NAGLE CATHOLIC COLLEGE HUMAN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES STAGE 3 Term 4 2014 Skeleton and Muscles NAME: ________________________________________________________ This test consists of three parts as shown in the table below. Section Question type Marks One Multiple choice 10 Two Short answer 28 Three Extended answer 15 Total 53 available Marks gained Please write in blue or black ink, except for multichoice answer sheet and graph, which must be completed in pencil. No graphic calculators are allowed for this test. 1 Section One: Multiple choice (10 marks) Choose the best answer to each of the following questions, and then mark it in pencil on the answer sheet provided. 1. Muscles that act to cause similar movements are called: (a) (b) (c) (d) antagonists origins insertions synergists 2. The segment of a myofibril that is called a sarcomere runs from : (a) (b) (c) (d) one Z line to the next Z line one H zone to the next H zone one A band to the next A band one end of a skeletal muscle to the opposite end 3. Moving the arm away from the body would represent: (a) (b) (c) (d) Abduction Extension Adduction Flexion 4. The joint between two vertebrae is an example of a (a) (b) (c) (d) fixed joint hinge joint slightly moveable joint pivot joint 5. In order to bend the arm at the elbow the biceps muscle must contract. At the same time the tricep muscle must (a) (b) (c) (d) relax push on the ulna shorten contract 2 6. How many bones are there in the average person's body? (a) (b) (c) (d) 33 206 639 It varies by the individual 7. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT? (a) (b) (c) (d) Bone is where most blood cells are made. Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals. Bone is a dry and non-living supporting structure. Bone protects and supports the body and its organs. 8. What is the difference between cartilage and bone? (a) (b) (c) (d) Bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm. Cartilage is rubbery, and bone is firm. Bone is a more primitive tissue than cartilage. Bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside. 9. What is a joint? (a) (b) (c) (d) A hinge A ball and socket The place where two bones are joined The place where tendons are fastened together 10. What is the difference between compact bone and spongy bone? (a) (b) (c) (d) They have different bone marrow. They are made of different materials. They have different sizes of bone cells. They have different arrangement of bone cells. End of Section One 3 Section Two: Short answers (28 marks) Answer all questions in the spaces provided. 11. (a) Briefly describe main functions of the skeletal system. The skeleton provides a firm framework that gives shape to the body and supports its parts. (1) The bones provide points of attachment /Movement- for skeletal muscles. When the muscles contract, they allow movement to take place. (1) Protection of vital organs. The brain, for example, is encased within the skull, and the spinal cord is contained within the spinal canal formed by the vertebrae. The heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, while the pelvis protects the internal reproductive organs and bladder. (1) (must give an example) The bones of the skeleton act as storage organs for mineral salts and fat. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium are the main minerals stored within bone. These can be distributed to other regions of the body by the circulatory system when required. (1) The skeleton has a role in blood cell production. The red marrow contained within certain bones produces blood cells. (1) (MUST MENTION RED BONE MARROW) (5 marks) (b) Differentiate between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton forms the upright axis of the trunk provides protection for the brain, spinal cord and organs within the thorax. It consists of the skull, vertebral column and bony thorax. The appendicular skeleton consists of all other bones of the skeleton is adapted to carry out movement. (4 marks) 4 (c) Differentiate between yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow Yellow bone marrow fills the cavity in the hollow diaphysis of long bones. This cavity is used as a fat storage site and is often called the yellow bone marrow cavity. Red marrow is found in cancellous bone/ Epiphysis which is more porous than compact bone. It contains many large spaces filled with marrow. (4 marks) (d) Describe the three characteristics of muscle tissue. All muscle has the ability to contract, or shorten. Muscles also possess the properties of extensibility and elasticity. (3 marks) 12. One of the major risk factors in cardiovascular disease is hypertension (high blood pressure). It has been controlled by the use of various drugs and by the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. A method of prevention has now been trialled using a new drug called CYT006-AngQb. A clinical trial was carried out with 72 patients suffering from hypertension. Half of the patients were injected with 300μg of the new drug and half were injected with 300μg of a placebo. Three months after the injection, the blood pressure of the patients was taken over a 24-hour period, from 8am one day to 8am the next day. Below is a table comparing the average systolic blood pressure for both groups of patients over the 24-hour period. 5 Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) (a) Time (24 hours) Patients treated with the new drug Patients treated with the placebo 8 am 145 160 12pm (midday) 138 150 4pm 142 150 8pm 140 150 12 am (midnight) 125 130 4am 132 135 8am 140 160 Suggest a hypothesis for this experiment. Description Any one of: CYT006-AngQb/the new drug reduces blood pressure CYT006-AngQb/the new drug causes the greatest reduction in blood pressure in the early morning. Any statement that includes directional change between independent variable and dependent variable. (1 mark) Marks 1 Total 1 (b) Describe two (2) variables that were controlled in the experiment. Description Answer must be from data in question Any two of: Same administration of the drug Amount of drug and placebo injected/ 300μg of drug and placebo injected Equal number of patients in each group/ 36 patients in each group The same amount of time from injection to measurement of blood pressure/same time of administration Period of time over which blood pressure was measured/ blood pressure was measured over 24 hours All patients suffering hypertension (2 marks) Marks 1–2 Total 2 6 (c) What is the purpose of a placebo? (1 mark) Description Either Acts as a control/comparison with the experimental variable. or Patients unaware of which injection they have so there is equal psychological effect in both groups Marks 1 Total 1 (d) Graph the results in the table on the grid provided below. Description Maximum of 3 marks for a bar graph Correctly constructs axes using appropriate scale (BP on Y axis, Time on X axis) Correctly plots points and joins points to form a line (ruler) Labelling of axes with correct name and unit Identifies lines using key/labels Title appropriate with both variables with units included and the two groups (experimental and control) 7 (5 marks) Marks 1 1 1 1 1 Total 5 (e) (i) At which time of the day was the new drug most effective? Description 8 am (does not matter if they say 1st or 2nd 8am) (ii) At which time of the day was the new drug least effective? Description 4 am (iii) Suggest a reason for the difference between (e) (i) and (ii)? Sleeping/less active at 4am/ more active at 8am 8 (1 mark) Marks 1 Total 1 (1 mark) Marks 1 Total 1 (1 mark) 1 Total 1 Section Three: Extended answer (15 marks) Answer only one question _____________________________________________________________________ Question 13 a) Describe the macroscopic structure of a long bone and discuss the ways in which each structure is related to its functioning. (5 marks) A long bone consists of: (should have written all bold key words) a shaft, called the diaphysis, making up the main portion of the bone (1) The ends, or epiphysis which are the enlarged ends of the bone. (1) A thin layer of cartilage, the articular cartilage, covers each epiphysis. (1) When the bone is cut lengthwise, the diaphysis can be seen to be a hollow cylinder of compact bone surrounding a cavity. This cavity is used as a fat storage site and is often called the yellow bone marrow. (1) Cancellous bone is more porous than compact bone, and contains many large spaces filled with marrow. In certain bones this may be red bone marrow, where blood cell production takes place. (1) On the outer surface of the bone there is a dense, white, fibrous covering, the periosteum. (1) The epiphysis have compact bone on the outside, but their central regions contain spongy or cancellous bone 9 b) List the major components of the knee joint. For each component describe its role and function in articulation about the joint. The fibrous capsule surrounds and encloses the joint. (1) The synovial membrane makes up the inner layer of the capsule and lines the whole joint cavity except for the articular cartilages. It consists of loose connective tissue and blood capillaries. (1) The synovial fluid is secreted by the synovial membrane, and fills the synovial cavity. (1) The articular cartilage covers the articulating surfaces of the bones forming the joint. (1) This tissue provides a smooth surface for relatively friction-free movement. In addition, the following may also be present: (1) articular discs occur in some synovial joints, such as in the knee (1) bursae, or little sacs of synovial fluid, which are another feature of some joints (1) accessory ligaments, which hold the bones together in many joints (for example, the ligaments of the knee joint). (1) ACL = The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, connects the tibia to the femur at the centre of the knee. Its function is to limit rotation and forward motion of the tibia. (1) PCL= The posterior cruciate ligament, or PCL (located just behind the ACL) limits backward motion of the tibia. (1) (10 marks) 10 OR Question 14 a) Draw a fully labelled diagram of the Sliding Filament Theory to explain how a muscle moves from a state of relaxation to a state of contraction. Any 13 Any 13 Must have a fully labelled diagram 6 marks for a diagram and 6 marks for written dot points (12 marks) b) What is a neuromuscular junction? A neuromuscular junction is the point where the message for contraction is passed from the motor neuron to the muscle fibre. 11 (3 marks)