
AP Biology Unit 6 Study Guide
Chapter 19: Descent with Modification
 People before Darwin and their ideas
o Fossils
o Aristotle vs. Linnaeus
o Cuvier and extinctions
o Hutton and Lyell and geological processes
 HMS Beagle voyage and Charles Darwin
o What did he find during this time and how did this support his idea of descent with
 Extinct vs. current species, temperate vs. tropical species of South America,
geological processes and age of Earth, finches
 Artificial selection
 Lamarckism vs. Darwinism
 Adaptation
 Natural selection and Darwin’s argument for it
o Acts on an individual. ******Individuals cannot evolve!!!*******
o Natural selection requires a trait to vary in a population in order to occur
 Evidence for evolution
o Direct observations of natural selection and population change
 Be able to identify an example
o Homology supports evolution
 Homology vs. Analogy
 Be able to identify particular structures as analogous or homologous
 Homologous structures
 Analogous structures
 Vestigial structures
 Be able to provide an example
 Convergent evolution and analogous structures
 Be able to provide an example
o Fossil record
o Biogeography- what is it?
 Endemic
 Why is Darwin’s theory of evolution theoretical?
Chapter 20: Phylogeny
 Phylogeny
 Systematics and taxonomy
 Binomial nomenclature- know what a proper scientific name looks like
 Classification from broadest category to smallest: DKPCOFGS
 Taxon
 Phylogenetic tree
o Branch points
o Rooted
o Sister taxa
o Basal taxon
o Polytomy
 Phylogenetic tree key points
o Show evolutionary relationships
o Do not show actual ages
o Taxa next to each other did not evolve from each other
What is used to make a phylogenetic tree?
o Morphology and DNA
 Homologous structures used not analogous
o Clade
o Monophyletic
o Paraphyletic
o Polyphyletic
o Shared ancestral character
o Shared derived character
o Outgroups and ingroups
Branch lengths of phylogenetic trees
Importance of phylogenetic trees
Chapter 21: Evolution of Populations
 Microevolution
 In order for evolution to occur in a population, need genetic variation
o Sources of genetic variation
 Gene pool
 Hardy-Weinberg usage (what does it do?) and be able to use the equation
 Hardy-Weinberg and Chi-square test
 Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg
 Ways for Hardy-Weinberg to no longer apply
o Natural selection
o Genetic drift
 Founder effect
 Bottleneck effect
o Gene flow
 Adaptive evolution and natural selection
 **Relative fitness**
 3 types of natural selection
o Directional
o Stabilizing
o Disruptive
 Sexual selection
 Balancing selection
o Heterozygote advantage
o Frequency-dependent selection
 Why no perfect organisms?