
CJS - Chapter 2
What are the
Old Idealism New Cynicism -
”civics book view”
”nothing works”
Neither based on real knowledge - superficial
CJS - Chapter 2
What is the Crime Commission Model?
Complex, formal picture of how legal
system is supposed to work
CJS - Chapter 2
Know the Wedding Cake Model well!
CJS - Chapter 2
What are celebrated cases (top layer) and
why are they important?
Celebrity and high-publicity trials – “show trials”
Distorts public view – think trials are typical
(Trials are actually very rare – large majority
of cases are settled – “plea bargained”)
CJS - Chapter 2
What separates “serious” from
“less serious” felonies Know the three key factors well!!
Harm/Threat (injury, gun, etc.)
Record/background of offender (criminal?)
Relationship offender/victim
CJS - Chapter 2
Why is prior relationship a “policy dilemma”
for the CJS?
Not “real crimes” or “real criminals”
Often lack of cooperation from victims
CJS - Chapter 2
Is the system harsh or lenient on serious felonies?
Harsh toward perceived “real criminals”
(based on court culture & social class)
CJS - Chapter 2
How does the fourth layer differ
from the others?
“Mickey Mouse” justice