Chapter 2: Peoples of West Africa (Beginings-1591) Section 1: Ancient Africa MAIN IDEA: As in other world regions in ancient times, the spread of knowledge in Africa enabled some societies make great advances in ways of living. Section 1: OBJECTIVES 1. What effects did the drying of the Sahara desert have o the peoples of Africa? 2. What were some of the achievements of the Ancient Nubians and Egyptians? 3. What new developments had a great impact on the people south of the Sahara? PREHISTORY: Means before written HISTORY The Birth of Humanity A. Africa was the original home of Human Beings B. Most Humans lived in the SAVANNAS. C. As the Savannas dried up to form the Sahara Desert People MIGRATED to other areas Kingdom of the NILE A. People who first migrated East settled in the fertile NILE VALLEY NUBIA A. Around 750 B.C.E. the NUBIANS organized the Kingdom of KUSH B. Nubians formed CARAVANS to trade Iron, Ivory, Gold, Ostrich Feathers. C. KUSH began to decline because of a. The spread of Iron working around Africa b. The rival kingdom Aksum raided KUSH’S trade routes c. Aksum eventually destroys KUSH. ANCIENT EGYPT A. Around 3100 B.C.E. EGYPT unifies under one PHARAOH B. Egypt is one of the greatest civilizations because of their important contributions in a. Mathematics b. Writing/ record keeping c. organizing one government Africa South of the SAHARA A. By 1000 C.E. 70 percent of Africans lived South of the SAHARA B. The cultivated crops that could grow in this new area for a reliable food supply. Section 2: Empires of West Africa MAIN IDEA: A profitable gold trade across the Sahara allowed prosperous states and empires to develop in West Africa. Section 2: OBJECTIVES 1. What brought about the rise to power of Ghana and what led to its decline? 2. What were the outstanding features of the Mali and Songhai? 3. What was family and religious life like in Africa? GHANA: A. Ghana began its rise around 300 C.E. by the SININKE people. B. Located on the West Coast of Africa on the southern edge of the Sahara. C. It reached its peak around 1000 C.E. D. Ghana had a MONOPOLY on the SALT-GOLD trade. E. Islam began to rise during this Empire. The Spread of Islam: A. Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad around 600 C.E. B. MUSLIMS follow the teachings of Muhammad. C. Ghana’s rulers allowed Muslims to build a MOSQUE in KUMBI the capital. Slavery A. Slavery existed in Africa for centuries B. Slaves came from, War, Kidnap, Debt, or traded for food C. Slaves could Marry, own property, worship freely, become officials Fall of Ghana A. 1076 Armies of Muslims from the North conquered Ghana. B. By 1200s Ghana ceased to exist. Mali: A. The MANDINKA people started MALI on the upper NIGER RIVER in 600s C.E. B. MALI’S Muslim leader SUNDIATA defeated GHANA making MALI an EMPIRE. C. The famous Ruler MANSA MUSA made MALI one of the world’s largest Empires. D. MANSA MUSA built TIMBUKTU and in 1324 C.E. made a PILGRIMAGE to MECCA. E. MALI Begins to decline after MUSA’S death in 1337 C.E. Songhai A. In 1465 the Muslim General SUNNI ‘ALI, of the Songhai took control of MALI. B. In 1493 ASKIA the GREAT became Emperor of the Songhai C. During this Empire TIMBUKTU becomes a Muslim cultural and learning center. D. In 1591 the MOROCCANS took over the Songhai Empire. Family and Religion in Africa A. People of Africa had many different customs, but some they shared. B. KINSHIP or a relationship based on common ancestors was central in African life. C. Kinship was more important than the individual. D. Africans Began to convert to ISLAM and become MUSLIMS because: a. Muslims were rich and Powerful and people thought they would be too. b. More and more Africans learned to read and write Arabic. c. Africans and Muslims shared certain traditions/ more than one wife. E. Christianity came to Africa in the 300s C.E. in AKSUM. Section 3: Contacts with Europe MAIN IDEA: THE ARRIVAL OF PORTUGUESE SHIPS AND TRADERSALONG THE WEST AFRICAN COAST IN THE 1400S WOULD HAVE FAR-REACHING CONSEQUENCES FOR THIS REGION. SECTION 3: OBJECTIVES 1. Why did the Portuguese send ships along the West African Coast? 2. What type of relationship did West Africa and Portugal have? NOTE: In the 1100s the legend of PRESTER JOHN, a Christian, was started. According to this legend he lived in a faraway land that was surrounded by MUSLIMS. Arrival of the Portuguese. A. In the 1400s the country of Portugal (the Portuguese) began looking for new trade routes to Asia, and for gold and ways to spread Christianity. B. By 1482, led by Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal had set up a TRADING POST on Africa’s West Coast. C. TRADING POSTS allowed Europeans to trade goods with West African Empires. D. Portuguese traders shipped Gold, Ivory, Pepper, Animal Skins and Slaves back to Europe. Dealing with New Comers A. At first the Portuguese were impressed by the Power and Wealth of the African Rulers. B. The trade with Europe brought more wealth to the West African Coastal Empires. C. Sometimes Europeans would help certain Empires against rival Empires in conflicts. D. Unfortunately this contact between Europe and Africa would bring great change due to the SLAVE TRADE to the AMERICAS.