Commander In Chief

Commander In Chief
Kristen Groseclose
George W. Bush
• The commander In Chief right now for the
Us is George W. Bush .Which means he is
the leader of the Army, Navy, Air force and
the Marines.
George W. Bush
• As Commander In Chief, he declares war.
He has declared war on Iraq. This
something that a Commander In Chief’s
George W. Bush
• The Commander In Chief has many other
jobs that he is responsible for. The
Commander In Chief’s job is very
important there for it is important that we
have a good one that is very reliable. That
is why the President is the Commander In
Chief Foreign Policy Maker
Problem in Kosovo
• People in Kosovo
were being killed
because of religion.
• With the help of
NATO Clinton
removed the threat.
Chief of Party
Shannon B.
Chief of Party
When a President supports a candidate of the same
party that the President belongs to, he is playing
the role Chief of Party.
Chief of Party
•An example of George W. Bush playing the role Chief of Party is
that he supported the republican Jerry Kilgore for Governor of
President Ronald Reagan
Watchdog of the Economy
1981 - 1989
• Key elements
– Made policies about money to stop rising
– The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
• a 25 percent tax cut to help encourage saving,
investing and work
– promised to balance the budget
– a plan to roll back government regulation
Reaganomics Results
• Economy grew more during Reagan years than
during the previous presidencies
• Family incomes grew $4000 during the Reagan
period and decreased by $1500 after
• Interest rates, inflation, and unemployment
dropped faster under Reagan than they did
immediately before or after his presidency.
• Only the savings rate dropped while Reagan
was president
Harry S. Truman
As Head of State
By: Seth K
Head of State
• Head of State- A person who serves as the
chief public representative of a nation.
• Roles of head of state.
Chief diplomatic officer
Chief executive officer
• One duty of Head of State is to throw out
the first pitch of the major league baseball
Woodrow Wilson
Chief Foreign Policy Maker
By Alexis Thompson
• Woodrow signed the
treaty of Versailles.
• The treaty had some
of his fourteen points
in it.
• He planned the
League of Nations.
• He was in World War
George Bush
Chief of Party
By Zeb Roche
• George Bush was
acting as chief of
party in the 2005
governor election.
He was trying to
help Jerry Kilgore.
Jerry Kilgore lost in
the election Tim
Kane won.
Commander In Chief
John F. Kennedy
By: Johnathan Terry
John F. Kennedy : Commander In Chief
• John F. Kennedy was a commander in
chief during the Cuban Missile Crisis
because he sent a naval blockade to Cuba
to prevent arrival of more missiles from the
Soviet Union.
Chief Foreign Policy
By: Valerie L.
Chief foreign policy maker
o He uses the help of his advisors
to decide how our country will
react to certain foreign policy
Declaring war, signing policies with other
George W. Bush
George W. BushHe is the president of the United States
has been serving as our president since
2000. In 2001 there was a tragedy where
Bush had to step in. He had to decide
whether or not to go to war. He decided
to got to war. This is an example of being
the chief foreign policy maker.
Commander in Chief
By: Salena N.
Commander in Chief
• Commander in Chief- the president leading an
army or navy
Commander in chief
• On April 15th Lincoln
called for 75,000
volunteers to fight in
the Civil War.
• The volunteers had to
fight for 3 months.
• The Civil War began
in 1860.
• The war did not end
until 1865 so it lasted
5 years.
Head of State
Ethan B.
George W. Bush
• My report is on current
president George W. Bush.
When he went to China to
represent the U.S.A.
• President George W. Bush
went to settle a trading issue.
• He also went because he had
a duty to do for the U.S.A.
Chief Legislator
By: Ashley Wise
Ronald Reagan
Chief Legislator-President Reagan
before a joint session.
President George W. Bush
 “Chief Foreign Policy Maker”
With the help of the presidents advisors, he
establishes foreign policy and decides
how America will react to certain foreign
President George W. Bush
 President Bush outlined a second term
foreign policy that would make
international cooperation his
administrations top priority but put
responsibility for Middle East peace effort
on the Palestinians, a tough stance at
odds with some United States allies.
Commander in Chief
By Stephen Steele
Commander in chief
• In 2001 when two
planes struck the twin
towers the president
was George W. Bush.
Commander in Chief
• Bush later learned
that Osama Bin lad
en's Iraqi terrorists
had taken over the
planes and crashed
them into the Twin
Towers on purpose.
Commander in chief
• So it was Bush’s job
as commander in
chief to make the
decisions of war.
Bush decided to go to
war in 2002. Bush
said that he sent
troops over seas
because he wanted a
more peaceful nation.
Fulfilling the Role of Chief of Party
 As the leader of his
party, the president
must constantly be
campaigning for others
in his party who are
seeking election.
George Bush and Jerry Kilgore
 George Bush helped Jerry Kilgore by
campaigning for him in the 2005
Gubernatorial election.
 Kilgore and Bush are fellow Republicans.
 President Bush arrived on Air Force One in
Richmond to urge Virginia voters to elect
Kilgore in a large rally on November 7,
Election Rally
 Bush gave a moving
speech on the
Republican Party and
the subject of voting.
Chief Foreign Policy Maker
Andrew J
Chief Foreign Policy Maker-Ronald Reagan
• Chief Foreign Policy
• Ronald Reagan was a
maker is the president
prime example of
of the United States.
Chief Foreign Policy
He decides the
maker because he
relationship between
had or tried to
two nations.
develop good
relationships with
other nations like
Ronald Reagan
• Reagan was widely known for talking to
Russia’s General Secretary for the
Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev.
• He kept a strong relationship with the U.K
• He was known for saying “Mr. Gorbachev
tear down this wall”