personal Space (Proxemics)

Facial Expressions

Physiological Changes

Individual distances (western cultures)

The Four Main Categories of Proxemics:

Intimate Distance (touching to 45cm)

Personal Distance (45cm to 1.2m)

Social Distance (1.2m to 3.6m)

Public Distance (3.7m to 4.5m)

Cross-cultural communication in construction

Case study 1

 watch?v=BrJTf97Ev8o

A British female engineer on assignment in South America

Intercultural communication in the workplace,

University of


 atch?v=lUjaNLnWl6o

Case study 2
