The Color Purple Passage

Read the passages and choose the appropriate themes that were on the powerpoint. Support your
opinion with evidence.
Harpo want to know what to do to make Sofia mind. He sit out on the porch with
Mr._________. He say, I tell her one thing, she do another. Never do what I say. Always
To tell the truth, he sound a little proud of this to me.
You ever hit her? Mr._________ ast.
Harpo look down at his hands. Naw suh, he say low, embarrass.
Well how you spect to make her mind? Wives is like children. You have to let ‘em know who got
the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good sound beating.
He puff on his pipe.
Sofia think too much of herself anyway, he say. She need to be taken down a peg. I like Sofia,
but she don’t act like me at all. If she talking when Harpo and Mr._________ come in the room,
she keep right on. If they ast her where something at, she say she don’t know. Keep talking.
I think bout this when Harpo ast me what he ought to do to her to make her mind. I don’t
mention how happy he is now. How three years pass and he still whistle and sing. I think bout
how every time I jump when Mr.________ call me, she look surprise. And like she pity me. Beat
her. I say. 1(9.1-2; 5-12)
Harpo, she [Kate, Mr.__’s sister] say. Harpo the oldest boy. Harpo, don’t let Celie be the one bring in all
the water. You a big boy now. Time for you to help out some.
Women work, he say.
What? she say.
Women work. I’m a man.
You’re a trifling nigger, she say. You git that bucket and bring it back full.
He cut his eye at me. Stumble out. I hear him mutter somethin to Mr.________ sitting on the porch.
Mr.___________ call his sister. She stay out on the porch talking a little while, then she come back in,
Got to go, Celie, she say.
She so mad tears be flying every which way while she pack. (12.28-35)