Lesson 11 - Expanding Skills with Functions and Objects

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Microsoft® Excel
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1 • Use INT, ROUND, and TRUNC.
2 • Work with Financial functions.
3 • Insert SmartArt in a workbook.
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4 • Insert WordArt and a hyperlink.
5 • Created nested functions.
6 • Use Lookup functions.
7 • Use images in a header or footer.
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 The INT function from the Math and Trig
category shows the non-decimal portion of a
 INT stands for “Integer.” An integer is a
whole number.
 The INT function truncates or cuts off all
digits after the decimal point.
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The integer value of 1.2 is 1
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ROUND adjusts a value to a specified digit
to the left or right of the decimal point.
The value is made larger or smaller.
ROUND has two arguments:
 The value to be rounded.
 The number of digits used for
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 Financial functions analyze money
 Many financial functions use the concept of
an annuity. An annuity is a series of equal
payments made at regular intervals for a
specified period of time.
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You can define a data validation rule that sets
minimum and maximum values for a cell or cell range.
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 Depreciation is the decline in value of
an asset.
 Depreciation is a recognized and
common business expense.
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 SmartArt is a graphics feature that provides
high-quality text illustrations.
 SmartArt shapes are not linked to worksheet
 SmartArt shapes include a text pane for working
with the text.
 SmartArt shapes include bulleted lists,
organization charts, cycles, pyramids, and
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Text can be keyed directly in an individual shape.
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shapes can be
edited and
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SmartArt is not
editable if the
workbook is saved
for and opened in
Excel 97-2003 format.
This issue is
identified by the
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WordArt is a shaped text object. It can be filled, outlined, and styled.
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In addition to theme colors, you can create a custom color.
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A hyperlink is a clickable object or text that,
when clicked:
Displays another file.
Opens another program.
Shows a Web page.
Displays an e-mail address.
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Insert a hyperlink in a worksheet by:
 Clicking the Hyperlink button
on the
Insert command tab.
 Right-clicking the cell and choosing
Hyperlink from the shortcut menu.
 Pressing [Ctrl]+[K].
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You can set a ScreenTip for a hyperlink.
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 A nested function is a function within
another function.
 The argument for the main function is
another function.
 Use a combination of the Function
Arguments dialog box, the formula bar,
and the Name Box to build nested
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SUM nested within ROUND
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=IF(SUM(B2:B4)>100, AVERAGE(F2:F4),0
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Nested IF Formulas
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 Lookup functions display a result by
scanning columns or rows in a lookup table.
 A lookup table is a cell range.
 VLOOKUP scans columns in a lookup table.
 HLOOKUP scans rows in a lookup table.
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A lookup table can be vertical
or horizontal.
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The Paste command includes
an option to transpose column
data into a row layout. The
data in cells A1:A9 has been
transposed in cells A15:J15.
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VLOOKUP is looking for a match in the TCodes range (on a different sheet) for
the contents of the Code column (cell I4). It checks the second column in
TCodes to find the diagnosis name to be shown in cell J4 (Astigmatism).
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 You can insert a picture from a file in a
header or footer.
 In the header or footer section, the code is
 Header or footer images can be formatted
from the Format Picture dialog box in the
Header and Footer Elements group.
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This footer image
is large and
appears on each
sheet. It can be
sized to fit in the
footer area.
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 A watermark is text or an image that
appears behind or on top of the data.
 A watermark is usually faint in color.
 Watermarks are intended for printed
 A watermark is simulated by placing an
appropriate image in a header or footer.
 The image should to be sized and colored
to serve as a watermark.
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The word
“Confidential” is
a watermark. It is
an image placed
in the header.
The eyeglass
image is in the
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 Excel maintains the precise value in a cell
but can display the number as an integer or
with as many decimal places as you
 There may be subtle or noticeable
differences between the precise value and
the displayed value.
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 Use the INT function to display a value
with no decimal places, that is, the whole
 The ROUND function adjusts a value up
or down, depending on how many digits
are used for rounding. This function can
round to the left or right of the decimal
 TRUNC is similar to INT but allows
decimal places to be shown.
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 The PMT function calculates a regular
payment for a loan.
 The FV function calculates the value of a
regular series of deposits.
 There are several financial functions that
calculate depreciation based on
accepted accounting practices.
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 The Number and Currency formats can
display negative values in different
 Data validation can be applied to set
minimum and maximum values for a
range of cells.
 A nested function is a function used as an
argument for another function.
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 SmartArt illustrations include many
common business diagrams. These
graphics are not linked to worksheet
 A SmartArt illustration is a worksheet
object, made up of individual shapes. All
can be sized, positioned, and
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 WordArt creates a shaped text object. It
has properties like other objects and can
be styled in a variety of ways.
 Hyperlinks enable you to jump to other
worksheets, other workbooks, e-mail
addresses, or Web sites by clicking the
hyperlink text or image.
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 The Compatibility Checker scans a
workbook for features that will not
work in earlier versions of Excel.
 The Conditional Formatting command
includes a top and bottom rules setting
that formats the highest or lowest
values or percentages in a range.
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 Lookup functions display data from a
specified range by matching a value or
label in the worksheet to a value or label
in another range.
 Lookup functions can work in a vertical
or horizontal layout.
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 A picture can be inserted in a header or
footer with some editing features. The
image appears on each page.
 An appropriately designed and sized
image can be used to simulate a
watermark in a worksheet.
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