Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months The World ~ Geography and Map Skills and the Five Themes of Geography Standards Essential Questions Assessments Skills Content Lessons Resources 7.1.7.A-Explain how common Why is it important to have geography Teacher Generated define key vocabulary terms and use them vocabulary Hemispheres, World geographic tools are used to organize skills? Assessment in context accurately terms Latitude and Geography and interpret information about 10/1/2014 Longitude Textbook people, places, and environment. What are the five themes of geography? understand how mapmakers represent a the five Geography 7.1.7.B-Explain and locate places and How are they used to study the earth? 5 Themes of round globe on a flat map themes of Skills regions as defined by physical and Geography geography Handbook human features. Political Map How do charts, graphs and diagrams vary Poster/Presentations identify what projections are useful for 7.2.7.A-Explain the characteristics of 10/1/2014 different purposes a Physical in terms of the data they represent? places and regions. geographer's Features Map RH.6-8.8-Distinguish among fact, Latitude, Longitude explain how to find an absolute location tools Population How do geographers find absolute opinion, and reasoned judgment in a and Hemispheres using the lines of latitude and longitude Density Map location using lines of latitude and text. Poster 10/1/2014 map skills Economic longitude? RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's Resources description of a process related to World Map identify the five themes of geography map Map history/social studies (e.g., how a bill What are the different uses for globes Assessment projections Blank outline and maps? becomes law, how interest rates are 10/1/2014 describe the five themes of geography using maps raised or lowered). specific examples within the area location Guided RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of latitude and Reading What is the Greenland effect in terms of Teacher Generated words and phrases as they are used in a map projections? Assessment - Unit interpret the past, understand the present, longitude Activities text, including vocabulary specific to Test part 2 and plan for the future using the thinking Content domains related to history/social skills and tools of a geographer hemispheres Vocabulary What are some ways humans influence 10/1/2014 studies. activities or change their environment? RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents understand how maps are made parts of a Foldable information (e.g., sequentially, map study/note How are humans influenced by their comparatively, causally). explain how to recognize the special parts organizer environment? RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information of a map using scale Media/Video (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, Google Earth How has the use of technology expanded videos, or maps) with other information the capacity of people to modify and describe how to identify different kinds of types of maps Internet in print and digital texts. maps resources adapt to their environment? WHST.6-8.2-Write graphs, Promethean informative/explanatory texts, use the parts of a map to give directions and charts, and Board What are some ways that human including the narration of historical locate places diagrams Flipcharts interaction with the environment affects events, scientific procedures/ the development of a region? experiments, or technical processes. Page | 1 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months WHST.6-8.2.d-Use precise language and What are some examples of physical and domain-specific vocabulary to inform cultural regions? about or explain the topic analyze how bar, line, and circle graphs present information explain how charts and diagrams make data easier to understand demonstrate how to read a pictograph and climograph use and interpret given data to create graphs and charts discuss how geographers look at the world and what tools they use measure distance on a map using the scale bar The World ~ Physical Geography Standards Essential Assessments Skills Questions Content 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. What kinds of Teacher define key vocabulary terms and vocabulary terms 7.2.7. B-Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on geographic Generated use them in context accurately Earth's surface. characteristics Assessment forces shaping the 7.3.7. A-Describe the human characteristics of places and regions define the 10/31/2014 student will cite reference earth using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • region where materials accurately using library Economic activities • Political activities you live? Climate Project, and textbook information landforms 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on map and diagram people within regions. What are the 10/31/2014 students will research water resources 7.4.7. B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical twelve climate information on human and systems within regions. regions? What Vocabulary test - physical geography pertaining to climate regions 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical are the Landforms and a given country or region and human features. characteristics Water Features effects on climate RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's description of a process of each? 10/31/2014 explain how physical processes related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how shape the Earth's surface landforms and interest rates are raised or lowered). What are the climate RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are common used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to characteristics Lessons Resources Physical Features: Landforms and Water Features World Geography Textbook Geography Skills Handbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Page | 2 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months history/social studies. that define RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents information (e.g., climate? sequentially, comparatively, causally). RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, What type of photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and vegetation is digital texts. characteristic WHST.6-8.2-Write informative/explanatory texts, including the of key climate narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or zones? technical processes. WHST.6-8.2.b-Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, What effects definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and do climate and examples. weather WHST.6-8.9-Draw evidence from informational texts to support phenomena analysis reflection, and research. have on WHST.6-8.10-Write routinely over extended time frames (time for people living reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a in different day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and regions? audiences. 7.1.7. A-Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment. examine geographic factors that climate zones influence where people settle humanoutline factors that influence environment climate interaction Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts identify each major climate zone identify characteristics of each major climate zone describe how all living things are dependent upon one another and their surroundings for survival differentiate between weather and climate list and describe the specific climates found in each of the major climate zones The World ~ Human Geography Standards 6.2.7. A-Describe the interaction of consumers and producers of goods and services in the state and national economy. 6.2.7. B-Explain why and how market competition takes place. 6.2.7. G-Examine how various economic systems address the three basic questions. • What to produce? • How? • For whom? 6.3.7. B-Describe the impact of government involvement in state and national economic activities. 6.3.7. D-Identify how governments limit or promote international trade. 6.4.7. A-Explain why people specialize in the production of goods and services and divide labor. 6.4.7. B-Analyze how changes in trade affect standards of Essential Questions Assessments Skills Content What factors bring about changes in cultures? Teacher Generated Assessment 12/1/2014 What human, environmental, economic and political factors influence population distribution? 8 Elements of Culture Project 12/1/2014 vocabulary terms Feeding the World population growth The Eight population Elements of distribution Culture What are some define key vocabulary terms and use them accurately in context identify and explain the eight elements of culture used by geographers when studying a culture group population density describe how and why cultures change population movement explain why the world's population is growing rapidly globalization Lessons Resources World Geography Textbook Geography Skills Handbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Page | 3 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months living. 6.4.7. C-Explain how multinational corporations and other non-government organizations contribute to economic interdependence. 6.4.7. D-Explain how transportation, communication networks, and technology contribute to economic interdependence. 7.3.7. A-Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political activities 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions. 7.4.7. B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions. 5.3.7. J-Identify various types of governments. 5.4.7. B-Describe how countries coexist in the world community. RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. RH.6-8.8-Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. WHST.6-8.2.b-Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. WHST.6-8.2.d-Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. WHST.6-8.6-Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently. WHST.6-8.7-Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused characteristics of human populations? How do human, environmental, economic and political factors influence population growth rates? How do resources and technology influence economic development and quality of life? How have improvements in transportation, communication and technology promoted globalization? What are some urban problems that may occur as a result of development? identify where most people in the eight elements of world live culture examine areas of the world in regards to population density cultural change cultural diffusion discuss the impact of globalization on the world's economy regional and global cultures analyze how culture influences people's perceptions about places natural resources and regions economic systems debate whether globalization is good or bad world trade Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts discuss global interdependence and how patterns of economic activities influence it discuss why more people are moving to urban city areas distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources explain how and why people trade describe how and why the world's economies are changing and are interdependent on each other Page | 4 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. WHST.6-8.8-Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. WHST.6-8.9-Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research. 7.1.7. A-Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment. 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 6.1.7. A-Explain how limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity. 6.1.7. B-Compare decisions made because of limited resources and unlimited wants. Describe how resources are combined to produce different goods and service Latin America Standards Essential Assessments Skills Questions 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. How might a Teacher 7.2.7. B-Describe the physical processes that shape patterns wide variety of Generated on Earth's surface. physical Assessment 7.4.7. A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical features affect 12/31/2014 systems on people within regions. transportation 7.4.7. B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the and Latin American physical systems within regions. communication Map Assessment 6.1.7. B-Compare decisions made because of limited resources within a Political and and unlimited wants. Describe how resources are combined to region? Physical produce different goods and services. 12/31/2014 6.2.7. G-Examine how various economic systems address the three basic questions. • What to produce? • How? • For whom? 6.4.7. B-Analyze how changes in trade affect standards of What are the living. major physical 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by Content Lessons Resources define key terms and use them vocabulary terms Environmental World Geography appropriately in context Summit Textbook regional atlas Political Map locate the countries of Latin activities Physical Features Map America as well as their capital Population Density Map cities landforms Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps describe the relative size and waterways Regional Atlas location of Latin America Regional Atlas Map Skills a wealth of natural activities name the major physical resources Guided Reading Activities features of Latin America Content Vocabulary The Columbian activities explain the different climates Exchange Foldable study/note found in Latin America organizer Media/Video Page | 5 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months physical and human features. RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. WHST.6-8.2-Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. features of Latin America? How do the climates vary in this region? How do the climates and physical features determine where people live in Latin America? examine data on physical, hot to mild political, population density, climates and economic resource maps elevation and identify the location of Mexico climate and describe the physical features found there explain the importance of The Columbian Exchange Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts PowerPoint presentations Microsoft Word documents Primary and secondary sources locate the countries of Central America and the islands of the West Indies locate the physical regions that make up Argentina and the major landforms located in each of the regions research information on physical and human geography pertaining to a given country 7.3.7. A-Describe the human characteristics of places and In what ways Teacher research information on vocabulary terms Important regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • can language Generated physical and human geography People from Settlement • Economic activities • Political activities and religion Assessment pertaining to a given country early history Latin 8.4.7.A-Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic both unite and 12/31/2014 America's contributions of individuals and groups in world history. divide a define key vocabulary terms forming new Past 8.4.7. C-Differentiate how continuity and change have region? Important People and use them in context nations impacted world history. • Belief systems and religions • From Latin accurately Commerce and industry • Technology • Politics and What are the 8 America's Past the people government • Physical and human geography • Social elements of research project summarize what groups make organizations culture for 12/31/2014 up the people of Latin America daily life 8.4.7.D-Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups each of the and organizations have impacted the history of the world. countries in 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by this region? describe the history and physical and human features. culture of South America and 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. the European influence RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. World Geography Textbook Geography Skills Handbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts Page | 6 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months WHST.6-8.9-Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research. WHST.6-8.10-Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). RH.6-8.6-Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. list key facts about the Native American civilizations of the region Latin America Continued Standards 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.3.7. A-Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political activities 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions. 7.4.7. B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions. 6.4.7. D-Explain how transportation, communication networks, and technology contribute to economic interdependence. 6.1.7. A-Explain how limited resources and Essential Questions Assessments Skills What human activities Teacher benefit the Generated environment and what Assessment activities harm it? 1/31/2015 How do people of this Latin America region make a living Unit Project and what resources do 1/31/2015 their economies depend on? What are the 8 elements of culture for each of the countries in this region? Content research information on physical vocabulary and human geography pertaining terms to a given country Mexico's define key vocabulary terms and people, use them in context accurately government, and culture identify the eight elements of the Mexican culture Mexico's economy and outline the history and society government of Mexico countries of compare and contrast the physical Central America and human geography of the countries of Caribbean and South Lessons Resources Latin America Digital Travel Brochures and Presentations World Geography Textbook Geography Skills Handbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Page | 7 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months unlimited wants cause scarcity. 6.1.7. B-Compare decisions made because of limited resources and unlimited wants. Describe how resources are combined to produce different goods and services. America countries of the Caribbean Promethean Board Flipcharts identify natural resources in Brazil that its economy and people protecting depend on natural resources discuss the people and culture of Brazil Brazil list the products and resources that come from Argentina Argentina other countries describe the history and culture of of South Argentina America describe the physical, economic, and cultural geography of Venezuela, Colombia, and Chile Amazon Basin Europe Standards Essential Questions Assessments Skills 7.4.7. B-Describe and explain the effects of Physical Geography of people on the physical systems within Europe regions. 7.1.7. A-Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret How have Europe's information about people, places, and landforms and waterways environment. greatly influenced where 7.1.7. B-Explain and locate places and regions and how Europeans live? as defined by physical and human features. 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places How does the physical and regions. environment affect how 7.2.7. B-Describe the physical processes that people live in Europe? shape patterns on Earth's surface. 7.3.7. A-Describe the human characteristics How have Europe's of places and regions using the following valuable resources criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement strengthened their • Economic activities • Political activities economies? 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of Teacher Generated Assessment 2/28/2015 define key terms and use them appropriately in context Content Vocabulary terms Countries of Europe locate the countries of Europe as well as capital cities describe the relative size and location of Europe name the major landforms in Europe name and locate major waterways in Europe Regions of Europe Physical Features of Europe Landforms and Waterways Peninsulas and Islands, Plains, Mountains and Highlands, Waterways Europe's resources - Energy resources and other Natural explain the characteristics and location resources of the various climates in Europe Environmental Issues - Air Lessons Resources World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Page | 8 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months the physical systems on people within regions. 8.4.7. A-Summarize the social, political, History and Cultures of cultural, and economic contributions of Europe individuals and groups in world history. What forces have helped 6.4.7. B-Analyze how changes in trade affect unify Europeans at standards of living. different times in their 5.4.7. B-Describe how countries coexist in the history? world community. How did ancient Greece and Rome lay the foundation of European civilization? analyze political, physical, population Pollution and Acid Rain, Water density and economic resources maps Pollution, Finding solutions to Europe's environment issues describe various environmental issues and concerns facing Europe today and Climate Regions/Zones what European nations are doing to Effects of water and wind combat these problems patterns Marine West Coast Climate Humid Continental Climate Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts Mediterranean Climate From the 1600s to the 1800s and beyond, what new ideas and discoveries helped Europe become a global power? How did political and social ideas, such as democracy and Christianity, spread in Europe? Subarctic and Tundra Climate Highland and other Climate regions Kyoto Treaty History: Ancient Greece The Roman Empire Christianity Rome's Decline Expansion of Europe: Christian Europe The Middle Ages The Crusades The Renaissance Page | 9 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months The Reformation European Explorations Modern Europe: the Enlightenment Industry and Conflict A New Era for Europe Europe Continued Standards Essential Questions Assessments 7.2.7. A-Explain the characteristics of places History and Cultures of Teacher and regions. Europe: Generated 8.4.7. A-Summarize the social, political, Assessment cultural, and economic contributions of How do ethnic differences 2/28/2015 individuals and groups in world history. and population changes 8.4.7. B-Explain the importance of historical pose challenges to documents, artifacts, and sites which are Europe? critical to world history. 8.4.7. C-Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history. • Belief systems and religions • Commerce and Europe Today: industry • Technology • Politics and government • Physical and human geography How have the countries of • Social organizations Northern Europe 8.4.7.D-Explain how conflict and cooperation developed diverse among groups and organizations have economies and high impacted the history of the world. standards of living? W.7.2b-Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or How have seas and other information and examples. mountains influence 8.4.8. A-Compare the role groups and where people live and individuals played in the social, political, how they work in cultural, and economic development southern Europe? throughout world history. 8.4.8. B-Illustrate how historical documents, After changes in artifacts, and sites are critical to world Skills Content define key vocabulary terms and use them in context accurately Vocabulary definitions Identify how Europe's ethnic differences and population changes pose challenges for Europe Cultures and Lifestyles in Europe Population Patterns Outline how European lifestyles reflect Ethnic Groups the region's urban society and level of wealth Population Changes Determine how religion, especially Christianity, has had an important effect on European society and arts European Cities Explain how individual European countries deal with immigration Education and Income Transportation Leisure Activities describe how Europe's generally high level of education affect life there. Religion Identify Europe's major religions, The Arts including the major forms of Christianity, and where each religion is Europe Today: generally located in Europe Northern Europe: the Land, the Economy, the People Lessons Resources World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Page | 10 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months history. government, how are the 8.4.8. C-Illustrate how continuity and change economies in eastern have impacted world history. • Belief Europe struggling to systems and religions • Commerce and recover? industry • Technology • Politics and government • Physical and human geography • Social organizations 8.4.8.D-Compare conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations which have impacted the history and development of the world. Predict how immigration may help Europe in the future e The Republic of Ireland: the Land, the Economy, the People, describe how the United Kingdom has Conflict over Northern Ireland had a great impact on the rest of the world Scandinavia: the Land, the Economy, the People compare how the Scandinavian countries have similar cultures and high France and the Benelux standards of living Countries: the Land, the Economy, the People Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts Germany and the Alpine identify why the island of Ireland is Countries: the Land, the divided and how that has led to conflict Economy, the People explain how the French culture has influenced other parts of the world Spain and Portugal: the Land, the Economy, the People Compare and contrast how agriculture Italy: the Land, the Economy, is similar and different in France and the People Germany Poland, Belarus and the Baltic identify the ways Portugal benefited by Republics: the Land, the joining EU Economy, the People list Italy's agricultural and industrial products Compare and contrast how Greece is different from the other countries in southern Europe The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary: the Land, the Economy, the People Countries of Southeastern Europe: the Land, the Economy, the People break down the events that led democracy in Poland Explain why many of the countries of southeastern Europe struggle for economic success identify the ways eastern Europe's Page | 11 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months history and physical geography led to differences between that region and other parts of Europe today predict what might happen politically in the Ukraine over the next few years North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Standards 7.1.7.A-Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment. 7.1.7.B-Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 7.2.7.A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.B-Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth's surface. 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions. 6.2.7.G-Examine how various economic systems address the three basic questions. • What to produce? • How? • For whom? 6.3.7.D-Identify how governments limit or promote international trade. 6.4.7.B-Analyze how changes in trade affect standards of living. 6.1.7.A-Explain how limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity. 6.1.7.B-Compare decisions made because of limited resources and unlimited wants. Describe how resources are combined to produce different goods and services. 6.1.7.D-Explain how positive and negative incentives affect behavior. 6.2.7.D-Explain the effects that changes in price have on buyers and sellers. 7.3.7.A-Describe the human characteristics of places Essential Questions Assessments How have natural Teacher Generated resources made this Assessment region a key player 3/31/2015 in world affairs? N Africa, SW Asia What are the and Central Asia countries of North Map Assessment Africa and SW Asia Political and and where are they Physical 3/31/2015 located? What are the major physical features of North Africa and SW Asia How do the climates vary in this region? Skills Content define key vocabulary terms and use them vocabulary in context accurately terms Lessons Resources Physical Geography of North locate the countries of North Africa and regional atlas Africa, SW Southwest Asia as well as their capital city activities and Central Asia identify the major landforms in North landforms Africa and Southwest Asia natural interpret information from physical, resources political, population density, and economic resource maps a dry region explain how climate affects life on this region describe the chief resources and economic activities of the region discuss the chief economic products of this region compare the physical features and climate regions between the regions of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia the need for water World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts discuss the relationship between humans and the physical environment Page | 12 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months and regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political activities 7.4.7.B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions. RH.6-8.3-Identify key steps in a text's description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). RH.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. RH.6-8.5-Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. RH.6-8.8-Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. WHST.6-8.2-Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. WHST.6-8.2.b-Develop the topic with relevant, wellchosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. WHST.6-8.6-Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently. WHST.6-8.7-Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. 7.3.7.A-Describe the human characteristics of places How does religion Teacher Generated and regions using the following criteria: • Population • affect the lives of Assessment Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political people today? 3/31/2015 activities 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical What are the 8 Cultures and systems on people within regions. elements of cultures Lifestyles Project 8.1.7.A-Demonstrate continuity and change over time for each of the 3/31/2015 analyze the importance of physical features found in this region and its impact on how people live Research information on physical and human geography pertaining to a given country or region define key vocabulary terms and use them vocabulary in context accurately terms sequence information focusing on key events that have occurred in Southwest Asia since World War I Cultures and Lifestyles: early North civilizations of Africa, SW Mesopotamia and Central Asia World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Page | 13 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months using sequential order and context of events. countries in this 8.4.7.A-Summarize the social, political, cultural, and region? economic contributions of individuals and groups in world history. 8.4.7.C-Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history. • Belief systems and religions • Commerce and industry • Technology • Politics and government • Physical and human geography • Social organizations 8.4.7.D-Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history of the world. 5.4.7.A-Identify how countries have varying interests. 5.4.7.B-Describe how countries coexist in the world community. 5.4.7.D-Identify mass media sources and how they report world events. describe how the region changed over and Egypt time and list the cultural achievements of the people three world religions identify the three major world religions that began in Southwest Asia the region in the modern compare and contrast the three major world world religions population examine the cultural conflict of the region changes and religion's role in it religion, language, and arts Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts daily life North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Today Continued Standards Essential Questions Assessments 7.2.7.B-Describe the physical processes What effects can Teacher Generated that shape patterns on Earth's surface. conflict have on a Assessment 7.3.7.A-Describe the human region? 4/30/2015 characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: • Population How do people of North Africa, SW • Culture • Settlement • Economic this region make a and Central Asia activities • Political activities living and what Unit Project 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects resources do their 4/30/2015 of the physical systems on people within economies regions. depend on? 7.4.7.B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions. 6.3.7.D-Identify how governments limit or promote international trade. 5.4.7.A-Identify how countries have varying interests. 5.4.7.B-Describe how countries coexist in the world community. Skills Content Lessons Resources explain how changes occur in the use and importance of natural resources vocabulary terms explain how the environment has shaped the region Egypt North Africa and SW Asia Today Current Events Activity World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video recognize the importance of the Nile River, Suez Canal Libya and the and the Aswan Damn to the Egyptian people Maghreb discuss the chief resources of the region and how most the Eastern people earn a living Mediterranean describe how the land and climate shape the region the Arabian Peninsula compare and contrast the types of governments in Libya and the Maghreb Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan the Central Asian Page | 14 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months 5.4.7.D-Identify mass media sources and how they report world event describe the cultural elements for this region examine how cooperation and conflict among people have an impact on the Earth's surface Republics Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts the Caucasus Republics explain why the location of Turkey is unique describe how the economy of Middle East countries are changing explain the current conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis tell why Jordan is called, "the land of contrasts" explain how and why Lebanon's economy and capital were almost destroyed and what the people are doing to rebuild examine how places in Central Asia reflect the relationship between humans and the physical environment outline what the countries of the Arabian Peninsula have achieved with the oil reserves explain the importance of Saudi Arabia to the outside world explain how and why Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan have recently fought in wars and undergone sweeping political changes Africa South of the Sahara Standards 7.2.7.A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 6.1.7.A-Explain how limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity. Essential Questions Assessments How do physical Physical Map of features influence Africa Test a region's 4/30/2015 Skills Content Lessons Resources define vocabulary terms related to the physical geography of the region vocabulary terms Introduction to Textbook Unit Transparencies Page | 15 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months 7.1.7.A-Explain how common climate? Teacher Generated geographic tools are used to organize Assessment and interpret information about people, What are the 4/30/2015 places, and environment. countries of West 7.2.7.B-Describe the physical processes and Central Africa that shape patterns on Earth's surface. and where are 7.1.7.B-Explain and locate places and they located? regions as defined by physical and human features. What are the major physical features of West and Central Africa? How do the climates vary in this region? What are the countries of East and South Africa and where are they located? What are the major physical features of East and South Africa? locate and label physical features found in Africa landforms of Africa's Video - Physical Africa south of Regional Atlas Geography of the discuss and share their opinions on who should control the Sahara Continents: Africa the water resources Regional Atlas National Geographic waterways Map and identify and describe the various climate regions found Diagram World Geography in Africa mineral Analysis #1 Textbook resources Political Map locate and label the different regions of Africa - North, Regional Atlas Physical Features Map East, South, West and Central climate Map and Population Density regions Diagram Map locate and label the countries found in Africa using a Analysis #2 Economic Resources political map regional atlas Map map skills Regional Atlas Blank outline maps analyze and interpret information found in the regional - Physical Map Regional Atlas atlas using the physical, political, population density history of first of Africa Regional Atlas Map and economic resource maps civilizations Skills activities Chapter 19 - 1 Guided Reading record information about Africa's physical and cultural major Activities geography landforms, Chapter 19 -2 Content Vocabulary economic activities identify the major landforms in the region resources, The Great Rift Foldable study/note effects of Valley organizer explain how climate affects life in the region climate, and Media/Video culture of Physical Google Earth describe the chief resources and economic activities of people Features Recap Internet resources the region Promethean Board political World Atlas Flipcharts discuss the different peoples who live in the region in boundaries of Activities relation to the eight elements of culture African countries read and analyze an environmental case study Africa South of the Sahara Continued Standards Essential Questions 8.4.7.A-Summarize the social, political, cultural, and What effect does the economic contributions of individuals and groups in movement of people world history. within a region have 8.4.7.C-Differentiate how continuity and change Assessments Skills Content Lessons Teacher Generated Assessment 5/29/2015 vocabulary terms 20-1 History Textbook and Governments Transparencies define vocabulary terms related to the history and culture of the region Resources Page | 16 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months have impacted world history. • Belief systems and religions • Commerce and industry • Technology • Politics and government • Physical and human geography • Social organizations 7.3.7.A-Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political activities 7.4.7.A-Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions. 7.4.7.B-Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions on that region? What are the 8 elements of cultures for each of the countries in this region? list features of the early kingdoms and early African Apartheid empires that developed in Africa south of the history Lesson #1 Sahara European Apartheid examine the impact apartheid had on the contact Lesson #2 country of South Africa independence 20 -2 People write a personal narrative based on Nelson and Culture Mandela's experiences people and culture Standard of identify examples of the eight elements of Living culture found in Africa south of the Sahara daily life Charitable identify the effects of European rule on Africa Web site south of the Sahara Design examine how the standard of living is measured Nubian Society design a Web site focused on a charitable organization 7.1.7.B-Explain and locate places and regions as How might Teacher defined by physical and human features. governments use Generated 7.4.7.B-Describe and explain the effects of people their countries' Assessments on the physical systems within regions. resources to help 5/29/2015 6.4.7.A-Explain why people specialize in the people? production of goods and services and divide labor. 6.4.7.D-Explain how transportation, communication How do people of this networks, and technology contribute to economic region make a living, interdependence. and what resources define vocabulary terms related to the current issues facing the region today vocabulary terms graphically organize key facts about West Africa's economy, government, people, and environment West Africa Nigeria and the Sahel compare and contrast Nigeria's government Central Africa to the United States Current Events Scholastic Article on Apartheid Nelson Mandela - movie Africa presentation You Tube Video Biography: Need to Know: Nelson Mandela World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts Textbook I Have, Who Has Activity Review Cards World Geography Textbook Political Map Physical Features Map Page | 17 Teacher: CORE Social Studies Grade 7 Year: 2014-15 Course: Social Studies Grade 7 Month: All Months 5.4.7.A-Identify how countries have varying do their economies interests. depend on? 5.4.7.B-Describe how countries coexist in the world community. 5.4.7.D-Identify mass media sources and how they report world events. explain population patterns in West Africa Southern East Africa describe the reasons for and the effects of a conflict that has occurred in Central and East The Horn of Africa Africa compare and contrast the economy and Southern people of countries in Central and East Africa Africa explain how the Republic of South Africa is connected economically to neighboring countries current events describe the economies of southern Africa's coastal countries Population Density Map Economic Resources Map Blank outline maps Regional Atlas Regional Atlas Map Skills activities Guided Reading Activities Content Vocabulary activities Foldable study/note organizer Media/Video Google Earth Internet resources Promethean Board Flipcharts read and analyze a current event Africa South of the Sahara Continued Standards 8.1.7.B-Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view for historical events. 8.1.7.C-Form a thesis statement on an assigned topic using appropriate primary and secondary sources. (Reference RWSL Standard 1.8.5 Research) 7.2.7.A-Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.3.7.A-Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: • Population • Culture • Settlement • Economic activities • Political activitie Essential Assessments Questions Africa Unit Project 6/5/2015 Skills Content research human and physical geographic facts on a selected African country five themes of geography acrostic poem write an acrostic poem focused on the themes of geography Elements of Culture Lessons Resources Library research materials create a visual to assist in presenting information about the physical and human geography facts on a country in Africa orally present information on the physical and human geographic facts on a country in Africa Page | 18