SYLLABUS: CHEMISTRY ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH GRADES ROOM 101 INSTRUCTOR: MR. MOORE COURSE DESCRIPTION Chemistry is the “study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo.” Chemistry will build on the knowledge gained in Physical Science and Biology. The basic principles, theories, and lab techniques taught in these previous classes will be utilized for greater understanding. This is a college prep course will take place in one year. The content to be covered is listed later in the syllabus Chemistry will require discipline, diligence and selfmotivation. CLASS GOAL The goal of the class is to develop the students’ ability to utilize the basic principles of science/chemistry when discussing the organization and composition of substances found in our universe. TEXT: Chemistry by Prentice Hall The condition of the text will be determined and recorded when the books are given to the students. If the books are damaged the student will be charged accordingly. $20 = needs new binding and cover. Books that are ruined will be assessed the total cost of replacement. GRADING and ASSESSMENT Test scores and major projects (research projects, data and reports) will represent 60% of the total grade. The remaining 40% is the cumulative scores from homework, quizzes, projects, class discussion and conversation, weekly journal/lab reports and participation. Work that is illegible and poor quality may be returned to be completed for a reduced grade. GRADING SCALE A 93.5 100.0 C 72.5 76.4 A- 89.5 93.4 C- 69.5 72.4 B+ 86.5 89.4 D+ 66.5 69.4 B 82.5 86.4 D 62.5 66.4 B- 79.5 82.4 D- 59.5 62.4 C+ 76.5 79.4 F 0 59.4 JOURNALS A weekly journal will be kept. The purpose of the journal is to cause the students to reflect on the presented concepts and their applications to real world or laboratory settings. Examples of entries are lab reports, short summaries of activities, new or old concepts and how they were applied, areas of difficulty (understanding or in application) and feelings about the class or topics discussed. Journals will be collected and graded periodically for a value between 5 to 20 points per assignment. CHAPTER OUTLINE Students will be required to make a handwritten outline of each chapter. The outline must follow a good outlining method which does not rewrite the chapter. The outline is worth 25 points per chapter. CLASS RULES/DISCIPLINE Demonstrate respect for others and school property. Demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times. No food or drinks in the classroom without prior permission or special circumstances. Gum is allowed as long as it is not seen or heard. Students will be asked to discontinue inappropriate behavior. Continued misconduct will result in further discipline or a referral to the office if necessary. Students who continually disrupt the class will be removed. Cell phones are not to be used in class. BEGINNING AND ENDING CLASS Class will begin with a “Class Starter” assignment found in the Chemistry class starter folder, on the screen at the front of the room or assessable from the student’s computer. Students are to: 1. Enter the classroom quietly. 2. Sit down. 3. Record the assignment or task for the day in your planner. 4. Begin the class starter activity. 5. Students are to remain on task until dismissed by the teacher. Then leave in an orderly fashion. ATTENTION Due to the active style of learning used in the science classes it is often difficult to get everyone’s attention when more instruction is needed. The teacher will say “Students, may I have your attention please?” When this is heard: 1. Let another student know. 2. Stop what you are doing. 3. Turn and face the teacher. 4. Wait for further instructions. ASSIGNMENTS Assignments and due dates will be posted on the class starter and are due at the beginning of the hour. All assignments must have the first and last name, date, class & hour, assignment and due date in the upper right corner of the paper unless otherwise directed. 10 % penalty if this information is not present. Late assignments are accepted at the discretion of the teacher. First late assignment: warning Second late assignment: contact parents Third late assignment: referred to Superintendent MAKE-UP WORK FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Students will be allowed two days for every day absent to make up work. Example: If a student was absent on Monday and returns on Tuesday, assignments from Monday would be due on Wednesday. If the student is absent the day of the test they will be required to take it the day they return. It is the student's responsibility to pick up their work from the “Absentee file.” The student will be responsible to get the notes from a fellow student. TARDIES Students that are not seated by the time the bell rings will also be tardy, unless the teacher or class starter requires you to be involved in an activity out of your seat. RESTROOM Restroom passes will be allowed at the discretion of the teacher. Please wait until an appropriate break before informing the teacher. Sign out and sign back in on the chart at the door. Return quietly; take your seat. LABORATORY ACTIVITIES Labs are used as tools to investigate information or to search for new information. Therefore, laboratory experiences are mandatory and exclusion will be granted only by parental request and principal approval. An assignment of equal value must be completed for prearranged absences. Controlled behavior is a must during laboratory activities. Dangerous behavior will result in the loss of participation and credit for the activity. Continued misbehavior will result in permanent exclusion from laboratory experiences and/or the class. It is highly recommended that students do not wear sandals or flip-flops during labs. Students may want to keep a pair of shoes in their lockers. PENCILS, PENS AND TABLES Please sharpen pencils prior to class. If a pencil breaks quietly go and sharpen it only if a writing activity is being conducted at the time. Pencils and pens are the students’ responsibility and will not be loaned by the teacher. The desks are not to be marred. The students will be responsible to keep them in good shape. If the desk is marred the student responsible will be fined $10.00 or time scheduled for the student to repair the damaged area. Alternative fuel project-Biodiesel This will be an ongoing project throughout the year. It will include to changing of composition of various cooking oils into biodiesel. Students will work in small groups to learn the basic techniques and then to scale up the production. COURSE OUTLINE First quarter Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry Chapter 2: Mater and Change Chapter 3: Scientific Measurement and Problem Solving in Chemistry Chapter 4: Atomic Structure Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms Quarterly assessment #1 Second quarter Chapter 6: Periodic Table Chapter 7: Ionic and Metallic Bonding Chapter 8: Covalent Bonds Chapter 9: Chemical Names and Formulas Chapter 10: Chemical Quantities Chapter 11: Chemical Reactions Chapter 12: Stoichiometry Quarterly assessment # 2 Third quarter Chapter 13: The States of Matter Chapter 14: The Behavior of Gases Chapter 15: Water and Aqueous Systems Chapter 16: Solutions Quarterly assessment # 3 Fourth quarter Chapter 17: Thermo chemistry Chapter 18: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium Chapter 19: Acids, Bases and Salts Chapter 20: Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Chapter 21: Electrochemistry Chapter 25: Nuclear Chemistry Quarterly assessment # 4 This syllabus is subject to change during the 2011-12 school year. September 6, 2011 Dear Parents, The students in the Chemistry class will be participating in numerous laboratory projects. Labs are used as tools to investigate information or to search for new information. Therefore, laboratory experiences are mandatory and exclusion will be granted only by parental request and principal approval. Safety equipment and procedures appropriate for each lab must be used. It is highly recommended that students do not wear sandals or flip-flops during labs. Students may want to keep a pair of shoes in their lockers. Controlled behavior is a must during laboratory activities. Dangerous behavior will result in the loss of participation and credit for the activity. Continued misbehavior will result in permanent exclusion from laboratory experiences and/or the class. If you would like to preview this material, please contact Mr. Moore through the High School office. Please return the attached Parent’s Permission slip by September 9, 2011. Sincerely, Dale Moore Chemistry instructor ________________________________________________________________________ Permission slip for Chemistry ______ Yes, I give my permission for _____________ to participate in the laboratory (student’s name) exercises and acknowledge the need for safety equipment and procedures. ______ No, I prefer __________ not to be included in the laboratory exercises. (student’s name) Parent’s signature _______________________ Date __________________ Student's signature required indicating their agreement to follow safety precautions and wear protective equipment during laboratory exercises as instructed by the teacher. Student's signature __________________________ Date _________________