SIMS Training Slide Template

February, 2015
What is DATIM?
– Creating Accounts/Logging in
– Help
– Dashboard
– Apps
– Organization Unit Hierarchy, iPSLs
– Data Entry
– Logging out
– Packed vs. unpacked
– Facility
– Community
– Above Site
– Key Populations
– DOD mil sites data entry
– Import
– Pivot tables, SIMS reports
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
PEPFAR’s new information system
Powered by dhis2
DATIM Deployment Timing
Country Group
“First Wave”
Angola, Burundi, Cote
d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Namibia, South Sudan,
Swaziland, Vietnam,
Zambia, Zimbabwe
COP Target
April 3
February –
Late March
May 1
February –
Late March
Late March
Late March – April 1 –
Late April
May 15
April 3
DATIM Deployment Group is planning DATIM trainings that
follow COP submission for “Third Wave” OUs. COP targets for
these OUs will be submitted in a tool other than DATIM.
Communication regarding how these OUs will submit SAPR data
is forthcoming.
“Third Wave”
Asia Regional, Burma,
Cambodia, Caribbean,
Central America, Central
Asia, DR, Guyana, India,
Indonesia, PNG, Ukraine
“Live” User
MidFebruary –
“Second Wave”
Botswana, Cameroon, DRC,
Haiti, Kenya, Lesotho,
Malawi, Mozambique,
Nigeria, Rwanda, South
Africa, Tanzania, Uganda
April 1 –
May 15
**Wave assignments are undergoing revisions. This table reflects the DATIM Deployment Group’s
understanding as of January 29, 2015.
Upcoming Webinars
(Invitations Forthcoming)
Demoland Overview (February 5 – USG Only)
Advanced Site Administration (Site Administrators Only)
User Administration (User Administrators Only)
DATIM Support Procedures/User Account
Release Preparation
• Workflow Management
• Data De-Duplication
DATIM Training Resources Portal
• Publicly-available training resources
– Task tutorials
– Generic Demoland training environment access
– Train-the-trainer materials
– DATIM training planning materials
• Ongoing content development and updates
• Access the portal at:
• Why is PEPFAR deploying a new information system?
– Effective targeting of resources to the disease burden to
accelerate progress towards an AIDS-Free generation in
the current budget environment requires the continuous
collection, management, analysis, and review of various
data streams at greater levels of granularity.
– PEPFAR HQ has developed tools and a system (DATIM) to
help support data management and promote data analysis
and use for continual program improvement and a
dynamic program response.
• Does DATIM replace FACTSInfo?
– No, the use of FACTSInfo is mandated by the
Department of State.
– There will be NO double entry in FACTSInfo and DATIM
• What is DATIM?
– DATIM is an specific and customized instance of DHIS2 (see
slide 2) for PEPFAR
• Was DATIM piloted?
– DATIM was piloted in one OU to support site-level APR data
entry and submission for FY2014. Lessons from the pilot
informed plans for the broader implementation.
• Will the OUs that did not attend the December DATIM training
in Johannesburg have an opportunity for similar DATIM
– Yes, the remaining 12 OUs will receive similar DATIM training.
These are largely expected to take place after the COP
reviews based on feedback from these OUs. More
information is forthcoming.
Tool for collection, validation, analysis, and
presentation of aggregate statistical data
Free and open source software developed by
Health Information Systems Programme (HISP);
development coordinated by University of Oslo
Used regularly by over 30,000 users in 46 countries
Vibrant developer and implementer community
Learn more about dhis2 at
• Until users have access to the Help Desk (tied
to “live” DATIM user accounts), please submit
questions and comments to the DDG through
an in-country DATIM POC (a USG member of
the in-country DATIM Deployment Group) at
SIMS Users in DATIM, FY2015 Q1
• The number of initial SIMS DATIM users for FY2015 Q1
data entry and submissions is purposely limited, as this
activity is occurring prior to the full roll-out of DATIM in
each OU.
• These users will have access to the SIMS datasets (only)
in DATIM for their OU (only).
• Account invitations will be emailed Monday, Feb 2 to
new SIMS users for FY2015 Q1 submissions. Existing
SIMS users DATIM accounts will be maintained.
• Once DATIM is fully deployed to an OU, the User
account creation and management for an OU will rest
with the OU, and more SIMS users can then be created
by the OU.
DATIM SIMS Timeline for FY2015
Q1 submission
• Feb 2: DATIM account invitations for new SIMS users will be
• Feb 2: Expected by COB EST that the newest DATIM release will be
pushed to Production. Includes:
– iPSLs loaded for all OUs
– Addition of SIMS Above site datasets
• Feb 2 – Feb 5: DATIM SIMS module training for new OUs
• Jan 1 – Feb 17: Ability for “old” SIMS OUs to enter Facility and
Community assessments data
• Feb 2 – Feb 17: Full ability for all OUs to enter SIMS data entry in
DATIM for Facility, Community, and Above Site assessments data.
• Feb 17 COB: SIMS FY2015 Q1 assessments due in DATIM
DATIM Training Overview
Creating Your Account
1. You will receive 2 emails from DHIS2 “Create
User Account Invitation”
Creating Your Account
1st email contains a link, 2nd email a password
Follow the instructions in the emails to set up
your account
Logging In
1. Navigate to
2. Notice whether or not there is a red warning that your browser is not
supported (example above, using IE 8, which is not supported).
3. Enter your user name and password. Remember, both are case sensitive.
4. Click the “Sign In” button
A few things to keep in mind
• If you can, use Chrome, there are a few things
that work better there.
• If you are having issues, try logging out of
DATIM, clearing your browser’s cache
(browsing history), then logging back into
 To do clear your cache, click CTRL H and click on
Clear Browsing History at the top of the page
How to get help
Please request Help from within DATIM – this provides much more information
to the Help Desk about your account to help them answer your question.
From the Dashboard, click on Apps.
From the Apps drop down menu, select the DATIM Support icon.
If you do not initially see the DATIM support icon, select the “More apps”
button in order to view all apps.
How to get help
• From the DATIM support page, click on “Submit a request” to
submit a help ticket.
• You will get an automated notice of your help ticket within a
few minutes. You can reply to this notice in order to cc others
on your help ticket if needed.
• You will receive an email anytime your help ticket is updated.
• You can also check on the status of help tickets by clicking on
“My activities”.
There are a
lot of other
resources on
support page
as well!
Also see:
DATIM Dashboard
The Dashboard is the main “home” page of DATIM. You can access the Apps and
Profile menus from here. Graphs, charts, etc. shown on the page are customizable.
• Most of the DATIM functionality is
organized in the different Apps.
• To access these, click on the “Apps”
symbol on the top blue menu bar,
and a list of Apps that you have
access to will appear.
• Click on any of the Apps to open
• Click on the “More apps” button to
see all Apps you have access to.
Organization Unit Hierarchy
Unit Hierarchy
Organization Unit Hierarchy
Data entry form
The left hand Organization Unit navigation menu lists the Organization Units (sites and
associated geo/political administrative hierarchy) populated originally from the OU’s iPSL.
The Organization Unit Hierarchy organized from the national org unit to various sub-national
org units to the facilities. The “levels” in the Org Unit Hierarchy vary from OU to OU.
Datasets (e.g. the SIMS Facility dataset, or the SIMS Community dataset) are assigned only
to those org units in the hierarchy that they apply to (e.g. the SIMS facility data set is only
assigned to facility org units).
It is from the Organization Unit Hierarchy Menu that you must first select the Facility site
(facility), Community site (political/admin unit), or Above Site entity (national org unit) in
order to begin SIMS data entry for that site’s assessment. Make sure you have selected the
correct Organization Unit!
Searching the Organization
Unit Hierarchy
• You can also search for a organization unit by clicking on
the Search icon above the Organization Unit Hierarchy.
• Enter your search criteria, then click Find.
• Sites matching your search criteria will be shown in a blue
• Once you click on one of the org units from the blue list,
the hierarchy will be expanded and the site automatically
will be selected.
DATIM Data Entry
• To open the Data Entry app,
first click on the Apps icon.
• Then click on the “Data
Entry” app icon.
• Click on the More Apps
button to see all of the apps
available to your account.
Data Entry
• Data entry is organized by data set, which is equivalent
to a collection form.
• All data sets that are filled must refer to an
organization unit (a location/site), a period (e.g.
“January 2014”) and a funding mechanism. These
items must be selected before the data entry can
Data Entry in Offline Mode
• When Internet
connectivity is lost during
a data entry session, the
system will provide the
notification on the top of
the data entry page: “You
are now offline, data will
be stored locally”.
• Data entry can continue as
before and values will be
stored locally on your
• You can navigate to other
org units, data sets and
mechanisms, but
historical data that have
not been registered in the
current offline session will
not be available.
Data Entry in Offline Mode
• When Internet is back
again, you will be
notified that “There
is data stored locally,
please upload to
• You need to click on
the Upload button in
order to push your
locally stored data to
the central server.
Navigation/Saving Data/Log-Out
• Data are saved automatically as they are entered. Data cells colored in
light green on the data entry form indicate that the data have been saved
to the server.
• When you navigate away from a form or log out, your information is not
lost. Using the left-hand Organization Unit Navigation Menu and the
green section of the Data Entry form, you can select the specific
organization unit/period/funding mechanism combination to bring back
the data entry form (and data) for that site assessment.
• You can click the Complete button at the bottom of the Data Entry form to
mark for yourself or your team that you have completely finished entering
data for the given organization unit/period/funding mechanism
combination. Clicking on the Complete button does not affect whether the
data are saved, as data are saved automatically as they are entered.
• To Logout of DATIM, click on the “Profile” button on the blue bar at the
top right hand section of the screen. Then click on the “Log out” button
that appears.
SIMS data entry
Unpacked vs. Packed
• “Unpacked” – SIMS tools or applications that collect and/or
store all SIMS visit data elements, including the data from all
questions within a CEE.
• “Packed” – SIMS tools or applications that collect and/or
store SIMS visits’ site info, mechanism info, and final CEE
scores and comments data elements only. Also, community
intervention point CEE scores are NOT collected in Packed
applications, only the Community Site level CEE scores are
• SIMS datasets in DATIM are “packed”.
SIMS Main Screen - Components
Unit Hierarchy
Data Entry “green
Additional Site &
Mechanism Info
Data Entry
CEE Final Score
and Comments
Data Entry
Organization Unit Navigation Menu
The left hand Organization Unit navigation menu lists the Organization Units (sites) from the
OU’s iPSL, organized by admin unit levels.
The iPSL is the critical backbone for any data entry in DATIM (including SIMS).
It is from the Organization Unit Navigation Menu that you must first select the Facility site
(facility), Community site (political/admin unit), or Above site entity (National org unit) in
order to begin SIMS data entry for that site/entity.
Once an org unit is selected on the Organization Unit Navigation Menu, the Initial Data Entry
form will appear. Under the Data Set drop down, the possible SIMS Data sets will be available
to select.
Facility - Data Entry
Organization Unit
Data Set. Select the “SIMS – Facility, Packed” data set.
Period is by month. Select the month that the SIMS site assessment occurred in.
Funding Mechanism. Select the funding mechanism for the SIMS site assessment.
At the Facility level, Organization Unit is synonymous with SIMS Facility Site Names
Select the Facility Site of the SIMS visit from the left-hand Organization Unit Navigation Menu.
Once an Organization Unit (Facility Site) is selected, the system knows the above site (e.g. OU,
Province, District) data as well.
By selecting a mechanism, the system knows the partner and agency as well.
Unique key: The Organization Unit, Period, and Funding Mechanism combined are the
unique key to identify data in DATIM. The dataset is NOT part of the unique key.
Facility – Site & Mechanism
Visit Type:
Visit Date:
Tip #2 – Some fields from the Facility Site Cover Sheet are
not included on the SIMS in DATIM data entry form since
they are known in the system through the Site (Organization
Unit) and the Mechanism selected.
lat/long of the facility site, and the geodetic datum
setting used to collect the lat/long, if known
Partner Agreement Signed:
Enter the Agency Agreement # (not the FACTS Info
mechanism ID) if it exists. Free text.
Latitude, Longitude, and Datum:
Tip #1 – The data for the Site and Mechanism Info section
are collected on the paper Facility Site Cover Sheet or the
paper Facility Site Dashboard.
Enter the specific date that the SIMS visit occurred
Time Start: free text
Time End: free text
Facility Level: free text
Village/Town: free text
Agency Agreement Number:
Select from the drop-down, the visit type.
Select from the Drop down
Overall Site Strengths & Challenges:
Enter from Facility Site Dashboard, if available. Free
Facility – Domains and CEEs
Surpas s es
Needs Urgent
Expectations Expectations Improvement Remediation
Tip: CEE scores and Comments
fields are not required fields.
• If the Domain is not relevant to
the Facility Site (OrgUnit), the
user should not enter any data
for any of the CEEs in that
Domain (Data Set Section).
• If the Domain is relevant, but a
CEE within the Domain is not
relevant, the user should select
“Not Applicable” for the
“Score” for that CEE.
• If the Domain is relevant, and
the CEE is relevant, but the
data are missing, the user
should leave the “score” blank,
and enter information into the
“Comments” field for the CEE
describing why the data are
Facility – CEE data entry
CEE Score data entry
CEE Comments data entry
Domain Title – Listed at the top of each section
Core Essential Element (CEE) – Each CEE contains a Score and a Comments field.
Score – final score for the CEE as recorded on Facility Paper tool.
Comments – overall comments for the CEE, if any
Facility – CEE data entry
available drop-down values are filtered
Tip #1 – To correct/change CEE values entered, you must select the field and
delete out of your entry. This is because values shown in the drop-downs are
filtered based on what has been typed so far. For example, above, only the Light
Green and Dark Green values are listed since “green” has been typed into the
data entry field.
Facility– Form Submission
Run Validation – Clicking on this button will run a validation to determine if all
fields have been entered in the correct format and all required fields have been
Complete – In DATIM, all data is automatically saved as it is entered (when data
entry is done online). Clicking on the Complete button indicates when you have
completely finished entering data for the SIMS assessment record, but does not
affect whether/how the data are saved in the system.
Incomplete – Click on the Incomplete button if you need to edit/enter data in a
record you had previously set as Complete.
Community - Data Entry
Organization Unit
Data Set. Select the “SIMS – Community, Packed” data set.
Period is by month. Select the month that the SIMS site assessment occurred in.
Funding Mechanism. Select the funding mechanism for the SIMS site assessment.
At the political/admin level chosen by an OU as its community sites, Organization Unit is synonymous
with Community Site Names
Select the Community Site of the SIMS visit from the left-hand Organization Unit Navigation Menu.
Once an Organization Unit (Community Site) is selected, the system knows the above site (e.g. OU,
Province, District) data as well.
By selecting a mechanism, the system knows the partner and agency as well.
Unique key: The Organization Unit, Period, and Funding Mechanism combined are the
unique key to identify data in DATIM. The dataset is NOT part of the unique key.
Community – Site & Mechanism Info
Geopolitical Unit Level
Funding Mechanism Number.
Tip #1 – The data for the Site and Mechanism Info
section are collected on the paper Community Site
Cover Sheet or the paper Community Site Dashboard.
Tip #2 – All form free text fields have a 255 character
Tip #3 – Some fields from the Community Site Cover
Sheet are not included on the SIMS in DATIM data
entry form since they are known in the system
through the Site (Organization Unit) and the
Mechanism selected.
Select from the Drop down
Intervention Points Description
Enter the specific date that the SIMS visit occurred on
Partner Agreement Signed
Select from the drop-down, the visit type.
Visit Date
Enter the ID of the site visit, NOT the ID of the site itself.
Free text.
Visit Type
Enter the Agency Agreement # (not the FACTS Info
mechanism ID) if applicable. Free text.
Community Site Visit ID
Enter the geopolitical unit level that is being used as
community sites (e.g. ward, etc.) Free text.
Description of all intervention points within the
Community Site visit. Enter from the Community Site
Dashboard, if available. Free text.
Overall Site Strengths & Challenges
Enter from Community Site Dashboard, if available. Free
Community – Domains and CEEs
Surpas s es
Needs Urgent
Expectations Expectations Improvement Remediation
Tip: CEE scores and Comments
fields are not required fields.
• If the Domain is not relevant to
the Community Site (OrgUnit),
the user should not enter any
data for any of the CEEs in that
Domain (Data Set Section).
• If the Domain is relevant, but a
CEE within the Domain is not
relevant, the user should select
“Not Applicable” for the
“Score” for that CEE.
• If the Domain is relevant, and
the CEE is relevant, but the
data are missing, the user
should leave the “score” blank,
and enter information into the
“Comments” field for the CEE
describing why the data are
Community – CEE data entry
CEE Score data entry
CEE Comments data entry
Domain Title – Listed at the top of each section
Core Essential Element (CEE) – Each CEE contains a Score and a Comments field.
Score – final score for the CEE as recorded on Community Paper tool.
Comments – overall comments for the CEE, if any
Community – CEE data entry
available drop-down values are filtered
Tip #1 – To correct/change CEE values entered, you must select the field and
delete out of your entry. This is because values shown in the drop-downs are
filtered based on what has been typed so far. For example, above, only the Light
Green and Dark Green values are listed since “green” has been typed into the
data entry field.
Community – Form Submission
Run Validation – Clicking on this button will run a validation to determine if all
fields have been entered in the correct format and all required fields have been
Complete – In DATIM, all data is automatically saved as it is entered (when data
entry is done online). Clicking on the Complete button indicates when you have
completely finished entering data for the SIMS assessment record, but does not
affect whether/how the data are saved in the system.
Incomplete – Click on the Incomplete button if you need to edit data in a record
you had previously set as Complete. This should be done sparingly.
Above site
Facility: Key Populations
The Key Populations dataset consists only of the Domains & CEE related to Key
Populations (Domains 9 STI and 11 Key Populations).
Access to the SIMS Key Populations datasets in DATIM is limited to those who have
the requisite permissions to enter/edit key population SIMS data.
For each SIMS facility site record, data need to be entered into the SIMS – Facility
dataset AND, if applicable, the SIMS – Facility: Key Populations dataset
Community: Key Populations
The Key Populations dataset consists only of the Domains & CEE related to Key
Populations (Domains 9 STI and 11 Key Populations).
Access to the SIMS Key Populations datasets in DATIM is limited to those who have
the requisite permissions to enter/edit key population SIMS data.
For each SIMS community site record, data need to be entered into the SIMS –
Community dataset AND, if applicable, the SIMS – Community: Key Populations
DOD mil
Importing SIMS data
into DATIM
Importing SIMS data into DATIM
• What is the policy for developing a data exchange from an existing
site-level information system into DATIM?
– Approval: DATIM must approve all DATIM data exchange development
projects from existing systems before they begin. DATIM must
complete the final testing and provide final approval of the data
exchange developed before any imports are run on the Production
instance of DATIM from the data exchange.
– Format: Data to be imported into DATIM from existing systems must
be formatted by the other existing system into the currently accepted
import formats in DATIM and using the existing data element codes,
site IDs, and formats in DATIM. For approved projects, DATIM will
provide and maintain up-to-date documentation information on codes
and formats available to create a data exchange into DATIM, as well as
the appropriate system access to develop and test the data exchange.
– Technical Assistance: Unless otherwise approved through DATIM, the
owners/developers of the other system are expected to provide the
technical assistance to update their system as needed to be able to
transfer data in the DATIM format and codes provided, to conduct
exchange testing, and to provide assistance and training as needed to
their system users for exporting data from their system.
Importing SIMS data into DATIM from
an agency-specific SIMS application
1. Create/export a data transfer file from the agencyspecific SIMS application.
– Please contact the managers of the agency-specific
application for information on how to do this. Currently,
only the CDC application supports this and only at the
national level for the community and facility datasets only.
2. Note that the Implementing Mechanism ID and the
Facility or Community Site ID for each SIMS record
included in the data transfer file must match with
existing IDs in DATIM in order to be imported.
– The Mechanism ID must be the FACTS Info Mechanism ID
Importing SIMS data into DATIM from
an agency-specific SIMS application
3. From your DATIM home page, click on the “Apps”
section on the upper right hand side, then select the
Import/Export Utility from the Apps menu.
Importing SIMS data into DATIM from
an agency-specific SIMS application
4. Select appropriate type of Import. For example, if
your data transfer file is an html file, select “XML
Data Import”.
Importing SIMS data into DATIM from
an agency-specific SIMS application
Click on “Choose file” and select the data transfer file to be
Click on “More options”, then set “Data element ID scheme” to
“Code”, and “Org unit ID scheme” to “Code.”
Click the “Import” button.
Importing SIMS data into DATIM from
an agency-specific SIMS application
8. Once import process finishes, click on “Display Import
Summary” to see the import results, and to ensure that all
data elements were imported (Conflicts found = none).
Basic SIMS reports
Reporting tools in DATIM
Creating a basic SIMS report example
Select Pivot Table from the Apps menu.
On left hand menu, ignore the “Indicators” section, instead, click on the
“Data elements” section.
From the dropdown, select “All SIMS” to list all SIMS data elements.
Click on the magnifying glass to filter those data elements. For example,
type “score” in order to see only the CEE “score” data elements listed.
Creating a basic SIMS report example
Highlight (click on while holding down the Shift button) the data
elements in the left hand pane of the Data elements section to
include in the report.
Click on the blue arrow pointing right to add those highlighted
data elements to the right hand pane of the Data elements
Creating a basic SIMS report example
7. Click on the
“Periods” section.
8. Then check the box
for the time frame
you want included
in the report.
Creating a basic SIMS report example
9. Highlight the
Organization Units
(sites) to be included
in the report.
10. Similarly, select the
Mechanisms or
Funding Partners to
be included in the
11. Click on the Update
button to run the
Creating a basic SIMS report example
14. Click on the
15. On the Table
Layout menu
that appears,
drag and drop
items to
according the
report to the
example here,
or as you
would like.
16. Click “Update”
on the Table
layout menu to
apply the
Creating a basic SIMS report example
17. Click on the
18. On the Table
Options menu
that appears,
uncheck all
check boxes,
or otherwise
customize as
you would like.
19. Click “Update”
on the Options
layout menu to
apply the
Creating a basic SIMS report example
• Resulting example report above. Note that the data above are not
real and are for demo purposes only.
• Reports can then be exported by clicking on the Download button.
• This is just one example. Many reports are possible and can be
customized as needed with existing reporting tools.
• Because the SIMS dataset is score-based, there will also be custom
reports created to better fit this special type of dataset.
Creating a basic SIMS report example
• Note the
“Aggregation Type”
• When set to “by data
element” the CEE
scores will be added
if there is more than
one for data point
entered for the pivot
table criteria
• When set to “By
count”, the CEE
scores entered for
the pivot table
criteria will be
counted. This is
useful to determine
where there is more
than one record for
the pivot table
criteria selected.
• The SIMS Project Page on!
– The SIMS Project Page contains all SIMS tools as well as
many training materials (including this slide deck).
• For SIMS content related questions, email
• For DATIM questions:
– If you have DATIM account access, submit your question by
clicking on DATIM Support in the Apps menu
– If you do not have DATIM account access, email