Global Viewpoint Stephen Mettler – United States Komal Zahid – Islamic Republic of Pakistan Juan Guaracao – Republic of Colombia …with given initial success, more to come. bias … is a core focus of the AP US History class at NCHS. The class centers mostly on historical bias, but modern, contemporary bias is just as crucial – if not more so. We are all biased in regards to the world around us. It is not simply a matter of politics, or of personal beliefs. It is a matter of being a citizen of a country, with a certain upbringing, certain sources of information we rely on. We each have our own viewpoint – each of us, in the United States and everywhere else on Earth. our United States Project Pakistan Stephen Mettler Komal Zahid Every person in every country has a bias. We all see the world a different way; we all see each Colombia Juan Guaracao other a different way. In an increasingly globalized world, being well-informed is no longer enough. To truly understand each other – other nations, other cultures, other people – we need to go straight to the source. We need to learn about the rest of the world from those who live there. We need to share ourselves, our knowledge, our experiences, in order to escape the natural bias which we all have – in order to build a global viewpoint. our Platform Here is the link to our project website: Full communication on the site hasn’t started yet, due to the college-application process eating up the available time of seniors in all three countries. However, we have recently reestablished contact to continue the stage of signing up volunteers, and hope to have exchange begin in the coming weeks. Our goal is to use this platform for the exchange of information and ideas between high school students in each country, so that we can all broaden our understanding of each others’ countries and our own. If this phase of the project is successful, we greatly hope that we will be able to expand it to include students from other countries around the world. Bibliography 1: US Outline: 2: China Outline: 3: WSJ: 4: NYT: 5: USA Today: 6: China Daily: 7: SCMP: 8: Xinhua: 9: Colombia Outline: 10: Pakistan Outline: