*He didn*t mean to hit mom, I think*: positioning, agency and point in

Do human rights matter in
bilateral aid allocation?
The article analyzes the role of human aid allocation of 21
donor countries. It applies econometric analysis to a panel
covering a period from 1985 to 1997. Results show that
respect for human rights splays a statistically significant role
for most donors at the aid eligibility stage.
Economic development and
democracy reconsidered
No abstract available
“He didn’t mean to hit mom, I think”:
positioning, agency and point in
adolescents 'narratives about
domestic violence
ABSTRATCT: This paper analyses the narratives of adolescents who
have experienced domestic violence. It focuses on what we can
learn about being an adolescent who experiences domestic
violence, using a narrative approach. Attentive to both form and
content, the paper sheds light on why the narrative, is being told,
who the actors in the narratives are, who are positioned in the
forefront/background and what the point of the narrative is….
Critical reflections on youth and
equality in the rural context
Drawing on a research study in a rural school in Victoria,
Australia, this paper seeks to examine the ways in which
young people make sense of and negotiate the challenges
they encounter in their communities and in their postsecondary school transitions through two dominant
discourses of equality: liberal egalitarianism and
Longing to belong: Children in the
residential care and their experiences
to peer relationships at school and in
the children’s home
This paper explores the meaning and experience of peer
relationships to one group of children living in residential
care in Ireland. The findings suggest that the children are
aware of their “care” status and developed a number of
strategies to manage this identity at school.
International peace-building: A
theoretical analysis
International peace building can improve the prospects
that a civil war will be resolved. The researchers test this
proposition with an extensive data set of 124 post WWII civil
wars and find that multilateral, United Nations peace
operations make a positive difference. UN peacekeeping is
positively correlated with democratization processes after
civil war.
“For Maori, language is precious. And
without it we are a bit lost”: Maori
experiences of aphasia
Background experiences of aphasia are shaped by culture.
Therefore to provide appropriate services for people with
aphasia, speech language therapists must understand
aphasia from their potential clients' cultural perspective. This
study aimed to describe and interpret the experiences of
Maori with aphasia to inform service delivery for this
Stepping into formal politics:
Women’s engagement in formal
political processes in irrigation in rural
Based on a survey of 592 women in rural Himachal Pradesh,
this paper analyses how these policies affect women
engagement in formal political processes. Results indicate
that factors from the private and individual domains
influence female participation in formal political processes.
On social inequality: Analyzing the
rich-poor disparity
This paper presents a new approach to the analysis of
wealth and income distributions, which sets its spotlight on
the most heated facet of the current heated debate on
social inequality. Our approach offers researchers highly
applicable tools to statistically analyze the growing gap
between the rich and the poor.
“My life’s been a total disaster but I
feel privileged”: care-leavers' access
to personal records and their
implication for social work practice.
Drawing on in-depth interviews with a group of Australian
care-leavers, this paper discusses their experiences of
accessing personal records. Accessing these records was
often highly significant to identity formation, but could
produce both positive and negative effects…