Common Sense Day 1

Classroom Expectations
Be on time and come prepared (bring your gear!)
Absent (admit slip needed before you get here)
Uniform required (tip to toe)
Water no food
Washroom breaks (are a privilege not a right and are to
be infrequent & one at a time)
• Electronic devices (not permitted)
• Assignment due dates set by the teacher (that would
be me Ms. G. The only extension is the extension given
by teacher prior to due date)
• Late penalty = 1/3 of a level a day (do the math)
Why Take Psych, Soc., Anthro?
Introduction to Social Sciences
Social Sciences use research and data
analysis to explain human behaviour –
what people think, how and why they
act the way they do
T or F -- Quiz
Psychologists study behavior and the mind, but not biology.
FALSE: Psychologists study many things including both social (environmental) influence and biological and physiological influences
on human behavior and are also interested in examining the “interaction” between biology and environment.
Eyewitness testimony is some of the best evidence used by police and in court trials.
FALSE: Research shows that many eyewitness memories can be false, implanted, distorted or made-up. Many after the fact events
and experiences can lead individuals to form new memories inconsistent with the real events or distorted ones that are not truly
representative of the true events which occurred.
Some people never dream.
FALSE: Dreams are quite common and although many people will not remember their dreams it is impossible that someone or a
particular individual has never dreamed during their sleep over the course of their life. In fact, since everyone dreams to a certain
extent during their sleep, dream analysis or dream interpretation was a famous form of psychoanalysis during the early 1900’s.
The titles “psychologist” and “psychiatrist” refer to the same profession.
FALSE: A “psychologist” attends “graduate school” and is trained primarily in research, statistics and talk therapy for those
pursuing a “clinical” route. A “psychiatrist” attends “medical school” and is primarily trained in biology, medicine and prescribed
You are more likely to get help if there are more people around you. There is safety in numbers.
FALSE: Research shows that the phenomenon of “diffusion of responsibility” or “bystander apathy” often occurs in large groups or
crowds causing individuals in need of help (i.e., victim) to be less likely to receive the assistance they need from those around
What would you do?
Look carefully at the center circles on both the left and right.
Which circle is bigger?
Stare at the cross for 15-30 seconds and the lilac (pink) circles will disappear and be
replaced by a single green disc running around the circle.
The rows of fish appear to move left and right.
Common Sense
Common Sense
• We are all shaped by our experiences
• We all have different experiences, therefore we all
have a different way of looking at and understanding
(i.e. sociology,
psychology, civics,
Scientific/ Applied
Method (i.e. mathematics,
physics, biology…)
The Inquiry Method
• Many disciplines in social sciences use the
scientific method (called the inquiry method
in our course)
• The inquiry method is used to gather data and
information when studying the behaviour,
trends and statistics regarding society,
individuals and groups
Definition of Social Sciences
• The study of people as individuals and as
members of groups (i.e. families,
communities, societies, peer groups…).
• The social sciences include various areas of
study – known as disciplines – such as history,
law, civics, economics…
And those as the heart of this course:
• Sociology – examines human society and
group behaviour (macro level)
• Psychology – studies the human mind,
emotions, behaviours of individuals (micro
• Anthropology – considers the scientific study
of humans, especially of their origin,
behaviour and physical, social, and cultural
development (macro level)
Comparison of the 3 Disciplines in HSP3M
– Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
Main Focus
Means ‘the study of man’
Anthropology The study of the lives and
The Study of cultures of human beings as
Humans with a species – dead or alive.
focus on culture Through time (i.e. evolution)
and origin
and throughout the world (i.e.
2 branches – physical and
The Study of
Individuals in
The Study of
Groups in
Methods of Research
Physical - scientific research, archeology,
historical artifacts…
Cultural - Field study/observation - Living
with a cultural group for extended periods –
observing rituals and group behaviours.
The scientific study of
individual behaviours and
mental processes.
Examines what guides our
thinking and behaviour.
Studying people’s feelings, thoughts, and
personality development through interviews
to determine past influential experiences,
conducting animal experiments – believing
these will lead to a better understanding of
The study of human social life,
groups, origins, and
relationships in society.
Examines how membership in
a group shapes our
experiences of the world.
Conducting statistical analysis and
observation. Considers trends and reasons
why things happen the way they do in
society and analyze how society affects
individuals and how individuals contribute to
Topics of Study
Your Task...
• Look through the textbook “Images of
Society” and find issues/topics that each of
the 3 disciplines would examine.
• You have 15 minutes to find at least 5 topics
per discipline. We will take up your answers –
be ready to share.