The Catcher in the Rye - Parma City School District

The Catcher in the Rye
Chapters 13-15
Red Hunting Hat
“But it was freezing cold, and I took my red
hunting hat out of my pocket and put it on—I
didn’t give a damn how I looked. I even put the
earlaps down.” (88)
Offers protection to Holden
Elevator operator
Offers Holden a prostitute
“It was against my principles and all, but I was
feeling so depressed I didn’t even think. That’s
the whole trouble. When you’re feeling very
depressed, you can’t even think.” (91)
Holden’s Loneliness and
Leads to him feeling isolated and depressed
» “I wasn’t sleepy or anything, but I was feeling
sort of lousy. Depressed and all. I almost
wished I was dead” (90)
» “It was against my principles and all, but I
was feeling so depressed I didn’t even think.
That’s the whole trouble. When you’re
feeling very depressed, you can’t even think”
Desires company
not sexual relationswith
– Indicates his lack of
understanding about sex
“I was already sort of sorry I’d let the thing start rolling, but
it was too late” (91)
“I kept hoping she’d be good-looking. I didn’t care too
much, though” (93)
Skewed Perspective
Sees it from different perspective
“I was getting more and more nonchalant as it went along”
“It was a funny thing to say. It sounded like a real kid.
You’d think a prostitute and all would say ‘ Like hell you are’
or ‘Cut the crap’ instead of ‘Like fun you are” (94)
Holden’s Experiences with
– Not what Holden had intended
» “I certainly felt peculiar when she did that. I
mean she did it so sudden and all. I know you’re
supposed to feel pretty sexy when someone gets
up and pulls their dress over their head, but I
didn’t. Sexy was about the last thing I was
feeling. I felt much more depressed than sexy”
– Doesn’t want to see her as a prostitute
– Doesn’t want to see sex as casual without intimacy
» “It made me feel sort of sad when I hung it up. I
thought of her going in a store and buying it, and
nobody in the store knowing she was a prostitute
and all… It made me feel sad as hell- I don’t
Holden’s Reaction to
“I felt much more depressed than sexy.” (95)
“‘Don’t you feel like talking for a while?’ I asked
her. It was a childish thing to say, but I was feeling
so damn peculiar.” (95)
“She looked at me like I was a madman.” (95)
Holden’s Reaction to
“The trouble was, I just didn’t want to do it. I felt
more depressed than sexy, if you want to know
the truth. She was depressing. Her green dress
hanging in the closet and all.” (96)
Holden’s Reaction to
“She was a pretty spooky kid. Even with that little
bitty voice she had, she could sort of scare you a
little bit. If she’d been a big old prostitute, with a
lot of makeup on her face and all, she wouldn’t
have been half as spooky.” (98)
Why Does Holden Have This
Conflicting reality of Sunny’s age with her
By definition, a prostitute is experienced
Holden can not come to terms with a kid (who, in
his opinion, should be innocent) who exists in a
profession of experience.
This reality depresses him.
Holden’s Loneliness and
» “I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you
can’t imagine. What I did, I started talking,
sort of out loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes
when I get very depressed” (98)
Begins to think he’s dying
» “Only, this time I thought I was dying. I really
did. I thought I was drowning or something”
» “What I really felt like, though, was
committing suicide” (104)
Holden and Allie
Holden tells Allie to go home and get his bike.
What does this say about Holden?
Holden and God
“Finally, though, I got undressed and got in
bed. I felt like praying or something, when
I was in bed, but I couldn’t do it. I can’t
always pray when I feel like it. In the first
place, I’m sort of an atheist.” (99)
Again, how can Holden be sort of an
If he sees himself as an atheist, why does
he feel like praying?
Holden and God
What does this tell us about Holden?
Desires the existence of a higher power?
Reaching out for help?
Sense of hopelessness.
Holden and the Disciples
Does not like them
Likes “that lunatic and all, that lived in the tombs
and kept cutting himself with stones.” (99)
Holden can better relate to the lunatic than the
Holden and the Disciples
Why doesn’t Holden like the Disciples?
They let Jesus down.
“People are always ruining things for you.” (87)
What does this say about Holden?
People have hurt him
People have let him down
Holden and Maurice
“The … movies. They can ruin you. I’m not
kidding.” (104)
Hates the movies but allows his current situation
to become a movie-like fantasy.
“What I really felt like, though, was committing
suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I
probably would’ve done it, too, if I’d been sure
somebody’d cover me up as soon as I landed. I
didn’t want a bunch of stupid rubbernecks looking
at me when I was all gory.” (104)
Progression of the death imagery
More and more, suicide is being referenced by
What stops him from killing himself?
Other people staring at him.
Does this make sense?
Therefore, is the suicide threat just talk or is
Holden seriously contemplating it?
“I thought of giving old Jane a buzz, to see if she
was home yet and all, but I wasn’t in the mood.”
“I figured maybe I’d give old Jane a buzz and see
if she was home for vacation yet…But I didn’t feel
like it. You really have to be in the mood for that
stuff.” (116)
Sally Hayes
“What I did do, I gave old Sally Hayes a buzz. She
went to Mary A. Woodruff, and I knew she was
home because I’d had this letter from her a couple
of weeks ago. I wasn’t too crazy about her, but I’d
known her for years.” (105)
Sally Hayes
Why does Holden call Sally and not Jane?
He doesn’t like Sally as much.
Therefore, the risk is removed.
Holden’s Dad
“My father’s quite wealthy, though. I don’t know
how much he makes—he’s never discussed that
stuff with me—but I imagine quite a lot. He’s a
corporation lawyer. Those boys really haul it in.”
Holden’s Mom
“She hasn’t felt too healthy since my brother Allie
died. She’s very nervous. That’s another reason
why I hated like hell for her to know I got the ax
again.” (107)
Holden tries to do something nice for someone
and his roommate is completely blind to it.
In fact, the roommate’s actions are tremendously
Once again, Holden is disappointed by people.
The Nuns
“All the two of them were eating for breakfast was
toast and coffee. That depressed me. I hate it if
I’m eating bacon and eggs or something and
somebody else is only eating toast and coffee.”
The Nuns
What does this say about Holden?
Feels depressed when he has something better
than someone else.
Similar to the suitcases
Does he feel he is not worthy?
Romeo and Juliet
“The thing is, it drives me crazy if somebody else
gets killed—especially somebody very smart and
entertaining and all—and it’s somebody else’s
fault. Romeo and Juliet, at least it was their own
fault.” (111)
The Nuns
What he likes about the nuns is that they never
eat at a fancy restaurant.
The nuns not eating at fancy restaurants make
Holden sad.
Therefore, what he likes about them makes him
Talks to nuns- happy
» “I said I’d enjoyed talking to then a lot,
too. I meant it, too” (112)
– First time we see Holden happy
– Having positive interaction
Turns the situation to a negative aspectincreasing breakdown
“After they left, I started getting sorry that I’d
only given them ten bucks for their
collection…” (113)