Per 6 notes

Write three questions/ assertions you have about Julius Caesar Act I Scene I
1. Julius Caesar is highly respected by commoners and highly disparaged by the elite or senators
2. If Pompey had the same experiences as Julius Caesar – the military force and experience – would he
be the same?
3. Did the town’s people play a role in the rest of the play?
-They will play a major role in the justification of Caesar’s execution
4. Was Caesar as highly valued before his conquests?
-Before, part of triumpherate, followed senate’s lead
Character Quote
(line 195) “He
thinks too much,
such men are
Cassius had
ambition, which
poses a threat to
Caesar is afraid that Cassius could overtake his
rule because Cassius seems to be smarter than
him. Caesar, though he is a great leader and is
trained to identify and take out threats, he finds
Cassius as a threat, but does not take him out.
This reflects on Caesar character, asking why did
he not kill Cassius?
(line 24) “He is a
dreamer, let us
leave him, pass”
Caesar does not believe in what the soothsayer
says, but believes in the possibility of a runner
making his wife pregnant.
(line 175) “I am
glad that my
weak words have
struck but thus
much show of
fire from Brutus”
(line 308) “Well,
Brutus, thou art
noble: yet I see
thy honorable
mettle may be
wrought from
that it is
(line 314) “If I
were Brutus now
and he were
Caesar finds the
soothsayer as
crazy, thus asks
him to pass
Cassius does not
see how
manipulative and
successful his
words are on
Cassius explains
his true thoughts
here, away from
Brutus, to explain
his true thoughts
and ideas.
Cassius talks
about what he
would have done
if he was in the
shoes of Brutus.
Cassius talks about what he would do if he had
the power that others have. He tries to influence
Brutus to follow these envious and
premeditated ideas.
A highly manipulative character is down-playing
his skills to either show Brutus that he can be
seen as week, thus Brutus is the bigger player.
This can also be Cassius’ Achilles heel because it
sets the precedent that Brutus will take control
of the conspiracy of Caesar’s assassination.
Foreshadowing, the audience is led into the
twists and turns of the inevitable events that we
know are going to happen, but don’t want to
This is a good example of Cassius’ diabolical
character by showing how noble he is in front of
his fellow man, but disparages him behind his
back saying that he is a better man.
(line 295) “What
a blunt fellow is
this grown to be!
He was quick
mettle when he
went to school.”
(line 172-174)
“Brutus had
rather be…”
Brutus has his own Achille’s heel, he will fight at
any cost for Rome, without a second thought.
Cassius can use this to lead Brutus against
Brutus thinks that The things going on around Brutus have changed
Casca has changed his view on life. He doesn’t see life as fun
since he was in
anymore, but a serious thing. Once out of the
school. Before he
school that Brutus mentions, there are more
was witty and
quick, now he is
Shakespeare adds this in to show that Casca is
not just a side character. The circumstances
around Brutus have made him depressed and
Casca an idiot.
Brutus would
This is Brutus’ weakness, the way the Caesar can
rather leave his
control him. With Brutus under Caesar, Caesar
city state than
can control Brutus the way that he wants to
share power with harness his powers.
Brutus is a senator in the government, the ones
who are supposed to tell Caesar what to do.
Caesar’s power and popularity have put him
above his rulers.