Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Needs Assessment
Chapter 3
Needs Assessment:
The process of determining learning needs and
opportunities and whether training is the
appropriate solution.
Chapter 3
Pressure Points:
Things that indicate training is necessary.
These “red flags” include:
•performance problems
•new technology
•job redesign
•new legislation
•new products
•skill deficiencies
Chapter 3
Pressure Points:
Performance = Ability x Motivation
difficult are the tasks being assigned.
capable is the individual.
hard is the person trying to succeed.
much improvement is being made.
Chapter 3
Three Levels of Analysis:
•Organizational Analysis
•Person Analysis
•Task Analysis
Chapter 3
Organizational Analysis:
Determining the appropriateness of training,
given the company’s business strategy,
resources, and managerial and peer support
for training.
Chapter 3
Person Analysis:
Determines - •whether deficiencies are due to a lack of
knowledge, skills, abilities; problems with
motivation; or work design
•who needs training
•employee’s readiness for training
Chapter 3
Task Analysis:
Identifying the important tasks performed
as well as the knowledge, skills, and behaviors
that are required to perform those tasks.
Chapter 3
Methods used in Needs Assessment
Involves analyzing employee’s job performance
by watching them directly.
Chapter 3
Methods used in Needs Assessment
Instrument that asks employees questions
about their work, coworkers, and work
Chapter 3
Methods used in Needs Assessment
Technical Manuals, Printed Materials & Records:
Printed materials about company performance,
technology, tasks, and business environment
that can be used for needs assessment.
Chapter 3
Methods used in Needs Assessment
Asking questions face-to-face to gather data.
Usually done one-on-one but can be done in
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis:
There are three factors to consider - •Company’s strategic direction
•Support of key Managers and Peers
•Resources available for training
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis:
Company’s Strategic Direction - Influences training to the extent that, in
companies where training plays a significant
strategic role, more money is invested in training
and the training function more likely to be
structured like a Corporate University or VTO.
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis:
Support of Key Managers and Peers - •Mgrs and peers must have a positive attitude
about participation
•Mgrs and peers must use new skill, behaviors
and knowledge back on the job.
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis:
Resources Available for Training - Includes money, time and expertise allocated
for training by the organization.
“In-house” vs. consultant/purchased options
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Person Analysis:
Identifies who needs training by examining
whether current and expected performance
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Person Analysis:
Readiness for training - whether the employee
can and wants to learn, the environment will
maximize learning, & performance improvement
needs are indicated.
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Person Analysis:
A person’s motivation to learn will be impacted
by the following factors:
•Person characteristics
•Input - instruction & resources provided
•Output - the job’s performance standards
•Consequences - incentives for performance
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Person Analysis:
To determine if training is the best solution - Is it a training problem, or a performance
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Task Analysis:
Develop a description of the tasks performed on
a job as well as the knowledge, skills,
and abilities required to perform the job.
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Task Analysis:
Knowledge = facts, figures and procedures
Skill = competency to perform a task
Ability = physical and mental capacities req’d.
Other considerations include equipment,
environment, performance standards, safety,
and time.
Chapter 3
The Needs Assessment Process
Task Analysis:
steps - Select job(s) to be analyzed
Develop preliminary list of tasks performed
SME’s validate and confirm task list
Identify knowledge, skills, and abilities
Chapter 3
Needs Assessment Practice
After watching the following clip, you will:
Task Analysis –
1. Make a list of the specific tasks performed
2. Make a list of KSAs for each task
Person Analysis –
1. Expected performance level for each task
2. Rank if employee fails/meets/exceeds level
3. Analyze employee’s motivation
Chapter 3
Needs Assessment Practice